How to fill Canada Temporary Resident Visa Form IMM 5257e | Canada Visitor Visa Documents | GC Key

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so this is uh from the government of Canada website I have logged into my GC ke portal account through which I am going to show you how I can fill visa application form I am 5257 for Canada visitor Visa so this is your main document that you need to upload other than this there are other supporting documents also that you need to upload first I'll take you through IM 5257 form I'll show you line by line how you can fill it and then we'll in brief discuss about other supporting documents as well so first thing that I need you to do is that I need you to click on this link so this is clickable so if you click on it you will be able to download this visa application form so once you download the IM 5257 visa application form this will look something like this this will ask you personal detail question this will ask you question about your passport about your nationality about your marriage another question about why you want to visit Canada now this is the visa application form that I've already filled in but I'll check you line by line how you can approach this visa application form as well first question is UCI which is optional so you can ignore that second is I want service in this is the language that you want service in I have answered English Visa requested so we are applying for visitor Visa therefore it will be visitor Visa over here now this is the personal details section so it will ask you for your given name and your family name let us say for the purpose of this video my name is John Smith John is my given name which is my main name and a Smith is my family name which is my surname you can see that it is marked as stck over here which means your family name or your surname is mandatory also it should exactly match how it is on your passport but there is one catch let us say if on your passport you have only one name so you need to mention it on your family name section because family name is mandatory so if you have only one name on your passport even if it is your given name mention it under family name section next question have you ever used other name so if you are known by other name as well so you can click on yes over here and then you need to mention your surname and your given name over here in my case and most people case it will be no so I'm clicking on no my gender is male so I have selected male my date of birth you can select your date of birth year month and day I was born in Kolkata so I have S ected Kolkata my country is India so I selected India again uh this detail should match on what is on your passport I'm citizen of India so I have selected India now this question is asking you about your current country or territory of residence so if your current country is uh not your home country let us say if you are let us say Dubai and you are working in Dubai for the past one year then you can mention Dubai as your territory of residence and uh you are a worker over there you can mention worker and from which state till which state you are there you can mention it over here from to to date so you can see if I mention worker this field will become editable but if I mention over here citizen this field will not be editable so if uh you are not working in any other country if uh you are in your home country itself you can mention for example India you are a citizen and you do not need to fill the form to two details now this section previous countries or territory of residence if you can see this is asking if you have lived in any other country in the past 5 years for more than 6 months so if you have been to any other country for let us say for a week or two you do not need to mention it over here but if you have in the past 5 years lived in any country for more than 6 months again for example you have lived in Dubai for 8 months so in that case you need to mention it over here that you have lived in Dubai uh you need to mention the status that what you were doing there if you were worker if you are a student and then you need to mention from to two the date uh on which you were there but again if you have not been to any country in the past 5 years haven't test yet for more than 6 months just mention no remember that you do not need to mention about the point 7 that we have already mentioned India so if you have lived in India all your life uh point 7 covers that and in point 8 you do not need to mention that it is uh for other country other than your C country of citizenship Point n Country or territory where you are applying so where from wherever you are applying this visa application you need to mention about that country and if that country is same as the7 country that is India just mention yes so here it is mentioned same as current country or territory of residence so yes so you do not need to mention anything over here because this is same as the country where you are currently residing and you've already mentioned it online 7 so just mention yes and move on your current marital status I am single so I have uh selected single if you select married over here then you need to give these details as well in that case you need to give the date on which you got married you need to give your spouse name and surname but let us uh just select single for the purpose of this video move on next question 11 have you previously been married or in a common law relationship no so move on since I have selected I'm not married I'm single and I have not been previously married as well so I'll just select no over here again if you select no no need to give any details language so here you need to select your native tongue I have selected Udu you can select any language that you speak are you able to communicate in English or French I able to communicate in English so I have selected English next question is have you taken a test from a designated testing agency to assess your Proficiency in English or French no not required so if you even if you select no that is fine passport so this is my passport number obviously you need to give your passport number country or territory of issue from where my passport was issued is India you can click here and select the country from where your passport was issued issued date and expiry