Do you speak Draconic? | r/DnDGreentext [#123]

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just because your character speaks draconic doesn't mean you understand what the dragon is saying i was playing a hulk dragon alright guys scaredy hey here welcome to another dmd green text video before jumping into this video i want to say that i hope you're doing great today and if you would be so kind as to leave a like in the comment in the video to help it with the engagement and help it do better on youtube it would be very much appreciated and with that being said i hope you enjoyed the video aenon didn't see on an 18. stupid disease i moved down an empty stone hallway gm asks for a perception roll 18 total i step on a bear trap and take damage was the bear trap concealed part of the floor nope he was just here on the ground so my character was blind enough to step on a bear trap while going down a well-lit empty hallway with 18 perception gm says that dc was 20 and he doesn't make the rules what we were playing pathfinder first edition and he was technically correct but god it seems so dumb have you guys also encountered stupid disease or fallen prey to such disease because of by the book dms um yeah this seems really odd i don't know also there's a comment you can pause if you want to read that i'm going to read it but basically i don't think the dc should have been 20 for that trap even 15 honestly like considering the bear trap was really in clear sight even 15 seems like it would have been much but anyway weird choices from the dm don't do that maybe this bolt is not for you i played the pacifist bard for an all day one shot once it was fun if you don't mind rolling a lot less dice and doing nothing during a session but rp it can work i enjoyed myself more for the group i played with than the character but he had one trait i liked he had joined the party with the intent of chronicling their journey so that he might get famous from singing their song he feared that his long time rival had similar intentions and so despite his pacifist ways he bought a crossbow with a single bolt it never occurred to him that missing could be an issue what i didn't reveal was that i also had brought a nerf gun with a single dart to the game so when his rival appeared intent on completing his scheme i slowly reached the table and then quickly drew the nerf gun and shut the dm from across the table i think that's still the only kill i've never rolled for would not kill deadly creatures kills a rival artist sounds like a very disturbing moral compass it sounds like a regular artist to me fellow artists are abominations to be eradicated unless they pollute your truth which is the only acceptable version of events op doesn't know how to run a sandbox how do i run a sandbox game players want a sandbox game they don't go through the effort to create a backstory that gives them a goal give them multiple quests so they can choose what they want to do i'm not sure what we're supposed to do next what am i a bad dm or are they players should i just teleport them to the other side of the continent so they have a clear and concise goal of getting home okay i get it there's a reply i've been trying to understand this reply um i mean it's just quoting the question from the dm guy there's a small gear for picture i don't know but i think it says both i think it says both on the caption but it's so small i guess that's why it's called el dorado for ants that give but jesus it's really i dragon can't speak dragon what's the worst case of dm fiat you have ever experienced just because your character speaks draconic doesn't mean you understand what the dragon is saying i was playing a hulk dragon yeah you're speaking the wrong half of the language only uses words from the other half just take the supplies i'm having horrible work flashbacks because of you first session with new group a few years ago local monastery hiring to get rid of nearby forest from threatening bandits the party accepts goes in the woods gets the bandits and returns monks offer payment in provisions one player insists on getting money despite the place being consistently described as poor backwater all of the time for two sessions eventually antagonize the monks who just throw the bag with provisions and shut the gates provokes attack by throwing a firebolt at the gate drags the rest of the party into it since they are new and rather than reign him in they follow his idiotic combat decision i make the idiotic mistake of going with him the game devolves into the worst kind of dungeon crawl where they go through the entire monastery they were supposed to help and kill everyone inside they still end up with nothing but provisions and a bunch of religious books after slaying nearly 30 random people everyone is butthurt the only person wounded and even dead is the guy who started the combat he's pissy about it for the next 3 months aenon kills a cat evil character shenanigans before ever diem playing in a fifth edition one shot decide to bring a neutral evil wizard genius character to an otherwise good neutral party cliche child prodigy backstory became a university professor at 18 and wants to get rich and rule over his own floating island city others are orc bard gnome or kane trickster and half elf ranger lord's daughter has been allegedly kidnapped and we are promised we each get our weight in gold if we bring her back safely sounds racist but okay we investigate the girl's bed chamber we find nothing but some weird dried clay or mud on the floor the kidnappers had been previously traced to the edge of a dark forest big brain time.x i make a wild guess and save must have been hugs into the woods we go find the hut i send my barn old familiar down the chimney all immediately gets clawed to death that cost me 10 gold pieces ranger sends this troll nearby so we decide to go inside the hut there is a fat orange cat in front of the fireplace we're talking real wholesome reddit moment chunker it belongs to an old lady living in the hut the others start to gently interrogate her my sister is in the woods picking mushrooms for us my back is killing me so i stayed here good idea i start to passive-aggressively talk the old lady into letting me massage her back she repeatedly declines despite the fact that she probably hasn't felt the touch of a