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Eliade or make fun of anybody because we really do one here but at the same time how do you feel about these folks over here we just take your picture here these are punkers although I've already been corrected that's not what they want to be called people most are teenagers most are not all of you what do you think stand up second I don't know I think they're they're going against society but they've all got their own group of what they're doing if it were my child he wouldn't live in my house looking like that that is for sure you wouldn't throw your own child out for look huh you would you would and if he had purple hair could be cut in the middle of the night if I couldn't hold him down to cut it aren't we obliged as parents to love our children unconditionally I mean stand up just a second I'm sorry children but I don't want one that's got purple hair standing up might be on drugs I'd rather see her on drugs suggesting these folks should be committed I don't care what they do as long as they aren't around me I agree with you that they do look bizarre they look different bizarre how do you know you don't know anything about them you're just making a judgement on the base how could any mother or father stand up beside that child said this is my baby they have to look like us and I think that's being prejudiced I really do I'm curious about him I don't understand but it's okay I don't have any problems getting jobs where they could go to an interview looking like that an interview for a job I feel sorry for them I they they maybe have something have happened in their life that they want to be noticed they want attention what is the story friends who wants to pick up here what why are you doing this you want stand up for a second yeah it's why well against a lot of things that society has stood for for several zepa the things that you're upset well planned obsolescence for one thing we create we manufacture things that'll break so that we can sell them a new thing laying around sure keep the people though you know the corporation's keep them in control but with your considerable talent you already demonstrate a good deal of talents you're verbally skillful and you know you're you have no physical handicaps why don't you bring your why don't and you're a musician all right why don't you bring your talents just changing that uh well there's a lot of ways of doing that you know first of all you can try to gather people around an idea because there's something productive about well there's safety in numbers for one thing and and a lot of times you get discouraged just trying to do something by yourself we all do excuse me for making this big bromide but everybody does Yeah right well so well not to leave out what Cindy said if there's a lot of fun in it can I wonder if I could encourage you to stand for just a second do you mind you're you feel the same yeah I do I do I feel that um I don't see why people have to ban anybody that's different or different from them because we're all people you know and this together you know it's like why can't people come together and like you're angry yeah I'm angry that people say well my daughter I want her out of the house you know she's my baby why she looks like that you know I think it's really bad you know it they think they're epitome of civilization you know why do they think that they're so great that they have to say just because somebody's different that they have to say well they're bad you know they're on drugs or anything yeah I may ask how old you are 23 and how long you been in the punk well I'm not in any punk scene I'm like oh I like to be put under any labels you know I'm person you know I like to do what I want to do and so I do it yeah you graduated from high school yeah I did what are you gonna do with your life do you know do you I'm a musician actually Yeah right and you hope to make a living is yeah definitely okay stay with us and we have other Jeff heckard is here Jeff your how old 16 mm-hmm we had a picture of you just two years ago I'm not sure where it is you're here with your mom Nancy Heckert Pedraza you're from California mom what what are your thoughts well I have to disagree with the lady that said that she would kick her child out of the house Jeff ran away and I tried all I could do to get him back home because he may look different he may act different but he's my son and I want him home you'd like him to are you hoping this is a phase yes are you scared yes I am what are you scared of I want Jeff to be a productive citizen and I'm afraid of the violence I'm afraid of the drugs that are involved with this I am afraid of the self-mutilation that these kids are are doing to themselves and I don't want that to happen to Jeff also here is Serena dank you are youth counselor for and founder of parents of punkers you are also from California yes I am I guess one of the things while you were talking to the young men and women in the audience that I would like to say to you one of the problems that I've been seeing is that in California and I've been finding out that it's not only in California it's a very young movement we're talking about twelve thirteen and fourteen year olds and a lot of the messages that you guys are saying it's just too sophisticated for twelve thirteen or fourteen year old in other words that you're worried about the real immature people that they might attract a lot of young people it attracts people that just don't know how to digest the message you know sometimes it's not so much what's what's being said in any other songs you know these kids