Watch SpaceX Push their Falcon Heavy further than ever!

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minutes right now basically this is SpaceX launches the STP 2 which is the space test program - and this is 24 experimental satellites for the US Department of Defense NASA the NOAA and the Planetary Society is also launching lightsail - which is extra extra exciting in my opinion because that's I helped pay for that satellite as a as a member of the Planetary Society I actually helped literally put a freakin satellite in space you should definitely be a member of Planetary Society that's Bill Nye is the CEO of that it's their just awesome they make sure they help push space agenda especially politically and make sure that we get cool things going on so I'm a big supporter of them really excited to see light sail to fly it's going to be awesome so this is of course SpaceX is rocket this is that's the key launch provider the customer is actually the US Department of Defense so it's technically you know a DoD launch and this rocket is SpaceX's Falcon Heavy Block five now here's the interesting thing brand new core booster so you'll see the booster is literally brand new which we'll talk about more in a second the side boosters have been there the first time that actual Falcon heavy side boosters have been formed because don't forget the first Falcon Heavy demolition act she used used boosters but they weren't they were Falcon nine boosters of course you can't have a used Falcon Heavy booster on the first Falcon Heavy flight so they're actually pre used Falcon nine boosters and now those babies are this is the first time we're actually reusing Falcon Heavy dedicated boosters these just flew two months ago or so so this is crazy they're already ready to go which is awesome this is of course taking out from the only launch pad that can currently accept the Falcon Heavy and currently handle the Falcon Heavy which is launch complex 39a at Kennedy Space Center this is of course where the Saturn 5 took off in the space shuttle this is a very very awesome awesome awesome launch pad and right next door only you know about six kilometers four miles or so away is LC 40 there other launch pad that's technically at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station so don't forget if it says LC launch complex that's at NASA that's a Kennedy Space Center if it's SLC that means that Space Launch Complex Center that is at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station right next door literally like on the same island just with a little river basically running between the two okay so this is interesting because it's only thirty seven hundred kilograms just over eight thousand pounds that's well within what a Falcon nine could easily carry and especially because the final destination is only medium Earth orbit so we're like GPS satellites are so you'd think why on earth are they using a falcon heavy for this easy of a mission but I have to tell you this mission is absolutely bonkers there are four burns in this this in this actual mission there's three distinct orbits it has to change inclinations I mean this is this is actually a really hard to perform flight path so yes and so the next part is where are these spacecraft point these are going to three different distinct orbits most are actually in low-earth orbit but the actual DSX spacecraft for the United States Air Force will be deployed in medium Earth orbit which again is where GPS satellites and a few other types of satellites hang out but it's not a very common orbit it's exactly halfway between a geostationary orbit and earth where the satellites go overhead twice a day instead of processing we once a day where they stay stationary this guy a satellite will actually cross by twice every day sirs twice as fast of an of an orbit is as geostationary orbit okay now here's the next part of course they are attempting to recover the side boosters which it'll be I don't know if we'll ever see a falcon heavy fully expendable I don't know there's not too many payloads that demand that kind of performance where everything is intentionally expended you can get a lot of performance gain like a lot of performance gain if they were to expend the side which is like almost 50% higher payload capability going out to geostationary orbit if you expend the side boosters and the center core if you spend the entire rocket it's a substantially more more capable rocket I don't think we'll almost ever ever ever see it fly like that it kind of defeats the purpose of the vehicle and hopefully by the time I'm guessing at this point if a customer is like hey we want to do an expendable launch because we have I don't know a 60 ton satellite that needs to go to Leo which would put it in full expendable mode I'm guessing SpaceX would try to talk them into a starship flight so we'll see anyway it ain't there these boosters will be landing at LZ one and two like they have in the past the past two Falcon everyone's have landed down there the third one will be landing downrange ooh we have this all ready to go sweet that's good news I'll make sure it's kind of nice and quiet but I will listen and I'll try to finish up my pre-launch preview here they are attempting to recover the center core this Center core is going to be 12 over 1,200 kilometers downrange that's going to be blistering fast it's also setting some altitude records so people are speculating trying to figure out it looks like the first stages actually or the core stage it's actually going to Coast up to about 200 kilometers which is substantially higher and the way that that affects a vehicle launching if you stay nice and shallow you can kind of use the atmosphere longer you go you drag through the atmosphere for a longer amount of time so the atmosphere doesn't hit smack the vehicle is hard if the vehicle is coming up and coming back down think about like think about if you were on a boat and he jumped out of the boat going you know really quickly and you'd kind of tumble along the top of the water versus jumping off of a cliff and you just smack that water that's kind of what the core booster is going to be doing it's going to be going up and it's going to be so much higher so stinkin fast because it it has so much velocity it's gonna hit the atmosphere at record-breaking speeds and it's going to be quite quite quite substantial but it will do I have to do a really hefty entry burn to make sure it doesn't burn up and explode so I'm really excited hopefully they don't lose this one but the other in front is they're also trying to recover the fairings on this thing which is unbelievable so this is the trifecta if they catch oh and another thing remember how the last Falcon have a launch day did land the center core and then it ended up just the only boost that they've lost at the sea where it actually tipped over and and was lost once it had successfully landed they have now fixed the the of course I still are the the Roomba the octo grabber and it is able to now go out and grab on to the Falcon Heavy Center core that's something that did was not capable on the last one that they had slightly different fixtures that hold onto the vehicles because the Falcon Heavy is different how it has to hold on to the side cores this center core and now they changed out the fixtures that actually hold onto the core so it can grab onto the center core for this flight so assuming it lands hopefully this time the octo grabber is going to be able to grab it no problem and that should be freaking awesome so yeah so if they do all this stuff this will be the third flight of Falcon Heavy 8th mission for the year so not as busy of years last year but it's going to be the 42nd 43rd and 44th booster landed holy cow yeah so and of course we have this graphic from Jeff Barrett and this article is written up by John Eric John rumf and John rump and thank you John for always stay on top at least he does an awesome job and yeah so I'm excited this is gonna be like the ultimate mission I do want to show you some pictures quick look at this so of course they are using like I said a brand new center core which yeah and they were planning to do that anyway so this did not affect the fact that they lost the last Center core did not affect this launch in any way they were already planning to use a center a brand new center core plug because they haven't ever reused eccentric where they wanted to probably give it a real heavy you know won over make sure that center core it is slightly you know although it looks the same it is a slightly different vehicle has different fixtures has different attachment points as different structural loads has a different interstage you know there's things that they would have to do to to make sure that it's checked out and ready for the next flight they weren't just gonna take the one from the from the Arabs at six a mission and just you know it's all of they are we're comfortable with the side boosters doing that but the center core is a little different they don't have anything to really go off of since they've never recovered a center booster so yeah I just think this is so cool the toasty side boosters just looks freakin freakin awesome yeah man I just love it so everything is looking good like it it's yeah I love this vehicle so we also learned a few more things yeah Elon was talking about how they call them droids the droids can now hold down the center core so they they like I said they did change out the the handholds or that the hold down clamps to make it capable of holding down so yeah and I want them to replace octa grabber with like eight boss and dynamic robots and then make them look like c-3po it's just my idea it's dumb idea but I'm I'm super stoked for this let's just kind of put this up here and wait for the launch should happen I'm going to answer a few guys's questions and thank you guys already for tuning in tonight it's it's a late one here for me it might be a late one for a lot of you or a lot or really early one for some of you too so Wow oh god I can't even keep up but thank you Michael spend soldier of the arc enchantment Peter thank you BL Schmiedt a new member Thank You Kass thank you kind of soldier of the arc can we get a shout out for the team light sale yes absolutely team light sale I'll talk about that probably in between we might have a lot of downtime and I don't know how late I'm going to stay up for it we'll see but we have a lot to talk about so I'm gonna tune in because this is a dense mission I love all this footage yes we just have a lot to learn here so I'm gonna be tuning in careful you're looking at a live view of the Falcon Heavy on historic launch pad 39a at Kennedy Space Center awaiting liftoff at 2:30 a.m. local time welcome to our live webcast of the Falcon Heavy space test program - mission or STP - from SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne California my name is Alex Eagle and I'm a material planner here at SpaceX I'm excited to be here with you today along with my co-hosts bringing you coverage of the third launch launch of Falcon Heavy this one for the US Air Force and I'm Jesse Anderson I'm a lead manufacturing engineer here at SpaceX tonight's mission is a rideshare mission it marks the first Department of Defense launch on Falcon Heavy the world's most powerful operational rocket by a factor of two it will be among the most challenging launches in SpaceX history we will be delivering 24 satellites to space with 20 distinct separation events for 13 partners there will be four separate upper stage and back D engine burns three separate deployment orbits a final propulsive passivation maneuver and a total mission duration of over six hours but but that's not all as with our previous Falcon Heavy missions our three boosters will undergo three separation events and three landing attempts there will be a lot of activity happening all at once over the course of the next four hours as we deploy all 24 payloads it's also worth noting that tonight's mission will be our longest satellite launch to date with the total duration of over six hours as Jesse just mentioned we are pushing the capabilities of Falcon heaven this evening to demonstrate the vehicles full potential which is why it's longer than normal the launch window this evening is four hours long and we are currently tracking towards the end of that window if we're unable to launch tonight our backup window opens up tomorrow Tuesday June 25th at the same time we're currently at t-minus 17 minutes and Counting and all systems are go at Kennedy Space Center let's take a closer look at the rocket falcon heavy is essential since we three Falcon 9 rocket strapped together which means it can carry a much lower your payload on not only to Earth orbit but to the Moon and Mars like Falcon 9 Falcon heavy is a two-stage launch vehicle the big difference is that the Falcon heavies first stage is comprised of three cores and the Falcon 9 only has one each one of these cores has nine merlin 1d engines making for a total of 27 overall altogether the engines produce 5 million pounds of thrust equal to 18 747s at takeoff in fact the engines produce so much power that we don't run them all at full thrust all at once until after liftoff for the mission today the center core is brand new but the two side boosters were previously flown in April on Arab sat 6a helped Falcon Heavy mission this is the first Department of Defense launched flying reused boosters now during ascent Falcon Heavy will throttle its thrust up and down and on both side boosters in the center core to balance aerodynamic and structural loads on the vehicle about 70% through the first stages burn the two side boosters will separate and come back to earth for simultaneous landings at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on landing zone 1 and landing zone 2 at this point the mission will proceed just like a standard Falcon 9 flight the center core will keep firing for another minute then we'll perform a standard stage separation from the second stage we will attempt to land the center core on our drone ship of course I still love you which is currently stationed about 650 nautical miles off the coast of Florida in the Atlantic Ocean it's worth mentioning that for this mission bringing back the center core will be more challenging than usual as our booster will be coming in extra hot and our drone ship is positioned almost double the normal distance from land given this distance we may not receive any video of landing now if we are able to land all three chords tonight it will be a particularly exciting achievement the second stage is exactly the same as any other Falcon 9 flight tonight the second stage will move through