DO I HAVE TO UNHAUL THESE BOOKS? // Reacting to Self Destructing Book Video // 2021

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hey guys welcome back if you're new here my name is becca and today we are going to be reacting to one of my old videos and probably unhauling quite a few books [Music] so every year i make a video called these books will self-destruct in 12 months i believe that i have 10 books per video and essentially the reason why i make that video is because i am an extremely sentimental person to ridiculous levels so i have quite a number of books that i was interested in when i got them most of them i bought second hand that i'm not as interested in anymore things like young adult contemporary at the time when i was younger i enjoyed young adult contemporary now i rarely read it so i have no need to have those books on my shelves but for some reason i can't let go of them what applies for me with everything is that if i give myself a list of something and say if you do not do something with these items in this set period of time then that is a sign that you are not interested in them anymore and you will get rid of them now what setting this time period does for me personally is gives me an adjustment period of sorts to get used to the idea of letting go of whatever these items may be so once every year i make the these books will self-destruct in 12 months video i mostly forget about that video and just see what happens over the course of a year some of them are kind of in the back of my mind if any prompts come up that this type of book would fit for but mostly i forget about them come back a year later re-watch the video and we will find out whether i actually did read these books whether i've already unhauled them or whether they are still languishing on my shelves collecting dust yeah and we're gonna find out we're gonna find out what i've read i have to say last year it didn't go too well i think i'd read one of all of the books on that and the rest of them i hadn't even thought about every year that i do this it gets a little bit more difficult because the pool of books that i'm really not interested in grows smaller every year as we get rid of a batch so i don't know how this year is gonna go but um it's time to find out hey guys welcome back if you are new here my name is becca and today i will be sharing with you 10 books that are going to self-destruct in 12 months [Applause] so this is a video that i did around a year i'm just gonna skip ahead to the first book in this because the introduction of this video is probably all of the things i've literally just told you guys i have 10 more books that are going to self-destruct in 12 months so the first one of those is inc by alice broadway this one is a young adult fantasy i picked this up because the cover is absolutely stunning it is a book that i had seen around before i think i picked this up at cherry shop anyway i wasn't too interested in it aside from the fact that it's stunning but my friend jade from jj reads read this series and enjoyed it so i picked it up and i thought i would give it a go but i'm not super interested in reading it so inc by alice broadway i did pick this up at a charity shop hadn't heard anything about it and i had seen jade read it and enjoy it however i'm not sure if it is this video but jade commented on one of my videos anyway and said that it was just okay i'm not missing out if i don't read this one it is absolutely stunning like you cannot deny that this is a beautiful book when i put this on the list i was feeling a little bit like do i want to unhaul this do i want to give it a go but since this time like since this time last year i've been growing out of young adult fantasy just gradually over a long period of time but the last year really cemented for me that i don't love it as much as i used to anymore and i should really be turning more towards adult fantasy still reading younger doll but just not having so many young adult books and reading and prioritizing so many young little books so kind of sad to see this girl because i am somebody who likes to at least give something a try before i unhaul it but i haven't picked it up in a 12 month period though goodbye inc we then have every day by david levithan this is a young adult contemporary this follows i want to say an entity or a person who wakes up in a different body every single day and lives that person's life one day i need to go grab that one every day by david levithan surprisingly this one was still up on my main shelves and this is a perfect example of jungle contemporary that i've had for a very long time i know that david levithan used to write with john green i do still enjoy john green for what his books were at the time that they were published and i picked this up secondhand yet again wanted to read it um it's a contemporary young adult with a sci-fi twist but i'm not that interested i'm really not and it's hard for me to accept that and see it to you guys but while i'm feeling a little bit of reluctance in this moment realistically i'm not really gonna miss this when it's gone we then have what if it says by becky albertalli and adam silvera i have a spotty track record with both of these authors it's even spot you know one book from adam silvera i've read i've read everything by becky albertalli that she's published and not like to single book i haven't heard great things about this to be honest but my best friend ryan is a huge adam silvera fan and he quite likes becky albertalli so he ended up for some reason with quite a few copies of this and he gave me one of these is that still uh it's still up there i'll get it so at the time that ryan gifted this to me i had read everything by becky albertalli i'm not sure she's published anything recently that i've missed i've since read another book by adam silvera which was infinity sun which was my worst book of 2020 and i did want to read this this is also one of gavin's most hated books who also read and hated infinity sun last year and he just said it's awful he said it's awful and i'm gonna hate it and i do think that i am gonna hate it i don't like becky albertalli at all adam silvera i middle of the road enjoy his contemporary but infinity stone was just no so i'm kind of sad that this is going because i did just want to read it not even for the lols just because i've read everything else by becky albertalli and i do reasonably enjoy adam silvera but after infinity sun i think i'm doing everyone a favor by just unhauling this we then have the start of menu by emery lorde this is just a random contemporary that i acquired the plot of this one is that we follow a girl whose boyfriend died and i don't