"YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS" - David Goggins Motivational Speech

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when you're nothing nothing and change yourself into something like me you call it happiness peace whatever the you want to call it people are missing exactly what went on with David gogins why don't you smile I do I do but I figure something out that's why I am never you'll never hear me say I'm missing something I found it years ago you find find it in the suck you find it in the suck and you find it repeatedly in the suck to the point where you know exactly who you are most people are missing something because they don't know who they are they never examine themselves they they've never done this experiment on themselves the lab rat we're all Lab Rats but you're also the scientist you create your own self most people are missing something because they're so much trapped in there I I want to say potential I think that's word used out too much too there's so much in you that God or whever the hell you believe in or if you're atheist in you that you have not un unlocked that you walk around with this gorgeous wife or great husband and all this money like God I feel like I'm missing something yeah because it's about 75% of you is still in there still chained up because you just didn't want to find your willpower didn't want to find your soul your will your heart your determination your guts your courage and with that looks like it looks scary like your little scary lab I went in scary to wake up every day and say I'm stupid but I'm want to figure out a way to be smarter versus saying man I just can't do that so you limit this box so your box become so small of things you can do my box wasn't even a box it was a little like little pinhole and then through examining myself getting some willpower some courage it became bigger than this table but that's what we all do that's why I wanted to come here today and talk to you about real sh not noing like hacks there's no hacks bro it's you against you you against you and if you misunderstand that you have a real problem real problem I can understand you misunderstand me running down the street shirt off this no yeah I can I can get it I get it if you misunderstand what I'm saying right now today the problem is you and you don't want to fix it our culture has become hooked on the quick fix the life hack efficiency everyone is on the hunt for that simple action algorithm that Nets maximum profit with the least amount of effort there's no denying this attitude may get you some of the trappings of success if you're lucky but it will not leave lead to a callous mind or self-mastery if you want to master the mind and remove your Governor you'll have to become addicted to hard work because passion and Obsession even Talent are only useful tools if you have the work ethic to back them up my work ethic is the single most important factor in all of my accomplishments everything else is secondary and when it comes to hard work whether in the gym or on the job the 40 rule applies to me a 40-hour work week is a 40% effort it may be satisfactory but that's another word for mediocrity don't settle for a 40-hour work week there are 168 hours in a week that means you have the hours to put in that extra time at work without skipping on your exercise it means streamlining your nutrition spending quality time with your wife and kids it means SC scheduling your life like you're on a 24-hour Mission every single day the number one excuse I hear from people as to why they don't work out as much as they want to is that they don't have time look we all have work obligations none of us want to lose sleep and you'll need time with the family or they'll trip the out I get it and if that's your situation you must win the morning when I was fulltime with the seals I maximized the dark hours before Dawn when my wife was sleeping I would bang out a six to 10 mile run my gear was all laid out the night before my lunch was packed and my work clothes were in my locker at work where I shower before my day started at 7:30 a.m. on a typical day I'd be out the door for my run just after 4:00 a.m. and back by 5:15 a.m. since that wasn't enough for me and because we only owned one car I rode my bike I finally got my own 25 miles to work I'd work from 7:30 a.m. to noon and eat at my desk before or after my lunch break during the lunch hour I'd hit the gym or do a 4 to Six Mile Beach run work the afternoon shift and hop on my bike for the 25m ride home by the time I was home at 700 p.m. I'd have run about 15 miles Rock 50 miles on the bike and put in a full day at the office I was always home for dinner and in bed bed by 10: p.m. so I could do it all over again the next day on Saturdays I'd sleep in until 700 a.m. at a three-hour workout and spend the rest of the weekend with Kate if I didn't have a race Sundays were my active recovery days I do an easy ride at a low heart rate keeping my pulse below 110 beats per minute to stimulate healthy blood flow maybe you think I'm a special case or an obs exessive Maniac fine I won't argue with you but what about my friend Mike he's a big-time financial advisor in New York City his job is high pressure and his workday is a hell of a lot longer than eight hours he has a wife and two kids and he's an ultra Runner here's how he does it he wakes up at 4:00 a.m. every weekday runs 6 to 90 minutes each morning while his family is still snoozing rides a bike to working back and does a quick 30 minute a treadmill run after he gets home he goes out for longer runs on weekends but he minimizes its impact on his family obligations he's high-powered wealthy as and could easily maintain his status quo with less effort and enjoy the sweet fruits of his labors but he finds a way to stay hard because his labors are his sweetest fruits and he makes time to get it all in by minimizing the amount of clogging his schedule his priorities are clear and he remains dedicated to his priorities I'm not talking about General priorities here either each hour of his week is dedicated to a particular task and when that hour shows up in real time he focuses 100% on that task that's how I do it too because that is the only way to minimize wasted hours evaluate your life in its totality we all waste so much time doing meaningless bull we burn hours on social media and watching television which by the end of the year would add up to entire days and weeks if you tabulate time like you do your taxes you should because if you knew the truth you deactivate your Facebook account stat and cut your cable when you find yourself having frivolous conversations or