four different orbits in order to deliver the payloads on this mission the first and second are low Earth orbit or Leo the third is a transfer orbit and the final is medium Earth orbit or mio speaking of those satellites all 24 of them are safely enclosed inside of the 17 foot diameter payload fairing which is the pointed structure on the very top of the rocket this protects the payload from Aero thermal loads heating and contamination during ascent once we reach the vacuum of space we no longer need them so we will jettison the fairing as the second stage continues on its journey to orbit we will be attempting to recover the fairing pieces tonight with our recovery vessel mystery formerly known as mr. Stevens our hope is to catch one of the fairing pieces in the ship's nets and recover the other piece from the water if we are not successful with our ketch attempt mystery will cover both pieces from the water let's check in on how the countdown is going t minus 14 minutes 10 seconds and counting down good evening I'm John Esper Kirk the Falcon principle integration engineer at SpaceX now we are at t minus 14 minutes from the launch of the Falcon Heavy and all systems are go for launch on the half hour Falcon Heavy rolled out to the pad with the payload 27 hours ago and went vertical about seven hours later now we did have a ground hydraulic issue early in the count but it was fixed and currently everything is go we cleared the pad deck at t-minus nine hours to begin hazardous operations and just before we began the webcast the SpaceX launch director pulled the nine members of the launch team you can see the foot you can see the firing room at Kennedy Space Center we pulled the team got to go for propellant loading and launch now we're currently loading propellant on all three first-stage boosters and the second stage now we load two propellants on the Falcon Heavy one is liquid oxygen called LOX no oxygen is in space to support combustion so we have to bring our own we chill it together Daz dense as we can in order to maximize how much we load the second propellant is our fuel our p1 it's essentially a purified kerosene now these two propellants have a long history of usage the Saturn 5 first stage flown from this very pound on the moon missions fifty years ago use lox and kerosene now for the satellites on tonight's flight everything is go the last transfer to internal power is coming up in just half a minute other than that the spacecraft teams here at the Cape are monitoring data as we proceed to t0 and I expect a lot of satellite builders and operators are intent our anticipating getting data from space with a lot of enthusiasm now we're launching out of the eastern range supported by Cape Canaveral Air Force Station the range is currently go they're prepared to support today's mission they're making sure that the sea space the airspace is cleared no ones nearby to get in the way of tonight's launch they're also releasing balloons which brings up the question of how's the weather the good news is the weather is looking very good ground level winds are acceptable upper altitude winds are also acceptable now as Alex mentioned we started the day with a four-hour window however now that we are in 2 lakhs loading we don't have the ability to hold the countdown Kalkan heaviest three rockets counting down at the same time we need so much liquid oxygen that we would have to scrub tonight in order to use the backup date tomorrow at the same opening of the window time 11:30 p.m. Eastern now if you followed the SpaceX webcast in the past you've probably heard me remind everyone that launch is hard well that goes double tonight as we're going to fly the most demanding mission profile for a falcon rocket ever so the SpaceX team has their conservative dial set at 11 and stands ready to take time to look into anything out of the norm now is the energy from the team gathering below me outside of the control center is growing we are go at t-minus 10 minutes and 51 seconds as we mentioned earlier tonight's launches for the US Air Force and is a rideshare mission with 24 satellites the mission involves the largest number of government age since we've had as mission partners including the Air Force the Naval Academy NASA NOAA and the Taiwan Space Agency the specific agency inside the Air Force responsible for overseeing tonight's mission is the space and missile system center or SMC let's get some more details about what the agency does it is responsible for yeah really quick me to make just a really really quick comment if you are commenting on four in this particular case of female presenters appearance please keep those comments to yourself even if you think she's lovely and attractive why don't we just focus on her brilliance and the other presenters intelligence instead of pointing out immature things so please grow up and leave those comments to yourself we're here to be excited about aerospace aerospace engineering the people putting the stuff into space and not make lewd comments that are incredibly inappropriate just please keep that in mind so let's learn here though sorry service capabilities the open cutting-edge rocket systems modernize the United States forcing technology and deliver sustained unrivaled space superiority for our nation let's face it the world's changing along with it SMC is changing to ensure the United States remains the vanguard of space capability and scientific understanding we dubbed our aggressive and innovative new approach to the way we work SMC 2.0 that means speed to quickly implement the best solutions to new problems partnerships to forge the relationships necessary for the mutual benefit of the US and our international allies innovation to capitalize on the most advanced cutting edge technology in the world culture to inspire the necessary risk-taking that will propel us into the future and enterprise to share our vision of accelerated and affordable space systems for the Department of Defense initially founded in 1954 to develop the first intercontinental ballistic missile SMC has produced unprecedented unparalleled national defense space technology for over 60 years during this time we've been called upon to support manned space ante satellite and missile defense programs while continuously increasing our space capability that's where we came from but a more important question is where are we going humans have always been explorers we venture to discover that which is unknown at SMC we push the boundaries of the known and fight every single day to enhance our technological capabilities launching past the limits of the sky we are the Pathfinders to the high frontier and we are building the future of space sweet the SpaceX team continues to countdown for launch for the nighttime launch of Falcon Heavy I remember watching the night launch of Saturn 5 on the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972 and it turned night into day we're expecting the same tonight from 27 Merlin engines we're currently at t-minus seven minutes 28 seconds and counting fuel loading is continuing we're about to wrap up fuel loading on the three first-stage boosters over the next minute liquid oxygen loading is continuing that'll wrap up between three and two minutes before liftoff on all the stages we've had the report the last satellite has gone on internal power just a moment ago everything's looking good on the satellites now a major activity coming up here and another two and a half minutes is retract of the strong back we'll see the clamps open up around the second stage the strong back will recline about two degrees in preparation for launch we're also just inside t-minus seven minutes we've begun chilling in the 27 merlin 1d engines now what's going to happen in the first four minutes of flight of the Falcon Heavy well first light the two side boosters and then the center car the flight computer on Falcon Heavy will check the power on all the engines then command a release from the ground hold downs at t zero so we lift off at t-minus zero right after we liftoff we're at full power of over 5.1 million pounds of thrust forty seconds into flight we decrease power on the two side boosters in preparation for maximum aerodynamic loads on the vehicle once we get through this period Kalkan heavy will throttle back up to power on the two side boosters we now are two minutes into flight and we're again reducing thrust on the two side boosters this time it's to decrease forces on the rocket structure especially that structure that holds side boosters to the center car the acceleration is building every second as we burn propellant and we're lightening the rocket so we need to throttle down the side boosters by physically turning off engines to keep the loads below the maximum allowable two-and-a-half minutes into flight we fully turn off the side boosters called Beco booster engine cutoff beacon then we'll use high pressure gas separation system that's mounted on the top and bottom of the center car that will unlock the two side boosters and push them away now once we're clear the side boosters the center core will throttle up to full power and burn another minute finally it just passed three and a half minutes after liftoff the center core shuts down main engine cutoff and the second stage separates now from this point on it's like a Falcon 9 mission other than we do happen to have three first stage rockets returning to earth at both Cape Canaveral and the Drowned ship meanwhile on the way into orbit the fairing will separate the second stage engine will undergo a series of four burns eventually delivering all 24 satellites to their intended orbit now it's a demanding sequence of events for the Falcon Heavy tonight but from this point on everything is looking good we're at four and a half minutes we're getting ready to recline the strong back so let's watch and listen to the final countdown yes I don't know why I'm like extra extra nervous for this one just because it is such a demanding mission and here's our friendly reminder it must not be windy at all there must be almost no ground winds because of how static the the condensation is there around the rocket this is the reminder that the reason there's so much condensation is the same reason like when you open up a refrigerator or something on a really humid day or why what's that called that ice stuff that's like extra ice more eyes dry ice there we go why it looks like there's always clouds coming off it's because it's so cold that the liquid in the air comes in contact with it and turns into condensation and the liquid oxygen in this vehicle is unbelievably cold it's almost 200 degrees minus 200 Celsius so if you wanted to put and touch this rocket right now your hand would stick to it and you would have like instant frostbite and when the humid Florida air comes in contact with any of that in me that not only the skin of the rocket but also you can see oxygen purging there from the second stage that turns the air into into condensation clouds and yet looks as super ominous tonight just because there's such little wind it's not blowing it away and that's I think that's extra cool it's like it's a lie it's literally breathing it's it's taking it I don't know I just think that's awesome we have so much to talk about that well will talk about during the coast phase because there's going to be a lot of coast phases so we will be doing a lot of your questions here so thank you guys so much for for joining okay so Clyde Thank You grant Thank You Dylan thanks for everything it is a late night for me but it's not as late for the people out there at Mission Control we should talk about that real quick that they do have that new Mission Control the firing room which is actually that firing room is literally like attached to the Vehicle Assembly Building and it's the same firing room where the Saturn 5 and you know all those Saturn 5 shuttle it's that same firing room and the funny thing is the firing used to face away we're at one internal power their backs were facing the rocket and they finally flipped it so that looking out those giant there's huge windows now finally the the crew as they're looking out out of those windows you can see they can watch the launch although it should be probably looking at their monitors but I just think it's super cool that they they have a fighting room now on Kennedy to lock loaded quotes out at NASA Kennedy Space Center their old firing room which they still have and I don't know if it's a backup or what is literally just this tiny little looks like a dentist office almost right at the entrance of the Air Force Base tiny little place and now they have this grand and beautiful firing room which which is pretty exciting especially as we get ramped up for I think the first mission that used that was the diem one crew dragon flight and I should probably while we talk about that people ask me all the time why aren't we hearing updates just like any investigation guys you don't really hear updates until the conclusion is out you know you don't hear about let's just say I don't know it's some kind of big accident until you know the the investigators have gone through like you know if an airplane crashes or something they go through and they collect all the data and they write up a report and they get extremely thorough with it until they have all of the answers and then they let us know and that's the same thing here with both NASA and SpaceX who are looking into it what's going on here with that so alright we are only 50 seconds away guys who is everyone else I'm like extra excited for this one I the first night launch of the Falcon Heavy so we're gonna have some awesome pictures go for a walk we are also going to have what else oh yeah the the downrange landing guys I'm really nervous / excited for this one who me my 30 seconds here we go okay here we go guys 15 second here we go I don't know what this is nine eight seven six five four three two [Applause] yes okay yes you can already see the center course wattle down the center course flame is not as long as the side please already just almost 25 seconds in the flame under the thrust of over 5 million pounds Falcon Heavy has head into space we're getting ready to throttle down for passing clean the period of maximum dynamic pressure yes first night launch we've heard call out a throttle back up to limit or sidecar we're through max Q not tonight don't you do that Wow see I just remembered yeah we think continuing to look good on the merlin 1d engines we're throttling back up on the side boosters to full power so 5 million pounds of thrust the Saturn 5 had 7 15 seconds into flight performance looks novel so it's pretty darn close to thirds in Saturn 5 