Watch India attempt to land softly on the moon!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi it's me Tim dad the everyday astronaut we're going to the moon well I guess no people are going to the moon but hi India is working on landing on the moon as we speak they're about we're about two and a half hours out so if you happen to be watching this like later if you're replaying this I'm going very early I didn't quite intend to go to this early I was think I'd start about an hour early just to give us plenty of time to kind of talk about things go live and answer all the questions and do all the things but instead I decided we are going to indeed go earlier than planned I'm gonna recreate this in Kerbal because it's Friday it's a freaking Friday so if you don't like curveball skip ahead a bunch we'll eventually add like the timestamps in the description if you're watching a replay of this because I know people are like you don't leak ruble I came to watch a rocket lunch so fair warning I'm gonna play some Kerbal and we're gonna recreate the mission that's going to happen the all of it we're gonna do the launch landing all that stuff and give you guys a good sense of what the Rockets like the that they're GSLV mark three rocket we're gonna give you an idea about the Chandra and two Lander well it's actually an orbiter Lander and a rover it's like three and one type of thing so as we start off with that why don't we why don't we do it this way check this out and also how is my my levels I changed some stuff around I'm trying out a different mic it's a little bit more closed you know a little bit more directional hopefully it sounds pretty decent let me know if everything's ok I'll make some tweaks if we need to all right so first off let's do this I'm gonna give you guys a rundown I don't actually have a pre-launch preview for this since it's a landing so what I did is I went to is ro gov India and they have a really cool website about the Chandra entomb mission and they have some interactive things here like the launcher this so we can click through this this is the GSLV mark 3 launched a couple months ago about two months ago and it's a three stage rocket and what's really what's really interesting about this vehicle is most vehicles that have engines like facing the ground if they're all facing the ground they all will light at sea level they don't do this with this rocket this this rocket only lights the sock solid rocket boosters on the sides and then does an air start of that second stage and that's just kind of unique I don't know why I think that's I I don't really know let me think the Titan used to do that the Titan heavy used to just kind of sling the upper stage it's almost like it's like there's like a hook in it and then they give it a nice big velocity boost and obviously altitude boost and get the second stage going but what's cool is that then the third stage is is cryogenic they actually have a cryogenic upper stage and it's I believe the world's most powerful vacuum engine currently to date or running right now I'll have to double check on that but yeah it's it's actually a gas generator cycle so it's not closed cycle they have a closed cycle engine but it's interesting that this vehicle does not use a closed cycle engine it just uses a guest in order so let's click on some of that stuff so it's got these big old fat oh you can't click through these I thought you could what was it looking at that I was clicking through it's got these big old fat solid rocket boosters that all together the amount of thrust he's produced is about the same as six Raptor engines so they're actually they're about two and a half per per booster equivalent ish and then the center stage here is pretty close to like pretty close to like a couple Merlin's let's actually just go like this we're gonna do this GS lv4 wait mark three there we go I'm gonna pull the Wikipedia because that has all the stuff on it papa taboo you know it's a good broadcast when the person you're watching is like let's just go to Wikipedia all right so the first stage boosters yeah you can see here they're producing a very generous amount of thrust yeah about two and a half because the Raptor edge produces about 2,000 kilonewtons so each one of these babies is producing as much thrust as two-and-a-half Raptor engines which I know Raptor engine isn't like the the banana for scale version of rocket engines but it's just we've been talking about it so much and just to give you a sense of scale for how powerful this rocket actually is this Rockets solid rocket boosters are as powerful as five Raptor engines so that's five times more powerful than the star hopper we just saw pretty cool I don't know why I just think that's fun yes that's the first stage they only fire for about two minutes a little more than two minutes the second stage then is is the liquid stage and this it's actually runs on on hypergolic propellant so udmh and and n2 o2 o4 so that's pretty cool yeah and the the specific impulse on this isn't fantastic 293 but again this is this is a little more akin to like a couple of Merlin engines on there yeah I think about two Merlin engines would be pretty close to this number so a pretty I mean that's a pretty beefy you know second stage though the third stage then is that I think this is the cool one this is a cryogenic third stage uses liquid liquid oxygen liquid hydrogen and it's it's pretty pretty substantial specific impulse of 443 that's that's up there it's not as good as say like an RL 10 especially like not an RL 10 to be or something like that but it is a it's an impressive thing I want to show you this engine this engine is it's really cool it's just impressive to me that the India has already developed multiple cryogenic upper stage --is and they're they're impressive they're really good engines okay where why when I click on that as in hello hi hi I would like for you to open that was weird maybe it's a dead link maybe Wikipedia's brought borked okay so here's the the C II 20 which is there this is their the upper stage engine on this vehicle cryogenic again like I said and it is a gas generator as we can tell because the turbine exhaust just gets dumped off the side on a what appears to be a toilet plunger yeah but this is still a really really cool thing ah let me think I swear I read somewhere it's the actual most mm thrust to weight ratio 35-ish to one that's not fantastic but specific impulse of 444 is certainly very good I'm so far by the way I should mention that the oh now it's all open and cool that the GSLV mark 3 so far has a perfect flight record - so that's impressive for successes out of the 4 launches India you guys are doing some cool stuff and so to celebrate this I think we should just build this baby up oh and yeah let me let me say again everyone in chat we're waiting for about 2 more hours before the actual thing I'm gonna stream until the official livestream starts going I just kind of it's Friday I just wanted to hang out with my friends that's you guys cuz you know I don't have any friends and then you know play some Kerbal and all that stuff so let's pull up the old Kerbal space program let's warp today for those of you unfamiliar with Kerbal space program it's like part what is it it's part simulator part rocket builder part explosion factory I always say it's just plain fun well I should also say hi to the first off hi discord Channel I missed you guys actually I don't mean I've been talking to us quite a bit lately but as they are very well aware of I just finished it ended up being 22 pages now a 22 page script about aerospike engines yeah it's really comprehensive we'll put it that way I'm really really really excited for this one this is going to be I think actually better than my Raptor engine video that has as that was my 48 minute long video that I think is too so far to date that's my favorite video I've ever produced it's YouTube seems to like it you guys seem to like it 1.3 million views or something on it already in like a couple months that lets me know that you guys actually do like the long-form content and yes it's scary like I think people are there mindsets are changing when they sit down in YouTube they don't want parts and have to wait for parts and oftentimes parts will get overlooked like the problem is in order for you to understand all of the aspects of like the Raptor engine video I had to lay them all out there's a lot of little facets that all equal up to why the Raptor engine is what it is same thing with arrow spikes like in order to understand arrow spikes you need to understand how a bell nozzle works you need to understand over expansion under expansion you need to know about expansion ratios you need to know about all of that stuff so I'm telling you I'm giving you guys a good fat rundown on all of that so you can understand exactly how all that stuff works in my opinion I actually love doing that now there's a certain element of like storytelling that helps you weave because if pretty much what it is it's my own path of understanding it's my own my own journey as a professionally curious human being trying to figure out all the stuff on my own because don't forget I don't have any training in aerospace engineering at all like I just learned this stuff on the fly and so I still can you know I try to recall how I learned these things what things clicked for me what were those light bulb moments especially when I'm on the phone with engineers like Charlie Garcia and other people that are really they that they know I like remembering those moments I'm like I get it and then putting those into a script and it takes a long time to tell those stories those stories are normally you know you go to school for I don't know eight years for six years I don't know to get your master's degree and aerospace engineering so I think if you think an hour-long YouTube video is scary maybe it's not for you but in the meantime there's a lot to learn and it's going to be super super super fun that's my rant about the aerospike engine and why my discord Channel it knows all about it because they have been with me for the past six weeks by the way fun side now I am actually going to fly to and from within like 24 hours I'm next week I'm gonna fly down to a week from a week from Sunday or sometime actually gonna fly down to the Infinity Science Center in Mississippi just so I can shoot 4k video of the linear arrow spike and I want to start the video with me standing in front of it because I started the Raptor video for some reason there's just something to me fun about standing in front of hardware that you're gonna be talking about it just shows that you're willing that that you're willing to actually have that like level of care I guess or like excitement like I am now oh yeah by the way I'm wearing a prototype of my linear aerospike shirt like I'm so excited about this engine now I still think it kind of sucks but it doesn't suck like it's it's not the Holy Grail but I love it it's exhibits the rotary engine of rocket engines if you are familiar with rotary engines for cars like on the Mazda like rx well I guess like threes and sevens and eights and all that stuff to me the like that engine isn't actually better than anything per se its compromised in a lot of ways it's super cool and that's exactly what the linear aerospike engine is so I'm gonna go down I'm gonna shoot the intro to the video in front of the linear aerospike engine at the Infinity Science Center which is going to be super super super fun I'm just really looking forward to that and yeah so that's that's the update on my life and for those of you too listening don't forget a lot of people do ask me hey you know you haven't been doing much like livest or you haven't been doing short videos anymore they're coming out they're taking a long time because I'm making long-form content and I just personally really like that so that's why I don't forget once a week I'm still producing a podcast where I will give you your space news so if you want like that weekly Tim you know tell me about the launch that happened last week why don't you do a video about you know X Y or Z like the mystery goo on the moon my stuff that China found you know if you want to if you want to hear me talk about that stuff and give you your news I already do that there's a podcast that I'm a part of with two other youtubers called our ludicrous future I think you can go to OLF but it's also here on YouTube our ludicrous future yeah that's a that's where you can find everything that I talked about including yeah the mystery goo I don't think that's the actual image yet right yeah that's that's not the goo image but sorry discord yeah so if you if you want my weekly news and me telling you about rockets and things that are neat and keeping you up-to-date and kind of behind the scenes too of what I'm working on is stuff like that ow ludicrous future please subscribe to it right now with your phone or your podcast app or whatever you use we do produce it on youtube so you can watch us if we kind of talk about some stuff we can also listen to it unlike you know Apple podcasts or whatever podcast thing you use so [Music] oh it's is true Ranger one Oh and that being said we're actually celebrating our one-year anniversary for this podcast so if you happen to live in San Diego or Los Angeles we're meeting in the middle where all three of us are gonna meet up in Vista California there's a really cool science brewery called wavelength brewery who is awesome who is they actually have some cool fun fact they actually have some cool flow and hardware from a lot of like SpaceX missions and stuff fun place we are almost out of tickets already so we're doing it live we're recording a live video the three of us with with our closest friends that are willing to drive or fly into Vista California you can get your tickets at our Ludacris future slash live 2019 that's happening Thursday already Thursday the 12th so if you're in that area Thursday the 12th get your butt on over to Vista California and join us live it's going to be a blast this will be our first time doing like a live studio audience type of thing whatever really excited about before we before we get onto the Kerbal blue rhythm Thank You Derek SP thanks for it thanks you single-handedly ended my own KSP session I hear ya as says G Stanford where did he get to Falcon Heavy models behind me and what was it cost looking for to buy one good luck these were made by Ali Braun from buzz space that's buzz space and I don't know where he's at right now in production he is kind of got overwhelmed and had to make like these take a long time they're like bespoke 3d printed rockets and yeah you can find him there see what is his time is but they're relatively expensive because they are like unbelievably detailed they're by far the most detailed rockets I've ever seen modeled so yeah sixteen weekly time is what GSU Eagles is saying okay there we go yeah but they are not cheap I will warn you that but they are handmade and they are absolutely gorgeous all right Mars Mountain heard you on a well f that you're coming to Sweden Mars Mountain yeah I think it's not finalized but I think I'm gonna be in Stockholm to shoot a little bit on the scale solar system that they have there so it'll be like an in-and-out type of thing but if so I'll try to do I'll likely be in Stockholm and if so I'll try to do a meet-up so if you live in Easter and Sweden come say hi I'll keep you guys in the loop if you're following on Twitter I'm sure you'll see me talk about it all the time blue rhythm could you please wish Opie blue a happy birthday Opie blue is your birthday happy birthday from all of us here waiting for India to land on the moon pretty cool birthday present really cool birthday present so he'll there we go cheers for doing this but have you had a look at ISRO cruise shuttles gig on Y InDesign yes a little bit mostly just the I'm familiar because they has grid fins on it that's pretty cool and it has a launch abort tower it's all solid rocket booster launch abort tower i when it gets closer to that being a thing and maybe a more pinnacle moment I will definitely be doing a video on gaga nyan the crew design and all that stuff and and I need to do a video in general about ISRO I really apologize it has been this long there's two big priorities that I have before that video at least two three three pretty big priorities for its it's on there I promise it's in my top ten list and hopefully I have some videos that are coming up that aren't going to be hour-long documentaries that take me months and months to make way more short form ten to twenty maybe thirty minutes for a couple of them don't forget I did just put out like a thirty minute long video on rocket labs recoverability too so if he has needed that sumit wants me to talk about GSLV you're right GSLV it's so funny it's like a totally different rocket even though it's called GSLV and there's GSLV mark three I'll probably have to do that in a video just altogether but for today I just wanted to talk about GSLV mark three so we can build it in Carl eg hey Tim let's also build a starship