Docking two asteroids together Reddit Challenge! (Kerbal Space Program)

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I'm watching the video very closely, because I don't want to miss a thing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mackiea πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really cool of you to post your submission in our subreddit , but you have to do it in Challenge thread :D

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/linecraftman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

So cool! Nice job :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/just-the-doctor1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nice job! I knew that'd be a fun thing to try!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jansenart πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well done m8

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/a_wild_space_coyote πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dude. This was awesome. So great!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zchrit23 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 29 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

What’s up /r/Kerbalspaceprogram ! I just had to try and dock two asteroids together and I figured the best way to do that was to do whatever Bruce Willis did in Armageddon. So I flew to space shuttles to two asteroids and then docked them together and it was a really fun challenge. Come to find out landing those space shuttles is ummmmm.... ummmmm.... fun πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/everydayastronaut πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi it's me Tim Dodd the everyday astronaut good morning everybody and guess what due to many requests I didn't realize how much people actually enjoyed playing Kerbal with me and it's been a long time and I think it's I think it's time to get back in the saddle again and we have a perfect mission I'm taking the you know reddit the subreddit Kerbal space program has an awesome challenge that they do almost once a week and this week's challenge is docking to asteroids together and that just to me sounds like a lot of fun and I have a way that I'm gonna make this extra spicy so let's pop on over here at occur well Space Center actually what I should do first I should probably show you my plan so how many of you were around in the 90s I know there's probably gonna be a handful that weren't but there's this movie called Armageddon starring like Bruce Willis and some people with faces and and they have the Space Shuttle and it's maybe the they took a space shuttle out to an asteroid it's the dumbest thing you could ever do because they landed it like an airplane like crashing me the cast tried somehow and it was this hideous looking Space Shuttle so I decided why don't we try and recover the two asteroids using two of these Armageddon style space shuttles and it's gonna be terrible it's going to be very bad I don't remember if they had four SRBs on it when it took off but oh here we go no it looks like just two but then these two extra things this is gonna be difficult though because asteroids are gonna take a lot of a lot of Delta V to move around a lot of change in velocity a lot of a lot of fuel basically to push an asteroid around in order to dock the two of them it's going to be very difficult so this is gonna take some interesting engineering so let's get started I guess but let's try this let's let's let's try this I don't even know I don't know how this is gonna work to be quite honest but isn't that the Kerbal way so first off we're gonna need one of those they make these advance grabbing units and this way you know we're gonna put kerbals lives at risk which isn't that the point of Kerbal space program oh man I yeah someone else says interstellar would be oh interstellar - yeah we do need an Ursula - all right so we're gonna go ahead and we need a ton of liquid fuel on this thing that might be - that looks ugly I can't have a look at like that and here's the deal we have to dock them also which is going to be an issue and for RCS instead of using mono prop because we need a lot of powerful like in order to swing asteroids around and stuff you need a pretty powerful amount of RCS so I'm gonna I'm gonna be using this like the rocket fuel so it has liquid fuel and oxidizer so I can use these the vernier and Jenner whatever burner burner engine but now I gotta figure out how on earth or off first we're going to even possibly dock space shuttles while they have a giant because so don't forget it'll be a giant asteroid right here so they can't dock anywhere around here I'll have a tail fin this way so maybe they'll have to do like a belly button to belly button docking maneuver or something sounds like the only logical wave sounds sexy alright we'll do this then we'll do one of these guys and let me see what this looks like open okay so that won't go out far enough so what the squeeze is out and by the way if you guys don't know what curl just in case someone doesn't know what Kerbal space program is it's it's a space game where you build rockets and you do all the ridiculousness including Space Shuttle asteroid grabbing bellybutton touching yeah oh good morning how's it going Aaron Michael twenty-eight how are you in our discord Channel and how's everybody else doing guys Eric D camp says the the deep impact shuttle was even better any other there are Xbox as well Xbox versions of this game I can't imagine playing it on an Xbox oh well this actually work at all or will it just be it's kind of ugly wait why is it off-center who told you you could be off-center though that is an issue what I hate what it does that kind of stuff alright close that baby up that looks good enough I just hope that's got enough skin in the game this is gonna be impossible another thing about it cuz think about it they have to be perfectly I'm not going to be able to strengthen over very easily because of the big giant asteroid up there man is that what it's called the shuttle independence if whatever they did in whatever the data in an independent or independent state an Armageddon that's what we're doing only we're gonna have to make it so it actually works and that might be that might be harder than it sounds actually so we still need at least one engine down here just to make sure it you know can lift itself off the launch pad but then I think we're gonna do is I want it to have a bunch of nukes not three not three Oh looks like we're getting three give me one here yeah that's where I wanted that one there and then so that that weird Space Shuttle thing in Armageddon had these guys right here so those are gonna be other nukes that are on top that's how we're gonna kind of get it oh look at that extra wings even of course you need more wings when you're going to an asteroid of course everyone knows that oh and kind of like canards in the front whole evening buckets wow this thing is full of accuracies well if Armageddon did it we're gonna have to do it oh hey there its Lucas thanks for the tip and also Rueben you got me into space again thanks for all your videos well thank you Rueben that means a lot I you know I'm pretty into space myself and I'm glad it's contagious because I think it does matter I think having the public interested in spaceflight is what's going to help push it forward so belly button touching sounds uncomfortable Wow maybe perhaps you should get a more comfortable with your with you and the rest of the world's belly buttons miles what's up my fellow Iowan how you doing miles howdy fellow Iowan that's always fun I don't really want to ask we're in Iowa because that could be creepy so I'll just all this wave like an imbecile all right we'll do this here's the deal we're gonna need I know this will look stupid and people are gonna think this is the bad design but we need a lot of thrusters up near the nose because that's going to be the the center of mass is basically going to be the asteroid right so if we want to be able to strafe it left and right so here I actually have a space shuttle so say we have a big giant thing attached here that most of our mass is gonna be up here so if we have anything below so all of our thrusters are gonna be below that so even if we're trying to say scoot like this instead of rotate any scooting will turn into rotation because we're both all of our thrust vectors want to be well below our center of mass so that document over where we go bellybutton bellybutton is going to be really really really hard because it's gonna be trying to swing instead of staying like this so so I'm gonna put I'm gonna overload the top of this so that the so that there's the center of mass and there's some thrusts near the center of mass the closer it is the center of mass the better it is for everybody including you John whoever alright so here's gonna be more liquid fuel here's the because we're gonna need a ton of Delta V in order to actually move this thing around that's that's going to be the hardest part here like that looks nice and clean yeah Philip how's it going hey Oh hope you're having a great day Thank You Philip you know honestly I am it feels good to just kind of take not take a day off per se but you know to kind of relax a little bit today I've realized I'm gonna don't want to get found like a rabbit hole or anything but I've definitely been working too many hours I haven't been able to go for runs and things like I normally do and it's starting to really take its toll I think so I'm trying to kind of slow down here a little bit do some more things that I enjoy and this is one of those things it's definitely fun and I think it's important to kind of do some of that stuff for yourself I'll do this to the rook part these two Grandparent parts next week's gonna be awesome for me I think I'm gonna have a very secret project actually this is probably the most secret screw the the show that I did on Facebook this is even more top-secret than that and I can't wait to show you guys what that's gonna be that this is like a pretty big deal so I'm really really excited about it and you'll see why we're just doing a bunch of auto-starting here to make sure that this thing holds together really well we're also gonna need a lot of battery so that our reaction wheels and things can can survive tossing this thing all around and so I'm gonna load this baby up basically with reaction wheels that way it'll just make it easier for us if it's like that and then we probably need some solar panels so that we can recover some of that and I'm just gonna pull I went just poke anything about this I'll put like two giant ones up here well that looks really ugly my morning's great how is your morning going it's night in Singapore oh yeah for the half of you in the world are you guys able to check out the the lunar eclipse or the the Blood Moon is that happening yet now or when is that I got sad that it's not here we get so got so spoiled my last couple awesome eclipses how's it going bamp bamp alack hope you're doing well yeah this is gonna be really dumb if this works we'll call Bruce Willis and let him know I'm sure he's been wondering about the validity of his you know spacecraft the entire his the rest of his career you know even till today probably just sitting there going I don't know if that was realistic you know I don't know if I can live with the realism that I experienced on the movie set so hopefully we'll just give them you know a call right after this as soon as we're done we'll let them know you know what we experienced alright I like to do I like to have a bunch of RCS as like breaks and gas - kind of like accelerating D accelerating space just makes it easier so I'm gonna do that - here like this Bobby fillet them out here likes even uglier so I'll push them in to hide them [Music] kind of want to seem a little bit there the pilot has to look through an RCS no sir good for you I'm looking out at the moon for the moon tonight should see it in Scotland let's see you have what I don't have it 1:00 a.m. and India with two hours of totality that's amazing that's really cool [Music] Oliver our asks how long do you think it'll be until we can all afford it to space by Fotolia make a trip under a thousand I think that'll be unfortunately a very long time under it like anywhere near the flight of a plane ticket I think will be a very long time I've ferdi know for it to be anywhere near a thousand of today's dollars I just don't see that happening almost any time in my lifetime without some major like groundbreaking revolution in spaceflight and I mean like it has to be really really really big [Music] it can't be some little like Olli you know we've now are able to reuse this bit not that I don't mean to be belittling reuse but it will have to be like oh we discovered how to use you know like what is it like solid hydrogen or whatever like things like something ridiculous where it's it makes vehicles very efficient and have just all the power in the world basically okay I I'm gonna go ahead and tell me tell this on my favorite mod in KSP by far is this I mean how can you live without Kerbal engineer if you don't have that I don't know how you even play kernel-space we're going to be honest I feel like it's virtually impossible all right so here's our metallic hydrogen there we go that's awesome ff1 our and Tim is asking why we didn't stop okay so there's also wings smaller wings up here this is gonna be just the most glorious thing that looks a little too big but whatever that definitely looks too big but I don't think there's much we can do about it and I'm not gonna find out how to fix it all right oh yeah I can fill these up with liquid fuel to that all increase our Delta V as well ooh and okay this is kind of looking like that hideous hideous beast of a thing I'm gonna laugh if this action works at all Michelle how do I get the discord I did patron we can't figure out how to get into the server the server will be automatically sent to you via a bot so just sign in using the same email that you're a patron patreon and a your discord it should automatically propagate it should be there if not message me in patreon and we'll make sure you get your access to discord and thank you thank you for your support I should mention while we're at it too don't forget guys that I am I finally have another piece two pieces actually of space shuttle to give away for patreon supporters let me do this real quick just so you can see this I'm really excited about this so the this is flown Space Shuttle hardware and yeah I'm gonna be framing these up I'm going to be giving them away at 800 and 900 patrons and then I'm gonna be doing giveaways I think every hundred from there on out anyway and something really special out of thousand and the way I do that is like $1 if you contribute $1 month to get your name kind of put once in a hat five dollars a month etc etc etc so so if you want