and total thrust output and of course the center court throttles down as much as it can currently the next event coming up in about two minutes will hear call out of chilling of the in vac D engine that allows liquid oxygen to the top of the turbo pump to get the second stage engine ready to chill for ignition just a couple of minutes um yes the Falcon Heavy has a roll program you can tell it's going to what it lines itself up pretty parallel to the horizon two minutes into flight we've begun to decrease thrust on the side boosters to minimize acceleration and loads on the Falcon heavy structure we've turned off one engine on each of the side boosters to decrease that load now our next major event coming up here in about ten seconds shutdown and separation of the side boosters did you see they turn off an engine on the side boosters to decrease the load have never heard that before you should be the side booster camera is on two sides in the center core in the metal booster shut down okay yes good situation that's a big Wednesday already cheering in the background it's going on midnight with a lot of people here it's good sex side boosters are separated getting ready for their burn back to Cape Canaveral you can see on the left and right here's the side boosters have ignited the set of core continues under full power everything looking good on the Falcon Heavy next event coming up in about 15 seconds will be shutdown of the center core followed by stage separation and ignition of the second stage engine look at this plume interactions good views are the two side boosters under the thrust of three ends of each slowing down their velocity and coming back towards Cape Canaveral wow that's gorgeous we have shut down on the center core stage separation confirmed okay the second stage is getting a lot of work to do you got a lotta way to do successful sip reaching and ignition we're coming up on shutdown of the two side boosters that strip them and we've heard the call outside booster booster shot down the center core you can see is not doing a boost back it's headed downrange to the drone separation so so far four minutes 17 seconds into flight second stage looking good headed to low Earth orbit carrying the 24 satellites the side boosters have done their first boon coming back to Cape Canaveral the center core has separated and is beginning its long coast downrange to the drone ship in the Atlantic Ocean so at 4 minutes 35 seconds and counting everything looking good out Falcon Heavy Ilan gave the center core landing only a 50% chance because it's so extra spicy it's going to be crazy so big time I hope that it works out they're just really riding the edge of the performance of that booster oh man now those side boosters are making their way back their grid fins on all three boosters should be deployed and those are helped guiding them to their landing zones as a reminder today we will be attempting to recover all three of these first stages and all three boosters are currently making their way home in just a few minutes the side boosters will execute and entry burn followed by a landing burn and the center core will do the complete the same burns just a few minutes later both burns are used to slow the stages speed down rapidly before landing at the time of separation the side boosters were traveling slow enough to turn around and make their way back to land and are side-by-side landing pads the center core is going too fast to efficiently return to the Cape so we're using our autonomous drone ship of course I still love you as we mentioned earlier as a reminder our drone ship is positioned twice as far offshore than normal so we may not get visuals of landing tonight also coming up in a few minutes be the call out for second cutoff coming up in about a minute here we're gonna look for that side worst side booster reentry burn to begin shortly after that that should end about 20 seconds later dang you can see both of those boosters on the infrared camera on the left side of your screen I cannot wait for to see the dual streak images from my photographer friends there's going to be unbelievable images from tonight's launch that's one reason I really wish I would have made it down tonight just for those streaked shots oh it's going to be nuts in about 30 seconds until we expect those side boosters entry burn to begin so keep an eye on the left side of your screen it's amazing they can track them like that thankfully a triple streak you're right because it'll be yeah they take off and then the two landing yeah let's go about ten seconds we can see those side boosters reignite for their entry burn sighs booster and Sherbourne startup here we go and we have confirmation that the entry baron has begun and in about 15 seconds from now we expect that to end with employer that was beauty there's a center core for center engine and then to side engines and that entry burn has completed note that second engine cutoff and the center core will be landing almost at the same time so we're gonna have a few events in succession at about t plus 8 minutes and 21 seconds we can start to see the booster FTS is saved you can tell it's kind of drifting they come back and they give it some angles it's to FTL guidance you'll see some about 20 seconds we're gonna look for that side booster landing burn to begin on both booster side boosters transonic oh that is so cool 10 seconds away well that is unbelievable I'd ruther glen here and start up here we go we've heard the call out for size booster landing when startup and there you see on your screen [Applause] are you a Libra [Applause] [Applause] [Music] sighs booster landing what an iconic beauty and also at the same time as we live have second engine cutoff at the same time I love that oh look at that as we mentioned earlier the center core entry and landing is going to be risky during entry will face more heating and dynamic pressure than we've ever experienced on Falcon 9 or heavy flight before why you ask because we have to lift the second stage higher and faster than other Falcon Heavy flights in order to have enough performance in it to execute for burns into all the different orbits so coming up at t + 9 minutes and 39 seconds we should see the center core entry burn ending core everywhere oh we have the confirmation looks like that was the confirmation for it to begin yeah we're a little bit off the timeline every burn and we had just heard the confirmation that Center core entry burn has shut down and now that the entry burn is complete the center core is moving back about 20 percent faster than it was at the end of the Falcon Heavy to Arab side entry refers to HK pillows expecting now we're coming up we're just about a minute away from that Center core landing burn beginning and as we've been mentioning just will be the most difficult landing that we've had to date terms to be whistles that means we'll be a three engine burn that Senate that Center engine will start up first and then two outer engines will start up as well for that landing burn they still have telemetry so that's good now we're just thirty seconds away from that Center core landing and it's no surprise that we do not have a live view of that center core as it's coming down but it looks like we got a live view of the throne ship there of course I still love you subsonic now here we go guys if they land this if you're just now tuning in we're just about ten seconds away from that Center core landing burn beginning and we have confirmation that the center core landing burn has begun let's see that coming down on of course I still love you on our screen it looks like our Center core did not make it on our drunks of course I still love you tonight again as we've been mentioning this was the most challenging landing that we've had today and this is this is our secondary mission so our primary mission we just heard the call out for a good orbit of our second state so we are actually just moments away from our first deployment of the evening for oculus asr' which was developed by students at Michigan Technological University we will be passing beyond the Bermuda ground station so there is a chance that telemetry may cut out a few seconds before deployment in which case we won't be able to see the saddle a actually deploy on camera or get confirmation of a successful deployment until telemetry is restored and we're just about 30 seconds away from that deployment so we'll listen into the nets for that confirmation so I'm I cannot wait for the rundown on what on what exactly went wrong this is the third time they've only landed the second time they did land it but it did not return home for these these Center quarters the first time they did not land because of a how the t tab the the ignition fluid actually swaps tanks mid if it runs out it has a switch from the one that lives you might have a chance to see this deployment live on camera Lisa didn't hit the ship they not to refurbish it now again we are waiting for the oculus satellite deployment man and as we expected looks like we lost that live view so we will wait to get some confirmation of that deployment and we will update you guys in a few minutes later on in the webcast we are now in between ground stations for the next few minutes with nothing to see so we are going to take a quick break but we will be leaving you with an animation that shows you where we are throughout the coast bays we will be back around t plus 20 minutes for our next set of deployments and it's worth noting that since we won't acquire our ground station coverage again until t plus 21 minutes we are going to miss that first Peapod one cube set of aquaria function see you back here in about six minutes okay so keep an eye on that timer from you guys I'm gonna pull this up I want to look back at this real quick while we're at it here let's do a little review and see if we can't alright oh so don't forget first off before we watch this let's set a positive tone because this was the furthest downrange fastest fastest core recover every 20% faster than the Arab 6/6 mission and don't forget when you're going fast for the atmosphere your entry heating goes up by velocity cubed not squared cubed so if you say you double your velocity you don't go four times heating you actually increase your Heat by sixteen times so going up by 20% is a substantial difference it's heating cubed so I don't have any knowledge of obviously about what actually happened to the center core just now but the reason why I was such a high-risk mission is probably because they're just writing the margins so close they had to do such conservative entry burns to have enough fuel to be able to do a landing burn you know at this margin who knows what's left over so let's take a look and see if it did look like the landing like this landing burners coming in some kind of sideways here we go okay [Applause] oh ho it's fully sideways you could see its landing legs I think I don't want to start rumors but these look like it's landing legs which would mean it's like pitched over 90 degrees it looks like it to me those could be lens flares I don't want to start rumors here I'm just totally willy-nilly speculating here but if that's the case what could have happened it does a three engine landing we're most likely on a mission that's this that's this close which means three of those nine engines are need to light up so if say one of them goes out say a side engine goes out it's going to totally pitch it over so maybe there's a small chance that that's what happened I have no idea [Applause] cuz it flies away in a hurry it flies away in a hurry I got to ask you lot about this we're just gonna watch this on repeat [Applause] that's Wow hey I got a I gotta watch this again that is unbelievable [Applause] is crazy Wow I'll try to sling it down quick that's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey guys [Laughter] [Music] like yeah I'm gonna to speed it back up that is I I really want to get this tweet out here so I'm just gonna let you guys watch it's just like a few more times that is crazy I can't believe that um oh crap I can't get him to find her yet [Applause] [Music] well then guys I have to pop into something here real quick and send this video to myself quick that was crazy that was hey the curse does continue for now don't get it figured out I love seeing this kind of stuff and I cannot wait to see what actually happened you know to get the actual rundown on this because knowing Elon they will probably have it back to us in a second let's let's get back to the actual stream here so that I don't accidentally miss anything and let's see here make sure I'm timed up here okay okay I'm gonna do this I'm gonna let you guys look at this for a second I'm gonna get this tweet out here real quick and see if we can't get an answer on this okay let's see how we do remember how I was talking about it we were probably gonna have a perfect STP to Falcon Heavy mission where t plus 20 minutes and seven seconds and counting right now is we left the webcast we were waiting to see the Occulus satellite deploy we didn't have confirmation when we lost signal over Bermuda that was normal losing signal you do it when you pass beyond line of sight we also should have had a minute and a half or so ago the first Peapod number one open up and deploy to cube sets for the Naval Research Laboratory but we're waiting until we react wire signal over the Ascension Island tracking station around the equator in the middle of the Atlantic so that we can understand whether or not the Occulus satellite deployed and how p-pod one deployed also while we're waiting for acquisition of signal from ascension just to recap we had a great launch of Falcon Heavy the two side boosters did their choreographed landing at landing zones going into the center core is you've heard from the people and may have seen a shot on the screen I missed the drown ship we knew this was going to be the toughest reentry we are getting data back so the team will understand over the next hours and days how things have gone it looks like now we're beginning to reacquire signal over Ascension Island we're waiting to hear call out how the first two satellite deploys have gone it appears we have confirmation that the oculus satellite was separated and Peapod number one opened up deploying the Naval Research Laboratory satellites there's a view from space and if you remember the view just before we left on the bottom the left was the oculus satellite had a white coloring to it and it's no longer there now we're gonna cover the last of the eight p-pod satellites that are coming up for deployment and that's going to take about 30 minutes to get through this sequence the next deployment