version - if time allows I don't think we're at starship - we're at like starship forty I don't know if there's ever been a one two three like in the block upgrade world of Falcon 9 we're at like starship six now or something starship two I would consider like the first bfr when they tapered it down from 12 to 9 meters like in the grand scheme of things but maybe maybe Jake enjoy it I enjoy a video talk about dream vision I did it I did a live stream where I built a dream chaser and it was pretty long and I talked a lot about it when they get closer to flying I will definitely be doing a video about them I think dream fish is super cool and they're making some good progress and I think they're just waiting I think they're like on track pretty much just waiting now for Vulcan to be ready believe it or not so they're getting that close and hopefully Vulcan starts getting closer and closer so submit Tim could you give a comparative analysis on the budget involved and money spent on missions similar to chandran - by other nations not on the fly my friend not on the fly I'm not about to just start trying to fee I know that the the Chandra and - mission was like a hundred and I think I have in the description so it's like a really impressive mission really really inexpensive for what they're doing but I don't think I can pull up so it's around 150 US dollar at 150 million US dollars I did forget to put million in the original description it's about 150 million US dollars for a mission of this caliber that is unbelievably impressive but I'm not I don't have all the data to give you a proper analysis on the fly that stuff takes me a while but in some sense does it know you could look at things like like moon or moon Express is gonna be launching on electron doing something similar issue but not quite as in-depth or you could look at space il who unfortunately little braked recently on to the moon yeah Zeke did I hear the podcaster coming to Mississippi enjoyed the food here which I could wish I could have a meet but I'm not sure where you're going so I'll be going to the intrepid Science Center I'm actually gonna be staying in New Orleans for like literally a night so I don't and I'm gonna be flying in really late so I probably won't be doing any meetups all down there I'm just going there shooting this video coming straight home is the plan if but if it ends up if I have more time I will let you know and maybe you can join me in New Orleans cyber couette I'm going to Mars in the 2030s want to come with DM me on Twitter not in the 2030s I don't want to go yet I'll go I've said this for a while I'll go when it's like unbelievably routine and it's like getting on a cruise ship and you just okay let's go but for until it's like not just like purely exploration 'el I will not be going and they don't even have like pools like I want a swimming pool I want like a hot tub give me something nice and spicy and some trees I don't want to show up on like a really horrible desolate cold sad with no water trees breeze anything trip for like a year and then fly home for six months like that mm-hmm not for me like give me at least glamping like I can go camping for a day glamping for like a week so I need more than that if it's gonna be here that's my so yeah Gary gets me if you ever tried playing simple rockets too I have a little bit yes I really do like there I've only really played around at the procedural parts and stuff which is awesome and the procedural engines you can like tweak your engines pretty freaking awesome yeah alright alright let's get into this we've talked enough now all right we're gonna build ourselves a GSLV mark 3 pay for this you know what guys it's been a while since I've done anything like this so I'm going to do a little bit of a we can pull up some music again now you guys gonna have to check my levels on this one cuz I'm just gonna be wearing this one I'll tell you that but I'm gonna play for you guys just a little clean old everyday astronaut alright let me know if the volume is okay otherwise yell at me I'm gonna pull this up here a little bit that might be too loud okay we're getting we're going old-school I feel like I haven't done anything like this in a very very long time so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna build up our I think I'm gonna build the boost stage first it's got a cruise stage and that's actually hangin I better pull this up over here Chandru yawn - yeah all right Wikipedia I'm gonna look up what the because it's got three like I said it's got the Vikram Lander it's got the orbiter which I think the orbiter has like a couple booster like a couple thrusters I want to figure out what exactly those are if someone can let me know the lander has I believe six engines let's see it has eight thrusters for attitude control and what and five liquid main engines all that's gonna be fun five thanks a lot okay cool sounds like we're good on that okay so let's let's pull us make the the orbiter first and that's basically it's like a boo stage slash produces a lot of power you can do okay well alright let's get some fuel tanks going it's basically just a fuel tank like this it's gonna have if someone can find me the type of engine that it has if it just has a single engine or multiple engines or what but I'm going to go ahead and get some solar panels ready electric charge we don't really we'll just put on some like something like this and these can extend we don't want them extending beforehand but this is just to show you what its gonna be like this the the lander and the rover is going to be on top of this I may have started off awfully small but okay [Music] apparently O's Shamir doesn't understand why I'm click baiting we're waiting for India to land on the moon that's what's happening just not clickbait people people got too sensitive on clickbait like i'm not here to lie to you guys India's landing on the moon we just don't have a feet of it so instead we're gonna play Kerbal and explain how the missions gonna work so that by the time they get on the moon and do this stuff boom you can find out what's going on alright India and by the way India's landing on the moon in about two hours I think now so alright so anyway since I don't know exactly what the kick stage is gonna use let's just use something normal something not spooky and that might be a little too underpowered I may have made this thing a little too small I'm kind of looking at the the logistics here of what this whole thing looks like it's pretty big this is actually a surprisingly big well I know what I'll do I'll also make sure we have a little RCS tank so all the tanks look the same to me these days and just to I don't know just so the engine is attached to the right tank even though it doesn't matter I'm doing that just because I think it looks better ok there we go [Music] hey thanks how you missed Kerbal videos ok I I'm not gonna lie I have really missed them and I have had a lot of people asking me to play Kerbal again so and I've had a lot of people asking me I've had a lot of people asking me to cover this mission and cover ISRO so guess what hopefully everyone's getting what they wanted today so there's our there's our boost stage our cruise stage / orbiter and maybe we'll add one more science experiment I don't know what that would be something something cool something cool they can like scan stuff Oh a light scanning arm a medium scanning arm what it I haven't done any of these new things yet at all I haven't had a minute what are those things do infrared telescope that's pretty that's pretty sick Oh can these scanning arms like are they meant for orbiters or they know they look like down okay we don't want that narrowband we could just do like one of these those are so big though we'll do like this this looks like a cool one maybe we'll put that arm on the lander or something someone asking what game this is this is Kerbal space program and it's the best we're going to we're designing surface we're designing the lander actually know what just for fun I'm just gonna put a no this is not oh that's huge what oh that's spooky sure we're just gonna do this this just for packaging so we're designing and kind of showing off what the chantry and - mission looks like and it's something about like this all right now let's get that lander going boom boom boom boom now the Landers the one that hats like oh this is gonna be hard the lander lander is a pyramid with a car in it some landing legs it's a truck it's a pyramid though that's gonna be the hard part I don't think I don't think I'm gonna be able to do this at all like that so well maybe I will maybe I will let's let's give it all we got someone asked what I think of Kerbal space program - I think you guys know the answer I mean come on how could I not be unbelievably excited for kuroh space program - like that's the biggest like thing ever as long the big thing I care about with Kerbal is I want the performance to improve I wanted to be able to utilize more of my computer like my computer's resources so I can actually handle bigger ships but your frame rates all that bigger frame eight I don't know better frame rates all that stuff that's what I care most about honestly like if it looks better that's neat but I really just care that it like performs better okay I think we can make these go weren't there gold ones now where did those go I don't know what I'm looking at anymore it's been a while it's been a hot minute structural panel are these the ones that can go gold yes that's what I want that's that's what I want yes to do like I want the big ones because we're gonna make oh oh yeah now we're talking and do something about like this push these on up push them on in oh yes and then these I'm gonna just do four of them sorry guys I know it's not accurate you can right my right to the editor something about like that I don't actually really all those engines are actually in Val in word okay screw that I'm just gonna put them right back in because they can't do like a 5 engine thing okay how much Delta V does that have two by the way we need this in between 379 s not great really oh it's backwards check go stage and oh I also need I need a probe to be able to control this that would be helpful and was it half her solar panels I would guess that this would just have like a solar panel I kind of like a fixed solar panel on the top just gonna do one I don't know if that's that accurate but that should be good enough there we go that way it won't get blocked off John is that is that link actually live let me know if it if it's actually live because I don't want to miss the actual landing well it's going to be a long time before I think we're still like I said about two and a half hours out I just would really I really don't want to miss the landing because we were got caught up playing Kerbal space program 60 okay discord it's your guys's job to keep me in check make sure I don't go too long on this on this build or anything like that I'm also gonna put some just a little battery on this guy because it needs one and I better also put a little unten on this guy because well guess what it needs one did I put a disconnect here on this yes yes I did okay okay let me put a little bit of mono props that we have some control monopropellant is here you don't need much that's a big ol one we don't need that big on one we'll do like these little guys I actually have these little like softball ones these are cute something like maybe I'll just do two under here one two maybe maybe like four and then we will add some RCS thrusters like this let's see weren't we put these hmm again for those of you tuning in yes this is not obviously the lunar landing here yet my friends but we're waiting for India's live stream of the Chandra into lander which by the way I'm gonna go ahead and name this chandrayaan-2 let's go to the moon baby I'm gonna spell it the real moon way because you know they're gonna the real moon they're not going to Mun alright um let's see here the only problem that I'm worried about is that we don't even have wheels small enough to fold down out of this ramp what's our smallest set of wheels now I have some weird mods this guy that might work who might that this might be a little bit bigger than intended but whatever okay so now just to make it easy to build the rover I think what I'm going to do to this will just be temporary I'm gonna just build it on top of like mmm on top of this and that'll move that later okay the probes we want like a that square little body the only problem is I never know how to build probes very well they always end up driving there okay that's way too big it's a new little guy that's a pretty little guy there we go so cute and we're just gonna put a tiny little solar panel on top of it oh there's gonna be so fun oh look at that and then we're just gonna stick some wheels on this thing let er rip I wanna do two wheels because we don't really have room on the bus for more than that get it wheels we can do six screw it classic me to just instantly change my mind okay look at that is the most beautiful Rover ever I'm gonna slide these down just a smidge Fick that's a good idea just make sure we have plenty of clearance hopefully that decoupler doesn't get in the way maybe I should test this thing out on the ground before we send it off to the moon I just faked that's that's what someone that was you know smart would do so that's probably why I didn't know about do it we do have we do have admins go and submit oh there we go Eugene oh sorry I little uh Wow obvious troll er hi Tim how our astronauts going to get onboard the blue moon lander that Blue Origin is developing and we're in Earth orbit or lunar orbit how are astronauts going to get on board that so the moon the blue moon later that that Blue Origin will be developing will the thing that we've seen so far is just a descent stage if they're going to have crew on that that'll be another module on top of that so it'll requires a stretched descent stage and then there'll be a crew module on top similar to the Apollo lunar lander two-stage like that in a sense staged separate and that would dock up to an Orion capsule or anything like that uh you know are the the lunar orbiter why am i blanking on what that's called it's not lop g anymore like the Artemis lunar orbiting gateway or whatever yeah so it would do that there wouldn't be any there wouldn't be like a separate and they would do that probably in orbit first what was that sound oh they're getting ready that's awesome why don't you guys let me know when something exciting is going on but oh hang on I do want to see this first this is I haven't seen about any great replay from this yeah so that's how Blue Origin is doing that I do want to see this GSLV that's such a cool looking vehicle Eugene is single engine of about 200 kilonewtons in vacuum that's pretty good or is that the third stage I don't know that sounds like the third stage vacuum engine that's quite a bit of but no no yeah that sounds right that sounds right Thank You Eugene submit we do have admins definitely welcome okay so since we're not gonna listen to this I always feel weird watching someone else's thing about them talking you know what I mean that was the PSLV that's a cool vehicle anyway um yeah there's always that always happens Yogesh thank you so much my friend hello thanks for saying hi submit Indian media has totally lost all sense that's just going gaga how about this mission of course it's important but either shares some new useful information or just don't say anything at all is it the same with all missions worldwide it depends I mean they should be excited this is a big milestone this would be you know India will be the fourth country ever to soft land on the moon if they soft land Israel almost beat them in what was that March April April the space Isle almost landed on the moon it unfortunately cut off its engine early and did not end up landing softly so yeah so I think it's it's okay to be excited but it's hard to tell like how if what the right amount of excitement is you know what I mean I don't have a gauge for that okay just to test this little Rover here we're gonna do this I'm gonna rotate this whole thing quick so we can just drive it right down the ramp okay let me just let me just double check this thing make sure the rover is going to go hey now we can make sure our designs accurate so are they considering the orbiter still Chandra in two and then Vicryl more Vikram's the the lander let me make sure that this is actually and the highest quality hey that's pretty good what a go ISRO this is the highest quality I've seen I don't like they always do watermark DD exclusive right there which is not very fun another another reason for you guys wondering - it gets really weird on YouTube when you start doing like this is actually a broadcast from you know a different entity or whatever so I hope that doesn't lead to copyright errors oh no no I've got an idea this is gonna be the most cruel way to try to fix this when I tried just getting rid of this there we go perfect okay come back here little guy I just want to make sure this thing works