DogDay And CatNap Love Story...šŸ˜³ - Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 Animationā”ƒComic dub

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oh man I I feel really strange my head is spinning oh catnap take this tape off my hands now and no wonder no one wanted to show you their hands can you stop shouting please you're giving me a headache and what tape are you talking about how did I get here I'm talking about this tape that you showed me a few moments ago you said it had a life of its own or something like that look it's completely stuck to my hands why and why are you acting like you don't know I don't know why you're making such a fuss about it just take it off it's not a big deal I'm really sleepy is there a Bed nearby that's what I'm trying to do why won't it come off my hands oh dog day you're so funny can't you just get out of this silly tape already haha you and I will have a very serious conversation after you take this off me I don't know why I always have to get involved with your weird fetishes okay we'll talk later but first I want to sleep yeah I think I have an idea for this and for you to stop throwing Tantrums [Music] instead of helping me he preferred to tie me up more and he fell asleep and I feel like he only pretended not to know anything catnap wake up unleash me right now don't pretend you know nothing hey dog day I'm so glad that we managed to escape from that scary complex now we finally live happily just as we always wanted I'm happy we've overcome so many hardships so many fears however I'm truly happy that everything ended well and now we're together forever don't worry you're already a big kitten there's nothing to be afraid of everything will be fine come on come here catnap all right stop clinging damn it pull yourself together catnap you're already an adult why are you acting like a child let's go wash up quickly oh hello dear friend do you often fly around here let's be friends oh it seems we're friends now I'm so glad oh no where did you go what a predicament hey catnap where are you come here we've all been waiting for you hey catnap come to us see we've all been waiting for you wow guys you all gathered for me I'm so touched thank you guys I adore you let's go catnap everyone's been waiting for you hurry let's go dear friend we're going home together forgive me friends I didn't mean for this to happen hey what what's happening why am I in such a strange outfit why am I wearing this skirt and what's going on anyway what what's happening a minute ago I was locked up in the facility and now and what's happening with catnap it oh I don't know what happened but catnap looks very cute right now oh what happened shut up and come here stupid dog day aren't we friends don't be afraid of me come over here H I really want to approach however catnap is acting very strange I don't know all right screw it what am I hesitating for I'll go to catnap and I don't care what happens next it seems like dog day stopped being afraid of me great I'm really glad however it seems like I can feel that he's very nervous haha don't be afraid dear friend I'm still the same cat now and I'm glad that we ended up here together thank you I I'm also very happy that we ended up here together I I am very nervous however I am overwhelmed with feelings for you dear catnap hi dog day and cat nap what are you doing here explain quickly what the hell is going on here what are you doing catnap why are you dressed like that you've needlessly disturbed us silly kin now I'll have to deal with this we both know very well that you can't keep your mouth shut you hid the red color right I'm sure so hey quickly put all the colors back in place darn it you're acting like that mischievous and evil rabbit from the YouTube cartoon forgot what he's called CX Max ah never mind are you ready dear friend let's embark on a great journey together to the Moon H what's this you don't want to jump with me we're always waiting for you catnap you are our dear friend I sincerely hope that someday you will be able to come back I I don't want to cry but you turned into a horrible monster cat nap I truly believe that you will come back to us I believe in it so welcome to dog day's lesson today we're going to have a blast when you ask catnap to borrow you a notebook for dog day wow your notes are so neat awesome it's not a big deal when you ask catnap to borrow c a notebook for other friends catnap do you have a written note no sorry for dragging you into this thanks for saving me dog day don't say that it is my duty to protect everyone this is why kids like you they always say this to me Miss Delight you are so funny haha Ms crafty said that too she said you are the best leader if I meet that freaking dog and doll next time I will electrocuted them hey who are you what are you doing here at this time we are not afraid of you who you think of electrocuted who the doll and the dog wow what a turn of events and now let's move on to the [Music] school oh damn did I fall asleep time to wake up it is time to pick up the kids oh hi crafty and oh my God hi dog day dog day I have a very special gift for you I'm here this took me hours dog day this is I want to see what Miss crafty draw so beautiful EMS crafty always draw you in the art class she said her dog day is the most handsome man in the play care George stop no don't listen to them this is not true de for two you I want to ask you a question dog day sure if you are free at 9:00 p.m. tonight please have a date with me please oh no oh sure look like there is something funny here IO Ms delight and Bubba yo my friend how you doing oh miss crafty I'm going to tell dog day about what I saw you did at the teacher office no please crafty you actually kiss my pick I'm laughing to dead I'm Sorry Miss crafty don't cry Miss crafty we love you you are the best teacher hello friend friend how are you what's new hey catnap everything's great I'm actually heading to the beach with friends want to join us I want to hug you to sleep what now why now I just woke up and really want to go to the beach run under the sun and finally learn to swim like a dog it's just 6:00 p.m. don't drag me let me go please I really don't want to go to bed so early no come on get your butt up silly dogplay we're going to bed right now what the hell do I see what what are they doing hey catnap quickly pay attention to me yes you and I will be best friend forever ooh my dear friend do you remember that flashback from our childhood when you talked about us being best friends haha [Ā __Ā ] oh have you drawn me yes I put a lot of effort into this drawing I hope you like it looks absolutely wonderful my goodness you have talent I'm so glad you liked it thank you so much oh it seems it seems like I feel a furry paw on my shoulder oh darn damn catnap I keep forgetting that you can move silently you often scare me with that you smell good dog day what the hell is going on