Which AA Battery is Best? Can Amazon Basics beat Energizer? Let's find out!

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Wish he added in Kirkland Signature.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CaptSpanky118 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

so spoiler alert... you get what you pay for.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Flo_Evans πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Buys a fancy charger. Doesn't test any rechargeable batteries. This dude is not serious about his batteries.

For comparison an AmazonBasics NiMH AA (2000mAh and $1.56) comes in at 12.8 mAh per penny on a single charge. That was better than the worst value 'heavy duty' cells and after 2 or 3 charges it beats out all of the non-rechargeables.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/parametrek πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ikea batteries?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Snoman002 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
so when it comes to double-a batteries there's no shortage of marketing hype and I've had a lot of people asked me to test double-a batteries so that's what we're gonna do today now I'm about to you buy used double-a batteries for a lot of different things including even the microphone on the camera that I'm using right now so I spend a lot of money on double-a batteries and I really want to know if it's worth paying more for batteries or if I'm better off just buying a less expensive product for example you can buy $5 general store batteries for the price of one Energizer battery so is energizer that much better than the competition well I don't know if they are not we're about to find out so let's get the testing underway so before we actually begin testing batteries there's a really neat trick that I learned about that actually does work and it's the bounce test now the purpose of this test determine whether or not a battery is noon and won't let you know whether or not the battery is totally used that but will give you a pretty good idea as to where the battery is regarding the charge the more it bounces less energy it has in it now the way this works is if you take a battery that's brand-new and you drop it on the end it won't bounce very much but if you take a used battery in this case I have two batteries that are pretty much used up there's a dark line on them and if you drop them on the end it'll bounce quite a bit I won't get into all the sinuses of why this happens there is a reason for it and that's pretty interesting but we're going to see how this works the new juror cells at one point six one one point six two the ones that are pretty much used up at one point two to one point two so these two are well used we're going to see how it does against the new one on the drop test [Music] [Music] [Music] so in order to determine which battery is best we need some technology that will measure how much energy is in each battery and that's exactly what this battery charger that I purchased was able to do I'm not endorsing this brand I don't do any sort of sponsorship deals again I purchased this with my own money so how does this battery charger work well it actually has a mode for discharging batteries in other words it is going to drain each battery of all of its energy and measure how much energy it pulled out of each battery while doing so and it has a couple of different discharge rates so we're not going to do just one battery we do a couple of batteries and we're gonna also use a couple of different settings so let's begin the testing by comparing Dollar General heavy-duty batteries against the Duras cells I bought these for a dollar these were rather expensive so eight batteries four dollars 13 cents each we'll see how they do compared to the Duracell I'm going to set this up to discharge at 300 milliamps [Music] so this is very interesting right now it's showing us what's happening on the first battery at eight minutes it has less than 1 volt point 99 bad or twos dat 9 minutes it has 0.9 5 volts batteries at 9 minutes one point three four volts so far the Duracell is outperforming the Dollar General Store significantly big difference there same thing with the fourth battery one point three four volts so the Duracell batteries are doing very well these dollar general store batteries are about to die so the Dollar General Store batteries did not do well at all only lasting 26 minutes and producing 117 milliamp hours for the first battery in 35 minutes and producing 158 for the second battery definitely not nearly as good as a Duracell which lasted 381 minutes producing 1747 milliamp hours and the second battery lasted three hundred eighty minutes producing 17 hundred and thirty-eight make just more interesting imma go ahead and try one battery each of a different brand for the next test so we're about to really mix things up both the rayovac fusion as well as a Duracell quantum both claimed that no alkaline battery lasts longer obviously they both can't be right so let's see which one is better we're also going to test the Amazon basics as well as a Harbor Freight Thunderbolt amazonbasics actually did fairly well considering the price of the battery it produced 1382 milliamp hours and lasted 301 minutes now the Duracell quantum produced 1850 milliamp hours in lasted four hundred five minutes unfortunately for the Duracell though the rayovac fusion did last longer producing 1884 milliamp hours and lasting 410 minutes however both finished nearly in a tie unfortunately the Harbor Freight Thunderbolt didn't do too well just like the dollar general store it only lasted 28 minutes it produced 125 milliamp hours that's actually worse than the dollar store battery so our lithium batteries really worth the extra cost these lithium's are about a dollar