like you're talking about California hey you know what's going on in California that is making them turn away from their parents or what they're given it's it's not always just the music or the words okay I don't I don't really view it as only happening in California as I've done some talk shows and all over the country and I found out that it is happening everywhere and you set the example and there are young kids that are attracted to this and they don't know what to do with it and what happens is when I first met Robbie Robbie was rejecting everybody she rejected her family she rejected the schools she rejected everybody around her she was extremely hostile and that's how she digested the message Robbie is 16 you're out of this now huh yeah yeah did you shave all your hair off yeah you must have made your folks astera well it was my father and he didn't know what was going on you know he just kind of stood there and just went why'd you do that you know but he didn't realize and then when I just like started hitting everybody wouldn't be home and I think got worried why do you suppose this happened to you I don't know I just couldn't I didn't like anything else tell me what you didn't like I didn't like being bored and hanging around people that I didn't like and doing stupid things that I didn't like I mean I wanted to have fun Ursula Lawton luck n'gou is here you are you are in parents of bunkers as well you're the mother of a 17 year olds the son he was now in the punk movement yes he is and what do you bring to this discussion well he was 14 and a half when you started out and in the beginning it was okay you know it was just the music and then it was the dress okay I could still accept that it was strange at first to walk with him and straight and people staring at you talking at you in the front or behind you but I got used to that and I said okay if that's a statement if he wants to be different than society that's his thing but then it started with staying out nights not coming home I never knew where he was he came home you delayed it he's broken his hands five times but now he wears these things to dance plus belts let me show them what you're talking about now hold this for me just get the hose yes I will this is apparently you put this on your on the rest on the wrist and then as you dance you yes ma'am you punk it's slam dancing and the idea as to what to injure the other person or yeah all right all right tell me what yeah all right I don't wear these things okay but the thing is okay we're gonna like dance around okay it's not to hurt people it gets physical and stuff right but this one we like to have a good time okay there's a lot of body contact but if I came out there and I see like a fight start and especially if it's somebody I don't know I'm gonna go over and try and sell things down you know you've got this to help no no I don't wear those it's just like you just you just go out and have fun like if somebody falls on the floor you know they could get trampled or something but everybody will always help you up you know nobody will let you get down and get your head smashed nobody's got to beat anybody's head football in a high school or college football game then any night or any month of anybody dancing anywhere why are you why are you wearing the bracelets I'm curious why uh-huh jewelry I like it I like the way it looks when you slam dance do you use your bracelets not not consciously you know it's not a question of me going out there and trying to main my friends that's not the issue if someone gets hurt it's very seldom it's an accident or it's because they're clumsy let me show you a piece of tape if we can of what's the matter do you want to see that this is from excuse me this is from a movie titled the decline of Western civilization and these are the Penelope Spheeris huh this is a here's just to give you a sense of the ambience of a punk rock event what's bad is called the Circle Jerks cannot be spheres made the movie the Pannell Penelope sphere has made the more back movie big-band we're about to see is called Western Circle Jerks roll tape [Music] [Music] drugs if the dancers are stoned or otherwise throw in a little music a couple of macho personalities and you've got an inflammable situation true the kids do not take drugs most of the people that are into this are against drugs they're anti drugs they're even anti drink lately they're not into it's different I'm you see thirteen and fourteen year old kids that are wasted I just went to a club on Friday night and when I walked in I was in a fairly good mood when I walked out I was so angry what happened was it was just body to body and while I was standing there I was just innocently looking around whatever and I got beer shot in my face and obscenities you say good yeah why would you say good why would why would a big wad she yeah she's where she doesn't belong to pass judgment and we don't want it stay away we belong there just like you belong right here just like if I went into some disco club I'm sure I'd hear punk rock b-52s hey why do you look like that my responsibility if I want to work with you guys there I want to work with people like Robbie that I should at least go and find out what's happening it's true but why should I talk about it unless I experienced it I encourage parents to go I think parents should be there let me share with you some of the lyrics of punk rock so this is 917 we're just our hope is to just raise the curtain a little bit on the recent phenomenon of punk rock which does have a number of parents very concerned you should also know as we discuss this that most