Don Draper's coolest quote
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Channel: Illegal Eagle
Views: 1,635,569
Rating: 4.8259387 out of 5
Keywords: Draper, Best, Quote
Id: 7yM5IwUJxiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 55sec (55 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2012
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Pete's hairline has come so far.
jesus. baby faced Pete!
I was confused the first time I saw this - the "blanking" method of censoring audio isn't the best at times, and I didn't know what the hell Pete's response was until a second watch-through of the series.
Wow, i'd forgotten how young Pete used to look.
How could I pay attention to anything with Jon Hamm looking like that?
I'm struggling to remember this one. I think it was before the whole Peggy baby thing - but if it's not and is a reference to it, it's all the more powerful.
What does Don say here? "I don't want to wake up ....."?
It was from this moment that I hated Pete.