Ayn Rand Interviewed By Phil Donahue

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Any of them?

Rand Paul? Rand McNally? Randy Newman?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/kinyutaka 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2018 🗫︎ replies

I remember seeing this when it was first broadcast, 1978, I believe. I was in college, and we had our feminist professors who taught her in class. I was with some fellow college students as Rand was asked if she could imagine a woman being President of the United States. Rand sneered, "Of course not!" Donahue was visibly shocked. "Can you?" She asked him. Donahue wasn't the only one who was shocked; my college coed friend was, too. She stopped reading Rand and paying attention to objectivism.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/byll 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2018 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen I am pleased to present one of America's best-selling authors and you mentioned this woman's name and you're in for a very vigorous conversation especially among her untold uncounted numbers of followers here is philosopher Einar and mr. Al million gosh millions of Americans really were introduced to Iran in the fountainhead 1943 Atlas Shrugged 1957 still selling worldwide you are something I think so well you know philosopher why you do think so yeah your joy of all this aw shucks humility that's phony you think huh that's right so I better get off my kick huh oh you're not too humble nothing you can see a little a little reluctant attempt yeah did you make once in a while but I don't fool you not too much no okay what's your point that that's a phone enos of isn't it that enjoy whatever it is it's going on yes if you honestly achieved it and I know I have and I think you have them you should be proud of it it helps other people actually to know that you achieved something it was war sitting you can't even crawl around and say poor little me where did we get into that aw shucks it was nothing I just hit a grand slam home run and the last thing I have job to do I went up there and I just wanted the ball and then hit the VAT and then you know why don't we do that why don't we say I did it because I'm good and I work hard that's exactly how do you suppose we got into this phony baloneys America because I think most men here are oppressors they hide their feelings but ticularly now if you most people have had the same experience or made the same observation yeah they're men in America seems it's mark of strength never to show your feelings and it becomes a psychological depression which is a very deadly real psychology it makes women terribly unhappy we seem however to allow for touching and everything else I mean what what more wonderful embracing have we ever seen then the hockey players gave each other when they defeated Russia ah that's an exception yeah but it is it is and it's probably shouldn't well of course it is I'm not challenging that I'm saying why do we have this we have this dual set of behavior standards one is don't show your feelings if you're hit by a pitch I remember whenever the ball player would hit he'd when I was a kid he never went like that you know he'd run the first place I'd never touch it and I think oh boy is he strong now I see that as your point that it's a sort of tyranny that men are not supposed to express yes and it's sort of weakness it's not strength because the strongman doesn't mind showing his feelings and happy ones or pain or enthusiasm or pride but in trying to appear strong most men lose the pleasure of be boastful I don't mean boastful I mean legitimately acknowledge their own achievement and that they take pleasure in it they take pleasure in in not acknowledging their own achievement you're saying no they're afraid to admit that they enjoy acknowledging their own arches so what why is that important what I'm not sure I understand the consequence of this suppress why you ask you why is it important yeah for example let's talk about the president for a moment if I'm understanding you one of the points you'd like to make is that you want to see a president joyful at victory able to if not jump up and down manifest his joy huh yes there are you the tough person who goes through the leadership role never smiling huh quite like through the present so you must be encouraged by mr. Carter's response to his own feelings I see I think his smile is genuine don't you no I think it's in addition he now if you watch him he smiles when he's saying something serious and it's almost like a nervous reaction you know he just smiles yeah well that's all well don't forget you're on TV no but he is not a strong personality yeah and nor is he find genuine emotion I don't think it has any ideas and if so he has no feelings okay isn't this a little dangerous though analyzing people via television I mean I don't know if I'd want you out there talking about me on the basis of what you see on television oh you wouldn't regret them but I think you're right to some extent I shouldn't go into psychology of public figures because only they but only they and their psychologists can know the photos but you know television is very revealing figure what television is very revealing you can tell a lot about of course you can oh yes more than in a personal encounter I don't think you can tell a lot on the basis of one one appearance actually do you know and also I think it's hard to read people who are in actor roles who are abiding by a script and the discipline of another creative person what I do agree I think if you watch person on a talk show for example over any period of time you get to know them both I think so yeah I read an article about an interview that Jerry Schwartz of the Atlanta Constitution wrote in which you said you were all over the lot you know you like Charlie's Angels yes but you because why because it's the only romantic television show today it's not realistic it's not about the gutter it's not about the help with children and all the other kind of shows today it's about three attractive girls do impossible things and because they're impossible that's what makes it interesting it shows three young