Duggee Bugs and Creatures 🪲 | Hey Duggee Official

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oh what was that Zaza you want to go to bed now well let's find some pajamas [Music] you don't want your pajamas now you want a glass of milk all right la la you don't want a glass of milk you want a story good idea spider spider me and Zaza saw a big spider where everywhere oh is it as big as an apple bigger big is a teddy um bigger as big as a boat bigger the house hello [Music] we're here so we've followed the path avoid the monsters monsters don't worry if we stick to the trail we'll be fine that's the spirit bed here oh [Music] this way where are we Betty we're here by the tropical Lake where the sea monster lives see monster excuse me but what is all this racket we thought you were a sea monster well I am a monster if I don't get any sleep so if you don't mind sorry Mr Crab which one do we go now Betty this way [Music] bye Mr crab au revoir which was goodbye in French what's wrong Betty why have you stopped we're here at the giant volcano with the giant snake oh no oh no a giant snake hello it's only one my giant snake giant snake shall we show Dougie all the interesting things we've found yes tag you found a ball it's really bouncy you found an interesting book yeah interested unhappy has brought a glass of what well he's brought us a glass he roly has found a book huh yes a rock whoa now Nori is holding something very interesting yes I'm not interesting well I know what's interesting about you ladybird what your spots yes that is right Nori ladybirds have lovely spots woof you have six lovely spots on your back ladybird one two three four five and six [Music] that's the same number of interesting things we found whoa [Music] sorry happy Dougie's Rock Pool isn't for splashing oh it's for all the animals foreign [Music] it's a place of calm away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life a veritable Oasis of tranquility and what are those your pond is full of Wrigley raisins doggy they're not Wrigley raisin story they're babies that's right they're called tadpoles are tadpoles baby worms no baby fish [Music] baby snails no not quite squirrels tadpoles are in fact baby frogs they don't look like fog oh sound like frog are you sure Dougie oh woof who is Doug is quite sure Skittles he's got his tadpole badge a wolf it says here the temples don't look like frogs at first but then they grow arms and legs turn green and finally they hop out of the water a fully grown frog that's amazing do you think they know let's tell them yeah rub it it says here that mythical creatures are amazing animals like the Dragon you can breathe fire oh Medusa who turns anyone who looks at her who are you staring at it's a stone some mythical creatures were a combination of different animals like the Centaur who has Hooves and hands yeah or the mermaid an enchanting creature of sea and land foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh excuse me oh there's nothing here maybe we can make up our own mythical creature how about a dog a doctor off is that a mythical creature oh what about a fish [Music] there you go caterpillar oh you want to play come on then [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah what I'd really like to see is what real life is like for real locals like you us the colors the day today of your lives the sides The Sounds the smells the shells yeah like what his head Ace rolly collects them but just the odd ones amazing show me more huh this is the rest of my collection a box of sharks wonderful huh I like to park these all in a row just like real cars only very small this is our balloon it used to be even bigger I really like it now what else can you show me more Bell and this is the door amazing oh squeaky adorable do any of your other squeak also no this is the tap it's just like magic yeah I'm learning so much about your lives do you want to see more yeah give me everything yeah she's a cat cute these are the chickens this is our bucket this is a window and here's the room oh be careful up there squirrels and this is a bird we don't know why he likes it here but he does that's so funny [Music] this is outstanding [Music] [Applause] that is very proficient riding there rolly doggy I found a lovely puddle a wolf yes maybe you shouldn't be standing in that puddle happy why what's wrong with it well Dougie can tell you because he's got his puddle badge oh woof woof you see there's more to a puddle than meets the eye when a new bottle is made it's clean and fine to play in but as it gets older algae grows on it what the plant we can make a puddle a bit smelly woof but also very attractive to lots of little creatures like me oh much much smaller than you happy no just hard to see oh a lifetime of scientific research has suggested we need to communicate with this alien not fight with we need to show it love not hate that plan's so crazy Ace and my address work let's do this [Music] I hold that crazy professor's right about this the whole of Midge kind is cabinet on tonight [Music] can you see them happy oh [Applause] kind of but it's a bit smelly I think I've had enough of Puddles for one day Dougie the green monsters [Applause] [Music] just time for one more thing [Applause] oh doggy Hawk
Channel: Hey Duggee Official
Views: 5,749,866
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Keywords: hey duggee, hey duggee official, duggee, hey duggee video, hey duggee videos, hey duggee song, hey duggee full episode, hey duggee full episodes, hey duggee episode, hey duggee episodes, duggee full episodes, duggee full episode, hey duggee clips, hey duggee clip, duggee clip, duggee clips, cbeebies shows, cbeebies episodes, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, hey dugee, hey dugge, hey dougie, hey duggie, hey dugie, hey dougy, duggee hug, hey duggee badges, duggee bugs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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