Dominion Power - Juanita Bynum

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why don't you put those same hands together for Jesus oh come on put your hands together for him [Music] so worthy to be praised isn't he so worthy to be honored hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus inaudible ko saing attention [Music] hallelujah yeah you can be seated in his name [Music] Wow I give honor to God to his son Jesus to his son pastor parsley and his wife powerful consistently powerful men of God to brother Donnie and to Pastor Winans and Gary Oliver and pastor K H and I pass together to all of the saints that have been called to this place in the spirit for this night and some came but this will only benefit those in a called because the Bible said that when the children of Israel left Egypt a mixed multitude one out I believe that there were some of those are just not going out with the crowd but tonight I have a strong impression in my spirit I'm shaking tonight because the Lord has sent me here on an assignment and I know that when you look at the office of a prophet is not a very well embraced office but one thing I've come to know and that is I'm smart enough to know that prophets are not invited when a prophet come there on an assignment and so then it takes a man of God that is in tune with God to realize when the voice of the prophet needs to be heard and I feel grateful tonight because I sense in my spirit that when you a man like pastor parsley who we have nothing to hide then you don't fear a prophet but I come in peace tonight the Holy Ghost is not angry more disturbed but there's something that he wants to say I [Laughter] had that experience up until about Wednesday I still did not really know what was going on but pastor Parsley's face just kept coming before me I had some things that were on my schedule that the Lord said canceled and I guess when you're not trying to get anywhere a cancellation doesn't bother you because every big door is not a blessing I'm learning every day of my life that I only want to be where the will of God is for my life because you can walk into someplace that is massive to the people but destructive to your spirit so I'm just protecting what it is I've fought so long to get I mean I've been through some things and so and I've learned that the anointing don't come cheap you know gifts and talents anybody can open up a Bible and quote some scriptures and make some phone jump but the only people that are responding if those that are of your own kind pretenders respond to pretenders and Liars respond to liars and entertainers respond to entertainers but when you've paid a price for the anointing the anointing responds to the anointing the Bible says that the big call it unto the deep inhalation deep in God you won't even understand what I'm about to say tonight so I'm only talking to those that have paid a price to get to where you y'all know I ain't setting focus I'm nobody in here intimidate me I ain't scared of nobody came with a man already in me I don't need nobody shout Amen so I get through telling you what God said you gonna know a man is all ready in me but ask the Lord what is this thing called that everybody's up in Adam about all these years I've been watching on television what is this thing called the Dominion camp meaning said people don't come in by tapes and they gonna and they're gonna comment by tapes and some of them are gonna go home and steal messages and all that stuff yeah you know they been in God's presence in a week so you know they just gonna steal somebody else word like God gave it to them but he said that is not what it's all about and in order for me to help tonight I got to go back to the way God gave it to me I went that aisle and I just got to admit this to you I just picked up with simple dictionary because some time when I using other things I'd get confused and I'm saying is that the Greek is that the Hebrew is in folks from the ghetto you know you just you just you just I'd I don't fret about it when I get to big words I don't know I just keep moving get to the point you know you're gonna fret yourself about it you know get to something you don't know how to pronounce you said never that but I'll just keep on going because the part that God wants you to get here clarified and I look this thing up and I said to myself in the plain old dictionary I turned and I just got to give some other refresher course he said don't many young look that word up Dominion it said the supreme authority or control it said it's around and its sovereign P and then I shifted in the Holy Ghost took me on and said that has turned to the word sovereign says having the supreme rake in power but the dictionary didn't say sovereign it said sovereignty look the sovereignty and it said something like this royal ranking and supreme power it said total independence which means that anybody that is working with the Dominion power it is a supreme ranking royalty it is the kind of power that doesn't exist off of its surroundings in other words you ain't got to like me for the power to exist you know what I'm saying you don't have to encourage a person to come to church one day walking in a Dominion and you look at people that realize that that they're going through some things and and then the children are still on drugs and and their husband is still not saved and a lot of junk is going on all around them but then you gotta ask yourself a question when you just look overhead boat that don't look like they got a whole lot of money and oh and just look like they just praising God and just sweating in the hominin screaming and you gotta ask yourself what makes a person jump and shout and scream and holler when all hell is breaking around them what makes a Gary Oliver Lohara saying anyway after he's lost his leg up what makes a man keep going up when all odds are against him because he's operating with oh my god