date again this will be mentioned on your passport so just you need to mention that date over here question five and six is not applicable if you are not from Taiwan and Israel so for others this is not applicable national identity document so if your country has national identity document you need to select yes give document number country of issue and issue an expiry date for Indians uh most people give Adar card information over here but uh trust me that is not required because I don't think that is our national identity document as of now so even if you select no that should be perfectly fine us PR card so if you have United State permanent residency in that case you can select yes if you do not have us permanent residency select no now this part is the contact information part so if you're are filling your visa application yourself and if you want to receive Communications like biometric request or passport request on your own email address then you should give your own email address over here and also you should give your own mailing address and your own residential address over here but let us say that uh a representative is filling your visa application for you so this point so in if that is the case you can indicate their email address and their mailing address because if any correspondence any communication is sent it will be on their mailing address and their email address so this current mailing address if you are doing it yourself fill your current mailing address where you want any communication if you want to receive but if any representative is doing it for you you can give their mailing address over here this part residential address is the address where you are currently staying so if it is same as the above mailing address in that case you can select yes but if your mailing address and the residential address where you are staying is different for example your mailing address is the address of your representative and your residential address is where you are currently living select no and give your own address over here all right and also sometimes what happens is that uh we want uh our mailing address to be different from our residential address so our residential address could be somewhere else but we we want uh to receive any communication on a different address so if that is the case again you can give a different mailing address and different residential address telephone number if a tel your telephone number is outside of Canada and US select on other country code give and the telephone number and it is type residence alternative telephone number not required fax number not required if you want to give you can give both these details email address give your email address if you are doing it yourself or your representative email address if he is doing it for you scroll down purpose of my visit so if your purpose of visit is tourism select tourism if your purpose of visit is family visit if you're going to visit your family select family visit let me select just tourism for this for this uh video but again you can select any of these so if you're applying for Super Visa you can select for super Visa as well so I will be selecting tourism how long you plan to stay I I have selected for 12 days so you can select for 2 weeks 3 weeks but if you are going on tourism obviously uh it doesn't make sense to be going on tourism for two months so 2 to 3 weeks is fine if you are going for tourism obviously you should have funds uh to show show it to them so whatever fund is available with you update it over here and but you will need to show it to them that this fund is available with you I have shown $7,500 you can show 5,000 6,000 7,000 whatever is available with you name address and relationship of any person or institution I will visit again if you are going for tourism and if you do not know anyone in Canada you can mention the place that you are going to visit so I have mentioned this National Park that I will be visiting uh and I mentioned the address but if you are going uh to visit your family members you can mention your family members details over here now this question is about your postsecondary education and also remember that it is asking you to give your highest level of postsecondary education so if your highest level is MBA you need to give details about your MBA if your highest level is bcom you need to give details about your bcom so have given my bcom details over here it was from 2014 till 2017 field of studies Commerce City is Kolkata University name and Country of territory country or territory next part is employment so remember that you do not you should not be leaving any gaps and it should be for the past 10 years so let us say that uh we are in 2023 as of now so from 2013 till 2023 you should not be leaving any gaps so so from 2013 to let us say 2017 July I was a student so I mentioned my current activity as a student city is Kolkata University and uh country so from 2017 till 2023 let us say that I have been unemployed so I will select unemployed uh I will also uh update unemployed over here but if you have been working in this period obviously you should not be unemployed for 6ra eight years it will be very difficult to get Visa also if that is the case so if you are U working anywhere if you're working as an auditor so you can remove this and you can type auditor over here all right and then uh in the company section you can U talk about the company that you working for for example deoy PWC or any company for the purpose of this video I'll just keep it unemployed over here scroll down now this section is about your background information it will ask you question about your health your security related questions so first question is about tuberculosis so I haven't had tuberculosis so no second question is about mental disorder I haven't had that as well so I'll select no part two is about have you ever remained beyond the validity of your status uh or worked without authorization in Canada no have you ever been refused a Visa or permit denied entry or ordered to leave Canada or any other country or territory it's not just about Canada it is about other country as well so if you have had US Visa refusal UK Visa refusal even if that is the case you should select yes and then you need to give details over here so if any of uh part two question