Donnie Mcclurkin Talks About Loving His Parents Even Through Abuse

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ladies and gentlemen and a gentleman here let it make some noise oh gentle man for Donnie McClurkin see I was wondering no I was saying to myself see I was saying to myself I was a wondering if I needed to wear a blazer or not but I'm glad that you did well you know I try and act like I'm saying man is own a suit put you near the cross then if that's the case Donald Trump is saved well Donald don't wear no suit like this dope bishop okay there you go how you doing man you look good the voice the voice but you've been doing this for a very long time and you're approaching another another decade of life or have you already I've already approached 60 years old when last you saw y'all don't clap at all do you 60 years old it's crazy right I turned 60 Wow six years thank you so much thank you so much nobody nobody from this from the 60s club even welcome be it it's my first time I didn't know was so high my knees hurt everything's everything's breaking me down really all my 16th birthday I was running and something hit me right here McGriff so youyou've had not only have you been doing it for a very long time but you've had some extreme success in your in your and your ministry yes that's you this what was your sixth one the 60 year old version of you two questions or the 60 year old Donnie McClurkin say to the 10 year old dining McClurkin and to the 25 year old Donnie McClurkin well the the six-year would tell the ten-year-old it's going to get better cuz I'm awkward I was raped three times in one night at eight and so there was a broken cycle that I would tell the ten-year-old hold on mmm it gets better it heals and there's help I would tell him that so this way he'd have the faith and the strength to go through all of the different psychological cycles sexual emotional social cycles that were activated at eight years old when I ain't year old couldn't had no mechanism to deal with that kind of atrocity I would have counted and walked him through and tell him hold on you gonna lose your hair but hold on to the 25 year old yeah I would tell 25 year old Negro finish school what is wrong with your mind go back and finish school and cuz I quit school when I was 18 because I was bullied and I would tell myself go back get your degree get your doctorate get hooded get hooded English major get hooded you studied Shakespeare all that time just for what for music please forget it don't be a kook fronting get music I'm a good get you get you get your degree that's why I tell 25 you know you will just kind of go back and just tell them hey there's a karate school right on the corner over there just learn how to kind of learn some karate and you know because then I would have been a bully myself and then there's that yeah cuz because I would have paid everybody better for all the ridicule authorization to abuse all of the mockery I would have been Bruce Lee on the dark side but come through you know like kung fu teaches you patience and stuff so you know I wouldn't be learning the four patients I'd be learning to see how I can karate chop until they're paralyzed on the left side I would I would be finish it finish it okay so you you've had extreme amount of success in what you do what it what is what are you what do you attribute that to company are you can say the favor of God okay and I agree with that yeah gifting I would agree with that but there are a lot of people that have the favor of God there are a lot of artists today that have the gifting you've done this you and a select few have done this for a very long time and have had extreme success with it what do you attribute you favor of God and because the two of them combined the two of them kissed joined together bring you to the point of success but other people have the same thing well and I can't attribute anything to anybody else I can only tell you from from my vantage point because I never wanted to do this never thought I could do this because insecurity was my format fear was my for guerrilla you know oh yeah I was never good enough I was never strong enough I was never talented enough my voice was never nice enough I always had a negative aspect to me that's just the way I was that's where I was raised you know you know you come home and Daddy I did this why couldn't you get an A why he's gotta be so as always my father never told me he was proud of me until I was 45 that was on national television with Bishop Jake's and we're sitting to having a Father's Day thing on TBN and for the first time in literally not one day in 45 years and he said it and I broke down like I was father and I cried because it was never good enough it was never there was nothing ever sturdy enough nothing ever successful enough and that became my mode of thought and I had to convince myself through the grace of God that you are fearfully and wonderfully made boy that every gift that you have comes from God that you've made it through your fears through your brokenness through the rape you've made it through you are sitting on the top of the hill because you found out through hard trials struggle you are good enough and that's what I try to portray to everybody else now I don't care what you've been through you've got to believe that who you has existed and has maintained and has survived because there's a divine purpose for you and I don't give you 6 or 76 there if you haven't reached that pinnacle yet continue until you see it happen so in the Bible I thought it was a bit of an inconsequential description which of course there are no inconsequential scriptures in the Bible when Jesus was being baptized and then God his Heavenly Father from heaven said this is my beloved son and who I'm well pleased there is something about a father's affirmation to his children specifically his sons how did you make it to 45 my brother and didn't like what was that because you know in our black homes we are taught that no matter what happens you respect your parents okay I respected Francis and darling no matter what happened through the drug years through the alcoholic years through the physical abuse of years even when they weren't respectable at their lowest at their lowest well I I've always I