I Made My Boyfriend Read A Court of Thorns & Roses by Sarah J. Maas // 2021

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the only other comparison i had was twilight you said about toxic relationships yeah why would you say toxic relationships does make you feel like you're reading something that isn't original i didn't come here to be attacked yes you did [Music] so if you guys are familiar with my channel at all then you'll know that sarah j maas is my favorite author a court of thorns and roses is the first book that i read by her one of my favorite series of all time this was my favorite book when i read it is it your favorite book what kind of a question is that ever yeah no no no and one day not too long ago curtis decided that he was going to start this series because he wanted why did you want to start this series just to say that i've read your favorite books well you've got a long way to go because i've got way more than one because there were two and i read the other one was that one day by the way it was one day this one's finished on to the next one this video is going to contain spoilers i don't really have a structure for it we are just going to talk about court of thorns and roses i thought that it would be interesting to make this video one because you guys asked for it how do you feel about that strange because this must be how you feel because people are like what do you think of this probably all the time i'm just a booktuber booktuber boyfriends are special i'm just a kid i like they're like um how can i put it in with them technical beasts they're like ultra rares and people like them i don't think that's as rare as having like a a nerdy girlfriend nerdy girlfriends exist men just refuse to acknowledge that they don't yeah okay how'd you feel about that that's cool one yeah you guys asked for it and two curtis is not part of the online book community he's unfamiliar aside from what he's heard me say about all the things that other people say about sarah j maas and how much she's hated as well as loved at some point throughout this video i'm going to be asking him questions that kind of relate to things that people think about sarah j maas and uh we'll see how he feels as somebody outside of the book community so as i mentioned this is going to contain spoilers so if you guys have not read a court of thorns and roses and you don't want to be spoiled i would recommend that you vacate this video now because uh get out of it what he said we will start off non-spoilery but it's just gonna it's just gonna be a discussion and we're just gonna see where it goes it's gonna be a chill time so basic things what are your basic thoughts on this and what did you rate it basic i didn't write it because i don't feel like i can rate it because i'm new i might rate it once i've read the others in context of the whole thing because like with albums when i listen to albums in a discography it's like in the context of that discography how does it react with the others okay so i kind of i get what you're going with and also because the only other fantasy things i've read have been twilight game of thrones the big ones this is also one of the big this is now one of the big ones that's kind of under the radar i feel like as far as public until like it gets an adap adaption yeah if that's just that's like just a really weird that's come in did i tell you yeah it's not a good time well that's interesting to hear as i just mentioned about you being outside of the book community like nobody would ever say that sarah j maas is underrated and there is currently a debate going on mainly with book talk where they keep recommending underrated books and it's like this which is not underrated in terms of the book community obviously i don't know where book talkers are coming from in terms of like what they've been exposed to with online book world before but they seem to think this is underrated and you also seem to think it's like underrated i don't think it's underrated i just don't think it's a household name yeah but like underrated in terms of nobody knows about it but it is a good book um it's a decent book what did you think then i think it has things that are interesting about it and the things that are interesting about it and um it is paced in such a way where where it's like so the the person who's written it has events that are happening along a timeline they're very defined and then they've had to link them all together so i i guess are you saying that it doesn't flow very well it might not flow very well but that might be part of the plan of making it keep the flow as well if that makes any sense i don't think it does no it flows fairly well but you can tell that it's like isolated instances and then like onto the next and you feel like things aren't fully smooth like one minute they don't like her and next minute they do and stuff like that oh it feels very sudden how everyone changes lack of lack of development like um certain developments why is he selecting a book for himself to read because he needs to meet his challenge and read more pages than somebody else on the youtube has he picked one i don't know you could be coughing up a furball you're staring at something yeah so you think that there's a lack of development between the relationships and how quickly they progress um yes see when i first read acacia i thought that the romance was not necessarily a slow burn kind of slow in the sense that nothing romantic happens for a while and then something romantic happens but it's very short i really feel like she took quite a while to warm up she does yeah there's a lot of you totally hate them because we are i feel like when you read this we are fairer the reader is fairer and lots of it is i do this and then i do