Donnie McClurkin - The Valley Of God (Sermon)

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[Applause] [Music] you may be seated in the presence of the lord and i will not tarry along here today i greet you in the name of the lord jesus christ hallelujah and to god be all glory for everything that he has done how many of you know that god ordained your being here [Applause] and if he's if he brought you here he's brought you here for you to receive and for impartation to walk out of here crackling with power crackling when you walk out of this meeting your life is going to be straight and you're going to understand the purpose of god bringing you to this earth that your entrance into this earth was not by mistake and it wasn't just because your mama met your daddy you better hear what i'm telling you because there were many abortions and there were many miscarriages but you made it and the reason you made it is because there is a divine purpose for you on this earth somebody give god praise look at somebody say i am not a mistake and some of you may have to come into that realization i am not a mistake look at somebody say god planned me he took his time and strategically planned us he took his time and paved out the way he made every point in life every high-rise and every download and he made everything according to his divine plan and look at somebody tell him as a matter of fact i'm right on schedule yeah yeah i'm right on schedule baby through all the hell i've been through i'm right on schedule all the pain i'm right on scripture hallelujah all of our heartbreak i'm right on schedule everything i lost i'm right on schedule everything i'm about to gain i'm right on skin and you need to let you need to let every demon that's assigned to you know no matter who's here no matter who's been assigned i'm here and i'm on schedule every demonic power has to know that you are their undoing every demon needs to know that's been assigned to you that they've been assigned to you for you to whip on their head every demon needs to understand [Applause] every demonic host has to realize that they're there for you to show your strength hallelujah one can chase a thousand so that means you're supposed to be demon chasers baby demon chasers and what you did in my generation i am going to be the champion for my people and i'm taking back every step [Applause] [Music] he should have killed me when he had me but now that i know who i am and now that i know my life is designed for victory my life was designed for triumph my life was designed to overcome my life was this i was a victim once but i will be a victim no more you are looking at a victory you're looking at an overcomer you're looking at a conqueror you're looking at more than a conqueror do i have anybody in this room that knows who you are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] know this baby you know you're not supposed to be here you're not for some of you got here by the skin of your teeth some of you had to scrape stuff up to get here but you got here because there was a divine order there was a divine destiny at the usf dome there was a summit meeting for all the champions to gather together this ain't for the week this ain't for the beginning this is a meeting for the champions this is a meeting for those who are going to stand in the gap and fight a war for your families and fight a war even for your enemies i don't hear you here [Music] you are not receiving power just to walk away saying you gotta touch you are receiving power this week so you can walk out of here and utilize that power and tear down strongholds [Applause] your life has been ordained to be a life of a warrior you are supposed to be the champion let me explain what champion means champion is not just one who's stands and fights a battle but the word champion means one who stands between the gap y'all not hear me david was a champion because he stood between the gap he stood between the gap of the philistines and israel and he won the battle for the sake of his people who here knows that you are a gap filler there's been a breach in our families there's been a breach in our lives and god has raised us up through hell to stand in the gap if i'm talking to you go berserk like increase champions championship champions stand in the gap champions are curse breakers curse destroyers champions have the power to undo what satan has done hallelujah champions don't need much all champions need is a slingshot and a rock i don't hear y'all here all the champion needs is a rock and a slingshot and he can bring any giant down do i have any champions in this room [Applause] and if a champion gets the right song he can stand and sing praise he the lord for his mercy and do it forever and see moab and airmen and mount here fight each other and see the enemy that came to destroy you destroy itself all the champion needs is a little bit somebody give god praise here champions don't need much they just need to know who they are i know what their life was birthed for champions are not confused hallelujah champions understand that every bit of life is for our benefit not just the joy and not just the anointing and not just the touch and the falling out and not just the tongues and the dance and the not just the excitement of holiness but every bit of hell and every bit of pain and every tear that shed and every loss that's incurred it's all a part of the champion's maturation it's all a part of how a champion grows [Music] i'm i'm not going to be too much longer i want us to deal for a brief moment with something that the lord sent me here to tell you i am not one of the quintessential conventional conference speakers [Music] most people want to hear me sing but that anointing for singing is just about gone because he's put a word in my belly [Applause] now the one thing that