Dolly Parton, Jon Favreau, Workout Attire | Full Episode

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[Applause] thank you thank you thank you thank you very much that's thank oh that's that's too much that's thank you very much back at you I appreciate it uh have a seat please have a seat uh that was uh I was I'm sorry I'm late I was back uh working really hard on my monologue in my dressing room and uh I didn't know so but that was good I got a little workout that way I got to to run here and uh I keep saying I really am sometimes I'm out of breath from just dancing just for a few minutes over there and uh I got to work out I keep saying it all the time I keep saying I got to start working out it's been about two months since I've worked out and I just don't have the time which uh is odd because I have time to go out to dinner and uh and watch TV get a bone density test and uh try to figure out what my phone number spells in words you know it's 310 Pluto Burr right now but um I don't I don't have an excuse I I I hear people getting up at like 4 in the morning and working out and I think how do you do that how do you get up and work out that's that's amazing I have no excuse I have a gym at home even I have a little I have a a um treadmill and then one of those things you squeeze and uh oh I'm sad and uh I think okay maybe if I go to a gym maybe that'll force me because you're around people and you have to work out because you can't stand there not work out if you're at a gym but uh you then I need the outfit you know you can't at home I can work out my pajamas and anything I nou jacket and uh but at at the gym you got to have you know the nice spandex outfit which is is still on layaway I haven't picked it up yet and um then you want to be in good shape when you go to the gym because you're wearing all the little clothes to show off your muscles and so I got to work out before I even go to the gym to get in shape for that and then the magazines are making me feel really bad lately I try not to look at them but every single magazine is getting in shape for the summer get your body ready for your swimsuit and get the right bikini for you and oh man that's that's a lot of pressure I and then they tell you which bathing suits going to look best on your body type they show the different like full figured which is a size [Laughter] six which one's going to be better for you then they have like and really they have all the different they had a full figure they had curvy which is a size four and then um size two is uh hungry and uh that's right but there's a I don't understand the sizes anymore there's a size zero which I didn't even know that they had it must stand for oh my God you're [Laughter] thin I like that they have on the labels now they have like USA size 10 they have Canadian they have all the different countries because in in Russia I'm a size four so um I like it all right uh here's my workout I'm going to do some cardio make me burn some calories Tony [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh and and tomorrow I'll do the other leg one at a time yeah you don't want to overdo it that's the that's the problem a lot of people have is they Rush right into it and do too much at once and now see I'm easing into it I have the one uh uh thigh I'm ready for my bikini on that side I just walk away that way from people what's going on with you are you still uh are you working out like crazy no no I started with good intentions but I haven't been able to keep it up isn't it hard I mean that extra 15 minutes that you do the sit-ups with you can stay in bed with yes exactly that's exactly I get up and I think well now I have time I'm up early and then I always find something to do absolutely so uh I'm going to try over the summer though yeah me too I'm going to be ready for my uh sweaters next season get in shape for your puckers um oh man hey speaking of uh in shape Dolly Parton is on the show you got a new CV for God and Country she's in good shape [Laughter] John favro is on the show as well he's a you probably know him from swingers but he's also he's a great actor and director he's now got a new series on the independent film Channel called dinner for five and uh it's very interesting it's uh and uh uh and and he's in good shape too yeah is um and on the show today oh this is going to be exciting margan Spearman from Watkinsville Georgia she's the first winner of our new segment called oh yes you [Music] [Applause] can what was his name what was Dream Weaver what was that guy Gary Gary Wright that's right and he had one other song that was a big hit Dream Weaver and what we'll think about it anyway maranne uh her wish was to sing back up with Dolly pardon and later in the show we're going to make her wish uh come to fruition and uh to and for those of you at home looking for a dictionary for what fruition is it's uh it's bringing shun to fruit and uh so anyway we surprised her yesterday and uh and here's how it went we sent house there and and here's what happened yesterday hey Maran oh yes you [Music] can great won now what were you doing before hon knocked on the door I'm packing I'm moving oh okay so you just put some lipstick on to pack or do you know that we're flying here because you're going to sing back up with Dolly pardon tomorrow I not am yes you are all right so and if you saw it she was in there with her daughter and her onewe old grandchild and she just took off and left them she's just literally left them five minutes later uh all right and today's big finish oh today's big finish uh today it's so big it'll bill over into tomorrow's big finish