DNA of an Entrepreneur

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what's our alternative pad you telling me the new six figures it's three hundred four thousand dollars how do I do it do I get another job do I go back to school hmm think about the richest person you know think about the wealthiest person you know think about that person somebody you've touched somebody who had dinner with think about the wealthiest person you know everybody thought about that person I'm not talking Buffett somebody you know it's normally the person everybody talks behind that person's back that's the person okay you know it okay are you ready ask this question does that person have a job or they an entrepreneur what makes you think you're going to become wealthy having a job you just answered it so have you really positioned yourself to become wealthy I don't know but you just answered it yourself I did not entrepreneur look at the reality of it they tell us go to high school have a 4.0 GPA and go to college to get a degree because everything is going to be fine eighty-three percent of college seniors today according to LA Times do not have a job lined up eighty three percent of college seniors today why do you want me to go to school and spend money and that is two hundred thousand dollars has to become a business this College thing why even four years why can't I do college in a year and a half I'm never going to use physics my business has nothing to do with physics why are you wasting three months of my time and $700 for that class but we're not questioning any of this stuff we're just paying the money then that father mother that spent $200,000 on the school and I was working till seventy three years old because you think Social Security is going to be around you think it's going to be around I tell you it is going to be around but let me tell you how they're going to have it be around here's how they're going to do it do you know originally when they chose the age for Social Security you know why they chose 65 does anybody know this because no one lived to 65 do you know this one first Social Security was invented it was because 65 because no one lives to that age do you know what they're going to do you're going to see Social Security will be around but benefits will start at 80 years old you'll see it but in their government is going to say we told you we're never going to go away with it but it starts at 80 how smart is that right 66% of Americans make less than 41 thousand dollars per year 65% of all new net jobs are not created by the government or these big Wall Street corporations they've created by small businesses since 1995 who's talking about that who's getting up on TV saying I'm running for presidency we need more entrepreneurs we need more van when's the last time you saw a governor senator president get up on TV and say American people please start reading these five books on how to start a business and how to manage your own finances when's the last time we had that why isn't any politician recommending books for us to read on getting our finances in order why don't we why don't I tell us that I don't understand that concept educate us and we'll be free so what is an entrepreneur in simple words it's a risk taker but let me skip this here where did it all begin Columbus comes to America he was the first entrepreneur to make it here to the new world according what history tells us his mission was to find a way to trade for spices George Washington was an entrepreneur manufacturer to products and his crop flour and distill this whiskey Michigan was the first University to offer a course in entrepreneurism do you know how many universities are teaching classes to become an entrepreneur today hundreds do you know why people are starting to figure it out they're starting to figure it out you know who still what generation is really figuring it out it's so interesting to me it's boomers do you know why boomers are figuring it out because they have the most experience in the workforce and they know it doesn't work anymore and Millennials and Gen Xers are not asking anything questioning anything they're just doing what boomers did they're going to getting a job they're not realizing the original reason why nine-to-five job was created do you know originally you know this nine-to-five is only a two-year period thing anyone knows it's like 9:00 to 5:00 has not been on for thousands of years it's only 80 years old do you know why we agreed to work 9:00 to 5:00 why 9:00 to 5:00 do you know why we agreed to work that 9:00 to 5:00 do you know why daylight hours and you know who invented 9:00 to 5:00 by what was the company that invented 9:00 to 5:00 you should know it you know it Ford Motor Company at that time Ford was a godfather of companies in Detroit whatever they did everybody else did so here's how was hey Vicki I would like to have you give 30 years of your life to my company Ford Motor Company and Vickie says what she goes like this and she says what your question would be what what do I get for giving you 30 years and I said I'm sorry I'm Ford she says I'm sorry what am I going to get for my 30 years I guess that's a fair question okay you give me 30 years of your life staying with me at the company I'm gonna give you a 30 year pension plan wait a minute so I work for you 30 years then you're going to give me my income I am fair deal boom we shake hands good negotiation do you realize that's what we agreed to do this raise yet if you got a pension plan watch this watch this no no raise you're not pipe you got a pension plan from your company look at the age of people that raise your hands you don't see 35 year olds they're clueless about it because company said these twenty thirty year olds know nothing about pension plans cancel the whole thing they won't question it they'll still come and work for us and we don't even need to give my pension plan and people are still doing it and no one's talking about this only people raise around that high pension plans mid-40s and up because you were in that era it's gone we said 134,000 pension plans in 1985 we got barely twenty thirty thousand today because they don't have to offer it to you and I because Millennials are not questioning it anymore they're just falling I go work 9:00 to 5:00 my mommy and daddy did it and the system loves it then no one questions it people even get up and walk out what the hell are we talking about at this meeting I thought this was an entrepreneurial meeting so why do you think there aren't more entrepreneurs in America folks how many of you have thought about starting your own business raise your hand what is the number-one reason why most of us don't start a business watch the answer fear we're afraid I've never done it before I can do it I don't have the money I don't have the time I don't have the education I don't have the support I don't have the I yeah I don't know how watch this though why are the reasons why most entrepreneurs become entrepreneurs why do you think they do see I think there's two reasons one is the common reasons the other one is the deeper reasons let me speak to you about the common reasons everyone knows a common reasons the common reasons are what control the time I want to make more money tax benefits family business this one's very