you never want to do is change the design of someone's life you never want to pigeonhole them into how you perceive them initially because you never know the trans the true the transfiguration that god is going to do in them you'll never understand that what you see initially is not how it's supposed to be in the end if you are the same as you were in the beginning then you did not mature i don't hear you here if you're the same as you were in the beginning you did not mature but as people saw your entrance into the world of ministry they have to understand that you're still in the process of progress mm-hmm and god causes growth and expansion and growth is never easy but it's necessary because god doesn't have any children and by i do not mean mentally i mean you are not slow god make sure that we are up to speed somebody said i got to catch up and one thing that we've got to do is we've got to learn maturity we've got to learn how to mature i'm going to ask you to turn in your bibles very quickly to familiar passage of scripture i'm not going to go deep but the 23rd song [Applause] [Music] i just want to talk about the 23rd song it's the shepherd song hallelujah now this psalm written by david is a wonderful song oh god i wish that i could know the melody i wish that there was some way to learn the true melody of this song everything that you find in the book of psalms is a song psalms is a hymnal and when david wrote this song he wrote the songs through inspiration from god dealing in the profession that he was accustomed to for the first time you hear or see david you see him with the sheep you see him with the lambs so this song is close to david's heart and you know it just simply says the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me by the still waters he restores my soul he leads me in the path of righteousness for his namesake yay though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and my staff they comfort me thou prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup runs over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever amen now we know it as a recitation we know it as a recitation as a memory verse that we may have learned in sunday school and but that specific song has so much significance in the design of our lives that specific psalm gives us an indication of how life is really supposed to be can i expound the first part of this song that david writes he's just simply makes it plain that there's only one shepherd i may get in trouble for this there's only one shepherd everybody else is an under shepherd but there's only one shepherd now y'all don't hear me my bishop is an undershepherd my my my my my apostle isn't under shepherd my pastor is an undershipping and they're all sheep themselves i told you i may get in trouble for this but they are they're all sheep themselves but there's only one shepherd there's one chief shepherd and david makes it plain who he is he is not just any old bedouin sheep herder that's running around the countryside of israel this shepherd is the shepherd and he is the lord he is the master the lord himself is my shepherd and with the lord being my shepherd i am guaranteed not to live in a state of want it doesn't mean that i want one but it does mean that all my wants will be supplied for he shall supply all my need according to his riches and glory by christ that i may have some specific desires but if i seek him first [Applause] i shall not walk look at your neighbor and tell him i'm not gonna want for anything they don't want to if they're not talking to me say hey i'm talking to you hey hey i'm not going to walk for anything because the lord himself is shepherding me [Music] and one thing that david wants you to know is the nature of sheep he makes me lie down in green pastures the green passions mean that there's tranquility and that there's an abundance of food now the shepherd has got to keep the sheep in motion because if he doesn't keep the sheep going from pasture to pasture sheep don't have the sense to know when to stop eating [Applause] and if you leave them in one pasture for too long they will continuously eat there until they eat the grass the green grass and they'll eat it until they eat down into the root and they will eat the root and that will cause no more grass to grow because they've been in that one place too long oh god and that's the problem with religion we want to stay in one place this is the way we did it back then and this is how it used to be but baby we're not where we used to be you got to move on there's more pastures there's more to know and when you stay in one place in religion you'll die there not realizing that god is progressive he's a moving god [Applause] hallelujah and we can't stay in one place the chief shepherd will continuously move us from one green pasture to the next grazing pasture to the next grazing pasture to make sure that we are balanced and then he will lead us by the still waters that represents peace sheep are skittish they're very skittish and they will not drink when the water is troubled so the shepherds got to make sure in order for the sheep to grow it leads them to specific waters that are still that will allow them to quench them first in tranquility they all don't hear me hallelujah green pastures still waters [Music] and then it says he restores my soul can i park here for a quick moment it is very specific that the the songwriter did not say he restores my spirit as i read this and the lord started to break things down to me a little bit it was specific that he restores my soul the soul is the one area that we don't want to deal with in our christian walk we want to be spiritual beings and we should be we have to walk in the spirit but the spirit is connected to the soul the soul and the spirit are two separate entities never to be confused as the same