comes up just before t plus 25 minutes now these eight deployers will open and now release 11 satellites now if you've watched our coverage from other launches like iridium you know that the one camera we have on top of the payload attach fitting cannot see all sides of the dispenser holding the satellites because of the positioning right there as you see on your screen of the one camera we won't be able to see all of the CubeSat deployments today in particular the next three pea pods 2 3 & 4 on the back side we won't be able to pick those up however as the second stage does maneuver in orbit in the sunlight we might be able to pick up a glint of the Sun off of the cube sets as they move away from the second stage now the next deployment coming up just before 25 minutes is known as Falcon sat-7 this is an optical telescope for the United States Air Force Academy the CubeSat when it is ejected will eventually deploy a rigid boom that holds a membrane that acts like a lens in a telescope and once that membrane is rigid it will allow imaging of the Sun so this is a deployable optical telescope for the Air Force Academy however as I said we won't be able to see it we'll have to wait for call out to confirm the separation I wish they had a ground track station there myself someone really quickly asked about that everything too close and it's like there's no signal engine I have a 50 minute long video about that so if you want to know where the bone has acquisition of signal as we are approaching the African coastline the next ground station beyond Ascension Island is picking up the signal from Falcon Heavy second stage [Applause] oh man that meaning well we'd have any word on the fairing yet for those of you asking literally we're attempting to recover both of them so it will get an update on that coming up on deployment in about five seconds [Applause] yeah [Applause] I don't know if that diversion was intentional or not I was crazy just he thought to deploy confirmed and there's the call out from the avionics engineer always a little bit tense as you're waiting for them to confirm that the signal indicates that the door is open inside of each of the deployers is a spring that pushes at the cube sets and what we have is confirmation that the Air Force Academy deployable optical telescope should be in orbit on its own now now we've got about two hundred and thirty five seconds until we get to the next deployment [Applause] that was still crazy so yeah I think my big question at this point is uh it was that intentional divert or was it uh or was it you know something going wrong at the time it did look like if it's coming in that fast and it pitched over I don't know if it would it like okay so if it's going in too fast if you cut an engine you're just going to end up going straight pretty much where you are you might pick over a little bit total speculation total don't don't put a word on this I almost wonder if it actually stopped too fast and was sitting on the deck and a way above the deck and then did like a suicide burned too early because it does have to do as full-blown hardcore stop three that's total speculation I don't know because I'm actually trying to figure out how it would have the ability to have just basically slowed down it's because the vertical velocity appeared to be going pretty slow and I'm almost said it like pitches off although a lot of that could be perspective don't forget perspective plays into it a lot and it can play a lot of tricks on us I just realized the music's really loud but oh man that was just so nuts oh man I can't wait to hear but we need to talk about look at how many stinking satellites this thing is deploying tonight in two very different orbits so that's pretty awesome one of my favorite satellites is the light sail - which is Planetary society's satellite is is launching tonight they launched one about four years ago [Music] quite a mouthful primary goal is to use a dust detector to characterize the space debris environment focusing on submillimetre debris that can't be seen by earth-based telescopes now this satellite deployer is mounted on the opposite side of the dispenser so again we'll only have verbal koel when it separates man it's funny that the used boosters have so far been the most reliable part speaks highly for reusability but again 50% odds of success you know that's yeah Wow that let's see it lets see the Peapod next up will be a quick turnaround only about 145 seconds until we get to the next deployment and really quick I want to check this out I want to say this is that triple triple landing burn here real quick my friend John Kraus showed a nice link with me I want to just check this out really quick one second okay check this out this is gorgeous I knew it'd be cool I knew it'd be cool look at that so you can see the launch and then stage separation engine cutoff around here this time we're going to have to cube so it's coming out of the deployer again it's on the back side of the dispenser does the last one on the back side of the pea pods satellites are called piece set and brick set piece that's an amateur communication satellite and bricks at is a small satellite that has a micro propulsion system to perform experiments with attitude control satellites are out of the United States Naval Academy let's see it oh we won't see it still backside there we go over here a good call out for this one [Applause] you pot forward to play confirmed and we have confirmation over the neck from HP k Peapod number four has deployed the same time we now have acquisition a signal of a herd of beef stock known as HBK in Africa and we've got about a hundred sixty five seconds until Peapod five opens up it's just crazy they have the ability to do all of these precise movements in order to aim the exact satellites and and in MoMA way from each other so they don't bump into each other this stuff is impressive this is a very very very complicated mission this is I mean and they're going at the change or inclination then they're going to raise their orbit to a medium Earth orbit I mean this is pretty bonkers and I was talking for a second about light sail - let's see oh yeah and rook with let's go back to this John Krauss had this awesome image and it's gorgeous you can see this is the the the first stage burn and then stage separation and the the side boosters actually fly up and then they come down that's they they continue their vertical velocity and then they cancel out their horizontal velocity to actually aim back at Florida and so in doing so they actually go up and come back around so that's this is that entry burn way up here to slow down before it's the atmosphere and then finally we see the landing burn and it looks kind of sideways that's the use of a extremely wide angle lens it's capable of getting all this and in this in this case this is a fisheye lens because you can see the the barrel distortion in the bottom of the frame looks to be John I'm gonna guess you're on like a 14 mil full frame so 10 mil ish 9 mil fisheye maybe a little wider maybe maybe a little little wider okay see this one now in this view the Peapod dispenser is located probably at about the 2 o'clock position around the dispenser at the very top so you've got to look up there and we might see something going by however we're also starting to get a Sun flare off of the camera keep out v deploy confirmed we've heard the confirmation Peapod v is deployed so we're through v we've got three more p-pods to go the last one we'll be deploying at t plus 50 minutes so we've got another 16 minutes to get through this sequence so the next one coming up should be deploying in about 285 seconds a little more than four and a half minutes almost okay so we can talk again okay so I keep getting interrupted about lightsail so the Planetary Society this is light sail - they flew light still one just a handful years ago I better double-check actually before I like sail one it looks like it flew on May 20th 2015 with SpaceX and which is so basically what it is you take a tiny little spacecraft you stretch a really really really really thin huge giant like reflective blanket kind of like this mylar coating on on the stage here that we're seeing and frame right now you stretch that out to be the size of a tennis court basically or even bigger I don't remember flight the flight sail to is bigger and then you literally just let the photons of light they come off of the Sun bounce off of it and in doing so it actually produces a little bit of pressure and pushes the spacecraft and it's a very it's completely free free energy basically you can do this literally basically forever and ever but it's very slow acceleration it takes years to really to do something but it's it's extremely efficient so you know you can launch it doesn't scale up very well but it'd be it's a great way to actually send spacecraft even further and further and further away and and gain Delta V for literally free so it's a really cool system oh that's a good question I don't remember if it is photons or solar wind that is a good question yeah free energy yeah someone pointing out that I'm a few seconds behind my afraid that is the speed of light because I have to get the stream and jested into my server rebroadcast it get it back out to you there's always going to be several seconds of delay anywhere between 10 and 20 sorry if those 10 or 20 seconds of knowledge are that important dude go watch SpaceX's stream but yeah there's nothing I can do about that unless we can change physics but yeah photon pressure photons photons photons yas okay awesome let me go back to answering some you guys's questions because we had Joshua asked if they're launching some people's ashes I didn't hear about that on this launch but that is the thing that people are starting to do good question Neil thank you a tinder thank you da Gordon this is totally a Kerbal mission it's like throwing everything on the same rocket as possible very impressive mission I can't stress again perfect landing of the side boosters so far the upper stage is performing phenomenally really stretching the limits on it climate over Africa in fact the next two pea pods that will open and deploy satellites are in support of the NASA enhanced tandem beacon experiment and they're built by the University of Michigan this mission explores bubbles in the electrically charged layers of Earth's upper atmosphere now these bubbles can disrupt key communication and GPS signals that we rely on here on the ground they currently appear and evolve unpredictably and are difficult to characterize from the ground so the two satellites that will be deployed over the next several minutes they're going to help try to understand that problem and find ways to work around it as you can see on the map we're currently elver east africa downlinking through the mauritius ground station again looking up around two o'clock at the top of the stack trying to see if we can spot the CubeSat coming out of the deployer keep out 6 deploy confirmed we've got confirmation over the net pea pod 6 deployer has opened we should have you tend a beacon experiment satellite injected I was looking for it on the screen but I didn't spot it the white objects you've seen coming off to the right hand side those are not the cube SATs now the second stage is now maneuvering to get in position for the next deployment that's gonna come up in about 5 minutes from now um I was wrong I forgot this launch does have a celesta switch is yeah people's ashes there's a 150 people whose ashes are on this flight I can sure move my face thanks for the reminder there are a hundred and fifty ashes of of humans which is pretty I would I would love that I would if I happen to pass please everyone yell at my don't yell please but tell my family that that would be my ideal way to be remembered that's really really cool that's very special white objects you might be seeing either you can see ice sometimes that comes off breaks off from the upper stage you can also see the other satellites oftentimes be that have already been deployed trailing off the background so if you're wondering with those little things are yep pretty fun stuff I realized we have a long ways to go here on answering people's questions so thank you total Kerbal mission from da gordon rob sanda have i checked out twitter at apollo 50th yes I have checked it out to everyone should probably do that we are right square in the coming up on the 50th anniversary of the Apollo missions I've got one video planned talking about it a little bit I know there's gonna be so much content I figured I'd try to do a slightly different topic so stay tuned for that Esther daddy thank you your rockets do I keep with the great work and inspiring future stem stars Thank You Russ Thank You Maria Peter futur and John 1948 thank you very much guys and Peter for again Chili's serrano hello from El Paso hi there tez doll Thank You Wade the the wallaby I hate to donate but you better tell me what the blue coin things do say hi to my mom hello - Wade the wallaby - I'm not entirely sure what the blue coin thing but it's a blue coin thig do I'm sorry Wade the wallaby I I'm not familiar with the blue coin if you're talking about Blue Origin I have a video about that so it's titled is new shepper is new Blue Origin snoo Glen the king of heavy-lift rockets and I talked about kind of their different programs going and why the the new new clan is yeah is what it is if that's what you're talking about Blue Origin yeah then we have the Georgie de Chivo Vic love your videos and livestreams to learn so much thank you very much and Mark Peterson thank you Neven Lee be no questions gonna suck well thank you Navin jeez dang thank you very much Stephan Hobbes 400 miles away in Orange Beach hoping you'll see ya I I'll try to catch you if you if you are Oh Elon did tweet about this apparently I want to check this out Center core went Ruud it was a long shot that's all he said mmm sorry sweet alright well ap pot openings this is also a tendon beacon experiment cube set now to study those bubbles that I talked about in the Earth's atmosphere the two cube sets that we're deploying emit signals in a handful of frequencies two stations on the ground from there scientists can measure disruptions in the signals just determine how they're affected by the upper atmosphere bubbles waiting for call out of Peapod seven opening and the cube set deploying [Applause] okay there we go keep at seven deployed confirmed and we've got it a little late sounding but we have confirmation Peapod seven is open to deploy the second of the two beacon experiment satellites for the University of Michigan and all I've got to say for that is go blue we're 