Do THIS for SEO on Webflow Sites | Step by Step Guide

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what's going on guys today we are going to be talking about the most essential steps that you need to take each and every time you launch a new web flow site to ensure that that site has the best chance to get ranked on Google let's get started [Music] what's going on guys Page Mickey and welcome back to another video if this is your first time here and you want to learn how to grow your web flow business make sure to click below to subscribe I've got new videos coming out each and every week now with designers oftentimes we can waste all of our energy on the design the development and the launch of a new website and we easily forget the little things that can make the biggest difference for that website one of which being SEO now there are a number of steps that need to be taken in order for our web flow site to have the best chance not only to get recognized by Google but to get rewarded by Google in the form of high rankings on the search engine now without wasting any time I want to dive right into all the things that you need to make sure are done to ensure that this can happen now to start out we're going to talk about the changes that need to be made within the designer of web flow and the first of those is having correct h1 through h6 structure now this is something that a lot of you probably know and I hope that a lot of you are already doing this but just as a quick refresher you want to make sure that your h1 is your main titling your main idea of your website and that is going to be the very top of the page from center-right that h1 is what Google is going to look at first to determine what this page is about next you're gonna go down from most important which is your h1 to your H to your h3 all the way through h6 and each of these titles is going to make it easy for Google to crawl through and see what's the most important idea and then what are the sub ideas and this is going to make it much much easier for Google to understand exactly what it is that your website is trying to convey the next thing you're going to want to do is get into the individual settings of each page and what we're going to do is create a title tag in a Meta Description that correlates with the idea of that page now the thing that we don't want to do is be reusing the same title tags and meta descriptions for each and every page because Google doesn't like this and more than likely you're going to get penalized for that and so what we need to do is determine what was our main idea that we use in our h1 and we're going to want to use that same keyword or keyword phrase in our title tag then what we're going to want to do is make sure that then Meta Description is geared more towards our potential site visitors and does a great job of conveying exactly what they're gonna get when they click on our website now if you have any experience with keyword research you're easily going to be able to get in and determine what keyword you want to use for each title in each h1 however if you don't have any knowledge of keyword research or you don't want to go through the hassle of that the good part is is more than likely you're gonna be able to determine what that keyword should be on your own for example if I have a client that's a law firm in Salt Lake City Utah I'm probably gonna want to use that phrase law firm Salt Lake City Utah as both my h1 from my homepage and my title tag for my homepage and that's going to make it easy to tell Google exactly what it is that we're trying to get done finally we're going to want to make sure that we have clear navigation structure and what this means is obviously we want to have our links up in our navigation whether that's a drop-down or whether they're visible links and the same thing with the footer we're going to make sure that we have navigation links to each individual page and this is going to make it easy for Google when they crawl this site to make it out to all of the individual pages don't make it difficult to find pages and the other thing that we're going to want to do is if at all possible use text links throughout the site now Google loves text links so for example in a paragraph if we're talking about a specific service we offer we're going to want to hyperlink the text that talks about that service and that's gonna lead to our additional service page now what this does is it allows Google SR crawling down to start shooting off to these additional pages and the text that's hyperlinked is going to tell Google exactly what that page should be about and this is a great way to allow Google to get out to all of your pages understand your content and hopefully be able to understand and list each individual page properly from your website on to Google search now once we've made all these changes within the web flow designer we're gonna want to go to our web flow site settings dashboard and there are a number of different settings that we're going to want to make sure we have correct in order to get our rankings as good as possible and the first thing we're going to do is go right over to the hosting tab and scroll all the way to the bottom and the are really important things that often times as designers we don't even look at or maybe don't even understand but you're going to see these options minify HTML minify CSS and minify the JavaScript and this is a great way for us to instantly increase the performance of our website and what this does is it reduces load times and bandwidth usage on the website so this minification dramatically improves our site speed our accessibility and that directly translates into a better user experience for the people coming to our website and so this is a great way to just crank up the performance on this site and make sure that it is performing as as quickly and as as smoothly as possible once we've done that we're going to hop over to our SEO tab and what we're gonna want to do is make sure we've disabled our sub domain and enabled our auto-generate sitemap so if you're not sure what this does the sitemap essentially just notifies google of the different URLs on your site and allows Google to more easily crawl through those different pages and URLs of your website okay now if we don't auto-generate this I'm pretty sure Google still goes through and eventually lists your site but the nice part about doing this manually is if we can enable this auto-generated sitemap what we're going to be able to do is go into something called the Google search console and manually request that Google crawls our website right now now the benefits of this is I've had times where I don't request this crawl from Google and it can take upwards of three four five weeks for Google to get around to recognizing that there's a new website and eventually crawling that and I've even heard experiences where Google never crawls it and never listen ooh web site because the search console was not used and so what we're gonna want to do once we auto-generate the sitemap is we're going to want to publish our website and then we're going to go over to Google search console you can type in Google search console just in a regular Google search and that's gonna pull up this tool and this is a free tool that Google encourages you to use to improve the performance of your website and once you've signed in you're going to click on the top left and add a property you're going to click your URL prefix and add in the URL of your website and click continue and then this is going to give you a number of different ways for you to be able to verify that property one of the easiest ways to do this is just clicking the HTML tag copy and pasting this over into the settings of your web flow site just under the custom code you copy and paste that and you're gonna be able to verify that property now once you verify this ownership there are a ton of different things that you're going to be able to do within this dashboard one of which is monitor the performance of your website and that's something that we can get into in another video but what you're going to want to do is on this left side click down to the sitemaps tab and right here you're gonna see the option to add a new sitemap now from clicking that auto generate sitemap on your web flow settings that has done all of the heavy lifting for so all we're gonna have to do in this input area is type in sitemap dot XML and submit that now once that's submitted they're gonna notify you that that will be crawled and that when we notify it if anything goes wrong but once this crawl is completed of the sitemap you're going to be able to see if there are any major warnings that Google is giving your site any ways that Google might be penalizing your site but most of all this is the best way to notify Google that there's a new website or new pages in a website and it's the quickest way to get Google to crawl those acknowledge those new pages and get them ranked on Google now once all these things are done obviously there is a ton more that can be done to increase the ranking of our site but if you've gone through all of these individual steps and made sure that you've done them correctly there's gonna be the best way to not only get acknowledged by Google right off the bat but it's set a great baseline for everything else that you're gonna do in the future to hopefully get ranked on the first page so that's it for this video guys thanks so much for watching if you guys have any questions on SEO for web flow or just SEO in general make sure to comment down below I'll be quick to answer those questions and I look forward to catching in the next video [Music]
Channel: Payton Clark Smith
Views: 19,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webflow, webflow seo guide, webflow seo optimization, webflow seo review, webflow seo settings, webflow seo vs wordpress, webflow tutorial, webflow tutorial 2020, seo, web design, seo tutorial, seo tips, seo techniques, search engine optimization
Id: 0ZFo3rFE824
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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