that and it's a lot of eyes and you feel like you are fear and you see it through our eyes and you hate them but you also like the fact that she cares about family so you're in you're you're totally empathy with her how do you feel about a family kind of difficult because i read the first part and then i took oh yeah in the years so i don't fully remember the significance of the family she just got back to them yes there is that point where they're suddenly wealthy which is also sudden for everyone and you're like did they know them anymore did they know her anymore i know you didn't spend a whole lot of time with them but elena and nester if you had to pick one which one do you like more uh is it nestor the one who catches on to what she's done she knows that she didn't really go see her aunt who doesn't exist yes probably that one because somehow she managed to figure it out in this world where they're humans and they're boring and all that elaine's the one that grows flowers and nester's the one who's a bit of a only based on that we got a team nestor but this is early days we haven't we don't know who nestor is i really like nestor is there anything like in particular that you have thoughts yeah like i have thought in terms of comparing this the only other comparison i had was twilight yes that face right which was also my favorite book when i was like 13. well i read the twilight series when i was 14 so i have a grasp of it and um this feels like twilight for the next age that is to be fair i would say that that is not inaccurate because in twilight you have bella who is a human and she is treated like an outsider she's a human she doesn't understand and we through bella we learn about this world of vampires and stuff and she like fera is a human and through her eyes we learn about the world of magical stuff i don't think that you're wrong and i think in the development especially as me as a reader personally go in from twilight being the first book that i read of this nature the first paranormal romance that i read into a court of thorns and roses so i read twilight when i was 13 a court of thorns and roses when i was 21. both of them being my favorite books at the time that i read them and then now i'm into fantasy romance as a genre and so i feel like it has been a slow progression starting with twilight thought of films and roses is another big one but while we're talking about this i have a very interesting question how do you feel about this book being placed in the same market to the same target audience as twilight do you think that this is a book that teenagers should be reading um yeah i mean it's not like it's explicit isn't it you continue reading the series and we continue to make videos i'm going to ask you a question every single time we'll see if you're unlikely in between isn't it it's in between teen and adult which is why they call it young adult right no what age if you had to give like an age range of like five years so like ages 10 to 15 what age range would you put this book into what who should be reading this book 16 221 17 16 17. okay so by your judgment somebody who is outside of the book community that's also thinking that it's gonna go darker or it's gonna go dirtier if if i didn't think it was gonna go darker or dirtier based on what you've said i would say 14 15. fair i think is the twilight age there is a big debate in the book community because young adult literature is extremely marketable books that should actually be targeted at an older age range of being placed into the young adult age range which is then damaging to teenagers because they're being exposed to content that they shouldn't be exposed to and also pushed out of the demographic because i read this when i'm 21 and i should be outside of young adult then because i am an adult but books like this are still being put into young adult which is drawing in an older readership and alienating like a teenage readership it's difficult because it needs to strike the people who are young enough to dream the sort of dreams that she has and have the sort of dream man come in and be tempted by that but then also be wise enough to see the dark and toxic relationships that could try and tempt people see i would disagree with you just based on the fact that you're never too old to find your dream man and to believe that you're gonna have a dream man suppose cause i'm 27 i forgot how old i was and i still read this kind of yeah just like with all the characters so to appraise it it does if i was that way i would be definitely into the dream i want to pick up on something that you said very interesting you said about toxic relationships yeah why would you say toxic relationships it's really bad to know too much than the book gives you but obviously you say something that reese and is the love of my life the love of your life and in this it obviously is a bad start and a bad reflection on him up until he you know decides to help her for some reason so you use another twist so from what you've read so far you think that the toxic relationship is recent but it could be anyone because anyone can be you can flip a coin and someone could be toxic wow because on the other side of the coin they're perfect so that's that's interesting actually because one of my patrons asked me to ask you are you one team resort team wrong team wrong i won't say i'm on a team i would say if anything i'm on team farah because that's who you're with yeah i'm not sure if anyone else has been toxic apart from the fact they've had to lie to her but then they can't not lie to her because it's magic or something like that isn't it so how do you feel about tamlin as a character tell me your thoughts about our high lord of spring like when she's starting to like him i'm kind of like