375 seconds to the final deployment of the Peapod series okay for those of you that don't know what Ruud is Ruud is rapid unscheduled disassembly it's just kind of a kind of a bit of a joke term a little tongue-in-cheek oh look at that piece of ice oh that was fun look at that spinning off that's so crazy yeah Rud rapid unscheduled disassembly it's kind of a common term if something goes boom and yeah man that was yeah okay so yeah Stefan let us know if you were able to see an orange beach guy thank you roko Vee why do they name Rene mr. Stevens because they actually the people that owned the vessel mr. Steven sold it and in doing so you actually renamed the vessel I think SpaceX actually bought it someone correct me if I'm wrong but yeah yeah let me know if it was SpaceX that that bought it and that's why they renamed a good question Rocko V curious people thank you is Israel shirk Oh awesome your five-year-old daughter is watching tomorrow well I really appreciate you exposing your daughter and and/or your family to stem stuff and to aerospace I think this is really exciting stuff in my opinion and it gets me so excited to know that there's young people getting excited and young people being inspired by it I mean look at this stuff how can you not look at just this image how can you not want to get involved and not want to be excited I thank you thank you for for tuning in and then showing your daughter as well that is awesome and SSS Oh Vicky good on you Tim some people are just so strange yes that was probably in reference to people saying lewd things Eastin Thank You Stefan and down point you end up it sure was Brian Gleason first time SpaceX is in Kennedy Space Center launch control room hopefully you heard me talk about that the fire room was used for dm1 and I don't exactly know when all its going to be used if it's only you know launch complex 39a or if it's slick 40 yeah we'll see still not a fan of the military from vulva cat 17 community has to move past them to do any and major advancements in the future no place for weapons in the future I and with you I'm like the absolute I am the absolute biggest like friendly III want everyone to just get along and biggest pacifist I guess is that the right word pacifist Pesa fist no pacifist sure anyway I am NOT a big fan of war and and people fighting over things I'd rather everyone just get along but at the same time the one thing the military does do is it does advanced technology so if you say Humanity has moved past military to do any major advancements military seems to really rapidly advanced technology and it's an unfortunate double-edged sword there but it's the best technology in the world has always come from the advancement in military yep but I agree with you though Brian no thank you Michael McHale Michael thank you very much Sean Walter thank you summit Luffy Falcon Heavy I love Falcon at me too I'm Erik Hayhurst thank you so much Andrea Oney I think Jesse got got a promotion since the last Falcon Heavy she said she's a lead manufacturing engineer yes so yeah she's pretty great that is awesome good on Jesse she is awesome at Randolph how so how quickly do you think they'll deploy 24 satellites it's a six hour long mission here so I'm not gonna do all six hours here I'll probably stop streaming after the next set of satellites I won't wait for that that Mikko that are medium Earth orbit mio deployment and stuff Oh guys offshore bought mystery now or bought mr. Steven pacifist thank you that's the right word I knew someone would correct me Thank You Panda thank you Greg keep on keeping on you're welcome Dave can you talk about the orbital plane changes 20 degrees is a lot how much mass to each orbit is this more efficient than to Falcon nine launches it must be more efficient than to Falcon nine launches the inclination change like that when you actually changed your inclination 20 degrees we talk about that a little bit in my why do cylindrical Rockets Royd I talk about inclination and plane changes and as a miss and all that stuff we kind of go into that a little bit but a change of 20 degrees is substantial 15 seconds we're out between Africa and Australia getting ready for the last deployer which will release two cube sets that have been working together starting at liftoff one is the NASA leo cube set and the second is the staying set cube set from Merritt Island High School now this combined mission will measure and record the temperature and acceleration data from within that deployer the Peapod during today's launch now in addition to collecting that telemetry data during the launch staying set will stream its data in real time via Wi-Fi to the Leo CubeSat something that typically we've not seen done before in Cube sets we were waiting for call out of CubeSat deploy key pod eight to play confirmed deploy confirmed and we saw it hey at least I did coming out of the taxes so stinks and we'll have successfully separated and as a reminder the Merritt Island High School team has been working on this project since 2011 according to their Facebook page so after waiting a long time for a ride to space will celebrate deployment with go Mustangs so we've gotten through the first set of satellite deployments the oculus small set and the eight P pods have all opened up we've got a 21 minute break before we rewrite the second stage engine to change our orbit so we'll be back with that we're gonna leave you with the animation that shows where we are in the Coast phase returning at t plus one hour 12 minutes just about 21 minutes from now for the second burn of our upper stage engine yep we're gonna be here for a little bit and I'll stick around like I said for this one but I'm not gonna try to do the rest of that cuz that will be a long time so let's see so so Dave we were talking about the the inclination change you can see here this orbit it looks like this is sans inclination change because they do have because the planet is rotating as it goes around it that's where it will be in the next orbit those we're in the same inclination so changing inclination if you were to change and go 180 degrees backwards it would take twice the it's in take more even I think even changing 90 degrees takes about as much delta V as getting into orbit in the first place so you basically have to have another one of your entire rockets ready to go to be able to change your inclination 90 degree so 20 degree inclination change is substantial yeah paul jr in our discord member says tired of immature and out of subject comments and the youtube chest become a proud patreon supporter everyday astronaut and of everyday astronaut and join us in the exclusive discord I do need to give a huge shout out like always to my discord channel third always literally right here with me and we talk all the time we're currently going through a fun little topic about lunar landers so if you'd like to just actually talk space and have a community of people to talk space with consider becoming a patreon member you'll be automatically dynamically linked to patreon or to discord and a link to a discord channel which is kind of like a chatroom server so go to and of course all of that always helps me be able to travel and go say see launches I'm working on hopefully being able to catch the hopper when that happens we've had some delays as here number four and number five seem to not be ready and now it's probably going to be serial number six Raptor engine that's going to make the hopper fly so if you want to help me continue to do what I do and produce as much content as physically possible yeah consider becoming a patreon supporter everyday astronaut I say this every time I genuinely could not be doing what I do without the support of you guys so seriously thank you and not only that the mental support guys ah having you guys like 4 a.m. and helping me answer questions and not lose my mind you guys know what I'm talking about you know what I'm talking about yeah oh I should also mention these certs ours are in pre-order these are the full flow stage combustion cycle shirts they will ship mid July and they actually will have this cool like patch sewn on patch a little more premium style shirt this time I'm really excited about these shirts if you like these shirts consider going to everyday astronaut comm slash shop that shop we do only runs of shirts so this one likely won't stay in the store for too long and we I think we only have like two more these utility pouches so if you guys want a utility pouch you better literally do it right now because it will sell out and then I don't have any plans to restock these are literally handmade here in in freaking Pittsburgh by Anthony Anthony Kovacs look how beautiful that is yeah they're orange on the inside which is sick I use it for travel bags but back by popular demand I finally have my all-over print shirts back you guys have been asking for this for a long time they're higher-quality this time again we do runs of this so this may run out very soon actually I think it's almost sold out and then we're going to do for sure to do one full run of the full flow stage combustion cycle shirt depending if you guys like it we might bring it back again in the future so don't forget my store we do runs of shirts which means higher quality shirts with like custom tags and all that stuff a much better product much longer lasting better print for you guys so so if you like something get it while you can because stuff sells out like our we stopped to try to restock these we're working on that but yeah if you like it get it now because it may not be in there in the future so yep that's your little reminder on that stuff okay let's answer a few more questions we got quite the coast phase here so okay so thank you for that reminder Paul and again thank you guys so readeth thank you panda thank you readeth are we going to be able to see them land yes yes we did and they did an awesome job of getting us a nice clean drone ship shot and you know what's funny because it missed the drone ship that's probably why we got continual connection because the because it flew away from the drone ship the satellite uplink was able to continue to produce a constant stream so we actually got a full livestream of it and it didn't cut out because of the center core missed the drone ship and his plasma didn't disrupt the satellite uplink pretty cool I love that kind of stuff sumit I am getting goosebumps we should get to sit on top of the ferry and deploy yourself in space I would probably take a proper spacecraft although ride on the fairing I would be pretty cool you just wear a spacesuit and you ride the inside of the fairing and then parachute down that'd be pretty sweet but yes I also get goose bumps tonight when I watch this still I'm sorry if you guys are wondering what I'm at but I'm reading from I'm still trying to catch up on the super jet so you guys did a ton I just want to make sure I get a chance to say hi to everyone that that uh that said hi so I think again as to say you Sethi happy Slartibartfast that looked like heaven opening up a forest the ad those interactions of the plumes were unbelievable I mean I loved that kind of stuff and I bet they're going to be using that as like modeling fluid dynamics and learning about those interactions and stuff it's super super cool let's see here amazing in person it wasn't me it wasn't seven me jealous they were there in person that Congrats I'm seeing a gorgeous launch which I was there for this one summit rot booster retrieves safely her things yeah that was awesome right now at work once again behold launch is going well thank you very much for now some love Hughes center core Oh like watching replay a beautiful three actions Nathan came out Thank You summit again it's okay guys at least it didn't explode in the air it landed alright on earth cheer up that was crazy that was one of the most intense missions I've seen Brian Packer thank you very much d2w Studios us watching the space extreme and it had to come after they didn't stick Delana to see you reaction shame but I guarantee they'll learn a lot from it yes so that's I mean that's the cool thing the the center the landing of the boosters is always secondary to the primary mission we're still looking at unbelievably success successful mission this is a challenging challenging mission that is pretty much unprecedented at this point deploying to three wildly different orbits using one spacecraft pretty pretty amazing so super cheers and kudos to the teams at SpaceX and and the Air Force and at NASA and the lightsail teams for so far just an awesome mission it's a shame about the center core but data is data this will and even what they learn from this will literally probably be able to be applied for space you know for starship and all things coming up ahead so yeah hopefully we just learned a little bit more valuable food stages almost essentially so here's this is interesting so Ilan didn't get back on to it I do want to read through this quick SpaceX updates says why the last-minute change from close to shore to so far downrange and Elon replied high payload Delta V missions will always be far downrange value of boost age is measured essentially by horizontal velocity imparted to the upper stage altitude is almost unimportant it I don't quite think he understood the the meaning of the question which was intended that they actually changed where the drone ship was intended to be and at least publicly so maybe it was just a public thing maybe they just didn't want people knowing ahead of time or something yeah okay so let's see here okay so so jatin great coverage thank you very much green axis agency holy moly do you think they did that on purpose I don't know about the diversion on purpose or if that's just a whoopee do William s in the SpaceX IRC channel they also suspected an engine failure Sven two out of three isn't too bad it's true of course DW studios there's a lot of flame brightness before we saw it tip over I think they try to land too high or misjudged or delta-v hard hard saying but I'm really excited to get answers out of this and this would be a really fun learning experience William Barksdale thanks for doing what you do man you're welcome thank you for hanging out Michael Julianne looks like the last thing they were and tipped over rest in pieces that is so true Trat Trat Tov lamp Rogers could have landing like could have a landing leg field to deploy so it gtfo the gtfo is to make sure the drone ship doesn't get taken out that would be an interesting concept yeah that would be a very interesting concept and route a Andrew and our internal discord I think those things aren't grid fins I think there's a landing legs that you have pointed out