becoming insens snared in activities that don't better you in any way move the on it's more important to to own your weaknesses you got to really triple down on the those man because why you want to become a full human being we like to run away from weaknesses like for instance if you're good at running all you want to do is run if you're great at reading you have several books but we don't do those things that we're not good at so for me I realized I keep on running away from these things I'm not good at I have to dive into these things I have to become one with these things and that's what happened and so I I I own them both and I talk very openly about them both for years I've lived like a monk I don't see or spend time with a lot of people my circle is very tight I post on social media once or twice a week and I never check anybody else's feeds because I don't follow anyone that's just me I'm not saying you need to be that unforgiving because you and I probably don't share the same goals but I know you have goals too and room for improvement and I guarantee that if you audited your schedule you'd find time for more work and less it's up to you to find ways to eviscerate your bull how much time do you spend at the dinner table talking about nothing after the meal is done how many calls and texts do you send for no reason at all look at your whole life list your obligations and tasks put a timestamp on them how many hours are required to shop eat and clean what's your commute like can you make it there under your own power block everything into wind Windows of time and once your day is scheduled out you'll know how much flexibility you have to exercise on a given day and how to maximize it perhaps you aren't looking to get fit but have been dreaming of starting a business of your own or have always wanted to learn a language or an instrument you're obsessed with fine the same rule applies analyze your schedule kill your empty habits burn out the and see what's left is it one hour per day three now maximize that that means listing your prioritized task every hour of the day you can even narrow it down to 15minute Windows and don't forget to include back stops in your day-to-day schedule remember how I forgot to include back stops in my race plan at Ultram man you need back stops in your daytoday schedule too if one task bleeds into overtime make sure you know it and begin to transition into your next prioritized task straight away use your smartphone for productivity hacks not clickbait turn on your calendar alerts have those alarms set if you audit your life skip The Bard and use back stops you'll find time to do everything you need and want to do but remember that you also need rest so schedule that in listen to your body sneak in those 10 to 20 minute power naps when necessary and take one full rest day per week if it's a rest day truly allow your mind and body to relax turn your phone off keep the computer shut down a rest day means you should be relaxed hanging with friends or family and eating and drinking well so you can recharge and get back at it it's not a day to lose yourself in technology or stay hunched at your desk in the form of a damn question mark the whole point of the 24 hour mission is to keep up a championship Pace not for a season or a year but for your entire life that requires quality rest and recovery time because there is no Finish Line there is always more to learn and you will always have weaknesses to strengthen if you want to become as hard as woodpecker lips hard enough to to hammer countless miles and finish that strong would you say you've built this almost like sadistic quality where you almost enjoy the pain I don't enjoy it it's necessary yeah it's necessary so every morning I wake up it's not just about working out but for me working out has been a very big part of my mental growth so for me if I am not challenging myself every day and I swear to God people will not believe it I was over almost 300 pounds twice in my life a person that does that twice in his life does not enjoy cardiovascular activity okay yeah so people can put anything they want to in their head I did realize one thing the things I don't enjoy that I still do that's where growth is at and that's for me the only place growth is at is in that very uncomfortable you know in that uncomfortable Zone yeah so I have to visit it every single day the main objective here is to slowly start to remove the Governor from your brains first a quick reminder of how this process works in 1999 when I weighed 297 lbs my first run was a quar mile fast forward to 2007 I ran 205 miles in 39 hours nonstop I didn't get there overnight and I don't expect you to either your job is to push past your normal stopping point whether you are running on a treadmill or doing a set of push-ups get to the point where you are so tired and in pain that your mind is begging you to stop then push just 5 to 10% further if the most push-ups you have ever done is 100 in a workout do 105 or0 if you normally run 30 miles each week run 10% more next week this gradual ramp up will help prevent injury and allow your body and mind to slowly adapt to your new workload it also resets your Baseline which is important because you're about to increase your workload another 5 to 10% the following week and the week after that there is so much pain and suffering involved in physical challenges that is the best training to take command of your inner dialogue and the new found mental strength and confidence you gain by continuing to push yourself physically will carry over to other aspects in your life you will realize that if you were underperforming in your physical challenges there is a good chance you were underperforming at school at work too the bottom line is that life is one big mind game the only person you are playing against is yourself stick with this process and soon what you thought was impossible will be something you do every fuing day of your [Music] life
Channel: Mind Motivation Coaching
Views: 152,803
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Keywords: you need to hear this, david goggins, david goggins motivational speech, motivational video, motivational speech, david goggins motivation, motivational video david goggins, david goggins motivation audio, david goggins inspiration, david goggins motivation compilation, david goggins motivational quotes, motivational video for life, best motivational speech for success in life, beautiful motivational speech, best self motivational video, most powerful motivational speech
Id: oZBvH4gmJK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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