girls who are better doesn't so-called real life yeah and you like that romantic school literature you want art to be romantic on suppose you're not crazy then about art which reflects life not the life of the moment well I want exhibit of collect life long range alright you're an Aristotelian you're you're an Aristotle devotee more than a Plato oh god yes I'd be happy to tell you why but we just don't have time I don't mean to be ok because he is a defendant upholding advocate of reason Aristotle Aristotle and the positive logic Plato's is the opposite yeah translating some of your many writings into every day let's see if we just can't get up let me break here just a moment can I stay up here for just one another break and then I promise we'll have a chance we're in Chicago with Iran the Philosopher's Objectivist you've heard of that many of you have read her works and have there are there are countless people who say their lives have been changed after reading miss rands work what do you think we hope you'll join us this is I Rand and we're talking about her and her philosophy her writings and this is to do really grave injustice to a person of such depth and insight so we're gonna try our best poor as it is to at least expose those of you who are haven't had a chance to read her work to where she stands philosophically and what her philosophies are what her philosophy is okay how do we start you don't like altruists and disapproval loves them I had a gladsome as evil do-gooders Lord saved me from the do-gooders I don't like those popular expressions that's too narrow and too political okay but what's so what's bad about the person who wants to help other people The Beginner's that's the big mistake people can want to help other people properly is very good reasons but that isn't altruism others me doesn't mean literally helping people it means sacrificing yourself to others placing the interests of others above your own is the self-sacrificing person who is an altruist yeah what's wrong with her what's wrong is committing suicide what's wrong with giving up life and why is the happiness of another person important and good but not your own why are you always the outsider and the sacrificial animal for a good relationship there should be no victory no sacrifices okay so that in a relationship for example a man and one will take talk about the heterosexual world for a moment to to sacrifice to sacrifice for your loved one is in many cases then a misnomer what you're really doing is tell me what you mean what I mean by sacrifice and what does a general element is to give up some value which is important to you for something else which is a lesser or a number that's sacrifice and you know you don't approve of that you know I don't know if you love your husband or wife and you have to let us say select between spending money for your spouse if he's ill or going to a nightclub it's not a sacrifice to spend money for your spouse if he or she is your value that is what you want to do but if you look for is this your husband die in order to save the neighbors husband on your wife that would be altruism if you reject or pass up something which is or someone who is valuable to you and in favor of somebody who is a neutral stranger or even worse an enemy if you sacrifice a friend for an enemy that's altruism and the issue there is simply watch the hierarchy of Varys if something that is important to you requires a great deal of effort from you that's not sacrifice but if you give up your career because you want your competitor arrival to be more successful serve will be a hideous and very evil sacrifice I'm trying to figure out how this applies to every day you know you know if you don't you know if your wife wants you to go to the A&P and you don't want to go but you sacrifice because it's for the good of the family is that okay with you perfectly okay but what if you filled with resentment as you go wondering why how come you're always there it's unfair and if it's not your understanding with your husband but she imposes on you then it's perfectly all right to resent it and properly you should raise it you shouldn't decide what you want to do yeah well I don't understand why this is important what are the consequence of the traditional notion that we've got here in the Western world that sacrifice is what love is all about do you want the quickest yeah example as it comes to my mind proposals of having special millions spend of subnormal children and on the handicapped including the so-called needing buses is the attempt to bring everybody to the level of the handicapped and if it's merely an issue of physical handicap like a broken leg which doesn't affect the mind that would be a little more excusable so i don't believe that such privileges should be granted to any group but it includes the mentally which is the sub normal the children who are unable to learn so that at the end of spending thousands or millions of taxpayers money you're left with a happy guilt who may learn to hidden right me on the other hand there are no special schools or very very few for gifted children and to pass out the gifted on whom all our lives depend if it weren't for intelligent people o Neill Atlas Shrugged what would happen to us resolve the better mind who are able to survive and who carry the weight of everybody else yet we don't spend any minds and we do everything the applause anyway your call for more society energy directed at the accommodation of gifted people okay but not government spending however so long as you support their ungifted you or your first player it is too gifted but what in the Ireland civil context would be appropriate societal measures to accommodate the ungifted they're all parents and a chance to give their parents to earn money if however their parents are poor and Canada assuming it's a big heavy burden they only can appeal to private charity as it was always done before welfare state is amazing you want private charity as well for the gifted it must say they usually in a few society they will need it they'll make their own way just so you don't stop them but private choice you cannot be done by means of tax collection which means by for private