the soul and the spirit are separate entities our spirit gives us god consciousness our soul gives us self-consciousness hallelujah our soul is the seed of our emotions hallelujah and it is quite possible to have your spirit intact and your soul jacked up [Applause] it is quite possible to have your prayer life together and fasting and speaking in tongues and believing in the spiritual gifts and the miracles and all that stuff you know dancing in the spirit and singing the songs it's quite quite possible to have your spiritual side your spirit side just believes in the truth and then the reality of god believes in the legitimacy and the divinity of this word [Music] and you can believe in the infallibility of this word and you can believe in the true deity of the christ have your spirit connected but your soul is still jacked up y'all don't hear me it's easy to come into a place where there's corporate worship and feel the presence of god and feel the lifting of burdens and feel yourself going up in the spirit and leave here and go back into depression and leave the spiritual environment and go back into hellish situations no i don't hear me go back into brokenness go back into the same cycle again because although we preach to the spirit man we need to deal with the soul we need to deal with that side of you that emotional side of you that's topsy-turvy that broken side of you that somebody else broke somebody broke your heart somebody broke your will somebody broke your desire to live somebody told you that you would never amount to anything somebody told you that you weren't qualified you weren't smart enough you didn't have enough that's your soul baby that's your soul [Applause] that's your soul but then the shepherd restores [Applause] your soul he heals your soul somebody lay your hand on your chest and say god heal my soul because i don't want to just be spiritually in tune and still be limping i don't want to have the right verbiage but still dragging a lame leg i want my body soul and spirit to be one and if my spirit is intact i need my soul to be in its right place who am i talking to in this room somebody how to heal my soul but that's another message altogether that's not what i'm here to preach but the chief shepherd deals with the whole man [Music] the body the spirit and he restores the soul and he gets you all together he gets you well fed and and then he takes you and make sure that your thirst is quenched hallelujah he heals your soul hallelujah and then it says this he leads me in the path of righteousness for his name's sake stop stop the path of righteousness when we hear that term it makes us godly anxious we want to walk the path of righteousness how many are determined that you're going to walk on this path of righteousness how many are determined that if it costs your life you are going to walk in righteousness i'm glad you said that my dears because you need to know something about the path of righteousness this song is not disconnected this song is not fragmented this is one continuous thought through this song and the path of righteousness leads you into a specific place he leads me in the path of righteousness for his namesake where does the path of righteousness lead us [Music] oh you weren't expecting that no you thought the path of righteousness led you into heavenly places and you thought the path of righteousness seeded you up in the kingdom well baby before you get to your seat in the kingdom you gotta take a walk here come that ocean before you get up sitting on the right hand of the father you got to take a walk [Music] the path of righteousness leads us down into a specific location [Applause] oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah walk with me lord walk with me yeah as long as you're walking on a mountain walk with me [Applause] [Music] i know all that sounds good and he says you want me to walk with you yeah hold my hand low hold my hand and the lord said that's right baby give me your hand hold my hand [Applause] and you walking with him and you think you're going up on the mountain and he says step down hold on jesus no no no keep walking keep on it's getting kind of dark jesus i can't see i can't see you oh hold on wait i can't feel you [Applause] that's called the path of righteousness and in that path of righteousness he leads you down out of the mountain into the valley there are a lot of people in the valley right in this room i know you're dancing like you're in the mountain but the truth is you're in the valley you're in the valley you're in the valley truth is that you're smiling now but there are tears that show that you're in the valley you're in the vault [Applause] [Music] leads me path of righteousness that path takes me down into the valley [Music] of the shadow of death i know we don't want to talk about this in you know you know your life's design but this is a part of the life's design you got to be tried in life you don't want to talk about that you just want to talk about your conquering you're overcoming no no no you know that's a counter and overcome you got to go through trial leads you down into the valley of the shadow of death and then he says don't fear don't fear i can't feel you i know but don't fear i can't see you i know but don't fear there's death all around me i know but don't fear i don't know where i am i know but don't fear trust me in the valley trust me in your trial trust me in the face of death and though you walk through that valley know this you're not stopping you're walking through and then you'll walk know that even if you can't feel me i'm right here with you i feel like running i'm right here with you [Applause] [Music] you ever get to a point of total desperation and then he just shows up and some of you may be at that point of desperation you can't see him but hold on baby hold on in a