as grid fins think about how brightly reflective they'll be I don't think that's a grid fins they'd be teeny-tiny so okay the the flaming part was sideways confusion yes a spaceman hello from Jacksonville Florida I will email pics awesome spaceman jeremiah Flickinger thanks for being awesome as always you're welcome and sis of seviche i don't want to speculate proceeds to speculate I know I'm guilty of that for sure I mean it's just so easy to get caught up in it but I speculated okay but but saying that you have the answers and I'm not gonna speculate any further until we get more answers you know I I'm not gonna make a video about it and all that stuff I I think that can be I don't know I a little mini rant time I definitely I wore myself out trying to be on top of everything at all times and just trying to kind of chase that new cycle of things it's it's exciting because trust me I want to be at the absolute forefront of all those topics and if all those you know anything that happens with star hopper Falcon heavy you know DM 1 or the Dragon capsule all those things I do want to be at the front of that stuff I like I like to be in the know but it can be damaging to totally just like go out there and and talk about things without the proper knowledge and I've really tried to value myself on the educational aspects of rocket science and getting people excited about the things that that do go right or learning from the things that we do learn in the meantime and it's been a maybe a mental shift for me and it's still something that had to practice you know practice being patient and practice when I preach I guess as far as like not totally just wildly speculating all willy-nilly and and spreading rumors and things like that that is definitely something I need to practice on but I've tried to focus my content at least on my channel that the produced videos on really chasing down long more in-depth research topics and to me I think those are more worth it I still I pushed myself too much on those as far as the timing like I work 60 70 80 hours a week often especially I put these like arbitrary deadlines on myself normally if it's like oh I'm gonna be gone for a week I've got to get the video before that week you know even though it doesn't really matter but for some reason to me it does and then I don't sleep at all and then I just work way too hard but to me it's it is important to focus on those you know more evergreen topics that we can always learn from you know in three years learn from as opposed to a video where those facts might be out there if they're wrong you know if you're talking about something totally willy-nilly if I sat there and made it a video tomorrow about how the outer engine you know clearly turned off and it pitched over sideways and we could tell by the angle this you know and did a whole run down and was totally wrong that's gonna be out there for a long time and it going to be really hard to correct people and that's the one thing as far as academia goes that I wish YouTube did better which YouTube would allow you to make changes to videos make updates to videos especially if they are under the guise of proper information because you can easily spread I have videos that have a line or two or three things that are wrong and it just eats me to this day the fact that like one time I accidentally said pro-grade instead of retrograde twice in a video just I have no idea why I said I even it was in the script as retrograde and I said pro-grade just read it wrong and it eats me that that mistake is in there to this day I you know I wish I could just go in you can't even do annotations anymore on YouTube you you can't like insert a clip I wish certain channels could get approved to make like tweaks or updates based on new information just so the video is academically hold up better you know especially now we're getting more and more updates on the Raptor engine and an Elan apparently watched my 50 minute long Raptor engine video and gave a few updates to some of the numbers that I had in the video I would love to be able to like plop those in the video quick and make little updates but yeah so there you go that's my that's a that's my long rant about YouTube and about speculation so thanks for reminder please guys keep me humble on that because it is really excited it's exciting to get caught up in that speculation stuff so yeah Chris Kuhn thank you very much Kevin Craig Thank You Tyler Pantaleo we may need a new not how to land a rocket to now you're right and they'll show they can show the center core booster tipping over but that's it those are the only landing Phil oh yeah because that how not to land a rocket didn't have CRS 16 booster either 1050 the one that had a grid fin lock up you're right there's probably some awesome awesome looking footage out there from from all these things sweet so crazy Thank You Jonathan everybody he's your free super chat if you have one that's awesome I didn't know that was a thing Thank You Kris hoon again thank you squidy thank you Kevin Smith thank you for sharing your excitement with the world well I began my excitement just is purely driven from how the the incredible things that we're seeing happen in such a short amount of time in the past five years since I've been really really covering this stuff and watching it it's all six years ish now it's it's nuts it's unbelievable and yeah I can't wait for the next the 2020s are going to be like a huge industry shift I mean if I think it's kind of like I feel like we're going from very quickly in the in the rocket industry we went from you know little tiny little like Wright brothers airplanes then we landed on the freaking moon in like a 10 year span basically and to me that was like going from Wright brothers airplanes to to using airplanes kind of in like in war you know like world war one that they started using airplanes with guns on them and stuff like that and they became a tool and they actually had useful purpose and I think we're now finally coming up on that era of like the dc-3 and the commercial airliner and that's going to be a massive shift like I can't wait for that so yeah I'm just really excited d2w studios watching footage again there's a lot of flame brightness before we see it veer off I think landed too high must be a bit different with 3-wood don't forget though with as far as 300 Landing burns they do often they do 300 light and three-engined Landing burns quite often and last times you know I think they stuck one like JC sat 16 or something in like 2015 already they stuck their first three engines landing burn where it actually touched down basically with all three is three of those engines burning which is crazy the center core or the the two side boosters for instance do a 300 landing but they start with a single they go to the outer so making it three and then they cut the outers so they just kind of do an acceleration ramp where they probably pull it up to a full like three G's and then back it back down and that just gives them some wiggle room a bit of throttle ability to really nail that landing so yeah Anish looks looks diverted overhead ignition then sideways yeah let's see sorry I lost what Rhett man he geysers geez I cannot keep up for the guys where did I got lost okay thanks Eugene for the new membership Mario is the debris flying by great stream yes debris like ice chunks and maybe other some of the other satellites having been deployed Jayden thank you okay we're just double-checking in there sorry this SS SSG Stanford Center core just had a delayed reaction to the to the snap is off oh man that was crazy Marky oh come Margo love your channel keep up the good work thank you l Logan rest in pieces center core 1050 7.1 ya know Zhu mu you can see the earlier deployments at drifting away for the past 10 minutes it was lighter dot mixed with frozen oxygen drifting away absolutely yep good call DTW studios nothing you can do about latency till StarLink well even then there's still going to be some processing in YouTube's end that's going to delay my stream from an official stream there's always going to be some you know even if I'm getting it straight from the pipe there's going to be some kind of delay there Matthew thank you oh my G it's jpc thank you Swan Sheree Thank You Cass Thank You William 533 plus 150 two new people in Earth orbit equals 685 not to be morbid I just don't think that III don't think we're gonna count people's ashes as people in orbit would we because that could get out of hand very quickly if we start considering the deceased members of the astronaut corps I don't know interesting though interesting thought 685 people in space I'm not gonna take that away from them the friends and families of people that just flew your loved ones that's very admire ball and again please do that with me everyone let my family know oh man as it is beautiful can you imagine Robert Dahlquist thank you so much Chris Harris Rudd equals rocket under two water dr. e the center core crashed at 58 meters per second if if it accelerated at 3 G interesting I'm not entirely sure where your numbers are coming from but sure yeah it's I mean yes if it was accelerating at 3 G I don't really know why it would be though michael wiseman just like the raptor seal number 5 liberating parts yes patrick don't know if anybody asks you this before but you already or did you already order your apollo moon lander lego model i have to of course I have not assembled it have not had a minute to do so I probably should do that though it looks it's just been sitting there I don't like to keep I like to build one of them keep one John thank you senator and thank you Patrick John if the Senate Corps couldn't scrub enough speed it may have executed an abort sequence that tries to avoid damaging the drone ship I don't know if there is the ability to actually full-blown divert like that it's really more just the profile of landing requires like dog legs and and maneuvers that require all the parts to make it hit the drone ship so if any of the parts don't work it's unlikely that the core would hit the drone ship it's not to say it wouldn't but it it almost does require all of the maneuvers in order to get to the drone ship in the first place so I'm not sure if it has the ability to never a great left off from pad 39a at Kennedy Space Center we are less than a minute away from the second of our four second stage engine burns fat counting down we're a little more than 25 seconds to go currently we're chilling in the second stage we are passing over the southwest Pacific at this time everything looking good as we get ready to light the second stage engine currently we're settling propellant down on top of the turbo pumps so when we spin the pumps they've got plenty of liquid to pull through and light the engine seconds away from ignition Internet they're nice and quick we've heard the call up engine is at power this is planned to be about a 22 second burn throttling down the M vac engine and we heard a report we have good shut down okay good keep going baby you can do it running a marathon tonight novel orbit insertion and what we love to hear the guidance navigation and control engineer over the countdown net reports good orbital insertion so we've had a good burn and a good insertion now that we're in the good orbit we're gonna be coasting again for the next five minutes or so we'll be back around t plus one hour 18 minutes and 30 seconds for our next set of deployments so stay with us this will be a series of ten small satellites as well as the light sail and six cosmic satellites suite and ladies and gentlemen there we've got way out in the Atlantic even farther away than the drillship mystery successfully with a payload fairing half the second payload fairing half they've also spotted in the water but we have accomplished the first landing on the neck of a Pat of Falcon payload fairing half so another first-time accomplishment yes for the SpaceX team especially up there in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean Wow okay now that's something I didn't see coming I really was not sure if that was even freaking ever gonna happen good work Wow wow that's amazing can now don't lose it off the side there but holy cow that's exciting that's really exciting if they bring a fairing back totally dry yes all that I'm gonna record this one too and tweet that that is so exciting look at that hold on guys I'm gonna go so stay with us this will be a series of 10 small satellites as well as the light sail and six cosmic satellites even farther away than the drone ship we've got way out in the Atlantic even farther and six cosmic satellites and ladies and gentlemen there we've got way out in the Atlantic even farther away than the drillship mystery successfully with a payload fairing half the second payload fairing half they've also spotted in the water but we have accomplished the first landing on the neck of a Pat of Falcon payload fairing half so another first-time accomplishment for the SpaceX team especially up there in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean okay that's awesome sorry I'm gonna get all caught up back here I want to just get this ready - I want to tweet that out again that is that's nuts I did not expect that warum loss um actually you know what we should do you know might be more fun could be watching let's let's record my reaction here cuz I bet my reaction is pretty genuine I did not see that coming okay that's that's pretty funny what's like it guys I'm gonna pull this old odd sorry for making you watch me record a video here but too bad one second okay where is this I full-blown I was not expecting that at all guys one second I'll be right back with you I'm gonna record this you there sweet and ladies and gentlemen there we've got way out in the Atlantic even farther away than the drillship mystery because it's trans boy with a payload fairing half the second payload fairing half they've also spotted in the water but we have accomplished the first landing on the net of a pat of kalkan payload fairing half so another first-time accomplishment yes for the SpaceX team especially up there in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean Wow okay now that's something I don't see the STP with the next set of deployments first up is procs one micro set developed by students at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta to demonstrate satellite close proximity operations in rendezvous procs one is not an acronym but actually got its name from the word proximity it is basically running some proximity operations or formation flying experiments with the lightsail CubeSat for the Planetary Society the light sail will not be released immediately