change is up to you and if it's a worthy cause that is that says a normal child who certainly cannot help it's perfectly alright to help him but not in the sacrifice of your own child you probably like to get rid of 8gw then Oh sir oh no sir I'm much more than that I'd like to get a lot of the government huh everything except the basic duties of the government which is police law courts and purchase you want less government well everybody says that it's a little hard to put that into effect when we've got a company our country that has such a mal distribution of wealth you give me that huh to a few rich too many poor I will I will give you part of that because if there is about distribution it's true those who have political poll if some of your money is made with government health and that will pay favoritism then I grant you that is unfair and improper and unjust but if you made it yourself in three competitions enough people want to pay you for your services or your product then you should keep all of it why shouldn't you you made if the Middle Eastern countries want to charge hold us up for the oil at five dollars a barrel or a gallon excuse me five dollars well that day ever be bad they ought to be able to do it it's their oil is that your point no my point is we should not have permitted altruistically to all those nations to nationalize what we built for them just our oil what do you mean it's not our oil it's not on we don't own we don't own Saudi Arabia they do we own by contract right these installations which we devised to begin this and we tell them to build but it sounds like we're saying because we exported our technology therefore they oh that sounds like the the altruism that you condemned a moment ago how all tourism is the unearned and this we earned and they nationalized from us they have a right to their soil if they do nothing with it well rights are not involved in those primitive societies but they make it deal with us they want to bring us in to develop their oil and then they try to exploit and to literally murder us by means of the oil that is that unforgivable crime they would argue that I mean some in the Middle East would argue that its first of all it's their oil they're grateful for whatever technology we were able to share with them but they will claim that they pay for that that they responded by presenting us with monies that were appropriate to the services we tendered them and that let's not expect any favors for them and that the world markets of laws of supply and demand should determine what the price of oil is they wouldn't be a position of monopolies that they have today if we hadn't calmly agreed to let some nationalized okay then then we should have been more farsighted well seventies and thank you all right well why should we make them pay now for what we fail to put into our contract with we're not making something well we're insisting on getting oil out of a cheaper price be really bargain and given every time and in a proper society a government would never let it come that far but in that means at one point you made that is their oil no it isn't it was there for centuries and they didn't know what to do is we don't export our technology we export our minds and our knowledge was of which they couldn't exist and zagnut they nationalized oil and other source countries and then one day Americans or a few Europeans to come and help them run it they can't even around the oil industry after they've copied everything from us it can't be done Europe so they expropriating okay I just want to get to sin before we break you're an atheist yes I could do the same to you you know what since you're the host I won't say it but in other circumstances I would say I don't approve of religion I recognize your right to it yeah you don't approve of religion because because it's mystical because it's based on face not on the reason in fact so so for you but not for others okay what do you care somebody wants to worship a Christmas tree or a telephone pole that's their business I wouldn't stab somebody I said I grant them the right to believe anything they want but I don't have to approve and the question was I would say yeah but I would never pass on your Lowe's Dubbs yeah you've got to allow that that you're not smart enough to know whether or not there's a god yes I am and everybody curious is what smart enough so it doesn't take much intelligence in your way what because you did not call the pond I cannot be called upon to know a negative or to prove in addition if there is a God and you prove it that's fine but you can't tell me you can't know so there isn't I would say yes I know that there isn't because I've been given no evidence but the fact that you've been given no evidence may mean you just haven't been in the right place at the right time I mean it may mean that you know no it's good music about somebody else but not about me right okay I honestly don't want to be theatrical about this and I'm not suggesting that you haven't been in this dialogue before but I still have a lot of problems with I think atheists are as arrogant as many of the so called Christians or religionists that you decry I'm saying even in that you us here with your certainty saying there is no God and anybody who believes there is is is there's almost a suggestion that you're foolish if you believe that there is and I think a little arrogant and condescending a few you know I don't call it foolish I would have if you want to tell the truth I say it's a bad sign psychologically it is a sign of a psychological witness of a man who is afraid to spend on his own mind and his own responsibility because he says the absence of proof has gone on for centuries every argument for the existence of God is incomplete improper and has been refuted and people go on and on because they want to believe well I regard it as evil to place your emotions your desire above the evidence of what your mind no okay and I regard it as intellectually lazy to look at the universe and to suggest as you seem to be doing that this is all some accident I didn't say that well hard in the world do we get all this order aren't you impressed with that no because order is only in good cases