here hey horse are you trying to take dog day away from me damn it get out of here fast he starting to boil over why did you decide to hang out with that stupid horse are you don't want to be friends with me anymore sometimes I wonder how I tataa like H what do you mean dog day I don't understand you I can help with that WTF calm down catnap I'm scared of you ha oh God judging by his predatory gaze he wants to devour me it seems like dog day is afraid of me hm that's very strange after all I just want to show him how cats wash themselves oh how cute is my little prey sleeping how cute stop it seems like a wonderful idea just came to my mind haha yes I'm a genius H from which angle should I execute my cunning and brilliant plan haha looks like I found a loophole in his defense haha well brace yourself dear prey pH it's getting so stuffy all of a sudden I'm just sweating buckets wait I feel something something big warm and furry damn don't worry so much you leather sack today I won't turn you into dust I just came to warm up and make sure you don't run away haha sweet dreams little kitten may you dream of the brightest and most positive things and wake up in a great mood sleep tight little dog day I'll guard your sleep from any ghosts and monsters oh big dog day what are you doing here ooh hi catnap I was going to take this kitten to bed she loves sleep sleeping I think it's a great idea to put them to sleep together now they can get a good rest and we'll become a little more free yes now we can spend time together without being distracted by this little detail come here little silly horse you thought you could criticize me haha now you're not so brave anymore please forgive me dear catnap I will never joke about you or criticize you again where did Big Dog Day go I can't find him anywhere what if I never find him again darn it where did he go oh I finally found you big dog day why did you run away from me what happened little catnap don't worry I'll always be by your side will you pick me up big dog day I really like it when you do that of course catnap because I enjoy spending time with you why are you crying catnap did something upset you I I it's just that I still don't fully believe that I managed to completely separate from the Dark Side I'm just so happy don't worry catnap everything will be fine the main thing is to remain as cheerful and joyful as you are I'll always be by your side you're welcome catnap I'm glad to be by your side at this moment oh damn how did I manage to fall off this bicycle catnap he will be angry oh um hi catnap how are you uh did you hear something and come here to check huh catnap I'm fine really what do you want to do with me I really didn't fall on purpose too much noise silly dog shut up and follow me I'm fine really I know but the wound needs to be treated does it hurt you to fall no it doesn't hurt ouch ouch how it stings please you can sit still I can't treat the wound while you're twitching I'm sorry catnap I'll try to sit still and not move while you treat me finally was it worth swearing like that they're just scratches sorry I'm just really worried about you please be careful dear dogplay I'm so worried about you getting hurt or injured after all you're still my best friend that's so sweet that you worry about me and always gladly help me I really appreciate it dear [Music] catnap H interesting what could it be it's quite challenging to understand exactly how Sam decided to help us further but I already feel the warmth of his care sunshine you made the scarf uh I made that scarf for you but it has too many mistakes so I was going to make another one it doesn't look that good does it I'll make for you a better one thank you sunshine I love it oh come on dog day calm down you're making me a little uncomfortable though you wouldn't like it oh darn sunshine got hurt because of me he decided to take care of me and got injured that makes me even happier inside I've never met people like them before how warm thank you for such a wonderful gift now it will keep me warm on the coldest nights I'm glad that you like it I hope it turns out to be really warm and you'll never get sick hey it'll heal soon you don't need to do that it's a long time since I saw them that happy I want to attach more me too Tutt Tut Tut I've been in this silly complex for quite some time now haven't found anything interesting here yet it's just an old dusty place oh well seems like I was tricked into believing that some monsters live here haha darn H what's that noise could there really be something here probably just rats or maybe I forgot to take my pills this morning haha that silly mannequin still hasn't seen me oh it's so funny right now you're going to turn into ordinary ashes silly doll haaha gotcha silly cat it's time to teach you a lesson you'll remember for life haaha oh damn why are you frozen are you scared haha it seems like you know what this little thing is and what it does what the hell who are you please stop it wow looks like it worked well I must admit you turned into quite a cute cat haha what's wrong are you hungry or do you you want me to pick you up and give you a good scratch oh you want a treat enjoy your meal catnap it's lunchtime just two of you you two keep going just ignore me I'm not here and I never was I'm literally a ghost so forget about me and carry on oh good morning world I finally woke up H didn't even know I could sleep for such a long time seems like I crashed out with the guys oh right we had a pajama a party I wonder if anyone else is awake phw it's surprising that I woke up one of the first after our party but funny enough it seems like dog day was up first hm perfect time for a prank haha hey dog day it seems like we're all alone here since everyone else is asleep don't you find it amusing and at the same time intriguing what ah mhm I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about but yeah it's funny that only we woke up especially you huh oh damn what's even happening seems like I really blushed H I hope catnap didn't notice are you okay if I lie down next to you dog day oh damn if this continues I'll just burn with embarrassment oh my God I need to pull myself together urgently listen to me doggy you got this you are the best player and Captain in the whole university show everyone what you are of and if you win I'll I'll reward you deal yes bro I deal
Channel: SVAG PLAY
Views: 20,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 3 trailer, poppy playtime chapter 3 gameplay, poppy playtime chapter 3 release date, catnap, catnap poppy playtime, catnap comic, comic dub, comic dubs, mha comic dub, comic, huggy wuggy, poppy playtime chapter 3 catnap, poppy playtime catnap, dogday, poppy playtime chapter 4, poppy playtime 4, poppy playtime animation, poppy playtime chapter 3 animation
Id: 8gJttwZ_4hY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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