Webflow SEO - The complete SEO guide to get traffic with Webflow (2021)

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webflow is an incredible no code website builder but there's a few things that we need to cover to make sure that we have seo success while building on webflow today we're going to cover all those things and make sure you guys are properly set up for organic growth on your websites so if you're new here my name is jama i'm head of seo at a startup here in barcelona and in this channel we cover strategies and tools to help you grow your online business so the first thing i want to talk about is some essential settings that we need to take a look at to ensure that we have the correct setup at the start so if we go over to webflow we go into our project settings and we head over to the seo section the first thing that we want to do is we're going to disable the webflow subdomain so when you start building on webflow they provide you with subdomain that you can use but as soon as we finish building our website we want to disable that and we want to go into hosting and we want to add our custom domain it's going to give you step by step on exactly how to do that but it's really important to disable that subdomain so that we can have that main domain starting to grow on its own the next thing that i want to talk about is going down and doing the google site verification i'm not going to go through this because webflow has a great guide if you click on their link on their website they give you a fantastic guide on how to do this but we want to make sure that we do this as soon as we're ready to launch the website because there's a few things that we want to do within google search console that are going to help us grow so the next thing i want to talk about is the sitemap so we definitely want to turn on auto generator sitemap and what this does is it creates a map of our website for search engines and usually what happens is it'll create the sitemap and search engines will have an easier time finding new pages however what we want to do is we want to go out and manually add our sitemap to google search console so it's important to make sure that we've done the previous step which is actually adding our website to google search console so if we go into google search console once we've claimed our website what we want to do is we want to enter our sitemap url usually what webflow does is they'll just do your full url sitemap.xml so if you type that in and you hit submit you'll see something like this that the status is correct so we have success and it's discovered 126 urls now every time that you create a new page you create a new blog post or you create anything new on your website go will be able to see it quickly and that'll help you grow moving forward in terms of the robots.txt section here i don't want to talk about this in depth because it's not really necessary unless you're building quite a complex website or you have a lot of pages what we can do with this section is tell google hey don't crawl this section of my website because there's nothing valuable so for example you can see that for this website i have a members area that have prevented google from crawling because there isn't anything really relevant to put on the index right so i want my landing pages and i want all my blog posts to be on the index but not anything internal of my website so if you guys are building a website that's a little bit more complex i recommend looking into this but if you're building a simple website with a few pages you don't have to worry about it so now that we've covered the essential settings we now have the correct setup to go out and actually grow online but what i want to take a look now is how do we optimize our webflow website for seo so let's go back into our webflow and let's see how we can optimize this website one of the most important things that we need to do with webflow is make sure that we have the right headings on our pages headings are a crucial part of on-page seo it allows us to tell google all the different sections of that specific landing page and it gives google a basic structure of our page so that they know what's the most important thing on the page so we can do this by going in clicking on the heading and going over to the settings so the basics here is we want to have one h1 per page and per blog post this h1 is going to tell google what's the main idea of this website if we have multiple h1 this isn't going to send a very clear message to google so after we have that h1 if we have different sections within our page or within our blog post we want to make those h2s so we go in and again we select h2s and for any new section under that so again another h2 here we have h3s because now we have within an h2 so within a new section we have another idea and within that we want to have an h3 so we need to go out we need to make sure that we have the proper heading structure for each page i've seen a lot of webflow websites that accidentally make everything h1s actually i made a video about the most common on-page mistakes that you should avoid you can check it out right here if you'd like but we need to go out and make sure that we've added the correct headings to all the different sections of our pages another thing that we want to take a look at within webflow is to make sure that we've gone out and we've optimized our urls we want to have clean urls that look nice and that are properly optimized so if we go on to a specific page let's say for example my about page and i click on the page settings here we can go in and we can actually edit the slug so we want to make sure that the slug makes sense for the page that we're building so about seems like a perfectly great fit for this page for contact for example i have contact for faq again i'm going to have faq so you can understand what we're doing here is just basically going out and making sure that we've fixed all those urls and that they look nice to the user another thing that i want to do is i want to go out and i want to make sure that i've optimized my title tag and my meta description so this is the actual text that's going to come up on google when people are searching for your site so we actually have a little preview of what it's going to look like and here's where we can go in and actually add all the information of the title tag and the meta description so what we want to do for the title tag is actually go out and add some variation of an important keyword for the specific page and in the meta description we want to do the same the most important thing here is to make sure that we've gone out and we filled all that information again just a pro tip for meta descriptions anything over 160 characters google won't show so we want to try and make sure we fit all that information under 160 characters so the final thing that i want to optimize within webflow is the internal links and the navigation for the website that we're building so it's super important to make sure that we can easily access all the different pages on our website through interlinks and also through navigation this helps search engines find pages but this is also really important for user experience we want our users to be able to find all relevant pages on our website so we do this by editing the top level menu we want to make sure that we've added all important pages here and we want to make sure that we have internal links that are going to any page that's relevant or any page that could have traffic so for example for this example page we're talking about a marketplace where you can go out and add your tesla if i want people to go to my listings page that's why we add a specific link here it takes us to the listings and now they have access to that so we want to make sure that all of our pages are connected because we're doing this manually on webflow it's super important to be careful and make sure that we don't accidentally create orphan pages so now that we've gone out we've optimized our website and everything is ready to go how do we actually get traffic to our website so this is where seo basics come into play what we need to do first is we need to go out and do keyword research we need to think about what is our target audience what things could they be looking for and how can we make content for the specific topics and for those keywords and show up for those so to show up for those we need to create content we need to leverage the webflow blog which is actually super dynamic and we can build a lot of blog posts really fast so we need to make sure that we're producing a lot of content that makes us relevant for this specific topic and as a result over time we'll be able to come up for those specific keywords another thing we can do is we can go out and build partnerships online and ask for high authority links to our website which is going to give us more authority for that specific niche so those are the basic ideas that we need to take into account when we're trying to get organic traffic with our webflow website i hope you guys learned something i hope this made sense definitely go out and make sure that you've covered all those essential settings because without those you can really slow down your potential growth so that's it guys i've added my twitter and my linkedin in the description of the video for you guys to contact me personally i'm going to be making summarized versions of these videos directly on my twitter so if you guys are interested in that definitely follow me there and my linkedin as well for you guys to message me personally with any questions at all so that's it guys like subscribe do the thing i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Jaume Ros
Views: 337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webflow seo, webflow seo guide, webflow seo tutorial, webflow seo vs wordpress, webflow seo checklist, webflow seo tools, webflow seo course, webflow seo keywords, webflow seo tags, webflow seo plugin, webflow seo review, seo tutorial for beginners, seo tutorial for beginners step by step, seo tutorial 2021, seo tutorial full course, search engine optimization youtube, search engine optimization course, search engine optimization tutorial, web design, web development
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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