This Mower Will Make Your Lawn Look Like a Golf Course

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so over the past few years there's been a trend among homeowners taking their average boring looking lawns and transforming them into lawns that closely resemble your local golf course so in this video i'm going to show you the mower that it takes to get along like this and also the company that just introduced it to a lot more people [Music] so if you're looking to make your lawn look like a golf course there's two things that you need to make that happen number one is a flat smooth lawn and number two is a real mower because that's going to allow you to mow the grass much shorter than you normally would with your rotary mower now chances are if you live down south you've seen these mowers around your neighborhood but if you live up north like me then it's a different story when it comes to real mowing in the midwest there's one major issue that we all face there's nowhere to service or sharpen our real moors but that's not the case anymore because there's a new player that just entered the midwest and not only are they sharpening their reels here but they're also manufacturing them here so when i heard true cut just open up a facility in the midwest i knew i had to check it out so this past friday my wife and i went down to indiana and we toured their facility [Music] so when i first arrived to the true cup facility i met up with the warehouse manager his name was dan and let me tell you guys if everybody in indiana is like dan then i already know where i'm moving my family to next so once i got there the first thing that i saw was this big laser so me being curious i immediately asked dan what that was [Music] [Music] okay so what we got here is basically a fiber laser cutter cut sheet cuts metal pipe a lot of production basically a lot of our lawnmower parts everything we do in the shop fabricating wise pretty much is going to go through this machine we have over hundreds of true cut parts that we we have to process so we bring files out from the computer on these true cut machines and basically we can cut thousands of parts in a day a lot of them will get formed in the brake presses after they come off the laser cutter it's just about everything on the true cut parts we'll start here it'll run through here just this part for example is a a wheel hub so the piece of pipe you see here will go right in this tube feeder you see very accurate very quick process a lot of technology into this works real well so we can make very precise parts this whole clutch assembly here just to give you an idea a piece of pipe there gets ran through the new machine all these flat parts come off there will end up going to a press get formed [Music] so this is just another example of a true cut part that we do the flat part here is came off the laser cut the teeth cut the holes goes through the punching process which we can just kind of give you an idea here press comes down hits it puts a bearing in it this eventually will become a sprocket assembly or sub assembly for the truck machine for the clutch you're standing back don't know a lot about it from a distance and say it looks pretty simple there's really a lot to a machine like this [Music] all right then so one thing i got to say when i when you first brought this more out is i was pleasantly surprised at the build quality of this thing because it kind of reminds me of my toro greens master that i had that's like full steel and i could just tell it's kind of like a tank i agree i've been in the this type of business for a long time i've seen a lot of different products this is a very well manufactured machine the years that we've put into building this i mean there's been a lot put into the tooling the dyes you know they make all these parts form all the steel parts everything we build from scratch so when it comes to the drive controls there's no plastic gears or anything in there no plastic gears at all everything's metal through this whole the whole clutch system all steel no plastic all right then so can you show us a little bit around this mower because this is my first time actually seeing a true cut in person yeah so this is one of three different sizes really we call this as you can see on front there's the c27 this is the big boy that's the big boy kind of like me yeah and me but this has the 27 inch wide 7 blade reel on it fully welded and george i don't know when you get something but i don't like assembling a whole lot of stuff what's pretty cool about these it's pretty much assembled when you get it you pull the main frame out of the box and you take the handle box and you know just very little work and this thing's ready to most so since you mentioned about assembly one thing i've noticed is a lot of the popular real mowing companies these days are assembled in europe but you guys actually assemble this right here right in america we do everything right here right here in the factory you know we bring the plastic containers in but all the assembly on the mower really from scratch we do it all from here and that's a big reason why i actually drove down here to indiana is because i like supporting companies that are made in the usa cool [Music] all right dan so one of the biggest reasons i looked into getting a true cut is because you guys have a bench grinder here you're in the midwest and when it comes to sharpening reels in the midwest and getting service done there's really some slim pickings so i know this is your bench grinder right here can you tell me a little bit about that this particular grinder right here we have a the 10 blade reel on our other grinders on down are same type of grinders but we do the seven and five blades on them reason being we have index machines on each side of them where we get the rotation just right to do the sharpening on them but it's quite a process it's their old grinders but very precise it's a key part of the business really i mean this is a big deal right here if you don't get this part right yeah nothing's going to work for all my viewers that are thinking about possibly getting a true cut if they ever want to come here and get their more serviced and get their real sharp and that's no problem right correct yep you can definitely resharpen blades a lot of people you know don't know we have a final process on the drum sander that we put the relief edge on oh you guys put a relief grind on there as well yep and i can show you i can show you that on our other machine but it's just a very fine fine edge um that's actually really awesome to hear because a lot of the residential reel mower reels don't have relief grinds on really and one thing i could tell too this looks like a beefy reel man i'm not used to seeing reels that are actually that beefy and have that much like steel on them usually they're a lot more thinner and they don't look as robust it is solid it'll hurt if it falls on you are you speaking from experience a little bit now in the past i would have never even considered getting a true cup because most of the people that use them live down south are real mowing their bermuda and there's nowhere to service those mowers around here up north in the chicago midwest area so now that their plan is in indiana it gives me a lot of sense of security when it comes to servicing my mower that if i ever need to get the real sharpened i could just take a road trip down there and get it done and come back in the afternoon so you're probably wondering does this mower strike because if you pay attention to the opening b-roll of this video you'll see that it doesn't have a roller on it that it uses caster wheels what i did personally is i ordered a third-party roller so this is the roller that i ordered i got it from real rollers what that's going to do is it's going to give a striping effect to your lawn so if you're new to my channel over the past four years i've been on the quest to find the perfect real more testing everything from toro's to mcleans to swordmans to outlets and still none of them have been a perfect fit for me my most recent reel mower which was an outlet if you guys remember i did a video last year titled i bought a 2500 reel more for testing purposes well it's been a year i tested it out but that still has not fit the bill and hasn't lived up to the hype a few reasons i ended up selling the outlet is the little plastic reel engagement lever on the bottom the safety switch it ended up breaking on me not only once but twice and if you ask me when you spend twenty five hundred dollars on a more there's absolutely no reason that you should be having little plastic parts like that when i look at ellen i look at it like one of those british luxury cars like a range rover which i used to have one by the way i look at it like a range rover you know it looks really nice on the outside it's a luxury machine but all the accessories on it are just built to break and that's what i experienced the second reason is the handlebars now i'm not really sure who alet is making these mowers for but if you're a taller guy like me just expect that you're going to be hunched over the whole time mowing and it's going to end up killing your back and when you're mowing every other day then that's just not a sustainable way to keep on going and the third reason is their sales practices their new mower cost like five or six thousand dollars now i don't know who they're marketing that more for but i can't afford it i'm sure most of you guys can't afford it and i just can't get behind a company that's just going to keep on increasing their prices over and over and over again [Music]
Channel: Princess Cut Lawn Care
Views: 200,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reel Mower, Lawn Mower, Gas Reel Mower, Powered Reel Mower, Manual Reel Mower, Tru Cut, Tru Cut Reel Mower, Allett Reel Mower, Allett Mower, Allett Stirling, Allet, allett liberty 43, Allett Kensington, Swardman, Swardman Reel Mower, California Trimmer, Mclane, Mclane Reel Mower, Toro Greensmaster, Greensmaster 1000, Greensmower, Golf Course Lawn, Best reel mower, connor ward, ryan knorr, princess cut lawn care, lawn care
Id: xg0K_zLk934
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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