it comes from an authority that's not of this world and every time I tap into it what I feel myself getting shaken into the Dominion power of the holy house and what I like about of this is suffering it don't need permission to work this kind of power works it works when you sleep this kind of power works when when you don't even know what's going on in your life I'm gonna get to something in a minute to help you because when you look at somebody and watch this you know when you look at somebody like Stephen who was calling on the name of Jesus and while he was preaching a gospel past the policy know what this is all about while he was preaching of gospel that are nobody wanted to hear he was calling the name of Jesus and they picked up stones and began to throw stones at him and what happened was something strange have you ever seen somebody getting hit by stones and being stoned to death but in the midst of being stoner your spirit just get up and walk off while the rocks are hitting you and you know even you're not even responding to the rocks that's coming but to just end up walking right on off the quarry because that's the person in power don't have a lot of those people in this hour because I've never seen so many of us that I'm afraid for us that depend on people see I'm talking right now to a pastor that's that see the first of all how do you know that you are an individual that have that kind of Dominion power in your spirit because pastor pastor you can you can never work that power until you ain't got enough money see the only time this power shows up it's when there's a lack in the West room when you get to a point where you said god I can't do it no more I can't go no further I need some help I'm not gonna make it I'm getting better have a breakdown then that's when Dominion stops and thinks I can do all things through Christ that [Applause] what am I talking about my mother everybody's sitting there looking at me on the hedge what what am I talking about he hi hi uh three weeks ago I went and I said to myself I'm supposed to be at camp me and so I gone through a few little things and I went to the doctor and some masses showed up in my x-ray this was on a Wednesday and by Tuesday I was in surgery and cut some waste to waste and to other places in my body and the devil says not what are you going to do ha ha ha then it about it in here hear me say three weeks ago Wow that means ain't got no business having this kind of strength if it happened three weeks ago but he is the Dominion power it works when you sleep and watch your back is up against the wall he the doctor said we're gonna bring you in here we're gonna do this surgery I walked in the room when I saw everybody looking what the mask oh I said in my spirit I said Jesus as soon as I said Jesus I heard him say I just I just heard that for somebody later I laid down and went through six and a half hours I'm surgery and when I came out of surgery about eight hours later I was laying in the recovery room and the nurse came in and she said oh my god I got a I got a wrap your body up on it and she said I can't give you a pain pill because if I give you a pain pill she said it's gonna put you to sleep and I'm gonna need you to I'm just gonna have you you're gonna be dead weight on me and she said oh honey it's gonna hurt you supreme women supreme voices supreme anointed and when I when I good luck when I when I when I laid my body back down about 2:30 in the morning what am i workers called the hospital in the private room of the nurse said she said can I ask you a question Todd yeah she said yes ma'am she said what does this woman do she said why she said cuz every time I go in that room there's a there's a son that's in bed see what y'all don't realize is that you trying to do it but you not go see the Dominion power of God show up until you get what your backs against the wall look at you and say that's my son my god I can't pick this out but every time they look at you sing brother they have to say I can't explain it how many scriptures you know it's how many you can get wait watch this one day later I was home in my room and the doctor said well miss finally we want you to go to the bathroom and come back to your bed because it's gonna be a long time before you able to walk [Applause] some of y'all in here tonight God is taking you to your pain the prophetess through your next level this is because he got shot because you can't see us here no until you can't see giving you some insight wait I said my god I said God he said to me in that room he's sitting turn off the TV he said I don't want you to play nobody steps I turned off all of the religious tapes I didn't play no music I didn't play the television but I laid in that room and I fell off to sleep and every time I woke up I woke up and I stand I told everybody in the house I said don't come in here unless I called you here so I said to God I said what was what was that in 14 days I said you got a because is working on the inside but around you y'all ain't gonna say nothing right there cuz you think you could command God to do stuff you think you can say in the name of Jesus his daughter but if you ain't got no relationship you can't move so what is relationship relationship is how well are you oh wait a minute wait wait wait son see some of your semicolon here and there's watching this television show let me tell you something anybody that you see I mean I look at it pastor pastor pastor while is it then brother Donnie and all of us today yeah might always look at up here actor so oh my god yes someone not oh honey I just wanted you to pray that God has blessed me to just operate like you are you going through because you watch this I said to myself I said alright five days later the doctor said I want to see you I said all right he said take it easy because it's gonna be difficult and I went home and they had tubes hooked up to me and every