Dolly Parton on the Bobby Bones Show

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dolly comes by like she's awesome she comes in and we're always happy when she comes in then when she leaves are always happier because she was here and she's coming in I was just saying before you walked in that we're always so happy when you come by but we're always happier after you've been here I hope anyway I always look forward to seeing you as well I've been excited all morning make us happy how are you how's life been well that's good and busy you know you say busy because you have so many things going on and I think we should break them down from my sanity too because you put out quality projects but they're all over the place you have music and different TV shows and let's start with dumpling okay okay okay so explain dumpling to me well dumpling is a movie it's based on a best-selling New York Times best seller list book of a few years back and it's a story it was written by a little girl named Julia Murphy and she wrote the story and the little character is a little girl that doesn't have much confidence she look overweight and so she loves my music and my sayings and she kind of builds her confidence her mother who is played by Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer bought the rights to the book and she's producing it as well so anyhow dumpling is about the little girl that her mother continues she won she was like the beauty queen of the day and then such through the years she still hosts the the contest every year and her little daughter who's overweight wants to be in the contest but can't because she's overweight so it's just about the it was a little story that kind of had me in it so Jennifer called me and said you know this story is kind of about you and we're using we want to use some of your original music and would you be willing to write some additional new songs and I thought well yeah that sounds good I'd love to so I was honored and flattered so that's what dumpling is and so that song that you and SIA did is that from dumpling yes it is actually they play that I think in the movie I don't know if it's the original see the song I wrote ins back 69 I had it out as one of my in one of my early albums and they found this Linda Perry who's produced the album the soundtrack album they love the song she loved the song and so we she sang on it and it's wonderful we actually used several songs at different artists like Elle King and we had Alison Krauss Rhonda Vincent Macy Gray and Mavis Staples and they're staples of the Staple Singers and so we just had a lot of girl and Miranda Lambert we did we redid dumb blonde but they also played the original in the movie so just a lot of music with a lot of girl a lot of guest artists and SIA and I did a real good job together I was real proud of that record so you're still writing songs now oh I'm yes I'm writing songs five of the songs in the new soundtrack album the dumpling are new original songs written by Linda Perry myself but then they went back and took a few other songs when I did with Elle King there's an old song that I did years ago that holding on to you it was in my early albums they just picked some of the old songs and remade you know read arranged them and brought them up to date where do you write songs now like a dolly we write songs always got something going on I'm always writing I'm taking a bath I always got either a little tape recorder or something where I could not even what if we get that line if I'm cooking I've got you know I just write songs everywhere and when I travel I write a lot on my bus and so when I have time and I'll sometimes dream so long really wake up and say write it down because I used to think I'd remember but you don't so it's best to do you know to write it in so I'm just all about it I love to be able to have time to just take some time to sit think and ponder go out to my lake house or up the MOL Tennessee mountain home and really sit and you know write songs but I can write anywhere so you will wake up in the middle of the night and go oh I have a melody or I have some lyrics do you have a notepad or do you type into your phone I just have notepad because I always still work like that I still write all my so longhand I don't even use any of the you know and I still want to put down my songs because I'm so programmed for the old days and has always worked for me I have my big legal pads to write I still work with a cassette and I because that's just kind of my mind is sitting like that and then you know transfer them to you know to CDs but I still work like I always did and that's I flow like that and in to do it different kind of walks my flow trying to then I have to think about learning some other way so I just write the way I've always done it do you carry your own cell phone around I do yeah but I only use my cell phone just to call out and detect calls in I don't really do a lot of those no apps no bumble no all my friends I'm anything I won't done if I want you know I just tell them what I want out there and all that so I'm a low-tech girl in a high-tech world Dolly Parton this year man okay so dumpling that that was the first thing I want to talk about but there's also another show one that you're in right all the dolly projects you're not Netflix but the dumpling is on the feature film of the future area of Netflix and the heart heart strings heartstrings is is a movies based on songs I've written separate that the TV part of it so each song if I'm getting this right is if there's a lot of dollar to take in between all your projects this one each song has a story based on the song right it's a movie based on a song that I've written like Joleen for instance is in the first series of this and so down from Dover two doors down we based music and then of course I introduced the song kind of tail high road and all that and then we just make a story out of it now they're not all at the same time it makes it sound like oh there's a lot of Dolly and it would be if all this happened at one time the dumperon movie will be out before the end of the year the heart strings is not going to be out till probably sometime next year they'll drop those maybe late in the fall and so so everything although I'm doing a lot it sounds like a lot there's faced out to where you know it's not like hopefully people weren't pew couldn't hear my name I don't think what what is it like for you with clothes do people just show up and be like dolly these are clothes we think you'd like or do you get online you ever shop online and go I like that no I'm lucky because I have Steve summers over here he's he takes care of everything he they only used to go out and shop bring stuff in or sometimes you know I'll go out and like in LA I know a couple of people that own some stores I can go out after hours or early on or if I see something in a window I'll go in and look at it but as far as most of my things are either bought off the rack and and tailored to fit me because