oh well this is typical isn't it yeah he's perfect blah blah blah i will say when i read it i didn't know it was gonna go that way because i thought paranormal romance was a thing of the past and this was just like standard young adult fantasy which typically does come with romance but i didn't know it was going to be so central focused on the romance so that did come as a shock to me but i think going into it is very obvious that something is going to happen i was just happy and surprised that it went in such a romantic route so yeah tell me about the romance tamlin just what do you think about him he seems okay he seems cool because like he is well up to a certain point anyway from the point when he totally tries to protect her and everything that's cool we like that i guess but then she also doesn't want to be protected because she's like i'm independent i can do hunting and stuff do you like that yeah i think that's important because she needs to be you know it needs to be like oh a good message for people women i want to say my red flag with tamlin i was kind of i i loved tamlin i still do do a bit okay and i treat a lot of thoughts and rosies as a standalone and just like as preserved as a pretty package because yeah you said that it wraps up real nice at the end but my red flag for tamlin was when she goes under the mountain and amaranth through his torch never touched her torsioning torturing her and treating her terribly and tamlins just thought though yes but i took that as magic stopping him from doing anything or him actively not doing anything to protect her see pharaoh does justify it as that like he can't do anything her interpretation because she's in the dark as well as we are but if you compare that to what other characters do oh yes when fear is being tortured true but maybe he thinks he's got nothing to lose because he's already plotting against her race i'm so excited are you gonna continue with this series yeah okay good because everyone says that you have to read a court of mist and fiori no i want you if you hate this book you still have to read a comment that's necessary yes that is the next one because that is like a lot of people still say that that is her best book ever i really like crescent city but my second favorite would be a court of mist and fiori and i'm really excited because one thing that you said to me when you were reading this that's really stuck with me you were reading it and you said i don't understand because obviously spending a lot of time with me and me talking about books all the time you know that i love rhys yes and i remember that you said that you don't understand one why i love reese and two how it gets to a point where i could love reece yeah like you just don't get it and i guess it's credit to the author that she's twisted it and you're on the other side of the twist i remember when i finished a guitar and me and ryan had this whole argument because we were really annoyed about the bargain that she strikes at the end oh the tattoo yeah yes me and ryan were both like really into tamlin and we were like there's nothing that's gonna happen like nothing that she could ever do is gonna make us not love tamlin anymore and like switch over to team race like we are on this tablet ship we will go down with this township and then halfway through not even halfway through a court of mist and fury actually just you really caught with mr fury and it's like nope does jealousy turn him into a monster potentially i will say with you telling me that there is saucier dirtier books in the future that this was pretty hot when it could be but i did read it in the style of your voice when you're doing when you've got marshmallows in your mouth and you did that oh yeah like chubby smoothie so yeah it was in my head like that i really like the color classified scene in this it was still hot where he turns feral and gets out of his cave only pins right at the wall yeah that was probably it so we have a a tumbling and ferris ship but i don't even think they have a ship name failing failing must be short-lived if it doesn't have a ship name and forgotten about maybe but like you're saying that you know that it's gonna switch over to rhys but i also like i say that rhys is the love of my life but i also love cassian cassian is also one of the loves of my life maybe you're also the one to take a thread and dream around it maybe she's with tamlin for the rest of the series and i'm just like really wish she was just reached though yeah because to you like slytherin is your house and they're not really ever the focal point of harry potter they should be though they should be so who is your favorite character oh fairer fairer feyre and then i guess it's lucian i thought you'd like lucian why'd you like lucian i don't know because he was what is it saki or sarcastic sarcastic because he was sarcastic he turned out to care as much as he could and try and do something to protect i do like lucian character even currently where i'm up to in the series where like the main trilogies ended and then there's an extra book under novella there's like still loads of theories about lucian like lucian is pretty much like a strong contender throughout the rest of this he's also like abandoned by his family and he's taken in by hamline yes so does that as well he's the is it the ambassador not the ambassador oh something he no oscar a misery missionary no a misery okay easy a misery that's it emissary emissary that's how you say it emissary emissary of darkness emissary of the autumn core which is pretty dark i've seen more of the autumn called they're not nice people lucian was abandoned by his family which you do get to find out more about later in the series and tamlin took him in so he has a great deal of loyalty