a chance to win flown space shuttle and if you like what I do and want to help me continue to do not really this this isn't I don't think this is what I do this is my this is my day off kind of but if you want to help me continue to create space flight videos and cover LA live launches and make articles on my website based on all of my videos and and current news and stuff like that even pay I'm starting to work on paying people to help write articles as well so if you want to help contribute to that and you think it's worthwhile please head on over to patreon comm slash everyday astronaut there's the link below in the description and I owe a big shout out to all my patreon members in our exclusive discord channel hey guys one awesome dog welcome yeah and also solo 10:24 jan everybody hi guys yeah so if you want a piece of space shuttle now you know how to do that alright so let's get this baby finalized here this is gonna be I don't I don't know why I'm even putting landing gear on this there's no way we're gonna actually bring this thing back safely this is truly an Armageddon trip its Lucas you think I'd be a great astronaut well thank you I think I'd be a terrible astronaut it I would only want to go if they let me play Kerbal space program that's I'd be like a listen you can pay me like I don't know some but just let me play Kerbal and then let me keep making videos about space in space space ception if you will am I going to AirVenture I don't even know what AirVenture is so probably not unfortunately open let's just make sure that is the oh my gosh this is going to be physically impossible to dock I absolutely guarantee it cargo bay close that crap up yes I'm sorry I like I said I'll be an astronaut but as long as I can play cuz I belong does that count just for this docking stuff I'm gonna add a decent amount of control obviously it's not that hey how's my levels like music wise and stuff is everything okay where there's a will there's a way and I really want this thing to work I know again this looks absurd but don't forget we're gonna have a big huge asteroid attached to this thing so the more the merrier [Music] why can't you donate through YouTube in your country I have no idea to be honest I don't really know much about the YouTube donation system at all otherwise I would offer to lend a suggestion but I appreciate the sentiment all right I think we got our actual shuttle what did you guys say these are called independence I don't know how to spell in independence Snatcher not maybe not snatcher that sounds bad independence grab tastic shave [Music] lower the music a bit I've read the title are you okay what what what about the title made you question whether or not I'm okay docking to asteroids together reddit challenge yes I'm okay I'm fantastic I turned it down a smidge let me know if it's okay hey am g-wagen thank you I remember you because what's better than a fast station wagon the answer very very very very few things very few things I really appreciate that thank you very much it feels good to be playing some Kerbal space program for fun you know just hanging out hanging out with my friends doing internet things toggle the bay doors all right there we go we got that done hopefully we have enough Delta V in this thing and I do have to turn off that I'd see I should have done this differently but I need to make sure toggle this engine off as soon as we detach the external tank just like the Space Shuttle because otherwise we'll run out of all of our RCS fuel because we're using the liquid or the oxidizer that this would also use as our as our RCS to maneuver around so what else do we need I'm forgetting something I'm absolutely certain of it besides the fact that I bet my center of mass and center of thrust are way off oh yeah is there a way to just move these into a different group like hey I want this to be three now instead doing it because I want these to be toggleable as well hey give it and then this one's separate because we couldn't do that toggle engine ok now the three will be the bay door auto bay door Clampett Ron toggle all right we got that thrust weight is way too low don't worry guys if you know anything about space shuttles you know that they ride with some solid rocket boosters and a giant external fuel tank and what we're gonna do we're gonna power the external fuel tank in this just to make sure we have more than ample Delta V to get out there to grab an asteroid we're gonna do a 5 meter tank this would be no problem I really wish I could paint this thing that's a big old big o that's very very very big and scary so we are going to need an actual basically a Saturn 5 first stage to get this thing into space where do you get the shuttle flown part's not gonna say it's a secret but maybe it's secret called eBay or our our if I tried realism overhaul of course absolutely I have lots of videos of me playing I use that in my videos a lot especially as like a good simulator we could use these f-1 engines but they aren't actually that great like at all but let's do it just to basically have a Saturn 5 and let's see what our thrust-to-weight ratio is going to be now and we can do this atmosphere yeah we're gonna get off the pad will still add 2 sr bees to the mix just gonna raise this up a little bit I said if I strap to a shuttle what do you call a dog on a Virgin Galactic flight oh that's sub-woofer cuz it's suborbital but I'm Ching that's bad that's the most dad joke I think I've ever heard all right we've got our little nose cone going you could dock head to tails to the front gear don't bump into each other you know that very well might be an issue well we're gonna be docking like kind of butt to butt so the front tail or the front stuff won't be touching each other so it'll just be here to here basically yeah basically is a Burien you're right because it has boosters on its first stage and let's just add a little bit more little higher thrust to weight ratio these this is the one thing that I really wish they would change about Kerbal space program is they need one more larger SRB this SRB looks stupid it looks right the part is right but it's the wrong size compared to the everything else it's it needs to be a whole another step bigger especially with this shuttle [Music] all right we'll get this up here and do this oh yeah we need lots of pretty lights on this thing so we can see what we're talking to this is an abomination no this is hideous just tacking on parts all willy-nilly why is okay I don't want them there then if it's gonna be a jerk like that [Music] flip it 50 times and eventually you'll find the right orientation and then also we're gonna want some lights on their hair for our docking [Music] all right [Music] we're gonna throw up our center of mass in our center of thrust just making sure we let see center of thrust is still a little offset I could attach a second set of SR B's but we have enough thrust to weight ratio now to get off the pad get moving up T's oh not says imagine trying to maneuver an asteroid while trying to see past a thruster and a massive light I'm making this very difficult for everybody don't you worry people Dustin wants me to do two more SR B's the question is though I don't think they had two more in Armageddon and if they didn't have it in Armageddon we're not doing it here all right let's load this thing up with kerbals oh they're already there all right so goodbye everyone you are I wanted to wear the orange suits I think you can do that now right these are all cosmonauts no I think in I think in that movie Armageddon they had some cosmonauts from some not cosmonauts this is Lucas what longer SR B's there are no longer s RVs oh man everyone wants me to do two more SRBs guys well just for you guys I think I'll do two more and they're gonna be side-by-side like this that's gonna help the center of thrust go more through the center of mass we do need Jacob weak you I'm assume this is the independence the independence crabtastic hmm well thank you very much for that one cosmonaut yeah all right now we just need to add some engine gimbal or some uh some engine clamps here launch clamps on this thing and then we have to track an asteroid so that we can know what we're gonna rendezvous to we'll throw these up above this and actually we'll stick all the SRBs on this one alright let's exit here isn't it unrealistically high it seemed about right then by the way I I'm okay with it being unrealistically high when considering we're trying to do docking to asteroids where they need to be c-class in order to be considered hard alright let's do that one we're docking to asteroids using the Armageddon space shuttles I think we can forego worrying about realism make a video about what happens when if you fart in space and in a spacesuit I um man I could maybe I could maybe figure that out interesting that's it I don't quite get what's happening with that I don't know anyone that worships a globe but alright here we go so we are now going this is gonna be hard we have to go anti directional oh great if we should find another one that ends up going at least the same direction so that that'll be really hard to rendezvous and dock with stop tracking let's find a let's find another seed class item that hopefully goes on the right side of the planet the correct side of the planet hey thanks Clorox bleach I remember you Jan says the next video is gonna be Tim Tims gonna eat beans and put my suit on for my next video all right so we better get into our what's this never seen this interesting you need to watch the CBS show called salvation is that for me or for our the earth guy here flat hands oh whoa we do not want I didn't even know I had Jeb Bill Bob and Valentina anymore I thought they were long gone all right you guys are going in here all right look at this beautiful beast so here's we're gonna do we're going to set this as a target and then we have to launch on the same inclination as it which can be pretty difficult so we kind of have to line up about like to make that kind of a straight line [Music] just letting you know if you ever here's a life tip if you ever are trying to convince anyone of anything don't insult them that tends to just not go well so I love the idea that like proof proof of anything you go where's your proof yet people that are believing in Flat Earth they often just show illustrations they have no they claim that like there's such great CGI and things yet they have absolutely nothing but crappy illustrations just go to just take a picture of the end of the earth in yeah sorry thank you for the tips but we just we don't want to even promote anything that you are dying out because it's just absolute garbage see ya alright so we're gonna be heading on a South about kind of oh right there you can see a little bit of the anti target right there so that's what we're gonna head towards that's our heading so here we go alright let me turn on the lights just to look pretty you guys ready for this I'm gonna fire up the liquids first three two one and now the saw is three two one hits it oh wow look at that it's actually flying pretty well roll program might be an issue might be an issue for a rookie luckily we employed the best and the brightest on this one maybe we started that role a little early this is like flying a potato soaked in underwear or something I don't know this is awful this is not fly very well but hopefully those s art bees will cut out here soon which should give us a little bit more vectoring control thanks John thank you and howdy alright look at that we're actually here we go booster separation oh it hit the wing did it blow up the other wing no we're still good but we'll have to change that on our next iteration I don't think I want to risk putting our kirbo a lot Kerbal knots lives at risk their beak oh yeah I didn't smooth out quite a bit actually once we got it kind of out of the thickest part of the atmosphere and I think our thrust like I think this is emptying out enough though kind of getting into the right ratios here if it starts having to let me think if it starts having to pitch pulling down too much like it's starting to do I'm gonna start throttling this guy down to compensate I'm just gonna turn that off and still having to pinch it down quite a bit so I'm going to lower this thrust to all right that's the right way to do that is that only working on one engine yet is weird screw that I'm doing it here hi kitty I am I could probably start pinning these I have a better control I actually can't believe this is working it's all because the vector is such a powerful gimbal you know that it can really correct for a lot of slop like like what I'm doing this is going to be an interesting flight here all right so here's the scary thing we have to get this thing into an orbit and then start using up it's um it's liquid fuel hopefully we have enough of that's still pitching that's about right sweet it's Lukas you did not miss everything Oh other than me basically wrestling what feels like wrestling a gorilla okay get ready for Miko and booster SEP or external tank separation and as soon as we do that we are going to go ahead and shut down our center engine and here we go now we're gonna fire up the liquid fuel engines and hopefully we don't need RCS because we don't want to waste any of that so now we just got to continue to circular eyes and get ourselves into orbit and we can let go of these guys all right we're doing it yeah the big tank was empty so now we are just flying our Armageddon Space Shuttle we're gonna park it in orbit and then we have to whoopsies then we have to find we got pretty close on the on our orbit it's gonna be pretty darn good and the hard part is going to be finding where day where and or how to rendezvous with this so I think we're gonna head up here I'm gonna spend a little bit of time here and try and find an intercept point if we can oh wow oh look at that look at that we're gonna be pretty close there that's what we need is we need one just one place where we're pretty close to the to our target something like that and then maybe we can that's a thousand meter per second burn okay there we go 400 sorry I'm gonna 200 well yeah by the way guys new song I haven't written a new song in a while but here it is [Music] okay something about like this Oh would you see that we got it down to like Oh sixty there for a second there we go okay so that'll be a seven minute burn only a thousand meters per second that's very doable I'm gonna do a quick save here to make sure all right here we go we're gonna swing up here we're gonna get to our maneuver point and like I said this is a seven-minute burn so we're gonna start our burn about three minutes and 15 seconds ahead of that I'm gonna go ahead and face our target also better open up our solar panels so far I'm very proud of how this thing is handling this mission already it's better than I thought here we go three two one hip-hip all right