never spoke back to my mother or father ever really never once raised my voice or opinion against my mother and father and so that respect level regardless to his alcoholism his abuse with my mother regardless of my mother's drug addictions regardless to my mother's of physical violent temperance government regardless of the custom in the drinking and the carnal regardless of the Panama red and Acapulco gold and the PCP regardless to all of that into all of that because it had to because that was my family they sold the drugs from now I see you know I'm regardless to all that they were still mom and dad so that when they had lives changed and my mother went into ministry go back into ministry and my father was a great head deacon studying the Bible then you could look at and still keep that reverence because you went through the hell of it with them and now that you've seen them transformed my god you you embrace them all the more so at 45 God says I will restore to you the years that the farm and the caterpillar and the locust so on a Father's Day that's ever been done and when we finished we went to the car together and that's okay I've never seen that so you can really swim it was doing we never spoke about it again even the act of my father was a week when to kiss is here and he grabbed me by my chin and you start rubbing my head and said now father God I want you to protect him as he travels here then yawn a good doctors plan the danyoung and then it kissed me and I was like whoa what just happened here I'll see you next week and he said well maybe really and and though those those are the things because I kept my respect for my father I've seen him high and low so that when he finally made his mark he was a working his man you ever won to meet though that man had two full-time jobs him a mom of that ten at each other and Christmastime came in 1972-73 the first three of us he would give a hundred dollars to each Christmas one hundred dollars in 73 to a ten-year-old boy really man you can tell my daddy wasn't rich you couldn't tell my daddy was and all the rest of me gave $50 apiece okay he didn't you never except upon any outward displays of affection he wasn't a hugger he wasn't a guy to give you compliments he just worked you think that pathology I'm sure you know came from his parents and not the hugging and with him so we had the first time did he kiss you on the forehead no when we were kids my mother would make him kiss us every night we would have a good night review well good night review all the kids would stand in front of them as they sat in their chairs and we would say good night good night good night to you good night to you good night to you in the mouth I was hey now you can kiss mommy in the mouth kissing daddy's also juicing that was our up until eight years old that was our nightly routine I just go back to this one piece here the respect that you have for your parents when they weren't respectable per se would you get that from because that had to be taught it was it was taught I see you making me go back up I'm gonna finish this book that I wrote about 15 years ago okay I couldn't finish it because everybody was still alive oh so you talking but because the thing that things are so sensitive my mother was born of rape my mother was born of rape my grandmother was raped from 1930 to 1932 from 10 years old to 12 years old she was raped from 1930 to 1932 by her stepfather and and a mother never stopped it and at 12 years old she was impregnated in Harlem New York and the church world was very not understanding and had the baby at 13 and never ever told the child that she was her mother my great-grandmother told her that's your sister that your oldest sister until she was 16 a sophomore in high school she thought that that was her oldest sister and they sat her down in her sophomore year almost a grown woman and told that's not your sister that's your mother and these are not your sisters and brothers is your aunts and uncles and it destroyed my mom yeah but she never lost respect for her mother okay all right and she never met her father ever ever because when they would see him on the street they would pick her up and run away and she never got a chance to know him and there was no matriarch in the home at all what were they running from because the rapist was her father was her step-grandfather and they didn't want her to know I get it because she didn't know that her mother was raped because she didn't know that was her mother I get it it's a long story but but it taught me respect my mother we were the only ones my mother would talk to about that we were our mother's salvation her children were her son my mother was a singer my mother was a piano player my mother was gifted my mother was a preacher but there she was so she was so broken that her children became her only her children became her salvation and she taught us how to sing and she gave us everything that she could not do she gave it to us she gave me the gift of music of piano she the whole nine yards greatest fan I was the greatest singer in the world nobody sang better than me everybody else was off now you're the medicine you're the greatest singer in the world who cares Marvin - no you're the green huh oh yeah who ever was oh no no you're the greatest singer no she was the greatest cheerleader in the world but she had a boat bipolar side and then she'd become the most ferocious woman she'd become the most ferocious woman with her kids and her husband because there was so much unhealed in her so many open wounds that she didn't get rectified until she passed and my grandmother didn't get written you couldn't talk to my grandmother about my grandmother just died two years ago you couldn't talk to Nana about what happened she's going to a race now you're 97 years old but you're still stuck at 10 because wherever you get broken you see you're stuck if you got broken at 15 no matter how many years you've accumulated there's a broken part of you're stuck at 15 and really I learned from their brokenness not to live there and not to judge them good who told you who told you you could sing could be you hey like who told you like who said yo yo yo yo other your mom outside your house the first person cuz everybody see it now but I'm saying everybody