breaks okay oh you are sensitive okay yeah this is a awesome little Rover all right so that's gonna be our little lunar rover thing it actually works I feel like I never get these to work on the first try whee oh yeah oh yeah geez all right so this totally works and is totally awesome and is gonna be an absolute blast on the moon let's get back into the editor here into the Vehicle Assembly Building okay so since we're not I don't think I want to worry about having a whole ramp system and all that jazz let's see Oh Phillip Phillip Luke will you be covering aerospike cooling in your upcoming I respect video absolutely that's one of the biggest aspects of air spikes it'd be a shame if I had a video over an hour long and didn't talk about the biggest issue plugging aro spikes a hundred percent we're going to be talking about cooling for a good amount of time probably a good 10 minute segment is just about cooling and how film cooling and all that stuff surface to area ratio all of all of the things we're going to talk about and that's why this video is going to be extra extra good in my opinion let's see just so this thing doesn't get hung up and dead want to flip this background or which way we had it okay I'm going to try get like two I could make a ramp Rene wants to know if the wheels will stay down in moon gravity I mean yes like I mean there's nothing you can do about it like it's just what it is you know it's like that's the amount of gravity you have south wheels gonna like be floating because of moon gravity the moon will still pull the wheels down just not as 1/6 as much as they do here I could use hinges for the ramp should I try that that just sounds like a lot of literal moving parts that's kind of terrifying because there are these new robotic parts I could use kind of a big alligator hinge oh that's gonna be that was spooky big that was an actual alligator I don't want that okay I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it just like if India can do it without Kerbal space program then we can do it but the okay let's see let's fix the actually I might as well let it have the whole range here and just let it fall like that that's pretty cool okay so here is our ramp we're gonna put this little guy up on there and maybe just to make sure it totally breaks clean I might do like a stack separator I think that's probably a good idea just to make sure it totally does separate what's that little is that a new guy is that it oh no that's a huge narrow end I remember what that is now we're gonna do this stick one of these guys on here and then we're going to utilize a full blown separator just to make sure that it injects itself properly nice and clean and then we're gonna put this little guy up there oh this is great push it on back this is kind of kind of legit man the problem is if I lower this now oh I'm nervous if I lower this down will it just tip over well that seems about right I don't think that'll tip over I'm just nervous wanted ejects so here's what I'm gonna tilt this back a tiny bit so that even if it ejects at a funny angle we can go like this I'm gonna push it off to the side just a little bit so it has an easier time clearing the thing is attached to something like this okay now let's fold it on in as much as possible even just like that well it's not very tight is it oh well Wolffe and our discord wanted to know if we're gonna be doing the are ludicrous future yes we're recording an episode of our ludicrous future so whatever happens there you'll see lot or you you won't see it live but you'll see it like the next day and if we have to trim some stuff out that's why we're gonna do it that way and yeah so that will be up on the old Internet okay now maybe just to balance this thing out I'm actually gonna move this entire vehicle a little bit this way so that our center of mass is centered that looks pretty good there I was just eyeball on it but then when this thing's flying its center of mass is gonna be offset so maybe what I'll do is I'll sling this battery out this way get them out to try to offset it and just to make it look like that's not totally floating I'm gonna if not even though it is totally floaty I'm just gonna stick this on there just so it doesn't look super stupid in this way we can kind of Center when the lander is flying you know what I mean maybe scoot these oh wait those are not mirrored okay maybe I'll push this back just a tiny bit now there we go okay an hour and 45 minutes I guess someone wants to know what the to make sure - well yeah I should probably live where the force percentage on it's a good idea so it doesn't like to shoot it off really hard okay that's pretty good do we have everything we need do I need an antenna on this guy maybe I'll stick a little tiny communications antenna just so it's not like hmm didn't have an antenna sure that's cute yeah oh very neat and in this case I'm also gonna stick this in antenna out here - okay now let's build the GSLV mark three let's go ahead and retract these babies okay beautiful I'm loving this actually I'm gonna go ahead and do 18 meter parts I just think that'll look about right although it's pretty big but I just don't need it to be super super maybe we'll go ahead and go full 2.5 on this which would be about about half scale is a four meter fairing in real life I think 4 meter maybe 5 meter so we'll do something like this as mostly don't want it to be super super over powerful / powerful no I'm sorry 1.8 meters not 18 meter yes you guys knew what I meant okay [Music] and then let's build this baby up with a 2.5 so the upper stage on this baby is just that single cryogenic upper stage so we'll do something like we could probably do something like the terrier or maybe maybe this that Wolfhound has 380 in a back that's gonna be pretty good let's do that mommy don't we'll check what this looks like on the GSLV well I do have one of those cool inter stages though I just don't know if we can I don't think this is the right size it's only 1.5 dang it oh well just to keep everything kind of in scale I'm just gonna do it this way this is gonna be way too much power way too much power oh that's ugly oh we could do this it was going on yeah okay let's make sure our staging is still accurate we've kind of gone all over the place now move probably okay oh yeah we definitely don't want that to happen up there and we want these to be separate stages okay something about like this 384 it Oh probably cuz it's not in a vacuum there we go talk okay we're gonna have plenty of Delta V my friends and then for this let's just stick one of these babies up this would be the core stage and remember we're not actually gonna light this until we're in the air and just four course corrections and stuff I want to do this too [Music] I don't care to really use procedural fairings this is good enough I think just because it only has two engines and they do kind of taper down on this vehicle I'm just gonna do this that looks pretty cool and hopefully here's the deal though these guys probably won't have enough thrust they'll probably be it like I don't know 15 kilometers and altitude when they light but the thrust to weight ratio is gonna be pretty low that's kind of spooky maybe what I'll do I might use a smaller upper stage here because I don't I don't think we need all of that Delta V and this will help lighten up the load on that first stage something about like this a probably plenty but that that main engine is gonna be wait what did I just do okay yeah that's right this followed by this and now what's our thrust to weight ratio gonna be seven seven point six hopefully that's light enough what do you guys think good enough all right let's get those solid rocket boosters on the sides now something about like this I might just use the smaller ones like this because those seem to be about the right size although in real life these are the third most powerful SR bees ever actually they're only uh the the Space Shuttle SR bees well I guess technically the fourth because now the SLS SR bees are crazy powerful but the Space Shuttle is SR bees are number one Ariane 5 is number two yeah pretty cool okay let's see how much thrust away oh god these are only in a burnford these don't have enough thrust dang it okay we're going if the big big hogs I guess these are just going to look way out of proportion oh no no that looks terrible that looks so dumb okay we are gonna go back with the smaller ones this looks right it's just not gonna perform correctly auto strut two-three Grandparent part will be fine and maybe just to make sure we get a nice clean separation we'll throw some separate ron's on there don't think that's smaller one now a little little itty bitty separate Ron I don't know too lazy to find it put this on these there we go I'll make sure we have clean separation okay sea level let's see what the damage is here wait what Oh might want to drag that into there me and it's not a lot of Delta V and it's not a lot of it's not a high enough thrust to weight ratio zombie you might be right I might have to just like stack two of these in words honestly and we'll just kind of pretend like it's not happening just to I don't know it'll be close enough and I'm just gonna cheat him in wheat and now we're at the right thrust-to-weight ratio this would be close enough the problem is I won't build to control these at all [Laughter] that's gonna be fun and just to look okay ish we're gonna do this whatever good enough but yeah we won't have any any way to control these so I'm gonna just spam these guys on these guys as a way to be able to provide some roll control a little bit of pitch authorial or on here I'll put that many on there that might be enough sumit says Neil deGrasse Tyson lodz India's cost-effective Chandra and two missions mission on x now isn't lods meaning you don't love it but yeah I'm pretty sure I mean I'm pretty sure everyone's really impressed with how inexpensive this mission is for a mission of this caliber three just make sure this thing stays together oops oh crap sure is that the right thing oh man I'm getting all sorts a wild over here look out for me guys can't take me anywhere Otto where's Otto strut Otto strap in 1 2 3 1 2 3 boom Derrick SP are you are going for the classic flying water tower look we've seen that we have seen that ladies and gentlemen and that's a good look that's what all the kids are doing these days just for a real control Authority I'm gonna hide these canards in here OOP and this will at least make sure that we don't totally bonk this thing and maybe some little bits of fins down here - in real life these solid rocket boosters have gimble's since Kerbal doesn't have Gimbels in throttle like you can't steer solid rocket boosters we're having to make sure that we have some control authority on these things so that's what I'm gonna do okay I think we're good to go I'm gonna do a few more auto struts just to make sure this thing stays together I'm gonna go rip part on that one just nervous this thing's gonna fly apart I might also throw an actual strut gasps something like that and something like this just to make sure it doesn't totally go all nuts on us okay again if you're happening to be tuning in we are waiting for this lies room to actually begin when we start seeing data on screen we're still about an hour and a half away from landing so instead of watching this which you can watch anytime I'm recreating this mission in Kerbal space program so that we can learn how they're going to do it and I think that's going to be pretty cool yeah yeah this this rocket has at this point way too much delta v but you know we're good to go well I'll bet that's that might be about right honestly I just say only okay I guess and then once we get into vacuum five thousand yeah this'll this would be fine okay yes of people asking in YouTube yes India is landing on the moon in about an hour and a half while we're waiting because it's just kind of interviews at people while we're waiting to see actual data actual telemetry we're recreating this mission first in Kerbal space program so we know when we're watching the actual livestream we have an understanding of like what were what we're looking at so yeah so this is this is really happening this is real this is India's Chandra and to Mission really exciting so we're just gonna do it here in kernel space for program first mostly just to say mostly just so we can say that we'd be India to the moon sorry guys we did it first in Kerbal just kidding but yeah okay let's see if this thing can actually fly ah three two one hip-hip oh-ho-ho the ugliest GSLV mark three ever launches Oh God we're gonna run out of solid rocket boosters like right away 42 seconds is not a lot of time is it maybe I should have had them burn a little longer this might not go well ladies and gentlemen this very well might not go well I want my HUD one up oh dear God this might just fall right back we might have to put way more powerful second stages and way more powerful sr bees looks like India's clearly better at launching than I am if we get that thrust-to-weight ratio above Oh God look how low it is we this has to be over a1 to be able to even fly so we're gonna start performing an accidental Falcon 9 maneuver now in a very near future this might be a vertical landing mission very much unintentionally man it's been a while since like Kerbal that was not nearly enough we definitely need more powerful second stages because look we're actually slowing down we're still our altitude still increasing which is definitely helping us but as soon as we get to zero we have essentially just taken off from a 6,500 meter tall mountain so we lost all of the law velocity from our first stage now and we are officially falling back down because our thrust to weight ratio is too low oh man oh what a what a crock all right just to free up some weight here I'm gonna deploy the fairings at least we got a test of the systems check was that all right um I'm actually just gonna go ahead and hold radial out and if this gets above a 1.02 we might be able to have vertically laying this this is it not at all how this is intended to go the real reason the real reason I only play Kerbal space program is to vertically land we all know this so once we get above a like if we give us some stamps like 1.5 to 1 thrust-to-weight ratio will actually have quite a bit of control so I'm gonna start speeding up here a little bit so we don't run out of fuel but I don't know how much I can't bleed off a ton of velocity with only a 1.05 thrust to weight ratio so I'm gonna get down to like where we're going 30 meters per second and then work on bleeding that speed off because otherwise we hover up here for too long that'd be very bad I'm basically just gonna hold this now you might need to go faster than this though huh so we can't so just for those of you watching we can't stay up there and wait until our thrust to weight ratio is high enough well we might not have enough he'll do this and if we totally cut the engines we'll end up with way too much speed that we cannot recover from it's a delicate maneuver I don't know if I've got it in me all right we've got it we've got a decent mama thrust to weight ratio now but Vivek thanks for covering ISRO you're welcome I'm so excited today is an awesome day and I'm really excited to see a moon landing again I mean this thing lands softly that's a really big accomplishment so it'll be really exciting and you know it's what I was really tired while I wasn't talking about the real mission I'm talking about this if we accidentally land the second stage of a GSLV mark 3 I think will do pretty good oh man I got a I I'm running out of fuel I guess I still do have oh we have ok that's actually more than I thought we can maybe do this 50 seconds worth okay trying to balance that ride the line between running out of fuel but keeping a high thrust-to-weight ratio but getting down on the ground at a decent time okay let's try to land on that runway too if we can these controls are all wonky okay here we go the first GSLV mark 3 to land vertically very much unintentionally but oh yeah all right don't be blue origin and hover forever we don't have landing gear on this cuz it's obviously an unintentional Lander so there we go biggest accidental successful failure / thing ever I don't know how that happened let's recover this thing all week oh it wouldn't be Kerbal if everything went right now would it no alright so what is going on here that's weird okay whatever maybe we'll go away okay so first we're going to do is we're actually gonna make we're gonna stagger these babies we're gonna make sure that we have at sea level above a 1.1 1.0 thrust-to-weight ratio so we're at 1.8 and we're gonna limit the thrust on one of these boosters until so that they can burn longer oh we dropped below a 1.9 thrust-to-weight rate thrust to weight ratio there we go so one of these will burn for a little tiny bit longer now our total burn time went up to 57 seconds as opposed to what was it at first like 42 okay that'll help a lot at least just getting the second stage a little bit more time to do its thing but I do think that we