here comes our injection burns this will circular get us into orbit so notice as we speed up here we're finally going to be going fast enough to not fall back into back into carbon and then it's just gonna keep going and this will keep raising and raising and raising I'm actually gonna time warp a little bit here so we don't the wait the full full amount of time we'll do 3x that's probably about enough so now we are raising our lowest point and this is gonna keep going and eventually this will swap and this will not be the lowest point and this would be the highest point here in a second right now our highest point is 440 mm so 440 kilometers and this is going to flop switched out here's can you land on an asteroid no they don't have gravity in this game I don't think this is actually working so far on first dr1 awesome dog not gonna lie I'm extremely surprised that thing is working good work Tim you guys come on give little faith I know it's been a while since I've played Kerbal but come on this Armageddon we're just following their instructions re telling me that Armageddon lies unlikely that would be unrealistic hi Ted you can't land on gili which has very very low gravity it's like you have opportunity for catastrophic failures you're right there are no not no gravity there's no gravity on asteroids asteroids don't have a sphere of influence in this game of course there's gravity in the game howdy Jayden and Joseph what's the name of your spaceship it's named after the Armageddon space shuttle so this is independent RAM tastic because it's gonna be grabbing onto an asteroid instead of landing on an asteroid or we have to dock two of them together have you seen Mars's opposition yet no I don't know what that means make the Hermes in case B that would be pretty sweet let me make sure I I did forget that I have to be kind of paying attention to my phone a little oh whoa oh speaking of paying attention holy buckets we went right past it we're gonna scrub off some of that all right so let's see how close we actually are so I'm just gonna use RCS here to correct that so 60 kilometers that's 50 45 that was nice I want that again there we go that's amazing that'll be great so quick saving yeah I do have to pay attention to my doorbell I've got a delivery today which would be something that I had to sign for so Lord to djenka tachanka wants me to make Parker's Solar Probe we actually did that yesterday or yeah yesterday I think in a patreon exclusive livestream and yeah so I don't think well I don't it was fun but it wasn't as fun as I don't know I could do it again though I can do it again yeah can you imagine Hollywood making things up no no all right so here's what we have to do we do have to check out our target the difference in speed of our target and we have to null that out now so we're gonna go ahead and burn retrograde to our target in about those thirty minutes [Music] and that's fast-forward here a little bit oh wow now you can see how you can see our velocity difference there so that's what we have to make up for there we go so notice now our orbit is starting to match closer and closer to its orbit so notice how its orbits big and it actually is on an escape trajectory right now it will not be in orbit around kerbin and still orbiting the Sun so what we're doing is we're actually matching its orbit right now by cancelling out the velocity difference by matching its exact velocity and heading will be going basically on the same orbit then we're just gonna fly closer to it so we're 41 kilometers away from it once we know how the differences we'll be able to see it 41 kilometres away might be a little too too far away to still see it but man come on independence grab tastic oh I should look at Mars tonight that sounds awesome I didn't realize it's the closest it'll be in a while we've got quite a burn here I'm gonna go ahead and fast forward so notice now we're gonna be on an escape ship directory soon we're gonna be going fast enough that we're out we'll be outside of the inn sphere of influence here on kerbin and I'll snap here in a second once it gets there we go so now we're orbiting the Sun but in order to match up to it's over we have to keep burning here we still are a hundred kilometer or 100 meters per second difference in velocity I really hope we actually have enough enough Delta V here to do what we need to do okay real-time here and we are now matched and we're going to aim ourselves right at that asteroid now and fly at it about I don't know 20 meters per second maybe 40 or 50 or something I don't want to waste too much flying at it but when I kind of push up to the right because it looks like we're a little bit off there we go this will get us there so now watch even though it doesn't show up here for some reason but at that ascending node we will be at our closest point notice how this is getting closer and closer I'm gonna quick save here I haven't done that in a bit you can point the vector handle and just then scroll the wheel of your mouse it's more precise you're right I don't actually have a mouse though I'm using a trackpad which is I know sacrilegious and it seems to jump around a little bit even with that all right we're a thousand meters we should easily be able to see it aha so here's we have to do notice that notice how far off are heading is so what I like to do in this case all the way to do is we should probably first scrub off our thirty meters per second since we're this close so right now we're gonna fly pass it at thirty meters per second and then we're gonna fly right back at it really slowly so here we go we're gonna scrub off those thirty meters per second magics velocity exactly and then just fly right to it OOP perfect target so now we're just gonna target it we're gonna open up our docking port arm are grabbing claw thing all right so now here's what you do this is what I do turn on our CS and start flying at it and notice that the heading that little green circle thing inside the purple circle is a little bit to the left so I hit L on the keyboard which will strafe me over that way and match line up its heading so it goes straight to it so we're gonna fast forward now Time Warp once we get close to this notice that it drifted off again so now we have to shift go down a little bit so I'm moving around that vector by just using like JKL and I and well now that were this close we can target the center of mass which it looks like it already is as long as we do that we'll be fine oh that's awesome you're on vacation in Yellowstone that is so cool it's not SST oh yeah this is this is a Independence Day yeah I don't expect too much from me come on I don't I don't want a mouse I love trackpads actually all right here we go we need to be a little bit more left and down on that but we're heading right at it and here we go oh come on don't spin there we go we got it so I'm gonna go ahead and lock pivot - all right we have an asteroid now we have to be able to open up our docking port thing and OH first we have the deorbit or put this thing in in kerbin orbit so that'll be we have to go up to its periapsis here why can't I click on that but once we get we're gonna fly up to there I'm gonna quick save quake before something happens and what we're gonna do is oh but that looks way off excuse me I'm gonna target the center of mass again and we're going to find that target and then we're going to lock our pivot here almost there we go just like that so now now we can hopefully move around with it a little bit easier do you see how far off it was so now we're pointing our nose right to the center mass so if we give it a lot of thrust we'll hopefully push it straight without too much stuff so now we have to go to our the orbit around kerbin that's so weird won't let me do that and we're gonna slow it down right here at the periapsis and that'll put us into orbit and this is a good song for the for us getting look at this we rotate it just based on reaction wheels I'm glad I put all this reaction wheels on there so we're gonna go up here we're gonna slow down and that will put us in orbit around kerbin and we're gonna try to keep it it basically as low of an orbit as possible because that'll be the easiest to make adjustments between us and the next asteroid that we have to do all right here we go coming up on that this is actually going surprisingly well I'm I have to admit this is going much better than I thought all right so let's slowly give it some thrust and see how we do and remember we just need to probably do about a hundred or 200 meters per second and that should be enough to put us into orbit [Applause] I have I already covered NASA's laser propulsion system I have never done that um I don't know if it's NASA's lasers laser propulsion system so much as it is just kind of an overall concept like there's the starshot concept and I mean it's it's scientifically based it's not some crazy hypothetical it's just you can do basically a light sail and concentrate light into a laser and get stuff up to like 90% the speed of light which would be amazing tiny spacecraft though yeah oh no everyone's mad about me for having uh everyone's mad at me for having a trackpad I'm sorry I'm sorry to let you guys down I love it though I mean being able Ike swipe and do all these like pinchy things and stuff it's so great mine beat coin off the asteroid that's a good idea is I forget are are not all asteroids pretty like this I kind of forget I don't think they are this is kind of a special one isn't it I should have been mining the materials off it but that makes it this makes it harder oh did we get into orbit yet I got to pay attention so we do have to see when this snaps we basically have to consider it a job done and then we have to find an asteroid that sort of matches that to I have this trackpad a big ol fatty just the Magic Trackpad too or whatever I know here it comes again here comes the embracing for impact as everyone's gonna scream at me for realizing that I play on a Mac I know I know heaven forbid someone doesn't want to build a computer anymore because they're in their 30s that's not an excuse I'll circularize this a little bit just so we don't then we have plenty of delta-v know I used to build PCs but these days with video editing and stuff it when I want to get out and done ASAP if something goes wrong with this computer I can take it right down the street have it like replace they can just hand me a new one that day and I have all the backups and stuff so it's a pretty big resource as opposed like you know back in the day I'd have like power supplies or a motherboard go out or some kind of something something something and then all of a sudden it's like well now I have to wait three weeks and three weeks of downtime is uh is bad so you're surprised I'm in my 30s oh yeah I'm 33 I'm I'm old man old man all right there we go we are in a nice parking orbit now time to see if we can get another another one up here and match this and then docking them is going to be I don't I don't even want to let's do a quick save here this is a great this is going scarily well I have to admit everyone thinks I'm in my 20s no I am very not much in my 20s but thank you that's that's a good compliment thank you I've had a whole life of like I said I've had it I've been I had been a professional photographer for eight years I have you know this is this I'm in my like should be in my that part of your life for you have what's it called like not mental breakdowns you're like quarter life crisis no that's 20s I don't know I'm gonna track both of these are gonna see which one of these as a closer I'll track all three of these C's and we'll see which one this one first okay so let's fast forward of this one see how this one's orbit is see if it matches up at all Pam flag thank you for the tip it's not gonna go anywhere though unfortunately I honestly just I actually really love trackpads although I think it's bad on my wrist I have like this clicky wrist thing from playing with them using track pads so I'll admit that's maybe not the best okay so this is the opposite of what we want this is going the entirely opposite direction and yeah so we're gonna go ahead and unfollow this one so that's a bad one income we got this one is this the next one and then this one yeah so let's follow this one see what this one does why not connect both Touche Touche I don't know young pup all right let's see this one is also very much in the wrong direction so we'll terminate that one again we want to find one that is at least honest oh this one looks like it will be correct actually based on our way is it going under ah I think this one's gonna be backwards too I better start looking for other ones to track as well [Music] at least there's a lot of C's that's what we want Oh [Music] those inclinations are quite a bit off and also look at how loads periapsis is that's kind of bad I almost want something with a higher periapsis because we'd have to compensate for that let me try a few more cease cease to get degrees around here all right so which ones first this one looks pretty soon I think this one's gonna be better than let's track this one as well alright let's fast-forward to this one again so this is the boring part finding your second asteroid I've never tried doing this oh wow yeah that's highly eccentric look at how close it gets to kerbin that would take a lot of energy to raise that orbit actually so we're going to definitely not do that one we want one that's relatively low orbit and somewhat going you know counterclockwise like the rest of the world all right so this one I think that one's gonna be bad do this one already why is that not show would wear is gonna intersect their symptom - let's just track a few more but let's fast-forward to this one at least see where this one goes we can see where it's periapsis is that's a pretty high periapsis oh that one's pretty good actually we could catch this one it's got a little it's got a really high periapsis time making a submarine for lay there if we could do that I like that idea I would really like to do a submarine on even try to get a rocket off of it that would be very hard very very very difficult but it'd be a lot of fun why don't you just change focus then you don't have to wait hmm John Ellis yeah where is my flamethrower I've got one of us going just track them all and use the right one Oh you're right I think this is uh I think this is our best bet the inclinations aren't terribly far off they're about 60 degrees off of each other between the two and their high orbits so it's easy to change your your inclination at a high orbit so let's do this one high on all right we are we are going with this asteroid qbu 947 you are our asteroid okay let's load up another independent grab test you can change the name in here or not because I want this one to be named something else do we need to make any changes to the video yeah we do actually want to move the SRBs a