Does it hurt challenge! Gel guns vs human body! [Stupid]

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hey guys welcome back to another video and you can see all the guns are they out on the fall you may be asking why so this is a challenge just it by one of you guys in this video is done for 50 subs special so the rules for this is will use the weakest guns and shoot each other from the strongest guns alright so this is a weakest gang stuff on call m1911 see the bots in and it's loaded second weakest cons going to be the detective funk on the suction cup daddy's here a gold and Eagle gel Kriss vector finally may be the strongest gun out of all them is a classy the going tables already been loaded okay now I'm going to be loading in the Kriss vector funnel over the the hole and then the gel balls there we go all loaded [Applause] we have a minimal distance ah we have a minimal range to shoot each other from and rl1 we have one shot and two in the second round we have three shots no not the third round we have full order round one we've stopped the challenge there's m5 sheet the back suffering the weakest weapon call m1911 attack number two bladed attempt number three one in four cows ten and I'm ready to which is a a close one week gun bullet and hurt and feel like so I'm just put a pebble on your back on gun number two detective funk on attempt number two gay now it's info cows turn on my own - that was the funk gun then hurt still weak moving to the third car number say fourth gun golden this Eagle of Java shooter one shot only temp number two now we should Jason okay this was the fourth gun golden Desert Eagle fifth done alright this is a fifth on the crucifix up ready one shot only okay that was a sixth on the Kriss vector this thing hurt the most for me six gun coming up next okay guys this is a six-gun the Barrett ready one shot only okay bear off and thing you she's gonna shoot better what no there we go a Nelson J my turn to shoot Jason oh then the sixth gun round two skipping the three shots we're gonna go for low with all the John's we have it's done gone and Eagle 404 five seconds three two one go we are guides to Jason discussion it's fully automatic in Hertz crazy co-host bit more gonna be a little distance because Daniel was a crybaby okay now we're going to shoot it is an info killer six-gun Barrett trick to switch on Jason to get shot by this just know [Music] you [Music]
Channel: JLS Productions
Views: 1,012,052
Rating: 4.0888033 out of 5
Keywords: Does it hurt challenge?, Does it hurt?, 50 subs special, Gel ball shooter, Airsoft, Bob guns, Toy guns, Pain, Challenge, People
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2017
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