everybody cuz you know in church they're so gracious in church even if you can't sing which song did you sing in church so you just just slayed everybody you you had to walk up to the mic you already know I'm about to tear this thing all the way up never to this very day I love songs but I never thought oh I'm about to slow okay what did they say whistling huh what did they say you were slaying anything because I said the church is very gracious even when I couldn't sing baby that's all I do just keep on saying it does right baby 18 I sang a solo in church really sang his eyes on spell and I sang was blowing and mother Cummings mother read the Cummings came up and said boy you keep on singing Donny boy you keep on singing and that was the first time that I got that okay from somebody outside the house everybody call you Donny Voyager sir no she did okay what they call you growing up destructive demon I'm not really destructive devil and rebellious really I know you guys know because I was I was mischievous oh I was now when I was obviously slow I can't even tell you something but I'm gonna put it in the book Oh God oh my god everybody said thank you no destructive devil because my whatever they would give me a toy or watch I would always take it apart my grandma say you destructive devil and that was that was a running line and then in church they called me rebellious demon because I would question everything how the church can Christ I would question you gotta grace - why can't we go to the movies cuz cuz it was because it sit in the seat of scoffers and I made a mistake in 15 of saying well you can't ride the bus cause you shouldn't somebody scoffing sitting on a bus right and that's when I got in the name rebellious stubborn and so I had to ask a question talk to her 18 because you couldn't really get an answer until you were 18 really until you pay tithes and was 18 everything that's there and 18 I may not call I just kept my hand up until finally what what do you up the end I said now can we get back to why we can't go to the movies right and why we can't go bowling and we're ready to shoot and why can't we play gym in school why can't we go to movies cuz this is same as a scuffle I said I know and they smoked in the movies they don't smoke in the matinees and they Kirsten will they don't curse watching Disney right and the mother come and said but there's a wicked rich and that's when I realized that yeah I'm gonna be ahead for the rest of my life on be rebellious devil so one final thing about your style like who were you trying to sound like Dre Crouch that's what I would mix with Walter that's what I wanted well that's what I wanted I said that allowed me because those were my mentors and and Walter and Andre where my god blessed me to be a fan from nine years old to friend to really associated with and I never knew that God was going to do such a wonderful thing I would our hallelujah I got the gift of music from Francis and a man named Andre Crouch who laid his hand on my ass tell me about that I mean I was 11 years old in October of 1971 and he came to our church from Jamaica Queens there for Gospel Tabernacle and I was begging my mother come here please go sit who's in it can we please go can we please go and she took me sat next and sister I was on front row second exit sister sounder before they before they sang and I kept looking at it and she said hey little guy said you're not saved Oh and she said well I suppose you've got all make up and pan right you know say I was 11 years old that's what they told no make up in the church if you're sitting in right now be on your way there and Andre sang I sang every song cuz I knew every song he went into the pastor's office and I said mama can I just wait to meet him and everybody's gone to turn all the lights off in the church one light over the Pope Wow she's undaunted you got to go to school I said I promise I'm gonna go like I had a choice right but I promise I'm gonna go and she saw something and she said okay go ahead but you're not gonna stay long this man i sat on the front row writing from the pastor's door door open up Andre came up he said hey little guy what are you doing this I'm waiting for you he said he said and he's talking to an 11 year old boy are you born again I said yes I got born again when I was nine I said me too he said well do you sing a plan said no he said I didn't seem to play until I was 11 and my father laid hands on I said my father can't pray for me because he's not saved he said do you mind if I pray for you laid his hands on my head and prayed a simple prayer God give him what you gave to her and that's when it was transferred pastor - teaches if the anointing is genuine it's two things it's tangible and it's transferable Moses to Joshua Elijah to Elisha Jesus to the disciple it's a it's dreadful and he transferred what God gave him that God gave to his daddy to me and then the gift of music rose up and singing became a part of my life and then I started learning how to play the piano and the music star become there so writing songs and that's how all of this happened Walter because his voice was so incredible Edwin because he was a trailblazer and a rebellious devil - it would just move and they say in the song right and the five-point harmonies and that and so it was Andres musicality and Walton adds vocality that made Who I am today okay so no no you good this is exactly what I need so we'll talk about this this project mm-hmm a different song why why did you call it a different song first of all I never seen this before today are you serious ain't never seen this before look at it let's talk about because I'm looking at this suit I'm looking at just the color coordination I can't look at nothing - what were you looking at on the ground they down there smile get out of the flow was down there Halle Berry oh I was looking at the saying I'll be with you in a minute I got one gun I'm working on at 60 I'm gonna have a body I just got my braces off two weeks ago and I'm gonna put veneers okay no I'm not playing I'm not getting injections hey I'm gonna say yeah you like it I love it hey if you add the catalogue which you have you've done the things that you've done I think you can do whatever it is you wanted to no I cannot well I said it I cannot