DO REAL Italians Like NYC Pizza? (Neapolitan vs NYC Pizza !)

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what's up members of the barrio it's jawed coming to you from Manhattan and today we are gonna be comparing the two most famous styles of pizza in the world New York versus Neapolitan and to make this a little more interesting I have brought along an Italian vlogger this girl knows her pizza we're going to be comparing and contrasting between two different spots get ready for a great video what a shame Mary Jane ain't gonna get to talk about the real original pizza which is the Italian one in comparison to the very good New York City pizza and it's gonna be a very interesting comparison check it out alright Mary Jane this will come as no surprise to my viewers we're gonna start at Bleecker Street pizza we're gonna get a traditional cheese slice and start the comparison at my favorite joint this place is very nice it really makes me hungry right away [Music] guys normally when I'm here I order the Nana Maria slice is my favorite slice in New York City but because we want to be purists I got their cheese slice which in my opinion is very good as well it's just not my favorite but I really want to compare your traditional New York slice versus a Neapolitan now let's get Mary Jane's first reaction to the looks of this well hmm the smell is very tasty and the looks is perfect I would say for a New York City slice and I can already see that there is a lot of cheese here which is and your city pizza feature for sure you know I grew up on the other side of the Hudson in New Jersey so this is the pizza that I grew up with this is what I'm used to not Mary Jane's used to though yes obviously a lot of cheese and other staple of New York City pizza but these guys use really fresh ingredients so let's let's take that first bite hmm [Music] just like a nice even cheese to sauce ratio this is definitely my go-to pizza place in New York City and if I'm not in the mood for another specialty slices like the natto Maria which I'm always talking about this cheese slice is a very good alternative and of course they gave it to us fresh out of the oven so just you know perfect New York City food on the go looks very good this is what we do in Italy when something is really good but your mouth is full and you cannot talk yet it's very tasty definitely as you said the ratio between tomato and cheese is perfect this cheese is very very strong in flavor which makes the pizza very tasty in in its home about the similarities between year City pizza Italian pizza is that both are round and both are pretty same because I know that the Chicago pie for example is very take the Norwegian pizza is very thick as well one difference is that the tomato sauce here is very highly and heavily seasoned there's a strong taste of garlic inside a tomato and there are also other spices and other ingredients whereas in the Italian style pizza the tomato is simply made by tomatoes and a little pinch of salt and that's it I've had the same situation with other foods around the world like bagels in New York versus bagels in Montreal a lot of people say I'm crazy that I like New York bagels better I also like New York Pizza better than traditional Italian pizza and I know that's where it came from but it's what I'm used to I grew up with it I think it would be very hard for me just to change allegiances I think I'm similar to you I appreciate the differences a lot but I'll always go for that classic New York slice when I get a chance you see I think it's much easier for us it connotes to come to New York and enjoy the New York Pizza rather than for you for for you for you Americans come to Italy and enjoy the Italian pizza because because of the flavor thing if you take out flavor I don't know if your if your taste is used to that little flavor we don't use much spices with amusement solved much fat in our food your pizza I consumed the most is the dollar stores Pizza because I travel on a budget so that's my favorite one for financial reasons guys by the way I was wearing this shirt intentionally today just for just for her dollar Pizza addict but I think you're the real dollar pizza addict not me yeah I should get what guys should I get her a shirt tell me in the comments we just had one of my favorite New York City slices now it's her turn we're gonna go to a classical Neapolitan place you ready yes absolutely I'm yellow yah mo we have arrived at the Neapolitan pizza place called ribalta and you've never been here before but you were really excited about showing us said yes because I made a survey to kind of survey among my friends becoming friends leaving in your city and this was one of the most quoted places so we're gonna go to a place that a lot of times living in New York says the best Neapolitan pizza in Manhattan let's get in there Mary Jane I'm impressed this place it looks very fancy yeah it does actually all right Pasquale one of the owners is going to be taking us through a Neapolitan pizza making processes to us we are going to explain you the difference between Neapolitan and American beats even if ever your cell margarita that is one of the most traditional pizza in a Bali I can say is the iconic pizza in Napoli the dough is made by only four ingredients flour water sea salt and naturalist that's it we do this one like a turning and selecting at the same time then we have a totally flour free dough also once the pizza goes in the oven we don't have extra flour and we don't feel that bitter taste after taste in the mouth it's a fresh tomatoes just tomato and salt so we don't have oil with a my garlic no another flavor so we add the basil at the pre cooking or after this fresh mozzarella so we don't use shred mozzarella that is on the New