punk rockers are teenagers a twenty-year-old punk rocker is a senior citizen here's a here are the lyrics from a strum song titled revenge revenge I'll watch you bleed revenge that's all I need I won't cry if you die because we're gonna get revenge this is by the Black Flag next spray paint spray paint the walls there isn't room for someone like me my life is their disease spray paint the walls and finally Nazi punk punk ain't no religious cult Punk means thinking for yourself you ain't hardcores cuz you spiked your hair when a jock still lives inside your head this is a song by the group which calls themselves the name of the song is a Nazi Punk and the when the group is called it's called the Dead Kennedys that's why I didn't say that I'm I so is obscenity then part of the thing is the hell let me let me just try to give you an analysis some of the suggestions as to what might cause people like yourself to behave this way now don't get crazy I'm not passing judgment here and you are free to comment on this very simplistic analysis I'm not claiming this is right I'm claiming if this is one of the suggestions offered you are you you are turned off by a society which is to be sure filled with corruption a lot of port people a lot of drinking a lot of injustice no doubt about it I'm not sure there's anyone who ever lived they couldn't make that comment about his or her own society but nevertheless that doesn't excuse it and it is true also that there are a lot of sins among us and many of those sins are the are the responsibility of the ruling class as you might call them fine granted and what you've done here is make yourself so bizarre that you are in effect saying now look hello Wow see how I look do you love me anyway do you love me now that that there is some sort of comfort in your own absurdity and that what you are doing is getting some joy out of making this corrupt society angry at you the anger the angrier we get at you the more satisfied you are with your own presentation how do you feel about ammeter analysts here well I think that's partially true that part of the thing is to incite anger because the punks were sick of this whole hippie thing in the sixties where he was just laying back and the way it deteriorated into the 70s overuse not caring and doing nothing yeah don't you feel silly though oh what's your how do you feel about the future your future that's that's pretty ambiguous yeah you don't care not really how about you know if you don't work you don't eat huh he's a what he's a [ __ ] why is he a [ __ ] why is he a [ __ ] he's just a silly guy if you could be a punk rocker or you could be a silly fool you know you can make yourself you know like they're talking about cutting yourself up or taking a lot of drugs or anything like that you could do that kind of stuff and you can you can have a stupid purple haircut or anything like that or you can listen to music that says something about about evil stuff you know and you can have you can still have class you can still be a regular person and listen to that kind of music with you there are different levels of involvement I couldn't agree with you more and I'm reaching out to a lot of you guys that if you could do something to help younger kids too and that's one of the reasons why I got involved was to get other kids involved too and parents the issue is punk rock and its followers and we hope you'll join us [Music] guess what I did last night the night before my wedding gave myself a perm not just any perm rave soft perm rave is so gentle it looks right the day you do it there's no frizz and absolutely no odor looks so natural you'd never guess I firmed last night no ammonia no odors no frizz rave so gentle it looks right the day you do it try rave soft hairspray too [Music] great yeah it's Maxwell House master blend Oh isn't that supposed to save his mind only takes expensive master blend a special blend of 100% coffee we make a special way so you can save money master plans get only taste expensive you've got to get away from your city notions about cheese you've got to come to Land O'Lakes out here it takes four quarts of milk that's eight pounds to make a single pound of cheese rich full a creamy kind of honesty Land O'Lakes four quart cheddar four quart American fixed our way was stubbornness pride and four quarts of fresh milk Eagle asks what do you do for a cold at night introducing contracts nighttime try it at night instead of nightly because contracts nighttime has more strong medicine than nyquil for aches pains and fever plus up to eight full hours of coffee leaf feel better with comtrex night time now a key buy at Eagle the price will help you feel better too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'd like to address the the punk rockers the people in the punk rock movement it's okay the way you look that's fine but in a long-term basis I'm really interested in what's what's next what what happens now I I really get the feeling that you guys are really angry and I want to know what that's okay to be angry but what's what happens now what's now that you look this way do you think there why do I think they're what well by the way they've talked what made him angry what made him angry I the society make you a general yeah yeah you show your anger in not as overt ways by yeah I sure how do you show your anger how do you show your anger by getting mad I don't I don't why are you asking Jeff why is this firing are you angry yeah can you tell us what you're angry let me show him a picture of you just two years ago you're 16 and this is how you looked two years ago Jeff I asked you what you were