few minutes i'm trying to tell you tell that devil back up back up and get that devil fair one and back up why am i backing up because he's about to somebody needs to be dancing right now you need to be dancing somebody needs to tell poverty back up back up poverty back up why because he's about somebody needs to tell sickness right now sickness leukemia cancer heart felt back up back up back up why because he's [Applause] oh somebody praise him right now somebody praise him right now i will feed no evil for you are with me and then know this in the valley of the shadow of death there are serious situations life-threatening situations god takes you into life threatening situations man i know we don't hear that preach very often but god takes us into not satan god takes us see we got to stop giving satan props where he don't deserve it the reason i'm in this situation is not because of sin and it's not because of satan god put me [Music] my faith had to be tried and god had to set me in a place of trial oh shake yourself from your notions of the enemy shake yourself from your notions of sin this is god setting this up y'all better hear what i'm telling you and when your enemies and your family and your people look at you and say well if you're so saved why are you in this letter no it's not the devil and ain't gonna do it my sin it's god putting me here and let your family your friends and your foe know that god's putting me through this for your deliverance [Applause] i gotta go through this so that i can get the power to deliver you if i don't go through this valley then i've never seen god break the curse over my family i am the one here y'all don't hear me there's something i always say sister sheila in order for others to be saved somebody's got to be crucified mm-hmm yeah yeah yeah yeah i i i feel there's a shaking in this room there's a shaking there's a shoe and in the valley there are life-threatening situations and that is the reason why the shepherd carries a rod and a staff and it makes the sheep comforted to know that the shepherd is on the job to protect especially in the valley because the sheep understand that in the valley my life is on the line and i don't have the resources myself to take care of the type of things i'm about to run into but the shepherd stands ready the rod is for the wolves that wait in the darkness ready to pounce on unsuspecting sheep and when the wolf thinks that he has an opening and bears his fangs and growls his ferocious ground causes the sheep to become afraid the shepherd stands with the wrong [Music] [Applause] let god arise [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thyroid comforts me to know that you've got a rod and the rod is not just for the wolves but the rod also works on the sheet [Music] [Applause] when the sheep get out of order there is discipline in the design of our life and the staff the staff is an elongated pole with a hook on the end of it [Music] a shepherd's staff and it's to make sure that it wraps around the neck of the sheep so that if the flock is moving one way and a sheep's attention is is diverted and would lead them away from the flock into danger the shepherd throws his staff out and grabs the sheep around the neck and pulls him back in you know some of you are when we decided we was going to do our own thing and we decided we was tired of following the flock and all of a sudden god hooked us up do i have anybody here he went to the club trying to get away from god and and then the club god put that hook around your neck and yeah you know what i'm talking about you tried to get with old friends i won't go into detail but you're trying to get with old friends and that that staff grabbed you and you couldn't do what you used to do because you got a shepherd now you can you couldn't go back to what you used to go back into because yeah what am i talking to in this room [Applause] god and my staff [Applause] and my staff comfort me [Applause] but then all of a sudden you see in the darkness you hear the laughter you hear the mucking of people who don't like you they've been waiting for you to get down that low so that they can have a field day at your expense people who said that you never made it people who laughed at you and said it won't be long before you fall people who said you're too fanatical people who said you're gonna be just like your mama you're gonna be just like you're no good daddy people who said you don't fail like others fell before and they stand around in the valley and you hear them mocking and cheering but then you see the shepherd do something very unique he sets up gets the fine linen while your enemies laugh he gets the fine linen [Applause] and he lays it across the banquet table he gets to find [Applause] china puts it out he gets the fine gold wear not the silverware the gold wear make sure that it's glistening and shiny it's refined gold and he puts it out on the table you yourself wonder what he's doing my enemies are trying to kill me and you make him a feast my enemies are laughing at me and you're making a whole banquet well once he's finished he puts a throne there and says sit down why because your enemies need to see that i'm on your side i will make a table before you in the presence of your enemies you may laugh at me now but he's making a table you may knock me now but he's making a table you may discount me now but he's setting up a table you may disqualify me now oh y'all don't hear me that i'm so glad for every enemy that laughed at me and i'm so glad for everybody who used to make fun of me i thank them right where's the camera where's where's the [Applause] camera [Music] right now find a camera look at it and throw a kiss because your enemies are watching them they're watching on the internet they're watching that they really made it to that conference welcome to my banquet