little bit they were they were a little close to hitting or they hit our wings even when they detach so we better just be smart about this I really like the idea of trying to do a submarine III I think we'll get on that at some point okay so we're gonna scoot this one over and then turn then scoot this one over nope there we go now we shouldn't run into that hopefully that isn't totally threw off our our center of thrust it does but let's see how could we offset that [Music] hey thanks another cap another captain I almost said caption no this is not the pure ran guys this is clearly the space shuttle from Armageddon so this one is someone's of its independence and what was the other one freedom is that what they are [Music] [Music] tilt the SRBs oh there we go that's that is one option we could tilt them just a little bit this would be ugly that's gonna be really stupid oopsies no nope three two rotate back we're gonna up right this guy again oh that's still too much I'm gonna straighten this one out and I'm just barely going to rotate that other one using C will do fine movements okay that could do it what do I mean by low orbit so if if an object is ends up with a really like if it gets really close to Earth or kerbin it's going really fast and it takes a lot of energy to raise that low orbit up to a higher orbit so if if they're barely within the sphere of influence of Earth you can change their their orbits really easily because they're only going like you know 200 meters per second so it only takes about 200 meters per second to turn it around and stop it and then go 200 meters per second in the opposite direction so for 400 meters per second you can totally flip your inclination around as opposed to say you're orbiting at low-earth orbit if you were to want to go opposite direction you'd have to go and on kerbin 2300 meters per second you have to stop at 2300 meters per second and then go 23 enemies per second in the opposite direction to change your inclination 180 degrees so it's way easier to do it up at a high orbit the drone of the music is Sputnik that's correct a little beep-beep is the actual Sputnik tone I put in this song so wait what was the name of the other one freedom freedom grab tastic is that right yeah sorry hey I'm sorry if you think sputnik's annoying I didn't I didn't make it we do not want actually I did I did put it in there but I did not make it we need one engineer you know they gotta have the drill guy what do I not have any intrigue oh there you go Mitford you're in freedom alright Ben I'm great how are you when I play simple rockets - yeah I TS I have simple rockets one you can't hear the music well enough I can turn it up a smidge you guys let me know when it's too loud or too quiet alright so now again we do have to match our orbits Oh No wait did that okay no here it is set as target okay so there's where we need to be so we need it fast forward Earth so we're at the right inclination to begin with about like this yeah sorry earth kerbin so now we're gonna head basically to that purple dot there that'll put us on the same inclination all right you guys ready here we go I'm gonna do a later gravity turn here we go three two one hip-hip and three two one is the Pope oh yeah so I'm gonna wait to do my my role my my pitch and roll I I kind of got a little a little did that a little early last time how do you go to do I go to a gym no I run occasionally okay so wait we're trying to pitch okay so we have to throttle down here guys it's starting to pitch over already is this right that is trying to there we go Oh God I can't wait for these SRBs to be off because they're kind of throwing us off a little bit here oh that's even worse that was even worse it threw a mic right into the wings do we still have wings oh god we do still have wings okay I'm gonna go ahead and just go anti target to see if it can automatically hold that for me all right there we go that's looking pretty true now I need a GTX 1080 do I do I want I've got eight gigs of a video RAM not sure I do do I I already said it don't go to it what no I don't go to a gym I go I run sometimes I don't know if that counts as a gym last night I ran five miles because I had to just had to sometimes you just got to get out there I'm going to make an SLS video block 1b black crew yeah I will I will do that for sure [Music] yeah no problem I can explain that orbit we'll talk more about that again too as well I have forget your actual name because I can't read your text there Aidan yeah Aidan in our discord I will give you a more in-depth rundown here once we get close to our orbits I want to make sure we're going to be somewhat close on our inclinations as well to have is this target looks to me like I'm going to have to swing up oopsies north a little bit more oh man oh why did I do that what is happening excuse me Oh No we may add to a board I touch something and now it absolutely it's crazy out of control I can't recover this so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to afford and see if this thing can even land get outta there get out of there no okay okay we still have landing gear we still have all the key deployed wall extended then hey that's the default like excuse me okay so now when you do a forward to the runway Oh No okay give me a second here guys I'm gonna also fire up these I'm gonna have to use this all right sorry we are we're how far do we have to go where's kerbin that's a ways down there isn't it's like way down there oh great I just don't want to kill these people who don't have to I have a lot of mono prep because I'm using RCS so I have all this oxidizer Oh which I'm burning through great ok we are going to have to we're going to have to just abort to ground here and try to just ditch it somewhere on the ground we are not going to be able to abort back to the runway we cannot do our TLS but we do have all the controls the aerodynamic control surfaces on this thing so hopefully that's enough I don't run parallels no can I make the kerbals phases into shock I can't we're not gonna we're gonna try to land on land I don't think this thing would be very happy landing in the ocean well this got exciting guys now we'll see if this thing can actually fly I guess this is a good test I'm gonna turn off roll on these outer ones so we don't get crazy here oh yeah I forgot I have these too I'm nervous I'm gonna make sure these don't have too much control Authority otherwise they might flip it I wanna start extending our glide range here a little bit it does not have air brakes but it does have quite a bit of lift we have extra wings because you know this is the Armageddon Space Shuttle obviously alright so I'm gonna actually have to increase these front canards this is not looking good come on baby come on baby pull up pull up why hey can I jettison these no no I cannot I'm trying I'm giving it everything it's got guys and it's not coming up at all I notice is not lifting but it is slowing down quite a bit now that were in the lower atmosphere come on buddy come on buddy you can do it come on come on nose up nose up nose up notice haha what are you doing why this is bad this is very very very bad ladies and gentlemen we have lost the crew of freedom grab tastic I did not see that oh man dang it flying without RCS and have trouble controlling I should have clicked RCS but I was almost out of oxidizer it would have only lasted a few seconds all right well we're not gonna revert we killed them we have to accept that into our hearts everyone collect your data lock the doors not taking phone calls we cover all that crap here's our edited we are going to make sure this thing can actually we might not be able to land our heroes out there at the asteroid now because this thing apparently doesn't have enough control it couldn't pitch up at all so I'm gonna put these way up here I'm also going to try scooting these way back [Music] and these way back the further back these are the more control it will have over being able to pitch up and then hopefully that hopefully that'll help I don't know no we didn't test it of course not so what else could we do to help it that other one I think we are going to have to land on RCS so let's make sure freedom grab tastic - let's make sure that this one you - I doesn't or uses up all the RCS it has to dock if that makes sense [Music] hey I'm gonna get a little refill on coffee quick before we launch this this next grab tastic - also before you forget let's go ahead and just rotate this back that was a scary scary minute there when it hit the wings again good also if we need to just to make sure it clears and doesn't go anywhere towards the back towards the booster like it over towards this shuttle like it has been we can do this and put those on the separations there we go that should help at least just clear the clear the wings okay I'll be right back I'll take a little two-minute break here thanks Leigh Ellis and hi howdy one second here guys don't go anywhere I'm just gonna refill on coffee grab a little snack I'll be right back if I remember what my button [Music] I think we all dreamt about going to space when were kids but when the space shuttle program ended in 2011 I discovered a void in my life that emptiness led to a newfound obsession with space a few years later I wound up bidding on a Russian spacesuit as a joke when the box arrived at my doorstep my friends asked what are you gonna do with a spacesuit the answer what can't I do with a spacesuit that's how everyday astronaut was born since then the suit hasn't left my side it's even gone around the world with me from remote villages in Myanmar [Music] two beautiful fields in Norway get a picture right now [Music] I even proposed to my wife in the suit at Machu Picchu Peru these days at work with leaders in the space industry to create fun and inspirational content I've even been invited to different NASA facilities across the country all for the sake of sharing my excitement with the world hey there it's me Tim Dodd the everyday astronaut now I'm not sure if you're aware but NASA is doing some incredible this is this is church for a space nerd gene Kranz was sitting people first and this is with permission I still know how I love I understand consensus urine bags things can apply like a cat whatever that means okay I'm back let's not do that again so Terrence no no no so here's the deal I didn't see someone in the chat mentioned something about you know if I move the wings back doesn't that move the center-of-mass back yes but I'm nervous that as we re-enter we do want our wings as far back as possible we haven't gone through re-entry at with this thing either so that's another thing to consider and by the way I think if we launch right away we should be still on that same orbital inclination only a few a little bit things off and one engineer please know all scientists I guess oh there we go okay let's do this again [Music] old gamer noob says don't wings by nature have to be at the center of mass no you want your you almost no matter what want your your center of lift behind your center of mass the closer they are to the center of mass the less stable it is but it is more maneuverable you're right that you can you can swing up you know like a fighter jet has its center of lift really really really close to the center of mass and that's why they can pull crazy maneuvers and flip around and stuff so quickly it's also very unstable so those are very advanced you know that's why they're all fly-by-wire a normal airplane or anything any anything like that has its center lift to behind its center of mass normally like a jetliner and things that way say say helps and you're coming at an angle with the wind if your center of mass is behind your center of lift the second you come at an angle the center of lift is gonna flip back around the center of mass it's gonna pivot around it so you want that so that it corrects just like a just like a dart you know for an arrow where you have your center of mass at the front of it and the center of lift behind it the wings so if it starts to go off center you know if it starts to go away from something it repositions itself but it is harder to rotate it it's harder to pitch up but that's why I put those canards a little further forward so ad D couplers on extra fuel tanks on the back of the shuttle it's not a bad idea we'd also get plenty of an additional Delta V boost but I think we're okay alright we got the other asteroid no problem so let's just try and do that same thing again here we're running out of time here though we really gotta get this thing going alright here we go engine ignition three two one hip-hip for now I'm actually gonna hold radial radial out and I think right away I am going to actually have to lower the thrust on these two because it does really want to pitch that way this should help straighten her out actually I could even just almost turn these off now that we cleared the pad there we go that's pretty nice well I can also just throttle down a bank no actually I can't dude that was not a two-minute break sorry if I see this say hi hi Mikey it's all a matter of luck when I happened to look over there underneath the bridge and keep on losing stream argh oh no why are you under a bridge Aaden get out get out from that bridge what do you do it alright we are here we go we have booster step here we had some scary stuff last time let's hope alright I don't care if they run into each other that was better okay now we need to breathe thrust these guys up just a little okay now very slowly we do want to head anti target okay I said very slowly jeez computer not bad not bad this is looking better already I feel like we have a little more control over this thing I'm gonna increase the thrust in here because I want to get us out there am I going the right way why is this feel yeah that's about right all right old gamer noob Aiden you just I'm sorry to say you did just out yourself as a troll because you live under a bridge no you don't live under a bridge but that's funny fly to the moon okay but you might crash and die yeah all right let's see if we can actually get this thing into orbit this time I don't remember I think the problem was last time I just started messing with things and we just don't want to do that small inputs if any I kinda just want to level R out here but I'm just letting the computer hold anti target right now because that's where we want to go then the main thing is you have to watch see how pitch is starting to have to fight a lot so if we lower these thrusts it won't have to pitch nearly as much so the gimbal want to work it tight as a matter of fact we can shut those off there's the center one I'll make sure this one's ready to go too hey Jake Jacob I am working so I'm doing the reddit challenge this week which is docking to asteroids together but I decided we're gonna dock them using the Armageddon space shuttles and try to dock two space shuttles