How To Make & Distill Rice Wine

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today we're taking rice we're fermenting it and distilling it to turn it into this and we're gonna do it with a magical little thing called yellow label angel yeast how's it going chases i hope you're having a kick-ass week i'm jesse and this is still it today we're exploring uh something that's really freaking cool angel yeast but not the standard angel yeast the yellow label stuff this promises to make the process of creating something like a traditional baiju or soju a whole lot easier because the claim is we don't have to boil it and we don't have to mash it what to test this claim out the claim that i can do it without mashing or boiling i'm going to make three different rice washes and they are going to create the final products but if you don't want to go through that and you don't want to see all the testing you just want to see how to make it yourself and the way that i think is best you can check the timestamps out down below or use the little play button here in youtube to skip along to wherever you'd like to go to so uh let's be honest from the get-go guys the instructions that come with this are kind of crazy they don't make a whole lot of sense 0.2 to 0.6 of stuff is the dosage and how to use starter activated by five to ten times hot water 35 degrees celsius then mixing with stuff so i've seen a few different people uh decipher these instructions in different ways uh and i think the best place for that is uh you guys probably know the teddy sands fast minting vodka that i've made in the past the same guy the same guy has a thread on uh using this stuff and there's a bunch of people that have sort of chimed in on it so i'll put a link for that down in the description below but the way i'm going to interpret it is i think those directions i can't read chinese so i'll read this side i think those directions are talking about hydrating the yeast so it gives you absolutely no direction on what to do with your grain they just literally call it stuff and that's it so going back to that claim that we can ferment uh grain what a starch source without mashing and without boiling so i think what i want to do is test three different levels of crazy here we're going to do one which is the thing that completely makes sense to me and i'm pretty sure it's going to be safe and it's going to work we're going to boil the rice let it cool down and add the yeast we are going to just add hot water to rice let it cool down and add the yeast and then we're going to do something completely ugly bonkers we're just going to add cold water to the rice and then add the yeast one of the things that it seems like everyone who's used this stuff can agree on is the fact that being able to mill whatever starch sauce you're using to a finer grain or even sometimes people are going to like a powder a coarse powder means that things are going to go a little bit quicker now i've never milled rice before i don't know if it's going to work so what i'm going to do is adjust the rollers to as close together as they will go pop it through and see if the stuff will move through there and see if moving through the rollers is actually going to crack it [Applause] the answer to that question is yes it does work it didn't exactly grind it down into a fine powder but it did crack it down into much smaller pieces now we're going to divide that rice into three the first third the first two kilos we're going to boil rice and water go into a pot and the pot goes on the stove so just to be clear in this step i'm not that worried about how i'm cooking the rice all i'm doing is cooking it to ensure that it's completely gelatinized so we don't have to worry about that and then we can compare it to the other two methods we're going to use later oh [ __ ] yeah i kind of [ __ ] up so i don't know why i thought i could get away with cooking the rice like that that was really really really dumb uh i would never cook rice like that generally in fact there's only one way that i would ever cook rice to make sure it's actually cooked the way i want it to cook just ask uncle roger he'll tell you rice cooker in goes the water the old first knuckle trick but to be fair i'm putting slightly more water in than that because we're making more like porridge than rice so obviously i had to run a few batches of rice through the rice cooker to get that two kilos but anyway let me get this out of here and uh head back out to the shed before we get in too much trouble for making a big old mess in the kitchen back out in the shed i added a little bit more hot water just to help blitz the rice up and then topped it off with cold water to get to our pitching temperature that wasn't too bad in terms of preparation time and effort and yes on the other hand it was a little messy let's do the the middle test the one that i'm pretty certain is going to work and i think is going to be optimal but that's the point of this video we'll find out uh rice hot water in goes another 2 kilos of rice and we top it up with around about 8 liters of water at about 85 degrees celsius blitz it up and let it sit for an hour while that was sitting i could get onto the easiest of the three which was literally dumping another two kilos of rice into cold water and blitzing it up how insanely easy is that the only thing left to do was to top each of them up to the 18 liter mark with either cold or hot water to reach our pitching temperature of 30 degrees celsius our three separate rice wash test thingies are sitting over there ready to go the last thing i did was just