0,1% Chance To FIT Through The GAP! (GTA 5 Funny Moments)

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let's go we got another skill test and I've got a t20 whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there's brakes there's brakes okay so we got to dodge the brakes on the Spyro it made it how is that a thing okay so dodge the brakes but then Josh says you got to go fast at the end flows you've ever done in your life ever gone in my life so slow slow okay please okay come on Josh all right I'm back here thanks to Josh I need to be honest though I tried to push you off so you know yeah but still it sucks you guys Dehner dude that is next-level oh I'm going too fast Oh made it I got it dude I'm in the side of it are you kidding me wait well I'd like to get there yeah I have no idea Josh look where I landed a checkpoint yes you wherever you you are the best youtuber ever and Josh and it's gonna be be nice you know Josh I am subscribed and I am also a member of your channel come on please please please please Josh please please be nice oh my goodness okay actually I'm not subscribed and I'm not a member come on time for some wall right John do they make my race is better alright so alright get off the wall right slowly guys don't go too fast here my face snowing guys what's this what's with this hall flute I got the checkpoints actually actually pushed me in here I do not trust this look how this is lined up no you're right you're right back this is so suspicious no grace there's no way that you're supposed to do this for her that's why if someone doesn't understand Josh look look underneath it you were right alright if you go forward so you get that boost you fly off and then you got to do it all again that's the whole point because we're really good just keep going backwards Josh I've asked publicly Becky what do i do what do i do what do I do you guys think I'm dumb I see myself better than the average what how do you I did the first time but then okay backwards today's pretty good where's the check point please don't do something to me now all right we're gonna continue on jail I mean I'm sure it's a really easy spiral wall right great I love me what do this jelly did as well I don't know what you're talking about what is wrong with you I actually don't know what you're talking about I fell off Josh Joshua Robert and I feel like there's some oh come on Josh dirty doesn't break say the bottom oh no I didn't know you little ymca why is Josh so terrible okay so you're supposed to go up go up and get a chick boy do so well Josh you lucky head start do you guys also always sweat during these races cuz I do no Pig like you come on come on Jordy I was just driving down again alright so once you make to the top if we keep going alright we got spirals okay we know he sucks so you know he needs that Head Start is fine wall ride jumps anything special yikes yikes the what Yankees do we go up I think we got to go up there definitely Josh fall down accidentally I feel like there's gonna be a break here somewhere okay I'm going up yeah and you guys are gonna tell me right when the brake come nope yeah oh no I don't know there it is yeah - whoa jillee careful Josh careful all right dodge it make sure you don't all right and once you've made that we've got a really really big wall right here Josh did you fold onto the brake I landed at the top of my car kept bouncing and just fell off well you know what it there really is right you publicly need to ask oh yeah yeah yeah oh I can't no I can't I like the way you say that I have to publicly on but it doesn't mean we will hey that doesn't mean we will really you got this I do I do do a triple backflip into a spiral jump OH traverse it and it's okay let's wait here for Josh let's wait here for Josh there he is hello everyone let's keep [Music] shorty are we really gonna do this at the same time oh god is good it's just good I saw I saw your shadow Jordy what are you guys doing the easiest slow no yep you're right why yes he's serious yes you can easy skip now easy guys I'm publicly asking you to wait for me come on come on yes that's it all right let's keep going boys what are you guys waiting for is too slow well you publicly asked us to wage ember all right so we got a couple breaks on the spiral down wide yeah it was my fault it was not easy boy that's a really you see boy at checkpoint boy oh come on I wasn't even touching that there we go I made it past the brakes that's it way too long way too long guys you actually need to do the brakes backwards it was Jordi's now wait what is this last checkpoint guys it's a mega wall right yeah but it's really hard to get on there all right so I'm at the wall right as well it's apparently really hard to get on there from its logo boy too slow go man it was about about 7:00 not yet there's like jump come on I fell down the wall ride touch fell down I still have an opportunity to do this nasty bamboozles what this is definitely doing it for somebody yeah this is a DNF guys we all agree on it okay here we go so I have no idea what the struggle is this is only my first time on the wall ride so what's at the end guys explain to me that black with orange platform no I can say black with orange platform what does it do it I'm there like you'll see but the wall ride continues you gotta jump on the black and orange ha ha you sure you can't cheat this guy's feel like you can cheat as well it's not Josh what what's the final final ending oh my god it's gonna dangle to it it's got an egg yeah what's the struggle you have to land on my big Papa but the bottom is no there's a wall right end guys it's a black and orange platform oh yeah that was such a big jump well as I've seen it's like orange stripes you'll see it you'll see it but you get like one chance and then the wall where I just ends right after black and red that's up orange black and red it's red no that's a different platform that's after that chilli the tiny one right that's after yes but first you need to land on a black and orange platform why so you continue again you'll see you'll see once you're there you'll see you'll understand yeah no but I was there I saw the black and orange it was like 200 meters before the super tiny platform oh this is not good Josh this is not good wait Josh I don't want to go in front ok you go in front where you both are there Josh you're still slipstreaming me yep I got it I got it what is save what a save Josh get out of there get out of there because ok one two guys I made it I made it Kelly made it after all this waiting first place better better check out this new hot merchandise on jelly store calm and if they're feeling serious and make sure you have a look at these two awesome mystery boxes the gold one is my favorite
Channel: Jelly
Views: 6,872,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, gta 5, funny, fails, wins, new, game, games, gaming, new game, skill, skillcourse, impossible race, races, 1% Chance To FIT Through The GAP, jelly, dlc, update, new cars
Id: -Su0JK_3buc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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