How to Escape Every Bunker

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but today I wanted to make a video on how to play out of the bunkers um and more specifically out of the bunkers in Asia and let me tell you why I think one of the main reasons is because in my opinion hitting out of the bunkers when you have pure scand is actually a little bit easier than hitting you're not in the bunker and yes I'm going to gr my club here because this is practice okay guys so if you want to learn how to do that stay tuned and keep [Music] [Music] [Applause] watching okay first while I hit a few shots to warm up let's talk about why I think that hitting out of bunkers are actually a little bit easier than obviously I'm not talking about hitting a shot here I'm talking about short game so compared to cheap some people find bunkers very difficult but actually bunkers can be easy if you know how to use the right technique so one of the reasons why I think that hitting out of the bunkers is actually easier than hitting a Chip Shot is because when you're hitting a chip shot and using and um basically doing any form of short game you have actually have to be pretty precise with where you contact the ball in order to get a good result so for instance if you are chipping you are most likely going to want to hit most likely in most situations hit ball and then ground to get the good to get a good amount of spin or in certain situations you're going to use the bounce but most likely you're going to have to be pretty precise with where you contact the ball in order to get a good result however with the bunker you're not actually hitting the ball so something easy that I tell a lot of people is if you draw a box around the ball you're trying to take out the entire box like you're not trying to obvious you're not going to be able to take out the entire box but basically that's the idea right you're trying to take out the entire box which means that you're not actually hitting the ball you're hitting the sand around the ball or more accurately behind the ball so one of the things that I think is important to understand is depending on the type of sand that you have that's really going to change the way that your setup is towards this um and how you set up towards this bunker shot so right now we have it's not really firm scent I would say it's not really soft scent either it's kind of like it has been raining and this is kind of the compact sign that you get after raining situations but it's still not too bad so in this situation you can still very much open the club face and hit like a regular bunker shot which is kind of what I've been doing so in this situation you can see that when I hit the ball there's still quite a decent amount of sand coming out so I can still be pretty aggressive with it and still play it with an open Club face but one of the things that's different about a lot of sand in Asia in or in Asian climates is that you usually have this sand where you don't actually want to open the club face too much because it's very firm so today I'm going to show you how to play both types of Bunker shots and one of the bunker shots you can basically hit it for almost any sand condition and one of it is more specifically towards Asian kind of bunkers okay so a good example is going to be if you see this part that I've riged and this part that I haven't riged a lot of times this is the kind of sand that we see in Asia where you're not going to want to open the club face too much because then you're going to use too much bounce and if there isn't enough sand at the bottom most likely you're going to scall it across the green so for the regular bunka shot so that pin is pretty far off but I'm just going to say we're going to hit about a 10 yard bunker shot so what we're going to do is we're going to like I said I'm just going to ground the club so you should know not to ground the club in the bunker but just for today's purposes I'm going to ground the Club what you want to do is and this is something that I actually do outside of the bunker before I even enter the bunker so it's easier for me is you open the club face as much as you want to open it I would say open it a decent amount a lot of people don't open it enough so open it I'm also using a 58Β° weter so I'm probably opening it to like I don't know 66 70Β° I don't know I'm making that up but open it and then grip it so a lot of people also make that mistake of gripping the club like they normally do and then open it and what tends to happen is when you come back to the club your face is going to shut back to the way that you gripped it at so you want to open it first and then grip it you're going to have a pretty forward ball position you can see a lot of weight is going to be on my left foot make sure you aim an approprate an appropriate amount left because with your Club face stay wide open obviously it's going to go right so make sure that you dig in I like to specifically digging a little bit more of my left foot because that's where a lot of my weight is going to be and for me I honestly like to feel like it's an exaggeration but like 90 10 so 90 on my front foot which is my left foot if you're rightand and 10% of my weight on my left foot and another important thing to note is during this entire shot I'm going to keep my weight on the left foot a lot of people tend to hit it like the way that they hit a normal swing which is you know they tend to shift their weight which is definitely not what you wanted a bunker shot you're going to want to keep your weight forward and another thing important to remember is we're going to take a lot bigger office swing than we think so the more you use the bounce the more you open the face you actually don't want to take the more bigger of a swing you take that actually