top them all up to the same level of water now we need to get on to the star of the show which is the angel yellow label yeast now this by the label suggests that we do 0.2 to 0.6 of the weight of the stuff that we're fermenting in yeast i'm going to go with 0.6 just to give it the best chance of success i assume which is 12 grams each so i'm just going to weigh those out get them rehydrating here which it suggests you do on the packet so we'll follow the packet instructions and we'll get stuck in [Music] this stuff has been sitting for 15 minutes it's time to get it in with the rice and stir it up it does have a very interesting familiar smell to me that i can't quite put my hand on it's kind of like halfway between kimchi and bread i feel like there's a specific food that i should be remembering anyway that doesn't matter at the stage let's get this stuff into the rice give it another mix up and then i'm going to ferment it at 30 degrees celsius for however long it takes i'm gonna be checking in on this thing tomorrow morning because i'm interested to see how long it's going to take before we get action the next day all three fermenters were bubbling away although they did look quite different the three rice washes fermented away for two weeks and i monitored them in a couple of different ways first of all i was looking at the starch in the wash using starch tests and interestingly enough the cooked and the hot water versions were pretty much the same but the raw version did take an extra two to three days to show a completely clean starch test that was at about a week and a half and i was also taking gravity readings to see that the sugar was being worked on by the yeast and changed them to co2 and alcohol all three of the washers fermented down to a little above one uh and once again the raw version did take an extra couple of days to catch up after all signs of fermentation were gone i just let it sit for four days till everything sort of compacts down to the bottom all the chunky stuff because we don't want that in the pot let that seal out down to the bottom and now we're ready to distill this first round of distillation is going to do two things number one i want to do a stripping run so the final product is going to be a basically a a double pot stilled product but number two i also wanted to see if there were differences in efficiency between the boiled rice and the raw rice specifically and where the hot water rice sort of fits in in the middle to accomplish both of those things we're going to be using the t500 in pot still mode and we're going to perform a stripping run on each separate rice wash and then measure the volume and the abv of each of those dripping runs to see if we have a different total amount of pure alcohol in each now just to keep things the same we're going to distill down to 5 as a stripping run and when i say five percent what i mean is five percent literally coming off the spout not the the not the total volume of spirit obviously [Music] the results from the shipping runs are in and for me at least they're kind of surprising so the cooked rice wash resulted in 2.7 liters at 20 percent the hot water wash resulted in 3.4 liters at 21 and maybe surprisingly or amazingly or magically the cold water and rice resulted in 2.9 liters at 18 now this is literally the worst possible thing to try and draw conclusions from because i've got a sample size of one for each of them and it is flawed with a whole lot of different reasons but the way i'm interpreting this is that the cold water works which is bonkers to me absolutely bonkers but awesome but it is slightly less efficient than the others the hot water worked wonderfully and the boiled rice worked pretty damn well but the problem was the way i was separating the the wash that was going into the pot on the still versus the solids that were left behind i literally just let it settle out and it did not settle out nearly as well as the other two in fact i was probably about maybe three and a half liters less wash went into the pot on that one and i don't think that it doesn't probably cover all of it but it gets pretty close please guys please if you've experimented with this yellow label stuff especially with rice i would love to hear your findings down below that will help us sort of get a few more data points on this and see if what i'm saying makes sense or not for those of you that didn't want to watch the testing side of things let's run through what i recommend doing in this situation with rice and yellow label yeast first of all mill your rice as finely as you can you probably don't want a complete powder but you want it broken up two add boiling water to it let it sit for an hour and then top it up with cold water you want roughly these ratios of rice and hot water and cold water once it is down to pitching temperature add the yellow label yeast in and agitate the bejesus out of it let it sit for about a week and a half two weeks until you see all signs of fermentation stop ideally temperature controlling it between 25 and 30 degrees then let it sit for about two or three days let all the rice fall to the bottom or the yeast for the bottom siphon off the top and into your still ideally if you're going to do it like me and do a double distillation you're going to make three times the sort of capacity of your pot and you're still in terms of wash so if you've got a 20 liter still make 60 liters of the stuff and then that way once you finish the stripping run you'll have enough product to go back into the still for the spirit run that's what we're about to do now you're all caught