DOING SOME HARD TIME | Hard Time - Part 1

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Might find his dad in the game

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

YES pogchamp

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/SirAnnonagod 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

This would be great

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/raw_backwards 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

Damn I remember UberHaxorNova (James) and penguinz0 (Cr1tikal) playing this shit. It's so bad it's good. 100% the game for Tyler. Will probably enable chat every second though.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/bbranddon 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Bemaius 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

DO IT PogChamp

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/hamburgeri69 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

would be the best stream ever

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/darragh__ 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/rotten_dragon 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2017 🗫︎ replies
morning to you laddies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to hard time listen to music that is a fat beat that is a pH phat beat so this game was suggested to me quite a while ago and a couple of weeks ago when I was playing Prison architect people really wanted me to play hard time because they think it's another prison game it was requested really really highly so I put it on the back burner for when I needed it and today it's time to get ready and so we're a certain new game oh my god look at me I look awesome I'm using my ps4 controller for this as well cause I think it's gonna be better for this name Dan Foster okay we're a height 6 5 finally i'm above 6 foot voting to be over 6 feet my entire life everyone calling me short so my fault okay strength 50 oh we could upper points how do we okay so strength 50 will bring our strength up to 55 up to 55 we bring our intelligence up to 55 Oh what am I in for fraud prostitution Hey when they say prostitution didn't mean I was a prostitute alright with soliciting prostitutes ok drug abuse drug dealing theft and robbery vandalism trying abuse rape grievous bodily harm attempted murder Jesus Christ okay I'm gonna be in for murder cuz I always told you guys how much I love murder okay we're gonna bring this up to 50 what is that music we have 250 said we'll bring you up five we won't report okay fifty eight fifty five fifty said I think we're good on to appearance who would mess with me if I look like Lisa Simpson look at that [ __ ] or afro don't want the bad ass afro or I want starfish head hair color oh we're gonna have fun with this hey y'all my name is Cletus I've been in their military before but kill demands now I'm in prison - I want to be an old man an old shirtless ripped man he gave [ __ ] Jesus Christ what is this game hey judge oh my going to prison now Dan Foster this Court has seen you accused of murder and heard your defense the trial has gone on quite long enough so I'd like to take this moment to deliver my verdict I am guessing then guilty and that I have to go to prison otherwise the game would be like a home simulator I find you guilty and sentence you to 58 eizan's so town Correctional Facility 30 days that's not long that may not be a long time but it will be a hard time oh it won't be long but it'll be hard yeah it's jokes write themselves ha ha ha I'm topless in the courtroom ok no wonder I went to prison I look like a criminal already ok here we are right in prison all right Dan Foster that's your that's you processed you're now known as prisoner e01 5 ok so I am I in like East Bloc 15 that means yourself 15 of the East Bloc I'm a [ __ ] genius so head over there and make yourself at home it's where I've never been in prison in real life not yet anyway awesome let's poke around ok he's picking up he's a very nice policeman he's picking everything up you escorting me planted his phone piss me off attention the prison has been targeted for a terrorist attack where terrorists attacking a prison all inmates should find a safe place to hide until the threat has been removed ok ok we gotta head to East Bloc where's East Bloc gonna head to myself there's terrorists comin that's West block so I'm guessing East LA can be over here looking what the [ __ ] he's just a shot what happened did you shoot him he's the terrorist look at me run why are you following me the following me please I'm heading myself I'm a the only prisoner that's out oh my god it's a [ __ ] riot in here are people gonna try and kill me even run after each other with SHIVs that guy is a meat cleaver the worst prison ever where's 15 oh hi hey Dan foster I'm not scared of you your status makes you a target to me haha but at least he's honest he's just saying out of his opinions and his thoughts right now the only thing wrong with having a reputation is that I can earn one by kicking your ass okay oh yeah other [ __ ] Thank You police officer kick his ass please I'm heading myself welcome to the jungle I am Terminator and I'm a member of the powers that be he could you pose with us here's a septic eye in his arm he's part of the Jack army already life can be pretty tough the safest place [ __ ] terrorists don't he go this game is crazy this is myself this is myself this is my home I'm gonna stay here close the [ __ ] door because it are oh oh it's bed everybody else off fighting attention dinner is served in canteen take your seat now to avoid disappointment because if you don't get good teacher don't get good grub because prison food is so nice we all know that well I guess terrorist attack is over there Abed wrote hey we sleeping in this vain be eaten these guys should all stay away from me though they see my rock-hard pecs right now hey Dan faster do you fancy earning some easy money I've got a little job for you I like the reasons just guys walk around meat cleavers in the background ok what's your job I've got a feeling something's about to go down could you watch my back for a little while like a watches but I'm not gonna do anything which one are you you look the same you screwed up ha ha ha I didn't do anything you went off you ran in a circle and you came back and told me I failed you suck ok I didn't want to sit down look at him sitting down like a boss that's her mighty fine bones you got going on though gonna pick up this okay pick up the cigarette ah I have increased my rep tenfold now I feel sweet I look put a cigarette in my hand okay where is the canteen canteens over here wanna get some kick a seat you [ __ ] leave me alone okay everybody find some kickass seeds those guys walking on pool cues I'm gonna get a seat seat right next to the food seat right next to the food all this food on the tables already so don't sit down eat star and eat