from procs one that will actually happen seven days after it separates from Falcon Heavy when this happens the light sail will unfurl its mylar sail which is one twentieth of the thickness of a sheet of paper with an unfurled area of 344 square feet this will be the largest solar sail ever demonstrated as a primary means of propulsion we won't have a visual of this deployment that there is also a good chance we may not have real-time confirmation of deployment since we will be over the Kwajalein ground station Kwajalein can only record data it does not send spacex real-time so we may have to wait a few minutes until we come over Guam station to get confirmation of deployment so again that deployment should be happening in a couple seconds here we will get back to you on that confirmation once we get that telemetry back now the next deployment they keep coming folks will be four NP Sat and will occur in about two minutes NP sat was built by the Naval Postgraduate Research Laboratory and it carries a bunch of experiments but in layman's terms its investigating the concentration of electrons in the ionosphere one of the outer layers of earth which influences radio transmissions it's also doing experiments to improve communications and the survivability of computers in space and demonstrating a new type of solar cells for power production this deployment we will be able to see hopefully so let's sit back and wait to see it deploy and that's coming up in about a minute up from now a little over a minute that was so crazy guys now look looks like we're still waiting to get connectivity so despite what I just said we may not get a visual hopefully that comes back on for us now again we anticipate hearing a call-out confirmation of deployment 4mp sat in about a minute from now hopefully we'll get a visual as well man still waiting on that connection over Guam we're about 30 seconds away from deployment of the MP set bail at Hawaii procs one deploy confirmed and we did just hear confirmed over the Nets that procs one deploy was confirmed very exciting another successful deployment and in about ten seconds from now hopefully we'll hear the same thing and see it as well for NP set to have such a busy this is such a busy mission Wow and there you see the release on your screen of MV set and successfully implanted and confirmed over the nets amazing the next deployment will be for the general atomics electromagnetic systems orbital testbed or ot be separation will occur in just about a couple minutes from now due to the positioning of our camera though we will not be expecting to see this deployment live OTB is a versatile modular platform based on a flight proven hosting model to test and qualify positions SSE Hawaii on STP tu OTV is hosting several payloads for technology demonstration purposes including the deep space atomic clock designed built and operated by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory on behalf of the space technology Mission Directorate to revolutionize how spacecrafts navigate this deep space atomic clock could change the way we navigate in space it will be the first ever eye on clock flown in space and represents the beginning of an era of better space clocks based on the mercury I am it loses only one second in nine million years any atomic clock for navigation has to be very precise even a clock that is off by one second could mean the difference between landing on Mars and missing it by miles times one point six four kilometers in ground tests the deep space atomic clock stays stable and keeps correct time for weeks even months it's up to 50 times more stable than the atomic clocks on GPS satellites if the mission can prove the stability in space it will be one of the most precise clocks in the universe the toaster oven size instrument will be tested in Earth orbit for one year with the goal of being ready for future missions to other worlds and we should be seeing this coming up in a or hearing the call-out actually in just about 10 seconds from now again we will not be able to see this live since it is not in our cameras no TP payload deploy confirmed and we just got that confirmation for the OTB deployment our next deployment is coming up in about three minutes and this is for the green propellant infusion mission or gpim which is a NASA mission that develops a green alternative to conventional chemical spacecraft propulsion systems once nasa demonstrates the fuel and compatible system in space green propellant could replace hydrazine as the status-quo spaceflight propellant not only will green propellant be safer it will also be faster in much less costly again due to the positioning of our camera we are not expecting to see this deployment live either but we can listen in for confirmation at about t plus one hour and 27 minutes hopefully we'll get that confirmation over the nets so let's get back to some questions real quick I already saw that US I just caught sumit had a question on object floating over the engine right now you're seeing you see that little ice chunk that was there for a second we talked about this an awful lot the last mission there's ice that comes off of these vehicles all the time whether it be ice that's built up on the outer portion of the vehicle bleed off from the oxygen as liquid oxygen bleeds off you notice now that that chunk of oxygen is missing when when an oxygen is exposed to the vacuum of space it turns solid and turns into ice chunks there's also sheets of ice sauce oftentimes on the side of the booster there's there's just crazy ice stuff and stuff like that all the time there's objects all over so we talked about this in great detail last time that it's normal to see little pieces of debris little things floating around totally normal nothing to like if we pointed out every single launch we'd have to sit there and talk about it for 10 minutes because it is in every single launch yeah John again thank you Matthew Cummins it's awesome seeing Elon to answer your questions on Twitter can you ask a lot of whoever be able to see the two-stage deorbit burn the second stage sure but Brendan it's a good question I some of that might you know what I bet that is probably public opinion the the idea that they don't want to let the you know just announced in broadcasting I did it like hey we're now deorbiting this stage is gonna crash back into the into the earth even though it's very controlled and they literally have exclusion zones for the re-entry as well I I just don't think I'm guessing that some of it they don't want just like broadcasting intentionally you know those that no no but no need to create like pandemonium over it fox pup Thank You sandy thank you mike parker great broadcasts it just keeps getting better this has been a one roller coaster of a launch Wow I cannot imagine the emotions from everyone that has been all over this this mission Wow clap thank you Shantanu Pont thank you from India awesome hello in viewers and I will be doing an ISRO video this year I guarantee the reason is a payload deploy they just said gpim deploy confirmed and we actually saw a little bit of confirmation excuse me of deployment of gpim satellite we're now one step closer to changing the way we travel to and around space well T plus one hour twenty seven minutes forty seconds and the hits just keep on coming next up in about four minutes is the deployment of six cosmic to satellites now cosmic two is a partnership between the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration the United States Air Force Cal Tech's Jet Propulsion lab in support of NASA Taiwan's national space organization the United Kingdom Surrey satellite technology limited the Brazil Institute of Space Research and the Australia Bureau of Meteorology well that's a mouthful especially an hour and a half into the webcast well this six satellite constellation will provide next-generation global navigational satellite system radio occultation data now radio occultation data is collected by measuring the changes in a radio signal as its reflected reflected in the atmosphere that means we sample radio signals that have travelled through the atmosphere to measure temperatures and moisture in the Earth's atmosphere layers this will be used to better predict weather events like hurricanes and model long-term climate trends around the world now if you've seen our simulation of the deployment on the SpaceX webpage spacex comm look for STP - we've got a nice video of all the satellite separations you'll notice that the second stage rotates along the roll axis to orient each of the six cosmic satellites for release so the sequence we go through for each satellite the second stage sloughs using cold nitrogen gas thrusters to get to the correct pointing vector and then we command from the flight computer this thing that will release the satellite once that satellite is deployed the flight computer then commands the stage to rotate to the next position and another cosmic satellite is deployed and will repeat this process until all six are separated now currently we're coming up in a little under two minutes for cosmic 2-5 to deploy the numbers are one through six but we don't deploy them in that order the view you can see from space right now just a second ago the SpaceX camera on the backend of the second stage showed the M vac D nozzle extension it's called after its recent second burn and we occasionally vent liquid oxygen out the drain tube to help keep pressure stable in the stage not this view but the other one showed one of those nice pieces of solid oxygen that's oxygen and the vacuum of space it's so cold that is turned into solid it's not a liquid or gaseous oxygen like we breathe that gives it that very fragile-looking Christmas tree look and it's not very hard it's a very fragile substance you'll see those Popoff during the flight and you probably see them going past the camera looking forward from time to time is the stage maneuvers around now currently we're in a three and a half minute maneuver to get to the correct position for the deployments as I mentioned the next deployment comes up it just after 31 and a half minutes one hour 31 and a half minutes into flight so we're gonna wait and look for it now in the view that you can see on your monitor cosmic 2-5 is in the top left of center you can see part of it has a white bottom that should be the cosmic 2-5 satellite that will see deploy coming up here in just over one minute just next to it is another one of the cosmic satellites and then there's a third one also on the right above the one closest to the camera so we should have three good views and there goes the first cosmic satellite satellite five to clickin right on time within a second or so of the time line that was set up days ago so everything looking good now the cosmic satellites as I mentioned are mounted around the dispensed now if you remember again our iridium missions we had two cylinders mounted on top of each other each holding five satellites now the design for FTP 2 has two cylinders that hold the cosmic satellites there are four satellites on the lower cylinder and Nan there are two on the upper cylinder we just saw one of them on the lower cylinder satellite five suffering and of course just like the Iridium mission our camera cannot see all sides of the cylinder so we ate a great view just now in the first cosmic deployment but the next two coming up or out of view may be however during the next 15 minutes as we run a new maneuvering that second stage we might get a glimpse of the larger satellites as the Sun bounces off of them as we head towards evening over the Pacific Ocean so currently next separation coming up in just over two minutes that'll be cosmic 2-6 that one will not be visible from the camera we'll be back to talk about that in a couple of minutes so correct me if I'm wrong I'm pretty sure they did already deploy I'm pretty sure light sail was inside procs one is that correct I saw somebody somebody asked about that another thing too - Michael wiser Thank You chase caudal because you're awesome thank you Homer bloody Simpson people in Darwin might be able to see if the sky is clear I don't know where Darwin is but that's that would be awesome to see it tonight TJ Manko thank you twice CJ 23 sailor that was serving the military are not fans of war either the difference is that we set up when it becomes necessary step up what sorry when it becomes necessary good way to put it Bradley thank you Jeffery Lowe do you think the video feed would be instant if they developed quantum entangled computers also thanks for your broadcasting your knowledge that I don't know that is well outside of my expertise Jeffrey Wow bringing the big questions at 3:00 a.m. I maybe may I have no idea good question that thank you though Sabu's be thanks to my dad for always being on the side of science and technology and turning his adult kids into huge nerds you're the best and we love you dad happy belated Father's Day dang that was a nice little tribute there same booby yeah my dad was the same way my dad was a huge is a huge gearhead and definitely instilled I mean my love of motorcycles and cars and actually he wasn't a big he owned one motorcycle but he wasn't a big fan of me owning about a dozen motorcycles and of having but he definitely got me really interested in cars and things that go fast and mechanics and taking things apart and that was a big part of my childhood was there we go we just had another satellite deploy I'll keep this up because it's pretty cool so yeah awesome so hello to Sat sab Busby and sad Busby's dead reports looking at the telemetry that the cosmic 2-6 satellite successfully deployed now similar to what we do on iridium we've got another two-minute pause we'll be back for cosmic - - to deploy this one also will not be visible from the camera alright I'll keep answering here Nick hi from New Zealand why don't you coming to watch an electron I really that's I want to come we'll be your guys this summer because I think they'd be awesome like sometime like November December January go down when I'm sick of being cold already come watch an electron launch hang out for a week in New Zealand that that's that will happen I want my first electron launch to be in New Zealand though and I'm really afraid I'm going to be too tempted to go watch one when they open up Wallops which will probably be this year so mmm oh look at that you can see that the altitude kind of stage 1 and stage 2 right here that's pretty cool huh Wow anyway yes so count me in come say hi when I'm going to New Zealand green axis Space Agency yeah I don't know what to do about the leave some smart BOTS person figured out how to program it so that yeah I'm sorry