the ball is going to go shorter so that's what a lot of people don't realize especially if you have like a really short close pin and you're trying to just get it out the bunker what people tend to do is they take a very short swing and they try to accelerate through it and what happens is that you have no spin out of that and probably the ball is going to go even further so let's say I'm just trying to carry it somewhere here okay I'm going to really really open my face grip the club put put my weight forward another thing that I feel is I actually feel like my hands are low so if you look at this normal this is low feel like the hands are low and I'm going to take a much bigger swing remember I'm just trying to carry this like 5 yards see that so a lot of people what they tend to do and it's also a mistake that I tend I tend to do last time as well is I take to short of a back swing and then I try to accelerate through it but with a bunker shot you're trying to do the opposite trying to take a longer back swing and a shorter follow through so I think it's important to remember when I say that you're taking a long back swing and a short follow through it's not really that you're decelerating into it but it's just that you're kind of like so what I like to imagine is like I'm taking a 75% back swing and only a 50% follow through so you're not decelerating you're still following through but you're trying to have a shorter follow through than a back swing so again again open the face weight forward hand slow there you go so now I'm going to illustrate a little bit about the Asian sand that I'm talking about which a lot of times we have in course in Malaysia just because of how much rain we have and the type of sand as well I feel like so in order to do that it's not going to be perfect but I'm just not going to rake this area so it's pretty firm there is still s the bottom though so it's not 100% the best representation but one of the things that the most important thing that we're going to do differently is we're actually just not going to open the face that much because when you open the face that much and you're going to go under the ball in order to get it out the bunker when there's no scent underneath it that's when you tend to scull the ball because like with a regular bunker shot you're trying to take out scent from the bottom so when there's no sand and you hit the same shot what's going to happen is that the bounce is just going to make it fly like 50 yards further than you actually want it to fly so what I would do differently here is if we have this situation where there's not as much sand or it's a bit firmer what I would do is pretty much the same setup I just wouldn't open the face that much and what I'll try to do is almost feel like it's again it's not a deceleration because you must not decelerate on any shot I would say but you're almost feeling like you're dumping the club so you're taking a back sing and then you're kind of dumping the club so again just bit the setup is pretty much the same you're just going to put your way forward though I'm not going to go as low as I felt like with the the normal bunker shot but I'm still going to have that forward press forward weight not forward press I mean my weight forward my club face a little bit more neutral and I'm going to feel like I'm dumping it but still taking enough of a back swing so that's kind of what it looks like obviously we have a lot of Bunker here to carry not trying to get it out that far because that's like a 30 yard bunker shot which is not really what I'm trying to show you right now okay I'll show it to you guys in the grass so that it looks like I'm getting out of the bunker basically the same thing again just make sure that you feel like you're kind of dumping it so you can see there this like I said is not the best example because there is still quite a bit of sand under this so it's not going to be the best example of exactly what I mean by the Asian sand that you're going to experience but this is one of the easiest way just to modify a little bit when it comes to different type of sand that you're playing in a bunker so again just a little recap what we want to do is forward ball position want to keep the hand slow and we're going to keep the weight forward so I think one of the biggest things that people struggle with is actually to get height in their bunker shots because it comes out very flat and therefore it doesn't have much spin so if you have a very close Pin it's going to be difficult to stop the ball so again let's just pretend that we're hitting this like less than 10 yards basically somewhere on this little grass patch here and I'm going to try to hit this one as high as I can so for me especially I think one of the biggest issues that people have is like I said too much weight transfer in your bunker shot secondly I think a lot of people don't actually open the club face enough so when you don't open the club face enough you're not going to be able to get that height and the other thing is that this is an issue that I used to have as well a little bit too much forward press so especially for me because I have a strong grip I have to end up putting my ball position quite far towards my left and aiming quite far quite far left as well because if not it feels like because of my strong grip it just makes it feel very funny to like open the club face and not have forward press so in order to not have forward press and open the club face I aim a little bit more left and here's the thing about Golf and golf swing right everybody's different so you need to customize these tips towards yourself and your so okay we're just trying to hit this like maybe 8 Ys so again keep the club face open wave forward and we're going to keep it low if we want to get high