towards tamlin because of that thank all the things i don't like and all the things that are disappointing in this relate to the fact it is a fairy tale retelling because when they shine through it just makes you think but you didn't know like going into it because you said to me at some point you were like this feels like beauty and the beast it does make you forget but then when you do remember you're kind of like oh it is also a retelling of tamlin which is a ballad oh and that also relates to how the ending is a little bit disappointing because it wraps up like a perfect fairy tale and all of a sudden everything's fine well like me you might like that when you get later in the series because you can like i mean we do go through a lot of stress the last like couple chapters are all stressful because she's doing her trials and she's stressed out and she's dying and she's hurt so that is some relief when it wraps up nicely how did you feel about how because i feel like the transition from just building up to the romance and that part of the plot to the under the mountain bit is quite quick because when you were reading it i kept asking you where you were up to and you didn't have that much left and she still wasn't under the mountain yet in that case it is fast-paced and easy to read easy to fly through a lot of the stuff that's happening at the end is sudden the trials are quick there's a part where everything kicks off when she realizes she's going to be the deal isn't on and then it's just chaos in the in the court yeah it's fast it's quick to read so do you want to talk about what you don't like about it aside from the yeah yeah what i don't like about it you can say it there's a lot of people who really don't even people who watch my own like i'm just blue don't like i feel like i've already said it that the the um when you realize it's a fairytale retelling when that comes up does make you feel like you're reading something that isn't original saying that though like it does very much follow the structure of beauty and the beast and that she's dragged away by this beast and there's a curse on them that she has to break but the tamlin retelling tamlin is about i'm pretty sure it's a male who is saved by his human lover okay so it's a combination of the two yeah and there's also so what east of the moon west of the sun so what parts of it are original it didn't come here to be attacked yes you did okay retellings i've just made a video on this i suggest you watch it retellings are very popular okay the part of it that's original is the mashing of the two the mashing of the two because you're going in expecting a beauty and the beast retelling okay this is i'm defending my queen right now which i spent too much time doing you're going into expecting beauty and the beast you do have other elements in there like the tamlin thing should be obvious when you realize he's called tamlin absolutely but he's a fairy and tamarind is a fairy name so it didn't click for me that it is tamlin and also i'm sure it's called east of the moon west of the sun which is something that jade picked up on i am unfamiliar with got elements of that in it as well which i think the three trials are part of that so it is like a mash-up of a whole ton of stuff you don't see beauty and the beast getting down and dirty like these do no that's nice very yeah original um also just to let you know the sequel is a retelling of hades and persephone okay do you know hades no but i've heard you say that so many times and it's making me think how many people are writing retellings of that so hades in persephone is of course the god of the underworld hades you know this persephone she's the goddess of spring i'm pretty sure and she is taken down into the underworld by hades and she's told that she can't eat anything but she eats the pomegranate and then she ends up striking a deal or a bag and i can't remember how but she spends six months of the year on earth and six months in the underworld so that's why we have seasons because when it's spring and summer persephone is on earth and when it's awesome and windy see how that's going to be applied to this series she's in the underworld so that is the origins of hades and persephone but as it's been retold and retold and retold in modern media it is essentially now just like big dark daddy innocent human girl okay abusive yeah toxicity that's interesting that you say that because hades and persephone has been romanticized a lot the original myth is very abusive just because he's the god of the underworld doesn't mean he's a bad guy he tried to make hercules human mortal disney that's my that's my knowing of that so yeah like the original myth is toxic and it has been romanticized and there's no denying the original myth is toxic but now it's become like character archetypes so you just have like your dark character normally like a hell god or like a dark lord and your innocent human a character yeah and it is very popular in romance i can see i've got a hairy stephanie retelling right there that's a romance i feel like this is a new thing it is a new thing but i have been telling you that tick tock is facilitating the rise of the dark daddy the rise of the dark anything else you don't like about it i didn't like that it did the same thing as twilight like i said where you're a human but i feel like that probably helps to get us into it and get us to understand everything that's going on as much as we can i understand where you're comparing it to twilight i'm saying twilight but romance paranormal romance supernatural romance fantasy romance very commonly up until very recently follows this trope of having your like immortal lover and human woman and also the human ends up being like them i.e twilight when she's the end