Fellowship with God Before Fellowship with Each Other - Zac Poonen - April 3, 2019

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[Music] I want to begin with reading 1 John and chapter 1 whenever you read 1 John [Music] please remember that this is a man who is 95 years old and had seen the development of Christianity over a period of 65 years and he'd seen how it started on the day of Pentecost with such a mighty revival and then he saw the condition of the churches in his day which is what we read in Revelation chapter 2 and 3 many of them in a very backslidden condition five out of the seven churches were so bad that the Lord was going to withdraw himself from their midst and that's just 40 50 years after Paul and the others had planted those churches it shows how easy it is for a church to decline from the original vision of the Apostles who planted that church and that's a warning for us that it doesn't matter who planted our church or who teaches in our church it's very easy for a church to decline in fact Paul told the church in Ephesus in acts 20 after just three years he believed that the decline is going to start as soon as he leaves not 40 years in three years Paul said I've been here three years and I warned you day and night imagine listening to Paul every day for three years boy that didn't mean a tremendous privilege you'd think they'd be the most spirit people on the face of the earth and while Paul was there he says that the Wolves could not come in but the moment he left he prophesied the wolves are going to come in it was not a prophecy really it was a warning there's a difference between a prophecy and a warning a prophecy is this will happen to you but what Paul said was I fear the wolves will come in and - the warning that they should be careful and even the elders themselves were going to be divided and draw disciples after them now you cannot believe that people listen to Paul for three years and end up like that at the end as soon as Paul goes there backslidden and allow all the wolves to come in and bring all types of maybe sin wrong doctrine and the elders themselves seek their own and draw disciples after them it shows how corrupt the flesh is and we can sit in the best church in the world I think if Paul was in Ephesus for three years that must have been the best Church in the world at that time and certainly when you read the letters of Paul Ephesians is the most spiritual letter so it was the best Church in that declined in three years soon as Paul left and by the time you come 40 years later in Ephesians 2 the letter to Ephesus in Revelation - it's so bad that the Lord says I'm withdrawing myself these things are written for our warning and instruction so john saw this he's writing this letter after seeing all these things he saw how the apostles planted the churches and and he's very concerned and I think when if John were living today and he looked around at a lot of churches which have probably started out very well think of a godly man like John Wesley one of the most godly men that ever lived in Christianity but look at the condition of the churches he planted today most of them gone into all types of strange doctrines and not born again etc so John what would John preached as a church today if he saw this these dangerous happening all over that's what we must bear in mind when we read this letter and then you read the whole letter you notice that a lot of things that are emphasized by many preachers today John does not emphasize after watching Christianity developed for 65 years he's 95 years old he doesn't speak one word about speaking in tongues not one word a lot of people think today that that is the answer to everything he doesn't speak one word about healing the sick I must have been a lot of sick people among the Christians those days and not one word about it he's in God's Word supposed to meet our need yeah John knew that but if he had four or five pages to write he's gonna write the most important things he doesn't even write much about church pattern and organization and things like that should we call the leaders pastors or elders I think everybody was called elders those days so that question didn't arise but many things like this which people major on he doesn't speak one word about prosperity there were many poor believers in the first century he doesn't preach about them so when you look around and see what is being preached in Christendom today you can say that John wouldn't agree with all that he talks about fellowship on John 1 verse 1 what was from the beginning what we have heard what we've seen with our eyes what we have looked at touched upon our hands of concerning the word of life that life was manifested he's talking about Jesus remember when you read this read from the beginning he's talking about Jesus what was from the beginning or who was from the beginning we have heard him we have seen him with our own eyes we have looked at him and touched with our hands this word of life this person who was a word of life and this life was manifested to us and we have seen and testified and proclaimed to you this eternal life which was with the father and was manifested to us and what we have seen and heard in that life is what we are proclaiming to you and the purpose of that the purpose of preaching Jesus is so that you may have fellowship with us and our Fellowship is with the father so he's speaking about twofold fellowship with the father and with one another and with his son Jesus Christ and we are writing these things to you so to your joy may be made full I believe that inner joy is one of the tests of whether we are living in the father's presence or not whether we are in full fellowship with the father the kingdom of God we're told in Romans 14:17 is righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit there was righteousness in the Old Testament it what it was not mingled with peace and joy in the Holy Spirit if people had righteousness in the Old Testament it included a lot of tension