in the minds of your scientists who are able to understand some pattern but there isn't an artificial order in the universe it's not chance what would be the alternative nature that the universe and remember the universe is everything that exists has always been here because you cannot this disgust or know anything about what was here before anything existed zero questions the question is absurd so what was here before there was something here exactly if there was something here before there was something here then there then there was something there already exactly and then we have to ask what was there first that's right all right so all I have to be Miss ran just one thing but that's what you're doing with the idea of God speaking philosophical truth you say you need someone to explain the order but what do you don't have to explain that you have to take what exists as a fact and you start with what exists and you see how much you can learn about it but aren't you really am aren't you really filled with wonder when you look up at the stars no and I don't like to look at them I love this earth you know when I filled was wonder when I look at skyscrapers at the man-made at what men were able to achieve on their own unaided so-called mind without the help of face yeah desirability on those skyscrapers look lonely people with in baskets and out baskets and dead-end jobs and no creative challenge and bosses who don't appreciate what they're doing and underpaid exploitation on the part of many many people who go in like cattle filing into these ecological disasters that let too much heat in the alright let me ask you any human being even a basket case you're better off in Iran or in Soviet era well no of course not but maybe my point but the people who made what I see when I see the skies paper since the men who divides them the Howard or in the Falcon health the people who had the ability to bring us that far away from primitive jungles now that's that the achievement and observed in this country the previous most tragic a person is better off than a fully abled men if almost everyone else in the world you were born I should say just in Tsarist Russia yeah nineteen seven 1905 you're 75 years old kitty sure people didn't your family flee the rest of the Russian Revolution no they didn't see you sleeved in the 20s then you left in it I left in 1926 how long all right what did you leave in fear or do you have childhood memories of the inferior what of Russia yeah you complete loathing loathing for the whole country and engaging desire speed it is the ugliest and incidentally most mystical country on earth but they're the ones that decry atheism they're singing your song all the people I'm sorry decry Christianity I'm sorry there's cry religion is what I meant to say they really do they have a materialistic mysticism of their own because if the Mystics the religious people tell you the bind don't speak of the mind but usually the soul is the only person of value but should the body is evil the rush that I should say no I said the religious leader yes and the Russians will say no there isn't such a thing as a soul or mine there's only your budget its materialism they believe that you're not a man but the collection of atoms and give that body to the state for the collective effort of the that's it from the widow the whole and sacrifice through the state and whoever says it is or wants to be the state Iran will be back in a moment I was interested in your remarks on special education and particularly on gift of education we in the public schools can identify gifted children we can categorize their strengths and their needs but we don't have the dollars to do what needs to be done what in your opinion is our society's responsibility to these children who will be our leaders the beginning was had them relieve the society has any responsibility towards anyone these are the future leaders nor the future victims society has nothing to do properly speaking with the life of any one person except to keep out of his way and give him a chance in a proper that is totally free society nothing will be done for the gifted except voluntarily if his parents are poor and the general trend of the society is not towards helping the ungifted it's not altruistic then private individuals and three institutions will help him if his parents are poor but in every society predominantly although they give the child means it's some decent rational education instead of the boredom that makes them give up school today because the rather to give the children you know I drop out as a board in a class devised for less gifted children and just leave them alone and preach the ideas that human ability is a value when you say that society has no responsibility here you see I think individuals have a responsibility to themselves is that it I don't like the word responsibility involved here well what you say that help me do what I wish to do is that your point that the more you know do what I ration Alesi is right according to the right morality and help others if you can but not as a primary obligation and now in regard to society there is no such thing as society you know it's all of us now how can we have obligations which we didn't undertake see the parents of a child would have obligations for him up to a certain age since they brought brought him into the world but they can't do what is impossible to them so it doesn't mean that that they can at any moment throw the burden on the rest of us very society everybody's society and we can't have inherent obligations and I'm chosen obligations my husband and I got married because of you I just wanted you to know that we met and were the only two people we could find that like your works and gravitated toward each other I was wondering that was a long time ago a long time ago when when Nolan you weren't very popular at the time I was wandering without being a lengthy about it what attracted you to mystery I liked the idea of not being ashamed to be proud of what I am and who I am and that's basically I feel there's pressures in today's society I think there's a great deal of pressure isn't American chauvinism one of the issues that we all have to look