it's uh it's actually you'll need a doggy bag and um and oh it's time for the Riff raffle to to see who's going to come up here from the Riff rat room all right Heather Lee come on down oh my my God oh my God Go pass out go on in down all right hi are you yeah I'm locking in so you you'll be safe you know this is a ride so I didn't I so nervous excited I'm sorry yeah it is it's very exciting Heather is it or is it not true that you came here specifically knowing you end up in the RI RP box I withdraw the question all right oh by the way there's a there's a menu you know we've made it fancy now so uh and there's of course RJ the big fan of mine and and Jonathan and uh the we have the house Specialties we have a food platter meat and cheese tray a pastry selection you have a beverages of water Red Red Bull hot cocoa and any of them combined in any in any way if you'd like to combine the Red Bull and Coco um take a look at that and uh Heather where do you live uh Los FIS Los FIS OH Close by yeah and what do you do I'm unemployed you're unemployed yeah my parents are proud all right well your parents must be proud yes um and all right so uh well enjoy yourself do you know who what Gary Wright's other song was no it's My Love Is Alive that's right excellent My Love Is Alive remember that one how's it Go Heather um uh what do you want to do maybe we can make your dream come true what do you want to do uh actually I work in production you work in production I'm never on camera uhhuh so I'm very nervous you wouldn't know it um you seem so comfortable right now all right well uh okay well maybe we can make your dream come true in some way yay yay thank you I mean probably not but I'm you know I'm happy right now all yeah that's the point is to make you happy right now all right uh and somebody will see you and go get that job girl a job did you bring a resume with you no but it's online okay we'll check it out all right all right so uh Hey the Jacob watch that I uh that I was uh put on eBay that I was wearing for a while and I said let's let's donate this to a good cause it's sold for $226,100 [Applause] all right that way you you'll get a job if they on on eBay that's right hey we'll put you on eBay anyway the Jacob watch went to Tom boag boaga I believe his name is from Orlando Florida and here's what he did he bought it for his girlfriend's birthday how about that that's a nice birthday present so uh congratulations to to you Tom and to to your girlfriend and the proceeds go to the Susan G Coleman Breast Cancer Foundation so uh it's a good thing you did I like this so this is fun I don't know anything I'm just learning about the eBay thing but I think it's it's fun and also so when you can sell things for a good cause I think that's a lot of fun everybody knows that I I wear tennis shoes every single day I have uh tons hundreds of pairs and uh I don't need them all and so uh and I only wear them here they don't ever go outside so I'm going to auction them off on on eBay and uh they're going to be sold individually and uh some really were only worn once here and uh they're great shoes you can jump really high in them and uh and run fast and dance really good and we're selling them uh as a pair individually when I when I said individually I want to make sure you know it's not one shoe uh so okay so it's going to be on for seven days it's 7-Day auction all the proceeds for the tennis shoes I'm going to give to the Amanda Foundation which is a no kill animal shelter that I uh all right so go to our website and you can when you go to the website you can find out all the information about how you do it you can see the shoes actually and see which ones you want and you know what they say if the shoe fits then buy it and uh and if it's too small you'll get a bunion or a uh if it's too big you'll get a blister but you know what they say and uh all right hey and while you're there you can visit the little store um because that's how uh she she was margan was going to she was going on to our gift shop to buy this lovely donkey uh cigarette dispenser um and then decided to go on oh yes you can and that's how she ended up here so uh don't go away doll is going to be here right after this Heather's happy our first guest is an incredible singer songwriter and a larger than life personality please welcome the seven time Grammy Award winner the one the only dolly paron [Applause] [Music] hello everybody hello well Hello Dolly I just I just popped my top but it's all right it's that's probably not the first time no it's not now it's it's okay do we need to do anything no it's all right all right I've showed more than that I'll fix it at commercial but anyway this okay this is fine all right you you had a hilarious line the other day when you said that there's not going to be a wardrobe malfunction with you because oh I said because I probably take out the first three rows but I can tell you this if if there is a is a malfunction you will not see a nipple ring it'll be more like a hula hoop anyway there's a lot of strain on my little clothes but anyway yeah but I'm glad to see you well you look great you look now and you're not ashamed to say that you're 58 years old yes I am you're it's amazing yeah I've been a long time and I've enjoyed every year of it too and and how I mean I I'm I'm I'm I'm 46 and I but I feel like now I feel really bad I mean you look so good what do you do do you work out what do you do well it ain't cheap it's I just look cheap but oh just a lot of lot of good do you know like lot of good makeup you know so so I no this is not makeup you have great legs you do something this