Dolly Parton's RARE Interview Moments and Secrets to Her Signature Style | ET Vault Unlocked

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tonight in Dolly We [Music] Trust just a working gal that came from nowhere and really made dreams come true an entire episode of ET devoted to All Things Dolly Parton not a thing wrong with that what you never knew about the icon from her music Milestones I just thought that it was a hit if somebody else would record it to her movies this is going in the hairo Hall of Fame and many collabs she doesn't really let me call her a godmother she likes Fairy Godmother much better plus the secrets behind Dolly's signature style is it true that you sleep with your makeup on Dolly I do and her 57-year marriage she keeps out of the public eye I love the old guy he's the only one I've ever wanted and the only one I'll ever have I'm sure Entertainment Tonight presents ET Vault unlocked Dolly par ET starts right now she can work 9 to5 and rock a coat of many colors we're honoring the legend that is Dolly Parton welcome everybody to Entertainment Tonight it is a busy Thanksgiving Day for Dolly so we're opening up the ET Vault to celebrate someone who's beloved all around the world because in Dolly We [Music] Trust everything else that's happened to me has come from the music I love to write that's my gift you were meant to you a songwriter well I don't know how good I am I got about 3,000 songs 25 country number one singles 10 Grammys over 100 million records sold Dolly's prolific music career spans eight decades and today she performed the halftime show at the Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving Day game it was my songs my songw writing that brought me out of the Smoky Mountains and took me all the places I want to go I will always love you was a a song that I was real recognized for and it was one of the that and Jolene was uh one of the with two of the biggest songs I had ever had and uh but they didn't sell any records They both only sold like 100,000 copies which ain't enough to feed my chickens and I just always thought that song deserved more I just thought that it was a hit if somebody else would record it I listened to it and I said this is the song this will tie that whole movie together as far as the music is conern Whitney's version recorded for The Bodyguard spent 14 weeks at number one and became the bestselling single by a female artist Whitney did a fabulous job on that I never had any idea that simple little song of mine could do that but it she made it something special Dolly shared special moments with some of the most iconic artists in the biz with over 50 collaborations across genres and generation she doesn't really love me call her a godmother she likes Fairy Godmother I feel like a member of people's family like an Aunt Dolly or like a you know like an older sister maybe I'm a role model and I hope so here you come again she a woman who has been successful in everything she's ever done just a role model for girls including myself DOL shattered all of those illusions of what a genre and what a boundary was she's never made any apologies for who she is and that's my favorite con [Music] artist from Country Queen to the Silver Screen hello DOL skyrocketed to a new level of stardom when she set her sights on Hollywood you are evil that right evil to the core there is no such thing as natural beauty down off the cross honey somebody needs the wood did you honestly know you were going to be a star I believe I did I that's what I wanted to do I always felt that I was supposed to do it because I wanted to be famous I wanted to be rich Dolly's breakout role in the 1980 comedy classic 9 to5 earned her three Golden Globe nominations and the anthem she penned while filming turned the movie into a movement earning her the first of two Oscar nominations and two Grammys oh and you just love it don't you see I wrot it playing with my [Music] nails it meant a lot to me the fact that it brought attention to all us gals asking for equal pay for equal work and it has done a lot of good if Dolly scored her second Best Actress Golden Globe nod two years later for the movie musical the best little wh house in [Music] Texas although it was successful MoneyWise it it wasn't really that you know that great as far as the critics and everybody was concerned she bounced back with another female driven hit Steel Magnolia she told ET she went to beauty school for the role this is going in the hairo Hall of Fame now I'm having to cut everybody's hair I become like a beautician in my own family my husband won't let ever let anybody cut his hair again I really I've acted myself into a corner throughout her more than 40 years in the business Dolly's made over 400 TV appearances and started in over a dozen feature films I like to think with me you know there there'll always be something I can play just because I'm Dolly Parton that's been around for a hundred years and personally I have been waiting for a 9 to-5 Reunion since we did the first one Dolly's reunited with Jane and Lily more than seven times and when it comes to a reboot I didn't want to do a sequel myself I like I don't like to chew my tobacco but once we haven't been able to get a script that we were satisfied with if you don't have the script you can't start and we're trying to make it happen before one of us checks out we make jokes now to do a remake of 9 to5 would be more like 95 with the rise of dol's career came her signature style I'm kind of a cartoon I'll probably look this way when I'm 100 if I live