hour they got to empty the tubes Darlene and I went back to the doctor walked in there the receptionist looked at me I walked past her [Applause] [Applause] what happened to you it's also move it okay parcel UK you can't say oh we got the power you can't mess up see see y'all don't I don't even know if you understand this and that is the grounds of this place see all week long all year long this is past the Parsley's Church when you watch the program on television it's his church Shh God has a strange way I'm taking a place and sand for this week in church it's rare camp meeting what's this he didn't say we gonna have a conference cuz camp meeting is a situation where and God showed this to me where there's nothing there's a fire [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] I went into the doctor the other doctor came in he looked at him he took all my bandages off he said this way all these stitches right he ain't supposed to be local to see in a week he said all the rest of this stuff you ain't supposed to be able to walk like this I'm on my way after doctor's office and the receptionist says you got the body of five people and I said no baby [Applause] [Laughter] mr. Canton right now just some of y'all feel you getting a shot past us IPE Angeles right what am I trying to say what profits Bob you don't know cuz when I came in can be I feel a week I feel look down I feel like I'm going through and I know I don't know what imma do you remember what I said that he was going to well it doesn't depend upon human resources to be something it does not depend on how hot the praise and worship seekers is to be power well it does not what am i doing right now I'm freeing somebody that's in the house right now that saying I wish I had a winter camp me I'm freeing something that's seven in here now let's say one reason God like that it's really not me goddess wanna give you a watch this so I took my self watch this and I look up I looked up I had looked that that word and I looked at the flyer and the flyer said no minion gave me and it was really pretty hectic so it's there to roll back on the undersurface from the tip of the margins and some leaves do before they are expanded implicit so two revolute me to go in your spirit and go back from the first day that God saves you from the beginning and roll that thing back to the beginning because it's like you gotta throw it is when you've been through so much so your testimony Satan because if he did that [Applause] he brought you second attempt some of y'all car some of y'all in here dancing and shout and you don't forgot you was crazy you don't forget how your husband used to beat you up you don't forget the things you didn't have nothing to eat go get some money I know you got a Neiman Marcus outfit now and you got some bad shoes off but you ain't always been like y'all right now now see right there you ought to play Scott Resnick right oh wait wait wait wait wait a minute wait a minute I'm not talking about no chance praise ain't a little clap phrase you know attach praises oh oh yes Father oh Jesus horrible Alessia [Applause] [Applause] I didn't say your boys cried out I said your sow maybe I could help you with this stay my family so passive I'm finished best touch the box he said the soap what is it I don't hurry folks safe it's not a revolution we were in a revolution but my house dictionary saying daddy a revolution is masculine in a broad political overthrow or seizure of power brought from within the system wait wait Washington so why is it that this year we're doing it like this while you're here by the television camera is showing her people's houses because it has to be a collective decision of all parties involved that we ain't taking it no more watch them watch this watch this watch about what a schmuck watching see it ain't it ain't something you think about it is wrapped okay it's like this it's it's you just going along in your day in the kitchen obviously and start looking around your house and say I know the devil ain't in my weight carefully happy now could help me Sika some of us today God said it's very prophetic that I'm here because the month of July is the seventh month and tonight is the night but by the time you see this on television god kobrine and already tweeted when he said he was going to do so God said tonight and I'm gonna do that while you're late or say that in here he's about get you to the point that watch this revolution hits you don't say to yourself when you drive on your car I can't wait I get home because I feel something down in my spirit and I'm so sick of the devil I'm tired of the devil see when when there is a revolution you start Holland where you there's somebody just get what I said I said did you just get what the Holy Ghost situation [Applause] just hearing the holy goats say to me while I was recuperating overthrow it I see something else to come up and God I said Oh thought and I said what God I want you to work he said he said you ain't you ain't you ain't God he said sitting on the inside of you see that's why past the park sleeping when you can't before me twice twice yesterday the Holy Ghost said the warfare that he encounters he's not cos he's a pastor cuz they everybody building the church because the Holy Ghost said this to me he said they have the form of my godly the Watchers they have the form of God watch this but they're denying the power thereof he said many have stolen my form cuz my form can get you on TV my phone can help you build a church my form can get some members in your church but only my power can keep you the reason why members don't stay cuz you got the phone but you ain't got the power so God - the water that you encounter it's not because you are pastor but because you have chosen to stand in the gap and use this place as the meeting ground buddy that's all I can go make a revolution like the Holy Ghost said there is nothing in your