need to put on a slightly slightly more powerful second stage engine so for that okay let's see those Bobcats were running at sea level they're doing 374 so we can't do like the swivel engines I think those don't won't be powerful enough barely uh what engine would be right for that not that obviously something with a little bit more thrust we I don't want overkill I don't want like these main sails would be major overkill rs.25 would be major / killers don't thing like in between is there hardly maybe these let me see if we can stick if we can fit two of these babies on there that might be about right hmm I don't remove these ugly things I mean that's not the dumbest thing I've seen let's check out the specs though I'll bet you our total thrust okay that dropped a little bit let me put these down here and let's see what they would do now thrust to weight ratio is higher but we'll at least hopefully get them up to 10,000 now so at 10,000 they'll be over 1 this might actually work now so if we can get to 10,000 kilometers or not 2,000 kilometers 10 kilometers if we get to 10 kilometers and altitude we can light these engines up and it'll be absolutely perfect we found our new engine ladies and gentlemen okay here we go oh yeah I forgot I don't need to use girders well no I did want to use girders because I can easily adjust how far in and out they are sorry I'm sorry stressful stressful ex-gang ger okay let's check it that's gonna be us and hopefully about 10 minutes okay let's try this again ready guys here we go three two one hip-hip someone says with that thrust-to-weight ratio I'm not gonna make it to 10k I'll bet all up it'll be a lot closer this time a lot closer 30 minutes alrighty thank you so much hello from the UK it says Peter and also submit anyone followed the post about Raspberry Pi in space and successfully took Earth's photo and videos I actually have not seen that like a good thing we added that extension to the yes Arby's he might need like 3's Arby's to perform what I didn't even think about the fact that then they thrust away racial is gonna drop so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna start lighting these babies up I know it's a little bit cheating okay come on baby we at least need higher than a one-point this is if this mission fails it's purely because I'm trying to make it like a little bit realistic and it's and in doing so it's not if we had better SR bees that'd be not a problem okay this would be no problem Mon now I just want to hold this heading radial out for now okay let's see Oh Derek SP duty also host non ISS Soyuz launches I have not yet the main reason guys the main reason when I don't cover something is not because I don't care it's mostly because I don't know the vehicle so I've never done a live stream of the vehicles that I know best are obviously Falcon iron Falcon Heavy I know the electron really well I know the Atlas 5 another Delta Ford I know a little bit about this rocket I know a little bit about other rockets but honestly I I I'm just not I don't like to do a live stream on a vehicle until I know it really well I know Soyuz a little bit but I still need to study up on it more before I start diving into regular Soyuz launches and to be honest I like and I like doing live stream coverage but sometimes they just get it can be really exhausting and it's really hard to try to schedule around so I've turned that into like when I'm home or when I'm like one is convenient to do because I have been gone so much lately way too much lately so when is convenient okay this might actually make it you guys remember when I landed the second stage of a GSLV mark 3 by accident what kind of what kind of on purpose but definitely didn't intend to have hit field Lander when is the moon landing I wish I wish I had my countdown time around here some people wouldn't have to ask but it's in a what do we were at about an hour now some an hour-ish now or something I don't know okay I can go steeper now that we've got some speed going hopefully I have my staging alright now in real life the kick stage took like ten times to kick itself out actually under the moon's orbit I don't think we're gonna try and do that we'll just do probably more of a direct descent 47 minutes thank you and here's stage separation of stage 2 and stage 3 gonna light up that cryogenic upper stage oh yeah okay and we'll deploy the fairings now 3 2 1 hit pip yes John drienne - looking good sweet oh this thing is this is a high thrust away this is way too powerful intervention for this ok and I don't even know I have no idea where our Apple apps is just kicking us if it's getting us anywhere near the moon but holy cow I this is so backwards my up first stage was too powerful and I wasn't paying attention at all so I guess we're gonna be doing our circularization burn with the actual chain drian oh I put a woops that's funny oh well so we're actually in perform our circularization burn with this which was not intentional we only have 625 meters per second on this what happened guys why am I so bad at Kerbal today has it been that long oh man Wow [Music] hmm times we messed up yes oh man ECP freelance wants to know if I could name a rocket what would I call it probably spicy too spicy probably just too spicy Tim's too spicy Rocket alright well looks like we need to make some changes cuz we need at least a thousand kilometers or at least a thousand meters per second to get out to the moon isn't it something like that and then to get into orbit let's do this right let's do this right let's let's dumb down that upper stage didn't need to be nearly that powerful we're honing this in the boost assess our bees although it looked hideous I think what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna stick a third one on there and just who cares you know I don't care at this point sue me this is now officially the ugliest and we're gonna extend this thrust range out for a little bit to get that burn time to over a minute okay that should be a lot better and then let's make let's stretch this upper stage a little bit and we definitely that kick stage they have some more ISP so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna just stick on some baguettes all those look too big I'll do some basketballs instead maybe four down here I don't know hopefully that increases our kick stage up to 824 still not that much maybe I'll just stretch it instead I had a tank a pretty good a lot a decent sized tank to it how are we doing on time guys there we go and now I've got 950 out of that kick stage so here's what I'm gonna do though I'm gonna dumb this engine down by quite a bit I don't want that was like a two way to coupler thing it did not mean for that to be the case I'm gonna do an engine plate just to prove you guys I know how to do it and let's do honestly a terrier would probably work there too 22 minutes sounds good thank you well do trust mounted like that do that just to make sure this is in the right place which is going to be yeah yeah but what's that thrust-to-weight ratio going that's ok let's stretch that stage too that's right we want just a little more out of that baby wrong tank I don't know anything about Kerbal anymore okay okay yeah that's a low thrust to weight ratio we might be seeing bagging ourselves too much again what do you guys think should I uh how would you on the live stream that's gonna be us you know it looks like it has solar panels on the sides I'm gonna do that just just to try to be cool I want to be like India that's a weird way of doing that my friends come here sound effects are bonus you're welcome there we go okay cool oh that's the one that I use the stack separator whatever not a big deal I'm nervous about that insanely low thrust away ratio but for an out procedure doesn't matter as much especially based on how that last one went okay ugliest worst rendition yeah they they did launch the rocket over a month ago can someone give me a date on the rocket launch yes changing to launch all here I'm sure it's right here launch on July 22nd it launched and the kick stage had to do multiple kicks to get itself out did gravity assist base that you just constantly we're raising its orbit over and over and over because it's a very very low thrust kick stage okay guys here we go third time's a charm right three times the term fingers crossed here we go three two one whoo pip hopefully this one's just a lot better I'm gonna turn on RCS just three has some control authority that is the ugliest I hate that we had to push this stupid no the blonde or the landing has not happened we're waiting for the Lanen we're trying to replicate the landing to show you guys how it's going to go and Kerbal space program and I'm having just the hardest time building a rocket these days cuz I'm awful yeah there's there's a de coupler between stage 2 and 3 it's just one of those engine mounts right there OOP see right there don't scare me like that Internet okay down to two just one engine now I might do that thing again where I kinda cheated a little bit and start lighting these engines like this and here we go three two one and burn out right now we're canary cook and get out of there there we go not bad now we do have a lot more powerful upper stage this time so are not more powerful but more delta-v it's actually less powerful it's a tiny little engine but yeah ooh zero flame you got a notification your order is out for delivery full flow stage combustion cycle t-shirt that's awesome zero Congrats Congrats on getting them before they sold out again it was heaven selling out like crazy Cole Logan wants to know what I thought about the idea of ula to put a flathead inline six in a rocket that's still planned ish so there's basically talk I think was even like a Roush engine those the solids hitting the launch pad basically yes um so yeah ula was planning to use a small like actual internal combustion engine to keep the crowd genex cold and compressed and all that stuff on there aces upper stage which would be the follow-up to the Centaur upper stage for the Vulcan rocket hey I wanted to get I I didn't hear one's advice do you guys like this microphone better does this sound less live and like echoey let me know Neil price good friend of mine Neil is one of my best friends of all time and he is quoting an old band of mine which the lyrics were very deep the lyrics it was a metal band where start a fire start ah yeah duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh Darren did it thanks Neil what are my thoughts of really exploring Venus exploring the surface of Venus is harder than exploring like the bottom of the ocean basically it's it's unbelievably difficult to explore it be cool be really cool but I think for now even just having like floating habitats would be awesome and working on just kind of studying the topography more from from off the surface would be not a bad idea but I really do like Venus I think there'd be a ton to learn there all right here we go this one should be a lot better we'll have two minutes of burnt two minutes between these stages here we go and three two one and let's kick off our fairing here three two one well that helped a lot the thrust-to-weight ratio okay so now we have a minute and 40 seconds to basically circularize he Oh Dennison our discord asks I'm from Iowa Right see what you like Slipknot it's it's built in it's built into Iowans you're born even if it like for me I was born like 15 years before the band was abandoned I just inherently loves Slipknot that's just what happened sorry yeah I'm always gonna love Slipknot even if I don't listen to him but like it's just built-in Neil knows what's up ECP freely has any plans on a new album you listen to my music at work that's awesome he's the ECP yes I have a ton of new songs and tons of songs that are old even that would be cohesive on an album I just need time to sit in master and remix them and stuff stressful Gregor you do think stressful my ex ganger you do think this mic sounds better yeah that's the idea is this mic should do a lot better job of of not being echoey and of being a lot closer so if someone says wait you make music the music you're listening to right now is my music it's the music at the beginning and end of all my live streams it's the music that's always been in all my videos has always been original music sweet it it has not happened yet or waiting to see when this starts going like to data will start tuning in but for now they're just doing replays and I'd rather teach you guys how to get out there in Kerbal space program because I think it's okay I'm nervous that we're gonna have to pitch up like this to extend our Apple abscess there we go now we're not gonna totally drop back down to the kerbin right away so what I'm looking at there's our time to Apple abscess that's like once you hit that and that it's zero you're gonna start falling back down so right now we're kind of like drifting our way up into space Tokyo Drift for Neil Price spaceman spaceman 96 in discord doesn't the core stage engines ignite before the booster separate on the real gist yeah they probably do ignite before separation that makes sense that the Boosters can work as like a eulogy motor I saw someone asking remember our discord channels for that's a patreon perk if you want to join our discord channel with a bunch of awesome people in it slash everyday astronaut you guys are the reason that I'm able to say go stock star hopper or go shoot video with the linear aerospike engine that I think it's gonna be totally worth it getting nice clean 4k video then I don't have to license from somebody else and all that stuff and introducing my video of an arrow spike engine in front of an arrow spec engine I take literally every penny that I make from patreon I poured directly back into better quality things new microphones I ended up with a new live broadcasting unit to try to make my live streams in the field way more solid than before I'm no longer I'm working on this I haven't told you guys about this yet and discord I no longer will rely on a laptop everything is going to be off put to an actual switcher a live switcher HDMI switcher and everything way better way more reliable way more robust and will not rely on my computer for anything so the computer will only be there to like read chat and stuff so I might even just do that on an iPad which is like the ultimate dream just like holding an iPad or something and then running the show from a separate machine so that's what I instead of trying to do a laptop for live streaming and rendering all the that footage I just decided this would be a lot better option so that's what I went with a black magics HDMI switcher and TV broadcast unit it's about this big I can control the switching and all that stuff that should really help my live streams to be solid no matter where I am like no overheating no anything we are in orbit now finally that was a long orbit all right let's check out the moon target this baby see how much Delta V we're gonna need I'm gonna add a maneuver node here kick ourselves out to the moon boy it's been a while since I've done this we're gonna target 100 meters sorry 100,000 meters I'm gonna go ahead and wrap all the way around it I never remember which way is which like if I do this first is the other way so you don't actually wanna target them when you want to target above it this allows you the chance to orbit okay and then I think about that kick this up a little bit I don't know there we go good enough whatever okay that's we're gonna do we need 800 meters per second out of this which is just perfect because I think we have about that in our upper stage and realize this would have done by the kick stage f5 for safety okay I'm waiting for them to still show us some data about the actual location do you - ten minutes again really where did you see let me know hey uh Oh for the live streaming let me know when that actually goes live because that one makes sense I'd rather watch that one than this one this one doesn't I don't want to talk over someone else talking about stuff so we're gonna have this one pulled up ready to go race against the clock I should probably pause the game huh one second here yeah I will have this one pulled up now sorry other guy that was talking okay back to Kerbal tada all right so this is our thing that's ready to go too this is Chand rien to Chand rien I don't know if I'm saying it right I'm sorry if I'm saying it totally wrong but this is what we're gonna do we're gonna quicksave here we have a two and a half minute burn so we want to burn for a minute and 15 seconds so we burn on each side of that two and a half minute burn so let's go ahead and fast-forward till t minus about one and a half minutes I'm looking at that thing at the very bottom down here that's telling me how much time left so burn time two and a half so we're gonna burn for one and a quarter at t minus one and a quarter from our maneuver node so eight minutes five four three two and at 1:30 I'll go ahead and okay 1:30 so at 1:15 we're gonna do our translunar injection here we go and three two one hip hip yeah baby we are on our way to the moon this is