How to Apply Beautiful Eye Makeup in Photoshop

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[Music] is this recording i hope it is why am i having a feeling like this is a makeup channel anyway hi there this is sumesh from pixel perfect and today i'm going to share with you how to create a beautiful eye shadow design in photoshop and also apply it digital makeup my friend here's the thing so without any further ado let's get started [Music] back in the magical world of photoshop and i'm somebody who knows as much about makeup as the anatomy of a penguin so if i want to take this moment to give a special thanks to my friend sally for helping me with all this helping me with the design and i was just completely blank so do show her some love she does some photography and is a really great person all right let's go ahead and get started the very first thing that we're going to do here is the liner and by the way if you want to go ahead and follow along with this photo check the links in the description let's go ahead and start with the right eye you can always copy over the effects to the left eye or do it again sometimes the eyes are a little different so you might have to do certain things again we're just going to do the right eye left eye is your assignment now whenever you're doing sharp and high fashion and fine designs the pen tool is going to be your best friend so press p for the pen tool or just select the pen tool from right over here and let's draw in the liner and by the way if you're not fully sure about using the pen tool do watch this complete guide on how to use the pen tool i can guarantee that by the end of this video you will become a master of it so let's create a point right over here and then click and drag to make a curve and this is the technique that you can use to create a beautiful liner you can have it in any design you want now to save time i've already drawn the path so if i go to my parts tab i have the eyeliner right over here if i select that have a look this is the one that i have drawn now always remember whenever you're creating a path save it and the way to save it is right now for example let's say i was creating a path right if i go to the parts tab it will have a new path named work path as soon as you rename with anything that is saved with that name all right so let's go ahead and delete that so what happens is that if you don't save it and you begin to create some other parts at some other point of creating your masterpiece it might get mixed up some might get deleted it might get misplaced so we want to avoid that so this is the path that i have made and by the way you can download this psd with all of these parts link in the description now there are lots of ways of turning it into a selection you can hold the controller command click on the thumbnail that would do you can have the path selected and then press ctrl enter that would do as well or what you can do you can right click on it and then choose make selection that opens up another dialog box that we do need we want to add some feather to it we don't want it absolutely hard edged so let's set the i moved my head a little too much didn't i anyway so let's set it to about 0.6 pixels so that will give it a smoother edge now let's come back to layers and create a solid color adjustment layer and choose black because they're black now if you notice it's not so sharp the edges are a little blurred that's what we wanted that's what looks natural it's time for us to make it look more realistic let's name this bass because we're going to create a lot of layers so this is the base liner double click on the right hand side of the layer and we want to take it away from the bright areas so take the slider off the underlying layer from right to left hold the alt here the option key and click on it to break it apart so that the transition is not that harsh take it all the way apart this looks all right but for the bright areas it kind of doesn't and that's why we're going to create a lot of layers press ctrl or command j this will duplicate the base layer now i have a look the bright areas look a little better but the darker areas go so dark that they lose detail so we don't want that so we're going to put this base copy in a group press ctrl or command g for group and let's name this group bright areas and for the group let's create a mask hold the alt here the option key and click on the mask button to create a negative mask we added this layer to the group so that we can have two masks for the same layer isn't that fantastic so let's go ahead and select the mask take the brush white as the foreground color and just paint back in these areas now make sure you have a soft round brush while you do that i feel that we need to make one more copy press ctrl or command j this looks a little better but some areas like this are just too dark so select the mask press ctrl or command a to make an entire selection of the mask with the foreground color as black fill the mask completely with black press ctrl or command d to deselect select the mask again it's already selected take the brush white as the foreground color and just paint over the areas where you want to darken like this area right over here this area a little bit all right still there's something we can do have a look right here there is no black in the extreme highlight areas how to do that again well let's make a copy of the base press ctrl or command j and put it at the very top now we do not want any blender here so let's clear it all by right clicking on it and choosing clear layer style and let's decrease the opacity to about 60 how do you feel about that let's keep it 60 and we only want it in the highlight areas so press ctrl or command g put it in a group hold the alt key the option key click on the mask button take the brush white as the foreground color and just paint over the extreme highlight areas that's it have a look the liner is done now let's group all of these layers this was for the extreme highlights select the topmost liner layer hold the shift key select the bottom most liner layer press ctrl or command g and let's name this liner now liner will always be at the top because it's a darkening effect we want to apply it after all the colors so under it we're going to add the colors although there's more than one way to skin a cat especially in photoshop pun intended the easiest way to add color one of the easiest ways actually is using hue saturation with the layer beneath the liner layer selected click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose hue saturation and we want to colorize it so simply check colorize now you can add any color you want to change the color change the hue to change the intensity of the color change the saturation and control the brightness or the darkness of the color using lightness actually lightness just adds black or white to it it's extremely basic but just like every basic thing this is useful for this example we're going for a little light bluish color so let's go for 192. saturation let's decrease it because i feel it's too much let's go for about 36 and lightness we can make it a little darker so let's take it down to about minus 24. now we don't want it all over the place so select a mask press ctrl or command i to invert the mask then simply take the brush