is not thank you I don't really work out that much I'm not very physical no I'm just uh I just kind of do whatever I you know need to do and when you lost that cartoon I'm a cartoon so it's almost like easy to look this way I'll look this way probably when I'm 100 which would be yeah but you didn't always you didn't always look this way you lost a lot of weight you must have done something well I was in my early years I never had a weight problem but I did go from when I was like 38 years old till I was about 45 I guess I gained a lot of weight cuz I'm just a big old hog you know inside of me there's a I mean I'm a country girl I I love all the foods I love are bad for you and I gained a lot of weight but I couldn't stand it I couldn't I hated myself and everybody else was that heavy so I just had to get my weight down I just eat of I did everything to get the weight in under control but now I just kind of eat small portions of the things I really like the same things though you didn't cut out all the carbs and all that stuff no I love everything and that's why I had trouble you know I'm I'm just a big eater but anyhow thank God I got all that you know under control but I I just it's kind of I look at myself like being in Show Business kind of like a show dog or a show horse I have to kind of keep it groomed and clipped and you know whatever you know whatever I'm going to present it as long as I'm going to be on it's like I just kind of let me know when you're ready for some water um all right so and now what you you said that you look at yourself as a cartoon did you have some kind of idol did you go this is how I want to look and I'm going to I'm aiming for this look or when I was young you mean yeah yeah actually and I've told this story before but it's the honest truth there was this woman I'm I grew up first of all way back in the mountains and we only got to go to town every once in a while but every time we would there was this woman that they was the town trash they but I thought she was beautiful I didn't know what any of that meant and I would just see this woman with this yellow hair pile on her head or bright red lipstick red nails high heel shoes and I thought she was the prettiest thing I'd ever seen and I used to say to my mama oh she's so pretty mom said oh she's just trash and I thought to myself that's that's what I want to be when I grow up she's trash cuz I thought that was a word for how she looked and I thought that was how to look right so I grew up to look just like her uhh I did do you know did she know that I mean is she still around no she was probably she was older then I was just little I'm sure she's not around but I've never said her name U you know for the sake of her family but she might not have been a horse she just might have been like me she might have just looked like one maybe she thought that was a pretty way to look cuz I know most girls most country girls that's the way you think you're supposed to look I mean you you you or I mean as plain as we were we had nothing right and I used to put my thiate and myome on my lips I used to paint my eyebrows with burnt kitchen matches I was going to well I mean like how you once they're burned then you lick them and then they D you know they put stuff on you have and poke berries in the summer I used to make a little water dye it makes like a little and then you could like have a little Rouge and so you'll you'll figure it out if you're if you're inclined yeah well you're like a makeup junkie or something like you're jonesing for some eyes Shadow and you're just like needing to fix it out of anything but that's actually a really uh inexpensive way to put makeup on what you just said it is but I actually could do it and my daddy you know hated my grandpa was a Pentecostal preacher the Hellfire Brimstone and he thought I was jezel they thought I was going to hell in a hand basket you know they thought I was running around with the boys and I thought no ain't no way I'm sleeping with no boys cuz I don't want nobody to mess up my makeup just smar my lipstick all right we have to take a break we'll be right back right after this we were just chatting through the commercial we do have a lot in common uh we both uh sleep in our makeup and uh no is that true you really do sleep in your makeup it's really true somebody asked me that once in a in an article well it's when I go like in LA because of the earthquakes and everything I'm always and when I'm in New York you're always staying like in these high billing hotels and I think you know I always sleep with a like a wig on a lamp pole by the bed and I always have keep my makeup on cuz and a pair of high heels you know to get down the fire skape sure yeah but it's true when I'm in the big city I leave no makeup on everybody else is going to be in pajamas and anything they could find well there's the trash she made it [Applause] out all done up o00 in the morning and have you been so far have you been ever caught in an earthquake yes I've been in every one you've had out here that's why I know what to do yeah okay cuz it's scary that is the worst feeling in the world you've been you've been in them right I have and I I'm from New Orleans so the first time it happened I thought a truck was passing outside and it was just I was used to my apartment shaking that I lived in well being brought up in that Holy Roller background I thought it was the end of time Doom's Day and The Hil fire and Damnation and I I just started praying about you know all this bad stuff and asking forgiveness at the moment right for everything I'd done so I could just go right back ways