at and and examine in terms of what it may lead us to do that may not be in our own long-term best interest in other words we are accused of being breast beaters who never can be there I really don't see that as a problem I see as a problem what she was talking about in Iran where we have the technology the intelligence and everything else give it to everybody else and then all of a sudden we turn out to be the bad guys well where is the justice I Dr Dee was the speaker oh yes completely but what was your question my question was my question is a frivolous one of what do you think of the architecture in Chicago after writing The Fountainhead and studying I'm sure much I haven't been in Chicago for years so I can answer only that I love the early Frank Lloyd Wright buildings which are several in Chicago and in your servers and the early Sullivan buildings which I hope are preserved as a landmark but I haven't seen a new buildings for many years you must see our skyline there's another book down there we'll be back with Iran in just a moment yes mr. an I was one of those people who belong to your cult where we were devouring your books and I just wanted to say that as I matured I am glad that I was able to differentiate usually last year you want to create an incident no I'm not the coach okay all right no I didn't mean that I just meant that we admired your work and still do in many ways but I'm wag now that as the emphasis today as everyone talks to the me society I have different feelings thinking that there are many parts of your philosophies that do emphasize and create another me society so and what's wrong with that well I just feel that I know mr. Wran does not like the word responsibility but as I matured I became more responsible I feel and I realized that there is another world around me other than just myself and my family and I don't and if I didn't why would I be kid or speaking to you at all and why would I write drinking and I realize that but I also feel but there are so many things that and in many ways you're trying to create an elitist society and today that just is not practical what she said to me if you want to spread your views in today's society you have every opportunity you more than you can count why come here and take advantage of my sraw and of people who came here to see and hear me not the leaders who put responsibility on your shoulders you want responsibility go and practice it but you're not going to force any responsibility on me and certainly not but she has to be able to to share with you her opinion however differing it may be because I know you don't mean what I know we've been here before you feel some sense of deja vu workers hello you when you say that you sound intolerant of those who would dissent from your position no was there is a distinction that has been very intentionally a model I do not and I've said repeatedly I don't want to interfere with anyone or force anything on them you have to make those distinctions voluntarily and yourself the distinction is let the whole world disagree with me if it wants to doesn't mean that if I want to be tolerant I will change my ideas I want to hold only my ideas I don't approve of those who preach the opposite and I don't think that the freedom to utter nonsense is the first freedom the freedom is your right to your life I don't think you want the responsibility of deciding what in every case is nonsense well policies I don't deal with those who disagree all right they don't agree by they shouldn't deal with me okay but just think of the fun you're missing I mean you're that's different that depends on your idea of fun Oh a good vigorous exchange of views between two people who care and have differing positions is one of the most instructive things that can happen I begin a living room or on television I would love to see an honorable ever say that I've stopped hoping for it but that's an arrogant position you're saying is all those who disagree with me are not honorable that's what you're saying not honorable in their ideas I don't judge him a personal or psychological is a judgment it's the worst I have to know something of other person's attitude and knowledge in regard to his or her ideas before I say report on everybody who would disagree with you but can't we deal with the issues right at the surface she made a comment that right at the surface she made a comment that she disagrees you know I'm doing it to flatter you but I think hearing what others say here you ask intelligent questions you're sure when you disagree but you'll focus on ideas so am I so was she no she was talking about your ideas and she saw all she said then you know he's parted from some of your some of your writings hey show me a person who's universally beloved and I'll show you a person who isn't doing anything if she's parted from my writings that's her loss not mine but why announce it to me okay but if this is the kind of we have to be able to talk about this without being without rancor I'm very bankers no no no not yet you can tell okay here our position is desperately close to the to the dictator who says if you disagree with me you are not honorable I will not deal with you and I may send the Sabich after you that's the next thing now that is you I wouldn't suggest you would do that I know at the beginning of an attitude that remains that if you are opposed to a dictator you say well yeah it is one thing for you but it's another thing for me let's all be guided by our feelings and not by the evidence of a alexei the problem with the conversation is you and I would have to both choose a dictator for us to be equally comfortable in discussing I mean definition of a dictator may be different than mine or my definition is very simple and objective what anyone who will import any idea or prejudice by physical force anyone who initiates the use of force against another human being in that instant is acting like a dictator and if you have stablish as that as a political systems and there's a dictatorship but I'm the arch and enemy of physical force I'm for freedom of the mind and for bringing people to your ideas by persuasion with you by force could you bring your moral perceptions and principles