and they didn't have victory over grumbling and complaining and things like that but the New Covenant righteousness is with peace and joy in the Holy Spirit and Psalm 16:11 says in God's presence is fullness of joy the only way to have fullness of joy is if we dwell in the presence of God and that was possible only after being filled with the Holy Spirit that's why they couldn't have it in the Old Testament that's why he says here he says it's fellowship with the father and with one another that makes our joy full so joy is one of the tests joy and peace righteousness peace and joy in the holy spirit peace and joy are two of the tests by which we know we are in fellowship with the father it's very important you know like doctors check your blood pressure and your blood sugar level two important tests that they check what's your blood pressure like what's your blood sugar level like because a lot of your health depends on these two in the same way we must check our joy level in our peace level to find out if we are spiritually healthy and we should be more concerned if those two things drop then if our blood pressure goes higher blood sugar level goes high where it can be so concerned about these earthly things that did show us what our health is like and not be as concerned about these indicators of our spiritual health with his his righteousness coupled with peace and joy in the Holy Spirit so we really appreciate I believe in this church fellowship with one another but the danger is what you have read in this booklet of Santos's on the country club in the church I don't think this church is in danger of becoming a congregation but there's a real danger of becoming a club and not a church because fellowship among us can be so good and we can say yeah we had a good relationship we have no tension against anybody we are happy to meet together we look forward to meeting together what about your relationship with God if it's only to be happy that we can come together and meet with one another we're not careful about our conscience we're not checking our joy level in our peace level we're gonna be a club we can know the theory of it what is a club and what is the church but not realize that we ourselves could be in that condition my fellowship with human with my fellow believers is always to be secondary to my fellowship with the Father and Jesus Christ I followed that principle for many many years and it's helped me a lot I mean it's helped me in my ministry where people get offended with what I say where sometimes I've had to discipline people or in the church okay they get hurt with me I'll get offended that's fine but I have to maintain my fellowship with the father I don't care what this guy thinks about me and if my fellowship with some brother is broken I have to see if my fellowship with my father is okay then I'm alright see if I don't anything to break this fellowship because not everyone is going to have equal fellowship with us Jesus had closed her fellowship with three of his disciples more than with the others so we will have closer fellowship with some more than others why is that if it is due to a human factor that we are the same type of people were same culture or same language or same intellectual level that's human that's a club but I have found through the years through all these 40 years of planning churches that I have closer fellowship but some brothers in CFC churches than with others even in Bangalore itself where I live my fellowship is closer with some than with others and I was comforted by the fact that it was like that with Jesus he preached to the crowd that is the outer circle and then he had a small group of 70 disciples and then inside that was another smaller circle of 12 disciples and inside that was another smaller circle of 11 disciples and inside that was another still smaller circle of three disciples Peter James and John and I'm amazed sometimes when I see Jesus going with just with Peter and James and John to certain places when he went up to the Mount of Transfiguration he knew what is gonna happen there Moses and Elijah is gonna come down and them his glory will be manifested I mean wouldn't all the other eleven all the eleven have been happy to see that sure he's eleven knew that that was gonna happen there there's a we want to be there too we want to see Moses Elijah we want to see your glory why did he take only three and another place I read that when he was going to pray for Jairus his daughter who was sick it says he put the other this happened out of the heart out of the room can you imagine that okay eight eight nine of you go outside it's only Peter John and James are gonna be here to pray with me how would you feel if you wore one of the nine pushed out and Jesus praying inside with just three of them put yourself in that place and see how you would Jesus didn't care what people thought about him he did what the father told him and he was closer to certain disciples and gave them certain privileges like I mean I think it was a tremendous privilege to go up to the Mount of Transfiguration and see the glory of Jesus there boy I'd have been delighted to see Moses Elijah or to be in that inner circle praying for the raising of Jairus daughter from the dead would you like to be in that there is a degree of fellowship that Jesus had with some that he doesn't have with everyone and that's been true throughout these 2,000 years and if your fellowship with Jesus is closer your fellowship will be closer with other people who are also living in that close fellowship with Jesus it's not that we don't fellowship with others I think Jesus loved the eleven he he loves all of us and he wants to have fellowship with all of us and he wants to have the same degree of fellowship with every one of us that he had with Paul or Peter or John but he will not force himself that's the point it is we who decide what degree of fellowship we want with him so it's not he who decides that it was not Jesus who decided about Peter James and John