right after it I'm pretty sure that's what I did yeah all right so here's the thing this is so exciting because you really are this is this is a dream come true from margan and you know you are so the reason that she likes you so much is you're so down to earth you're so talented uh you're so incredibly prolific people don't know you've written over 3,000 songs and that you write every single day and you're really this is going to be exciting for her well good and I think she likes me cuz she saw that red lipstick she had on so maybe she's that person in her hometown that we were talking yeah the BR lip I have a feeling she somehow knew we were outside I don't think she was packing the bread AR thought was cute though that's how I do if I was packing to move I definitely have on my lipstick yeah because because you never know if somebody's going to knock on your door and say oh yes you can but I'm looking I'm looking forward to meeting you all right we're going to take a break and when we come back Dolly's going to help me make a viewer's dream come true okay so we have a new segment on the show where we make dreams come true it's called oh yes you [Music] [Applause] can margan sparman is a viewer from Watkinsville Georgia and her dream is to sing back up with one of our favorite country singers so yesterday we surprised her with that news that her dream is about to come true she hopped on a plane last night and she's here today please welcome margan Spearman and here I go you going to sing with her I will oh yes I'm very excited all right so so let's let's talk about what was going on when we went to the door yes uh you you really weren't just wearing lipstick you must have known you must have seen house out there Ellen I wear lipstick to take the trash out so really I relate to Dolly cuz I like to be trash too uh but uh but yeah I was packing I I was packing and and you were moving out of there there was one chair and a TV in there right and your daughter and it looked like a she had the baby moments before we knocked on the door she did she she's a a week and a half old oh so she's a yeah um almost almost a toddler so um so you're sitting in there and then uh and how because that's that's what I was telling the people you were going online to to get to the website to get the donkey yes right yes and um actually I was going to buy that for my brother-in-law who is very very hard to buy for because he has everything yeah well that's the does that's the gift to buy for people who have everything and he smokes so I saw that on your show and I thought I'm going to buy that for Perry so um I went on the website and then I saw the thing oh yes you can thing and so I thought well I'll do that and I wrote in and I put all my dreams and that I would love to um be a backup singer for Dolly and uh actually after I did all that I forgot to order him the donkey oh well we got you one thank you so all right so are you ready to meet dolly all right let's bring Dolly out again so you can meet Dolly come on out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Dolly look put my microphone on so I can talk to you good you're so T so how are you and you're from you're from Georgia I am and I was listening to you and I relate to everything you said back there well good I saw that lipstick don't mind us I this this is exciting this is great and I am so flattered I'm thrill I hope I don't ruin your career you want but so I I saw this little thing that you ordered the little donkey thing with the cigarette coming at his butt we all need one of them oh yeah and on the package it says it looks good anywhere all so this is how much of a fan she is she actually dressed as you you'll see it in the prompter right in the monitor right there she dresses you for sure did AIT that's for Halloween and then I also for Halloween dressed as [Applause] you just so easy to look like me you need a chap wig and a pushup bra a patted ra that's great I love that well that's good Halloween's the only time I can dress up and go out and really have fun I go in somewhere and eat and they say man you make a great dollar park it happens really yeah so they just think I'm a look alike on Halloween cuz so many people dress like me then yeah but see I would think that was me wouldn't you yeah you I I thought I was you for a minute well this is a special day there it's really exciting so she's going to do uh later on we're going to do nine to five I may get in on that too you know yeah fact you have to yeah I even have some special things for you oh really so you can be real backup singers okay and why why a backup singer what was your fantasy about instead of just most people want to just be out there no I don't because uh I know I don't sing well enough to carry the whole show so um I just want to be in the background and kind of watch everybody have fun and then I figure if the show doesn't go well then you can't blame me for it so yeah that's true it'll be M and Ellen's fault right yeah yeah we'll take all the blank oh all right well this is exciting uh Dolly and Margie and are going to be singing together later on in the show John favro is going to join me after this we'll be right back multi-talented best describes our next guest he wrote and starred in the film swingers directed The Box Office hit elf and hosts the series dinner for five on the independent film Channel please welcome John Fabro [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and and have you ever dressed up as Dolly paron no I'm a bit of a show Pony myself though really say yeah keep it all trimmed in like a show dog yeah well you look you look