up should we get stuck in to keep everyone up to speed we got all those low winds into the pot we're running still a little bit slower than normal and we're running the t500 in pot still mode which essentially means i'm only putting water through the product condenser not the reflux condenser i haven't removed any of the packing out of the stove just so you know and i have been wanting to work on making cuts in real time a lot more lately so i'm doing that today which essentially means i'm just tasting the product as it comes off the still and then based on taste sensation i'm deciding when to make the cut for heads and when to make the cut for tails in real time now if you want the the safety net of collecting into separate jars which is what i normally do especially when i'm doing something new like this that i've never done before that's great go right ahead uh if you're not quite sure what i mean literally all it is is for the whole run collect off the still into like little 200 ml jars for this kind of size still and then line them all up in the the same order that they came off the still afterwards and then you can go along and and taste and decide what to keep and what to get rid of without the pressure of having to do it while you're running the still there's a video up here that i do that in so you can follow along with that if you want to so at this point in time there's not much else to tell you guys i took about 80 mils of uh quote unquote four shots those are gone uh and then and then another 550 mils worth of heads i've collected almost a liter of hearts so far and the still is currently dripping off the spout at around about 65 i'm guessing let me run this out let me see if there's anything funky coming out in the tails that i make a tails cup for and i'll get back in touch with you guys when we're ready to taste this stuff cool bam finished product and before i taste that and tell you about the tails i need to say a huge huge thank you to the patreons thank you so much guys thank you so so freaking much uh if you don't know team these are the people that allow me to make videos week in week out and i thoroughly appreciate it all right guys so uh let's have a quick taste of this stuff i'll pour myself a drink but before we taste it i need to let you know what happened with the tails so we got down to about 55 and things started getting a little bit funky but not funky like a whiskey tail sort of situation it wasn't wet dog it was very very much a a slightly earthy funkiness but really really ricey once it got down to about 55 think of that moment like when you first pop open a rice cooker completely unseasoned rice just just literally rice in water and that that rice steam that comes rushing out at you that was the flavor that was coming in down at about 55 to 50 which was delicious once we got down to about 47 percent things started getting slightly bitter and a little bit astringent which was weird so i let that go and waited until we got down to about 40 to see if we could find something else down in the tails but it started getting um almost sour and funnily enough tasting like old rice like bad rice that you don't want to eat so we i cut all of that and i ended up with three bottles once it was proofed down to 40 and cheers team let's have a drink so the first thing you get when it goes into your mouth is that ricey flavor that i told you about earlier on and then it sort of does a weird floral fruity thing and finishes on almost an appley note not a green apple like uh headsy weirdness more like a red apple um that is really quite pleasant it still has an alcohol presence for sure it's not like crazy smooth but it is relatively smooth considering it's basically a double distilled double pot distilled beverage it does have a really fun um sweetness and fullness to it it's almost like it's been dosed with glycerin actually that's all it's almost like that without that sort of slightly weird sugary thing going on that i get and i know some of you guys get with glycerin so all in all uh i'm really happy with this and i'm glad that i've got another two bottles sitting on over on the shelf over there to let sit and pull out you know maybe in a year's time or something so there it is guys if you're thinking about whether or not to try this i would 100 suggest doing so that angel yellow label stuff is magic i'm convinced of it now it's magic if you've tried it at home please please let us know your findings down below because the more data points we have on that the better and if you've tried any sort of distilled rice product i'd love to hear from you as well let us know how yours turned out so like always guys if you liked the video hit the thumbs up button for me that basically tells youtube that this is a cool video and it should show it to more people that helps me out heap if you've seen a few of my videos popping up in your feed and you've enjoyed them if you're not subscribed yet make sure you hit the subscribe button ring the notification bell and i'll catch you next time guys keep on chasing the craft see ya
Channel: Still It
Views: 320,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baiju, soju, distilled rice, rice wine, how to distill rice, how to distill rice wine, how to make soju, how to make baiju, yellow label yeast, angel yeast, yellow label angel yeast, no mash, no boil, no sugar, distilling with angel yeast, home distilling, how to make vodka, rice vodka, rice moonshine, chase the craft, Jesse, Still it
Id: bmvaVWaFFUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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