we have to keep it low so what that means is this way rather than this way okay let's go yeah though it's not very high but if this was an actual green it would probably have a pretty good result so this is again why I said like when you have nicer sand it's actually much easier to pull off this shot and we do have a bit of an elevation here so the ball is coming out lower than it looks but it's actually pretty it's it's a decent height okay what I'm going to do now to get more height is actually take a longer swing there you go that should be a pretty high soft shot out of the bunker and so the final part of this quote unquote lesson I would say is actually hit those bunkers shots that are a bit further so this one's about I would say 25 Ys to the pin and we've got about maybe 15 yards that we need to carry in order to get it onto the green so this is a longer bunker shot as you can see so I'm hitting the same Club you can also switch your clops I do switch my clubs to a 54Β° wedge especially if a pin is usually over 30 yards then that's usually when I make the switch to a lower lofter club which you will also do the same concept but one of the things that I want to say about this longer bunker shots is that I think again a too much weight transfer people have too much weight transfer and they're trying to hit it really hard and they either end up hitting it even shorter or they end up sculling it over so one of the things that I would say is like I said just now when I want to hit the long the shorter Higher One what I actually do is take a longer swing and swing down a bit faster on it so therefore it kind of seems like the opposite direction if you want to hit a longer one what you're going to do open the club face not as much you can see there the swing doesn't look that much different but that ball flew almost probably exactly what I say which is 15 yards so if you want to hit this longer bunker shot we're actually not going to accelerate too much into we're still going to need the acceleration like I said you're most probably not going to desel into anything in golf but what we're going to do is we're not going to whack down like we're trying to hit it as hard as we possibly can we're going to feel still pretty smooth so that it comes out the sand pretty I mean think about it this way if you had a 30 yard chip you're not going to have to hit that pretty you're not going to hit that that hard but because you're out of the bunker and then you're like thinking that oh I'm going to hit it the bunker us she doesn't come out that far so I'm going to hit it really hard what has happen is you you dig into the ground the ground too much and you end up taking so much sand that the ball goes nowhere so what we're going to do is have a bit more of a smoother swing smoother swing and like I said you're probably just not going to open the cup face as much there you go pretty simple like I said of course you have the option to change to your 54 degree wedge in fact I'm just going to hit a few shots with it so you guys can see it's pretty much the same concept if anything if you don't feel comfortable like heating smooth swings because you feel like you need to deel um accelerate so much into it take a longer Club take a last lofter Club you're doing the same thing there you go it's just even a bit easier so it really depends you have to be confident to swing at it you never want to desell into any of these shots just use the same concept there you go four bunker shots pretty close to the pin I'll take that any day so I hope that this tips and tricks kind of help you guys with bunker shots I play with a lot of people and I feel like one of the things that people are very not confident with is hitting out of bunkers and like I said to be honest unless the sand conditions that you have is bad or you have a bad lie it should be pretty easy for you to get it out of the bunker because you don't have to be as accurate as when you chip so or when you hit a ball when you need to hit the ball first and the ground first you actually have so much room for Arrow because you're hitting the sand you're hitting the ground you're not not actually hitting the ball in fact if you hit the ball of the bunker it's probably a bad shot so you have so much room to work with you just have to make sure I think the number one tips is make sure that your setup is good like I said ball forward weight forward keep that weight forward throughout the swing don't shift back and forth and make sure you don't decelerate into the into the shot you're going to make sure that you want to accelerate into it and it's going to take a bit of practice how long of a swing you need to take that's just up to practice for you to get the feel to hit out of bunkers and yeah I hope that this helps you guys at least be able to get out of every single bunker that you are in and also the other tip that I'm going to give you guys is don't forget to open your clubway because a lot of people just don't open it wide enough and unless like I said you're in that Asian sand you're going to want to keep it a bit more neutral but if not open the club face and I'm pretty sure you're going to get much better results than just trying to whiff your just trying to like a lot of people I see trying to do is this like oh please go out and I'm not making fun of you guys but I just feel like it's a stroke wasted because it's one of the easier shots I would say when it comes to short game so I hope you guys take those tips with you and it helps you guys get out of funkers
Channel: Genevieve Ling
Views: 5,592
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Id: c2i310xFrbs
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Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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