together while they have asteroid asteroids attached to them so it's actually gonna be quite difficult okay here's where we screwed up last time this thing does not like holding anything other than a direct headache hang on hold on where okay I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to go ahead and attach now even though we have a tiny bit of RCS left or a tiny bit of fuel left on that stage it's okay clear that get rid of these okay now we turn these guys off turn these guys on we're gonna finish kind of putting ourselves into orbit here and again paying attention to our ascending and descending node here it's called driving can you use extra fuel for it to deorbit yes so that's our plan here is to use once we once we dock the asteroids together I don't know why we're doing this but we're gonna do that and then we're gonna try to land each space shuttle again and this freedom hopefully has an easier time landing all right we're almost in orbit and notice it does look like we're slowing down which technically we were coasting up to our our highest point or apple abscess and even though we're technically like slowing down a little bit or now we're starting to not but that's okay because we're actually increasing our speed on the on the the whole orbit here which will raise our lowest point so notice our lowest point right now our periapsis is 300 kilometers above the very center of kerbin so as we speed up here that's going to raise that backside of that orbit so it eventually comes out beyond kirpan and therefore we continually miss and that's orbit yikes the Stig Stig's American cousin says you're a Cu and out last night in Florida in the middle of summer send help I absolutely don't doubt that you would need help for that that's crazy what mods am i using really none I have the history expansion pack and then I'm using just purple engineer when I guess I have trajectories on here so yeah a few but nothing crazy so Kerbal engineering redux is what gives you all these readouts which i think are pretty necessary to the game yeah every day astronaut is so normal now you mean without my spacesuit okay I know live in the fridge that should just be Florida State motto live in the fridge it's the only place cool enough to survive no realism overall today we're doing a reddit challenge so yeah this is gonna be hard enough anyway I don't know if I'll hardly even be able to do this so what we need to do too is we need to start figuring out if we can even get an orbital rendezvous here with this thing I've no idea how close will be Oh Wow if we can actually get pretty wow that's surprising here guys so I'm not even gonna finish up our orbit here because that's not really going to help us so I'm gonna I'm just gonna work on getting this this orbital rendezvous again this rendezvous with the with the asteroid look at that if I change with this is that we can probably basically nail it look at that 200 kilometers that's fantastic hope 900 sorry 100 200 200 this closest we can get for now and then we'll just we'll just change it again so that's not bad it's actually quite quite good I've docked with one asteroid Raj and we're heading out to the other one right now so in our Armageddon space shuttles this is freedom number this is the second freedom we killed unfortunately the crew of the first freedom oopsies and I just went past it but it's okay I do a little bit of this just just to speed up our thing I'm going to relight this engine quick there we go I don't want to use too much of our oxidizer though what I wanted to do that just we kind of get back on track for where we need to be in our burn we can sell chips that look like rockets this should have been freedom or you're right Wilkie Goldberg by the way welcome Whoopi Goldberg I've not seen your name in a while I'm doing great the exo exoplanets channel how are you and FC kureta I don't know why you might not be currently good at KSP but that does mean you won't always be not good at Kerbal trust me I I spent a year just like although actually I got to the moon not knowing how to quicksave and not knowing what stability control was I only flew manually and it took me like a week to figure it out but I was obsessed with it and I also played a ton of flight simulators when I was young so I'm pretty decent at like the whole flight control stuff but um it just takes practice honestly this game takes a lot of practice you play on ps4 that would be hard if you like Australia puts Florida to shame then heat maybe it does actually preemptively signing up just in case all right well Aiden in case you yeah thank you for hanging out in the discord Channel have a good one thanks for saying hi all right we're getting close here guys I will have to make an adjustment once we get really close here [Music] we are pretty far off so I'm going to use RCS to back up here alone what I think is what my heart's telling me alright so 335 that's not bad we can do that quick save we're gonna fly out there I should be at work where you're still laying in bed we all have those days Terrence I get it oh you know what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna do an adjustment here on our ascending and descending note that should save me some time later on I was right the first time oh maybe [Music] see how much Delta V inclination change causes there we go so now that they find that's funny our rendezvous goes away when we do that so maybe we shouldn't touch it but it looks like it doesn't take much it looks like we're so close [Music] 398 here we go just a little bit here she go pretty long way so we got down to 300 flat let's try and do a little extra maneuver this way I see if we can't no can't do it there let's try a little bit of this aha aha no went the wrong way [Music] crap it's just not worth it well let's get to our nearest point and then we will do so this is where we have to match the orbit soulfully it's not more than about four or five hundred meters per second different Oh God Oh 680 Yanks all right this might be the one that has to limp home so now we face away from our target hey thank you hi bye dang that is that really means a lot I hope you understand that I I take that stuff to heart they said they don't watch my students because I have the most interesting topics there are plenty of interesting streams I watch them because your passion personality connected with your fans well thank you honestly that that is a huge compliment and I take that very seriously so thank you so much okay so now we do our we're gonna match our our velocities against this makes it so right now you can see that the asteroid is like flying by us so you can see how quickly this asteroid is moving and we are 328 kilometers away from it getting a little bit closer but then we're going to get further away so that's why we had to match our orbits again so so right now we are working on on orbit matching so we're just cancelling out the velocity difference between where we are and where that asteroid is so we're matching its speed so you can see we're actually flying literally parallel to like where it's going and that way we'll be flying basically next to it then only to do is fly to it so as we keep burning you'll notice we're eventually going to snap and we'll be on the same so right now it's the Astra is not orbiting kerbin yet the ass where it's stuck outside of them you know it's stuck orbiting the Sun instead of kerbin flyby so now we are now exiting curve and that's what this is right here we're on a kerbin escape trajectory once this matches here we'll be on pretty much the exact same orbit and then only to do is fly to it hey thanks desire we looked at the moon tonight with a telephoto lens and a CCD camera that sounds awesome we heard of the Vandenberg Falcon 9 launch would be the first RTLS landing yes that'll be in September I forgot about that when I was talking about the lies from the other day hopefully that's also a fairing recovery attempt that should be I need one of those I need another fairing I need them to catch a fairing that's like my next I can't wait for them to do that I think you ended up launching 180 degrees in Incline because I saw your orbit reversed a few seconds to go oops no the orbit didn't reverse here we go so now we just fly at it and that will make it so we get really close again the last time I think I ended up doing about 30 meters per second or it's that kind of said pretty quick like that and will now hit it at that ascending node quicksave return to launch site we will eventually so now like our just being closer and closer and closer [Music] so at this ascending node we'll have to do another target difference that we're gonna flip around here we're going 30 so we're 5 kilometers away right now so we'll cancel out our velocity again right about now we're about as close as we'll get once we do that then we're gonna fly right at the target again a little bit slower good enough pretty much and then fly at our target here okay settle down RCS I went into fine control mode so we can more easily fly right at our target here okay so I'm flying at it at five meters per second now so you should see we're gonna arm this one do this as quick as possible all right we're five meters away let's head there oh oh oh excuse me what did I just do flew right past it that time warp got me oh we're not too far away though that was embarrassing good thing we didn't ram right into it okay lining up so notice again that pro-grade vector we wanted to go right to our target all right quick save here for safety what camera and lenses do I use well what I what I live stream with is a Blackmagic studio camera by the way you can see anything I have on my website - I have a partner's page it shows all my my streaming setup and stuff at everyday astronaut calm but I use a black magic studio camera running through a Blackmagic mini recorder capture card basically so that's out SDI SDI is less latency compared to HDMI so I use that I use an Apollo twin preamp with a sennheiser microphone and then for my videos I used a it's back over my shoulder a sony a7r - i still use all canon mount lenses though I don't own any sync or any Sony lenses I love Sigma lenses though almost my entire I have like a 14-1 eight sigma I have a 21 for Sigma a 51 for Sigma a 70 or at 120 - 300 f28 Sigma I have an 18 to 35 f-18 Sigma I love Sigma and I'm not sponsored by them at all I wish I was because I already use every single thing that they all make alright there we go now we just need to target the center of mass again and now we just have to correct ourselves to find that target we're going to go ahead and go free pivot here until we find that center of that target okay whoa there it is so this hard to do because it swings around a lot so we need to get ready to lock ourselves again back on it so I just have to match up to that target but notice the target moves as well as so we're basically just really slowly doing this until we're right in the center of mass and then we'll lock it again like that oh there we go that's pretty good all right another c-class asteroid in our hands and notice how little Delta V we have so now we have to do that same thing again where we put this thing we got to get this thing into orbit we got to do it now because we're already past our lowest point our periapsis so we're gonna go ahead and flip around do I have a telescope for photography or space I just have one telescope here it's just more for me to look through it's just a celestron like brass telescope it's cool it's really pretty that's the main reason I own it I just think it's gorgeous but yeah I need to get it a good space set up someday all right here we go let's go ahead and plop this baby into orbit [Music] it's not liking this without RCS it's gonna need some RCS apparently that might be because our Center our masses a little bit off here so maybe let me reset that quick so I'm gonna free pivot that's even worse I'm gonna just do stability control here because I don't think it has a good sense of that now it's so dang close there we go that looks even better okay now I'll keep burning here and it's kind of pitching upside we'll have to use RCS to hold this alright quick save this is Kerbal space program and Kerbal space program is basically it's a you build rockets you take them wherever you want I'm I built the Armageddon Space Shuttle like this from Armageddon for some I forgot to flip up the the wingtips crap it's not really what it looked like I was kind of looking at this more dang it I forgot about the flipped up wingtips well I failed but basically I'm taking the I'm taking the reddit's on the subreddit are / Kerbal space program the challenge is to dock two asteroids together so that's what I'm doing and we're going to see if we can first we got to get these asteroids into orbit around carbon and then we have to docket with this where is that asteroid that asteroid that's going to be really hard to do guys yeah that's what we're doing a SpaceX Falcon super-heavy would be awesome it kind of start over we need to flip those tips Sigma is great agreed comic so hopefully we can still get this thing into orbit we should have no problem we have plenty of delta-v the hard part is gonna be having enough Delta V to rendezvous dock and then land back on kerbin this is going to be really hard Mars has water that is amazing the audio sounds a little weird huh any suggestions if you want to know where I get like the Globes and stuff just go to my website everyday ask my check on partners I have anything that's in my videos like the where you give these Rockets and stuff like that you can find that on that partners page I could have done a gravity assist there why didn't I do that those are hard but hard to line up your inclinations with gravity assist I wish I could see the lunar eclipse can I even read this yes it's he can read that Sam gooo are you suggesting that I can't read can you ride the asteroid through atmospheric reentry we can sure try maybe one of them will do that and that will be its heat shield through entry I think NASA observation decks will be open for upcoming where Putin launched since is planned for 1:00 a.m. they normally do I think still sills don't sell tickets John might know a better actually John Ellison are in the chat there might know about night launches sold at Kennedy Space Center I actually don't really have too much experience with that so actually I'm gonna oh god how much is this ascending note change gonna be this is gonna be a big big big big one guys I'll do half of it on this then half of it on the other one oh did we actually have almost a rendezvous there so that's putting us into there we go we can actually get an intercept there for only 170 there's gonna be a huge velocity difference there oh that just looks closer than it is but I'm gonna keep trying to match the orbits here which is going to be very expensive again but we're gonna use most of it on this one