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Two eggplants. Cut the eggplants into cubes.... ...with skin or without skin, as you like. Add salt and let it rest. Two cloves of garlic, very chopped. One chopped onion. 4 tomatoes. Tomatoes are optional in this recipe. Only with eggplants it is very good. Wash the eggplant to remove the salt. Olive oil, two tablespoons. Cook the eggplants until they are tender. Cumins. Highly recommended! The eggplants will take 10 - 12 minutes to cook. We reserve. Cook the onion and garlic. Salt. Add the tomatoes and cook for 10 minutes. If you make the recipe without tomatoes, add the eggplants now. Salt and pepper, if necessary. Something spicy? I do. Make a hole for each egg. I have separated the white from the yolk. Now you will see why. The white takes a little longer to cook... Two minutes over low heat. Grated cheese on the eggplant. 100g. Now place the yolks, carefully. The ingredients are in the text box. Cover for 2 or 3 minutes to melt the cheese. The dinner is ready! Parsley, optional. The white is well cooked and the yolk is juicy. This recipe is worth trying. It will like you! Recipe with green beans. Green beans can be a delicious single dish. We will make a fresh and healthy recipe. This is the size. Now we have to wash the beans. Long rice, one cup. 4 eggs. The water is boiling. Add the rice and salt. Cook the eggs for 7 - 8 minutes. Stir so that the yolk remains in the center. When the rice has been on the heat for 5 or 6 minutes... ....add the green beans. Ice water to submerge the eggs. 18 minutes have passed. The rice and green beans are cooked. A splash of cold water. I want to take this moment to say hello, I would love to know where you see me from. I am in Galicia - Spain. Red onion, a quarter. A tomato. Olive oil, 50 ml. Vinegar 25 ml. Salt and pepper. Mustard He said, a teaspoon. Tuna in olive oil. The quantities in this recipe are free. My intention is to give you some ideas for dinner or lunch. If you like green beans, you'll love this. I come from the market. I bought fresh sardines. I will make an old recipe from my land. Sardines are a very healthy fish, rich in Omega-3. Before cooking, I wash the sardines. A review doesn't hurt. Very clean sardines. A little vinegar and salt. They wait their turn in the refrigerator. An onion cut into slices. Two cloves of garlic, very chopped. Two tomatoes cut into pieces. Three more tomatoes to crush or grate. A piece of red pepper. Blend the pepper with the three tomatoes. The ingredients for this recipe are in the text box. Chopped parsley, one tablespoon. Olive oil, two tablespoons. First brown the onion and garlic. Add the tomatoes. Sweet paprika, a teaspoon. Salt. Pinch of sugar. Pepper. White wine and water. Total half a glass. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat. Put the sauce in an oven dish. We place the sardines on top. It would be a shame to lose old recipes like this. A little olive oil. Sprinkle breadcrumbs over the sardines. Bake 8 minutes. 200ºC - 390ºF. Parsley. Wonderful recipe for the Mediterranean diet. I bought brussels sprouts. I remove the stems and some old leaves. I cut the sprouts in half. Now we have to wash. A piece of smoked bacon. Boiling water. Salt. Boil the brussels sprouts for 5 minutes. Do not throw away the cooking water. Brown the bacon. Chopped garlic, one tablespoon. Olive oil. Sauté the brussels sprouts over high heat. In a few minutes they will be golden. A saucepan of cooking water. Pepper. It's an easy recipe, right? Really delicious! 4 ripe tomatoes. Blanch the tomatoes for two minutes. Reserve for later. Here I have half a kilo of clams. Put the clams in a pot.... White wine and water. Total one glass. Laurel. Open the steamed clams. They take 5 or 6 minutes. Filter the broth and reserve for later. A very chopped clove of garlic. There is a saucepan with oil over low heat. A very chopped onion. I have added 3 tablespoons of oil to cover the bottom. Peel the tomatoes and chop. The complete recipe, in the text box. Chopped parsley, one tablespoon. Salt. Sweet paprika, half a teaspoon. A saucepan of clam broth. A pinch of saffron. Mix the saffron with warm water and let it sit for a few minutes. It's been 15 minutes, it's creamy. I'll use these noodles, short and thick. 250g. Sauté the noodles for two or three minutes. Add the saffron and clam broth. I add a glass of water. Cook the noodles for the time indicated on the package. Add the clams and turn off the heat. We're going to eat! More parsley. Clam noodles are really delicious. Broccoli Immerse the broccoli in water. A splash of vinegar. Leave it to rest for 10 minutes. Potatoes. Cut the potatoes into wedges. Cover with water. Salt. Boil the potatoes for 20 minutes. When the potatoes have been on the heat for 20 minutes... Steam the broccoli for 10 minutes. 