actually take a soft round brush make sure that the opacity and flow are at 100 and simply start painting right over here now while you're painting be a little careful we don't want to go in too much because if we do the liner would get affected so if you painted a little extra by mistake paint that back in with black to erase that now i have already painted this for you to save time let's name it eyeshadow one now it's time for us to paint the top part and this we really are going to paint since we are going to add a lot of shades it makes more sense to paint it instead of using hue saturation here so to limit the area of what we paint let's create a selection you can use the pen tool here so press p for the pen tool and you can make a selection like this so that it doesn't go beyond that i've already again done that to save time let's load that as a selection so if we go to paths have a look eye shadow top this is the restrictive area that i had made let's turn this into a selection by right clicking on it and choosing make selection again we want to add a little feather to it point six hit okay now you can create a group out of this first of all let's create a solid color adjustment layer and choose a bright color something like this or let's go for a little darker color let's go for this color hit okay we want it in a group because there's going to be a lot of shades so put this layer in a group press ctrl or command g and set this mask to the group so that we don't have to worry about adding a mask over and over again so let's drag it and drop it onto the group now the way you paint it my friend that's up to you you are the artist so hold the alt k the option key click on the mask button and then you can take the brush and start painting that's one way of doing that so take a soft round brush white as the foreground color and you can start painting like this now at any point if you accidentally paint a little more it won't exceed that because we have a limit created and it will also not exceed the bottom area so if we didn't have a mask this would exceed too so that's why it's important to have a limit so that was one way of painting another way of painting is by creating another selection with the help of the pen tool so let's go ahead and delete this mask and i've already done that so if i go to parts and i have the first removal path created this is a simple path my friend let's load this as a selection and we're going to add a lot of feather to it so hold the controller command click on the thumbnail to create a selection out of this and then you can add feather later because right now we don't know how much feather we need so press q for the quick mask mode this will give us an idea of the selection now let's blur it let's go to filter blur and then gaussian blur let's see how much we need so i feel at about 20 would be good hit okay now this is similar to adding a feather of 20 pixels if you press q again that would load up again as a selection with that blur applied isn't that pretty cool so let's remove all this by holding the alt key or the option key and then click on the mask button to create a negative mask have a look now this looks perfect now of course we need to make a couple changes so take the brush with black as the foreground color just remove this hard edge that's it my friend let's go ahead and add our second color we will repeat the same process again so let's go ahead and create a solid color adjustment layer we're going to choose a darker color previously we have chosen a color like this we can go with something darker i'm thinking of something dark like this let's go with it hit okay we will use the same removal process you can simply select a mask take the brush with black as the foreground color just start removing it you can do that but if you really want to be accurate again use the same technique with the pen tool all right so let's go to our parts i've already done it as well so this is the path that i have created right over here this is actually an opposite so you can also select the pen tool right click on it and then choose make selection now we know how much feather we want to add so let's go for 20 again hit okay now you have a pretty nice selection so fill it with black alt backspace or option delete with the foreground color as black press ctrl or command d if you want the exact opposite of this so with the mask selected press control or command i and there you go let's repeat the same process with the third color so we're going to create one more solid color adjustment layer and for this one let's go for 13 27 and 57 as rgb values hit okay and let's do the same thing let's go to parts and make sure the pen tool is selected so that we can directly add feather let's go with this one right click on it and then choose make selection and feather of 20 pixels hit okay now do the same thing alt backspace or option delete press ctrl or command d controller command i there you have it there you have the three layers the first layer the second layer and the third layer now this is just a paint it's not really applied to the skin it looks fake of course so here's what we need to do select all of these three layers select the first one hold the shift key select the bottom most layer the solid color adjustment layer and press control or command j to make a duplicate of that now we want to merge all this press control or command e to merge all this now why did we do all that number one we wanted to have a backup so we didn't delete all these and number two we will apply some blend modes here so it can get very complicated if there are separate layers so let's turn all of these off in case we need it later and now you can fine tune the mask if you like to i feel that here a little bit fine tuning is required so let's take the brush black as the foreground color and just erase a little extra there we have it and first of all let's change the blend mode of this layer the painting layer the layer that we used to paint the top part change it to multiply now we only want to multiply in the dark areas we don't want to make the bright areas darker so double click on the right hand side of the layer and take it away from the bright areas hold the alt key or the option key click and separate the slider on the right hand side and separate it all the way to the left all right this gives you a little bit edge here i know it doesn't look like color but wait for it now let's make a copy of this press ctrl or command j clear all the blend if by right clicking on it and choosing clear layer style and change the blend mode to hard light now it's slightly looking a little more like it but still the color of the skin is coming through so how do we take that color away well let's desaturate just that area and how can we do that well it's pretty simple let's go ahead and first of all create a hue saturation adjustment layer and place it at the very bottom and make sure it is inside this group all right so let's take it down and place it beneath all of these colors and again it has to be inside this eyeshadow top group all right now we need to take away the saturation and as soon as you do take away the saturation the colors improve a lot but it's again limited to the outer limit the only one applied over the areas that we painted so how do we make sure that happens