similar this is similar to what the chain three and two did but it didn't it burnt out of a supper stage by this point it got into Earth orbit and then it used its kick stage here to do the rest we're not doing that just because I'd been designing this well enough and it's not to scale or anything like that at all yeah all right so we got some questions first off sumit thanks for being a member that's awesome you rock thank you very much Nico is elan crazy for wanting to use thermonuclear weapons on both poles on mars to heat it up by the way my internship for ula was approved hey Congrats everyone say congrats to Niko that's awesome Congrats on wow that's awesome on an internship super super cool I honestly know nothing about the implications of nuking a planet to warm it up I I just don't know anything about that I think it's physically possible what does that mean I don't know is it a good idea I have no idea so I maybe I'll learn a little bit more about that and some of those topics when I do my video about how much Rockets pollute but at this point honestly I just have no idea so I don't want to like give you some kind of bad answer yeah so thank you Niko and again congrats under you you la internship have fun I'm excited you're gonna be there as volcans getting ready to you know go to the pad so that's freaking awesome Congrats oh I didn't never notice there's this new orbit thing down here what is this this is shows how little I played this Wow Wow I had no idea okay so turn racing lots of love from Minnesota thank you how are you doing hi neighbor my Marion burns and not do hi 10b I became a patron today and we'd like to know how you can enter in your disco channel so as all that is automated so just make sure that you're in the right tier on patreon and they're using the same email and it automatically like links you up and you'll have access to our discord Channel I actually don't know how it works it's really spooky it's just like behind the scenes magic but it is all automated just make sure your emails and stuff are okay if you need a Google search like patreon discord thing like it should it should kick you on over do you guys know in our discord channel you guys know how it works it just does it right like I don't have to do anything that is the whole ideas I don't want it to manually I don't have I don't want to manage that like that sounds way too much effort when you're trying to deal with that many people and just seems like a bad use of my time okay wait wait so we're gonna do this ooh the india live stream is up i think oh so I better I better get us out to the moon again oh my computer just totally about worked this there's our hundred perfect let's check out on this let's check on on this thing right away quick so so far let me pull up the audio some of me this party a antics a new sentence Angleton Yanni is rock-a-bye ganic or savvy and tricks preemie Lander Vikram Kate Amy Lander Vikram k chandramukhi SATA / Oh turn a.k.a Teja SiC palooka Sakshi but Nicoletta yeah hey so unfortunately we're another blending of chandrayaan-2 on lunar surface these are the visuals from Mission Operations complex at Israel telemetry tracking and command network is track based out of the garden city of Bangalore Karnataka these display screens are showing the countdown also the path that lambda Wickham will take as we are moments away to see that touchdown happening chandrayaan-2 is an indian lunar mission that aims to improve our understanding of our closest neighbor the moon discoveries that perhaps will contribute to national development and also serve humanity as all these young students have participated in the space quiz and they are here to witness the historic event at Israel as the boundaries of India's capabilities in space continue to expand the Honorable Prime Minister of India shri narendra modi encourages exploration of space potential and also application of space technologies to help ease of living prime minister in his monkey bath address had invited students to participate in space quiz his appeal had got an overwhelming response and today apart from the scientists and other stakeholders we have students not only of india but also of Bhutan to witness the soft landing of chandrayaan-2 on the south polar region of the moon so what makes chandrayaan-2 special this is the first space mission to conduct a soft landing on the moon's south polar region the scientists here at this track are glued to their systems analyzing all kinds of complex data ok guys here's what we're gonna do because we've kind of done the whole run down all this for a while leading up to all this I'm first off let me make very clear that I'm extremely excited about this I love seeing that they have so many guests there in Mission Control so many women are in control this mission as well it's super awesome and so just just again I'm waiting to kind of see the data because that's that's what I want to see that's what we'll be digesting and right now they're kind of just doing the same stuff that we had done for the past like hour but they're getting closer oh yeah let me know discord if you guys want can you keep me in the loop I want to land my Lander and then we'll watch their Lander because right now I think it's just gonna be a lot of this and until we see some numbers I don't think it's okay it sounds like about thirty minutes so we can land it ours in about five and then okay cool we're gonna lay in two hours and then by that time it'll probably be about when theirs is ready to go and we'll see how accurate we can make it so again for those of you just happen to be tuning in we built our own Chandra into Lander and and the vikram lander and then a rover and all that stuff and we're flying it out to the moon as we speak so we're gonna get into the orbit and then do the landing maneuver you guys keep me in check let me know so here's the thing we are gonna want to try to get this into a polar orbit right now it looks like it's only at about a mmm I don't know not very polar orbit so I think the easiest way to do this I should have done this a long time ago but the maybe what I'll do is I'll get to our actually from out here I think it's the best time to do it so if I fly south like this and do a burn now it will give us more more of an inclination and it's actually only about 70 70 degrees so we don't need to fly all the way to the South Pole or just it be on a pretty inclined mission so it's gonna be somewhere like there we're gonna pretend that's about where that that creator limb there okay so there's our adjustment burn that'll be good enough for now and then let's fly to our lowest point that periapsis the PE there we're gonna do a burn there and that will slow us down and put us into lunar orbit so this happened a few weeks ago this manoeuvre right here and so this is this is kind of a very crucial part if you don't do this burn you do not end up in orbit let me know if the levels may have changed a little bit ooh I like that someone's asking who will be the fifth country to land on the moon softly on the moon that's a great question okay let me know if the levels are okay again now that we're back in this okay so let's do this burn here three two one hip-hip so we're slowing down right now as we speak and this will kick us into lunar orbit we're gonna at first get into like 150 by 150 orbit will do a circularization I don't really care if we nail it on the head of the hundred kilometer circular orbit we can do 150 uh-oh are we out of that I really totally no oh man Tim you don't know how to play Kerbal anymore do you my friend Wow I thought we're gonna have absolute ample okay so oh that was just our good good good good we're fine we're totally fine oh that scared me we still have the whole kick stage alright let's detach this and here we go lighting this engine up gonna get ourselves into lunar orbit don't worry guys scared yet scared you didn't I totally did that on purpose totally did it on purpose okay so we are in lunar orbit now 150 ish 530 let's go ahead and we'll do a circular orbit of 100 so I'm lowering our periapsis down to 100 as we speak right about there okay now we're going to kick ourselves out here to the lowest point and we're gonna make it that nice circular 100 by 100 and here we go okay 100 500 ish good enough I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna extend our solar panels on this thing before I forget which I think I had an action gear before we're gonna extend our antenna just to look cool okay so this is our Chandra unto this is the orbiter now that we're in that 100 by 100 I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to detach I'm gonna go ahead and detach our lander although you know what I don't know how much Delta V that's gonna have I don't know if that's gonna have enough to land so maybe just to be safe mmm here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna make sure we have a ton of mono prop fill this baby up with mono prop all right we're filling up ma no prop between all these units maybe and in jeez guys come on why is this so hard okay stop out there we go filled with the mono prop let's answer some questions all the way okay so Marian hopefully that works out let me know I'm Philip as far as I know no aerospike engine has ever flown in a rocket application in your opinion what does the future of these engines hold we'd you're trying to get all these spoilers out of me Philip I mean that's all in the video we talk we'll talk a lot about what exactly is happening here with Aero spikes and why we're not seeing them what their negative consequences are and all that stuff I could still see someone doing one but the real answer at the end of the day is why so yeah nightmare says I know Israel tried landing well not last year that was this year that was in April I think they're gonna be the possible fifth or do they already have they already landed in the past and if they had landed in the past that would mean that they'd be the fourth so I don't know if they have a back-up plan for that the mainstream is live but we're just seeing this that's why we're waiting until we have like some data up again as much as I like to see the control room we watch that for like five minutes and then just thought this was going to be more funded to do this ourselves get some action you know we'll get some action in first okay I'm a little nervous that for some reason it says our was it burning the wrong tanks first like is this empty no okay good so I know it's not correct but we're gonna go ahead and lower our spacecraft down to like 30 or something the orbiter because we have plenty of fuel on this thing I don't want to accidentally let go of the the lander and not have enough Delta because I don't remember how much Delta V we gave it can someone remind me what's it take to go from orbit to landing for Delta V wise for the moon okay we're going to circular eyes again so you notice how fast we're actually going 35,000 or 525 meters per second so we need like seven or eight hundred meters per second okay around 700 600 okay okay so let's let's let's plan on 700 so we have a little bit of room for error I'm gonna quick save it here and I'm gonna see how much Delta V our lander has because it's not showing up it's not calculating for some reason there we go three two one we have a thousand yeah I did something right so far that's shocking but see the stream is just this you guys keep saying go to the stream why do you want to watch people looking at computers we want to wait until there's data I want to see the data I want to see the telemetry I don't want to look at people looking at screens sorry this this that will be exciting once we know but for now it's just like a waiting game okay so we're gonna fly out here you guys do want to get you guys do want to hear the audio of them talking let me know cuz you can always watch that if you want but I've I've really am excited to see how they're gonna do this and then watch them actually do it so let's go ahead and we're gonna perform a burn here light these engines up it's not liking this because of it being offset that's gonna be difficult okay that seems about right like I said right kind of in that crater there Brad says dreams live ok here we go we actually have something I'm gonna take a little break and see what's going on altitude reduction and the velocity direction which we will explain as we come closer to the center oh no hoko Sharma John Doe or Kalihi okay well we're still little ways away from the actual landing so let's try and beat them let's try and beat them to the landing I'm gonna do a quick save here we don't know if the livestream will actually have video livestream that'd be awesome if it did I better start slowing down here though quite a bit especially because it is so offset oh geez this is gonna be hard the thrust is way to offset oh no this is bad I am doing terrible did I just run out of mana prop already yes I did oh ho this is very bad I'm gonna go ahead and just squeeze this in a little bit there we go when all else fails just clip your lander because these have thrust vector control so maybe no and I don't have reaction wheels at all there we go there we go oh it actually seems like this might be oops hopefully India you guys did your math better than I did I really wish that I had a reaction wheels unless as long as I can hold this I just want the thrust-to-weight ratio to be high enough okay it's pretty high okay you guys let me know when the livestream actually starts having landing telemetry going that's a good idea I should actually hit warp once properly oriented and I'm gonna should I do a quick save or not now not yet so we're gonna have to keep our engines running just to maintain an orientation basically all we land no someone says Tim's gonna crash you guys have no idea I don't crash famous last words I did land you know the second stage of a GSLV mark 4 ok so let's see how we're doing here so we're gonna go ahead and basically cut our throttle and let her fall for a little while because we got a long ways to go before we need to do our suicide burn and stuff and we got 400 meters per second that should be plenty so it's not quite landing on the south poles landing 70 degrees south which is which is the furthest south and South Pole ish it's not quite the the actual South Pole though just so we're clear not that that changes anything so let's see jaqen says next month I'm gonna be studying aerospace engineering and Stuttgart that's awesome your channel certainly increased my excitement for Space Flight thanks that's awesome hey congrats and good luck oh I am getting a little spicy here so hopefully they do better than I do I think that'll be no problem oh boy I'm running low on Delta V okay oh man I'm actually really nervous I might be totally dinkar in this one guys I hope he didn't tinker ray I hope he didn't tinker uh-oh yeah you can change this now - that's awesome I forgot about that well I love that I don't have reaction wheels you get the wheels of the rover are spinning shouldn't that count as something okay I'm actually starting to induce way way too much velocity in some kind of direction oh god I just spooky did to rely on this Oh God yeah without mono prop I'm pretty much screwed let's see how much these legs can handle following 200 meters out of this guy hopefully India does a lot better than I just did because that's my landing attempt right there hmm I think we lost the rover I think we lost more important things so remember that whole I don't crash thing I didn't crash I just landed fast yeah okay here we go we're gonna we're gonna go back to that quick save it's just one hundred and fifty million no big deal all right let's see if we can do better I don't know how I'll do better though to be honest like especially without it really sucks that I'm oh this quick save still is mono prop oh that's good that's actually quite good that's very very good okay I think we can do this then okay this is very this is great we can do this let's do this quick it's not a bad idea someone said to lower its thrust on the side of the rover but this seems to work pretty well now yeah funky droid thinks that's like that's not a bad idea if it if it's still on it controls itself pretty well like this actually why do I not trust that suicide burn calculator at all we are still screaming in here we are really cruising yeah I think that suicide burn yeah the suicide burn calculator was way off I think okay this looks so much better yeah this is this is a million times better and I'm just gonna try to save my mono prop for the end we're just at minimal throttle okay here we go this looks more like it this looks way more like it I'm looking at you India I'm looking at you India this is what we want from you guys today there we go now we're talking finally okay let's extend that antenna let's try and lower this make sure it will let us lower it nice and slow let's lower this transverse rate so it's like nice and slow and doesn't get too spooky on us yeah oh stop almost flipped ourselves over it okay we'll worry about that in a second I wanted quick save now that we landed and let's go to day