you get to [ __ ] our way you just kick the [ __ ] out of each other what is this game what is happening I'm sitting down and I'm [ __ ] eating just take one bite and then just sit back and watch the chaos like a boss I got a pair of scissors aha [ __ ] the police I'm running with scissors there was food on the table back there get to it get to it quick get to it quick sit down sit down in the chair there we go Oh eat up look at my strength and my happiness going up or my health and my happiness and all gone just sit back like a boss ha ha can I get more food please hi welcome to the canteen easy row 1 5 meals are served here every day at 1:00 p.m. you can also earn a little bit of money by helping to prepare the food behind the counter why do I need money in a prison you they should be trying to counteract an economy going on here let's hope people end up sentence what the [ __ ] stop where you are what are you doing with that scissors are you just [ __ ] talk to me and you said that I could get extra money now you're smacking [ __ ] on me I drop the scissors man little kind of thing doesn't belong here put it down immediately or you'll be in trouble okay yeah drop item here we go nice I'll obeyed abide that's right step away from the scissor and we won't have to take this any further you already punched me in two teeth hey Dan faster I hear you're in here for murder I am do you want to add to my list don't worry I'm sure you didn't do it I've been accused of assault sure you have I saw you kicked the [ __ ] out of a guy two seconds ago that was a nice conversation you are a nice man I'm going to walk away why does everybody in this game run around like they got [ __ ] in their pants can I ask a question what do we do in this game wah I think I've gained some weight hurt me six-pack oh I've certainly feel a lot more powerful so now I've become a big fat [ __ ] in prison where are the weights that's what everybody does in prison to go hit the weights and they get super buff there's a hospital that's we got we got the West but Jesus Christ welcome to the main hall down faster this is the heart of the entire prison thank you random stranger there's not much to do but you can occupy your mind by watching TV or using the computer great we'll out use computers in prison it's worth keeping an eye on the phones too because we got some interesting calls here why aren't the cops doing this why is it up to me those guys in a gang symbol guards you stop following me around dude leave me alone this phone ran as written hello hello who's that sorry I was hoping to speak to somebody called Dave Taylor who's Dave Taylor end of the conversation need something to make me happy need to find a prison [ __ ] exercise yard here we go we're going out and we're going to get back or plus one boy sir welcome to the exercise yard easy roll on five this is where you come to improve your body you can improve your strength by lifting weights or improve your jimsy by running around the yard thank you never would have known that can you get the [ __ ] out of a conversation please but if that sounds too boring you could always try shooting hoops it's a fun way to keep fit why are all the buildings in the backgrounds like diffracted do we live in like the ocean let's shoot some hoops this is not a basketball there we go that guy traitor he tried to dunk his baton here we go here we go Kobe what is happening today just break down crying because we said my happiness meter went down he's running away on his own what is it he's doing [ __ ] all on his own what is happening hey Dan faster you must be [ __ ] I've never met anyone as stupid as you what the hell bro I just met you and this might be crazy but can I kick the [ __ ] out of you I am such a little [ __ ] in this prison kick the [ __ ] out like oh oh dude something stomp it on my ass [ __ ] don't let me go get it go I am getting my ass handed to me yeah my character has run around a fall on the ground all in his own what is this game my happiness went back up apparently apparently my happiness goes up and forget to shake he tana me I seem to love pain I go back to shooting hoops I wanted to try this last time grab the ball Oh call me you suck put down the [ __ ] baton the guards are gonna come over throw it away go go Jesus Christ this guy sucks at basketball click that movie said white men can't jump can you G can you just get one can you get the ball in the hoop just once please so nobody thinks that I'm a [ __ ] failure in this prison I screw basketball ok let's go lift weights here we go how do I lift them how do we do you don't you're kicking the [ __ ] out of that guy I am not messing with cops in this place and now the cops are fighting each other I'm just gonna say weirdest game I've ever played ever and now that guy is crying because the cops beat the [ __ ] out of him this is weird how do I wait how do I wait stop trying to pick up the [ __ ] bat how do I do you I'm just gonna sit and Cheer then this is exercise right look we gotta wait those guys are still kicking the crap out of each other and the weight is in the wall pick up the weight we need to exercise how do we how do I game how do I game right now here we go ah look at this why do you want can you get out of my face and bust on my guns 61% strength dude [ __ ] and getting out of here these cups are crazy my health going back up yeah my health and my happiness are going up who needs to go to their cell yes the prisoners being locked down for the night all inmates sure return to the home sir okay get up get up and go please I'll be locked down I need to get my cell everybody run dere's holes would realize here we go black and myself time to go in a bed ah nice okay why didn't I leave this video here this game is batshit absolutely insane this game is awesome I love it it's crazy in all the best ways and thank you guys for suggesting to me because I am loved at this I think this is going to be a very good series but anyway let me know what you guys think of it if you want to see more videos on it but for now thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it but don't like putting air in the face like a pause and my friends all realm push thank you everybody's sleeping thanks everybody snoring can you shut the [ __ ] up
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,201,287
Rating: 4.9168925 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, hardtime, hard time, prison simulator, funny moments, prison, montage, fun, funny, funniest, best, webcam, facecam, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, let's play, terrorist attack, fighting, prison riot, inmates, prisoners, hard time gameplay, hard time walkthrough, hard time playthrough, shiv, shank, drugs, strength, intelligence, earning money, making weapons, gang, missions
Id: 1tknXHpnVZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 05 2014
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