Don't Buy a Car Until You Watch THIS Video | How to Negotiate

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so Zach what did you think of the kicks I am excited about it thanks for letting me take the test drive on it want to make a deal with you get in and out not a problem let's go over a few things first uh I'm sure you're well aware today that there's a little bit of a shortage of cars between the chip shortage and and there was an earthquake in Japan and production has been delayed and just not not able to produce cars in the numbers they like so um this is one of the few stock vehicles that we have on and what we do on all of our stock Vehicles is well we've added some some accessories to the vehicle already as you know the MSRP on the car is 25 135 so one of the items we added was the clear Pro door protection it's a clear plastic protection it covers the entire door Edge guards the door edges it protects in case you open it into a cinder block wall or another car you won't get any scratches or chips there there's finger cups for where your fingers go into pull up door handles no scratches there so we've added that to the car that's 995 dollars the Spartan GPS system I don't know if you're familiar with it but this this is uh it's it's similar to LoJack except the big difference is that we there's actually an app for this and and you can actually download the app onto your phone and you'll always be able to know like let's say your girlfriend takes your car somewhere you could go on your phone and you could track exactly where she is see now I'm interested yeah so um that's uh that's 995 okay we've also added the cialijet paint protection this is a ceramic based Aviation grade paint protection I mean I I know that you know we're talking about years and years down the road that they'll be flying cars well your car may never be a flying car but it will be protected as if it was so even if you're uh attempting to break the land speed record it's protected I mean as ridiculous as it sounds but it's protected was that a cool 999. that's uh that's just 450 bucks it's like a deal oh it really is if you're like me and you need to know about EVS tune in to our new show on yea electric plugged in Monday Wednesdays and Fridays we have the theft code protection it's an edge that goes on all the windows and everything really comes in handy if your vehicle gets stolen it'll help the police in recovery recovering the vehicle that's only 398. it's a lot of accessories you guys add to the cars here what can I tell you so you know there's we you know we only have a handful of course and we get to do this too uh wheel locks um because you don't want you don't want to come out one morning and find your car sitting on cinder blocks uh because somebody thought and admired the alloy wheels upon the vehicle so uh the cars equipped with the locks that's only 159 dollars you'll have the you'll get two keys for it one I would suggest you keep it in your glove box and I don't care where you put the oven and then the other thing is we have a we have a market adjustment because what is a market adjustment well when there's a shortage of vehicles uh you know oftentimes we adjust the price on the cars that we have um because of that shortage and well that's five thousand dollars five thousand dollars it is what it is how about this how about this yes can I call you Ray yeah I would prefer that you do ray can I see an out the door price I think that's what's going to help me really understand what I'm working with here because you said MSRP yeah 25 something I don't even know the math on all the accessories that you just added then you said five thousand so I know I'm at least thirty thousand dollars in the door well 33 132 is the is the price of the car with all the Dr stalled accessories so let me see that let me see that okay so well honestly what you're looking at is you have to add about 10 to that so it's you're going to add roughly thirty three hundred dollars for that year you're out the door is going to be somewhere in the neighborhood of about thirty six thousand dollars that would work for you wouldn't it out of 25 000 car well there there is a shortage of cars today Zach so let me see that out the door I wanna I wanna take a quick peek because I think if I'm not mistaken when when I spoke to your internet yeah they said that you know the things are negotiable we can talk about it yeah I know you've been sitting on this kicks for a little while I checked that out you've had it for a couple weeks now I'd love to get it off your hands how about we drop the market adjustment okay and we can talk about the accessories if if let me ask you a question if we drop the market adjustment okay I'm not saying we can't but if we did would you buy the carpetite would you take it home with you today would you sign and sign up for it and drive home with it I'm here at the dealership you know I mean I didn't answer my question if if we were to drop the market adjustment okay that's five thousand dollars right there if I save you five thousand dollars right there are you prepared to complete the transaction right now let me ask you a question right certainly are you really saving me five thousand dollars when the five thousand dollars yeah if you're not paying it you're saving it I am I am here yeah I am a local citizen yeah I would love to build a relationship with you I would love for that to happen just so you know yeah if I may exactly just just so you our goal here at gotcha Motors we don't want to just sell you one car okay we want to sell you a lot of cars isn't your slogan somebody got you if somebody doesn't get you as well that's our slogan listen I understand you're local and I understand that our business is is based on having local customers and and selling them more than one car building relationships that's what it's all about if I if I can't connect with you then you're never buying a car from me and so I want to try and treat you right if I may thank you I've knocked off that five thousand dollars I I told my boss you know come on make it on the next