3 eggs. Cook 10 minutes. Canned tuna, 200 g. Drain the oil. A large spoonful of mayonnaise. The same amount of natural yogurt. A tablespoon of tuna oil. A tablespoon of vinegar. Salt and pepper. Sweet corn. The eggs are cooked. Broccoli salad can be eaten warm. In winter it is more pleasant. Steamed broccoli looks good. If you want to use chicken instead of tuna, it's a good idea. A little more color. Bon Appetit friends! We will make a recipe with hake. First, boil a cup of peas, 5 to 7 minutes. A pot with enough water, salt, bay leaf and... ...a piece of onion. Hake slices. Salt the fish on both sides. It is the most popular hake recipe... ... in my land. Potatoes, cut into slices. I have grown up eating this. Cook the potatoes for 15 to 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, add the fish to the pot. Cook 5 - 7 minutes. To know if the fish is done... ...check that the bone separates easily. He still has a minute left. Now yes! We take everything out of the pot. This must be done quickly, so that it does not get cold. Extra virgin olive oil, 100 ml. Brown two sliced ​​cloves of garlic. Sweet paprika, half a teaspoon. The oil is hot and turns red. As you have seen, it is a really easy recipe. This recipe is also made with... Haddock, monkfish, skate, grouper, cod.... I always leave some peas in case anyone wants more. The hake is on point. Hello!. I'm happy that you're here. 300 g of short pasta. Cook according to package instructions. Cherry tomatoes. I cut the tomatoes into 4 parts because they are big. Mozzarella balls, 250 g. Or mozzarella cut into pieces. Black olives, 2 or 3 tablespoons. Half a red onion. I will add turkey cold cuts, you use the one you like the most. This pasta salad is really good. A very chopped clove of garlic. Salt, a teaspoon. Dried oregano, one teaspoon. Pepper. Olive oil, 50 ml. Vinegar 25 ml. Fresh basil, 2 or 3 tablespoons. All the flavor of the Mediterranean is here! I drained the pasta and ran it under cold water. If possible, try to replicate the salad... ...with the same ingredients. Add the vinaigrette. Thank you and see you soon. I'm going to cook an octopus. It weighs almost two kilos. (1.8kg). Put in boiling water 3 times. Cook for 20 minutes and let it rest for 10 more minutes in the water. There is a cooking chart in the text box. Time/weight. Laurel, 2 leaves. 3 cloves of garlic sliced. One medium onion. A piece of green pepper cut into strips. A piece of red pepper cut into strips. 30 minutes have passed. The octopus is cooked. First I separate the legs. It's hot, I need a fork or gloves. I chop the whole octopus. I put the garlic in the pan, wait for it to release aroma. Olive oil, 2 - 3 tablespoons. Cook the garlic for two minutes and add the rest of the vegetables. Salt. Sweet paprika, a teaspoon. Hot paprika, half a teaspoon. Half a glass of white wine. Water to cook the octopus, a saucepan. Add the octopus and mix gently. ...more paprika. Parsley. It's done! Easy and delicious recipe. Thanks for watching. Let's cook something appetizing and hot. Pumpkin. Remove the skin. I cut part of the pumpkin into cubes. I leave the other half in two large pieces. Half chopped onion. Two cloves of garlic. Two chopped tomatoes. Olive oil, 2 tablespoons. Brown the pumpkin, only the small pieces. Add the tomato, onion and garlic. Now the large pieces of pumpkin and.... ...a peeled carrot. Salt. Cook for 10 minutes with the lid on. Add the lentils, one cup. Cumins. Peppers. Pepper. Small lentils do not need to be soaked first, large lentils must be put in cold water at least 2 or 3 hours beforehand. Cover with vegetable broth. A little more. Cover and cook 20 to 30 minutes. Take out the carrot and large pieces of pumpkin. Some water. Crush. This cream will thicken the lentil stew. Without a doubt this is my favorite recipe on cold days. It has no fat, I can eat whatever I want. Legumes are very healthy. This morning I went to the market. I bought this, white and flat fish. The first thing is to salt each fish. on both sides. The custom in my area is to fry with.... corn flour. Eye! This is not cornstarch. Flour is a key ingredient for frying fish. Plenty of oil for frying. Put a stick in, if it makes bubbles... the oil is ready. Coat the fish in the corn flour. Shake the excess off the pan. For fish of this size, One or two minutes on each side is enough. Place on absorbent paper. Coat each fish just before frying. Don't put too many fish in the pan... the oil will cool and the fish won't turn out well. Work done! Luckily I live in a town with a port, there is fresh fish every day. A luxury!. Perfectly cooked. The skin is crispy and the fish is tender.
Channel: Casserola club
Views: 657,846
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Keywords: casserola club, cocina mediterranea, dieta mediterranea, mediterranean cuisine, recetas economicas, mediterranean diet, mediterranean recipes, receta, recetas de cocina, recetas de cocina casera, recetas, dieta mediterranea menu, dieta mediterranea recetas, mediterranean diet recipes, recetas de comida faciles, recetas de comida faciles y rapidas
Id: xH00cvvJCtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 55sec (2275 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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