Testing The HAUNTED Mariam App 3 Years Later *DO NOT DOWNLOAD*

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I've read that this game dicks for personal information Oh God as for deaths related to this game there's an article this game is under 11 dangerous James on the internet that could kill or soon to seriously injure you why would I be scared hey guys remember this game Miriam you might not because I made a video about this almost three years ago it's inappropriate and sick of someone to make such a game that can damage people's buy food lives yeah in that video for some reason blew up the reason I investigated that out last time is because for some reason even though it was in another language it had hit the top charts of free app downloads back then and it confused me so much the game was not finished it was super weird I could not understand it but it randomly pops back up when I was doing research for that do not download these apps video that I posted earlier if you didn't see that video check out the link in my description below but I was going to include an update on this game in that video but I realized Miriam needs her own video again I think the games pretty long and there's just too much to cover but what caught my attention was the fact that had been updated four days ago I played this app three years ago it was updated four days ago the previews look a bit different let me see what the description now says Miriam is a game inspired by a girl living in the Middle East in the 18th century who has a relationship with ghosts ok I think there's way more context this time with careful attention to pacing atmosphere and storytelling the horror of our games story comes from atmosphere and storytelling not loud sound and artificial effects ok misinterpreted many people believe this game is dangerous but I honestly don't see how I've read that this game dicks for personal information Oh God specifically your Facebook account but I haven't come across anything like that oh no I didn't know that last time maybe it is just because of the choices I've made in the game the most personal thing it's asked me is the name of the person I love Oh as for deaths related to this game what there was deaths related to this game amazing and creepy hilariously creepy pretty good game I like it just the story was a little wonky but I heard a girl died after playing this oh god okay oh no I need to look this up was this real there's an article this game is under 11 dangerous games on the internet that could kill or seriously injure you the online game revolves around a child lost in the woods and she asks players to help her find her way home well the game is filled with frightening audio and visual sound effects players are asked a series of personal questions as they accompany this little girl home this online game has caused a great deal of controversy on social networking sites what that article was written two years ago I played this three years ago I didn't know any of this okay but I couldn't find any actual deaths that were linked to this game but I'm so interested to see what this game is like now three years later but before we start the video I want to remind you that it's my birthday week this week and that means I have my birthday superpowers to command you to like this video do it now I also subscribe to my channel if you're new you have to it's my birthday week and I have birthdays superpowers and also just a reminder do not download this app game that's why I'm doing it for you because it's creepy and I don't know what it can actually do whoa okay that's super freaking creepy okay start what is that noise why are they what is with the sound effects if you feel gross my name is Miriam okay this seems familiar close the light and turn up the volume only for over twelve years old I over twelve years old what is your name Lauren I'm lost in this place would you like to help me yes Lauren you are a wonderful person oh thank you Mary oh thank you my house it was here but when the dark came I couldn't see any what do you think oh god I remember this I don't know which one I did last time right let's go while we walk I would like talking to you okay told me the name of someone you hate him someone I hate I guess should I do my arch-nemesis seize you Mike and if they said pshew Mike it's very sick I would forgive I mean our rivalry is actually fake but I I would forgive it doesn't matter let's complete the road we arrived few seconds I will be back yes once again this is translated into English from another language Lauren is your name really or would you like to change it on second thought I lied about my name well that's my real name I told my mother about you do you want to come with me yes let's go together she inside this room I am NOT to scary girl okay I know that why do I see the fear in your eyes i I don't know that is there fear in my eyes can you guys see the fear I don't know I'm just a cute girl with everyone the fact that you have to tell me that you are not scary and you are in fact a cute girl is kind of creeping me out okay I know everything I hear the radio every day okay what do you hear on the radio every day the world end is very close I mean it kinda seems like good I hear that why didn't you enter the room I will you will be imprisoned in the room you deceptively why this is hilariously creepy why would you do this you can't go out until I come back the key with you shake your phone screwdriver you got it I cannot go out it is not the right key try again shake your book yes I got it ed quickly before she returns under the TV table she's coming back I knew I shouldn't trust her ain't you Miriam go away where are you sweetie I know you two are inside this home just a little girl you could take her someone goes outside weeks you want to look from the window you're not giving me any other options oh sure Miriam is going away wait do you want to look from the window sure Miriam is going away okay I say I go well what do you want to do go to motorway go to forest motorway of course open the door first Oh No why do you want to run away we're very scary if you run away I will punish you what else what else your guy I don't care about punishment do you watch back in jail I'm so sorry are you hungry yeah I'm hungry I will get something from the kitchen this is a very love-hate relationship I'm very confused what do you want to do get out of the house why did you not take me come come with me what is happening come with me what I'm still confused about our relationship do I like you do I not like you are you trying to kill me I don't know where do you want to go east we entered the forest again it's dark let's talk a little do you think there are ghosts yes I believe in their existence you are ghosts I can always feel them there is always a ghost around us girl you just tried to put me in jail why am i walking with you everywhere we go you're a ghost aren't you you're a ghost and always behind us you afraid no or horrifies no I'm not well fear just for the weak people ghosts love them weak people are easy to catch do you want to change this conversation yes can you imagine them always this song under the bag what bag we're in the forest in room corners are behind the Corrine oh you're just telling me where they hide great we will stop talking about that she just slapped me you fell in a big hole it sounded like she smacked me the face it's not to like girl stop can I help you oh my god I hate you Miriam please help me I see strong rope and old ladder Oh rope catch the rope and try to climb hold the rope keep sounding like she's slapping me I tricked you hey damn you Miriam and left the rope and you fell why Miriam take the letter and go out she's just like I'm imprisoning you for the rest of your life no I get out and I'm like why did you do