Don DC Curry - Kids are a burden - Comedy House, Columbia SC

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any prejudice I don't like new cheer don't like wait children I like black shoes I like Mexican cheer I don't like yo chill I like my I got two daughters they grown bunch on grateful air you know my daughter's asked me the other day they saw the woman in bad state on TV they were debating about whether or not to put out of misery so my ignant ass notice you approached me and said daddy if you become incapacitated should we pull the plug and I said I wish to [ __ ] you never say you mean tell us bad and you want to be a burden else there in Co life I said you've been a burden to me on one hand I wish you would read you that goddamn out I'm gonna set up our cumin Buster keeping your weekend they start [ __ ] and pissing on myself oh I have to you just to see who's gonna be a team playing in some pitch see if you gonna wipe mine and ass let me sit around all thinking shitty like I do my dad and keep wiping nobody there you mean this quality of life means nothing to you look you don't know how I'm [ __ ] feeling this poor little hidden saying my I beat back let the [ __ ] trickle out in my veins I'm trying to stay here long as I damn Cain he really died I'm fitting one though I know it's down here for me I hate to think about my children having to take care of my ass but I'm gonna stay here as long as I possibly can children ton grief laughter oh you dumb put em silly son [ __ ] they run turn on your hair is all kids ain't just black here white kids white folk came up with a solution though they think they don't know how wrong they are white folk decided to go out on the dock look black baby that's a new thing they do it alec baldwin he got so sick of his daughter he cut that looked good time I called the tele another thing I thought you're talking to a grown-ass woman side rooting him on go ahead tell it [ __ ] [ __ ] you think she talking to you Alex bottom nice ball you weight luck see you your fat slob air ho look put my foot in your ass do you taste my shoe later go ahead Alex start a president who the [ __ ] she think she talking to really did is I don't give a damn you ain't but nine you
Channel: Comedy House
Views: 499,262
Rating: 4.8096867 out of 5
Keywords: DonDCCurry, Ungrateful, Kids
Id: v1HL6_iwDA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 4sec (184 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2012
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