angry at I don't like I don't like government period and I don't like school you know I'd like to go but I don't like the rules I've said it seems like they're they're stuck on I lost the word I don't they'd rather punish you seems like they're more stuck on punishment than letting you learn you know if I ditched a score one day okay so I got suspended well first I got detention and I didn't go so I got suspended and that seems to me a stupid punishment if you miss a day you should have to go under the day Jeff is also really angry at his mother and I think that that should come out it's a lot of anger why they want to know yeah I do um I still kind of blame her for my stepdad my step dad we got a lot of fights and he didn't leave until we got in a real big fight and it was really scary and I still blame her you didn't like him they're asking me how does mom comment on that well we are separated now Jeffrey blames me for remarrying and he did not give me permission to remarry I realize that I realize that lined up but now I've got one here by himself let her talk what gives you the right to ask permission or want permission from her for anything well first of all I think we'll go back I don't care what you say it's if you say you want to be individuals and different you're not when you're a unit right there you're a unit that's conforming in a unit like any other you know we're a unit your unit but you're not being individual because I see a lot of likenesses sitting there you look a lot alike hold it just a second we'll give it better good I just want to tell Jeff that I think if I was like him and I had a mother that stood be my stood by me like that boy I I'd be real happy [Applause] too good to be true yes I am use all be prized it's great it's unbelievable believe it but I don't recognize this brand name what about quality taste hmm it's divine it's guaranteed it's guaranteed and check out the canned goods absolutely fantastic yes I am you oldie I believe it all the quality you can believe in at unbelievable prices Joseph Papp presents Gilbert and Sullivan's Tony award-winning Pirates of Penzance [Music] now at the super theater call 977 one 704 tickets Nestle announces a better homemade oatmeal cookie a better cookie it's better it's Nestle oatmeal Scotchies better because you bake them up butterscotch enriched with Nestle butterscotch morsels the foolproof recipe is on the package oatmeal Scotchies a better oatmeal cookie it's the butterscotch of Nestle butterscotch morsels that makes them better what's going on at carriage house Ethan Allen's winter sale winters my favorite time of year I just saved on a marvelous selection of Ethan Allen furniture to make dining rooms elegant bedrooms cozy living rooms beautiful all on sale but hairy winter won't last forever hurry to carriage house and save on Ethan Allen furnishings 5 convenient locations Arlington Heights gurney Lagrange Skokie and Wheaton [Music] Ursula Lucca now is here as we've established she is a member of parents of punkers these this is a group with the help of Sarina who meet and trying to understand what's happening and understandably are anxious and concerned about the well-being of their children this is your son Oliver I don't I'm not sure how old was he here he was 14 14 here teen now he after becoming involved in the punk rock scene here's how he looks watch what happened well what happened he got out mmm he listens to the music a lot and he was well my husband left home we are separated do you think that well not because of my son but that's what he said afterwards yes I mean you're a parent don't you think you should you know talk things over with your children just like they said detentions I agree as school goes why is who were so resentful towards his mother everybody has to leave their own life what a you know a parent okay if you're gonna get married for the second time I think you should sit down with your children I am divorced and I have two children and we're very close I mean I think people don't take it to a level where you can be compatible and you can sit down and talk things out I think you get too rebellious all the time and you never want to let them speak and get their anger out and they should have a right to get their anger out and he did I agree to speak when we married he I agree that they have to get their anger out this way is by definition I am a ancient punk rocker just because I went to a bar and I'm not in my teens but the things I observed at this bar were very upsetting to me I saw a lot of a pond no sexual activity a lot of really bizarre behavior and I know that that this isn't true of all punk rockers but the things that people are exposed to I think it has to have an effect on teenagers and it's like it was all the bizarre nor the people that did not want to accept fitting into the round they were being so bizarre and being so totally different that they're never going to be accepted in how are we preparing students for adults and for society yeah back here I just can't believe that after talking about not wanting to be judged by their looks at this guy in the back girl called the guys a purple hair and [ __ ] because it was dumb haircut yeah that was a judgments you brought yeah you allow yourself to condemn people but you get upset when others do yeah well III think there might to me it seems like some of you are just doing it for fun okay this is a new fad but I think I think some others I maybe you're having a responsibility problem you know can't accept responsibility for yourself when I first came I had a real open mind and I still just don't understand why they do