to be that long three words to describe my style trashy trashy trashy what's your secret oh there's no real secret just lots of makeup and good doctors and a good attitude everybody knows Dolly wears great big wonderful wigs and tight clothes and heavy makeup why did you decide to look like you look I just didn't feel like I was uh all on the outside that I was on inside Dolly shares more in her fashion book behind the scenes My Life in rhinestones out now what's your most prized fashion possession that you would never ever give up shoes but I always have to have some sort of healer I can't reach my cabinets your hair is equally as iconic as your as your wardrobe and your costumes right as soon as I knew wigs and hair pieces were coming out I thought I have been delivered how many wigs do you feel like you have now I probably have 300 65 ways I don't feel cheap but I don't mind looking cheap she doesn't feel cheap because that famous figure costs a pretty penny I'm no natural beauty oh that's makeup Botox and collagen and other nips and Tuck people always say oh you just always seem so happy I said that is the botox I heard that you look at your boobs as show dogs or show horses right and you said and you say you have to keep them groomed oh I do I call these my weapons of mass distraction her breasts are so small they look like melons more secrets about Dolly's aesthetic is it true that you sleep with your makeup on dollar I do I get up in the morning I clean my face I do my mask and I put on fresh makeup but I never I'm not going to bed you know looking like a hag I just ain't going to do it I'm just going to be ready in case there's a fire or a flood or an emergency her beauty routine is surprisingly quick I do my own makeup I can be completely ready with everything within an hour less if may be oh and Miss Dolly almost always keeps her arms and hands covered of times wearing these nude gloves why fans think you have full-fledged slaves you've got tattoos is this true I do have a few tattoos but they're mostly to cover some scars from surgeries I just s them little flowers some Vines and a butterfly here and there like Minnie Pearl says I mean any old barn looks better with a little red paint on it Dolly's husband of 57 years Carl Dean may be the only person who seen her without all that paint this glamorous Dolly Parton image must have at times been a little intimidating not really he knows how bad I can look the two met outside a lrat in Nashville in 1964 dolly was 18 and he was 21 2 years later they aled in Georgia when we got married Carl put the wedding rings on his mother's serious account so we paid on that every month then years later I after we were making some money I I lost the little set out of the the original and I was just heartbroken and I thought oh how can you ever replace that so he went back down to Sears and and bought the stone to replace it and and paid on it even though we didn't have to just so it would it kind of still stay like that for a while the couple's very private marriage had some fans thinking Carl doesn't really exist why is he such a mystery he's too pretty I'm afraid to let him out he's never really photographed a Mythic creature at this point he does not want to be um in pictures he don't want to be in magazine he don't want to be Dolly Parton's husband he wants to be Carl Dean the Camery businessman is now retired at 81 and while Dolly became a global Superstar Carl stayed focused on his Tennessee pavement company we have the greatest relationship because first of all we're best friends we really are both very independent people I need the freedom to work he needs the freedom to work I want him to do exactly what makes him happy in 2015 ET was with Dolly who revealed how they plan to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary we're going to get married again and we're going to get in our RV and go on a honeymoon we got all dressed up he was so handsome and I had a my beautiful gown that I didn't get to do before he tells everybody I'm his second wife what's been the key the success well I always joke because I stay gone and there's a lot of Truth in that I love the old guy he's the only one I've ever wanted and the only one I'll ever have I'm sure well just keep that on a loop would you because we cannot hear it enough on stage it was Kenny but in real life come on Dolly already told us her Island In The Stream is her hubby Carl but that doesn't mean Dolly didn't have her Hollywood crushes too including one Sly rhinestone co-star you're a self acknowledged flirt Dolly yeah not a thing wrong with that you've had to work very closely with sliced alone was such hard work having to work with him every day I went in there with with a preconceived idea of what dolly carton was and then after I spoke with her I realized she knows exactly what she's doing she's a poet I thought well I was going to have to try to teach him to sing but he's already a very good singer I was very surprised Dolly got another one of her crushes to crw in 1982's the best little wh house in Texas Bert Reynolds I said I'll work with you in the acting if you'll just keep me in pitch bird he was like a like a brother also he was just very you know very down home and we had a good time behind the scenes and at 77 not even Jolene can keep Dolly away from tonight's show host Jimmy Fallon I mean I it's mutual I have a crush in dolly Mar who does who doesn't last year it was Dolly who made the first move by asking Jimmy to sing with her in a holiday duet why don't we see Jimmy and I always have fun