time because really this should all be happening during the day time that's another thing that I just glossed over and really the whole thing will only last about two weeks because of it's only designed to last a full lunar day okay let's get this this Rover on the ground and then let's tune in for the real thing because I think it's gonna be about time okay here we go Drive you little beast yes yes we actually did it we did it guys okay six minutes that's perfect this is what we hope to see right now let's see this India your turn I'm gonna take a quick picture how do you hide it yeah like that okay here we go let's listen in it's time some low dope watch our second doctrinally car catchy parivartana yoga jacket out pantiagua escape a shot Tara that's poor translunar injection those people for those people saying yay like you could have just watched the other one if you didn't want to watch me do that again we're just gonna be seeing people's faces in a control room for an hour so sorry that I gave you a good animation of what's gonna happen in Lombe a hyperbole pot pourri kasib in doha taaha chandler markie property under Jota is a lunar arbic in the orbital insertion yellow ikat or EC Bindu pal vous avez Ghidorah ketucky Dashami parivartan car was a Chandra Marquis de vivre take action upon cha da da da did we see Chris at high speed Phillipe Cordier Jia is some a Perry Lewin lockpick x1 is the Sun watch kilometer or Apple hoon it seems we stop there do you guys have a line free something there's always gonna be just so you guys know because this happens all the time years be like you're 20 seconds behind the live stream yes that's because I have to get it to me and then has to go back out to the internet like minimum round-trip there's like 20 30 seconds so if you really need those 20 or 30 seconds you can click on the original one but I don't think there is yeah just be patient I think it'll switch to English here in a second part of oh guys unless you guys can give me a link let me let me check this one out three minutes and 50 seconds same operation just to give a guarantee the way the total power descent operation for the Vikram Lander would we carried out the descent operation would as you can see on the screen we are at 3 minutes to go before we start these operations so Vikram Lander would commence from an altitude of 30 kilometers and once this decent operation has started it will be for a duration of nearly 15 minutes before it touches down on the lunar surface safety minute i'm the vikram landing sequence is achieved through an autonomous landing sequencer and just to give an update the final state vectors and other parameters have already been loaded into the vikram lander four hours prior so it's all ready to go and start its operations so as for the power descent plan it's expected to start at 1 hour 38 minutes Indian Standard Time as I mentioned we are just less than 3 minutes now and this entire power descent operation will be carried out in four different phases of operation namely the first phase which is the phase referred as rough breaking phase we'll bring the spacecraft from 30 kilometers to an altitude of almost seven point four kilometers the second phase after the ramp of breaking phase will be attitude an absolute navigation control phase which will enable the spacecraft to travel from seven point four to five kilometers and then immediately we will have the third phase of operation which is the fine braking phase where we bring down the spacecraft from five kilometer to almost at an altitude of 400 meters above the surface where the landing is supposed to happen and eventually from 400 kilometers the vehicle the spacecraft will will not have any forward moving velocity it will be only used to have a vertical descent for a touchdown so the final phase of operation after the final braking place will be the terminal descent phase where the vikram lander will be brought from an altitude of 400 meters 200 meters 260 metres 210 meters and finally the touchdown so as we go through these operations as I mentioned it will be a 15 minutes of descent operation once the activity is initiated we will be bringing you some of the flight parameters and the status how the how the total operations are going on so each of this phases during the powered descent are very critical and important in its own way as it has a very specific objective and the the goals to be achieved and during the entire phase of operations so maybe another one minute 19 seconds to go the pertinent update as far as the descent operation is concerned the Vikram's Lander has four main propulsion engines each generating a thruster for nearly 800 Newtons and out of this five main engines the four engines are throttled liquid engines which means we will be able to regulate the thrust of the engine like increasing the speed or decreasing the speed of the engine to achieve the required and he bows to velocity another 48 seconds to go before this D boost or firing of militants before crusher engine throttle penguins are carried out told it Don over a charger ooh hang on they had Carrie Carrie Carrie properties second cake Jabba victim who dat de guitarra gigantic elegance up to multiple huge attack you can see what artisanal civico kamehameha constructor or instead of breaking whiskey door on come yo ooh smell again a or throttle able engine handy Sasuke a product remote villages Nikita as a child in charge corner Pellegrini charge phone open like a zoo or I say while they're speaking Hindi I'll go ahead and kind of regurgitate a few things that I just learned that only sounds like only four of the engines are actually throttle able which is really interesting but it looks like they are they've had a good engine ignition so they're currently at at 30 kilometers they're there clapping so obviously that means that things are going well that must mean the descent motors have fired up as expected this is good oh here we are for liquid engines which I was mentioning the poor throttle engines the activity has just started and right now we are at 35 seconds since the engines are fired and just to give an update the the vikram lander when it was in an operator of around 30 kilometers when the descent operation started it had a velocity of nearly a thousand six hundred and forty meter per second so what we are going to go through this entire face of fifteen minutes of operation when the power descent will be done to is to make this orbital velocity of the vikram lander from thousand six hundred and forty meter per second to almost zero meter per second so that the spacecraft could land on the surface of the moon so the activity has just initiated as you can see on your screen the view of the Mission Control Center with chairman is room and director of urs see dr. Suresh briefing the horrible Prime Minister about the flight event that are going on so we had the time elapsed is almost 1 minute 28 seconds he's already read that become no TV pandro so sought the meter-per-second Rukia yep um the suit so I'm gonna listen in and try to figure out they they have five engines on the on the lander but only four of them are throttle so I'm trying to figure out if that last one is like a non throttle liquid or if they keep that one sustaining and then just use the four to throttle and that'll be enough differential thrust for them yeah I'm really curious and again right now they aren't speaking English so I figure I might as well give you guys the chance to to kinda understand what's going on but for those who looking at the animation of course there's not going to be a camera tracking this lunar lander on its same trajectory there's just no live feed maybe they will have a live feed or at least a data downlink with cameras once they land and we expect this rough braking phase which was just initiated to last for nearly ten minutes during which time the velocity and the orbital velocity with the vikram lander possessed of the order of thousand six hundred and forty meter per second should reach to something like 140 meter per second at the end of the rough braking phase so basically during this phase is a real brute force of operation where we are trying to kill the velocity which the spacecraft currently has making it revolve around the moon with an orbital altitude of 1,300 kilometers so I am seeing on my screen that the velocity from 1680 meter per second has come down to almost thousand three hundred so nearly three hundred and fifty meter per second velocity for the vikram lander has been reduced three minutes have elapsed and maybe another next to seven minutes we should have quite a substantial reduction in the velocity to ensure that at touchdown we have almost near zero meter per second velocity to ensure that the vikram lander has a soft landing on the surface of the moon at the very desired landing site location so we are right now in the era of braking phase of operation nearing three minutes 39 or 40 seconds and almost I would say 480 meter per second velocity has been enhanced which I indication that entire operations during which the floor craw table engines are being fired has been performing absolutely nominally and the reduction in the velocity and the downrange the range it has - after the descent operation has started it has to cross almost a range of 600 kilometers before it lands at a predefined designation so I am seeing a very close match with the pre-flight and the flight prediction the velocity of the Vikram Lander has come very close 2100 meter per second so almost to find admitted per second velocity direction has happened in just four minutes so another six minutes to go before we reach in the the mission objectives of the era of braking phase jihad creep Kariba J minute customer the time out of rough braking phase and I wonder if that's when they go even further and throttle deeper with that fifth engine I'm trying to figure out if you guys know what what's going on let me know yeah let me know if we figure out what that is because I've been trying to listen in but the one big thing is you can see the velocity on the screen right now 1000 1800 meters per second oh yes this is what I want to see right here vertical velocity is gonna remain pretty constant because they're going sideways they're removing their orbit they're moving their horizontal velocity first of the things flying pretty much sideways at this moment scrubbing off all that verb or that horizontal velocity once they do that then they'll kind of pitch down and they'll start working on and working on their descent but before you do your descent you had to remove your orbital velocity because don't forget it was orbiting the moon like the in order to land on the moon you can't do like here on earth we can use the atmosphere to slow down so you can be at orbital velocities kind of start hitting the atmosphere let the atmosphere slow you down and then either like use parachutes or wings like on a space shuttle or propulsive landing like what SpaceX is doing to do your final touchdown on earth on the moon you don't have that you don't have any option of braking beforehand so you have to use liquid rocket engines to get out of that orbital velocity become suborbital just like we're see on the top right right there that's their orbital bit right now it's suborbital so if they were to you know cut the engines off right now it would smack into the the the moon but they still need to remove all of that horizontal velocity so that's what we're mainly seeing them scrub off there at eight hundred and thirty meters per second we go since we started the power descent operation and we are still in the year of breaking phase within the next four minutes to go and if I look at the velocity that has dropped from the time the the power descent operation was initiated nearly 50% of the orbital velocity has been reduced so we started with a thousand six hundred and eighty meter per second presently the vikram lander is descending towards the lunar surface and it has a velocity of 760 so we expect in the next three minutes the velocity should come down to something like hundred and forty-six so on your screen you can see the plot where we have the on the x-axis the downrange and on the y-axis the is the altitudes so I think all too - Alok has come down quite substantially now we are almost maybe in the range of 20 10 to 20 kilometers yeah yeah I think maybe so a very close match with respect to the pre-flight predictions and which clearly indicates the for throttle bills steering engines which has been basically designed for this vikram lander for the first time has been performing extremely well and as for the plan the the timeline is going very precisely seven minutes 34 seconds there may be another two wonderful minutes to go and we have almost touched a 630 meter per second so maybe another fine 10 meter per second velocity is what we expect to get it reduced at the same time if you look at the downrange it has traveled quite a flight close to the landing site now in just we are maybe 75 kilometres away from the actual landing site when the maneuver was initiated we were almost a local almost 600 plus kilometers yeah and quite a velocity and I think it has been getting reduced quite substantially the one thing I would like to just mention here the during the descent phase of operation as I mentioned the rough braking phase is the real brute force of velocity reduction and since we are trying to bring an object from an orbiting around the around the lunar surface to have a touchdown there is a need for us to reduce the velocity it's something like the braking and quite eventually the the job is being done now we may be it's around 450 meter per second and another two minutes plus to go in fact I expect I think when we reach an altitude of almost the target for this particular operating phase is to attain an altitude of 7.4 kilometers when the velocity should have touched almost 146 so maybe another nearly two minutes maybe one minute to go yakatori per hum hum hum from my understanding is that they have five engines here's what I definitely wanna see here so what they're doing I think they're doing a rough the rough braking now which is where they grab basically scrub off the velocity and not worry about the fine throttling and the soft touch down yet so they'll get to the point where they're like four or five hundred meters above the surface basically be stopped and then kind of switch modes and going to a nice smooth controlled descent and not worry about this like perfect we call it an industry is kind of called the suicide burn where like you have to throttle and maintain greater than you know 1.0 thrust to weight ratio in order to stop and land on perfect I think what they're doing is they're kind of doing like a stopping point first and then doing a smooth slow descent from there and it sounds like the five engines they actually have one for redundancy so if one would go out they can turn on and they must have a way to be able to gimbal or offset based on that which is pretty cool so yes so this is all looking really good so far guys sweet it's like I'm good I'm wait until they start speaking English against that I can understand stuff and Oh sounds like the rough braking phase is over so we have we have finished there of breaking phase now because the target for that was 7.4 kilometer and the velocity was nearly 140 so the the Vikram Lander has successfully completed the rough braking phase and now we have entered the the next phase of operation which is the absolute navigation or attitude control phase and this particular event is going to last for nearly 38 seconds and the four throttle engines are continuously on and we see the velocity is something like 86 meter per second and roughly 4.43 kilometers away from the landing site so all going well in just awaiting the announcement for complaining yes the rough breaking face has been successfully completed and we have entered the next phase of braking operation which is the fine braking start making beer this is going to basically commence from five kilometer altitude and this particular operation is going to last for nearly 96 seconds we're in the vikram Lander will be is now reaching an altitude or just founded meters above the landing site for initiating the vertical descent operations so we are almost 11 minutes 52 seconds after the descent operation our standard is just awaiting the announcement for the end of fine braking phase maybe another few seconds we should hear the announcement that the fine braking phase of operation has been completed and we expect at the end of this the vehicle to reach an altitude almost afforded meters and the velocity right now if you look at the plot we have the Vikram Lander has a horizontal velocity of nearly 48 meters and vertical velocity of 60 meter per second if it's vertical velocity at 300 Kariba 30 second Kissimmee Tito chuka head hung low this might not be good but let's hold off but if it was going 60 meters per second only that close to the surface oh no oh no yeah last known bit is 1 kilometer in altitude Donnell very childhood the hinge of history ki Kui we got a Quixote curry