it I mean do you just sit down one day and go oh I want a turn Punk yeah yeah the gentleman over here used the term fun and he said it and it's just plain fun I would like to know why he would use the devil yes your stand the statement made wasn't that it wasn't just funny it was an added benefit that we happen to enjoy what we're doing it's not something we find fun should come first doing making a statement that maybe this world isn't such a wonderful place to live in like that one woman said about the parents had a lot to do it I think these younger kids it is a lot to do with the way their parents bring them up I mean my parents brought me up okay and I'm not going out beating myself and doing all these things they're doing in California and California's a lot different than it is here that lady said that we're not responsible we take care of ourselves we a lot of us work a lot it takes a lot of guts to do what we're doing to walk down the street and be ostracized for the rest of society how old are you 24 you're 24 how do you think of 14 year old digesters how do you think I feel when I get at least 2 or 3 crisis phone calls per day where Ursula's son comes home with his head split open where Ursula's son has his hand broken five times I'll tell you what I think of that I'll tell you what I think of their I think they got bad parents that's what I think of that it shows that it's the upbringing how does the kid digest the six o'clock news or how does he I just you know the six o'clock news what do you see more man more hate violence destruction okay is the answer then to cut yourself up and but how many kids do you get that hair that are real young that our on drugs or into self-knowledge that have nothing to do with punk rock nice well does that make it right health care professional why don't you use your energy to do something really good help the elderly the poor children who really need help instead of being abused because the whole world needs help it's like yelling at me for trying to close the gap one of the things I'm trying to do is there is kids are disconnected from their families right now why do I get up seen phone calls in every single day people yelling and screaming at me and telling me get out of it I can't even say half these things right now which have been said to me why that why shouldn't you then encourage me to get the kids back together again with their parents why don't you guys go out there you're not trying doing you're not trying to get them back together with their parents you're trying to get them to be just like their parents how do you know that let me make this point why don't you ask Jeff I've been going to strain it do I look like my mom [Applause] how do you know wait I want to know how you know that that's what she's trying to do do you know anything about this lady she's she's trying to doesn't matter I'd like to know what my people are think they're doing for society if they don't like it what are they doing to make it better and secondly and secondly I'd like to ask one of the ladies if they had a baby how would they bring up their children that that would help I mean what would they do yeah okay I think we're not doing anything we're trying to disseminate information to people about getting up and doing something that's what the music is all about doing something that lady gets mad she doesn't do anything she just gets mad we are active we go out and we do something about her what's a warmer warmer Oh as a former hood in the 50s I rebelled I had my little chains and and I didn't like the school system either so I rebelled in then in the 60s I became a flower child tossing away the responsibilities but reality catches up and you will come back to reality reality reality is raising your family holding a responsible job in helping others and you will outgrow you will outgrow your little thing I did and we'll be back in just more [Applause] [Music] you learn the meaning of easy cleaning with the only phone that's on when you foam the tub you don't have to scrub with the only phone let's Lysol when I clean the bathroom I want to know I'm killing germs so I use Lysol Basin tub and tile cleaner it's foaming action kills household germs shines without scratching stops mold mildew Lysol basin tub and tile cleaner you sure sign a lot of autographs mr. Hall well that's true but my friend over here signs a lot more who's he that's Don Tyson he makes Tyson country fresh chicken why does he sign so many autograph but saucey personally guarantees every package of country fresh chicken how can he do that well it's easy its government great a fresh chicken hey Don how about coming over here and autographing my legs why not tom they look like chicken legs Tyson country fresh chicken fresher by a country mile come join the fun at Lee woods grand opening celebration come take a look our brand new stores are still with hundreds of great craft ideas and this week honoring their the sale prices everywhere in all of our stores Plus how to craft demonstrations and to really celebrate we'll be giving away $20 gift certificates every hour that's me it could be you so come join the fun Atlee Ward's it's worth the trip Marshall Field's has beauty news and values especially for you Neutrogena soap and rain bath and wonderful savings the six bar box of Neutrogena soap and your choice of three formulas is now just nine dollars the 32 ounce rain bath shower gel is just twenty dollars another value at Marshall Field's is Nina reaches young romantic lair to tall the one point six ounce Eau de Toilette spray is now just $12 so discover the values that are making Beauty