together the song I just love and so I love him [Music] too I just want to be remembered as a good-hearted person and I just want to you know to say that I've done everything I could with everything I had and tried to do as much good as can and have as much fun as I can really is the beauty of Dolly Parton she's always looking at a way to pay it forward it's something she learned growing up with 11 siblings it also explains doll's need to make the world a better place you never had children yourself reason when we first got married I figured we'd have kids we had names for them you know as you do when you're dating when you're first married years went by and then life caught up and you know we just never got pregnant but I really honestly believe that some things like that are meant to be because now everybody's kids are mine I'm the dolly mama I love the dolly Mama launched the Imagination Library in 1995 she was inspired by her own dad who didn't have the opportunity to go to school and learn to read she opens up about it in the documentary the library that Dolly built when we got ready to put this program together I thought well I'm going to get Daddy involved for just people like my dad their goal was simple to provide one free book a month to every child age five and under nearly 30 years later it's operating in all 50 states in five different countries anybody can get the books it's not a lot of people think it's just for poor children but it's for all children all you got to do is just sign up almost 100 million books that we've given out I want to be remembered as a a good person Mother Teresa has said when I stand before God I want to be able to say Lord I used everything you gave me being the book lady is one thing I'm I'm very proud of dol's Imagination Library started as a small project to benefit her hometown and she's still investing millions in local education in my Tennesse home I've always been proud of this part of the country the singer Dollywood Foundation was created in 1988 to benefit the people of seir County Tennessee and last year she announced she'd cover 100% of the tuition and books for Dollywood employees who decide to go back to school it's a good feeling to look around s County and see the growth with the hotels and the restaurants and all the new businesses so it's not just Dollywood that we're proud of it's this whole area Dolly became co-owner of the theme park in 1986 since then it's estimated to have pumped $1.8 billion into the local economy these are my people this is my home these are the you know the woods that I roamed around in as a little kid Dolly stepped up again into 2016 when the Great Smoky Mountains Wildfire devastated the area ET was there as Dolly hosted a ton which raised $9 million for Recovery efforts all my people are still there this is very very personal to me the Dollywood Foundation also created the my people fund which provided ,000 a month to more than 900 families whose homes were destroyed I carry East Tennessee along with me everywhere I go and they kind of hold me in a special place here too today dol's reach is global early in the pandemic she saw an opportunity and donated a million dollars to coronavirus research at Tennessee's Vanderbilt University they used her gift to develop the madna vaccine vaccine vaccine vaccine vaccine I'm begging of you please don't hesitate I like the fact that I can make a lot of money but it's just what I can do with it is why I really enjoy making it to be able to share it with other people in the 9s she risked her career to bring attention to to the war against HIV and AIDS helping to launch country music to break the silence campaign the move was inspired by her lgbtq fans I have a huge gay following and I'm proud of them I see so many drag queens out there I see so many girls that look more like me than I do I always believe that people should leave you alone to be who you are I'm just in 2005 she put it all on the line again and received death threats after writing and Performing traveling through for the film Trans America about a transom on a road trip with her long lost son the song was nominated for an Oscar I get all the credit but I have a lot of people working behind the scenes to help me one of those people is Amazon founder and billionaire Jeff Bezos who last year granted Dolly his massive courage and civility award worth $100 million in charitable donations and it's Dolly who gets to choose where the money goes I couldn't believe it first of all I cried on the phone I'll be able to do a lot of good for a lot of needy causes and a lot of needy good people listen we can't leave you without celebrating one more Dolly Parton achievement adding the title of Dolly the rock star hello Happy Thanksgiving Everybody Take Care y'all Maring in the streets ever I'm might even going to record a rock album I'm doing a lot of classic rock songs and I'm having a lot of Icon singers sing with me like Ellen John like Paul McCartney Steve Nick pink M cus Miley of course though she's going rock Dolly has no plans to tour again as for what's next well it's the same thing she told us back in 1982 I do work hard but I like to work and uh I learned while I was off the road I will never retire I I I like the work Ah that's true I'll never retire I feel same exact way I love to [Music] work
Channel: Entertainment Tonight
Views: 17,281
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Keywords: Dolly Parton
Id: DcL0l5cQW1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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