think she'd been really living since that incident so she makes this one i do not own anymore i have unhauled it but i did actually read it and i gave it four stars i really liked this so this follows a girl whose boyfriend died in a swimming accident and she wasn't even with him for very long but she feels like her life has been on hold since the time that her boyfriend died so she makes this list of things that she would like to accomplish over i think it's the summer and one of them is to like date her crush however while she's trying to date her crush she ends up growing closer to i think it's his cousin really cute really solid young contemporary romance i really enjoyed it i only unhauled it because i i read it i enjoyed it at the time it wasn't incredibly like it's not a new favorite i don't have sentimental value attached to it i just thought it was a really lovely nice story enjoyed it in the moment took what i needed from it and this is one that i have successfully read and unhauled we then have daughter of the flames by zoe marriott i picked this up at a charity shop quite a number of years ago because it was one of those things i've said this before the charity shops near where i live often have a deal so you can have like three books for one pound and quite often i would pick up two books and need an extra one and not really know what it was that i wanted so i picked this one up because it is a young adult fantasy i do still have that i'm not quite sure where it is so daughter of the flames honestly could not tell you what this is about um 15 year old zira trains to become a warrior priestess fighting against the occupying forces of tyrannical king aberon so this is as far as i'm aware just like a standard young adult fantasy it is an east asian inspired fantasy and i love east asian inspired fantasy you guys know that i have a lot of east asian inspired fantasy written by east asian authors i have a couple by white authors but the majority is either actually translated from for example japanese or is by an author with east asian heritage now i was a little iffy about this to start off with knowing that zoe maria is a white i believe british woman does it stay in the back of this yeah so zoe maria is from not very far from where i live right now cultural appropriation is not cool okay let's just lay that groundwork right now but the odd one like i can i can be okay with a white author writing the odd one zoe marriott exclusively writes east asian inspired books and there's just something about that that like really rubs me the wrong way because there's so many great east asian authors out there why are you as a white woman like dedicating all of your writing time to east asian books so yeah i don't like that makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable knowing that that is pretty much exclusively what she writes so i was just going to read this for the sake of reading now i believe it has a sequel called the swanking then but i'm not sad to say goodbye because i like i said i have a ton of east asian quantity i haven't read from actual east asian authors i have battleground by rachel churchill this is a book that was sent to me unsolicited by a self-published author now the plot of this one is actually quite that's all you need to know about battleground um there's a story behind this that i'm not going to go into but it's really weird but this is a book that was sent to me unsolicited by the author it is a dystopian that is set in the uk after brexit and also scottish independence and that first like i like a dystopian but i don't like dystopian that hits too close to home because it just scares the out of me essentially so reading the synopsis said this i was like well the premise sounds interesting but i know that it's something that i'm really just not going to enjoy because it's going to make me really uncomfortable and not in like a good way i then actually started reading this i think i read about 20 pages and dnf'd it because a lot of what was happening in the book mirrored what was happening in the pandemic so like the army was rolled through the country to keep essential services running so that like the not the rich people but people who worked in offices and things like that and doctors could still go to work and there was just little similarities like that that i was like this is a little bit too close to what's happening now on top of the brexit like the uk has just left the eu and scottish independence hasn't happened yet but it could be right around the corner so i unheard this full disclosure didn't want it didn't want to read it in the first place but as it was an indie author that sent it to me i did at least try and i just i didn't like the writing style either so yeah it was a big fat nope from me from the second that the email arrived in my inbox and then subsequently the book arrived on my doorstep um and i'm glad that i am i'm rid of this book now next up we have clean by juno does and the very beautiful copper reflective cover this is a young adult i'm not sure whether it's contemporary or have some sci-fi dystopian elements in it i do think i know what this is about now clean by juno dawson still a beautiful very reflective book this i think is a young adult contemporary about teenagers in rehab which it says on the front as well gossip girl goes to rehab so i think we have a element in here as well which is something i can get behind something that i would probably enjoy if i read this i think i would like it but do i need to be reading books that are in genres that i don't typically read don't typically enjoy just because i have them i mean it's coming to a point now where i'm realizing that not necessarily that life is short because that's a bit extreme but there are books that i really want to read that i keep putting off i don't even think i intend to punish myself but it's that kind of thing of like saving the best to last so if i'm faced with this book that i really want to read or this book that i kind of have and could read for some reason i'll always pick the book that i have and could read instead of the one that i'm really excited about that's a habit that i need to kick i think i need to delve deeper into my psyche to figure out the origins of that and sort that out but one thing i can do to help myself is remove the books that i'm not as interested in so that they are no longer options we then have the library by francis harding this is a book that i don't know too much about the cover didn't intrigue me i picked this up second hand as usual i have not read that um and that is kind of it comes with something else as well so there'll be more than 10 books in this video