DON’T Lose GRIP Or You WILL FALL! (GTA 5 Funny Moments)

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oh look at that beautiful vehicle ladies and gentlemen we're driving if I'm gonna see these AMG GTR yeah but guys and my car is customized I got the GTR you guys just have to regular G it's for the poor people later later guys I am like about 10 times faster it might not be good at all you're right Josh but I'm faster that's all I'm saying we're going uphill you guys know I've actually driven this car in real life it was a feast yeah here we go guys we're starting off with a rainbow wall ride Oh tight rope and we got to go up checkpoint that was sweet wow that was quite difficult actually it was a little more difficult than I thought it would be what that's a tight rope as skinny as me in grade six did you just say that have you guys gotten past the skinny part yet jellies done it I can't even talk I made the checkpoint I'm at the type layer oh there's a tightrope come on Jordy hey josh is here too guys don't hit each other be nice he said something mean but it didn't really sound that mean all right Josh you have to go back some sorry man Josh I'm sorry I have to go back I have to go back Josh let's do the running but Josh I gotta go backwards so you're gonna have to run over my car oh no wait so Jory how are we gonna solve this I feel like I am further away from my platform than you or for your so you should probably back up I can as an independent witness that is not really that's not true Jenny come on no I know okay no no I can save this watch no you cannot respond let's say Nate and we'll be good Jilly Josh might have to be so rude all right guys we all made it yeah I was actually lying you just got to go forward yeah I just wanted to make it a little bit entertaining for myself I know I know I'm the great test guys for the tunnel yeah for the tunnel okay I feel like it's not aligned I don't know why yeah that's more like you got to go a little bit towards the left and then you're inside of the tunnel whoa yeah I made it in really but there's a second jump there's a second job there we go oh how long was your race one time Geordi I was not over come on come on oh I made it into the second one - guys please give me a check behind you please no no no oh my goodness guys there's a third jump there's a third job yeah but I made it that was amazing it wasn't even me you sucked honest oh my god Oh guys I'm failing go up the spire up go up the spiral okay you got to go up guys guys you got to go up or going up Jilly just keep going up it's all right going up Tori you realize that waited for you right here we go checkpoint all right I made that checkpoint Geordi is not even waiting for us Josh like I waited for him for so long and he's just gonna keep going you guys didn't ask it when I was waiting but I did it anyway okay all right there we go yeah should I wait oh wait I got to go up the ramps now I think what is this it's like a theme park map yeah this is a theme park Josh okay and hey Josh now you just we are the rollercoaster Josh why am i drifting around so much it's a little bit of a drift ecard Josh just a few it's just got rear-wheel drive that's about it both of you are over here so I can start driving Geordie didn't we say you could are you my mom no but I can whole you know you don't break the broken I'm gonna braking very alright Jory what's the struggle here buddy there's a green guy just oh alright so Geordie I just caught up with you because I pushed you off yes Josh you just drive around it's very difficult you have to be a professional a little bit wide I think he's lying you don't have to stand right I think we have to like move around a little yeah I I mean I got it so I'm on the last one it it's on the right side just you can do it on the left side too easy matter didn't mean it like that I meant right side is in the correct side idiot oh but that means that both sides are correct which means I am in first place which means you are right you see I just finished in first I'm the greatest time for the ultimate gta5 skill test container container sorry guys we're still learning we're all right well both Geordie and Josh made it and they're waiting Julie now yeah this is uh this is a great skill test I can't get through this wait no that's not a thing is it oh my god Josh almost did it oh it's definitely possible yeah it is because I almost did it whoa it looks so difficult what easier than it looks here we go I got it boys I got it you got my energy gotta go up up container I'm not very good at those come on Jenny was born in a container you were born in a lab mate [Laughter] [Music] guys I made it oh yay Josh come on Josh come on come on through the container Josh yes come on buddy come on yeah crazy any containers to dog through the bush push him push him push him where am I I can't see anything guess I made it on the stop sign I'm literally on the stop sign why don't you just respond oh my god no the last one a touch relax Martin for me actually pushed me off Souls have that kind of look there's all no not again oh but I'm the wrong way around but I think I'm fine reverse this is crazy we have to get into the Chili's no where do I don't know there's a stupid hole yeah but I wasn't listening and I didn't know what you meant warned him I thought there was a hole like in the hot war between the billboards or something no no no no what am i doing okay guys I made it again Here I am but what do I do whoa whoa slow down guys understand jelly drive we're in this in this gap do I go in this gap yeah I think so yes but I fell out again apparently you can fall out yeah we can you have to pee now I just got to turn around somehow bro it just drives me straight off okay I'm gonna do it backwards can i no I cannot do that backwards I don't know like the boots just keep on like hitting possible there we go it took me that long Josh says be careful Moe keep on driving I'm confused why do we go low not that slow okay well that's great josh is such a liar my goodness hi Josh loves lying yeah biggest liar of all the liars Oh Josh come on Josh give me a lion jelly oh my god I have a problem but I think I might make it please why do you literally flip over it I got Josh come on come on get the checkpoint yeah yes wait oh oh wait what oh yeah third place thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it click on that subscribe button and also make sure to check out the new exclusive jelly army t-shirts on jelly
Channel: Jelly
Views: 9,096,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, jelly, game, games, gaming, gta 5, races, skill course, skill test, troll map, new, funny, dlc, new car, gta 5 new car, gta 5 update, funny moments, wins, fails, compilation, gta 5 funny, impossible race, jelly gta 5 skill race, DON’T Lose GRIP Or You WILL FALL
Id: tHos9fqHBNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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