about that I there's no I've got filters popped up in Isis radio occultation data by sending signals through the Earth's atmosphere has successfully deployed next up will be cosmic 2-4 that'll be coming up at one minute or one hour 39:57 seconds they go apathy and awake second and we are reporting loss of signal as planned of Hawaii ground station contact with the second stage is we flying further eastward passing now through the Vandenberg ground stations and coming up on the SpaceX ground station in South Texas a little bit later on but for now we've got another couple of minutes south texas and there you heard it the South Texas ground states don't SpaceX is located there has picked up the Falcon Heavy second-stage amazing we'll be back in a couple of minutes when we listen to the deploy of cosmic 2-4 this satellite should be visible it's on the bottom center there just left of center that large satellite that was next to 2-5 when it separated a little while ago we'll be back shortly to watch that deploy all right so we'll keep going here so nan Mary thank you for the content you're welcome thanks for hanging out summit right I apparently forgot to say your name I'm gonna apologize for that I'm sorry some submit some it I'm sorry and hi thank you again right now how was lunch hate missing them live due to work oh yeah this is going to be one you will absolutely have to watch all the way through this is an unforgettable launch with mmm still going on with so many things backed into a single launch no wonder this is easily considered their most difficult launch today I mean just pushing everything to the limits it is crazy Alexander says to me you need to go to Australia before keavy late I'm already been to New Zealand I went to New Zealand and visited rocket lab last year but I didn't go for launch I went to check out their brand new headquarters so unfortunately I already have been to New Zealand before I made it to Australia fourth of the six cosmic two satellites this one hopefully we get a nice view currently the camera cycles between views of the nozzle now we're looking forward and then we should stick with the forward-looking view and hopefully we'll see the satellite that's right front dead center there separate coming up in about 13 seconds meet about 10 seconds to go there it goes cosmic - satellite for deployed confirmed cosmic - satellite for the one we intended is on its way into its own orbit you can see a little bit of that round mounting ring where the satellite was attached to the dispenser it's attached on top of the falcon heavy second stage so next up we've got cosmic two - one that one is on the back side that'll be in three minutes we won't be able to see it and then we'll wrap up with cosmic - - three so we're four down two to go with the cosmic satellites the pea pods have all opened they've deployed their CubeSat the small sets of all deployed so we've got two more cosmics to go and then if you can see at the top left of center that large white flat panel the very last satellite to be deployed next still another couple hours away almost that's the DSX satellite that'll cap off the mission so that one's going to be there for a while but we'll be bringing you that after we get through the third and the fourth burns of the upper stage engine but for now we're going to sit back watch the video from space and prepare for cosmic 2-1 deploy coming up in just over two minutes okay so few more I'm gonna try to get through all these before I go to bed because yeah thank you a Monde Ahmad Vaughn FOID thank you for making your welcome for making content play with Nathan thank you Excalibur how much has been so our to get into our discord is the not commander mission specialist tier just go to patreon is court Channel oh yeah I saw in our discord by the way I did see that there's a little bit of explanation about quantum entanglement again not that I don't trust Trevor says Nick in our discord but yeah quantum computer he says you can't do quantum entanglement data transmissions sure I have no idea I don't have I haven't ever studied any of that enough to even know what that really means what I just said death wish did it fall yes not failed well the center core didn't quite perform expect as hopeful performed about is the expectation of it so green from Master 2.0 it flew over your house jealous Mizuno mark just wanted to say your SpaceX Raptor engine is the best engine video and video on repeat for a week thank you for our awesome and awesome work you Wow thank you miss you know mark that honestly means a lot because yeah I felt like I tried to put all of the effort into that video so I'm really glad to see people are using it as a good resource and and hopefully learning hopefully as much as they ever have about rocket engines because I learned a lot making that video so I'm just glad to see other people are learning as well so that's awesome thank you for watching play with Nathan thank you again James Burke new member hello thank you new Zumo they should rename it mr. hands because it's catching it's true yeah no more mystery d2w studios Congrats and spaces for the first recovering absolutely huge awesome achievement Chris hi from Germany thanks for great channeling effort you're always make would be great if we could use if you cover some of the private unmanned uncrewed moon missions like the alina missions by PT scientists in one of your videos yes yeah but I'll look into it yeah sumit rot yeah we talked about your question earlier and hello again the way we're working it right now is catch one half and I'm gonna learn I want to hear about this just so you know we only intended to catch one half of the fairing the other half did go into the water they did see that the way we're working it right now is catch one half and make sure that you've got that process understood then we'll come back and learn how to do two at a time so right now coming up to plus one hour forty four minutes and 50 seconds everything going well we'll be back for the final deploy of the cosmic satellite shortly as we keep on keeping on yeah I'm actually gonna catch up to real time there we go okay so yeah we talked about that assume it Richard octave grab our fairing catch and all these deployments this is a crazy night great coverage thank you very much Richard it is honestly just plain bonkers mg people you are a patreon but you can in the discord it will automatically dynamically link to your email and your discord channel so just go through double-check your settings in in patreon make sure you're at the right tier and then you will have access automatically I don't have to do anything that's why I do it that way it'll automatically be linked up to discord so hopefully we get that figured out if not message me on patreon some thank you you're welcome and thanks again Nick Nick Perry definitely will say hi you can meet your POG that's awesome I love dogs big fan of dogs good being a good boys you don't want to just pet him oh and we've heard the call out from avionics confirming what we all just got to see you Kosmic 2-3 successfully deployed that makes six for six for the cosmic satellites everything continuing to go well on the deployment sequence now we've had 23 satellites deployed we have just one more to go but to get there we have a couple of second stage engine burns to perform before we're ready to release PSX satellite into space so for now we're entering a 20 minute Coast phase so we're going to take a break but we are leaving you with information that shows where we are in the coast phase and some of that great SpaceX music we'll be back around two plus two hours seven minutes for the third of four ignitions of our second stage engine suite okay I'm just gonna get through this and then I'm going to bed because it is after 3:00 a.m. for me so okay yeah Nick I would love to pet your bug right now glad I was able to stop it and see the confirmation of the fare recovery guess he can finally release that video we're now you're correct I do have a video shot but so much has changed since I just shot that video it's absolute scrap at this point so that video is literally scrapped including that's an old spacesuit video and I no longer wear this spacesuit for many many reasons Comfort being the number-one reason but also just branding and and the tone is kind of change if you haven't noticed my channel the tone has changed a little bit I like to think it's it's more genuine it's a lot more just simple and maybe less abrasive is kind of the tone I'm going for so in order to be I had a lot of people you'd be surprised how many people said why are you wearing that stupid spacesuit you're actually like a child like things like that and to me that I get it because that's obviously something that I wanted to be childish I wanted it to be playful and youthful that's how the art project was there was this manchild in a space you're running around doing crazy ridiculous things but translating that into the educational aspect was maybe a little bit maybe off-putting for some people and just to err on the side of caution and to make sure that the information that I'm trying to teach people isn't behind a you know character and isn't hidden behind what some people would call it a gimmick I found to be more important then then maintaining the spacesuit look and I honestly really enjoy the the way the channels gone lately I feel like it's a lot more professional a lot more I'm just focusing more on the content less about like the gimmicks I guess for myself I take more pride in the work now so looking at an old video of me shooting it in a spacesuit that's how old this video was it was like shot last June talking about how they're going to catch a fairing with with at the time mr. Stephen I mean everything would have to be redone because of how much it didn't even talk about the extending the extent of the arms they I mean they've recovered so much has gone into that I do want to talk about that someday but at this point that's kind of taken away side yeah I don't I don't have any plans to do that anytime soon I do have one particular question that I do want to answer in that video and I can probably tweak the script and reshoot it but yeah I hope that you guys don't mind so alright anyway long rant thank you for now Zef rocks are you planning a sit-down interview with Elon of course I I think he knows that I want to do is sit down with him guys someday in the near future I'm going to just do a final call-out to try to get everyone to like retweet and let's let's see if we can't get him to we don't I want to do I want to challenge him a totally fun silly challenge I want to hear I think he's such a big space nerd I really want to do like a quiz show where everyone asks ahead of time really good high quality space questions and we sit down and we go head to head on just general space trivia about different missions you know maybe what was the most something-something mission yeah and just kind of go I think that would be a fun way to interview him and and talk with him and and just get to know his knowledge of space because he's doing such a good job of answering questions on Twitter these days that it's it's it's absurd I feel like I've learned almost everything I could ever learn short of sitting down and just having a conversation with him so let's get him into an interview someday but I'll let you guys know when and then let's see if we can make that happen but yeah I would love that lea grant thank you for staying up to cover this launch you're welcome thanks for hanging out and his wig T see final Super chat I made it Tim video idea why America should increase funding on space exploration that's another good topic that I yeah I mean it is a top down question but it's it's such an opinion piece I really want hard it's not really an opinion I mean there's a lot of facts behind it but I I wish I could show you guys my list of video ideas it's literally like two Oh not two hundred it's like 75 videos though that I'm trying to get through and it just keeps new stuff comes up all the time so adding something to that list makes me kind of sick but yeah alright thank you guys I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna do a full-blown outro one more friendly reminder if you guys want a chance these shirts are again limited time so get your orders in right now every day astronaut comm slash shop if you want a chance to get some of these shirts before they sell out or utility pouches some of the things that do sell out will not be restocked some of them will be restocked if it's an item that we just aren't done with yet so keep your eyes on this every day ask my comm slash stop again this new full flow stage combust ensure I'm super excited these will ship mid July they have like it extra cool little sewn on patch and stuff just steppin it up just a little bit I'm really excited for that and again also thank you again to my patreon supporters and my discord channel you guys stayed up with me I love you guys as some of you guys even were at the launch Oh Flo wants to know of course about the Starman hoodies they're in the store there's a little bit of an issue that happened in manufacturing that we're taking care of these will be the death of me yes I ordered thousands of dollars for the Starman hoodies that was in some dollars for the star manatees and I can't sell them yet so patience on those I'll tell you guys about it in discord I'll tell you guys all about it we'll do that tomorrow Lisa I'm going to bed right now so again thank you to my patreon supporters for hanging out with me and for everything and a lots more to come so stay tuned alright guys that's gonna do it for me I'm Tim Dodd the everyday astronaut bringing space down to earth for everyday people great job SpaceX huge crazy rollercoaster of a mission good luck on the rest of mission tonight I'm going to bed though I will see what happens in the morning all right adios bye everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Everyday Astronaut
Views: 601,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SpaceX Falcon Heavy Launch, SpaceX launch, Rocket launch live, Spacex Falcon heavy STP-2 launch, lightsail 2, SpaceX Air Force, STP-2, Stp-2 launch, live falcon heavy, falcon heavy, SpaceX launch live at night, live spacex, tim dodd, everyday astronaut, spacex falcon heavy landing, rocket booster landing, reused falcon heavy, falcon heavy used booster, falcon heavy landing mission, falcon heavy explosion, falcon heavy crash, fairing catch, ms tree
Id: Vp-bX61xID4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 40sec (8920 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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