and the others it was they those disciples there were things in their life that Jesus could discern and it is because of the choices they were making that Jesus could discern in their lives that made him say okay my fellowship is going to be closer with Peter James and John there was zero partiality in that we must remember that today as well there is zero partiality if the Lord is closer to some of his disciples than others it's entirely due to that person if I'm not as close to the Lord as brother X it's entirely due to me the Lord has no partiality hmm never never accuse God of partiality that's one thing he doesn't have it's entirely due to me why can't I be one of that inner circle close to him you're on earth is there a longing it's all everything depends on longing Jesus always used to say if any man thirst let him come to me think of those phrases he used if any man thirst that means such a desperate longing I'm thirsting for water boy my mouth is dry am dying for water that type of thirst and then Jesus said also you can't all come to me come to me those who are weary and heavy-laden and my paraphrase of that verse Matthew 11:28 is Jesus come to me those who are sick and tired of your own defeated life to me that's a very good paraphrase I believe the right meaning of that those of you who are sick and tired of your defeated life come to me I'll give you rest you will not have that turmoil in your heart you will come to victory but are you sick and tired of your defeated life are you sick and tired that you're so losing your temper are you sick and tired of the fact that now and then you speak a little rudely to your husband or your wife okay you do it but it's not a serious sin but are you sick and tired of it do you go before God after that and say Lord I'm fed up with myself again I did that I've been longing so much to be free from it but I just don't seem to be free Lord I'm singing that I'd do something for me Jesus come to me there is no partiality with him all what thirst he can come drink of the water of life we all who are sick and tired of that defeated life can come and the Lord will draw near to them and then our fellowship with the father becomes closer but Jesus becomes closer and then eternal life we are able to lay hold of more of eternal life turn to 1 Timothy 6 in 1 Timothy 6 Paul says verse 12 fight the good fight of faith and take hold of eternal life how do we understand that phrase is Paul telling Timothy to be born again see a lot of people we say you accept Christ as your Savior you're born again you get it on a life so he's Paul telling Timothy everything you must be born again no Timothy was born again 25 years before this he got this letter and a man who's been born again and wholehearted and faithful co-worker of Paul for 25 years Paul tells him hey take hold of eternal life we need to understand what that means fight that good fight of faith and thus take hold of internal life so what is the fight of faith lead me to the purpose of fighting the good fight of faith is to lay hold of eternal life it's not wrestling with the devil like a lot of people have got wrong concepts about wrestling with the devil Satan is a defeated foe I don't wrestle with the devil at all why do you have to wrestle with someone who's been defeated I resist him the Bible doesn't say resist wrestled with the devil says resist the devil and he will flee from you he's not wrestling and overcome him and then he'll go away no he was overcome 2000 years ago Lord of long concepts we have God because we read things in Christian magazines or wrestling in prayer for what to wrestle with the devil no the Bible says in James 4 saundra submit to God and resist the devil you don't have to wrestle with him he'll flee from you because he was defeated 2000 years ago you got to stand on the victory of Christ so I fight the good fight of faith to lay hold of eternal life it's my lusts in my flesh that I have to fight and overcome they are not finished with they are very much alive the devil is defeated the ages ago turn to John 17 where Jesus defined eternal life here is the clearest definition of eternal life in the whole Bible so when a person receives Christ I don't tell him hey you got it on life the purpose of receiving Christ is that we might have eternal life but what we forget is that there's a growth in eternal life this is eternal life John 17:3 that they may know you the Father knowing the father is a growing process we know the father more and more and more and more and know Jesus Christ whom you have sent the Father the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent to know the the only true God means the one who has a right to have absolute authority over every area of my life that's what the word god means no you father the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent this is eternal life and the more I know God the more I know Jesus the more I have eternal life that's what Paul is telling Timothy lay hold of eternal life so those who are passionate to lay hold of eternal life like that will understand this fellowship because turn back now to 1 John 1 he says in verse 2 this life was manifested in Christ 1 John 1:2 and we have seen and testify and proclaim to you that eternal life that is a life of Jesus the eternal life which is with the father manifested to us and that we can have it's not living forever no people who go to hell live forever that's not eternal life a lot of people think you don't like me is living forever no that is living eternally that's not eternal life eternal life is running out of the length of life or the quality of life living for eternity is length of life but eternal life is a quality it's the life of God and that was manifested in a human body in Jesus Christ and the wonderful message of the gospel is that that life of God can now be manifested in this body which has got a sinful flesh amazing miracle and the Holy Spirit can manifest the goodness and the patience of God and the forgiving attitude of God