news at Marshall Fields Meisels furs announces a five million dollar clean sweep clearance sale everything must go mink Fox raccoon and many others an incredible variety of styles and colors priced so low you'll look twice at the price tag fur jackets fur coats everything must go micelles accepts all major credit cards they have a convenient layaway plan and financing is available Meisels furs $5,000,000 clean sweep clearance sale everything must go [Music] that's the sound of punk rock and we have a number of people who enjoy that music yes it's loud yes the lyrics are often irreverent often profane and the general message seems to be society is a crock often the attitude is my parents are are corrupt and I assume you feel there's not certainly not enough love to go around and this is your manifestation of rebelling against it yeah you say you have jobs what type of jobs do you have and do you go dress the way you are there's there's a suspicion in this audience that your rebellion is financed by someone else that in fact well that in fact many of you who make these obscene statements about the so-called society are people who are who are actually living with handouts from either your parents or other people who love you okay first of all I have been working as a broker in a plaster in a plastic house for the last four years I'm a Salesman I'm very good at my job that's number one a couple of points I'd like to make is that the only thing I'm worried about is in this so-called anti movement is that it's next to me about which I met it's next to me of a witch-hunt simply I mean like anti er eh I mean do you even got a movement against video I mean how far can you where else can you go after this video games do create an awful lot of wasted energy and time okay well when I was a kid and I was given my allowance I was allowed to spend it where I went if I blew it I blew it that was it I didn't go out yeah well I would really like to address that because this is not an anti movement the purpose of this is to get the kids back together again with their parents the kids are disconnected from their families I don't believe in throwing them out I'm getting them back together that's what I did with Jeff and Nancy and that's what I did with Robbie and her family I just like to know what is your idea of a perfect society what you keep saying you know I'm against government I am to our middle class I'm paying for the taxes for the rich and supporting the poor so you know is this what are you aren't you angry they want to know yeah yeah my idea of a good Society be one where people can are allowed to express their differences allowed to be different without being like her ass in the street so that the unusual way you present you think provokes the very thing about this culture that you don't like namely its conformity and its refusal to accept if there's why why should people have to conform to everything you know what's white yeah you know why does uh what's the point about being the same as everybody else and they and they also made fun of and persecuted Jesus mm-hmm what was different yes wore sandals long hair oh I don't know if it was different than yeah different I guess what they saying it's anti-nazi there's well the point is it okay right there okay you're saying before about that song called Natick Park that song is not called Nancy para it's called wait wait a min just a minute I can't I can't let you I can't I can't let you use of profanity so you have to say I'm not gonna say the word right okay the word okay means bug-out Nancy in other words it's a condemnation of not suits right okay you were yelling at her I'm not sure what she was saying that she didn't care that it didn't say no Nazis it what it stands for is what she wanted to say was that she didn't care and we want to say that we do care we don't want fascism in this country and that's what's coming we don't want it couldn't I just can't understand how a group of young people could even walk around looking that way get up in the morning you know and just be a good citizen and help other people and be a good Christian you're accomplishing absolutely nothing can I let me check let me try and chat here for a second just give me a chance all right one of the points I think that they're making in Anna point which is somewhat can confirmed in the attitudes revealed in this audience is that the adult community you and I included are much more likely to get a hysterical excuse me pop out appearance rather than being concerned about substance that that we get crazy about the length of the chair of our kids when your appearance is like their appearance like what else can you think for children of my own I would not allow any of my kids to walk out the door looking that way what if they insisted I couldn't insist I the mother but what if they rebelled my husband works pretty darn hard to support our four children and we expect something back from them just a little respect I don't expect my kids to pay rumor board or what do you throw them out of the house yes if they joined a group like that yes you would stop you would stop loving them and throw them out of the house but you would throw that there's no way anyone like that could live under the roof of my house why why no whatever they gave Wyatt brought him into this world I don't deserve that would it hurt your middle-class ego you go you want to talk to her Robbie talk to know what it were just a crappy middle-class ego that you have with your friend a little classier why why can't your depression fix my father was on WPA working his fanny off her ass the way your kids are gonna