Does Zac Efron Know Lines From His Most Famous Movies?

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- [Producer] Got it. - Got it. I say this? Let's go. Let's go. You can't stump me. Ooh, I don't know. You might've stumped me with this one. I'm not sure. (laid-back music) "I thought you were my friends. Win together, lose together, teammates." "High School Musical"? (bell dings) Nice. The first one? They're all similar dialogue. I don't know. I thought that you're my friends. Win together, lose together, teammates. The cast and the group of people making that movie was just magical. There's a time and a place for everything, and everything, you know, happens for a reason, and "High School Musical" is like the prime example for that. I've never had so much fun. Maybe a few times. But it was still to this day maybe one of the most fun experiences of my whole life, and it just shows on camera. The whole first movie, we practiced those dance routines like once or twice. We just get up there and do it. (laughs) So I couldn't believe "Get'cha Head in the Game," I couldn't believe we got a clean take of that. The first like couple takes, there were basketballs flying everywhere, it was chaos. We were like, "We're never gonna get this." And then, everyone just nailed it. It changed everything for me. I had just a really great group of friends. It was fun to be out there doing really exciting fun music-forward work, it wasn't so serious. Definitely made me very popular, so that was interesting. I remember I could afford to move out of my house and live in LA. Everything got really interesting from that point forward. "Padres before I sleep with tu madres." And that's from "Neighbors." (bell dings) Padres before I sleep with tu madres. We did a ton of improv on that movie. There's at least some improv in every scene I'm in. It was really fun. Dave was the best. Yeah, he crushed that. Usually, the funniest stories with Seth are just how much general improv we were doing. It was always surprising what he comes up with. Also, when you get like two or three lines deep and you stick with the character, some just ridiculous stuff comes out. Just in general doing that with Seth is hilarious; it's so much fun. "I just woke up in jail with a bunch of penises on my forehead." "Dirty Grandpa." (bell dings) I just woke up in fucking jail with a bunch of penises on my forehead. There was a couple times that he, like, they were kind of out there sayings. I can't remember specifically which ones, nor would I repeat them on Variety. But there were some pretty vulgar things he was saying and he had no idea what he was talking about. So he'd look at me in between takes and go, "What does that mean?" I'd be like, "Oh, you don't wanna know, man." He's so masterful at committing with the emotion and kind of sticking with it. So you get to a point where it's like you don't know if you're gonna use any of it, and we got there like every day. He would just like shut me down with a like amazing improv and I would just break 'cause him saying ridiculous stuff is like... I don't know, he's got God's voice sort of. (laughs) "Because as much as I know about laptops, I don't know shit about computers." Oh my gosh, this was an improv. Baywatch? (bell dings) Got it. Let's go. Because as much as I know about laptops, I don't know shit about computers. It's funny when you watch like source material and you're doing something... I remember going like, "We're really gonna recreate it like this? Is this a good idea?" I don't want that to come across the wrong way. We ended up kinda just doing our own thing for that movie. I did like legit swim lessons and a ton of training. That was really intense. And we had a really great stunt crew on that movie. There's a lot of stunts looking back on it. We do some pretty ridiculous stuff in that movie; it was really fun. "Four tickets to that party? You called the right guy." "Neighbors?" (buzzer blares) I say this? Oh! "New Year's Eve." (bell dings) Yes. Four tickets to that party? You called the right guy. I've never done a movie like "New Year's Eve" before. And it was a massive ensemble, really big cast, big set up, beautiful sequences of "New Year's Eve" that were so much fun. But I had the benefit of being with Michelle Pfeiffer for all of my stuff and she's... I love her to death. She's so much fun. And it just felt like I was on a mini vacation with her in New York, which was awesome. It was just a great experience. But I think it was like the New Year's Eve actual kiss that Michelle and I had, I'll never forget that. It was very special. "My prom is wherever you are." My prom is wherever you are. "High School Musical 3?" (bell dings) Let's go. Let's go. You can't stump me. My prom is wherever you are. When we made High School Musical 1, we definitely had no idea that there would be 2 or 3. It was just like a rollercoaster that wouldn't drop. It was so much fun. But we were so happy when they came around. We were just all so stoked. It was like the most fun musical summer camp with everybody that was becoming progressively more elite at singing, dancing, and just the arts and entertainment all crammed together from the days before anyone was popular to after. By the time 3 hit, we were just firing. It was so fun. The musical genre, it's tricky. I would love to do another musical. It's hard though. It's like once you've done "High School Musical" and... It takes like a "Greatest Showman" to separate itself from that. I just don't wanna do the same thing over and over again. "Listen, girls, if you don't respect yourself, how do you expect others to respect you?" Ooh, I don't know. You might've stumped me with this one. I'm not sure. It's gonna come to me. "17 Again" maybe? (bell dings) Yeah, yeah. Okay, good. If you girls don't respect yourselves, then how do you expect anyone else to respect you? I had the benefit of being able to watch Matthew my whole life before that movie started. It's not like we hammered home like how to do the jokes or the character. I had to make it true to myself and be able to make it happen. But there's those things that Matthew Perry just invented. The way he kind of just brought humor to camera, they're like ingrained in me. I think they're a huge part of why I'm here, you know, is comedic timing from Matthew Perry for years and years and years. I could kind of go through a scene in my mind and be like, "Oh, he'd definitely do this, oh, he'd definitely do that." That was really all it took, that and putting yourself in your dad's shoes, which was really crazy. Yeah, thanks, Matthew. "Ever since I was a child, people said my family was cursed." And that's from "The Iron Claw." (bell dings) Ever since I was a child, people said my family was cursed. The movie's really... It's epic. It's an epic story. I think everyone can really kind of relate to the story as well. It really is a story about love and family and the lengths that you're willing to go for the people that you love. It's truly beautiful. I think it's gonna surprise a lot of people. I'm pumped for everyone to see that one. I think a lot goes into playing anyone that's ever really existed. But having the person be around and still be able to see it, like Kevin Von Erich is for this movie, it just makes me have an extra layer of like wanting precision and making sure that you're doing it justice. It just motivated me extra hard I would say. It just makes it all very real and close to home. And I did get to talk to him and I know he's seen the movie and he told me he really liked it and we talked for a long time about it. So yeah, mission accomplished, man. (mellow music)
Channel: Variety
Views: 1,538,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Variety, Variety Studio, zac efron, zac efron interview, zac efron the iron claw, zac efron iron claw, high school musical, high school musical 3, baywatch movie, dirty grandpa, neighbors movie, zac efron neighbors, zac efron wrestling movie, zac efron singing, zac efron wrestling, zac efron baywatch, zac efron 2023, zac efron movies, zac efron high school musical, zac efron interview 2023, zac efron 17 again, 17 again, new years eve movie
Id: TM7UiTfPuoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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