DOGDAY SAVED BY CATNAP! Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Animation

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I can't let go huh oh no they're coming see you dog day this is madness I need to get out of here oh no over here hungry Critter lunch time finally you man get away from me get out I'm your friend not voter help come on one by one he all our we will leave nothing why are you doing this St now oh but it's going to be fun there's still room left here I go enough SM you I won't let them keep hurting a I can't feel my legs still here you can't stop us we'll just see about that my ear one two that's it I got this H his your return where you belong the TR hole you should have never came out oh you saved me for now wait here comes the best part right now oh what a I got you buddy this might hurt a bit no no more pain I beg you trust me I'm going to fix this mess and I'll get you back your legs oh I can't believe you kept them you're the best yes I am let's begin now relax and have sweet dreams huh what a strange dream but my legs they work like a charm y this is the best day of my life Gat thank you so much this is amazing much it's the least I can K all who's over there you talking about hello I'm over here you're so smart now you made me angry well you hiding just let me put my hands on you there are you blind go away you here and this time I'm not afraid if you cat I'll show you your dirty hands off not that quick got you now oh I'm so closey oh yes yes you are come closer coward just like fish your nightmare SS now I told you don't make me crap it was fun while lasted but not even all the hands of grand back can save you this time play you look like a nice snack for a cat come let me a you a monster oh wait that's it I have to try it sorry oh you wouldn't do it ler damn it stupid worker hold on how did you do it that my hands weren't good enough well there you go they're all I need to defeat you look on the bright side you're going to be full of energy there it goes what is that my face get off me get help me it get me it bur so much please I don't want to die didn't worked I'm sorry catnap but this time you'll have to pay for the damages even if it's with your life bur someone enough with the sil of games trust me let me take you I don't want to I'll be better I promise leave my friend alone we're still friends right watch out I much oh my head oh is that all oh that hurts oh my I'll have to cut you again I dare you to try I will you damn experiment I won't let you manipulate me any l oh no you won't make it prepare yourself it's time for the hour of joy you think you're so strong you can defeat us both going to Ru it get out of my way it's a massive don't come back finally catnap are you okay sure but you hurt let me heal you that's not a big deal this is all my fault I should have never listened to him come here buddy you saved me we're true friends friends forever hey buddy what's going on we can talk this out you don't have to do this I'll so down with you I'll get rid you right now oh crap stay still or it'll be worse than you oh no there's nowhere to go catnap please I'm not going to ask nice no more go to sleep no not the red smoke don't bother there's no point resisting I can't finally he's out let's go puppet I'll find you a nice place to sleep ouch oh where am I help the lab what the heck am I going to guys what is katna planning to do what's he going to do with us I need to get out before I end up like them before he oh no now your PL are ruin and our friends are safe safe what do you mean safe you caught us all shut your mouth don't play innocent I saw everything okay guys ready here we go there was no trouble they were just inantly playing around but you know sometimes they can be mischievous hey guys you mind if I join your game what do you want to play dodgeball sounds fun all right you asked for it everyone a it him is this how you play fire holy I don't know what happened with you guys but they were eager to teach oh well at least it's over for now huh catch it f look at him sque take this I'm not going to lie they were very cruel to you I don't know what drug them to treat you like that but you must remember not everyone was against you all right kids show is over move away yeah what did you say it's time for a nap smelling Critters finally oh they never get tired let me help you dog day it's okay to need a little help stay away from me you you all suck I hate you dog day and we're just kidding oh my that was fun I've never seen someone cry so funny what's that do you really think I cry funny it's him he's hitting the S cry you going to cry oh someone's probably going to cry but it's not going to be me what are you saying isn't he Budd bgy let's play tag now you're it what happened please please so sorry music to my ears I told you someone would cry they deserve a lesson yes but you are taking it too far why did they have to treat him like that I need him to calm down huh this is a kicking feather oh no he's losing a lot of feathers he only does that when he's scared someone took him they're in danger my friends I saved them I've been thinking maybe we were too cruel to dog day oh please it was the funniest thing that happened all month well I did laugh a lot absolutely hilarious oh Bobby I was thinking about forgiving you what a Pity time to run you're really slow come with me now I'll take you to a hilarious place we're really sorry buddy it wasn't our attention oh I heard what you said I'm going to destroy both of you I won't let you ah Dam you quick