life that you cannot delight over [Applause] nobody no you don't believe it [Applause] you're believing watch this watch what I stumbled across why is it right now that uh I feel no pain no God ain't saying that so y'all age saying nothing so I said well the Lord and He healed up and he done gave you five miracle two weeks after him into the surgery one part section of my body split open and the doctor said we can't close it because he said there's something fun that is in there and he said the body won't shut up huh after the foreign thing comes out whew the doctor said what you looking for is a beauty he said but I'm looking for purification y'all ain't gonna like this tonight and God has said what some of y'all pastors are looking for it's the PMSA you have drop see the trench I don't build that's where we are you looking for beauty but doc said ain't gonna let that think on the duck I'm talking purification don't let go see nothin in here some of y'all wonder why your ministry you looking for beautiful patient and as long as there's no fee application there shall not be any anytime they look at you they'll see your open sore watch this y'all they sailor watch this watch this watch it what's my what is my open so on well oh yeah well when they don't call your name for stun and you go home man gosh that dad is he said yo stitches done bus told me yeah when they well why did they recognize me well when I said my guy can't get nobody come and help me out I'm trying to build this church I only need one more million dollars why I see microphone gear why I seem like they won't help me why I see my because God is saying if they help you they long [Applause] he said if they assist you they will [Applause] watch the glory it wasn't it wasn't so I didn't understand yo why the Lord said go to camp-meeting anyway I said what I said what you saying he said I said go to camp-meeting anyway because there's a whole lot of people walking around with I don't really so on you come on y'all a saying that he said he said you gonna stand in the building classy for every open so that won't hurt [Music] because there's another scoop of that sweat they were healed y'all ain't saying nothing some of y'all won't step out and obey God because you said hang on the friends ain't got enough support Bank on the blood bank I'm the time bank I love this and God said I'm the one that causes the shortage because I want to expand you get very good America [Applause] [Music] he said he said what did I say in my watch the show he's in the book of Revelation was written I said to reveal the happening who's the mysteries the coins owns of what God is going is going to do see now that I'm staying this Eloi Eloi they got in the battle over there and the king said I'm killing somebody because y'all in here every time we said ambush these folk keep finding out what my plant is and can I just pair face that he said we telling nothing he said there's a man over there walking in Dominion [Applause] keep telling him he said whoa - but it didn't he didn't stop there he said he said what we gonna do it and he told us look servant he said they service said they don't want to get everybody against this and we were surrounded I'm here I'm feeling somebody he said we surround and I can't go we can't go nowhere we surround watch this watch this I want you to I want you to look at look at how how about illustrators he then the little boy come about and say we messed up they we surrounded everybody everybody is against us and it Lashley goes on he said we got more than they do anything [Applause] so this kid looks sentiment sensing you offer he said we're surrounded and he said god help this in mature spiritually in matul child to see what I see when the boy looked up their game he said you know what it'd be more see let me help you out with something God said to me about eight months ago he said in the RAM of the flesh the demo operates because I've allowed him victory in the realm of the flesh he said so anytime my believers go in the flesh to resolve anything they're going to lose because the devil has the victory in the flesh RAM but he ain't got the victory in the spirit rap that he said the reason why you can't see your way out because you live in too low you're bringing too low you're walking too low in a ramen so you can see your deliverance puppet whatever I think you won't look at you you sir they be more with me then with them and when I said Lord what shall I do for Dominion camp-meeting he said turn he said you remember that little scripture that we used to call in Sunday school karate he says now unto Him that is God helps somebody to receive this people of God not tomorrow people in television land not tomorrow now to you from falling let me just bring this in why did you go not you okay not you but you you don't wanna do right tell you that's it watch this one watch this here now classy watch this m'gann just start going on just keep me bug keep me her God keep then the day you're meeting tomorrow you don't the old guy give me one day you don't see what happens when you put his word on the inside of your spirit his word [Applause] [Applause] win-win now okay please get this win what profits madam you don't know what my life is like right now I don't care God just said yeah okay let me just bring this closer to you you have just been changed I think y'all got me mixed up with an advancement I just promised I'd have to kill think I'm just a teacher tonight [Applause] you better get that and start running somebody but I'm get and stop it [Applause] it [Applause] something is going out over the television right now something is going on at the ready to land right now it's in your living room right now it's on your couch right now somebody because the shot in this place go ahead I'm doing it listen and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with more than enough joy more enough joy why I don't