because this one I think can re-enter better than the other one and the other space shuttle and I want to make sure that other one comes home safe they've been they've been gone from home longer so they deserve to survive ok now let's get these ascending nodes to match no what is happening here why am i sending notes not searching at all my just that far off yeah I might be okay come on oh wait what is going on excuse me yes I would like to stay in orbit please oh there we go there is a descending node match right there for 350 meters per second that's not bad guys we can do this I want to do a few orbits and to match up close but that's very very very doable sweet we can do this I'm feeling good about this landing is going to be calling in style and hoping to don't hoping we don't crash it yeah this is gonna be an interesting landing we I can guarantee that okay so we're gonna fast forward to our our burn time here it's a three minute burn so we'll burn in a minute and a half wait ah crap I just flew right past it I was looking at this dang it I don't really want to do a quick save revert should I yeah let's first quick save revert [Music] okay I'll pay better attention this time this one [Music] two days one day Justin Oh Thank You Justin I love you too but seriously thank you for your tip that means a lot I'm just having fun here today Buzz Lightyear maneuver Terrance you feel bad when I read your typos okay I'm like Ron Burgundy I basically read it word for word and I can't undo it so if you have a typo in there it's basically gonna get said kind of like when all the people were trolling me two days ago with inappropriate things and I didn't know so now I'm wiser I will no longer be saying things like League m'a because there's there's like LIGO satellites and stuff so the idea of something being called Legba like all these things are very similar to Space Flight term so I'm just like hmm I haven't heard of that one I'm too old like I said guys I'm in I'm in my 30s I'm too old for this stuff all right now we're making our inclination change here this case we have sandy asteroids they do not and yeah also Jeff exactly right yep yeah I got oh we need to apparently use some RCS here kind of pay attention to him oh and Justin no I will not see the I'll tune in and see it like on streams but unfortunately in North America we won't be able to see it at all it's gonna be the longest one in a long time too so I'm kind of sad thirty's is 200 less hysterical hey I can't keep up with the kids these days I'll just put it that way notice me senpai hi Albert am I gonna do near I don't know is that another is that my getting trolled again cloudy here in New York Shire dang it make a realistic spatial what's not realistic about the Armageddon Space Shuttle what do you have against that come on sweet you're waking up at 4:00 a.m. to watch the Eclipse that's awesome hey Sam how you doing I'm great [Music] senpai I have 12 subs if you guys if you want subs make awesome content that's all there is to start making content there's nothing stopping anyone from making amazing content I literally de started about a year and a half ago guys and I'm not saying my stuff's amazing but I at least know that you know you have to start period you can't you can't get subs just from hoping that they come around so yeah spacecraft lands on a comment that's cute I do have a ducati sloppy asks I do have any kind of us to have to do with anything it's an older it's a 9999 6 so it's not very fast by today's standards I've owned faster motorcycles like it's the extant was that would have been the death of me that thing wanna know something crazy that motorcycle it was a 2004 I owned it in like 2006 it had first gear on that motorcycle first gear went to 104 mile an hour at red light a hundred you can't so in other words you cannot take that motorcycle to redline anywhere legally in the United States on public roads so it's just it was absurd is absolutely absurd it power wheelie through the third gear it was the dumbest motorcycle I've ever owned short wheelbase it was amazing don't get me wrong a fine piece of engineering book man that thing wanted to kill me every time I wrote it alright we now have matched inclinations people look at and then so now all we have to do quicksave we are going to try to line up our get a closer rendezvous just by letting our orbits match up eventually I don't want to fly past one just pay attention here until these get pretty close we could raise one of the orbits of the other one or lower them if we need to to get a closer rendezvous but for now let's just kind of see where we go it was a zx-10r Kawasaki zx-10r uh-oh we're going to run into minmus on this one so we better do something to change that that's not good that's very not good so let's go ahead and let's lower our apps so we avoid men miss wait what you'd think this would be showing us let's just do this so we can get closer and closer or wait oh is it this one it's gonna run into minimus okay don't panic don't panic it's this one yeah I you are lucky all right this is a special asteroid isn't it guys you're very lucky that you can see him in the Netherlands that is by the way I love the Netherlands that place is magic so let me set the target here let's see just by doing a maneuver here if we can't a avoid minimus and B maybe get a closer rendezvous trying oh here we go here we go look at this we're gonna get really close over here 400 kilometers is not bad 300 is not bad at all 200 is our magic number sweet that's awesome for only 10 meters per second - all right this one has a lot more Delta V - so we're gonna start doing the maneuvers from this one although we need to save the RCS for this one for re-entry hopefully this maneuver oh it we're still gonna use the moon apparently we're gonna do a little gravity assist around the moon this is our on minimus this is gonna be sweet Justin hey thank you you must be feeling good for the Eclipse I really appreciate that real tiny little burst do not taunt the magic folder okay here we go let's go ahead and maneuver over to our geek careful there we go okay we're going to start doing our burn now although we only need to do a real quick little burn yikes gonna get a little closer to our manoeuvre notes or more accurate first center mass shipped on us or something or what's going on okay stop trying to chase that I'm gonna fly this thing I'm Bruce Willis I'm gonna fly this thing I think I was just getting into a feedback loop there this is gonna be so hard trying to dock two space shuttles with asteroids attached to their noses what am I thinking honestly let's see how we're doing here so we are doing look at that not bad distance a ways off why is that distance not changing there you go separation 2 500 400 oh look at that Oh 200 that's perfect guys we'll see you Justin and thanks for hanging out tor me hi what's so special about magic folders they are amazing I don't know what's a special bottom but they are amazing all right so let's do our hopefully cool we're gonna do a little fly by a minimus and then we're gonna get to our closest approach again quick save here I want to get this mission done here in the next hour I need to be done for sure by 12:30 my time all right here we go we're gonna do a little minimus flyby it'll give us the slightest little little shift in in our orbit which will help us not necessarily planned I mean I didn't intend to do that but it's the way it worked out there we go we're out of its sphere of influence already by minimus okay here we come other asteroid I think we're gonna have about a 200 meter per second burn here in order to match up let me see if I can again try to do a little bit of descending node change to bring these closer together 231 there we go 200 a little bit of a burn here brings us a little closer together real modest though we don't want anything too crazy Oh see you like that we just room I'd say let's not mess with it let's get to our close approach and then I'll fix from there pulled you here you made it and you're late like always hi I love it we are not going to land with the giant boulder we're just gonna dock them prove that we dodged them then we're still gonna try to recover our crew though at least all right that's as close as we're gonna get so now we need to just go Oh only a 28 meter per second burn that's not bad let me also ensure that maybe it's not gonna be too bad all this hold holding a target is easier than holding a like a maneuver node because the maneuver node will adjust around on you holding a target is easier for a computer with something like this it won't go into a feedback loop as much [Music] okay doc the two ships and reenter them together that would be unbelievable that would be a lot of fun I almost want to try it just for fun okay we're now we'll aim ourselves at our target which is again 200 meters away 200 200 kilometers away it's really close that gap now try to get a little bit closer hopefully something more like I don't know five or so before we scrub off lots of difference again so look at that we're a hundred five there we go five looks good quick save all right and I'm gonna see I would love to not have to flip all the way back around I would love if I could just use RCS to slow us down for these this bit although we do have to pay attention to our oxidizer so maybe I don't want to use RCS okay we are five I'm gonna try just flipping around using just our reaction wheels here which are plenty strong and again we said to scrub off that velocity difference build a massive heat shield to bring them in together that would be amazing I really wish we could do that I just don't think it's gonna be a possibility I don't even know how a deorbit since the engines would be opposite of each other maybe I guess we just used one we could try it we could try it re-entering with two asteroids don't know why well we can obviously we can try and flee if we think we can okay so I'm gonna wait until we are actually at that point didn't we say we're only oh we're gonna be 7.2 okay oopsies it's not moving away I'm glad I put a bunch of reaction wheels in this thing because otherwise it'd be an absolute pain in the butt I ate a milkshake and dipped fries in the milkshake that is a same you should never oh I'm burning that engine by accident that was a mistake no wonder I'm burning through oxygen so quick that's a big mistake guys okay now we fly at our target yikes we want a giant wing to land the asteroid there's two asteroids that's the problem I have no idea I'm not gonna be able to stream the Eclipse unfortunately I have a bunch of stuff to do today and I yeah unfortunate there's gonna be other people that can do it do a video on interstellar propulsion and some ideas on how to get to exoplanets yeah all right here we go heading towards our target point three away that looks pretty nice but what we can do better what's going on [Music] 200 meters away okay here comes the moment of truth here guys we oh my gosh I do not know how we're gonna dock these I will tell you that that's going to be a crazy challenge because they won't be able to like really fly oh my gosh I really don't know how we're gonna do this if we can do this I hope the people at reddit consider this a a huge success so here we go we're gonna be about 200 meters away from these at our closest point so I'll start scrubbing off oh no no no no stop doing whatever you're doing whatever you're doing stop doing it quick save here and we're gonna fly very slowly I need to just turn on find controls we don't burn through oh my gosh this one's almost out of oxidizer alright we're gonna we're gonna look to our friend over there first off we're gonna scrub off this velocity difference and then we're gonna hopefully have that other one fly and do all the docking because this one is almost out of everything all right so we're matching its velocity now we're trying to I'm gonna fly slightly at it just slightly I want to go opposite so that pro-grade vector runs right through our Center our Target Center sweet oh that might've been too much but this looks pretty good we are at least now flying towards it and now to prepare for docking I think I'm gonna go ahead and fly against our target oh my gosh I have no idea already where how we're gonna do this guys if we can if we can dock these using space shuttles I really hope the subreddit appreciates that because the the hard was docking to see class asteroids together so hopefully docking with to Armageddon style space shuttles and returning the crew home safely is considered extra hard hopefully all right here we go looking good here alright let's switch over to this other vessel here and we're gonna go ahead without RCS which we have not that much RCS on this guy either we're going to go ahead and go anti target two and we're going to use we're going to use I wish I could flip orientation on our stuff this is going to be really hard oh my gosh but here's we're going to do we're gonna wait until they get close to each other oh my gosh okay and then we basically get to like match their velocities like this and then I'm gonna have to swing one down right onto the docking port of the other one all right so first off we want to match the roll it's the bellies are facing each other [Music] Kevin a quick safe here again now let's time-warp a little bit see how close we're getting this is not bad actually this is a lot better than I thought okay [Music] oh my gosh okay we need to open up our docking port oh my gosh moment of truth here guys we are this this is shocking if this works okay gonna click Save again lots of quick saving here okay now what we need to do we need to rotate that other craft tail to the left so that means going [Music] like this you can also want to bring this tail up see its tail up so they don't quite run into each other okay something about like this switch to the other one this one we want the tail down the other way let's go ahead and scrub off the velocity difference you're quick to [Music] tailed down we need to swing this thing down [Music] okay I don't know how this is going to work but we're gonna try [Music] some of these controls are opposite right now oh my gosh this is so hard [Music] look at that we're pretty close I got to lift up the other one now again opposite controls is killing me on some of this quick Savior this is looking good holy cow okay I think all we have to do now is basically swing down to the belly buttons touch oh my gosh look at that we are right on target [Music] oh god what's happening what's happening why did it just totally throw itself out of balance what is going on what just happened I didn't do anything and just went out of control did I say control from here already somewhat happened yes I did I should not have done that revert quicksave okay so let's not do that let's not control from that docking port let's just manually hope that we can [Music] we need find controls here what am i