Dollar Tree RESIN? - Does it Work?!

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hello everyone welcome back to the channel my name is Rachel I'm an owner and craft educator here at Oaken lamb [Music] you could tell by the title today we're talking about resin that we bought from the Dollar Tree I know what you're thinking how good could it be is the quality nice is it worth my money we are going to break all that down for you today and test it out we're going to make sure that this resin is up to the standard that we are looking for when using a b part resin so this is not UV resin it is a resin that you mix that is cured with thyme not with UV light so keep that in mind this is not like UV resin in that sense so we're going to mix it up lay it in some molds and see how it looks is it clear is it bubbly is it yellow we're going to really put it through the ringer here so stay tuned for that if you are brand new here I would like to welcome you to the channel we're so glad you're here if you happen to enjoy crafting as much as we do then you would absolutely love the community that we have built here at Oak and lamb we have over a thousand digital cut files that you can use whether you like to craft with your Cricut or your laser cutter or with sublimation with card making anything like that our cut files can really help you in your crafting journey and inspire you every single day we also have a free commercial use license with those as well as other membership perks and a member-only Facebook group that is where all of our members come together share project inspiration get questions answered and just have fellowship with everyone it is amazing also if you happen to have a Cricut and you are new to the qriket community whether that be the maker the Explorer or the joy line of machines we have content for you within that membership completely free we have some really Great Courses so definitely check those out check the link down below that's how you can join Oak and lamb so we're going to be mixing this up pouring it into some molds and kind of putting it through the ringer this will have to be a two day video because a b part resin cures pretty slowly so I'll kind of allow you to get a peek at the ins and outs of all that but what you'll need is the resin some molds we just have some clear silicone molds here now A B part resin you do not have to have clear silicone molds they can be colored the reason we have clear here is because we use UV resin a lot which does require clear molds we also have a little cup and a popsicle stick to be able to mix our resin thoroughly you have to have even amounts of both of these if you don't then it will not cure properly so definitely pay attention to that and before we get going personal protection use your mask use your gloves be outside do all that good stuff I don't want to hear comments about it just being honest with you so take all the precautions you can you're all safety matters to us so very much so please stay safe when using things like resin and epoxy and UV resin all that good stuff so stay safe do that now let's flip over to the overhead camera and I'll share with you how we're going to pop this mixture in these molds okay we have our little cup our popsicle stick this is a three ounce cup and we're just going to open up our packaging here so in resin in general you will have an A and A B if you're using two-part resin and one is going to be a lot thicker than the other one that's completely normal so what we're going to do is we're going to take a true control knife or an X-Acto Knife or whatever you have and take off that little lid there go ahead and do that for both of them and if you ever get a uncured resin on anything you can just spray it down with some alcohol and wipe it right off so I'm just going to wipe off our true control knife pop that back in there now I would recommend you having like a place to mix this something on your Workshop or something like that so let's go ahead and measure this out now you are going to have to measure this perfectly what I would recommend for you all honestly is to have two separate cups and measure them and then measure them again so that's kind of how you would get the perfect measurement but you would have to do a lot of scraping on the sides to make sure you get the same volume of one into the other [Music] and what I usually like to do is add the thinner side into the thicker side it seems to be the easiest way to make sure I'm getting like scraping down the sides and getting all of one side into the mixture and now you're just going to mix so you're going to take this start on the bottom scrape the sides and you're going to do this for what feels like forever I would honestly do this I would set a timer and do this for three to five minutes you want this to be nice and Incorporated in the same breath you really want to be careful to not whip up too many bubbles in this you want a nice happy medium between stirring it too vigorously and not stirring it enough because again if there are like streaks or you know something in here where it's not nice and mixed together that's going to equal your resin not curing properly in the future and we don't want that to happen so make sure you're going to mix it really well not trying to beat air into it but just kind of getting it all Incorporated make sure you're scraping the bottom scrape the sides and you're going to do this for a while now after this is mixed is when you would want to use any um powders or glitter or pigments or dyes or anything like that that you have specifically for your resin but again today we're just going to test how it works in its most basic form how it performs how it hardens if it's going to be bubbly