I'm odd shape you know I'm little I got big boobs and butt little narrow shoulders a little I'm a little person so I have to get like bigger things to fit certain things and they have to be altered and stuff like that but and my stage clothes are all custom-made hmm do you take one of those big boxes all the stage clothes and like you pick each show or do you have them all set up before you go out well when we travel like on tour we have huge big wardrobe boxes those big things that they lock yeah you know there's metal things that they put on trucks and take them and then they open them up and I can look at the whatever mood I'm in that night for whatever town or in whatever type of show I think I think that we have blue mood tonight I'm gonna white mood tonight or I'm gonna pink mood tonight so I just pick your like a few hours before the show I know what that town what color that town feels like to me what is your writer like when you go into a room do you have some kind of food you want well usually I live on my bus and I just pull right up to the you know to the bus door so most of my things are already in but usually I they usually just I just need water and I like fruit like a fruit plate like cheese and fruit but that's more for people that come in and out for myself I just have most of what I want on my bus anyway I'm I get really emotions in the back of a car I get on a bus I get motion sick immediately how do you do moving around well I love to travel I love my bus I have trouble riding in the back of a car me too even on school bus I used to get sick motion sickness on a school bus but then we lived in the mouth they went around around though they go that's sometimes when I fly I have a tendency to get motion sickness I don't like to fly but I don't have that trouble with my tour bus I guess it's because there the way that they're you know the springs or the whatever it is however they make them to wear it don't you don't feel the motion as much so I have I don't have trouble with that but I don't like turbulence I don't know if that's just scaredy-cat turbulence you know making you feel or just the motion and probably a little bit of both after all these years you still get scared because I still get scared after me I don't fly I'll tell everybody I don't care I'm not ashamed of it I don't like to fly I'm like my daddy I don't want no higher up than pulling corn or no lower down than digging taters like stop I wouldn't get out I don't you can't very well go up to the pilot and say how'd it happen but I don't like to fly I don't like it for different reasons I don't get motion sickness I don't like that helpless feeling that I can't get out if I want to and so I traveled by my bus when I can and when I do fly we usually fly private jet it's really hard doing commercial anymore just because it's so such a zoo you know anyway but I just take my bus anytime I can I'm curious how you as a songwriter because what what what's your perspective now like what do you have to say now who well I'm just glad that I made it back in the day because I tell you it's really hard for writers you know we're always fighting for the rights to you know be paid for what we do and that's publishers and all and for myself you know I don't have to you know worry about it so much now is it you know being my bread and butter but you still want to be credited and paid and you know protected for you know for the rights that you leave for your family and whatever you're leaving behind but it's a different it's a different world now with all this music and just the way that everything is sold now compared to what it was when I made it now I just go with the flow and you know do whatever I came from like the dark ages into the new age you know with all the with all the stuff I used to record albums who would go in four in three hours is how old I am we'd go in like from ten to one to a whole album and well most of it being live you know with the band that is back in the early days of RCA and all that but now you can record anywhere you know from your house from your barn and that's all good that's there's it's good and bad but I'm just glad that I'm I came from that old world and they've been able to motivate and move into this new one and still be important in it has anyone come to you and said hey we should do a biopic like a real biopic on you mm-hmm what do you think about that well I just wait till the right time and say well I'll consider everything I just take everything into consideration and I know when it's the right time to do things some things just don't feel right for me to do it all and then sometimes I can justify things based on what's going on in the world and you know in the times and so who would play you you think I don't know right now but I'm gonna do my story on stage and in film and at that time I'm sure we'll find the right person do you have anybody mind if I did it today today it would have to be obviously someone who could do it all meaning one of these people that had sing dance mm-hmm be funny that is it's such a you have such a like a delicately awesome skill set because you you are multifaceted I mean you Jennifer Lopez before Jennifer Lopez were Jennifer Lopez like you're the first one of you know and I mean that full sincerity well that's a nice compliment thank you who would put Amy what do you think I I just feel like looking at her I kiss you so much taller but Jennifer Nettles comes to mind because she's seeing she dance she acts like she can she's doesn't Broadway she could so she's and she's a powerful voice but she's just so much taller I want someone but not to get you any good job well when you go in public do you do you have to disguise yourself in public or do you try to stay out of it I don't disguise myself which by the way I love Jennifer Nettles yes she would she's a wonderful talent I love her personally and no I don't I don't try to disguise myself many many years ago one time I went Christmas shopping with my sisters and they said won't you kind of disguise yourself so we can get out and really do some shopping enjoy our life so I wore a black wig and I work we have some clothes it didn't have the you know the whole thing and so we were in the record shop we've got some records for some friends and I said hey Cassie do you think people know my voice as much as they know my look so then they all came over and did this are you are you are you I said well yeah and so I went back to the house and took all that off and put my own stuff back on back at Christmas shop and as myself and did people freak out don't freak out you're not such a personable person I love people and they've they've kind of grown up with me I really think people look at me like a like an aunt or a sister or a friend so they don't just rush me or anything like that they'll sometimes I say are you I do who I think you are and also well I don't know who the fans if I'm out like that I welcome it I wanted to be a star and so I know where if I really need to get