doing oh that's the problem when I try to pitch got it got it got it I need to pitch without RCS those front RCS are way too strong apparently [Music] I'm gonna go back to that quick save that's the problem is when I'm trying to slow down it's also it's also inducing a lot of pitch so I basically need to do this docking without RCS it's going to be kind of the key here so first I need to flatten out the role so they perfectly match and then I slide this guy over here to match okay sorry if I'm not able to pay attention at all tea nice right now this is extremely hard here we go this is looking pretty good the problem is any any RCS control add so much unwanted extra movement on the right other way other way so I'm trying to do this without trying to dock without RCS and that's very very very difficult I'm gonna have to move a little bit forward with this okay Pepsi's now just to fling this one down oh god that's too much guys this is so hard I can't even and it's all backwards every controller I had to fight my instincts every control is backwards it feels like okay wait why is that going up now excuse me this is so hard an advanced Riegel's turn off pitch roll for each RCS there's so many RCS thrusters that would take forever I could hit ctrl from here but I'm just nervous it just really gets extra wonky I'm gonna revert to quick save I will try I will try someone added to many RCS no sirs you're actually right I may have added too many I'll admit that so let's try control from here let's try targeting that let's do very fine control here [Music] there we go this is so weird everything is backwards and weird and funny and scary Oh I don't know how to stop this movement [Music] oh I know how I could dang it I know how he could have done that a little bit of engine okay let's try this again I think we've got a system here that works I just needed you okay I cannot express how hard this is hence my extreme concentration phase okay so what we're gonna do toggle that we're going to go ahead and match these two [Music] do a little bit of that oops [Music] nope that's the wrong way that's do [Music] where is that we'll get this we'll get this in the song I knew this is gonna be the hardest part of this [Music] okay so first off let's meet our vector headings like this oops again everything's inverted which makes this very fun [Music] [Applause] no no I touch the things once excuse me excuse me we're trying to touch belly buttons here there's no one care there's no one care this is so hard I cannot even express okay how about first before I switch that main thing let's try to match it'll be easier if I'm lined up this way before I get into all and all that stuff oopsies no RCS no RCS just reaction wheels I try to line up their two fuselage is a little bit better so they're at least more on target this way start off with that do that with the same on this one no RCS I just want the fuselages to line up so that their belly to belly they are floating away from each other that's not necessarily a good thing okay real light little inputs like this I really want to try to zero out our velocity for a second that would be amazing I don't know how exactly will do that that's not doing it area now getting close [Music] and then just this and hopefully we can get our velocity to zero almost [Music] this is pretty close or ways off from each other now we do have to o0 flame that's not a bad idea it doesn't say you have to be attached to the asteroids while docking I like that idea why don't I just dock the space shuttles and then once they're together docked and asteroids that's brilliant yes let's just dock one of them okay so that's a great idea here we go we're going to release okay now stop moving forward we need to target this we need to control from here this should be so much easier look at that [Music] already so much easier match the roll Oh [Music] God let's retract our solar panel shall we [Music] this is still not easy once you get off it just like goes all over so much easier okay cancel after that velocity set his target control from here [Music] first time can I'm gonna back up from it so we just come on it a little bit more straight on [Music] am i doing how am i doing every single control of my life is like totally backwards right now uh to use my left hand for some things I don't know how to fix that now I wish I would have put Action Group so I could easily switch back and forth between the two controls like to control from the deck or control from this thing dang because this looks pretty good this honestly looks pretty good there we go okay now I know which controls are which check this out here we go now we can do this I think belly-to-belly is definitely the closest we've gotten come on Vaughn magnets do your thing Magnus how the f did they work come on yes yes great idea guys thank you now where did our other asteroid go oh thank god I thought it like left okay we can do this now that was oh my gosh okay control from here that was so hard guys yes f5 good idea okay we're gonna target this Wow guys I can't even tell you how how much concentration that took because everything was like backwards I had to fight every instinct one of them was like 90 degrees turn so if I wanted to translate like pro-grade retrograde I had to hit like I and K oh my gosh that was intense now how much RCS three have not much so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna just turn on first we need to cancel out the velocity difference between these two were you watching Falcon 9 from the Cape Corona thank you for your for your tip I don't have any plans to see a falcon 9 anytime in the in the immediate future when I like I'm not gonna be down there this week or anything I live in Iowa so I don't get to go down to the Cape very often so unfortunately I won't be down there any time relat too soon but when I do I typically try to watch from the press site when available when I get accredited so here we go I'm trying to cancel out the velocity here about as quickly as it seems realistic to do so get velocity is now canceled now let's head right towards our target nice and slow guys don't go to willy-nilly on me all right here we go here we come target [Music] all right this is the final part of the challenge is docking these to you so as long as we can dock them together have five for safety I'll wait to do is touch the nose to that thing and we basically do it [Music] [Music] okay [Music] you know it's cool I think I could hit my action group and switch the thrust around on these if I need to all right just make contact yes yes I can't believe no way okay we're hiding this holy crap where's kerbin there's Kermit in the background guys that's honestly about the best thing I've ever done in Kerbal space program holy crap I can't believe that just happened [Music] looks like a playing card oh my gosh [Music] now that I'm proud of that one I am very proud of that one I can't believe that yes Wow whoo well should we see if we can get these the crew back home if we can land these crew I'm not gonna try to land them on the runway I don't have time to do that but what I am gonna try to do what I am going to try to do is just land them somewhere on ground all right put my kerbals a TVA there's eight of them I don't think I have time to do a TVA's but I could do at least one because maybe the pilot in command of each one of these there you go you're coming out here let's take a picture with you where are you what oh there you are now I haven't flown these in a long time so I actually kind of forget how to do that oh gosh literally forget how to hmm how do you go like forwards and backwards there's back okay there we go that's up-and-down I forget how to fly these I have this shows how long it's been since I've played Kerbal there you go it takes two inputs to do this that's weird alright now how do I flip it around I might be putting this Kerrville and a little little bit of precariousness how do you spend w and s alright thank you like I said guys it's been a while I need to cancel out my velocity now oopsie it's not aim camera great can you not set a target in these because I'm making myself evermore nervous every second I fly this thing all right this is getting out of hand so quickly why is it like why am I not seeing their face [Music] yeah capstan shift is that okay [Music] [Music] okay now we have to try to get her back in this is gonna be a struggle for me guys oh now it seems to control fine that's more what I'm used to there we go this is no problem now I don't know why it was off before okay we don't need that right all right get down there go ahead girl go ahead and get down B no no bat B yeah B okay good enough who needs solar panels okay so let's um let's go ahead and release these guys quick save I don't care about that solar panel release release now let's just use some RCS to get out of from in between these guys okay let's make sure each one of these has a little bit of oxidizer this one I seems to have less than this one yeah so let's put the difference let's make sure and one of these has the canards further forward wait does one of these not have canards at all oh no this one just has way far back okay so this one needs more this one needs more oxidized than that other one so we're gonna go ahead and transfer some of this so let's do about 230 270 that seems about right okay let's try to bring these things back home getting rid of unneeded mass that's true I'll be right back I do have to go to the bathroom super quick and then I'll finish this up as fast as possible so don't go anywhere [Music] I think we all dreamt about going to space when her kids but when the space shuttle program ended in 2011 I discovered a void in my life that emptiness led to a newfound obsession with space a few years later I wound up bidding on a Russian spacesuit as a joke when the box arrived at my doorstep my friends asked what are you gonna do with a spacesuit the answer what can't I do with the spacesuit that's how everyday astronaut was born since then the suit hasn't left my side it's even gone around the world with me from remote villages in Myanmar [Music] two beautiful fields in Norway picture right now okay let's finish this up here real quick so first off let's again quick save just to make sure let's undock these maybe it's the other one doc like you know this is the one that is gonna be more precarious to get home so let's start with this one if this one can make it home safely this is the one that has the canards really far backwards and they need to be it probably needed to be further up so let's bring this one home safely first or see if we can bring it home safely so first things first we're just gonna start to deorbit by going retrograde not pro-grade you can disarm this thing okay here we go this will start lowering our orbit and this will we have to get our orbit down to about we're just gonna barely kiss the atmosphere probably have to do a whole lap around it so we're gonna go like 60 kilometers in altitude otherwise I'm not sure if this thing will survive so we're just gonna be kind of conservative with our re-entry so here you can see we could have done a little moon assist that have been fun we have plenty of deltas we have 3000 meters per second so let's not worry too much about actually as a matter of fact right now would be a good time for us to make a plane change to we can point north and and circularize better so we have a better chance of landing somewhere near the runway or near Kerbal space center because of how slow we're going maneuver change right now would be really inexpensive oh there's our approximate re-entry on that second pass so our periapsis is down to 36 so we're gonna do this first just to try to match closer to there we go that's pretty good okay now but now we're above 76 we need to be below 70 meters so that's showing what what our arrow brake will look like let's try that first 35,000 meters let's give it a go we're just luck everybody here we go time to reenter and bring these babies home oh I miss this from max hi from Minnesota love your business dreams you watched last three SpaceX launches with you plan to watch all future well thank you max that means a lot I have a lot of fun doing those that's definitely one of my favorite things to do so thank you for tuning in thanks for saying hi and hi fellow Midwestern er thanks for saying hi now all right we have to be really careful here guys because on re-entry you know we could skip right past it so alright here we go okay so let's make sure our solar panels are up yep we might need to recharge real quick before we re-enter so we have full batteries for those those big old watch McCulley's what do we have there our big reaction wheels will soak up a lot of our battery [Music] there we go now I have pretty much full charge I don't want to rip them off though so let's pull them in now all right so we are reentering ever so slightly but we are all right what's gonna burn up first is he gonna be some RCS there's gonna be this this thing where are we on kerbin right now anyway Oh interesting we're actually on the next run we might actually end up being lined up with it pretty well all right there goes the front uh hopefully that doesn't mean the rest of it blows out so notice our Apple apps is coming down very quickly but hopefully we make it another orbit we won't survive a full reentry at this speed that's the our dear super fun super spicy twin vehicle return sloppy that's awesome I'm going back up yet please start going back up I pitched all the way up right now by the way mr. doing an okay job of holding this I was all right we actually might need to face more pro-grade now otherwise we might end up reentry on this time around and we actually don't want to do that but now that stuff's getting pretty hot this thing seems to have a decent mount of control I think last time we we were on such a ballistic trajectory when we tried to do that RTLS that it just didn't work out for us I I think we might actually do better this time around all right and now we're coming out of the atmosphere working on it I'm just gonna speed up here since we have two of these guys to do [Music] and my herbal Space Center will be back very soon hopefully all right so let's let's plan our next note here it's not actually showing us where will we enter there so I'll do a quick save you'd think it'd be showing us where we're gonna reenter [Music] well there we go turn it for a second okay so it's actually saying right now that we basically will be the entering that way we need why isn't it showing me our reentry point projectory come on [Music] update now if they now pro-grade descent profile settings I don't know do it [Music] I don't know anything about that normally that can kind of show us about where we're gonna land so let's just try this again honestly up out where we enter this time I don't know where we'll land but your guess is as good as mine let's do it