young and relatively handsome man in ages i insist that we help her out in some way she tells us that we can help with a pile of firewood outside tell the boys to get to work this lady needs our help tell them i'll keep an eye on the cat it would be a shame if it got hurt from getting too close to that axe bart starts chopping i try to subtly sp the cat outside animal handling check fails create a minor illusion hamster to lure the cat out cat gets baited grab the cat with mage hand and yitz that under the axe bard barely avoids splitting the dumbass cat's coal jesus man what the [ __ ] why children down what the hell it's just a cat i don't think it meant to kill your familiar just to you know be annoying or something you just oh god jesus christ the others freak out gnome tries to snatch it from me barely fails before i yank the cat back towards myself i get out my utility knife and attempt to slice the cat's throat natural 20 sweet revenge cat suddenly turns into a green hug old lady in the hut is also a hag ok he just got lucky man jesus christ i mean my me being annoyed the moment ago is still valid because he didn't kill them because they didn't want to kill the cat because he knew it was a hag just was annoyed at the owl thing right cat suddenly turns into a green hag old lady in the hut is also a hag my face when i quote unquote predicted there will be hags we beat them up and tie them up my face when they tell us they sold stealth potions to a guy about a week ago and they know where he currently is we find the missing girl in a cave turned house turns out she staged her kidnapping with her lover party is moved except me i'm here for the gold god damn it tell them the girl should come back with us and pretend that we saved her from kidnappers we could get the goal from her father and then later sneak back and kidnap her for real unite her with her lover and the gnome can forge them new identities girl is suspicious why should we trust you that you will save me we don't really have a choice do we no not really my face when she agrees and follows the plan my face when we get the gold i could have just easily left with the money but chose to save the girl so that i have some connections and leverage later and to thank the lord for giving my skinny ass less golden york reasonable i feel like a fair way would have been to give you your weight in gold like combine the whole party and then distribute equally to everyone also the title was kind of a lie because it wasn't actually a cat scientifically explaining magic technology is used as a channel to use electricity instead of mana to power spells any ideas for decent technobabble on how that would work this kinda reminds me of one of my players he joined in my group about a month after we started he wanted to play a wizard or sorcerer whose main goal was to research the possibility that magic was not mystical but just defect or adaptation brought upon by genetics environment and or sudden mutations in cells i felt it was an interesting theory and would somewhat explain how some races and creatures are more adept in magic than others i also thought it could explain how sorcerers could attain magic naturally through either events or heritage unfortunately the guy tried using this excuse to justify that his spells couldn't be stopped by the spell magic or magic resistance because i'm not using magic it's a natural ability i had to kick him from the group still i like the idea though oh man i'm sorry i'm sorry horrible player but at least you got a nice idea to keep from that experience new player permanently disabled himself be me dm been at me fighter warlock paladin and bard the party had just entered into black market poker game in the sewers of a town while they were looking to make some easy money they had no clue about the black market part and thought it was just a cool secret poker game bart and paladin decide to be the poker player and bodyguard while fighter and warlock are just guests the warlock and fighter are led to a back room where they are promptly captured and locked away behind the secret stonewall they have yet to realize that they are the entrance fee okay poker game goes well and the bar there's a lot of money they decide to cheat to earn more and are caught bar fight answers meanwhile the fighter and warlock escape through a drainage tunnel and go to the rescue of other players having learned the secret plot of the poker game fighter and warlock come face to face with the bouncer an absolute powerhouse goliath warlock tries to talk it out with him before the fighter interrupts and starts attacking the warlock sneaks away and joins the bar fight while the fighter and the bouncer wrestle i roll a natural 20 on an attack roll for the bouncer and he breaks the fighter's arm the fighter then gets a brilliant idea to reap his broken arm and beat the bouncer with it um okay heavy metal that then before i warned him about it at first but the fighter was adamant needless to say the fighter lost the battle and is now permanently crippled his fighting stance is too weapon fighting ah jesus christ man what the [ __ ] was he thinking i mean that would have been an epic moment if maybe i know you would have made it somehow that he would have win he would win the fight just for purely for the creativity of it uh but anyway yeah i don't know has this ever happened to any of you because this was a first to me i don't think this happened i don't think this is something common okay anyway on that note we're gonna end this video here guys so thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed it please leave a like if you did and subscribe for more if you haven't already also thank you to everyone supporting channel on patreon links below if you want to check that out or if you want to check out any social media i joined the discord server or the subreddit and yeah that's it thanks again for watching and i'll see you next time have a great day bye
Channel: SkyDieRay
Views: 39,825
Rating: 4.9568567 out of 5
Keywords: skydieray, dnd stories, dnd greentext stories, dndgreentext, dnd greentext, skydieray dnd, dungeons and dragons, d&d, d&d stories, dnd stories 4chan, d&d stories 4chan, dnd stories reddit
Id: 2BUlNm2JtiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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