or yellow or something like that and the best way we can do that is by keeping it nice and clear just how it's supposed to be so along with this you'll also need I usually use a lighter you can use alcohol but honestly sometimes for peskier bubbles I think a lighter or a blowtorch is best and what that's going to be used for is honestly in the first several hours as it's trying to cure the bubbles that are being Incorporated right now through this process is going to be bubbling up at the top and if those cure in your project they're just kind of stuck there however if you can babysit your project for a little while and go over there and pop some bubbles with your lighter or spray it with some rubbing alcohol that will really help to pop those bubbles before they cure because of course we want a nice crystal clear resin and anything we can do to prevent those bubbles is what we're going to do so I'm going to treat this resin just like any other resin so we have a nice Fair analysis when when the job is done we're just going to continue to mix this up and then I'll pour it up in my molds okay this is all nice and mixed up I don't see any more like streaks of a Cloudy and clear it all looks nice and and cohesive so all I'm going to do is pour pour this into my molds here I got to make sure I have enough for all of these just like that some of these are going to be a little bit thicker than others this is self-leveling so whenever I move these from this bin that they're on they'll self level and that'll be nice but this is plenty of resin for these molds the only reason I have it on this right now is because I do have to move these eventually so I'd rather move them on something sturdy so you can just take this by hand and move move these around the molds whatever you want to do but there's that one this one so we're going to test and see if these dry nice and clear Cloud free so what you're going to do at this point is get something like a blowtorch like this or something like a lighter and I I hate saying it but I would honestly say about every hour for the first several if you can go over this and pop these little bubbles I mean more will be surfacing but this is really going to be a good true test on if this resin is nice and clear because really you can't you can't judge a b part resin if you don't babysit it a little bit and make sure you help it along because every single a b part resin is going to have bubbles because you're mixing it by hand so really this is something that I can do to ensure that the end result is going to be the best that it can be so that we can judge the actual brand of you resin uh easily so just go through this I mean it won't take but 30 seconds honestly just sweep around you might not see a lot happening but trust me A lot's happening and this is where you can also take your rubbing alcohol and spray it if you wanted to do that so we're going to go ahead and let these chill I would say 12 hours for a total Harden it depends on how thick it is how thin it is if there's any a glitter in it or anything like that that might hinder it from drying super quick but you guys get the gist I would keep it overnight or whatever so we'll be back to see how these cured and give our final review okay it has been well over 24 hours simply just because I haven't gotten to film this yet but it was cured and ready to go after about 10 these are decently thin layers now again I did babysit it for about two hours and come in and check on it and put some of that torch on there and really get those bubbles out but I'm actually very pleasantly surprised with this resin so I'm going to remove all these from the mold here and I'm honestly I'm very impressed it dried super Crystal Clear dried nice and nice and hard we mixed everything well together but it's a very clear bubble free resin it's not yellow which some resins are cured yellow which is a problem but I was actually very very impressed with this so honestly as the product I'm really impressed now again is this worth five dollars I'm gonna go with no I really don't think that these two little bottles of resin are worth five dollars there are a lot of really good resins out there that you can get but now if you want to do all the math with like the grams and everything like that we will link our favorite a b part resin and our favorite UV resin just for the heck of it and you guys can let us know your thoughts down below but UV resin is usually more expensive than epoxy AV part resin and this one is it's in my opinion it's pretty darn expensive for being a b resin but quality that's kind of you know that's kind of the question of the video as far as quality goes it's high quality it's really nice resin it was easy to work with easy to mix um but again no bubbles Crystal Clear not yellow I think that this is a really good product I hope that you did enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed making it thank you all so much for watching don't forget to click that link down below and join Oaken lamb and click subscribe click the notification Bell like the video leave us a comment all of that good stuff we really really appreciate it if you all do have any questions feel free to leave them down below I cannot wait to see you another day for another video foreign
Channel: Oak & Lamb
Views: 21,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cricut, glowforge, sublimation, sewing, DIY, how to cricut, sublimation for beginners, glowforge for beginners, how to sew, cricut hacks, craft hacks, sublimation hacks, glowforge hacks, sewing hacks, DIY hacks, DIY home decor, how to craft, paper crafting
Id: ZYiY1aocFAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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