the lie tree this is about a girl something happens to her dad and then yeah he's found dead under mysterious circumstances and she searches for his belongings and discovers a strange trait don't even really know what genre to put this in i would say it's fantasy but i don't actually know if it is i was intrigued by the cover and then later day i also picked up cuckoo song by the same author i don't know what this one is about a girl wakes up after an accident and she's insatiably hungry but i've never heard anybody talk about these i don't really know what to expect from them and if i unhaul one like if i don't haul this because i don't want to read it then i'm not going to want to pick up another book by the same author kind of thing because they're both like linked together in my mind so not too sad about these ones would have liked to give them a go because i was intrigued but i'm not gonna lose sleep over it i then have the midnight queen by sylvia hunter this one has a very strange synopsis it is a little bit complicated but it follows a man called grey marshall and it says that in this world in britain it's set in britain there are many tongues many gods and many magic however the way that this synopsis is written and the tone of the story makes me feel like this is more historical fiction so so the most recent reading vlog that i posted i tried to read this and dnf'd it because i'm doing a unhaul project through 2021 where i actually try and read books like this so that i can get them off my shelves and make some space this one i didn't know going into it whether it was going to be more historical or fantasy someone commented on my tbr i believe it was kayla and said that it reads like period drama kind of like a slice of life pride prided prejudice kind of thing with a slow burn romance and very little fantasy i struggled to adjust to the writing style when i started reading this because it is very like period drama kind of writing style and then i switched to the audiobook because i just could not focus on it and then i dnf'd it at page 120-ish so yeah not a great experience with this purely because it is a very heavy historical period drama kind of writing style really not my thing i actively avoid historical fiction although it is something i like in small doses or if the historical period is more recent like anything kind of past 1920s i want to say yeah sad about this because i was interested in the slow burn romance kind of element but because of it being a period drama at page 120 i wasn't getting even like a little bit of attraction really between the main characters so i gave this one a go and i didn't enjoy it and then the last book i have is good me bad me by ali land this is a reasonably hyped thriller or i have read this one i read good me badmi um the thing with me and thrillers is that i really enjoy the process of reading them i enjoy a good thriller but afterwards like i've been thrilled i'm never gonna go back and reread them i did enjoy i think i enjoyed the sinister aspect of this one it's about a girl whose mother is a serial killer and she reports her mum to the police and she's put into foster care where she's with this new family and her identity has been changed and stuff for her own protection but she still like feels the connection to her mother and feels guilty about turning her into the police i think i gave it three stars it wasn't my favorite thriller i think it was very slow and it took me a while to get through it normally when i start a thriller and i'm enjoying it i can read the whole thing in like a day because i'm i'm thrilled i'm compelled i'm enjoying it but this one was a little bit on the slower side didn't love it but i did read it and i haven't hauled it because i don't keep thrillers after i've read them so that was the last one i would say that we did a lot better this year than we did last year in terms of me actually reading some of these we have eight here but with the edition of cuckoo song which wasn't actually in the video that makes 11 books for this year and i've read two of them and on hold them which was the start of me and you and good me badmi i tried two of them and dnf them which was the midnight queen and also battleground and then there are seven of them that i did not attempt this is my most recent unhaul stack it's actually a really pretty stack but it's also not a stack it doesn't look like a stack of books that i would read which i think is very telling when i have like this for example is i don't know how much you can see this is my tbr and this looks more like a stack that i would read really weird thing but just like if you had pictures of stacks of books and pictures of booktubers and you had to match the stack to the booktuber i don't think there's anything in this stack that would make you think that this was a stack of books that belong to me if that makes sense so that concludes last year's these books were self-destructing 12 months and also my reaction and unhaul follow-up to that video i am going to be posting a new set of books that will self-destruct in 12 months i believe that i will be doing that in around a week's time so do keep your eyes peeled for that if you are interested to see the next 10 books that are going to self-destruct in 12 months please let me know down in the comments i guess what you think of this video like have i made a mistake in unhauling any of these books i will say that nothing you can say will make me keep these and read them because i've given them the 12 months i've had them all of them i think for at least 12 months before i even made the self-destruction video and then i've had an extra 12 months and i haven't even thought of a lot of them so yeah let me know if you think i've made a mistake but i will not be keeping any of these books they are going to be on hold they are done aside from that please don't forget to like this video if you liked it and subscribe if you wanna if you head to my description box you'll find a link to my goodreads instagram and twitter if you'd like to follow me on any of those as well as a link to my bookish candle website the instagram follower and 10 of discount code that's it for me today guys [Music] bye [Music] though
Channel: Becca and The Books
Views: 8,713
Rating: 4.9499998 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, reading, these books will self destruct, becca and the books, booktube reaction, unhaul, book unhaul, uk booktubers, spring unhaul, reaction video, book unhaul 2021, clean, good me bad me, cuckoo song, midnight queen, what if it's us, unhaul 2021
Id: 5TMs9Qm6OOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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