put a lace front on and I cannot do injections if not coming in with a head full of hair someone just snatch it off and send me home and tell somebody to please help but I've never saw what is a different song it's exactly that it is literally these songs are songs that were birthed out of dreams just about every one of these songs were birthed out of dreams and except for poor my prays that was birthed on the drive to the airport but they were and the Lord called them Caritas and Corita in in Spanish is little choruses little courses and each of these are like sing songs where people can sing along with you and when we did this at TBN the whole place just it was remarkable and so these are different types of stones they're not the type of sums like stand or speak to my heart or we fall down but then I like that it's just little Caritas that God gave me that drives everybody it follows everybody back to the one God it doesn't deal with painters or song never I don't want to sing about the pain anymore only wanna sing about the one dedicate my life to be a sacrifice for him all to the glory of God it all funnels everybody back to the one God to the one entity it takes all the attention off of me and puts it all on him the whole entire project is geared like that and it's a different song yeah how is it different from what you have done before it like I said it's not complexed it's not that's that's my Kimber Alrik it's it's it's it's it's the it's the philosophy behind this simplistic there's no profundity to it you know where it's on the wings and the morning the darkness that's romantic this is not that this is straight to the point there is no question there is no question there is no question Christ is Lord simplistic song you know well I mean I know you got a got a run man but I'm gonna questions I'm grateful for you being here and we're gonna open the floor okay for a few questions if you have sense well your question is come on you got to come up in a second you trying to go from the people thought it was the end this time God said [Music] so no more portions of song [Music] I'm Betty hi nice to meet you yes I'm gonna say something to you Donnie McClurkin in your face I have my question is your position on Kirk Franklin and the word station and this whole controversy I'd like to know you mean the Dove the Dove networks yes dove TV TV yes okay and if you want to answer one other question I'm wondering what you think about I think that there are some things that we need to discuss behind closed doors I think sometimes because of the nature of the listener they don't understand the true dynamics of what's taking place and people take side and they start to scream the negative loudly racists um listen and they missed the point that my Kirk was trying to make as a drunk jumped to the side based on the temperature and the climate of America today which is so divided the most divided in decades so we've drawn without knowing the full story but you know Kirk Franklin has the power and the platform to sit down and to bring attention to some situations that will cause us to cause some reformation and resolve and that's what I believe is happening through this but it's going to happen as we sit at the table together it's going to happen as we sit as brothers and sisters TBN the GMA and all of us sit as brothers and sisters and discuss the true dynamics of what's happened and and make sure that we clarify and come out as a united front to thus clear up any discrepancies of how how Kirk's video was taken there comes a point where you've got to make your point there comes a point where you've got to make your point but all points have got to be taken into consideration as well I think one of the challenges and the reason why they take it publicly is because you have conversations on the back end and they don't do what they say they're gonna do because Kirk had that conversation with them before and he said hey they say we don't we're not gonna do that again and they did it again but but again there are reasons why that they were done and it didn't really lend itself to racism because remember I'm connected to all all three points of the triangle I'm connected to TV and I'm connected GM connected to my brother and there are certain things that can can cannot be unless you sit on the camera and tell the whole entirety of it but you don't have enough time to do then people jump to their conclusions when they miss Kirk's point they will hear something that's up races up and what he's trying to do is bring attention to something and bring a remedy did you call him okay what'd you say and the bottom line is and I talked to GMA okay and I talked to TBS but the bottom line is I understand everybody's point then you could probably have mediated that to where it would never have mushroom the way it is no no some things have to come to a head tonight you have to come to a head I agree I trust all three parties I trust all three parties and and this is a brother-sister situation and the the video was really meant for the brothers was meant for the Christian body I see there wasn't men brother or sisters CNN it wasn't meant for that the secular world to see the mothers you know yeah and he did that to bring attention to the community as to what was going on okay one more question there we go got a run come on come on they can't see you my name is Danielle and I had the pleasure of meeting right after I was a wonderful preacher machine Bishop ludus father was my past was my father's best is it was good the way you slacked up to that microphone I was like okay well yo husband I hope we don't see this he's not me not yours okay you available no I don't date Jesus is what how do you see this man of God asking you about this I'm not sure I want to I'm really in a good place ain't nothing wrong with it okay men ain't nothing wrong with thank you but if you ever get cell phone number hook a brother up just look um okay hey make some noise for Donnie McClurkin
Channel: Praise 1025
Views: 120,017
Rating: 4.8050418 out of 5
Keywords: Donnie Mcclurkin, Praise 102.5, K.D. Bowe
Id: f8WFzotwff8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 47sec (2207 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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