York side pizza in this mozzarella is only one maybe two ingredients milk and sea salt let's say we put some basil extra-virgin olive oil so the only oil we have in these pizza is the one that we put on top and that's it there is no harm the dog and how I am in the tomato so what strikes me about this pizza already is how simple it is yeah super simple if you want to come you know yeah well done I mean it's 900 degrees so it's not that you cook the pizza there and the pizza staying at the same spot the whole time we got to move it all the time and the only cooks for 90 seconds so we seek the pizza on the bottom and with I think this one is the matter that all all the pizzas because these born in Naples and after Naples the funny things the pizza became famous in New York right after neighbor now the rest of Italy so only Naples are used to eat the pizza in Italy then the pizza B came here with Lombardi the first pizzeria in New York and after the pizza became famous New York it became famous in the rest of Italy and the rest of Italy started to eat pizza and then invented the New York style pizza was bigger by slice eatable walking on the street and the flour was different so they had to add some flavors so that's why had the other oil sugar maybe eggs you know there is a reason and then is a totally different product totally different recipe and it makes sense the newer style as it makes a lot of sense than a valgus life I've been looking forward to this all day and just seeing the preparation of that pizza I know it's gonna taste good it looks very good I've got some experts here at Neapolitan if you want to go more deep into the Neapolitan pizza you can buy my book the Pizza diet it's all over Amazon YouTube items and then you can see how with the DS pizza you can even lose weight I was so impressed how simple this I was to make how quick it was to make and I've had Neapolitan pizza before in New York City I've never had it in Naples before so I guess I'm not the best judge but let's take a bite I'm folding it now Mary Jane said some people do fold it in Italy so I'm not the only person in the world to do this for a Neapolitan slice I'm not using a fork a knife this is delicious like I I think I could eat this whole thing in five minutes this is just unbelievably good this may be the softest cross I've ever tried in my entire life I'm serious I'm very curious actually because I've tried several pizzas in New York but I've never tried an authentic Italian place which these claims to be so let's try it and as you can see I'm gonna use orchid knife you're a lot more civilized than I am just many many people in each I use just their hands to eat pizza it's just that the first part it's a bit more messy to eat just with your head that's why I use first fork and knife and then I will switch with my two my hands you will see finally finally people so many people ask me what's the difference between Italian pizza in New York City pizza and there are obviously many things to mention but the one difference that for me is most important is the mozzarella because you see how this mozzarella works Oi this is fresh mozzarella we call it also Fergie laughter in Italian whereas the new City slice doesn't use this kind of mozzarella like use a low low moisture mozzarella so this mozzarella is usually around it's shaped like a small ball and so to say I'm really impressed by this one this in particular they import from a general which is a place right near Naples in the peninsula of Sorrento and I must say it really tasted like authentic Italian Neapolitan our mozzarella so she has finally found it that's super authentic Neapolitan taste so there's number one for you so far New York all the places you've ever tried for authentic Neapolitan yes absolutely number one Pasquale was talking about his book the pizza diet and this actually does taste healthy like this is the sort of food you can come to and I you know I don't think you're gonna feel if you're eating the late night junk food with a couple of slices here of margherita pizza yeah actually John I'm very happy that an American like you tried these authentic Italian pizza because we never consider Pizza as an answer healthy food in Italy whereas here in New York I've seen before it's considered as an unhealthy it is is considered a necessary food but unhealthy yeah yeah exactly it's something that you always have to try to limit as much as possible where whereas in Italy consuming a margherita pizza is perfectly fine it's a meal it's a complete meal if you think about it because you have the carbohydrates off of the press you have the proteins from the mozzarella some veggies from the tomatoes and good January and olive oil guys if you want to check out my channel I do near CD content too but especially budget travel videos so if you're interested in this and that please check it out guys she has a really cool channel special thanks to her yet again and make sure to watch her other New York City playlists all linked down below in the description thank you so much for watching as always until next time
Channel: Here Be Barr
Views: 238,281
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Keywords: Here Be Barr, nyc pizza, nyc, pizza, new york city, nyc cheap food guide, where to eat in nyc, what to eat in nyc, nyc cheap eats, first timer reacts, things to do in nyc, in new york, food challenge, new york food, living cheap in nyc, nyc vlogger, new york travel, nyc food tour, new york food guide, what to do in nyc, nyc food, food tour, manhattan, nyc food guide, where to eat in new york, dollar pizza, neapolitan pizza, italian reacts, best pizza in nyc, nyc vlog
Id: lryR0OTvQp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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