feel no pain coz he doing it now I didn't take no painkillers for I walked in here I took a Dominion but watch this like I dis right here this right here is your home stretch cuz this right here took me into a realm that I saw stuff that I've been waiting on I says I saw it happening see me let's help you with something I'm looking at it right now and in this place right now I'm looking at stuff over your lives and over the lives of people that are watching on TV and then stuff it's happening you don't believe what I just said you don't think you want me to prove it well why I got to holler like that right I mean don't say well I gotta praise God like well when I got that job who said I got that the Bible told me that David was on the backside of the desert and he was praising God and worshiping God and Samuel was going so swimmingly anointing up a soul and getting David ready I want to ask you something - what is it that God is doing for you right now that you don't know God is doing and what God has said if you just stop praising me and stop trying to pickup me out he's it already got so here it's hey baby it's a fix fight he didn't bring you in here to get new Dominion he brought you in here to remind you that you already got don't miss what are you saying you better use it and you better I'm through pluses to D now this might hit will be up to the only wise God my rescuer be closer now I don't know how you can stand there any hope you when I say this next word because you better tell your labor baby excuse me this next time I gotta get out of this room because I gotta don't worry about honey I'm working on something I know I make it a little loud in a few minutes but I just found out that he is glory and majesty [Applause] you know [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bacon [Applause] it's breaking in your house [Applause] break it in your children [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] it's a revolution [Applause] it's a revolution it's a revelation [Applause] gravure overthrowing over tilman over throat overthrow overthrow of authority overthrow 30 over property overthrow that sickness I'm talking to some man in television overthrow their poverty the powers in uniting that God said one more time somebody to give God a sacrifice breeze oh and it is something that you ain't never done before because when you do something [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let me tell you when you got it let me tell you when you get don't miss it because when the me lose it starts that don't stop your breath [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] it said smell of our son yavakoto where are our Arabic Asya [Applause] y'all they saying that the devil should have killed me he should have never let y'all get here not this year he should've never let you get here but now that you're here [Applause] you ain't going back home nowhere you ain't going back home back [Applause] [Music] see the makeup yourself I got to go let me tell you sir see when you walk [Music] in don't minion you don't come to church walking like this you come to church when I walk there citizen I just got set up for a miracle because I don't know what kind of Bible y'all read but I read the word when it said that driver said that come children Israel they said the mole that they will press them they multiply so I'm trying to change our attitude tonight by telling you instead of saying state law review key i ban you right now tell the double make my day because return you put your hands on me so what am I trying to say i'ma leave you with this wherever the devil whatever and whenever the enemy has got his hands in your life s getting rid of multiply now that's a revolution you ain't got to wonder what God is getting ready to next check the trapper and wherever the trouble is that's where multiplication is gonna stop hmm [Applause] see when the devil touched the Sun that came out of your loins now here come many sons now there shall be a quadrupling in the birthing that you're going to do when you open up your mouth and sing though they say nothing god I can't I can't even get this thing out see where wherever where you profits back you don't know the death the devil is touching my marriage and you get ready have a honeymoon now that's da Minton the devil is touching my job now Dominion can I get somebody shout in here ministry where you get rid of gonna make a ministry Martin ministry now glass dome in you God listen to this as I walk off this platform watch this God told me to tell you that when the thing hits an area press in to that area get when the enemy comes messing with your family some of y'all are saying I don't know what to do come out of that secret closet and going in that kitchen like my mama used to do and as soon as we sit down and get ready to eat mother fix the table and all five of us would sit out at that time I was getting high he was with we were just going crazy and mother will go to that kitchen table and lay the table out and bring all the food on table and just I'm not lying she says a cloud with a fight the trees what is she doing she taken from Michaela she's telling the enemy though you got your hands in here you got a battle of your hands [Applause] until that shitty old farm daddy mmm-hmm see you they think you're crazy on your job anyway you might as well go and take that trip to the bathroom and get in that stall see when you do that kind of stuff once you tell the demo on this ground not you not you not you [Applause] about a watchlist you got people in this place tonight I was in the back enemy said you ain't gonna be able to preach you sick I said my spirit ain't devil watch this and since I don't preach in the flesh I won't be needing the flesh since you don't live in the flesh you won't be leading the press since you don't give in the flesh you won't [Applause] because I close tonight you tell yourself he said