hold the control or command and click on the thumbnail of any of these two layers all right now we have a selection and simply apply that to the mask so with the mask selected fill that area with black we have the opposite of what we wanted press control or command d and then with the mask selected press ctrl or command i and there you have it the hue saturation desaturation is only applied to those areas so here's before taking away the skin color it just doesn't look right and here's after we took away the skin color but i feel it's still a little bright so again make a copy of that painting layer and change the blend mode of this one to multiply to darken it now we don't want to darken too much so let's set the opacity to about 35 this adds an overall darkness and a little more depth to the color now let's go ahead and close the group now don't worry you don't have to work hard all over again to replicate the same effect at the bottom all you have to do is to make a duplicate of eye shadow top press ctrl or command j to make a copy press ctrl or command t for the transform tool now we accidentally painted a little more all over the image while we were painting the top part but that's not big of a problem just right click on it and then choose flip vertical all right now you have something you can place it at the bottom this feels all right now let's bring the anchor point here so that we can rotate from there hold the alt k the option key click here to bring the anchor point right over there and then you can just simply rotate so that it all matches up properly there you go hit enter or return now simply just zoom in take the brush and simply erase the extras in the mask now of course we want to erase it from the eyeliner so we already have the mask for the eyeliner so let's go at the top we have the liner hold the controller command and click on the mask of the base so we already have that now let's come to the mask of the eye shadow top copy which is actually eye shadow bottom and then select the mask and fill that area with black so with black as the foreground color press alt backspace or option delete there you go that area is taken care of press ctrl or command d to deselect take the brush again with black just paint away the extras you can also use the pen tool to create a fine selection and remove it so i've already done that so let's go to parts and i'm going to load that as a selection of course let's select that right click on it and let's choose make selection if you want to add a little feather 20 seems good and let's go to layers and remove that area so with the mask selected blank as the foreground color alt max space or option delete to paint over that press ctrl or command d now look isn't that fantastic now there's one thing that's bugging me here have a look the color of the skin is just coming through the liner we don't want that so why don't we desaturate it so in the liner group let's open up the group and then we're going to add another hue saturation adjustment layer and take the saturation all the way to the left hand side and we only wanted to apply it in the liner area now we don't have a group mask here so i'm just going to copy the mask of the base so hold the alt key the option key click and drag the mask of the base and drop it right over here replace it yes there you go so that takes care of that have a look here's the before color of the skin coming through here is the after that is taken care of i feel we can add a little more darkness here so let's go for extreme highlight once and we can select a mask here take the brush and just add a little darkness by painting with white over here to match with that of the other areas now at any point of time if you feel the colors are too dark you can always modify that you can go into that particular group for example for the eyeshadow top i feel that we need to add a little more brightness so let's go ahead and create a curves and just take it up now it's affecting the whole thing we only want it to affect that particular colored area we have a mask for that don't we in the hue saturation so let's go ahead and copy that mask by holding the alt key or the option key click and drag and drop it over the curves right over here replace it yes so now let's open up the curves properties and let's modify it just a bit also i want to modify the dark areas so we're going to take the hand and just make the docks a little brighter there you go so that's how you modify those a little bit so it gives you a little more control over those we can apply the same curves for the bottom areas so let's make a copy of that and place it in the bottom group let's close all the groups it looks a little messy so let's close them all now for the finishing touch my friend let's apply a little bit of gold again just below the liner let's create another hue saturation adjustment layer we want to colorize it and for this one let's go with a little yellowish color gold color that's what we want so i have written that down what i finally decided with so it is 34 at hue 89 with saturation and minus 15 on lightness select the mask press ctrl or command i to invert it now take the brush zoom in and start painting inside just to add a touch a hint an accent color of gold so let's paint right in the middle be careful around the edges we don't want to take it inside the eye paint a little extra so that we can remove later now black as the foreground color now you can always press x to toggle between the foreground and the background remove the extras and then make the brush a little bigger actually a lot bigger and with a soft round brush just erase like this isn't that looking pretty cool let's do the same for the other end now again make the brush larger color black and just dab in the corner that's it and there you have it my friend so that's how to create a beautiful eyelash design in photoshop and as you already know there's more than one way to skin a cat especially in photoshop and as you can see we have applied different methods to add color first of all we applied colorize inside of hue saturation for adding the color at the top of the eye then we painted and used blend modes to add color at the top and the bottom and how can we even forget the liner that adds all the beauty we just use the pen tool to draw it and we filled it with black and also desaturated to take away the skin colors so that we can apply the color properly we have also done that with the color at the top and the bottom and at the end to add icing on the cake or ranch dressing on anything we added that gold accent color which really makes all the difference i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other feature tips tricks or tutorials i would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting pixel perfect on patreon and helping keep pixelm perfect free for everybody forever thank you so much for watching i'll see you in my next until then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] you
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 167,871
Rating: 4.9374456 out of 5
Keywords: eyeshadow, eyeliner, digital makeup, photoshop, tutorial, adobe, eye retouching, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: am2APiyNsf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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