and the mercy of God and the love of God towards evil people through my body through my words through the way I look at people with my eyes the purity that there is nice you know the Bible speaks about haughty eyes I don't know you've seen that phrase in Proverbs pride is something that dwells in the heart all sin is in the heart originally but you know it can come forth through the tongue out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks anger dwells in the heart of a fool the Bible says but it comes out through his mouth jealousy can be in the heart it and come out to the mouth and pride is in the heart - it can be manifested in the words we speak but it also says in proverbs 6:17 well 16 first proverbs chapter 6 in verse 16 there are six things which the Lord hates 7 that are an abomination to him number 1 proud eyes his pride in the eyes it's in the heart but it comes forth in our language the way we talk can even be manifested in our mannerisms we treat other people and in our eyes there's one thing we can't change we can't change our eyes purity for example see impurity in a man's eyes many women are sensitive to that I believe women should be sensitive with young girls growing up should be sensitive to impurity in a boy's eyes otherwise they're in danger and God has made it such that you can see impurity in a person's eyes you go to all women should steer clear of such men even if they are in the church and that impurity comes forth in the eyes because that person has been indulging in a lot of impurity in his heart or watching things that are impure or you know you can't hide it now the thing is most people may not have discernment so they don't see that impurity but is there in the same way pride there was a very godly man in India he died about 90 years ago his name was seducin they're saying he among all the Indians that I've ever heard of he was the most godly man that India's ever produced and of course he died long before I was born but I've heard from people who have met him I mean men who have died now but who met him who heard him and saw him in some meeting or church that the thing that impressed them the most because he was dressed very simply very very simple clothes and but that's not what impressed them the most when they said that when they saw him his eyes were the purest eyes they'd ever seen anywhere he'd spent so many years looking at his Savior a man of Prayer man who spent a long time alone with the Lord that it came forth in his eyes so it affects many parts of our body our tongue our eyes eternal life is within but it becomes manifest I think there was something in the eyes of Jesus that drew sinful people to him you see one would think that a sinful person should be more comfortable by going to other sinful people I mean if you're a dirty person you'd like to be with dirty people you feel sort of comfortable with them but these sinners in Jesus time they didn't want to go to the Pharisees but they went to Jesus who was a million times holier than all the other people on earth his holiness did not drive away sinners there was something attractive about Jesus even though he was the holiest person who walked on earth and I think it was in his eyes there was purity and compassion and humility like I was saying on Sunday he could look at a five times divorced woman who was sleeping with somebody who's not even her husband with compassion and even user to preach the gospel to other Samaritans I see that eternal life is so different from what we understand of religiosity religious Christianity is not spirituality we have to beware of it there's a religious version of Christianity that we can absorb with all the right doctrines and the right way of behavior but eternal life is something very different it's an inner thing that comes with a close walk with God that's the only way to have it it's not by following all the rules that a church has you know don't do this and don't do this and avoid these things No it's by inner walk with God and that is by first of all the first step to that is keeping our conscience radically pure extremely pure taking every whisper of conscience sometimes conscience shouts okay we listen to that what about those little whispers of conscience which means it wasn't such a serious thing but the conscience says that tone in which you spoke to that person was not kind that's a whisper it's not a it's not a shout of conscience saying hey you are angry or you told a lie no no those are shouts of conscience the gentle whisper of conscience that tone was not exactly right and we had to be particularly careful about that in with those we are most familiar with husband wife relationships it's not what we say you may say all the right things but the tone with which we speak listen to the whispers of conscience and your fellowship with the father will become better and better and better and you'll experience eternal life and it's a wonderful thing that's God's goal is that that eternal life must be manifested through us through our eyes through our tongue through our actions and it's not something where to put on when we come to church service or put on when we meet other believers it's there all the time when we are in the midst of ungodly people in the office or when everybody on the road is fed up with the delays and traffic and eternal life is there within us it's wonderful to have this and it's not by a lot of struggle it's by little choices we make in our will I choose to say no to that I choose to die in this situation did somebody speak something rude to you no no what I choose to die I want to have the reaction of a dead man to this insult that I was given by this person or I want to have the reaction of a dead man to this statement made by this person even at home I refuse to be suspicious that he said that to hurt me or she said that to hurt me know dead people don't think like that if they did say that to hurt me well that's between them and God that's not my business maybe I'm wrong maybe they did say