Do you Onsight every Climb outdoors? - FOF P4

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so you go on a climbing trip and what do you usually want to do climb as many routes as you can and even you're more experienced climbing friends tell you yea buddy just climb a lot, touch different types of rock do as many different moves as you can and you will progress quickly this sounds like a great idea but what actually ends up happening is you trying to flash or onsight every single route you climb and as I've talked in the previous video onsighting a route where you might fall is the scariest way of climbing fear often fills your trousers and you end up climbing from ball to ball so these routes challenge your mind way more than anything else and when you go down from such route you're not thinking about going back and sending it because let's be honest that route is not at your dream grade that you would want a project and also you don't really want to go through that scary part that you barely managed to get through math next route I have already made three videos on overcoming the fear of falling and how to go from top roping to a project in hard routes and in this video I'm gonna talk about on site iterate iterate iterate through there is so after nine days of a lot of falling and sending really hard projects and then celebrating a new year we still had one day left first of all to find out what song was playing in the party then to try and on-site some roots what's the play now finding a place for people what is this sixy I think so no fall climbing no take climbing no take climbing this part doesn't look nice to fall okay if I fall over there I will fall on this way no you won't folder don't fall where you don't need to fall the beauty of climbing is that every route we do is different we have different shapes and types of rock we have different movement puzzles to solve every time we have different views and sceneries and that actually creates a huge challenge for our survival mind the animal mind it tries to be hundred percent sure that the situation is safe but we keep putting it into the new situation after new situation with every single climb we do octagons now when it comes to on citing a root it's like an exam for your mind you can clip from here do you have already enough past experiences to go through every situation that this route has to offer you just clip it relax one arm it's a safe fall anyway yep a little secret it doesn't matter how much you've been climbing and falling in the past you will always end up in situations from time to time that will scare them out of you and that's totally fine take it as that little thrill which climbing gives us nice try to finish all and of course the more you climb the more confidence you will grow and then eventually you will be thinking that okay this move I never been here I'm probably gonna fall but that's okay and you commit to the move and you just keep going that was an amazing run thank you this type of the stars I hate it like everyone I hate to start with once you did it best fall then it was okay yeah then it was suddenly okay yeah now I need to get rid of this testicles yeah otherwise that will never unsaid anyroad okay now some practical tips how to increase the chance of success during your own sights inspection so before you start climbing step away from the wall look up and see all the places where you might fall and imagine yourself falling in those places it's like oh that looks like a bigger fall but it's Queen air fall so that's fine this is a little swing but with proper belaying it's also fine this is super important because very situations tend to look much scarier when we are in them that little bit bigger fall might look like massive whipper for you and that little swing might be so scary when you will be on the rock so by looking from ground up your mind will be a little bit more prepared for what's coming Plus you will get a chance to see good holes rest positions maybe the crux is and that greatly increases the chance of your success talk to your blair about all the places where you think you might fall and while climbing if you think that you are about to fall it's a great idea to shout to your blair watch me and when your blair responds to you i'm with you or come on go Vanga it's safe it's much easier for you to commit to the move some boss love it not true come on man not true popcorn because they might get psyched you know that feeling when you were projecting a root for a while and you are already comfortable falling anywhere on the route and the route seems to just low so you can actually trick your mind into this feeling during the on-site attempt tell yourself I'm gonna send this route of course my beta might be wrong and I might get stuck but I will still try my best and I'm not gonna give up and that way you might get into the flow is Zone where you will not be thinking about falling only about doing the moves the plan is now to try to advance I'd this 7 A+ well actually the plan was to see if she can climb until she falls without worrying about falling and just going all in a very good plan how do you feel about it little insecure Fe why because it's seven A+ so what so what you're you're right let's just try my very best amateur this road had very very very hard trucks at the end and it was very unlikely that Hannah will send it but we had no time left to search for easier routes and this one already had drawers on it so just last fun flight this is a mini crutch come on yeah hannah actually managed to crush half of the route and then in the middle of the road she got a little bit lost with her beaver go on trihard you're going left and up okay come on fight fight keep trying but it's been so cool to see how confident hannah was at taking these falls on this world I would never have guessed that only ten days ago she took her first fall on real rock yep what happened to your fear of falling yeah by the way if you are enjoying my videos and want to see more consider joining my channels membership what's that it's a new YouTube feature you can find a little join button next to my subscribe button and I've already made this video where I explain everything in more details plus I share some interesting numbers about the money so please check that out cuz you might get more videos thank you because I know we have to leave today I would have tried harder but but as a school you made a poll without even worrying about it yeah right give tips to these people who are afraid to fall okay let me circle back a little bit to what I said in the beginning of the video that the biggest mistake of the beginners is trying to incite every single climb they do I don't mean that you should not try to incite I think the best strategy is to combine everything you try to incite and flash as many routes as you can but you also try to climb and project something harder and also doing some practice following all of these things will give you different benefits so what helped the most you thing these test Falls just Falls yep these test Falls and you definitely need to trust your belaying partner and what helped me also is not to climb the easy routes thanks for pushing me - that was really amazing and do practice falling in climbing gyms you will save your precious vacation time and it's much safer there no stupid routes no stupid roads don't climb stupid don't climb routes that are dangerous to fall in the first place yep there it is dangerous climb something else if the beginning is dangerous - clip it clips ticket when this is the next vacation in April so what's then 77c and it's April and as you might know the world went crazy so we had to cancel our plan we might do that in the future we have more time to Train now and in fact the world went so crazy let me being here alone in the forest in the place which is the most healthy place to be is actually not really okay to be right now
Channel: Hard Is Easy
Views: 141,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Climbing, Fear of falling, climbing hard, climbing tips, climbing for beginners, climbing tips for beginners, climbing onsighting, climbing beginner mistakes, outdoors climbing, lead climbing, climbing hardest, climbing harder, climbing hard moves, climbing hardest route, how to fall safe, climbing training, bouldering, How to fall, Falling tips, How to fall outdoors, Climbing techniques, Climbing tips, Climbing mental, Fall training, Fall practice
Id: 06P1lfVrcts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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