welcome to my banquet thou prepares a table before me while my enemies are present and then you make me eat while they watch they can't eat what i'm eating cause they didn't go through what i went through my life was designed to go into the valley because i found out that's in the valley that i'm gonna be blessed y'all didn't hear that you thought you were going to be blessed on the mountain no no no no no god has your blessing in the valley of trial in the valley of temptation in the valley of shadows in the valley of death let me tell you this i'm gonna sit down there's no better blessing than a blessing in a place where you're supposed to be through there's no better blessing than a blessing that comes to you when you think that you're done there's no better blessing than the blessing that comes when other people have counted you out there at the 10 count and just as they're at eight nine god opens up everything and says they're not they may be down but they're not out look at somebody say i may be down but baby i'm not out and then [Music] after he sets me up [Music] don't don't don't anybody in this room waste your life's design trying to defend yourself against your enemy's reports do not waste time and energy trying to prove anything to your enemies your life was not designed to waste all of its energy and anointing on proving anything to your enemies god will show your enemies who you are did you hear me we waste too much time in in the body of christ crying over who lied on us and who doesn't like us and who won't ordain us and who won't stop crying grow up grow up grow up grow up i can't waste my time on my enemies anymore that's for children the babies that's for the little ones that don't that haven't matured and they're still crying going back to daddy daddy they're talking about me daddy they don't like me daddy and yeah that only goes so far to your daddy grab you and shake you and say boy you're on the clerk and who cares if they don't like you stand up and be a mcclurkin [Applause] even if they don't like you make them respect you you don't hear me if they don't like you make them respect you if they're talking about them let them respect the way you stand through their talk if they're hating on you make them respect how you walk through their hatred and never bow and never cry i'm trying to get through to somebody here make your enemy stand back and say i gave them my best shot but they keep [Applause] walking because before you know it the way you walk through it will make enemies become your friends y'all better hear me i'm gonna give you this i'ma tell you i had some enemies that hated me [Music] one of the brothers in the church told the story set up in front of the congregation told the story about he and another brother how they planned to take me out not just to beat me up but to take me out told the post congregation their plan to take me out but now they're saved and members of the church faithful members of the church i can't drive anywhere without them saying pastor i'll take you [Music] because you can walk so through the valley of the shadow of death that your enemies watch you walk and see how strong you are and see your faith and say i i i hated you and i didn't know why but i see something in here and i want what you got [Applause] hey grow up and grow up every enemy doesn't stay an enemy everybody say every enemy doesn't stay an enemy you can live so that your enemies see christ in you the hope of glory i want to bow their knee to that same scene oh y'all don't hear what i'm saying and then while your enemies watch he does something unique he takes the oil the oil represents promotion [Applause] when samuel went to jesse's house he had the horn of anointing filled with oil and the oil seal would not burst over shama's head it wouldn't burst over ilyab's head it wasn't released over abinadab's head and when they went through all of the sons of jesse and the oil would not flow the prophet samuel asked the question do you have any more sons because they overlooked the little one oh god i'm trying to get through they overlook the insignificant one [Applause] they went for the people who look like they fit the bill they they them even samuel himself thought it was going to be one of the statuesque boys [Music] but it's wonderful the way god just confounds the wise and the one that people think is least qualified or i'm talking to you in this room the ones that people think are least qualified and the ones who are the least to be chosen that's the one that god's holding that oil back for is he holding that oil back for anybody in this room [Applause] and when samuel asked do you have any more sons jesse had forgotten about him himself it's amazing how your fathers can forget you it's amazing and it's for a purpose it wasn't because jesse didn't love david but it was because this is going to make the story so much better of how the little runt the insignificant boy it's overlooked because he doesn't fit the statuesque film he's not as profound as the prophet or prophetess he's he's not as eloquent as the bishop or her and is not as as qualified as the apostle but you're called [Applause] oh somebody said i'm called and the oil may not have flowed but it's going to flow because he has to and when the little when when jesse answers samuel and says well there's one more yeah there is one more but he's too small and he's out in the field we just keep them occupied watching sheep we just keep them occupied watching the lamb but they didn't realize and i'm almost finished they didn't realize that by watching the lambs his relationship with god was developing by being out there and smelling like the sheep and writing songs with nobody for an audience but the little hues and the rams and and dancing in the hills and twirling and playing his heart and he thought nobody was