now Bobby it was just a prank oh no now what H him I'd like to see you try you'll see what happens when you mess with me did this yourself stop whining about it ouch I lost the trail I heard a noise around here what the heck something har Happ here I've arrived too late something is coming quick I hope it didn't see me I'm almost finished what did you do I could have believe it but I wasn't going to let you hurt our friend found is pretty good I'm pretty you're disgusting hey that's mean you don't know what you're missing out on a please just stop it come on baby up your muscle I'm sure you want to piss me what I want is a rest cing order is it for me it's on my muscle I'll protect call the others got you coward you let me down oh man I can't just leave I have to save her I'll deal with you first hey you let her go please oh you want this ugly thing no problem catch crafty I got you you done yet it's my turn now stay still let's go to a better place so I had no doubt it was you what were you planing to do to our friends no everything is almost ready I saw everything what kind of way is this to treat our friends uh come on catap we can talk about this buddy I have to stop you dog day let them go they'll forgive you for sure forgive me you want me to ask for forgiveness from these idiots Dog Day pal calm down I'll never do it they don't deserve forgiveness they laughed at me I'll make them suffer I'll destroy them and you too hnap come closer damn it don't okay stop now you can't stop me they're all dead anyway I'll just have to start with you don't make me do something I want to see you try how can you do this how can I I thought you were the only good one but you SED with them you're one of them get away from me that's how it feels you like it being laughed at and beaten this is your last warning it doesn't have to be like this no shut up don't try to confuse me die the hard part's over now say goodbye smiling Critters oh no guys oh yeah slow and painful you celebrate till soon ah ah no how I told you this was your last chance s the same trick as before no it won't work how dare you you were now it's personal F oh you sure you can forgive me you think that's funny absolutely hilarious enough it's over my revenge is complete look at them they finally regret treating me like this they just needed to die to understand you would killed them all a stupid joke oh I'll do it for Less they deserve St you something is controlling you I'm the contrary I'm free now I'll make you see reason stay still are you sure you want to hit me shut up it was a TR what have I done my friends thanks for the help buddy I couldn't have done it without you what's up dog day what hey dog day careful with that you really think I would oh that that can't be good not for you who wait let's talk let's talk don't do anything rash dog there's nothing to talk about no catnap how could you what the happen can't I can't believe oh no oh no this is useless what do I do it doesn't matter what I will leave them behind come on just a little more I'll get you out of here buddy I'm fine I did it once I can do it five more times let's get out of here I'll save you all I can't believe it pigy piggy is missing don't worry look we are all here someone's missing he has to be somewhere over here talk D just leave me I failed you all don't say that you are my friend huh iive we are so sorry buddy I'm glad you oh I'm so so sorry no wor with pal leave me alone please oh come here I have a new game master to play I don't want to play anything with you crap catnap what do you want to do with me what's up dog day where were you going in such a hurry get up we can talk I don't care about anything you say and what will the others think oh forget about them they play another part of my plan you'll see I will worry more about what's going to happen to you the red gas stop it now no please pleas in the name of all the bones let me go now I just need to make sure you can't escape no catnap let me go now your legs look delicious my legs oh no hold up being a traum get all there a bit huh what was that sh it like that W that scream sounded like it was from a horror movie that was scary what happened huh I'm trapped what horrible thing is Canna BL to do oh my legs what kind of M monster would do this he actually did it oh this is the end for me oh gas gas can invited him aren't you happy to see me anyway I need you all to do a little thing for me oh no like this is that how you do it dummy oh no I'm glad that you're all cooperated so now who's hungry I'm starving actually I got a doggy Fe ready follow me that sounds great that sound came from here h Huh what happened to you buddy leave me alone you look terrible I need to think of a way to help him just leave me like this he'll come back soon hey huh are you thirsty here have some water okay yeah easy now good boy you sure we're thirsty I'm glad you like it oh thank you I can't wait to know how do my enough water very well buddy you feel better all right all right you are thirsty I know something you might like I'm back you love this I can't believe it is my favorite food just as I thought hry up guys I'm very hungry everything goes according to the plan oh yeah you like that don't you you're such a good boy H maybe there's a toy around here oh you came back huh launch is here boys let's eat s what the heck are you doing hey why are you doing that to him stop it get away from him his creatures are so evil hey stop it right now don't you hear me God now must have hypnotized them leave before something happens to you hell