every time you see this video every time your mind go back to the night he said he's there you know I got you tell me as my stop telling me I already know we got away why you ain't fixed it he said I already did I'm just waiting for you to see no watch this right here when I start sitting back then I heard pastor parsley out here talking he was he was talking about the Raven and all that and he was ministering some of y'all said out here but watch this let me tell you all let me tell you something ministry home let me tell you something you in this meeting and this is the last night and Dominion doesn't start operating in the beginning because I don't y'all praise and worship leaders I'll require first itit can't be [Music] Oh y'all was bad to the last night's stop coming there boy start giving out then you had to start singing with Romanian I mean everybody in here we gonna hide until the Holy Ghost said last night get me a praise because what you do understand is when you walk from out of the can't be you got to get close enough to the fire for your neighbors to smell the smoke see you ain't gonna have to go back to your church pastors timer let me tell y'all what God did for me and I'm tell you it's gonna be some changes around here and mission it so feel home that ain't gonna change around here how do we get this place you gonna walk in your pulpit when you get back home and they're gonna say they gonna ask you you smell something and see one thing about smoke when you eat it low enough you don't stop you don't realize you smell like smoke and so they don't say you smell something you gonna sound smelling it but every now did they go hear one of these come out of you they're gonna say what happened to you you gonna say captain baby Kathleen [Applause] [Music] how did you how did you finish building your church with less people that you started with don't make it how did your ministry take off to where this Dominion and God watch this listen to this when Pastor parsley was talking about the Raven God in that back room said to me he said listen he said there are some people who has to care 10 he said there are some people that are in this bill pass character and you one of those people I just want to said woo he said there were some people in this building tonight that God when he gave me that world had said in the month of July he said it's the divided line he said never tell he said everywhere you go tell him choose he said because the split is gonna take place in July and he said everything they know my side is going down they totally better plan he told me that in prayer he said tell the church Oh y'all keep on slide everything that ain't on my side I told you I'm scared I'm a prophet I said people people keep on humping and and all that stuff and thinking that and thinking that all that misses God and he took me the kree's a 16 he said of fly then got into all of the Apothecary he said everybody in the split is going down he said I'm getting better pay for compromise he said tell him in the month of July he said what do you mean God he said because people did all my side they don't walk in the flesh they don't operate in the flesh he said there are pastors and people that are started in this building right now pastor probably says this this was this now he said yes there's some people in this building right now you ought to just stretch forth and you ought to come on you ought to do this and some of y'all get $20 I'm real hungry some of y'all can even give a thousand God then I heard the Holy Ghost back there said this is this is the last night he said but this is what I'm saying I ain't saying do you he said when you when you stand on the floor as a prophet he said yeah I'm not saying you to say to them I'm not saying to you to say to them he said you know you know you talk you talk like that when you talking to some church people some believers some Dominion people and then God said to me I want my people out of this crowd tonight he said I want my dough million people to come from out of the congregation of the Dead I want you some ago shout in the night there is a doornail he said I want to pull my people of Dominion from the crowd he says because the church shouts but vows that are in Dominion obeys there's a difference he said the church dance but this next grade is for the million Remo it's the people my sister who can look right at their checking account and say this is my last but I can get this again because I walk in dough minion and he said that power cannot be proven until it's your last he said he that hundred washes he the hyung as it turns out the rice and shall be filled you don't feel full people he don't my staff said he maritime why do you do their problems why do you why do you get down to it why do you always do why are you always we go somewhere and see whenever whenever I believe in God for a project I tell people to work around me I said yeah I don't I'm not I haven't hired hirelings I have embraced people who walk in the spirit cuz I told them I said I walk in the office in it any day whenever God tell me I said it's hello I just want to make an announcement ain't nobody getting paid today cuz God just told me to take all the money we got and send it to so-and-so at his church and they be looking like this I said we quit quit cuz I could put an ad in the newspaper and hire some people I want power I want somebody who's able to see the cupboard empty and know there's a resource I know somebody that can work with me I don't need nobody get it because you're working with somebody that's well know how somebody can get down to the last bottom but the bail and say to me Papa's God steel here's a way make I do what God says now that's Dominion what happened to me every time we do it God triple God ripple got lapa lipples than whatever words you can think of I mean the windows of heaven just open up because the watch this cuz God keep telling