watching but he had an audience of one you don't hear what i'm saying just like you don't think anybody's paying attention to you because you don't have a microphone and you don't have a spotlight on you and you're not standing in the round and you're not preaching to the people but baby it's not the people that preach it's the people that preach too you don't hear what i'm saying there's no need for a preacher if it wasn't because of you god wants to get a message across to you we don't glorify the preachers the preachers only call because of the people if there's no people there's no need of a preacher and as he's singing and dancing his brothers laugh at him his father thinks he's a little off you know how it is when you're in church and you want to get loose but your brother sitting next to you think you look off your sister behind you say there they go again [Applause] make me sick to just go crazy and just look at him can't even come to church without just screaming but i just been through the valley of the shadow hallelujah and the reason i'm dancing is is now see some of you are so wrong you think you got to feel something to dance but baby just think about who god is and think about he qualified you in your health he anointed you in the valley and your enemies hey [Applause] see now some of you want to clap when you should be dancing cause he anointed oh oh i feel the anointing in this room i feel the oil running in this room somebody's running with my cup oh i feel i'm trying not to go real pentecostal on you because i feel like laying my hands on a few people right now they're in san diego there are impartations god is imparting into somebody right now and i feel it in my spirit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody's being anointed with oil right now your life is being charged you're being transformed hallelujah so you can go back home knowing that you've been anointed you can go back home knowing that even though nobody laid a hand on you god himself your shepherd anointed your head with oil [Applause] and as you're walking out of the valley because you're not there to stay it's just there to be tried and when the trying of your face is finished it works patience patience hope and hope experience patients experiences spirits hope hope makes not a shame so you can walk out of the valley glad for the experience with the hope of the glory of god and as you're walking out and as as the shepherd is leading you out of the valley take a moment and notice something that you're being followed who is this just goodness just mercy [Applause] you've been there all the time so have we walked in here with you and we're walking out with you it's by the goodness of the lord that i haven't been overcome it's by the mercy of god that my punishment has been taken away goodness mercy hallelujah follow [Music] me unfinished everybody's standing for the rest of the days of my life goodness and mercy sheila is going to follow me goodness is translated into grace goodness and mercy follow me for the rest of my existence on this earth i will have the goodness of god the grace of god and the mercy of god following me what a setup what a setup that means even if my foot starts to slip mercy said no satan comes and says hey they're disqualified look at what they did mercy said no no no no no no no [Applause] grace for the rest of my life on this earth as everyone stands to your feet for the rest of my life on this earth i will have the grace of god and his mercy and then when i leave this earth my last breath and the last beat of my heart when my spirit and soul exit this human frame [Music] and i cross the portals of eternal glory as i walk through the gates step my feet upon the [Music] streets of gold and make my way to the gleaming palace in the sides of the north [Applause] [Music] make my way past all of the ancients of days [Music] walk into the very throne room [Applause] and i kneel can i kneel in his presence [Applause] [Music] and it's finally my face will become psyched and i will finally be able to look into the eyes [Applause] without the veil be able to look into the eyes of the living god and i will hear him say words [Applause] i will hear him say words i will see him smile and look and say donny well done well done my good and faithful servant [Applause] you were faithful over a few things and now i will make you ruler over men [Applause] come my beloved enter into the joy enter into the joy of the lord and then i will dwell in the house of the lord [Music] [Applause] forever [Music] that is the ultimate goal of the shepherd hallelujah that is the ultimate goal of the shepherd [Music] ultimate goal of the shepherd is to lead us through this life victorious and to lead us from earth to glory that is the design of our lives [Music] to walk in obedience with god to walk in obedience with god that is the design of our lives to walk in total obedience with god and to be divested of sin hear me to be divested of sin to walk in holiness and true righteousness to walk in obedience to god so that when he sees me you can see himself when the shepherd looks on me he wants me to be so refined that he sees himself that he sees his characteristics he sees his image [Music] so i don't i can't have any sin in me i can't make excuses if the shepherd is leading me i can't make excuses for having sin because if i'm really under the guidance of a true shepherd he is going to make sure that my wool is clean he's going to pick all the burrs and all the thorns out of my wool he's going to clean me of all parasites and ticks so if you're walking as a true sheep and he is your shepherd you are supposed to be cleansed from your sin [Music] [Applause] with no spot or blemish or any such thing those wrinkles hear what i'm telling you right now in this dome in this dome we cannot make excuses for sin our