voting Ricky vertical descent start whenever I will miss RS and suture you have hola guitar opening a trivia - danke ran after the completion of the fine braking end we will have the vertical descent operations where the spacecraft will be more from nearly four hundred to seven eight kilometers and down to the lunar surface Kariba Tara minute heartily second vitinho choking or altitude you have oh la guitar tawa-tawa and we just waiting for the confirmation the the spacecraft as we see on the screen is showing the horizontal and vertical velocity of a nearly forty eight and fifty nine meter per second so for those of you tuning in just now basically the last bit of telemetry solved was awfully fast and awfully upside-down ish and still pretty choppy how many are cranky practically eight so everyone here will wait to hear what they say on their consoles but likely this is looking awfully familiar to you no space Isles landing attempt just earlier in April this year likely if the vehicles stopped sending data and the last bit of data is it's sending is that it's still going sixty meters per second that's likely not a good thing I need to remind everyone I shouldn't have to remind you guys this if if you don't have something positive to say about a company or a country or a group of people engineers that did all of this if you don't have something nice to say definitely don't say anything at all please you're you sound really silly if you make fun of people that just sent a probe to the moon for half the price of making an Avengers film you know this is this is no joke it's really hard it took the United States quite a while and and the Soviet Union to actually do good soft touchdowns and to be able to do it safely so this is not something to you know to make fun of or you know saying negative things it's unbelievably hard I mean it is after all rocket science and dealing with stuff like this especially at the end the last little bit of a mission when the velocities are quick and you have a little bit of time all it takes is one thruster being stuck on or one thruster not igniting at the wrong time you know like if you have to throttle up or something there's so many things our radar glitch error you know that's so many so many landing problems when you're landing on a different body art because of instrumentation receiving wrong data or malfunctioning or something like that and the vehicle doesn't have anything but the data to go so if there's ever anything any conversion error any radar glitch anything like that the vehicle doesn't have a you know it's not like it it only has those numbers to calculate off of so yeah I mean don't forget they these people built their own freaking cryogenic upper stage GSLV mark three rocket got it all the way to got a not only do they have an orbiter in orbit right now but I mean it's just ridiculous that they're able to do this and for such an inexpensive cost I mean it's on India and the ISRO definitely are pretty well unmatched at that they actually they I really hope that we see an update here let me get to some your guys's comments here while we're waiting Matthew said love the kerb oh thanks to the stream you're welcome see it took him it took me two tries oh god what if I cursed it oh god please don't tell me their landing looked anything like my Kerbal attempt oh I would honestly feel awful you're welcome for doing that right now good luck India thanks for coming you're welcome for now thanks for stopping in Sandeep moody thank you very much we're now thank you again jeez I don't know why he was super - he's going to two dollars hope this sends the correct amount you're awesome right now Jimmy T is amazing good luck India you sexy people India has very very attractive people Derrick sp it was fun while it lasted and it will have to wait and see what the actual yeah what the actual end result is here Marcus says you only snipers on the moon confirmed oh jeez you guys let's let's hold off a little bit before we make jokes or maybe just don't make jokes I mean that's kind of funny but but still let's be respectful to the engineers and the people that probably spent years of their life working on this program that may or may not be having to deal with that grief right now and and unfortunately the pride of the nation is kind of on their shoulders at this point and that's not hard that's not easy I I've never really been in this situation in my life where I've been able to watch a country try so hard you know at this point in their space career like this is this is just like watching you know the US or the Soviet Union in the in the 60s 50s and 60s try to do things for the first time they're a big deal and there's a lot of investment there's a lot of brain power there's a lot of everything going on to get these programs running so when I don't go well it's not good for anybody it's it's very upsetting you know I've again I think actually if you play Kerbal space program a bunch you learn like one time I tried doing and I managed to is about a five live stream but I went to even back with no quick saves which if you've ever played kerbals like he was kind of considered one of the hardest missions to do so to land on even come back without quick saving all stock was like the ultimate challenge for me and if I had had something go wrong four and a half hours into that thing I would have been actually devastated I would have literally probably almost cried and did you hear the words I said four and a half hours what if he worked in this for four and a half years what if you were the guidance and control engineer that helped program this and it's been working on these maneuvers for half a decade what if you worked on the thrusters what if you worked on the RCS and you see that now your precious hardware that you've spent years and years of years of your life working on may now have unfortunately caused a small crater on the moon like it's not it's not fun it's not funny it's it's unfortunate because you we want we're all on the same team here guys we're all team space this would have been a really exciting mission to explore the furthest down on the South Pole than ever before I want that I needed that I wanted that science to be able to go up and see you know ice water on the moon this had been the first time we actually probably had direct observations of potentially substantial portions of ice water this this sucks this sucks I don't like this I don't I feel really bad India you guys are so awesome and seeing how close you came is yeah it's it's hard we're with you though and we're still unbelievably proud of you because this was an impressive impressive mission to anyone out there working hard on stuff especially in the air space yeah you'll have my love if you're working on aerospace period but for those of you even working on long term projects I know people that have spent 10 years working on a house with their bare hands like to me that's commendable I appreciate that when people work hard and are passionate about something to me that's a plausible and I'm going to be right there with you and you can tell look at the faces I mean this is upsetting and it's remember to keep in our heads here you know keep keep ourselves reminded of the grasp of this at end of the the actual what this means to all these people that are gonna have to go home tonight and who probably didn't sleep very well for the past three days who probably didn't sleep at all last night who you know this is gonna be it's hard just like just like when Falcon nine failed I was watching live both failures of the Falcon well not live because a most six I didn't know about life but I remember the second happened but I was watching Sierra seven when that happened live my heart just sank I could not believe it that a rocket that I was so excited that was hoping to be the first Falcon nine to land period was supposed to be a CRS seven it was a perfect grades they had the grid fins figured out the you know control thrusters they had fixed the sticky throttle valve on the booster and they're going for this mission you know it was gonna be it was gonna be the first lane who's gonna be the first drone ship landing to because they were weren't doing return to launch site RTLS landings return to launch site landings at the time they were just going to try to land on the drone ship which is actually an easier profile but they actually had a little hard time and bad luck with it after they did their first return to launch site landing but watching that vehicle blow up out of the sky was heart-wrenching and guess what they were back at it in six months and flew and landed and then we're totally back in this mission was years like there's going to be years between the ability for them to be able to try to do something like this like a reset and yeah this this this sucks like this sucks and same obviously with Israel with space I all that was a little bit that's still really I'm not trying to like put these all like yours doesn't count because it was smaller but it was a lot smaller grasp of a mission compared to this was a substantially more I've everything mission space il were doing that was done as like rideshare so SpaceX did like half of the work in the plotting to get them out to their mission then the the vehicle they had did the rest of it this still has an orbiter and they developed the launch vehicle themselves so just as far as like what they did it's just all a little more involved on that aspect I'm not again I'm not trying to downgrade and downplay what what space il did because that was absolutely incredible to but and and Ben Pearson says forth to crash on the moon if you can't what kind of they the chandran one actually had an impactor so they've already impacted the moon with Chandra in one this was not intended to be an impactor but it sounds like it most likely became one so yeah exactly cone says in in the chat says at least they do have an orbiter in orbit and that's still a very big deal you know that's and hopefully actually that orbiter will be on the same inclination so we'll be able to fly by an and I don't know what kind of camera it'll have on it but I'm hoping that they are able to retrieve some data from the landing attempt so let's see so summit says even if this mission fails I'm so proud of is ro and being an Indian still I have hope that we will succeed have faith and don't be intimidated by jerks zoom it like that should just be life's motto right there have faith and don't be intimidated by jerks and working hard you know this is luckily like no one got injured on this you know this is not life-ending and hopefully it's a learning opportunity for ISRO to be able to figure out and and hone in and really fix and tweak all those little things that did not go exactly as planned today so you're right India should still be unbelievably proud of this mission because it was this is like a flagship mission this is this is a substantial mission and it's hard just like how no one else besides the United States has been fortunate to really land on the moon successfully I mean the Soviet Union landed but landed I think that the lander was like crooked and it lasted about two seconds or something like that I don't quite remember the mission details so it's it's hard to do it's hard to do space stuff period like period so hold your head up proud and just hope that we learn something okay Derek actually seeing the disappointed people in Mission Control makes this so much more sad and that's the thing is yet to remember yes a robot didn't quite do its job but yeah remember how many people this impacts and remembering how much hard work went into this like that's something that we can easily lose track of and this is remember how earlier I was kind of mad at their just showing pictures of like video of people in Mission Control I personally didn't want to watch them like looking at telemetry for an hour I would at that time of rather seen the telemetry now this is what I want to see this is this is what I want to see I want to feel what they're feeling and know the impact that this is having you can read it on their faces you can read it in the room yeah you're right calum your channel inspire me to do astrophysics that is awesome thank you so much for saying hi yeah yeah that's I mean the fact that you're actually studying astrophysics is unbelievable because I wish it had done something like that I still might I said I might have to the space tap so much work in engineering was just lost we hope that they got enough data to do an investigation and learn from it at least absolutely and that's exactly right this is a famous Elon Musk quote for those of you that are fans of of Elon Musk and the zombie tux reminded us in the discord it's only failure if you don't learn from it so as long as they can learn from it and make their next Lander better the next landing attempt and improve upon what they just learned and improve upon this mission then that's that's great because that just means that hopefully the next time around everything works that much better and that much more smoothly so let's see sanjit says I'm a recent let's just say we like to be in orbit that's true yeah exactly so mingling Lee says would you say if they increase the funding even the coop with other countries one what do they say yeah I don't know if they said receiving or stopped receiving data does it mean Landorus orbital communication is on so I think that is confirming if the orbiter is communicating period like the orbiter should have no problem totally unrelated system and they're just making sure that like it's communication systems are on wanting to confirm whether or not the link between the orbiter and the lander you know cuz like if that actually got turned off obviously and I can receive data that's my interpretation I don't think it meant that they were receiving data between the lander in the orbiter I think they're just more or less like hey did we make sure the orbiter still has communication uplink on um I don't like like I keep saying I we don't have the data in front of us here so we're gonna have to listen in on them and hear what they say about this Denis in our discord s what was the Mars Lander that crashed like half of them literally like almost more than half of all Mars Landers that have attempted to land on Mars have crashed I think you're thinking of the one what was that one that had the conversion error yeah but basically all of the Mars Landers have crashed just as a reminder mingling mingling Lee had asked if basically if if I thought if India was working together more cooperatively with other partners and countries if it would help because they were saying they feel like the pride of the country might stop them from asking for help I don't know I don't have any context for that I know that that they've been proud and and this is a big deal in even India's international national news I know that you know there's certainly been drumming up the excitement of it which is great and I think I want to see them cooperate internationally and I know China wants to cooperate internationally but the US has been slow to consider that option and really ever just the Navy awkward a foot off Liu Wen wait until we hear it in English but I have I have no context for that cooperation it's always a good thing but at the same time like being self driven and freaking it out on your own can also lead to like a certain set of challenges that can be very rewarding for a country and all that stuff oh is the ExoMars mission no wait Ben Pearson says that's not actually true 50% of Mars missions have failed well the original question was what was the Mars Lander that had crashed 50% of like the original conductor like the original structure the question wasn't which US Mars Landers had crashed it was which Mars Landers had crashed in which case 50% of them basically anything that isn't a US Lander so yeah yeah that's that's the way I interpreted it okay mark Ruby what what game is this I speak of are you talking about when I was playing Kerbal space program earlier and barely did it myself because I had a rough attempt at this this was my Kerbal recreation of the Chandra into Lander I did make it after my like fifth attempt altogether so it is very hard Kerbal space really the Russian ones were necessarily long time ago don't forget the Schiaparelli Lander however you say it was ESA and Russia so really that was only what two years ago even if so in discord we're not gonna talk about them saying it had landed if just because a presenter thinks they scented it said it may have landed I I'm gonna wait clearly that the tone in the room is not that the vehicle landed safely like you can read the room and there's not been one hint other than that I'm saying has the communication been turned on with the orbiter there's not any like gasps or clapping or anything to all indicate a landing so yeah I don't think that the other person's livestream or whatever would be correct oh yeah Mars climate orbiter that was the one that did the yeah okay let's keep let's see al Mar says remember space is hard yes period like space is hard ooh absolutely right