Don't Be A Dirtbag Mechanic - Take A Little Pride In Your Work

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welcome back to the Silverhawks Channel that's a 2018 Chevrolet it's a 1500 it's gotten towed in this came to us from another shop they had it at their shop don't know the whole deal with the warranty so before you start doing a million questions why it's not the dealer well I don't know either case the truck was towed in doesn't run now he had a his shop they pulled a bunch of codes out of it and it had a bunch of fuel pump related type codes they want a fuel pump driver module on it that didn't fix it long story short it's here prior to that I was told now this this may be hearsay but I was told that this was at at the dealer and something happened there and now it's a an independent shop so I don't know the whole story but the sink is a mess I'm gonna take you out here because this is very discouraging to me as a shop owner and to know that the bad rep rep reputation that shops already get up here lives the fuel pump driver module and this is the exact condition in which I got it you can see if I can stick my light down here the fuel pump driver module it's not even in this car this thing came in so here's a brand new fuel pump driver module bouncing around up there I look at the connector and this thing's covered with liquid electrical tape not to mention that some of the wires have been poked right at like look at the the black wire there I mean I think it's been jammed right at the connector and there goes my fence light so that frustrates oh man I stepped on it you didn't hook I must stick this up here before what damage happens that frustrates the heck out of me to see that because ultimately in the end we're gonna be the one that fixes it and then it looks like we did this no it gets better because I come down the wiring harness long story short I've gone back here there is no communications happening with the fuel pump driver module it works on GM land so you can't talk with it directly but ECM is not happy with because it can't talk to it so simply give me the rundown got the diagram labeled everything to see what's what long story short I come back here obvious powers and grounds ability to communicate does it have data wires back here yes it does is it receiving its wake-up signal it is it's receiving its 12 volts with key on it is but we're missing the big 12 volts the big kahuna the big mumbo-jumbo which one this one here this 12 volts that runs on a 30 amp circuit that comes all the way up to this fuse that's the one we don't have it will not light a foreign test light it will Li a 250 million test light though so whoever was testing this didn't apply the appropriate load you put this little light in there it's the LED and man it lets it shine you put the big 4 amp honker in there it doesn't and that bulb spy blown now so I thought well that's just visual inspection and then I see this crap literally tape hanging from the frame I look up here that wiring harness is already open this one's been completely knifed and this is how it's been put back so I haven't done any of this just a little FYI so then I come around that one's been cut open this one's hanging off the frame and this just frustrates me folks and the best part is because this stuff's all cut away I found the problem we're literally 20 minutes into it and we're done so the wire I'm looking for is red with a purple stripe so I'm just looking in the stuff that's convenient that's already tore open and I look right here and staring in my face red with a purple stripe and that has a perfect knife slice right through it and I assume this is a problem I have not done any poking or testing myself but I see you know this was like this I assume telling us with a knife and then they slip this wire at some point now this isn't something that just happened at the other shop because this wire is all green and crusty now I'm gonna take my handy dandy knife if you guys know I like this but we're always careful with this thing it's weird it's gonna hold this like this we're gonna see how do you do the green Krusty's go let me just pull we're gonna take him to shave it back just a smidge we got a pretty fair amount of green there now this may not be the problem but it is a problem it's not a problem now it's gonna be okay it looks like it does have green on the top side okay well it'll create a convenient test point for us I thought that was gonna be a little worse than it was but oh well I wasn't puffy let's go grab a test light another Tesla it does stop we're gonna have to use this one got any good ground look at that we've got nice and bright light here so our break is from here to back there now this is the four amp load folks just FYI even though it did a fancy bulb okay let's go back now don't get me wrong folks I am all for the testing and you know often time do you have to open up a harness but for crying out loud put things back well there's a big old wad of tape up here I'm just trying I'm suspecting whatever we're gonna find is gonna be a problem that that's been created why do I think that because I think that because you know we've seen that slice in that wire up front which is obviously from some time ago and I mean just look at this car this truck is a year old do as I say and whip out the old knife I just want to see I mean because I we obviously have to go back through and fix this I can't let this and relieved looking like I did this all even though the customer may not know the difference whatsoever you know like why was this whole harness opened up and what not and this still has tape on I mean this looks like it's clearly been touched okay hey that's girls first rodeo I'll tell you that much but we essentially we need to split the system in half so we have to do the honors of opening it up here but obviously we'll do it respectfully because we don't want to create problems so oh boy we got here this is all wet that's interesting so if anybody did the hokey-pokey in here and this thing's all wet this is not factory tape I'll tell you that I would love to