that she's like I don't know take a walk with me through the way she's like I give you the rope but it broke I tricked you why Miriam here you go there's a ladder but it's a very toxic relationship there is dust on your clothes who cares did you felt pain from balling yeah of course take care in the next time do you like science fiction I actually do actually Miriam I love it did you know that warming will destroy the earth due to the increase in heat oh we got in political now Miriam huh actually no this shouldn't be political this should just be something that everybody cares about the environment see see they they made me think it's not very dangerous what would you do at the end of the earth coming give up try to survive humans are stuck on the earth there is no way to live outside what about SpaceX you are evil sure you're evil it was just a joke our planet has a long time to live okay did you hear this sound bird dog barking what what was it it took my father's pistol Jesus Miriam can we just stay on one coherent conversation okay you can only use music by shaking the phone I mean I wasn't trying to use use it on you Miriam don't worry there's a beast behind us shoot it you killed him oh no was it a puppy what did I do beast kill him by shake the phone I thought I did what happened I'm very proud of you ah I don't know what's happening who is this Johnny Depp what are you doing here can I tell you about my father do you want to tell me about all his movie roles yes I'm very excited to learn about your father Johnny Depp my father likes to smoke too much oh no now he has many problems are you a smoker I know many people who can't stop smoking I want to take a rest I am tired we must accelerate why are you ruthless man what's this about you try to get ad money Mary oh there is a beautiful palace are you afraid or those TV baths that's what is this no I'm not well let's go into the palace I mean you described it as a palace why would I be scared under our feet a ghost or a toy oh my god this is horrifying what is this twink I love it so much you would you wouldn't marry him let's go by the stairs you're gonna try and jail me again Miriam did you hear that sound yeah see what I found what what did you find I'm scared come on oh he is a sad person okay I don't know what we should do I don't either what is who or what is this talk to him tell him something hello why did you enter this place I don't know this is the richest palace she imprisoned me here is she's scary Oh Mary I'm getting a tad money can't be mad by the hustle she will be back in prison you too let's go where do you want to hide with Miriam quickly I don't know how with miramount care about her under the table come take Miriam there's a voice very near I thought the microphone would get triggered if I made a noise someone opened the door why is the witch crying oh shoot the dull sound who is here who are you confess I have caught you no I will imprison you here why goodbye let's get out but you do break the window we cannot get out I don't know break the lock shake your phone let's get out quickly I'm scared because of that witch what do you think she will do to us I don't know nevermind let's run away what why was this game so controversial do you feel cold in your feet why my feet it's wet clay something smells bad we've entered the cemetery how will we get out from here don't care go quickly I hear voices following us they heard our footsteps are these just all ghosts that she's talking to try to make sense of the story what's under your feet photo and then you should throw it I will take it let's get out heard there was a body guard at this place why why would there be a body guard in the cemetery I just heard her name was I suppose she is more than 2000 years old don't worry let's go why did you do that what you walked on the graves oh no I'm sorry my bad hear that sound oh I heard them let's hurry up it must be hot Simona oh oh Jesus I'm high saponin well go all of these pictures were deathly taken from the internet they all have watermarks on them or their Johnny Depp what are you doing here which followed us someone ever escaped from me I will punish you but I want to go you want to go away at this point I don't even care behind you what is his favorite snack well fantastic what should I do with you let's go well I will forget this time nobody wants to do anything to me you must leave this place now Lauren we survived the eat be peaceful upbeat people do not fight evil by evil but I told you I want to be evil Miriam what is that sound those who is stop starting to understand is this game make you crazy cuz I feel like I don't know they wish no let's fight it she wants to fight us what happened the pistol I have like 5 seconds ago so Chris gave me a sword to fight of course he did you can use the sword just shake the phone take the sword where are you she cannot kill me coward just take me out then so and it's I don't know what's happening I think this app's trying to melt my brain oh my god I had to press it at the right moment ah you should call someone to help us oh that's not cool you know that's the wrong person you called the wrong person Miriam why are you coming to my land what did she do to you go away I will kill you look I'm reading a gotcha story like do you want to fight go away okay so now these two ghosts are just fighting one another and we're standing on the sidelines just waiting let's go with hice Epona and what there's a motorway let's ask for help maybe there's somebody who can help us eats that's an accident let's help them wow there's a beautiful girl you should help can you drive I cannot go with you why do you keep singing creepy music we've already decided to work together I should go back to the cemetery good do not be afraid I will be close to you please don't be going drive fast in the hospital there's a lot of congestion oh really in the middle of the night who is this good to help you why do you drive my car you aren't hurt really got sleepy when I was driving it doesn't matter I want to go to my home but you have problems inside you should take care next time you have problems inside Mary are we talking about the stranger of me okay I do have problems inside all right apparently I'm only halfway through the game the games like over an hour and I don't think my brain can take any more of this so yeah I don't understand why it's so controversial I don't understand why it was just updated recently I don't understand hey I think this app game has ruined by brain so good job but yeah you want to see how different the game is now versus the first time I played it then make sure to go check out my first video the link will be in the description below also leave a link for somebody who did the full playthrough if you really want to know what happens I kind of skimmed through it and it still doesn't make any sense so don't think we're missing out by not finishing the whole game but as always guys if you make it this far in the video make sure to leave a like before you go if you didn't already for my birthday subscribe if you're new to the channel and hit the notification bell so don't get lost in the void that is now - and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 2,314,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, Mariam Challenge, 3AM Challenge, Mariam App, Mariam, Haunted App, do not download this app, Creepypasta app, Creepypasta game, Mariam Creepypasta, App Will Possess Your Phone, Haunted game, Creepy app, do not download, free app, scariest apps to never get, scary apps you should never get, scary apps you should not download, do not download these apps, haunted apps, scary apps, creepy app, tiktok, tik tok, creepypasta
Id: _3X6F5nq-9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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