me he said everything I've ever done in your life when I was driving each other book he said get that away and walk and I gained other way and walked didn't God said he blessed me with with the Toyota Camry and didn't brand-new he said now in the year and a half he said pay that off and give it to this lady in the church and walk care about my church says she just sucks dude we got Intel she gets social spiritually and God ain't telling that's just so stupid and I said to God walking down the street with tears in my eyes I said why don't you tell me to give my car Wayne ain't got a car he says I'm trying to show you that many cars are in you I'm trying to show you that you can give away anything and get it again you just because it's in you and I in your checking account is in you see y'all don't want to get happy right there I say cuz it's your comfort level here's what your balance say my comfort level here's what God says walked into the Mercedes dealership just like my hand down on a 300 SC bought the car a year and a half later God said go to the bank pay it off give it to that lady in the church and walk paid it off gave it to the lady in the church and walked and the Holy Ghost said now go pay cash with your limousine so and God already talking to me saying this H so level I'm taking you all the way to your green he said now the reason why I want you to pay cash for it cuz you're gonna give it to somebody because you got it so any cuz I keep trying to tell you you can get anything you want in you it ain't it ain't it come on somebody you see a lot of us do this we give it because we see what's over here and God said that in Dominion until you give it and they ain't got nothing left that's Dominion that's rulership from another great now watch this five seconds ago the right daddy's a with this place in music sit some see it ain't no note on that piano that can that can put a yes Lord in a person's spirit when it ain't already in their obedience ain't in the piano God spoke to me he said there are people in this building tonight he said this month I'm giving you financial dominion because I see it I said listen to this mimic ah women of God you better snuggle up next to your husband he said they'd get that checkbook out because they see you got to understand something when God sends a prophet and tell me to say it I'm just gonna say he said what pastor pastor said today wasn't just matter-of-fact ish he said now you down to the last he said God told me he said there are many people in this building tonight he said walk in Dominion he said there are many of you in this border tonight God said now when you write the check for $1,000 I'm gonna give you Dominion in the area of finances that won't cease it somebody better start moving right now cuz I feel something that you know I can't ain't the storyteller I'm not the kind as well let me tell you why you should but I would said my sheep know my voice and restrained it they will follow and the Holy Ghost it come right now because it is it's not Dominion until it hurts it's not Dominion until you have to do it bent over see let me help you with something this ain't often cuz offerin says give cheerfully Dominion says I don't want to do this this is not what I feel this is hurting me it's a sacrifice it's pain and I'm not happy about it but I'm going through a transition because I'm walking God let your people believe it you're walking out of the natural realm of what you're used to in your finances into something else gods that come right now if I can just get 100 people to grab a hoe - what just came out of my mouth there will be a financial revolution in this building so I said again something just happened I don't know when I feel it and see somebody ah when I say that I keep hearing some of y'all praise God and then you stop I don't think you understand what the Holy Ghost is saying something in the area of what you've been believing God power okay I'm gonna say it one more time if what lesson I don't think I'm crazy but I'm gonna say anyhow if what do I believe in God for unique keys to get in it go in your purse and take out some keys like you didn't in a pop lacking walking in a living room because God said it just happened God if I could get somebody just keep praising it ah ha you better shake them keys plenty ain't no advances I'm a prophet you better sick of letting new peace come over here pastor you better secret like it's the key to yo new church you better shake it like it's the key to your new house [Applause] [Music] I know your neighbor pink you crazy I'm gonna sell you so stupid [Music] [Applause] I can feel it Capri's right now cuz her car come over here something get very rough in this place come on son get rid of rap in this place and it's got something to do with money revolution revolution the Lord said overthrow poverty right now [Applause] [Applause] settle on a juice - praising God for money some of y'all scared to praise God for money money comes with Dominion stop waving with money [Applause] it's a revelation and God we in science [Music] I'm giving his microphone I'm giving this microphone back to pass the proxy now but before I leave the platform alone just told me to tell you to do something [Music] [Applause] and this is prophetic so don't miss this [Music] last night the last night accountant Eva you can't miss this because an actual change like this he's getting me to happen in your watch this in the way you operate the Holy Ghost said he's anointing the mouth of every individual in this place watch this watch this watch this and he said you turn to your neighbor whether it's your wife whether it's your friend whether it's for pastor whether you know him or not and he said I know the unknown team these worms are going to follow them for years to come he said look them in their eyes and point your finger and when I count to three he said shout it to them I'm not talking about you