know the history on this - oh boy don't tell me I open this up rated the best spot icy wetness icy bring this it'll be really awesome if we mailed it the first try this will be my third one in a row that I've nailed the first tried not on this truck but just in electrical dye eggs in the past couple days Jason thinks I'm some kind of Houdini that's with you it's all been just sheer luck this is a lot of green pus in here you guys seeing all that maybe my lights too bright there's wads of green pus oh there it is tada I was caught of six inches away but close that's our wire this is cray-cray then I brought you guys along for the investigation I need to flip my blade over because I just broke the tip and so I open this up to a little bit more fresh meat up here it's too bad this is so wet the other thing is I'm slightly concerned about now is how many more wires got poked in this harness and then just taped over you know certainly I can't go and open up the entire harness just to go looking for random wires that may have been poked but we can fix what we know is broke this is weird there's all this black stuff all over other wonder what that stuff is there's our broken wire very interesting awful lot of corrosion in this harness for that one wire and there's another set of wires in here that are taped I don't know what these are maybe a twisted pair that is let's see no this is the data line right here white and blue that one there that's the GM land three I have no idea what just twisted spare this taped pair of wire says and they're too many 2018 store part of a that well I guess those easy one but gonna hop let's see get that peeled back let me go get it jump to where that's not too green down in there there we go well then it should be huh the truck right there it's gonna be be sure no sparks I guess when I light in the backs leading up and we saw the light and we said it is good so now that we have light technically this truck should run now I didn't intend that they were a full folks hey hey we're here I don't even know how this model is supposed to bolt in is my problem now this is gonna go back to the other shop once I fix it it looks like [Music] I'm just gonna get it back later I want to see it's a truck runs now we will climb up the ladder I never left we'll reach in here oh here that fuel pump you don't run now baby turn the key there she is well that's good back down on the ladder we're gonna go fire up the skin tool make sure our codes are gone kind of a shame really let's see yeah let me connect to the olden you yes yeah I wanna see what code during this little feller let's refresh our scan now like I say these these codes would set almost immediately you know the sternum to Keanu now we don't have any fantastic we go make sure our fuel pressure is good before I was holding about no pounds oops whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa let's sort these by the ABCs your pump command dual pressure 47 PS is perfect all right folks I'm going to leave this one be I went ahead and open the harness a little bit further up into where they initially dug into it does not look like they dug into it up here harness is nice and dry but it is soaking wet now if you're here and I assume it's because all of the polyline that goes on it was not retained so you know yes we're gonna have to fix the wire we're gonna fix it up there where it was green where we initially started the video where I thought you know the problem was initially which we were wrong on that I don't know why somebody was into this harness in the first place I do not believe it was anything done at the shop that it was sent from simply because you know he brought it here yesterday and I don't think the wire would've went green in that amount of time you know it's a knife cut what is this you know what somebody was after perhaps the first go-around you know a long time ago I don't know we're never gonna know the whole story on this one but we're gonna fix what we can see so we'll fix that now that we can you know now that the ECM can talk to the fuel pump module the trunk can run again so that's good it's just a shame that you know a truck that's not even I don't know that somebody done this to you know be a really shameful that was done at the dealer and like I'd say it's all hearsay what I hear a lot of times I don't really care about the customers story I just fix the symptom fix the problem and keep some of that stuff in the back your mind because more often than that it's not very helpful so just be careful what you do while you're working on your own car where you work in the shop and you work on your customers card try to treat it like it's your own you know or treat it like you want to treat your mother's car there's so many like your mother there you go friend of your wife or your boyfriend or whatever you know if you're a girl and you know just do a good job and if you poke a wire fix the hole I pull clots of wires lots of wires for testing and we just go back through and fix the hole where they're using you know nail polisher look reelect aural taper silicone and tape or whatever did you do do it and do the best you can and don't beat their back so I could tell you and I go down there leave a question comment criticism concern while you're down there subscribe ring that Bell do everything that you do just remember yours if I can do it you can do it thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: South Main Auto LLC
Views: 528,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mechanics, dirtbag dan, mechanic, lady mechanic, queer mechanic, female mechanic, dirtbag dan show, dirtbag, kuat dirtbag, harley davidson, california, steam, review, tire change, softail, gameplay, roleplaying games, sportster, motorcycle, vintage, mtb, get, ultra classic, heritage, drag race, pitching, rv maintenance, tire change on harley, free, bike, wrażenia, racetrack, fort bragg, wrażenie, drag racing, how to, ten candles, teach, bagger harley davidson
Id: cLOxkc5dqRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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