Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 BUT CUTE Animation // DOGDAY Got His Legs Back?!

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ha you can't catch me dog day I'm almost there hoppy wo look at this beautiful cake it's perfect and the Final Touch hop looks like I got over you shut up I'm faster this cake is awesome truly a piece of art wait what oh no yes I'm the winner suck it hoppy yeah yeah yeah shut up dog day hey idiots you destroyed my cake sorry piggy we didn't mean to oh I won't forgive them I'll throw them into a shredder and when they come out as patties I'll make burgers out of them piggy stop standing there and bring us water I'm thirsty oh I'll make sure you're hydrated there you go drink it oh thank you so much what I'm feeling strange I will take care of you from now on no piggy please stop you will pay for ruining my cake wait what why did it stop why isn't it working stupid Shredder work now I get your idea hoppy yes we did it let's get out of here dog day oh no he's back where do you think you're going my dinner come here I'll cut you into pieces [Music] manually dog day I've got a brilliant idea I don't like it already 5 minutes later are you guys ready for the race always ready ready set go dog day are you okay how do you think [ __ ] idiot help save me help you have tried my patience for too long it's time for punishment open the door now what are you doing oh no my children no 5 minutes before that be a good kitten play with the puppies I'll be there soon so boring let's play a game Watch The Bone catnap say fetch oops I hit someone wrong it was our bone no stop biting me what's going on here you're hurting my kitten but he started it cute kitten you'll pay for everything you did to him help save me hell you have tried my patience for too long it's time for punishment open the door catnap what are you doing oh no my children no those puppies Hur Hur my kitten they will be punished give me back my puppies help please we're saved okay but your puppies must not hurt my kitten again look what I got I'll muzzle them the puppies won't be able to bite the kitten a few moments later it's good to be friends behave yourselves I'll be back soon yes [Music] daddy that's right crafty you're about to answer for all your sins katna please stop what did I even do to you whatever it is forgive me please and let me go no you tried to eat my children good I was near so I could stop you now you shall die crafty wait what who turned off the electricity I'm 100% sure many Critters did that haha it's so funny to play with the lights yeah now I will turn it off and I will turn it on again hello Rascals could you please stop playing with the power no we're not yet satisfied catnap I said stop [ __ ] playing or I will tear your little asses off sir yes sir oops I think I killed him oh no the door cut off my legs meanwhile come on come on I'm almost there these ropes are so tight I can't bite through are you kidding me great it actually just cut my legs off I need to find myself new legs God damn it and how do I bring back my legs what the [ __ ] hey catnap it's time for Revenge [Music] huh hey you stole my legs and you stole mine crafty prepare to die crafty corn no you will die catnap chaste the power of my magic wait stop what are you doing that's what you get for messing with me what you deserve that stupid unicorn catnap are you okay oh God it's so boring in the class if you encounter a mini Critters use nasam might repellent it will kill them boring I'll never need it who's talking in there the classroom is out of chalk go and get some chalk from the cupboard yes ma'am and which one has the chalk in it I guessed it on the first try I can take my time getting back let the class go on without me and you think you can scare me what a tasty little piggy have a nice day I've gotten into the vent I can crawl down the pipe to class it sounded easier than it did were you thinking of running away from us look over there oh no there's Critters on that side too I can't get away what a tasty little rabbit well what are you going to do now if you encounter a mini Critters use Nas a might repellent it will kill them I have an [Music] idea Huggy wagy has long arms and very sharp teeth Where Have You Been did you bring the [Music] Chuck too [Music] late finally I can rest on my soul sof hey hoppy get out it's my sofa nope I took it first get out loser oh so you want to play that game huh whatever I can just do this what the it's all her horn if I get it I can become invincible and do whatever I want huh wait what are you doing ha your horn is mine now no give it back you fool give it back to me hoppy back off craf I need its power for my own purposes oops H what is this thing oh no prototype got the horn we have to bring it back hey prototype give me back my horn get off Critters what happened poy look we have merged and we share one body together we're like sisters now I don't deserve this 5 minutes later ah this thing is entertaining have fun my Creations hello prototype how are you doing you it's you again taste this idiots not today metal hand give me back the horn now um crafty what's wrong with your hand wow it's so cool now I have a mechanic arm my D is rued [Music] H I want to kill you [Laughter] reng [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I'll help you not a problem thank you meanwhile what is going on here no no don't do [Music] it I love you help help me help me
Channel: ToonBurger
Views: 532,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sjdPQYLDP5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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