Do you really Love God with all Your Heart? Judge Yourself. - Zac Poonen

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e is gonna happen because of two things or let's say three things there are four lovers mentioned in second Timothy 3 verse 1 to 4 read carefully there are four lovers mentioned in second Timothy 3:1 to 4 one is lovers of self and lovers of money verse 2 the third is lovers of pleasure and the fourth is lovers of God so in contrast two lovers of God which we all should be there are three forces that are going to take us away from loving God what did Jesus say the love of many will wax cold because lawlessness is going to increase what is it that's going to increase this lawlessness because it says here in verse five people will still hold to a form of godliness that means they will still come to church they'll believe fundamental evangelical doctrine they will say they are born-again but they don't have the power they don't have the power verse 2 to overcome self-love of self they don't have the power to overcome the love of money they don't have the power to overcome the love of pleasure you need power do you know that you need the part of the Holy Spirit to overcome the love of yourself you can't put yourself to death without the power of the Holy Spirit do you know you need the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome the love of money some of you have been trying to overcome it but you need the power of the Holy Spirit to do it love of pleasure ease and comfort you cannot overcome it without the power of the Holy Spirit so here it's speaking about people who will still keep a form of godliness but they don't have the power how do we know they don't have the part because they love self they get offended they seek their own they accuse others they put down others and they love money behind many of their actions and decisions is the love of money that guides their decisions and actions which they put a spiritual whitewash over and thirdly they love pleasure they are more interested in spending time watching television than reading the Bible entertainment entertainment the great god entertainment they say but it's clean entertainment it's just the news and all that fine okay and then there are lovers of God those lovers of God become lovers of God because they fight against the love of self and fight against the love of money and fight against the love of pleasure through the part of the Holy Spirit Jesus said in the last days the love of many will become cold you can ask yourself my dear brothers do you remember the days when you were first born again think back to those days he said I'm not gonna watch movies anymore I'm not going to do this and I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna read the Bible every day my day will begin with the Bible do you remember those days when you were first saved how is it now as the love of self comfort pleasure money taking you away from the love for God we can sing so many wonderful songs to the Lord it's like a story I heard I mean it's another true story a young man was telling a girl I love you so much I'll cross oceans and climb mountains and come through barbed wire and all to see you next week I'll try and see you if it doesn't rain it's like that so many wonderful things we say but when it comes to the crunch it's a little difficult dear brothers and sisters ask the further part of the Holy Spirit the most important thing we need in 2007 sir 18 is to be filled with the Holy Spirit not just one experience years ago I pray to be fruit of the Holy Spirit every single day when I get up to speak I pray for the gift of prophecy otherwise I know I'm wasting time Lord without the part of the Holy Spirit I no matter how much I progressed will degenerate in this year to loving myself and though I think I'm free from the love of money I'll begin to love money and I'll begin to love pleasure and I'll go back into habits that I gave up I hope that doesn't happen to any of you seek for the power of the Holy Spirit determined to be a lover of God where love for Jesus becomes supreme from that will flow love for others love for others is not the first message in the gospel no the first commandment is not love your neighbour sometimes people try to show their love for others but they don't love the Lord the reason why I seek to be very strict in the church is because I'll tell you it's not because I don't love you folks it's because I love God more than you the one I love most in this room is my wife but I love Jesus more than her and I will always do that she will never be first she'll always be second and I will never love any of you more than I love Jesus Christ and his body the church and I'm willing to offend every one of you hurt every one of you rebuke every one of you correct every one of you even if you get offended with me even if you leave CFC because they love Jesus more I'm gonna be a lover of God from that love for God I love others so remember that don't let your love for people become more important than your love for Jesus Christ the love of many will wax cold the most important thing for us is to grow in love for Christ I pray that the end of this year or every day of this year your love for Jesus of growing more and more and more true holiness is growing in love I'll show you that in closing 1 Thessalonians in chapter 3 1 Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 12 and 13 1 Thessalonians 3 verse 12 and 13 may the Lord cause you to increase and abound in love for one another which comes through God first and then for all people first to the church and then for others just as we do for you why so that so that he can establish your heart without blame in holiness before God at the coming of a Lord Jesus Christ he's talking about the second coming that when Jesus comes at his second coming our hearts must be established without blame in holiness so what is holiness it is to abound in love for one another and it says here so that if you want your heart to be unblameable in holiness abound in love so it's essentially when God says he wants us to be holy it is to love Jesus with all heart and allow others true holiness is to love Jesus fervently and love others it's not just avoiding dirty things a lot of people avoid dirty things for other reasons but when you love Jesus you'll avoid dirty things because you love Jesus so don't concentrate on overcoming pornography first over concentrate on loving Jesus first and that will go then you will see sin is good to use word pictures Jesus used word pictures like salt light seed here is a word picture of pornography pornography is watching pornography is like putting your mouth in a toilet bowl and licking it not a flushed toilet ball but a toilet that has not been flushed and you're licking it with your tongue that is watching pornography if you want to do it you can do it but you got to be crazy if you see a man putting his head into an unflushed toilet and licking it he's got to be crazy and that is what watching pornography is there are people who call them the Christians who do it you know sometimes these word pictures help us to eat what we are doing and I'm just trying to help you to see it's madness you're off your head if you're licking the toilet bowl which is not being flushed even if it has been flushed may God help us to see holiness comes out of love for Jesus if I love Jesus with all my heart I cannot possibly want to see a naked woman you'll be happy with your wife he won't want to see some poor girl to make money stripping your clothes on and you watch that on the computer screen or your phone don't call yourself a Christian don't take a Christian name change your name to some other heathen name so that the name of Jesus is not dishonored take it seriously this year you've struggled with it now struggle to love Jesus and to love Jesus you need only two things I've often said about it meditate on how much he loved you how much he suffered of being separated from the father and suffering eternal hell for three hours on the cross meditate on that and meditate on he was forgiven much loves much how much you have been forgiven that's all meditate on how much Jesus loved you and how much you've been forgiven think back to your past life and how much he forgave you and he covered up all the wicked things he did people sitting here don't even know 1% of the evil you did in your unconverted days or even after you were converted thank God for that be good to others also like that don't uncover all their nakedness before people you who have a lust to gossip and speak evil of people to others think if God exposed all the things you did in your past days to everybody here how would you feel think of that God's being merciful to you be merciful to others look Jesus supremely and love one another because in the last days that's going to decrease a lot he who has ears to hear let him hear as much bow our heads in prayer just tell the Lord Lord I want to get a hundred percent in the final day I don't want forty percent I don't even want ninety-nine percent I want a hundred percent and I'm gonna judge myself rightly from this day by the grace of God I'm gonna concentrate on the power and not the form of godliness I've had the form of godliness for many years I want the power Lord I don't want to go around advising other people I want to judge myself that's more important
Channel: A True Christian
Views: 2,000
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Do You want to overcome sin? then Love God with all Your Heart, Life of the people who love God, Best church in Bangalore, best church near hennur, best English church in Bangalore, church where we get
Id: cP0eOtaX89U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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