have to work their Fanny out for their kids we had to do it we can to bring ourselves up into this world and we help my mother and dad and I don't want anything for my children except a little lovin respect but I don't expect my kids to go running around the rest of us and help everybody else and the people that need kids get with it clean yourselves up and go to work and we'll be back in just enough [Applause] [Music] are you good at sewing and hopeless at knitting and crochet or do you knit well and so badly stitch by stitch can show you where you go wrong and how to put things right step-by-step pictures and helpful diagrams really make it easy to learn new skills in issue one you can learn enough about crochet to make this cozy baby bag we'll even teach you needlepoint collect a new issue of stitch by stitch every week issue one at your supermarket drugstore and newsstand now [Music] [Music] this is martina navratilova and i'll be there it's going to be the best tennis you have ever seen Martina Navratilova and other stars compete at Rosemont horizon Thompson vacations presents Avon tennis championships get your tickets now tender loving clean baby fresh kiss baby tender loving clean baby fresh was born to get babies clean tender loving clean knickers and the pop-up wipes bigger than the other leading folded wipes so each cushiony sheath has the right combination to clean baby better clean means less chance of diaper rash no wonder more mothers use baby fresh wipes and dissolving clean baby fresh kiss baby tender loving clean that's baby fresh clean recently in a nationwide taste test diet cola drinkers were asked to taste the leading diet cola then we asked which diet cola tasted best and guess what more people prefer the taste of diet right taste the one at one delicious diet right Cola [Music] what you happy to show you that address later with time running out yet I wonder if these people would fight for our country if a war broke out I think that they stink then because because our country is something we should all be would you hang hang on just a second let me ask you is it your view that whenever this country calls a war that all young men are obliged to respond I believe they should if they're a they're an American we should be proud of our country sure maybe now they don't like the government and they don't like the way they're not demanding you agree but what that's another misgiving they have see they're saying that that's blind patriotism and that's the kind of things that gets us into Vietnam and that's the kind of thing that will get you 57,000 young men coming home in plastic zipper bag so they want you to think for yourself and not be such a puppet a kind of knee-jerk responsive person to a government that may or may not call a war in its own best our country these are young people yes how are you planning on changing society exactly how yeah well that was of course a leading question and as everyone knows it's not gonna change well all we can do is say what we want to people who are gonna listen and and you know suggest ways of getting to the bus come on come on he said one liners we can't be robbed no such as I fill here's a couple of buttons that couple of ideas that if you keep them in mind well one says bomb shelter and one says is an anti-sex sign stamp out sex I think this idea that the idea in my mind is that personally I don't really care to see Brooke shield all over TV and stuff like that you know so so you would you would hear against what you think then is excess exploitation so what you want a board to determine what is no no no no how do you do that then it I mean people each individual person let's just say this there are intelligent people in you want to call it punk moving that are very intelligent people there our idiots the same number of idiots in here and saying that the prejudice which is again which is directed at you alright okay let's get your Serena's alright MIT you wanted to make what well I think the point should be made that suicide plays a role that one of the heroes of the punk movement Darby Crash committed suicide there is a group called suicide and I think I think there should be some comment in terms of self-mutilation and self-destruction aspect I would just like to make a comment to the audience real quick you're on the record you want they want this audience to know that that ain't them and they feel they feel they're upset at the suggestion that because they're in the punk rock movement they're gonna mutilate themselves or commit so I would like to just say to the audience take a look at these kids do you think a fourteen or fifteen year old will reach it to this age if they start at 12 13 and 14 years old people are and how many of them actually have jobs and what are they doing in you all have jobs raise your hand how many have jobs here they're all saying they do have jobs all right yes like that for work or do they do you look like that all the time yes let me get this audience agree yeah let me ask Jeff a quick question if you want your mother's permission before she remarries do you expect to give get her permission before you mirror I didn't ask her permission she asked me what I thought because we'd lived with him and I hated him then okay this is the section that's what I thought and I gave her announcer yeah they can't predict everything they say he's wearing a t-shirt says I don't care well what's he doing here they're just simply trying to call attention to themselves it's all like a spoiled child yeah this is not to let's let's make sure that the point about the fact that a number of people who get involved in