fifty each very expensive compared to a 55 cent ever-ready or 75 cent energizer for around a 70 cent rayovac so does the energized better than Duracell we're about to find out first the rayovac lasted 347 minutes and produced 1589 milliamps the ever-ready lasted three hundred three minutes and produced 1384 milliamp hours the energizer actually beat the regular Duracell as well as the Duracell quantum and all the other batteries we've tested up to this point as well lasting 411 minutes and producing 1888 milliamp hours which is very impressive however not surprisingly the Energizer lithium beat all the batteries by a long shot lasting 723 minutes and creating 3317 milliamp hours so what next we're going to slow down the battery drain interval to only a hundred milli amp hours so Harbor Freight stun dubrow only lasted 181 minutes and produced 275 milliamp hours the Dollar General didn't even do as good as the Harbor Freight unfortunately it only lasted 100 28 minutes and produced 193 milliamp hours be ever ready on the other hand lasted 837 minutes and produced 1279 milliamp hours the rayovac lasted twelve hundred five minutes in made eighteen hundred and forty-four milliamp hours the Duracell quantum lasted one thousand three hundred and sixty three minutes in made 2064 milliamp hours the Duracell lasted 1315 minutes in made 2012 milliamp hours in the Energizer lasted one thousand three hundred twenty nine minutes in made 2026 milliamp hours which is in second place behind the Duracell quantum up next when to repeat the test on amazonbasics I made a mistake on that test and I'm also going to test the Energizer lithium as well as the rail vac the amazonbasics battery lasted 1040 three minutes producing one thousand 533 milliamp hours so as expected the energizer lithium lasted twice as long as the competition for a total of two thousand 81 minutes and producing 3152 milliamp hours the rayovac only lasted 958 minutes producing 1465 milliamp hours not even as good as the amazonbasics the 300 million discharge rate is a fairly quick drain the energizer lithium demonstrated that it is far better than any of the alkaline batteries we tested I have to admit I'm really impressed with the Energizer beating the regular Duracell as well as the Duracell quantum while the amazonbasics finished near the bottom of the competition the price of the battery actually makes it the best value of the batteries we tested the amazonbasics produced over 32 milliamps of energy for one penny compared to the next closest competitor the energizer which made nearly 26 milliamps for a penny while the lithium was the best battery is definitely not the best value finally the worst value included the Dollar General and the Harbor Freight Thunderbolt both draining your wallet more than the competition for the hundred milliamp discharged test as expected the energizer lithium's battery easily beat the alkaline batteries the Duracell quantum barely beat out the energizer the amazonbasics did really well considering the price finishing ahead of the rayovac as well as the ever ready silver both more expensive batteries just as before the Dollar General the Harbor Freight Thunderbolt didn't do so well once again the amazonbasics came out on top making 37 milliamps per penny and the energizer held on to a second-place position making nearly 28 milliamps per penny once again the Dollar General and the Thunderbolt batteries finished in the last two positions demonstrating that they just aren't a good value so which brand do you like the best and which ones do you normally buy did you enjoy the video if you did I really like to know your opinion on whether or not I should do a triple a battery showdown also what about the rechargeable batteries do you use rechargeable batteries and when you like me to put together a showdown on those as well now regarding my opinion on these batteries I was really impressed with the Amazon basics I really didn't think it would do so well compared to the competition I thought it would finish closer to the Harbor Freight or the Dollar General given the price of the battery is very affordable so which battery would I by likely by the energizer just because it seems to be a good balance between price as well as producing a lot of energy now the lithium energizer is just a little too expensive in my opinion for the amount of energy it produces in some applications I might buy the lithium but definitely not for maybe a camera microphone or something else that doesn't really have a significant amount of battery drain now I have to admit I was really disappointed with the Harbor Freight Thunderbolt as well as the Dollar General they seem to be draining your wallet not giving you a good product at all so I don't recommend them as a battery unless you're just trying to buy something for a kid's toy that makes noise and you want that noise to stop quickly that might be the only time I would buy a double-a battery for those anyway just want to say thanks so much for watching the video I really look forward to reading your video ideas so please give me some ideas for future videos please take care and I look forward to next time
Channel: Project Farm
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Rating: 4.9331908 out of 5
Keywords: Seafoam, additive, oil, crankcase, lock up, sea foam, lucas, marvel mystery oil, marvels marvel, mystery oil, engine, seefoam, Sea foam, does seafoam work, engine rebuild, carbon, lifter, prolong, zmax, amsoil, synthetic, jb weld, weld, cracked cylinder, project farm, 2 stroke bike, energizer, duracell, duracell quantum, energizer lithium, aa battery, aaa battery, rechargeable battery, amazon basics battery, rayovac, eveready, dollar store
Id: V7-ghrTqA44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2018
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