that to hurt me but I don't want to think like that I'm a dead man I'm not here to pass judgment on why he said it if I choose the way of death to self the promises if we die with him we shall live with him that's a wonderful promise if you don't know where it is it's in second Timothy I like to remember these promises of Scripture because that's the one thing that's more certain than some good Bank probably seem to keep your money the promises of Scripture if we die with him we shall this is what as 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 11 we die with him we will also live with him absolutely certain if I choose that we have death that eternal life will be manifesting and then what will happen is then our fellowship with each other will become deeper it's not a question of spending a lot of time together it's like I often said these two hands work together not because they're always hanging around with each other holding each other and for when do I hold my hands together how do you ever it's because each hand is connected to the head in perfect connection that both hands can work together when you're lifting a table or playing the piano or anything it's the connection to the head but when the connection of the head is broken like one hand is paralyzed when you have to lift it up lift it up it's connection of the head is gone you can hold your hands of the paralyzed hand like this won't work together and the connection with the head is gone and that's what I found you know in India sometimes at a conference I meet a brother whom I saw last year and never met during that whole year and almost immediately I find I have wonderful close fellowship with him more than some people who are in my local church who might see every Sunday reason he's walking in the light with the father and so am i and when we meet there's an immediate connection not a social friendship no a fellowship which is very different from friendship because of that vertical connection he has with the father with the head and I have with the head and we never met each other for one year but when we meet its glorious fellowship so that is the way to prevent this church from ever becoming a club you have a responsibility dear brothers and sisters and it's but for you to walk with God yourself that's why John goes on later to say in 1 John 2 and verse 6 it's the only place in the entire Bible where we are told to walk as Jesus walked 1 John 2:6 if you say you're abiding in Christ you must walk in the same way he walked in the same manner as he walked we must read scripture exactly nowhere in the bible does it say we must have the same ministry that Jesus had nowhere yet that's what many people are preaching today jesus healed the sick so we'll go out and heal the sick there are so many of these crazy people have put YouTube videos saying how they go out into the streets and just pray for anybody and heal them of some leg that's not long enough for all the deception that goes on today it's not having the same ministry he had no nobody can have the ministry Jesus had nobody gonna have the ministry Paul had nobody can have the ministry Peter or John had have the ministry you have you can't have the ministry I have it's like saying the year can do what the I can do no it cannot it can have the same life the hand the year the lake all have the same life but they can't have the same ministry so don't confuse walking as Jesus walked with ministry as Jesus ministered it's a completely different thing and the greatest ministries that Jesus accomplished dying on the cross for the sins of the world who can do that but if you're not careful about these things we can be deceived Oh walking as Jesus walk means repealing the sick and raising the dead and I suppose walking on the water as well and turning water into wine and feeding five thousand five loads well is it stop the amount of deception in Christendom today in the midst of it God raises up a church like this to teach what you cannot have the ministry Jesus had you cannot have the ministry that any apostle had or even your brother or sister sitting here has but you can walk by the principles by which Jesus walked it doesn't mean you're as pure as him because in the next chapter he says 1 John 3 verse 2 we will be like him only when he comes again have you seen the balance there will be like him only when he comes around but we can walk by the principles by which he lived even today and what is the fundamental principle why Jesus by which Jesus lived he denied his own self I will not do my will I will do the Father's will I will not do what pleases me I'll do what pleases the father that's the principle by which Jesus lived all his life and that's the meaning of 1 John 2:6 it's very simple it's not 25 complicated things it's one simple thing I will not live by my own choice or do what pleases me I will do what the father wants me to do and I will know the Father's will by reading his word and by listening to my conscience which becomes more and more sensitive as I walk with the Lord so that I become more and more aware of what the Father's will is and and Jesus walked in fellowship with the father every single moment of his life and that's how he wants me to walk and if he walk like that we will have fellowship with one another now I want to say also to husbands and wives here you know if you really want to be close to your wife or your husband what should you do walk with God that's it it's not like the psychologists saying go out for a date now in there and tell her every now and then I love you I mean that psychologists say but I tell you the way to fellowship deepest fellowship between husband and wife is not by all these psychological tricks is by walking with God we walk in fellowship with the father and we laugh perfect fellowship with everyone else who's walking with and the measure of your fellowship with your partner will of course depend on whether your partner is also walking with God yeah sure a wholehearted husband may have form or