is yes A B C if any is yes you need to mention details over here in this section again for me it is no so I'll select no if it is yes for you select yes and give detail remember to answer these question question truthfully and honestly have you previously applied to enter or remain in Canada no for me uh part three have you ever committed been arrested for being charged with or convicted of any criminal offense no did you serve in military militia no have you ever been a member of political party which has engaged in violence no witnessed ill treatment of civilians no all right so do you consent to be contacted by cic yes give date on which uh you are applying and then your signature so for Signature part what you can do is that you can take a print out of this application and hand sign it but sometimes it messes with the barcode so when we have completed this application what we will do is that we will validate it so when you validate it it will gener generate a barcode so sometimes when you take a print out of this application and signed it with your hand it sometimes misses with your barcode so second option is that you can just manually type it over here like this your full name and then once you have updated once you have filled everything on this visa application you can see validated it is showing no over here all right but once you fill everything click on validate okay so once you validate this this will change to Yes it got validated and it will generate barcode for you so this is how that barcode will look like so now that you have filled this visa application form you will save it now once you have filled your IM 5257 visa application form you need to come on this page click on upload file and upload that document remember it should not be more than 4 MB other than your main visa application form that you have just uploaded there are other supporting documents also that you need to upload this will depend subject to individual to individual there will be different documents for example this is a strictly from the perspective for tourist so these are the general document that a tourist needs to upload if you are a visitor you may need to upload additional document for example invitation letter but if you're a tourist you need to upload your passport for your passport you need to upload your first page your last page and also you can upload any uh pages with stamps visas or marking this reflects your travel history all right next document is proof of means of financial support most important document here is your bank statement so upload your bank statement here if you want to upload additional document as well these are the list of the documents that you can upload for example your pay steps your pay slips uh your employment letter uh this shows that you are financially capable right so if you if you file your income tax return this shows that you have you are financially capable you pay income tax this also so shows that you have some connection to your home country you uh you have employment you file tax return maybe you have a business uh so these are things that uh strengthen your visa application if you have asset in your home country get it valued upad load that as well uh so these are the documents that you can read and depending on which documents you have you can upload it but your bank statement is the most important document and uh you should be uploading it you can also upload any U document that shows how much Investments you have in your country digital photo so upload your passport size photo so purpose of travel so here it is mentioning that you need to upload your flight ticket Department starting from Canada uh your travel it example your hotel booking uh but uh these are not mandatory all right so you do not need to upload your flight tickets you do not need to upload your hotel reservations if you can have hotel reservation but if that is refundable then you can uh get your hotel booking done and upload it what but what you can upload in this purpose of Travel section is your uh cover letter in that cover letter you will mention everything about your visit why you are visiting how long will you be visiting where you are visiting and how much fund you have with yourself and uh all those details and then upload it in this section other than this uh this is your family information section so similarly for what uh we have done for IM 5257 updated all the answers similarly for family information click on this download this document update all the questions that is asked about your family members and upload it over here in this section these are the optional document section remember your file size should not exceed 4 MB so let us say that you are not able to upload uh income tax return or employment related other documents in this section you can upload it in client information section as well and then you can uh click on this link and then you can update the details asked on application for a temporary resident Visa made outside Canada and upload it over here once you upload all these documents $100 is your visitor Visa fees and $85 is your biometric fees pay the fees you will receive a biometric instruction letter and then you will receive passport request so this is how you can apply for Canada visitor Visa if you're going to visit your family members or you can apply for Canada tourist visa if you're just going there simply for tourism if you like how I have explained this please subscribe to my channel and please mention in the comment section why are you going to visit Canada and which place you're going to visit in Canada make sure to hit like And subscribe thank you so much
Channel: Notes From Danish
Views: 29,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imm 5257 how to fill, imm 5257 form how to fill, imm 5257 e application for temporary resident visa, imm 5257 tourist visa, imm 5257 visitor visa, imm 5645 form filling, canada visa documents checklist, tourist visa application canada, canada tourist visa documents for indians, canada tourist visa documents, canada visa, canada tourist visa documents required, temporary resident visa canada online application, imm 5257, canada visitor visa gc key, Canada visa latest update
Id: jrHem0cwPeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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