Selling Houses For $1

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i just bought this house and i'm literally selling it for a dollar that truck that just drove by could have pulled in with a dollar and bought this house and just so you guys know this house isn't cheap it's actually pretty nice that car missed the house that car mr house oh that's a nice car it missed the house clearly this sign isn't working so we got a bigger one out of here he's in the driveway hey this house right here is for sale for just one dollar are you interested in purchasing it what's the kits there is no catch no this is gotta be a catch this is the first bedroom what are your thoughts on it it's all right it's all right tough crowd this guy was so skeptical that i literally had to show him some of our videos just to prove to him we weren't scamming him 54 million that's that's some really good stuff there i laid in this i tested it out it's completely gray fixed the bed after as you can see i did a great job it looked like it's a dead body in the business out back it gets even cooler follow us you're probably thinking this just looks like an ordinary but if you come inside a fully fledged gym wow man get out of here for this we're not done follow me and if you go inside here oh man you have your very own game yes come on man do this paperwork if you wouldn't mind putting your dollar in the briefcase thank you you paid the deposit here's the paperwork congrats on your friend that's it can't believe i just bought a house for a dollar guys this is the second house no i'm carl and the cool thing about this house is it's actually two separate houses combined into one get away and instead of using this stupid sign i bought a billboard house is for sale as high as one dollar nothing more and that billboard is on a really busy street there's gonna be a lot of people here oh they just pulled into the driveway they must sell the footwork let's mask up go go go go go how are y'all doing you guys more of a left or right kind of house i like a right yeah that's good good because that's the one we were gonna offer i take it you saw the billboard have you ever seen the channel mr beast yeah yeah subscribe to it on snapchat snapchat you've only seen us on snapchat yep all right well i guess we're a snapchat channel now anyways like the billboard said the house is a dollar you want me to show you around yeah it'll be awesome dude okay let's do it all right come on in guys this is the place this is the living room over here is your stereotypical kitchen never seen a washer and dryer in the kitchen but that's how the house came but follow me upstairs and this is where your nerf guns go apparently i don't know if you guys need nerf guns the master bedroom it's pretty big ignore the ghillie suit so the first room is the game room you got a ps5 brand new gaming computer and then here's your retro gaming corner oh my god it's so beautiful i think i might just live in here and the best part of the house no i want you to pull it this is gonna be the most exciting part of the entire house a lifetime supply of toilet paper it's a lifetime supply of toilet paper toilet paper aside we actually did have a really cool surprise waiting for them holy that's awesome dude yeah so this also comes with it is it like full yeah there's money i kind of want to dive into it and while they were signing the paperwork more cars kept showing up and we had to thin people off by giving them bags of money oh hey the houses were already sold but that's why we brought these bags of money here you go do you have any more you only gave me three oh it looks like your kids just got rich all right do people just bring their entire family to random addresses on billboards you guys shouldn't trust things yeah i just bought a house for a dollar just real life i've been subscribed for a while now and i don't even know what to say right now like i'm in shock here is your key here's the key to your guys's house you guys are now neighbors this is the fourth house and before we give it away i have a surprise for chandler all right what is it follow me the sponsor of this video is basketball arena and chandler if you can make a full court shot before i finish this average i'll give your sister 10 grand all right let's go go ahead attempt a shot all right close not too bad basketball arena is a 1v1 challenge game where you can challenge real players to a game of basketball on your phone basketball arena has tons of unique players and super powers like this superpower allows you to freeze time are you feeling this one chandler oh yeah let's see it i need to hurry up this address basketball arena has its very own energy system where you can dash shoot and dunk and game and if you want to win i'd use them sparingly i dare you to add me on basketball arena and see if you can beat me we're getting pretty deep in the ad read are you gonna make it yeah watch this wait no way you just made this no wait wait that wasn't even close anyways not only is basketball arena a fun app but on top of that they're doing a 50 000 giveaway for you guys download the app link in the description and win as many games as you can and the top winners are going to get up to 50 000 prizes and to spice things up i'm going to throw another 50 000 on top of that into the prizes but you can only win this fifty thousand dollars if you put mr in your basketball arena name click the link in the description download basketball arena today you could win some money in chandler if you make this shot she gets 10 grand if not we gotta move on i don't like this ball i trained my whole life for this no way he just did that no way all right we're gonna go give away more houses and now we're back at the fourth house and instead of selling this house for a dollar we're