we're gonna land in them like what I call India this little Peninsula here they kind of looks like India that's my bad [Music] trajectory's needs an update yeah we're going in blind yeah we ejected the asteroids because all we had to do is dock them together so now we're just try to return our crew if we can bring these guys back home safe then we did what they needed to do in in Armageddon and that's all that matters in life nice and nice and simple all right we're gonna speed this up a little bit hopefully this one is able to land if this one's able to land have a pretty high faith that the other one can land the other one was a little bit designed for more aggressive pitch authoritative there's a good song for reentry nice and aggressive actually Mayan picked up even more right slow ourselves down even more gonna be tired of waiting well I don't have to say they want to land on these mountains but man we are gonna come back around for another reentry apparently that surprises me I thought for sure we'd reenter on that one dang it I don't want to do another reentry how about this screw this we're going home now screw he wasn't going home we got plenty of delta-v so he might as well do this which might mean we could actually land at curb and how awesome would that be by Kerbal space center me not kerbin this will be funny if we can actually just nail this that would be that'd be amazing if I leaned on the runway I'm done for the rest of the week like I'm I'm never gonna touch the computer I'm just gonna go on 40 mile runs every day the next time you see me I'll be on tweek what's our app laughs this here 92 I really wish I trajectories is working because I'm totally having to wing this right now let's just lower our apoapsis here I really have no idea [Music] what kind of job is my wife have my wife is a developer so she actually is making our little town grow it's been amazing to watch happen so she does city development and specifically marketing to for the for the developments as well so she yeah so she's kind of a superstar make him change to our little community all right this is actually looking pretty good because it'll end up coming up a little bit shorter than this we have to face a little bit north as we re-enter like this because we are gonna be quite a bit south so we're gonna try to hold this actually I might as well really trying to that now while we can to be the upper atmosphere we have plenty of delta-v there we go that looks pretty good all right let's see we can do Space Shuttle let's see what you can do Armageddon what is the image next to the flag I think that's the other this is the other runway there's a runway on an island yeah urban is just like a really dumb earth ten times smaller and all pixelated basically it's the main difference and has a bunch of like little frog aliens on it instead of humans all right come on baby I feel like we're really far off again already so I'm gonna keep being pretty aggressive with this maybe even pointing it downward oh look at the moon up there that's cool wow it's actually awesome like I'm trying to basically put on the brakes by going as far sideways as I can [Music] we're gonna miss this guy's oh yeah not software developer no she is a city developer hi from France hi from Belgium I was just in France as in Belgium two years ago I do love to travel I'm gonna go ahead and do something absolutely crazy they said it couldn't be done come on buddy one employee our RCS here we haven't for a reason still very very spicy come on baby all out of RCS now Martha try and land at infield or whatever it's called [Music] well now it's scrubbing off velocity like crazy looks like our best chance is to try and land on the runway out here but look at that it can actually glide that was our biggest concern is whether or not it can pitch up and glide and we are having no problems here look we can actually fly all right infield here we come or whatever it's called what's it called is this a shorter runway if so this is going to be very hard basically is trying to survive by extending our glide range as much as possible right now [Music] I'm gonna do a little quick save right here cuz we're pretty close I think I think we can I don't want to try to turn around because I don't I think we'll lose too much velocity that way I think this is gonna be scary enough to not even try to turn around I don't think this thing can actually fly if you know what I mean these by pitching up we lose a lot of velocity this is a bit like a flying brick kind of like the real space shuttle oh I need to turn off roll on these other tips no wonder it's so so extra touchy look at it just sink I'm baby you can do this get out there to that runway we might actually we might be able to fly this might be able to sustain flight with these nukes running we're going to be coming down you're radiating the entire island no big deal yeah this flies I don't know if we can gain altitude and think this fly is oh my gosh this is gonna be so close oh my gosh guys I think we're gonna come up short we're gonna come up short no we have to ditch this thing in the ocean so this is full up on the sticks right now this is all we got that's what I was nervous about oh we might be killing our kerbals who went all the way out there to protect us by docking those asteroids here we go bye oh they survived okay well I gotta get that other one back at least they survived that's all that matters that's that's all that matters we saved him the other engine was out of that was good enough let's get that other one home I think this other one will do a little bit better because it has the canards in a better place and here comes freedom grab tastic - I am new to rocket stuff can I help you Lucas yes you're in the right place honestly just go browse around on my channel I have a lot of like beginners guide I would check out start off with beginner's guide to or a complete guide to SpaceX part 1 and 2 that'll help you understand a lot of things I also have a beginner's guide to rockets in general check that out too I've got your resources my friend you're in the right place you know what I want to do my inclination change here before I totally screw up my orbit match it approximate to the moon here we go okay so all aim at our target here and then I'll fly there change our inclination and then re-enter all right here we go it's gonna be nice quick little burn [Music] also this one seems to be a little bit lighter so we might be better off with this one landing because it has already burned off more of its liquid fuel too all right it is 12:30 you're right I should probably be getting out of here in a second thank you for the heads up zero that seems pretty good there okay yeah that seems really pretty good now we just want to go retrograde and I make sure I still have that one solar panel out yeah I do I just want to make sure we're creating enough electricity here now I would just lower our orbit to re-enter [Music] I make sure my appointment that I have at 12:30 and all right let's get that down to we're just gonna kiss the atmosphere again gonna do a quick save here just so if I mess this up like I said we want to be down around that 6070 okay there's a good-enough 145 [Music] all right let's do this nope nope nope nope nope [Music] it's Palmas panel before we try and reenter this thing this thing will probably blow up again but whatever not important you know what I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna hold radial out just for maximum arrow breakage there we go and make sure these are a hundred percent under 50% 150% no roll control on this one 150 there we go that should know [Music] pitching back down come on pitch back up the old beast there goes that claw no big deal we don't need that and I'm so used to watching things online that it's annoying when it's live in can fast forward when nothing is happening hey what do you mean nothing's happening come on Jan I don't know by the way Jan is it Jan or Yann I think it is Yann isn't it tell me in our discord channel yes ghost no not in the u.s. know what high pitch equals overheat but it also means D accelerating quicker which is a good thing I don't want to be waiting forever I do want to try to re-enter on the next time around and land [Music] it's the second one kind of so kind of yawn yes I've heard about the Blood Moon tonight and unfortunately I cannot partake northern hemisphere or sorry North America we don't get any of that love this time we we got plenty of love we had the the lunar eclipse a good Blood Moon last year and we had this the solar eclipse too so we had we've had a lot we it's your turn Europe quicksave here let's see if on this one on the way back in we can actually just see if we can't land on this one so I'm gonna do a little lowering of our orbit down to like 30 or so Oh before we do that quick save here just in case we went too far ooh we're gonna not land anywhere near the runway matter of fact even beyond like the opposite side of the planet basically from the runway whoops my bad alright let's finish this thing up let's get to cruise home safely one out of crash-landing be nice if this one didn't crash that'd be fantastic Wow settle down here buddy what is going okay excuse me I did not ask for any of this this is very rude of you try to compose yourself a little bit better oh we're already at 35,000 meters no wonder okay come on come on and we are coming in for re-entry now sorry about that let's just get this thing on the ground Tom I don't care where it is I don't care if it's crashing into the the ocean again let's just get these guys home they've been gone far too long they missed their little green families and fellow green friends [Music] what man it is not like physics warping at all just goes nuts when I do that you know I'm just gonna hold pro-grade for now oh maybe we cease canards upfront guys I'm gonna turn off the roll on these canards and maybe decrease their authority control authority because I'll bet they're producing too much force alright let's land I would love to be able to land on land this time although those are mountains mountains are bad I'm good let's keep it off the mountains try just land on the shore man I think it is that how strong those canards are up front that's scary I'm gonna go back to just trying to hold pro-grade I don't want to do anything else I never want to hold again we're now we're gonna basically turn off their control little spicy barbecue we roll no big deal we've all been there done that come on buddy I might have put those way too far forward and now we're gonna not really be able to fly come on I might need to switch views here quick lock it so that I can grab these and pin them and see if this helps if this hurts yeah that might hurt I could use our CS but I don't really want to use up in the RCS Emma don't have to we are crashing into the ocean again guys but it's alright I don't have time to make it any better there we go our SES to the rescue okay let's just see if we can do a little bit softer splashdown this time alright here we go guys let's keep it pretty steep here and then I'll try to pitch over the last second I'm gonna do a little quick save here just in case something happens I could try pumping some of the fuel forward a little more stability that's true that's weird can you not pump fuel out of these things oh well all right look alive here we have a space shuttle to land I'm gonna go ahead and lower the landing gear for no apparent reason just to create more drag as soon as we hit the water just drags us down you know excitement and stuff I'm almost out of artists yes I'm just gonna have to do that flare up right at the very end another splashdown but we didn't kill anybody I don't even know if honestly if we would have been able to land on land with those stubby wings that was scary so maybe it's a good thing they smote splashed down well we did it we brought them home we docked the space shuttles I'm gonna call that a huge success sorry if you don't think so I think it was and that my my good friends it is time to go I like I said I have to meet up with some people here so thank you so much for tuning in I had a lot of fun I will be doing more Kerbal every now and then not all the time but maybe every other week type of situation I don't want to make it a regular thing so if you want to tune in make sure your I hope some day we can get YouTube to make it so you can subscribe to playlists so it knows you know like because I know some people don't want me to play curveball I do want to play some curveball I have a lot of fun doing this I'm glad today's mission was a huge success pretty huge success thank you again to my patreon supporters one more reminder if you guys want a chance to win flown space shuttle Hardware I will be signing a matted thing that I put them in Anna frame and I'll ship them anywhere around the world when we get to 800 and 900 patrons so if you wanted if you want to join slash everyday astronaut for your chance to win flown space shuttle with my autograph and a little thank-you note for me saying thank you so we've give it away like five or six things so far so this has been a lot of fun I hope people like flown stuff as much as me I have quite a few flown materials posted up on my walls and stuff so I'm a huge fan of flown space space flight stuff also these are this is film from Gemini like 5 and 6 I think that's one of my coolest things that I own so yeah thank you guys so much have a fantastic weekend I'll be seeing you guys I think for sure than the next livestream be the fourth yeah also pay attention I'll be working on putting my music up on Spotify and Apple of music as well very soon so pay attention to that get ready for that yeah thank you guys so much for just for hanging out and and thank you for the tips make sure you subscribe tell some friends go to my website every day astronaut comm I finally have good articles up and stuff so check that out yeah follow me on Twitter Instagram YouTube Facebook wherever you are come find me I hope you guys had fun today I had an awesome time thanks reddit for the great challenge I hope we can do more like this in the future so yeah thank you guys that's gonna do it for me I'm Tim Dodd the everyday astronaut bringing space down to earth for everyday people bye everybody
Channel: Everyday Astronaut
Views: 227,719
Rating: 4.718677 out of 5
Keywords: kerbal space program, Everyday Astronaut, Challenge, Reddit challenge ksp, KSP, Docking two asteroids, Attaching two asteroids, two asteroids kerbal space program, coupled asteroids kerbal, funny kerbal space program, live, tim dodd, guy with glasses, astronaut, Playing kerbal, how to rendezvous in ksp, how to catch an asteroid in Kerbal Space Program, Asteroid in KSP
Id: S1jNv-VaW5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 39sec (11799 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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