life was not designed for sin our body can't function in sin our body wasn't made for sin sin tears this body up sin ages us sin debilitates this frame we weren't made for sin and we're surely not made to excuse our sins no no no if we are his people in the sheep of his pasture then we must be cleansed of all sin we cannot keep making excuses for dabbling and [Applause] dipping [Applause] we can't have one foot in the secular and one foot in salvation no no no no come out from among them and be separate and don't even touch the unclean thing [Applause] we can't have the blessings of god and the cursings of man in our mouth [Applause] we're his sheep we're his sheep and no matter how angry we get we don't re revert to our old nature you can't tell me that you're his sheep and still cursing people in your anger hear me hear me i'm not trying to be pretty now there's a difference between sheep and goat [Applause] you can't be as sheep and still in fornication hear me everybody in this room everybody in this room everybody in this room we're going old school now we're going back to the shepherd's manual going right back going right back this is a new day but it's the same gospel fornication is not to be mentioned among the sheep i don't hear you here and if you are guilty know this the shepherd is merciful that staff is out to pull you back in if you are in this room guilty no fear your shepherd has a staff [Applause] we are not his sheep still dealing in addictions me you're supposed to grow out of that grow out of it you're not still drinking y'all hear what i'm saying you're not still drinking the bible says wine is a marker strong drink is raging it is not the place of the christian to be involved and in bathing in alcoholic beverages that's going to kill this body i don't care how social you call yourself being i can be in any social environment and keep my light shining and you drink your cocktail and you drink your wine what am i gonna drink i'ma drink the word baby [Applause] why why ain't nothing wrong i'm a sheep that's why i can't just do what every goat does i can't do what every goat does i'm a sheep this body is the temple so i don't put any carcinogens in this body because it's not mine i'm not smoking anything because it's not in my body oh i'm trying to get through to you right now some of you in here with your cigarettes in your pocket but know this baby it's time for deliverance god is a delivering god he's a delivering god he's a delivering god hear me it is the right of every christian to be free and you can take your cigarettes and throw them down and say you will not have power in the name of jesus my freedom is in christ and if i got to go cold turkey and sit somewhere and shake i refuse to go back because i have been bought with a price [Music] [Applause] hear me everyone stay still for one moment and i don't want anyone to leave until the benediction is proclaimed hear what i'm telling you you have no place to go you came for a conference raise your hand and say i will not leave until the benediction is pronounced now everybody who has who stands in this room and the conviction of god has hit you because of your sin praise god for that praise god that you can still feel the conviction of god that he hasn't just left you in your sin but that he's still calling you wooing you courting you trying to pull you in closer it's a good thing for god to convict you if you have sin it shows that you're still his child [Applause] there man your life belongs to him the design of your life is in his hands and while you're in sin you prohibit him from giving you true direction [Applause] but every one of you that are hear me and i want you to make room for them because they're going to come around this stage every one of you that know that you have sin in your life and that sin is a it's a reproach to god it absolutely speaks against all that he accomplished on the cross of calvary that blood is still efficacious that blood is still intact that blood is still powerful and potent enough to wash away your sins so every one of you that have sinned guiltiness and you do not want to stay that way hear me there's no shame in admitting you have sinned it's a shame keeping sin in a conference like this every one of you that says i'm guilty and i want to be clean of this sin i want to be a clean sheep a white sheep i want god to purify me and i don't want to live like this any longer make your way run down here now run down here now get out the way let them move let them move run run run run run run run run run run i'm telling you forgiveness weights right here run run run run [Music] [Applause] [Music] run [Applause] [Music] [Applause] run know that you're in the right place at the right time his mercy endures forever his mercy his purse they're still coming somebody give god praise they're still coming look at all these souls we are his sheep we are his people we are the sheep of his pasture [Music] your life put the camera away baby your life is not designed for sin your life is designed for holiness freedom your life was designed for freedom your life is designed for freedom you are not to be bound by anything you are designed for freedom you are not to be hindered or chained to anything your life is designed for freedom [Music] in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus raise those hands tell them thank you jesus for your anointing that makes me free say thank you jesus for your anointing that makes me free now praise him for his mercy your sins are washed away by the blood do not go back to your sins
Channel: DJ HiPrayze Radio
Views: 2,255
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Id: QQ20_HNc6SU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 58sec (4258 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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