to a meeting in 1917 19 20 22 to assassinate desire Plato says Sonique him he fell you know that you don't know that you you didn't know that at the time you're on chair quarter vacuum now I'm asking you in the Dietrich Bonhoeffer sense could you plot to overthrow a person that you thought was obviously in your mind denying civil rights to other plot against him certainly I always said you should you have the moral right to retaliate with force if someone important sports on you so you're for self defense oh yes difference but when the underground people in Germany started meeting and saying let's knock off Hitler that's morally acceptable Oh totally just checking in people what you've just said I wonder if you have an opinion about the Shah of Iran do you think his actions and leaving Iran and finding you know a home somewhere else would there be an adversary of your philosophy that he did what he thought was morally right no but knows his philosophy was pretty dictatorial I don't approve of him at all I don't admire him but if this country gives refuge to Communists and xnas each and every kind of refugee they should have given him refuge I don't see why not unless they decided by them in the government that it's not to our interests if somebody threatens this country and his ideas are so evil that will create damage in this country that you have the right property to refuse him but that doesn't justify a dinky miserable little savage country that exists only on the proceeds of the oil they robbed from us dictating our internal policy because that is what they're doing they're telling us whom we can admit and whom we can't admit well but right I had a problem with understanding miss Rand's philosophy at the beginning or earlier in the show she said that she only believed in a romantic type of art and didn't believe in things that were based on realism you think that you don't think art should necessarily refract like life especially life as it is today exactly and I recognize other schools about only I don't like them it's a romanticism I just found that a little bit contradictory with then when she said in terms of religion that she didn't believe in religion as we do because it's not based on realism as she said in Moore you're mixing categories so the issue of religion is metaphysical it's so in nature in reality now art is not metaphysics it's not there without men art is man-made it's a product of men and when it's a product of men you don't have to copy it you don't have to say this is a fact because ten men did it that way you create your own art or you like a school of wizards only one representative anything that is may man-made is open to reason but not by the same kind of mental process as metaphysical or scientific factual issues for instance here I can only recommend that you read my book at the romantic manifesto because I couldn't cover it in a few minutes the reasons why I can demonstrate to you that romanticism is the best school of art the best most justifiable but not the only one first I would like to say that I am a believer place guiding in God and what I want to know from mrs. Ryan is that why is it so hard to accept gratitude it is no I think it's a very pleasant emotion to accept gratitude yes in what way do you classify me was that the question does it mean that you're a weak person you're like a person tell you thank you for something that you have done for them and you says well you know if you mean that I and other people should say if they achieved something thank God it's a God who helped me to do it but if you make a mistake well then it's my own evil fault you see what it does to your self-esteem and I think which is very very dangerous and improper to ascribe your own achievement to somebody else you should be proud as I said at the beginning of something which you actually achieved don't share credit for that don't give it away this man I'd like to say that in past years I read your books and I enjoyed the excitement and especially the settings up in which were far removed from my life are you working out here any new ones especially on the oil monopolies or if your writings changed that much no I'm not writing at the present time in a very sad period of my life but I already cover you have recently been widowed and yes you're dealing now with the does this emotional impact of this kind of pain alter in any way your own feeling philosophy no it only altered my position that it got to the world in other which is that I lost my top value I'm not too interested in anything else not our survival because I do love the world in general and I do love ideas and I do love men but my personal is it all snow isn't there a temptation for you and I don't mean this to flip to suggest that you would not sincere in your writing to hope for a reunion with the person you love to look beyond I asked myself jazzy seriously and I thought if I really believed that for five minutes I've committed suicide immediately and I know that you know to him to him of course I'll tell you more I asked myself how would I feel if I think he is now on trial before God or Saint Peter and I'm not with him to testify or not my first desire in that case would be to run to help him and tell how good he was but one of your statements maybe your husband just too soon not even know let God know that I mean he was more of an 80s than I am he was if it if you that could be the days my comment is offered with love I hope you know that there's nothing clip about it because I know your pain is real and we share it with you and hope that you'll walk out of this wood soon I believe you thank you and you've really helped me it's my first public appearance since and was sort of a test for myself when I thank you very much so much for your visit with us I'd love to know what they're gonna talk about on the way home in the car was miss Rand and I thank you and hope you have a nice day the Bible
Channel: Steve Packard
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Id: 1ZqKpfVW0i0
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Length: 45min 54sec (2754 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2012
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