fellowship with the brother in the church then with his unconverted wife sure of course he'll be faithful to his wife and have a good friendship with her but fellowship is a much deeper thing and if both husband and wife are really seeking to walk and fellowship with God putting God first in their life denying themselves being sensitive to the whispers of conscience they'll have a glorious fellowship that is the secret of a happy married life where we are not suspicious we're not okay supposing your partner did slip up and do something wrong said something or messed up something or forgot something be like Jesus it doesn't make a difference overlooking forgive move on don't make a big deal over it and don't keep reminding your partner the mistakes he or she made forget it does the Lord never remind you of things you did in the past he never reminds me he reminds me fully if I haven't confessed it but once I confess it he won't remind me of that even once that's how faithful he is sins and iniquities I'll remember no more and I say I want to be like Jesus and I would encourage all of you to be like Jesus in your relationship with each other it says in 1 Corinthians 13 love is patient worse for kind not jealous does not brag does not arrogant does not act unbecomingly does not seek its own is not provoked and listened to this does not take into account or we can say does not keep account of a wrong suffered love does not keep an account of a wrong that you suffered at the hand of somebody else what did that person did not apologize father forgive him he doesn't know what he's doing I can't have fellowship with him that's true if I wanted a fellowship with somebody he must apologize for the wrong that he did jesus said that if your brother sins against you and repents and comes to you forgive him that's as far as fellowship goes but forgiveness is much deeper than that fellowship is dependent on that guy walking in the light as well I don't have fellowship there lots of believers I'll tell you honestly I don't have fellowship with them many but I can forgive every Tom Dick and Harry in the world that doesn't depend on the other person at all love does not keep an account of the wrong suffered love is a love is very poor in mathematics can't count how many wrongs did that person do to you I don't know zero as far as I can think imagine living like that how many ways did your wife hurt you zero what about your husband they hurt you a time zero boy really you must be having a perfect partner no I'm walking with God that's all he Jesus says I will not remember your sins and iniquities anymore dear brothers and sisters we are called to a glorious life we are called to demonstrate in our home first of all and in this church eternal life like Jesus man if it's the same eternal life is just with the father what a tremendous honor it is to be able to manifest that not I have to clarify this not with a human understanding of how I must love everybody you know there are a lot of things that psychologists that say love will do this do that I don't go by that to me I make a difference between fellowship and friendship I can have friendship with everybody fellowship with very few degrees of fellowship depends on how much that person is walking with God can I have fellowship with the personal has betrayed me and cheated me no I can love him I can have friendship with him I can say I don't wish any evil for you god Bless You Father forgive him he doesn't know what he's done but I can never have fellowship with him because he's not walking in the light Jesus himself cannot have fellowship with me if I don't walk in the light okay let's look in closing at 1 John 1:7 if we walk in the light as God Himself is in the light then we have fellowship with one another the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin my fellowship with God is dependent on my walking in the light and my fellowship with you is dependent on me and you walking in the light walking in the light does not mean I confess my sins to you or you confess your sin to me sin must be confessed only in the circle in which it was committed if it's a sin in my thought I confess it only to God I would not even confess it to my wife or to your husband it's in my thought only God is in that circle but if one other person is in that circle I hurt somebody else then I must confess not to the whole church but to that one person if two people were hurt I confess it to God plus two people if I hurt the whole church by my behavior then I must confess to God and also confess to the whole church sin must be confessed in the circle in which it was committed so I must walk in the light then I can have fellowship with God and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin so I've been tremendously blessed I was I have understood and seek to understand more and more of these wonderful principles and when John saw the decline of Christianity in his time this is what he spoke about fellowship and that's what we need to talk about and experience more and more it's about before God have any father we know so little of you we want to know you more and more thank you for your word the entrance of your word gives light and we savor the psalmist your word have I hid in my heart then I might never sinned against you and we believe you give us your word to be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path that we might never walk in darkness but have the light of Life always more and more Lord I pray that you will make the brothers and sisters here in this church a true church Body of Christ help us all to be what you want us to be we pray in Jesus name [Music]
Channel: River of Life Christian Fellowship
Views: 36,461
Rating: 4.8637137 out of 5
Keywords: fellowship, god, before, each, other, zac, poonen, sermon, rlcf, river, life, christian
Id: pmzLX5ERzFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 15sec (3195 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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