he said shout it to their face you've got Dominion [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stretch your hand toward this servant of God stretch your hand toward that servant of God those of you that are coming don't you miss this don't you miss that word you keep coming let's just let them through you keep coming you keep coming nobody gets left out not on the last night nobody gets left out [Music] your seed is important to your harvest you keep coming [Music] this precious woman of God cut from the into him three weeks ago most of you can't get over cold in three weeks [Music] and she held nothing back from you nothing now you stretch your hands toward her she operated under a high anointing and everybody always says yeah but when she gets back then the anointing lifts off of a general hitter no it won't no it won't no it won't you speak that Dominion life that's in her and in you to resurrect in her speaking I want her to hear it in the back of the building I want her spirit to hearing her spirit to hearing Dominion now freeze if that is alive on a right now it's alive in a right now it's alive its alive shop - you wanna be a revolution [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Piku [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen to me listen to me keep coming job Johnny wait wait witness Shepard woman come touch this woman right here contact God just told me he's gonna give her a financial miracle in 15 days touch her touch her right there right there c'mere Joanie to keep coming to come and kick some people looking at me just your parsley a man of his stature get down and roll on the floor I turn flip-flops I don't have no dignity but I want to have dignity for our role again I rode you didn't I'm holding my miracle [Applause] [Music] I roll again the number one thing that my son has been frightened of another one of those imprints is any time there are clouds and if it rains he goes and goes upstairs and gets under the bed and pulls all the covers up over him and sits in there in shapes and sweats and cries he's he's done it since it was two years old he watched The Weather Channel and if a storms come in three days from now that fear grips him you didn't know it but we've been having next to tornadoes outside we I said next to because we've been having one in here [Applause] I didn't know what about 15 minutes ago they said the storms have gotten really ugly so I turned to one of our assistants I said you go now go now and check on my baby because I'll tell you got to leave you in a heartbeat go help my baby my baby means more to you I love you but I got to tell you he means more than you do the storm was really ugly Austin did what he always does ran and hid under the bedding under the blankets for 15 minutes but suddenly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but some of you got to get some suddenly in fact when you get back to the hotel there gonna be a message light on your phone Dalli Dalli Dalli there's a miracle waiting [Applause] [Music] you can laugh at me call me stupid call me I don't care what you call me you couldn't give me a miracle you ain't that bad God told me if you want your son delivered that's before I knew knew this said if you want your son delivered prove to me you're not too proud to worship Me he said the next time that anointing jumps off her jumps on you roll [Music] well I don't care if he tells me to braid like a donkey get out of my way I don't care what you think about well a man of his stature I got no stature don't want no stature don't want no clout with you not trying to impress you or you in the height of the lightning and thunder my boy just popped his head [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he picked up two books and said I want to read this the boy they said had never read never go to school never know I was this daddy [Music] but then when God says roll I roll what do you want to read Austen I want to read helpful house treasury of Christian virtues most of you can read it he announced to his caregiver she said he looked up with the Thunder and the lightning and looked around and announced quote I am never going to be afraid of storms again [Applause] [Music] Ron Darlene run run Ghana sent your children free if you run he'll set them free [Music] [Applause] he then read his story told his caregiver it's time to pray prayed his prayer laid his head on her shoulder sang a chorus of silent night with a thunder rollin silent night with the rain fallen silent night [Music] looked up at his caregiver gave her a kiss and politely fell asleep they traced it to exactly the time I was rolling in the presence of the Lord you want a revelation or not you want a revolution on now how dare you to praise a black who had ever Princeton [Applause] here's an me today a new commitment words you got a child that needs deliverance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] tell these people why you got your shoes off I have been not been without pain in the bottom of my feet for four and a half months and tonight it's all gold [Applause] [Music] [Applause] - Panchali rejoice in the Lord every time the shell we see your brain [Music] [Applause] retort everybody come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] let me see your brain No [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you know [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Encounter Today
Views: 143,121
Rating: 4.7789316 out of 5
Keywords: Columbus, Ohio, WHC, World Harvest Church, 1999, 99, Dominion, Camp, Meeting, Rod Parsley, Pastor, Prophetess, Juanita Bynum, Bynum, Power, Austin, Parsley, Roll, Encounter, Encounter Today, Today, Christ, Church, Encounter Christ Church, Albemarle, NC, DiDio
Id: dBhod_3Eerg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 26sec (7046 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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