not a chance I will protect you I'll stand guard and when I get an opening I'll freeze player oh no yes you did it I told you everything is going to be all right huh that nosy human I'll show what happens when you mess with my plans I better R ass and do the trick as long as I'm here no one will hurt you huh I feel weird buddy fire waa what a dangerous toy you could hurt someone with that I hope you don't mind but I going to take it well dog day shall we continue with danup it's time to be no please stop it we're friends what's going ah dog day how can you do this to me oh crap hold on I will see what what happened with my hands buddy forget about me you Need to Escape run what actually I feel pretty good but I'm starving you wanted to help me come here buddy what's wrong with you it's me what did I step on the fire hand come on Blair why do you make this easy it'll hurt just a moment my friend don't make me do this I don't want to e I'm going to Blair I can control it for now huh you you can does that mean I can save you get you back to normal no I can't control it for too long player you you have to do it you you have to end my suffering what buddy I I can't do it please but I I can't I'm going to eat you up player there's no time to waste but I can't damn it you're my friend I I can't do this it wasn't much time but I really enjoyed spending it with you for a place of fun this place is pretty harsh you were the first person in a long time who treated me well okay I really love the way you pet me you're so good at it so don't be sad you gave me the best last moments of my life I can't think of a better way to go having met such a wonderful person I'll die with Precious Memories player my friend [Music] goodbye oh why is he so cute just look at him go my heart's pounding out of my chest I can't breathe all right these batteries should be enough to power power up the door here we go I hope it works yes it worked now I have to put oh my look better in person uh who's there huh so weird I thought I heard someone anyway okay last battery and we'll start phase two I've been preparing for this for a long time I'm ready now let's see what Waits on the other side my dear let's have a romantic evening Miss Delight get away from me let's not do this again why did you do that where are you going come back why do you keep trying I'm sure our thing will work out come on come on I have to move to the next door right away What mo closed help oh player I have a surprise for you come on come on there has to be a way out I B you some flowers take them please work favorite ones ouch why are you like this he rejected them and they SM nice yes I made it so long this delight I can almost dance a bit ouch really you again fire I the butterflies in my stomach I need you to kiss me come on just one little kid so freaking gross stop chasing me so we do it the hard way you will be my player mine alone what the heck was all that her lips were so close nice the door's open player you're not looking for a way out are you Mr light stop it now why do you have to bother me like that we have unfinished business you and I H you won't get rid of me so easily get lost except it we're me for each other legs don't fail me now bet to be cutie pie ah you were cuter through the megaphone you should have stayed locked up now I wouldn't been running through love player I wanted to meet you in person it was time to see each other face to face open open open open give up you can't run the forever I prefer to stay single what do you want me to do nothing please wait player it's my face right hey hold on no it's not because of the way you look Miss Delight look I wasn't always a monster is is this you of course I am oh I'm truly sorry let me power this thing up and I'll open it yes I would appreciate it if you did it's just I'm sorry I can't do it you're not the girl in the photograph anymore I'm still as same on the inside no I don't think so fine you brought this up on yourself haha yeah there's the end of the level you are not a good person player what how did you get out you underestimated me and judged me by my appearance I'm tired ofed you are insane coward you can't force me to do it m Delight oh I can and I [Music] will it's not the flame of love it's the flame of goodbye so goodbye crazy girl hey that's cheating we could have been happy together but you're afraid of love I'm afraid of your lack of Sanity I'm out of here I don't want you near me I won't let you get away that easily not after all the effort this ends here I'm closing the door don't hurt me please you give me one last chance no I won't Mr light please don't cry you broke my heart no I didn't mean to it's just that I must close the door what are you a fool huh you got your chance to run away I'm going to finish you go down good no whole player open the door I'm in farewell this delight he will find you ouch
Channel: Cartoon Games
Views: 3,862,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hornstromp, hornstromp games, boxy boo animation, rainbow friends, boxy boo song, boxy boo origin, poppy playtime boxy boo, boxy boo poppy playtime, huggy wuggy, mommy long legs, boxy boo, boxy boo vs huggy wuggy, poppy playtime, poppy playtime animation, poppy playtime chapter 2, poppy playtime chapter 3, rainbow friends animation, project playtime trailer, huggy wuggy cartoon, boxy boo project playtime, lunch boxy boo, boxy boo presents, fash, smiling critters, catnap
Id: WK8Ebh4MrBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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