Nova I hope they got enough data for their next try it's amazing to see these people's accomplishment love the stream well thanks for tuning in Nova I really wish we were popping champagne right now and celebrating with them [Music] sorry ok so Sid says could you please please please do an episode on India's cryogenic engine yes I think that's actually the one of the main things I want to talk about is the fact that they've developed to at least two cryogenic engines which is extremely impressive let's see Dee Riggs says space let let it continue to break down national borders and bring us all closer together yes please yes please I am that's definitely my attitude it's like this can be so uniting cuz it is when you leave Earth it doesn't really matter at all where you live that's that's just that little ball out there is your neighborhood now like it's not like you're not you're not gonna be on Mars trying to point out which state you live in or like which country or even which side of the world you make that's my home you know and you could have 10 people from 10 different countries and all pointing to the same spot in the sky going that's my home that's where I'm from and to me that's like the ultimate bonding you know that's that's why space matters here we go Phillip Phillip Luke has a really really good sense of this how many times did Ellen fail before success yeah that's part of the whole game for SpaceX is learning from your failures and failing hard and testing hard and failing and repeat until you do it and then do the impossible ok up to an altitude of two point one kilometer subsequently the communication from dander to ground station was lost the data is being analyzed repeat Vikram Lantern descent was as planned and normal performance was observed up to an altitude up to find one kilometer subsequently the communications from the lander to ground station was lost the data is being analyzed ok so just to reiterate that they lost communication at two point one kilometers and the data is now being analyzed so man two point one kilometers out of what four hundred thousand kilometers that's why it's so painful yeah I'm gonna start wrapping up here guys so that I can keep working on what I'm working on but Michael thank you so much Charlie Harris you didn't know how cool my first landing was it's true I apparently was yeah too close to reality mingling Lee I just feel like it's time for us humans to come work together when it comes to exploring space other than holding to their back to identify country pride it's a different place out there you know I I'm totally with you mingling Lee but even but competition is a good thing like into a certain aspect like a certain amount of it it's definitely a good thing think about SpaceX right now they work for the same company but they have a competition of who can build the starship fastest and first I mean like I don't see anyone going oh they should be working together you know no it's like this is a healthy thing it can be a good thing and but it's just all about like even the individuals attitudes are they saying we're going to do this because we're better than everybody and we're the smartest and that's why we're gonna do it or is it like it's our turn to learn how to do this and we're going to give it our best shot and learn along the way like I think a lot of it's up to the individual and how the individual takes what they learned takes what other peoples are offering them for advice learning from advice but not necessarily always having to like you know start from scratch again aerospike entrants are kind of the perfect example of this everyone wants to make an arrow spike engine everyone starts working on an arrow spike engine everyone realizes these are really hard and maybe not worth it at the end of the day and that's not gonna stop people from making aerospike engines it's just not they're cool and I get it but uh but so I guess it's like do you want people to just keep working on aerospike engines or do you want them to - just like cooperate it'd be like alright well everyone else is I shouldn't do this so I'm not gonna do it it's it's sort of theirs and I'm not saying either thing is right but the you can't just say like too much there's not enough cooperation here so therefore it's bad you know or whatever I don't know how much they cooperate with other countries I would like to hear what the Prime Minister saying but the audio is really really quiet a Canadians [Music] [Music] mmm-hmm that kinda gets me in the fields that gives me goosebumps just kind of still showing a sign of respect and admiration for the team even though things did not go nominally from the president I mean I I can't remember the last time I saw a US president in a control room that immediately at the end of the the mission debrief to everyone and thanked and/or congratulated and/or consoled them I mean to me that's really powerful and that's kind of putting into context where this is and what this is and why so yeah man again I just want to reiterate you guys are awesome and India you really did a good job we're still all very proud of you and you'll learn from this and again I love the diversity of so many women in the control room is I think a lot of other countries could learn from that that's the Reese toe got my everyday astronaut t-shirts I'm so happy that's awesome sorry yeah I know I said the President of the United States definitely closest analogue to the prime minister of India I said Prime Minister earlier guys I'm gonna saying president of the United States the parallel geez these epidemic of mass I'm his manager but the super-happy determinable diets of scientists on a twisty publication - what's a DTD immediate are the hope for the best they made it Arabs have got hot but I have yeah unfortunately I don't speak and eBay yeah they night they can't do subtitles live sorry I was sorry if I call them president oh they actually there actually is a President of India oh I just thought there's only Prime Minister sorry if I accidentally said president but mingling thank you and Andrey stood thanks for getting an everyday astronaut shirt that support means awesome so I have a feeling this might be going on for a while and unfortunately without being able to understand it he said thank you basically at the end there I'm gonna get ready to wrap up okay so to summarize let me give you guys the summary here what we saw at the last point was a successful you know deorbit and then a successful rough braking and nice looking like more of the controlled descent up until about 2.1 kilometers and we saw the the vehicle tumbling at one point and at least just on the the rough data and then unfortunately the last numbers we saw was something like sixty kilometers of velocity and that's at 2.1 kilometers that's that's quite a lot and that's the last bit we had still yeah so that that's unfortunately it did not work out that's really really too bad but yeah oh hang on I wanted to show you guys this I'm gonna we're not gonna listen I'm just gonna have this up but just seeing him with all the students is pretty cool so again for all of those people who uh who are tuning in who just watched it didn't go as planned but hopefully they learn from their failures because it's only a failure if you don't learn something from it so stay tuned guys I have I know I always say this I go I'm working so hard I can't I cannot wait for you to watch this video about a respect videos this will be the like book on I'm writing the book on aerospike engines basically in YouTube form it's it's turning into a documentary very similar to the wrapped arrangement video so if you like the wrap trend into video and you feel like you learned about engine cycles and why the Raptor engine is is what it is and why the full flow stage combustion cycle is considered the best solution for maximizing your output in that same sense I'm kind of diving into the aerospike engine and and comparing that to nozzles and how traditional Bell nozzles work talking about expansion ratios talking about area to surface it you know total area versus surface area ratios and heat flux and all that stuff so we're getting really really really deep into aerospike engines their history their potential future uses like things like the duel expander cycle aerospike engine I do promise it'll be an awesome awesome awesome awesome video I still actually haven't shot it yet I just spent the past two days still tweaking the script it's now 22 pages yesterday is like I'm done it's 21 and then I went back and edited and unfortunately it ended up at 22 now haha but I promise that will translate so reference the Raptors about 18 minutes this has some video from interviews of people that will easily push it over an hour sorry not sorry yeah it'll be the the place to go if you want to learn about aerospike engine so we're Bell nozzles if you want to have an understanding of Bell nozzle because we get we get quite a bit into that whole concept of how a de Laval nozzle works so I am so excited for that so stay tuned for that everybody of course and yeah and I've been seeing a lot of people saying that there excited about their shirts and everything we do have in the webstore I don't know if these are back in stock yet they might be in stock for a hot minute but we do have the full flow stage combustion cycle shirts oh yeah they're on backorder so we're trying to like get them caught up on orders they'll be shipping mid September I think a lot of people just got their orders on those but we also have normal hats in stock now the apollo hatch is almost sold out it might actually be out in some of your sizes yeah so good luck everybody remember we do runs of shirts now so if you like a shirt you better get on it the second you see it because it just might not be in there again poni end up flaming on down shirts these are awesome yeah these are finally back in stock we have the moon lamps back in stock we're working on getting a few other things back in stock but I also am really excited about this we finally have rapid unscheduled discounts and so we're almost out of almost everything here but I'm trying to clear inventory making room for star hopper pictures down here I'm gonna have some signature signed ones that are gonna be awesome for star hopper and then these shirts were like almost out of these we actually found another box of Falcon family t-shirts so those ended up like the stock went right back up for a minute we're almost sold out of those again though so if you want your chance to get like cheap merchandise on sale or clearing up room for other designs and things like that so definitely it in there right now everyday astronaut comm slash shop that's an easy and fun way to support what I do if you like the fact that I'm going to be getting content of an arrow spike engine down in Mississippi I always debate whether or not it's worth it for that those a little bit but then again seeing some of that stuff in 4k you know like I think it's worth it to me and myself and just having that extra clicker above like you know above everyone else is not everyone else's content but just making sure that I'm providing resources and upgrading my equipment to be able to have the best equipment and best videos and best product that I can bring you guys that's that's really important to me if you haven't noticed if you watch a video of mine from let's say 20 early 2018 you will laugh you'll probably puke a little bit and the audio will be terrible the lighting will be awful I'm sweaty and hot in a spacesuit the animations will be garbage that everything is just bad and if you can't tell literally every day I'm working on tweaking the the subject and working on making better content and learning animation better getting better to after-effects taking time to study different things like that and obviously it spending a lot of time on the research and everything to me the research is the bread and butter that's what matters that's the meat and potatoes and the bread and butter and the gravy on topic that's what matters is making sure that the content is is factual and digestible and then making sure it's actually like high quality so it looks good in a year or two and it's not just going to be embarrassing it's another thing and just making sure it's it's pleasing for you guys to watch and bringing you exclusive content like that has always been very worth it to me so yeah Paragon 643 says I should contact bunk or brandy I've done print on demand print on demand is way more expensive they can't do things like a lot of the shirts now that you'll see not only do we have like custom tagging you don't actually see it but the the tags back here are custom but we also have like these custom sew on patches these are way better quality shirts than then print on demand print on demand also uses heat transfer which after you wash it like 1020 times it'll start to flake off these are silk silk screens so they actually will hold up there I trust me I used to do print on demand but to me oh yeah I'm not even sure like we have these the little sew on patches or actual patches not just like printed on there they look really cool but the reason the reason one of the big things this is a ring spun cotton so it's like it's kind of it's a little bit thinner than a normal cotton shirt so it's lightweight and feels good but it's not like heavy so it's like the right blend between thin lightweight comfortable but durable and then with silks like I care about again I care a lot about quality if you can't tell by the 4k cameras that I use to shoot stuff and upgrading camera audio gear and stuff all the time I care about quality and I care about quality merchandise that's why I don't I used to do pronounced mand and quality control was terrible you watch them 20 times they would wear out and I just didn't like that so that's why I do that okay so let's see oh oh sorry Johan says go ND let's try again thanks for the stream you're welcome Johan and for Easter says where is this spacesuit apparently Reis no hasn't watched a single video of mine and all over a year I haven't touched the spacesuit in literally a year pretty much it's been yeah I have not touched it in 2019 and it's definitely not been in any videos in the past year so it's I don't even know where it is I think it's in a closet somewhere oh man yeah no thank you maybe maybe for like a anniversary of some kind of I'll put the suit back on for you guys but otherwise nope I am those days are done alright guys I'm gonna get out of here it's time for me to leave and actually get ready to shoot the arrow spec video finally I'm so excited and then start editing that and then I'm on the road next week again we're almost out of tickets for our Ludacris feature live let me pull this up our Ludacris future live 2019 if you go to our Ludacris futurecom slash live 2019 if you live in Southern California you better get your tickets right now because they're almost sold out it's it's three youtubers that if you if you don't listen to our podcast what are you doing that's that's where I give you my weekly updates on things but our Ludacris futurecom slash live 2019 we're like almost sold out this is taking place in Vista California so if you live in San Diego it's about a 45-minute Drive if you're in I don't know say Orange County it's about an hour if you're in LA hour-and-a-half so it's a little bit of a drive for you guys but I promise it'll be fun we'll be there for a good three hours hanging out we're gonna start recording around 8 o'clock but doors open at 7:00 and we'll be there for a while we'll probably shut the place down so come hang out come say hi get your tickets right now because like I said they're almost sold out already which is awesome we just decided to do this like a week ago and now it's all coming together and it's going to be a really really fun time so I hope to see some of you guys there if you if you live on the west coast Southern California please come say hi and it'll make my day so yeah alright that's gonna do it for me guys I'm Tim Dodd the everyday astronaut India we love you Congrats still on getting 99.99% of the way there so we still applaud your efforts maybe you'll still be the fourth country to land on the moon after another attempt but we will see all right guys that's gonna do it for me I'm Tim to the everyday astronaut bringing space on earth for everyday people bye everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 220,853
Rating: 4.7697172 out of 5
Keywords: chandrayaan 2, chandrayaan 2 live, Chandrayaan 2 landing live, indian moon landing, india moon landing mission, india moon landing live, India landing on the moon, India rover on moon, india probe on the moon, india moon mission, India moon landing hosted, Chandryaan 2, Chandryan 2, ISRO moon, ISRO live, ISRO moon landing live, Tim Dodd, Everyday Astronaut, Everyday Astronaut moon landing live, chandrayaan 2 crash, chandrayaan 2 failure, ISRO crash, ISRO failure
Id: aQyV2WGmvOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 37sec (11317 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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