something done I know the times a day that I can do it I know the restaurants I can go to where you're not bombarded where you really can't eat and I don't mind it if people come over you know now then because that's who I am when Burt Reynolds passed away you posted a picture how close were you and Burt well we worked real well together and we've done some other projects together too you know some talk shows and and different things we had done some specials you know what we were both guests on them and but he was like a brother or like a relative you know he was like a good old boy he was just like people thought he was and I was sorry to see him go but he hadn't been in good health in a long time and I wasn't surprised but I was saddened by it was he so good-looking he wasn't day like like who and even aside from Burt Reynolds like now you know the Ryan Gosling's you look at them and go Wow like this amazing look who back in the day was so good-looking that you met guy or girl where you're like wow I cannot believe that a human can look that pretty I don't think I met him everybody everybody to me in their own way but I guess Bert at that time people thought he was like a really good-looking guy but I don't know but it really comes to mind I've done the salad dressing guy Paul Newman oh those people yeah I thought they were all good-looking you know but I had a good-looking husband so I didn't think of that much about how good-looking they were obviously he's good-looking or whatever that is swooned and all that but you know you see good-looking man I'm like Will Rogers and never met a man I didn't like so I know who's the good-looking ones and their different looks and different styles and and I appreciated them all I think about a meet there dolly I think you're a doll well listen doll you know I love it when you come by I really always appreciate you let me come to hock my wares you you like the room up listen so just to recap dumpling dumpling is gonna become a nap before the end of the year the feature film and the album is coming out November the 30th RCA Sony records so that's coming out in time for Christmas so people can go bad a Christmas album so and I've got all these wonderful singers as I mentioned some really nice new songs so hopefully people are going to enjoy that and then next year sometime the heartstrings series will be starting out what's a Jennifer Aniston like is a person oh she's wonderful lover lover lover gonna actually be doing some shows together I'm gonna do Jimmy Fallon and maybe Ellen and some of the ones we're going to be promoting this so hopefully we're get to do some things together in the next few weeks and so we're going to be promoting that and then I'm doing an out a new series with nine five with Jane and Lilly after all these years they're doing a another series or not a series though a sequel to 95 and so that'll be out sometime maybe next year so what's that I mean I know Depp seen the original but what's then what's gonna happen in the new one through the years we've been trying to find something that would work for us and I just thought well that first one was so good and I don't I always used to say I don't like chewing my tobacco but once because I really don't like sequels if they're not as good as the original and they never did come up with anything that I thought was great but with this new surge of me to movement and you could pay that sort of thing so they thought well this would be a good time to do that so they did come up with a new idea and receipt Rashidah is that how you pronounce her name Jones Jones yeah she's co-writing it with Pat Resnick who and hopefully she might be in it I don't know about that but it's about three new girls that were working at consolidated the company Jane lily and I were in in the early and the first one so they're still having some of the problems so then they think well who are those three women that made so many changes around here so many years ago so they search us out we're all three now Lily Jane and I successful women in our own right so they come to us and we all get together so it's like the six of us then create some you chaos and some fun stuff and and cover the issues but without it being too totally political okay I'm pumped for this then there's nine five the musical the songs I wrote is opening at the Savoy in London in February so Lord let's show I'm never gonna die and you're just going broke I love it because everybody likes to sing along with me yeah that's a fun one to see what's your favorite song is thing probably that one for fun yeah I think I will always love you because every singer loves to sing a ballad this gots low and middle and fee and where you can sing as much as you want that's always fun to sing Jolene I love to sing too do you have any songs that people love from you you like me I just kind of wouldn't sing that one any more if I didn't have to no no I don't have those because I really every night my audience is different and I look at like these people came to hear these songs and just cuz I did it last night for another set of people don't mean I have the right to keep everything I you know anything in because I like to present it every night like that's the first time they've heard it live hey lucky here I know I'm like is she real so much to learn I think of masterclasses awesomeness every time you come in do you know Oprah's master class you ever heard of it okay you're like dolly dolly those original to it you're doing it here right now it's where you can do your just speaking and talking to people about all your life experiences and where you are and how you got there and feel like you're full of so much wisdom so hopefully someday I'm gonna do kind of like a one-woman show too where I go out and tell my stories and do my little songs and not have to you know have a whole big production and just kind of do like a little motivational I'll get off and ask you to do that but I guess when you've lived as long as I have and you've been in the business and all facets of it I've been very blessed in my life and so that in my older years hopefully I'll have several more but I think that would be a good way to just spend you know a lot of my older years well let me say and it's been a treat to talk to you again dolly it always well whatever you want to sell played by Kathleen Turner you remember her the old actress I do she's playing the story of old bones the old Claremont woman it's one of the stories in the heartstrings always all right so every time I think of these old bones I think are you just bones well dolly it's great to see you any whatever you want to sell grilles songs you come by yes whatever it is Dolly Parton everybody Oh
Channel: Bobby Bones Show
Views: 142,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bobby bones, bobby bones show, country, country music, nashville, Dolly Parton, Working 9 to 5
Id: N16KGdi5YPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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