this are perhaps too immature to really make decisions for themselves and I think we have a right to expect you to be concerned about that too okay that's one the second point is there's a lot of the a lot of the attitudes which trouble young people everywhere are reflected in this audience we are rigid we are frightened to be sure every parent is frightened frightened about freeways frightened about pot frightened about whether our children will come home in an erect position that night will they be able to walk all those things and when people stand up on this program well-dressed people stand up and say I throw them out of the house that is a reflection of an attitude which is dividing this country turning more and more kids off and whatever happened to the old unconditional idea of love for parents so I wouldn't throw my son out I love my son but they're using drugs which scare you they're using alcohol in combination with the drugs to enhance the drugs and you never know what is going to be the next step this is what wants you to know that they share your concern yeah I feel sorry for the these ladies that are here their heart has to be really feeling terrible I would feel terrible thank you do they vote do they vote you say I'd like to know how you're gonna keep fascism out of this country if you're not willing to protect it and we all have reasons to be angry at our parents our church at our government but you don't solve it like that how would you solve it I've heard them say that they're against a lot of things I've yet to hear him say what they really stand for freedom they say they say they stand for freedom and we'll be back in just a moment [Music] spectrum Chicagoland's fastest-growing subscription TV brings more excitement to your home more than 95 hours every week of movies like the powerful Raging Bull in the competition live sports like the championship Holmes Cooney fight and now spectrum starts at 9 a.m. on weekends or more hours when you wanna watch hurry if you act now spectrum will give you a half off installation call nine five two one thousand spectrum the entertainment service that gives you more is a desert just relax lean back watch TV magic box and what's inside TV Guide previews your pleasure tells you more about 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like hunts tomato paste better than their regular Graham which ones richer this one hunts which tastes better hi which'll make better spaghetti sauce and which will add the best flavor to all your Italian cooking ah dick rich hunch tomato paste tasted yourself I'm amazed it's true huh this bit for a savory difference try new hunts Italian style paste [Music] if you would like a written transcript of today's program send $2.50 in check or money order to donahue transcripts box 2 1 1 1 Cincinnati Ohio 4 5 201 include the subject or the name of the guest with your request the support group called parents of bunkers is at one 4:03 for Pioneer Boulevard pioneer Boulevard Norwalk California the zip is 906 500 I just like to say that this experience has showed me how wonderful my parents really are because they understand me and love me in spite of the way I look do you understand that and I love my parents a lot I would fight and die for my parents but I won't fight for my country and I think that you should understand that yeah Robbie you wanted to say what as a former punker what's your point yeah I mean I was where you guys are at and then I had I had to conform just to like make peace and I saw my freedom I still do what I want and everything can we get this in for just a second you know you really have demonstrated that you're not you're obviously very insightful you're creative I think we can even say you're courageous it isn't easy to walk down the street and this I understand that don't we have a right to expect you to though manifest some concern about the the young people that you sweep up in this movement that get caught up in it all right I don't we don't see any evidence of that though and and you you think you are all right you're anti-drug I'm sorry what came into a club in this city and was doing drugs we kick him out or something like that somebody that met stuff came in we wouldn't accept him Jeff are you thinking you're gonna get out of this huh you get out of this well I get out of here no probably pretty much be the same I probably look like this when I'm older but I'll serve the same ideas I have time only - thank you very much for sharing with us this hour and hope you have a nice services provided and promotional fees paid by the following [Applause] Jenni pay attention this time this child looks like she's daydreaming but it could be a form of epilepsy that like many others can be controlled by medication Jenni you've been daydreaming again epilepsy it's not what you think get the facts right epilepsy Washington DC - OH six [Music] Debbie Boone lights up the stage in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers it's a musical romance that seems [Music] three ground theater four tickets three one two seven nine one 6,000 MCI has got a few interesting letters lately that we'd like to share with you thanks to MCI we've cut our phone bills from 120 to $60 a month I was a skeptic at first but not anymore I love it and so does my boyfriend 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Channel: TheGrahamHick
Views: 24,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FERd7xClozM
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Length: 63min 4sec (3784 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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