Don't Be A Ding Dong

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all right folks I'm working on a 07 Nissan here and apparently this guy's already had all this work done all this work that I'm redoing allegedly um it has money laid on got some codes for uh some fuel control issues I narrow it down to to the uh a couple action centers however on this converter which he just had put in which appears to be pretty new it's OEM so he says I don't see anything on it that indicates that but we're just going off what he said I did stick a wrench on this O2 sensor underneath the vehicle and it wouldn't budge I mean at all so I mean I see it's uh you know no writing on it at all no name brand uh O2 sensors dead or Gore now I checked the wiring to it we're good our heater works our signal works and our groundworks I can force it high force it low but this one is Doh so we got to get it out I have a suspicion that it's you know potentially stripped in there I hate to think that but I have good reason to believe that because the Upstream mode 2 sensor was not working either and evidently the same shot put this in and it's quite obvious to me that that one is the definition of crosstrad I'm not really sure how they got it in there that cockeyed but I'll let you guys get a look at that side then we have a look at that side you know that's like I say yeah I guess If It Don't Fit force it they took it a little seriously and this brand on this one is a doesn't even say it says like TKO or something on it trq I don't know what that means uh but this uh sensor is also dead uh probably for good reason uh so this one here apparently all this stuff is brand new or at least that's what he was told you can see I had to cut it out with a torch because it was so rotted so clearly this is you know the manifold's never been replaced and you can see it's been happening yesterday fella uh what we're gonna do in this case is I'm gonna replace the manifold because this is so freaked up I'm just going to put a new manifold on it it was leaking anyhow so you know I got new bolts new manifold so that's the other hearing or there but that's why I wanted to kind of bring it along here because I don't know what this is going to turn into we might have to weld on a new bun we're gonna move the wires we're gonna stick a socket on it and try it with the August nugget gun let's see it comes out these are 18 millimeter threads okay came out nice thread through pre-nard up and the threads are really not up in the hole there it's not about oh so I've got brand new OEM sensors for it the last thing I want to do is run one down in and have it boogered up I do have 18 millimeter thread chaser however when threads are rolled over that heart it usually doesn't work that well if I'm perfectly honest with you and you know me I'm perfectly honest most of the time especially when I'm not telling a lie I think let me think let me think what we're going to do here folks I guess first thing first we can try running a thread chaser in here just for Grins and Giggles foreign the crappy threads which it does you can see I guess we can run our in out and see what we think oh not bad at all right well good it must have looked worse than it was yeah because now they're standing up tall oh I guess serious numbers on this oh okay yeah this one has numbers on also trq I don't know what that means well this video is kind of stupid I was going to show you that I thought this was going to be worse than it was uh when I tried this underneath man it was just gonna round off um I thought I was going to show you how to weld a new bung in here which ultimately was what we were going to do however in this case the thread taste will work let me go grab the new sensor so I don't know which one's which here that's the black connector I think this one has a great connector to be Upstream okay and here's yeah this is the proper one that belongs Upstream so the one they had in it you know like say it's not even the proper one OEM are made by Dental for Nissan so if you're going to put in the aftermarket at least use you know at least use oh yeah maker and don't put it in sideways that would be my advice I could give you yeah and this one's an ntk so Upstream they use a Denso Downstream they use an ntk ntk made in Japan such right on it so there's that one I'm gonna clean my stuff off here real quick I'll show you how I do that but people flip out you know if you get uh if you did use brake pipes cleaner and you got a little bit in the converter the same guy will run like 14 cans of BG fuel system treatment down as intake and six cans of seafoam but you know how it goes let's just see oh look at that beautiful now we can torque that to spec and this is pretty snug where it fits up inside the car this is pretty close to the body oh that's what makes me think this is probably not oh yeah because it just doesn't fit perfect but maybe it is uh let me show you okay here's uh here's here what's gonna be my solution this is a bug you can buy these bugs uh right from a walker they're just a nut let's be honest they're 18 mil okay you can thread them babies right in and they give you lots of room the weld so I was just going to take the cut off wheel cut this off the best we could grind it down make it nice get a flat spot you know stick this on there weld it now some of you might think like why when you just run like a you know a drill through here get rid of the threads put this little guy in here and weld it which you can in some cases we don't have the clearance there's not enough clearance under the car at the top of the uh O2 sensor so that's why I would have elected to to grind it off but it's neither here or there because we didn't do it so I guess that's it sometimes you know videos are going to be cool until you start them oh here's our new man well they come with rustam right from the factory geez this thing looks like it must have been sitting on the shelf of the Nissan plant for some time is OEM but my goodness goodness gracious and we'll just make sure this one threads in I don't know this is am I gonna put this video out maybe we'll title it don't be a ding dong I'll be a ding dong fella that thread dread in there nicely and if you're using O2 sensors work otherwise use OEM when you can uh would be my advice either before I snug that up we gotta make sure that it will fit together I want to go tighten that up and then find out this thing in the way nope we're good and that comes up through Clips on there bada bing bada boom all right one doesn't fit my guy I just get a little Tuna up iron Roger see if that's gonna be enough hey look at that now it clicks right in there didn't have to take a lot off it just had a willow away let's be smart about this so we'll get our starter here by hand give her a handy here well that cage is still a little bit loose we'll click that baby right on there all right now we got the socket for next time like I said I've got three of these so I'm grinding another one isn't too big a deal and you only run across this on it seems like on the Hondas when they do this you can actually get in there and get them off there we go so that snug but yeah just hit the wheel that down I just put it on the impacts and sucker up on the grinder and let her spin a little black paint and call it a pro grab so there's that that looks a lot better then the other one here that's the title this video don't be a ding dong and uh don't use parts from the Dollar General it usually don't work foreign [Music]
Channel: South Main Auto LLC
Views: 203,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tgKDEbAeMds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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