gonna be giving it to someone in need we have a friend to spend in and out of the hospital and i think this would be just great for her i'm glad we can help her so blur this todd here's my credit card buy whatever furniture you think your friend would like in this house i don't care what it costs if you think your friend would like it buy it this is the next house and we're gonna do something different what are we doing i want tariq to give this camera to carl and then brady give your camera to chris now we have the goofy goobers filming and we have our cameraman here i don't care who it is whoever puts a dollar in pennies in this briefcase first gets the house [Music] let's go hey hi well we're talking trees getting a head start yes i need to go to a heavily populated area that has a lot of people asking for pennies and see if they can give me any yeah this whole being a camera person thing is kind of easy you kind of into it yeah i don't get why you're bad at it i mean it's not oh chris you got to run i don't like to run how about a mom jog what if i give you a dollar for all your change thank you so much i appreciate it five pennies we're five cents in let's go let's go let's go 20th all right just go to a checkout i feel like if i wait in line i'm gonna lose if i give you 20 bucks will you give me all the pennies that you have don't have any pennies meanwhile todd and his wife are just going ham buying stuff for the final house i like this couch over here take this one it's good how much does this whole set right here five thousand dollars for all three would you pick it where are we gonna put all this didn't they get a couch six of these are you drunk i think this is enough from this store yeah i sure hope jimmy's card works there they are they're leaving they're coming in here oh he's getting pennies he's getting pennies we already got this spot get out of here do you have 100 pennies you can do that i really didn't think you would be able to do that if i give you 20 bucks will you give me all the pennies that you have why would you ask a complete stranger what are the odds of them carrying 100 pennies thank you so much i just helped him win a house i just need pennies yes thank you so much don't get hit by a car that would be really bad but it would be funny though oh my gosh if i give you twenty dollars will you give me all the pennies that you have will you guys give me all the pennies that you have pennies i need pennies you think this guy has pennies pennies penny all the pennies pennies pennies you give enough pennies i think so oh my gosh dude i think it's my house jimmy jimmy what's up i got it let me see let's actually confirm there's pennies in here 99 100. you just won a brand new house welcome back tariq hello i'm gonna show brady around his new house and if you don't mind could you film us oh gladly now if you go through the bathroom follow me this is your master bedroom and it is huge oh my gosh i cannot believe this look at this it comes with a fireplace holy cow look at the natural light in this hey there's jeff that's our sound guy hey jeff now brady you're probably wondering what does this creepy door lead to there's stairs there's stairs proceed up the stairs no freaking way drink you really lost this one bro now brady has his very own movie theater room to watch all the disney movies he wants because he looks like the kind of guy who'd like disney movies what's wrong with that huh hey look i'm a cat meow oh gosh my god here's the key to the house i hope there was epic music let's go see how much damage todd has done oh i was gonna hop backwards and be like i'm gonna take a nap no we're just gonna put that in instead when we left this house was empty let's see what happens oh my gosh oh my god wow tell us what you bought seven or eight tvs sticks are seven more than needed but that's fine wait chris is that a grill do people put grills inside their house no that's how you start a fire jimmy why is there so much coffee she likes coffee this is my favorite room in the whole house look at this look at this shower look at this pool i think we should invite her over she's gonna call felicia and tell her to come over to be in a video well i don't know why i did this it's actually a video felicia just pulled up and will knock on the door any second now oh hey felicia come on in todd spill the beans what have you been working on all day this is your house everything in here is yours wait a minute wait a minute i know i know it's a lot the process but dead serious 100 i promise i just don't even i don't i'm like i don't know thank you i don't even know what to do i know i keep saying the same thing but i just don't even know i don't even i don't even believe it todd thought you wanted eight tvs so it comes with eight tvs [Applause] i thought you just laughed you deserve it i don't know i don't deserve this you've been through a lot you deserve it what do i do show her the grill yeah yeah show her the girl she's crying so was todd lying to me do you actually like coffee she loves coffee you have a lifetime supply oh my gosh y'all are nuts the cool thing is there's more to go you want to see back here my personal favorite part of the house is the bathroom no i'm so glad you like the house i don't even know what to say i'm in shock don't have a heart attack when i tell you this but we might have one more thing for you you can probably see it from here you gotta vomit a whole car to go with your brand new home is a brand new car i'm so glad you're so happy i am i don't i'm so excited i don't even know what to say subscribe to mrs
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 37,861,351
Rating: 4.9644108 out of 5
Id: vJH28ICkCdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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