guy we don't need to make it on exact we don't need to make it on everybody and I also got the boss to agree to reduce the prices from the dealer installed accessories I told you I'd pay cost I appreciate you thinking well so I I'm able to get you the Cialis yet for 255. so it's saved you 195 on that that's Spartan GPS that was a thousand dollars not anymore it's another 255. okay that sounds better okay now the clear guard which was 9.95 I could only get them to mark that down to 5.99 and the edge that's that's still the 398. but I mean I've saved you uh 700 uh probably over a thousand bucks but now you discounted uh the selling price from MSRP by a couple thousand uh the selling price is the MSRP I took off the market adjustment okay um I can't do both exactly they taught me a long time ago I I should I should really only share with the customer what I can do I should never tell you what I can't do yeah what I can do well I can't do Zach now I was able to get that five thousand dollar market adjustment knocked off I can get you the car for the 25 135 and an additional fifteen hundred and seven dollars for the accessories that were that were 2 800 bucks so I I saved you fourteen hundred dollars in total I've saved you sixty four hundred dollars off of what we were asking for the car that's what I can do for you well will that worked for you Zach you're a good guy I'm trying you got a good you got a good this your eyes are also quite beautiful well thank you here's the deal yeah I'm gonna sleep on it just uh just out of curiosity Zach what if they're sleeping well I've never bought a car at MSRP I didn't ask forever you're making me feel good which I appreciate yeah but I'm a little concerned that it might be impulsive for me to make this decision right now especially when I think I know you can go lower how long have you been thinking about the car oh I don't need a car I just want I need to ask you if you need a car how long have you been thinking subscribe it's not a question I need how long have you been thinking about it maybe a couple weeks okay so it's not like you haven't given a thought did you do some research online uh join okay so you you have an idea I mean you know you you don't do the research you don't invest the time that you've invested online if you if you really weren't looking to move forward and get a yeah so you're here now [Music] just between you and me okay there's three letters that mean everything to us in the carcasses okay three letters n-o-w three letters here's the deal you know I didn't ask for any of those accessories well I know I will take this off I will go spend an hour with your F and I manager and I will and I will I will consider every single extended warranty guy I'll think about it all with your F and I manager yeah yeah right now you got me out the door at 29 716 and a few pennies Twenty Eight Five get me out the door five so let me let me ask you questions worry asking 297. you want to be at twenty eight five twenty eight five how much more can you go up from 28.5 and I'll try and come down from 29.7 and and we'll try and meet here in the middle which is what I would call Nirvana what would that number look like to you 28.7 not really sure 28.7 I'll sign the paperwork right now 28 cents okay I'll tell you what I'll do I'll I'll get that marked down to 29.7 even okay I'll take 16. so seriously Zach you can't say to me when we're twelve hundred dollars apart hey I'll give you 200 bucks okay so other than 28.7 uh don't and don't and don't look at me and go okay Mary I'll go I'll go 28.9 you know 29 even so if you're saying if I if I get this to 29 even yep I'm out the door if I get that to 29 email you're buying the car right now okay do me a favor put your initials there that you'll buy the car and take it to your sales manager I'll take it to my sales manager I don't want I don't want to be using my initials because he's going to think I'm doing it for you so if I get you the 29 000 out the door you're going home in your new car can't wait okay I'll be back in a minute this is a deal yeah from Eddie in our community yes he ended up getting out the door at 28 7 I think something like that yeah and he probably went through a bunch more crap than I just had to go through right there well yeah I mean I'm trying to give you the abbreviated portion and so I think this is a perfect example of what you can expect yeah you are so good yeah you are so good at that because you did it for so long but that man we maybe we'll make a separate video where we just do play-by-play because you could pause every 10 seconds and you are taking control every step of the way yes I am it's incredible I'll never forget I I took a turn at the Pontiac store and and I was given the guy like 3 800 for his fan and he's I know it's worth more than that I can I go well how much more does it have to be worth and don't be telling me it's got to be like 4 300 because that ain't never happened and that was the number I knew the guy wanted but I took it away because well can you get me somewhere around 4 4 100 maybe if I can get you the 4100 I was probably prepared to go over there but that that that's called negotiating comment down below what you want to see us do next humbling is the word that I'll use to describe this Eddie huge congrats today read his story in the community eat the hell of a job yeah see the problem is for customers they do this every four or five to six years managers do this five eight ten times a day they get pretty smooth at it yeah they really do thanks pops thank you
Channel: CarEdge
Views: 1,216,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to buy a car, how to negotiate a car deal, joinyaa, yaa, your advocate alliance, ray, zach, shefska, buying a car in 2022, negotiation tips, car deals, dealership, car salesman, how to negotiate with car salesman, car dealersihp, chips hortage, when to buy a car, should I buy a car right now, how to negotiate at dealership, how to get a car deal
Id: 0va1-svUBsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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