of twilight pregnant oh yeah yeah survive yeah oh yeah because she does actually get turned into hi lady one of the things what did you think about that damn how do you feel about resurrection tropes i swear i liked her i didn't like it because it's the cheap way in it but then she has to carry on if she dies then so do we what do you think about the fantastical elements in the book that was probably the most interesting part yeah because i don't think it's very it's all very focused on breaking the curse the magic the magic and the wonder is very much the heart of it the imagery of you know when they take her out and stuff and the things that she can't see those things she can't see and they they turn it on and let her see things that she can't see that's there and so that's like you know there's only so much human eye can see how do you think that's going to progress in the sequel hopefully a lot more of it um also as i told you i liked the way she described the music like it was a thing that kept her alive or something like that when it's playing through the excel do you find out in that book where music is coming from don't think so okay i don't think so i think it might be in the sequel have we have i directly asked you what you think about resand don't think so what do you think about recent based on this book alone he is awful he was awful up until he tried to save her and then he only saved her it seems so he could strike a bargain but then she also says at the end you you didn't have to ask for that many weeks you could have asked for all the time and then that was very confusing because if she had if he had all the time then what was the point in saving time obviously killing the evil queen i'm just gonna reel it back a little bit because you said that he's awful throughout this entire thing not up until the point where he saves her assuming you mean at the end he she is when she meets him for the first time second time isn't it i've been looking for you yeah but i think it's the second time she meets him he is doing awful things with his claws and people's brains which were then the way it's described it's to be absolutely to get under your skin yeah that's awful that's when they're in the dining room isn't it and she's hidden behind the curtain and he like and what makes reese what makes him change his mind why is he turned on thingy why's he turn on the queen if he's if he's fine with it i'm pretty sure you had a scene in acatar where he was talking about amarantha and why he was there or when he shows up at the timeline doesn't isn't there a point where she's like roaming around under the mountain and she ends up in his bedroom accidentally and she sees his wings maybe because she's cleaning she's doing some cinderella it's his fireplace yeah yeah so at the time that this scene happens where they have a conversation she doesn't trust him at all yet does she because they're not she knows him as the the brain feeler interesting upon reread because i kind of know what he's saying when he's like because he says don't think he didn't cost me for him to be out when he shouldn't have been out and things like that and how he says here she ordered us not to help you even if i felt like helping you i couldn't she gives the order and we all bow to it i see and he's talking about how he has his power but it's nothing compared to the power that he should have and how he can shapeshift and all of them can but hamlin like he just saw it has his wings in his closet so it is less sudden and there is evidence that he is not happy with his situation so speaking of the end with reason what do you think about how he's just like oh my god and then disappears what do you think could have happened i thought it was something really simple like she was smiling at him when he was relieving like he never thought he'd see a smile so that's just like clutching at straws but um there isn't really anything to go off apart from like a cliffhanger no yeah because i remember reading it like okay okay i think i read it like twice and was like what yeah is she seen something on him or has he seen something he definitely sees something like i know what he is the reason why it happens so it is definitely a him thing and i think she's just confused which he's also i think you get your first glimpse that not everything is as it seems with resand right at the end of the book where all of this stuff is happening and he says to her like oh she says to him like you could have asked for all of the weeks like why did you just choose this and you start to get a glimpse of resund and and he really is excited i'm really excited because now it's it's just so interesting the the way that you've interpreted this reading it for the first time is that you like tamlin you think reese is toxic you thought that rhys was a toxic thing and i actually think that not even from like a romance perspective i think that you are going to really like rhys based on you and like your like what you like and what you believe and stuff i think you're gonna love reece okay i really think you're gonna like absolutely love him and it's gonna be great to see it's good that they can slowly open your mind and break away from your first impressions of the characters that is something that sarah j maas is like really good at it becomes a recurring theme throughout her books that she will bring you a character and make you hate them or like them and then completely change your mind and it happens throughout like the romances in her series it also happens with just like general characters like one of my favorite characters in turn of glasses look and everything you see of him he's horrible until he's not so i think that she's actually really good at that and it happens with quite a few characters