like like a a nice trained show Pony how much are the shoes going for yeah we have a joke board we don't have it yet we don't have that yet um but what it goes for it it doesn't go to me it doesn't go to poker but I love go to the animals it goes to the animals but uh but I love to play the poker too you do you oh yes I tried playing once in Vegas I know I worked with Ben Affleck on um on Daredevil right and I ran into him and Matt Damon at the Bellagio uhuh and they were like Hey we're going to play some poker you want to play and I'm like I'm pretty good I do good online for free uhhuh uhhuh Yahoo you know so I'm like let me give it a shot and I play good with my friends we play like a $10 game uhuh I sat down they said we got a table we're opening up a table it's a $5,000 Buy in and I had called two bets while they were getting my chips for me and folded and I was out half half my chips by the time I my chips came $5,000 Buy in yeah $5,000 buy in for like a few $100 $200 blinds it was ridiculous and then and then like and I lose my money and Matt and Ben are like what you're buying again you just sat down I'm like I'm not doing sequels guys you know oh man not Jack Ryan yeah yeah is that the is that the last uh is that the most you've ever lost yeah I don't like playing for a lot to me it's fun just playing in those tournaments for nothing or for a little bit of money I like the competition I like playing with friends yeah we do like a $5 Buy in we do you know and then if and if you have like 40 people playing it really adds up right if you do like a little tournament I know it's uh and I like in between there's a game called in between you know that game I've lost my on that game yeah but you but you can turn around and win it back the next time you know that's the good thing about that game that's right all right so and and this is an interesting concept the uh you should have the people for dinner for five also playing maybe poker while they're having dinner I'll get sued by the World Poker Tour then I think now what made you think of this idea cuz I think it's a great idea the dinner for five thing I thought it was good I like doing talk shows I mean I envy you you have a great setup here and you uh in your great conversation list and I've always enjoyed doing talk shows but I always felt like um a lot of times you have to appeal to too broad of an audience so that the conversations aren't as specific to to my tastes and on the independent film Channel we just get people together we have dinner we shoot the whole meal and we talk about whatever comes up and then later like a documentary edit it down so because it's on a cable channel it doesn't have to be a big show like you have here and who named some of the people that you've gotten together to have dinner and to conversation we've had you know first it started with my friends and and then it then it sort of moved out and on to other people I work with but we'll do like a cast show we had like Ben and uh Kevin Smith and Jen Garner on for for the Daredevil tie-in show and Alec Baldin was just on Tracy Tracy al man and U and people are eating while they're just having so it's like we're just watching people have dinner so I would just be eating I would not you know I mean if there's food involved it's either you're going to talk or you're going to eat I don't understand how people no it's hard trust me I noticed a lot of it changed my eating habits because I noticed no matter how interesting the conversation was if if like a a tray of food came out my eyes would always divert yeah and look at the tray and you can only cut around that so much right you know what I mean so get a different POV of somebody interesting you're looking at cut to the plant you know when the food comes out but it's it's a lot of fun and I and I fit it in between my right now I've been directing a lot since elf I've been I'm I'm getting ready to I didn't did you know that he directed elf that was a very successful show that was great very funny and I had no idea and um do you like that uh I I was I worked on the script with with Will farell and Adam McCay and Scott Armstrong as well as David Baron Bal a lot of writers uh helped collaborate on it it was a lot of fun it was really well you know you did Finding Nemo isn't it fun to go into an audience with people of all ages laughing at at all oh yeah I'm I'm just saying directing seems like so much it seems overwhelming to me to to direct it's a lot I'm just getting ready to to direct something else now we're crewing up as a matter of fact Heather you're you're looking for work look at that look at that production come on I'll take your resume over the office maybe I don't know maybe something that come of it I'm good with numbers are you good with numbers yeah what's uh the square root of 144 budget okay good we we need some help so so seriously send the resume by that would be great maybe we can make her dream come true I would love to do that all right uh thanks for being here and uh check out dinner for five uh it's Friday nights at 10:00 on the IFC Dolly pardon performs after this don't go away
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 5,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ellen, degeneres, ellen show, humor, comedy, funny, celebrity, television, music, interview, tv, ellen degeneres, the ellen show, daytime tv, talk show, elen, degeneris, game, season, fun, the ellen degeneres show
Id: ZDemso2c5fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 52sec (1972 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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