in that last trial you know where she's got the three yeah she got the kids to kill i thought one of them was going to be a family or they were all going to be a family or something like that but no one was telling him one was tamlin which made me think when she kissed him and when they got away from the party was that really him because and i also thought because reesam kisses her afterwards that maybe there was a poison exchange and he was getting out because there's no explanation for why he kissed her then is there no explanation for that i'm sure this is an explanation she just says it says something like and then returns kissing me and then i'll run where i can still taste hamlet or something like that so she's covered in tattoo the the paint that he's painted on her yeah and when she's been in the closet with tomlin he smeared all of a pen yeah so reese and kisses are in the closet so that whenever marantha walks in or when somebody walks in and sees them they think it was rhys they don't think it was hamlet so he was taking a blame for him yeah he was taking the blame because like all hell would have broke loose if amaranth would have found yeah anything else that you would like to ask i don't think so i feel like i've gone through everything i can remember no because this is quite in in terms of scoping in terms of what the rest of the series has in store everything in this book is very contained for one because you continue to the curse on the sprinkle yes there is a story but in the next books in the series you're going to see a lot more magic and a lot more of like an epic plotline with a lot more elements a lot more characters you also get to see one place specifically outside of the supreme court but also other areas in corinthian which is going to be real cool for you nice so what do you expect or want to see in the sequel it's difficult without any loose threads without any like real cliffhangers that aren't just that one yeah i feel that because i remember knowing or thinking that i didn't know where the sequel was going to go aside from the fact that reese was gonna climb his bargain i guess more of how she's dealing with being a different being now because she said even her fingers on her hair felt strange so i guess more of that would be interesting and if she has magic you know what she can do also how the other characters come up with her being because they're no longer as impressive now that she's maybe trash something else that i think that you are going to really like in the sequels is that there's a lot of mental health rep especially in the next cool which is real cool like sarah j maas does do quite a bit of um mental health rep for acumaf is good so yeah you liked it i did you like how much did you like it because you won't rate it i liked it a lot yeah it was gripping i looked forward to reading it when i wasn't reading it sometimes i'd think about it i mean it's been a long time since last time i read it and i've been very pretty frequently and you will be reading the sequels and i will be reading more and will you be coming back here i guess sir because god there was a lot to talk about here so i imagine there will be a lot to talk about in the next ones cool i guess that that brings us to the end of this installment as you've just heard curtis say he does intend it it took him how long well like three years to read this but since you've actually been reading it it took you what like a month yeah i guess we'll be back at some point to talk about a court of mist and fury in like a month or so so i want you guys to do is leave in the comments any specific questions that you would like curtis's opinion on relating to a court of mist and fury like if you've heard anything in this video and you want to know how his opinions change like i know that i'm definitely going to be coming back to the the theory that rhys is toxic yeah if there's anything that he's mentioned today that you would like him to answer again when he's read a quote of mr fury and has a little bit more information about the rest of the series or just if there's any specific parts in a court of mist and fury that you would like to hear his or our opinion on please pop those down in the comments do you have anything you want to promote peace love and understanding peace love and understanding good mental health i can't link those in my description box be good to yourself you can be good to yourself read more books read more books i mean we support them read good books read good books click the notification bell to get more from me you know subscribe if you want to that is it from us today guys because this has ruined my intro but please don't forget to like this video if you liked it and subscribe if you want to in my description box you will find links to my goodreads instagram and twitter and if and if not if you'd and if you if you'd like to follow me on any of those as well as link to my bookish candle website and a 20 off discount code no the instagrams are that and tempers are not disco gold i'll just keep giving them 20 off i'm sorry there's never been 20 awesome well that is it from us today guys bye [Music] [Music] though
Channel: Becca and The Books
Views: 6,749
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, reading, Becca and the books, a court of thorns and roses, acotar, Sarah j maas, my boyfriend read acotar, my boyfriend read a court of thorns and roses, booktube boyfriend, I made my boyfriend read, I made my boyfriend read my favourite book, acomaf, a court of mist and fury, a court of wings and ruin, a court of silver flames, becca and the books curtis, becca curtis, acowar, acosf, maas trash
Id: j58eywXG98g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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