interesting do you know for years we've been told husband and wife shouldn't what work together now who said that in the first place I would love to meet that guy we're now 300 million of us are saying that check this out how has it worked a husband works and works in a place for ten hours with a bunch of other people potential to meet new people wife goes and works in a new place for 10 hours they are growing what 10 years later you're sitting at dinner saying why did I marry you I don't love her anymore I think we're disconnected 66% of marriages end up at a divorce do we ask why do you realize for thousands of years we didn't have any divorces why husband and wife ran a business together we built something what together so I'm seeing you every day I'm with you every day baby we're building something together so at night hey remember that one thing that we need to work on baby you need to call Joey in the morning - I will hey you got to get the Sun - dude because we're building something together so anytime husband wife has grown something together that's exciting we're not doing that no more because that one guy they say husband wife shouldn't work together who is they I haven't met there yet right but they say that they say that right Travel did you know 54% of Americans have never traveled outside of the United States of America 54% has never traveled some want to become entrepreneurs for retirement recognition nice car big home be their own boss but let me tell you a deeper reason why people are becoming entrepreneurs do you realize in this room we have Caucasian african-american Hispanic Middle Eastern Asian we have different nationalities Christian Jehovah seven-day LD LDS Scientology Muslim catholic agnostic atheist confuses whatever you want to call it right educated uneducated Laker fan clipper fans doesn't matter every single one of us in this room everybody in this room do you realize every single action we take everything you and I do in our life every single action we take we take that action with an intention of getting one emotion anyone knows that one emotion we want it's what happiness 2007 when the market crashed everybody lost their money in 2008 you know what was the most common word used in books that were published in 2008 happy because everybody wanted to find out how in the heck do I become what happy do you know why cut you know all these beer companies do so well because they do commercials ah when you're drinking with the single girls and oh and then you know this is so I one drink you know Coors Light because I'm happy when I drink Coors Light for 30 minutes do you know why the drug business does so well ooh when you're small you're so happy you drop this pill you drink water you get a massage oh it's great you snort this thing you feel like you're Superman for about five minutes everything's a happy happy happy you're laughing about it I'm sorry we're all adults here it's not like none of you guys haven't seen products this year oh cocaine I mean it's not like you at the time we had 80 nowadays in America I'm sorry we see a lot of weird things today your kids see things at 10 years old we used to see at 18 years old so how do you judge happiness it took me a long time to question this I decided judging happiness on the lifespan of that feeling of happiness this is 30 minutes this is very short all of those are short the biggest long lasting happiness feelings are all natural every one of them are natural they're all natural highs all of them and we'll talk about that here in a minute do you know everybody here wants to be fulfilled do you know everybody here wants to live a meaningful life we may disagree on a lot of things there's an a single soul here who doesn't want to live a meaningful life any parents in the room raise your hand if you got kids hey what do you and I want our kids to say about us when we die honestly that they like us you know they're going to say stuff about us when we're dead that they never said when we're alive yes look some of us don't have living parents and we wish we had five minutes with them to tell them some stuff we didn't say none of us are perfect but you know what's going to happen we'll be in heaven and we're going to go and say hey God I cleaned that cloud am i cool to check out my kids real quick you clean the good I cleaned account under cloud is clean okay go ahead we're good okay good cuz you know I got good technology up there right so I'm gonna come home and say there's my boy see how he's doing okay he's happy okay he's spending some time with his wife right now I mean let me cover this up this is a little awkward you're gonna step away it's kind of weird you come back okay okay this is and he open up the clouds and then BOOM he's in the car by himself and he's got his hands and his head on the steering wheel and it's just going like this and you're saying why is he doing that and you can hear his voice dad I miss you dad mom I need you right now mom marriage is a mess I have no clue what to do I haven't told Mary I don't know how to pay my mortgage payment you taught me so much about life I wish you were here with me I wish I could have five more minutes with you to tell you how much I love you I am the man the woman I am today because of you I miss you mom I miss you that I love you so much oh I got two kids man there are only three or twenty two months I'm now thinking about this and I know you do as well as parents because everybody wants to live a flippin meaningful life everybody does we may be different but we want to make an impact with our lives and you know how we do it you ever met bitter people anybody met bitter depressed people do you ever wonder why some of us sometimes are so bitter and depressed I used to want to find out what causes people to be lazy until I figured out why people are lazy I wanted to find that at one point why am I so lazy when I was a kid you know it's a very simple does anybody know what causes laziness a boring life boredom is the seed of laziness when we watch a boring movie what happens to us we fall asleep when you watch an exciting movie what happens to us we don't fall asleep that's your life if your life is boring you're lazy if your life doesn't have a lot of action you don't have a lot of energy and I saw that in my life but you know what causes bitterness and what causes depression you ever met bitter people that everything to them is like everything they're so bitter to be around do you know what it is let me tell you what causes happiness and what causes bitterness and here's all it is people who no longer create anything are depressed and bitter and people who continuously create they're happy you let me give you an example my mom and dad divorced in 1989 20 years they didn't see each other my mom told me I will never be in the same with your dad my dad said I will never see her mom ever again 20 years I prayed I wanted to have them to be in the same room together 20 years later they did you know why because my niece was born my sister created a child when she created that child everybody showed up and everybody was happy my mom and dad talked to each other with no problems how many times you seen grandkids bring families together anybody's ever seen grandkids what they do to a family everyone shows up out of nowhere if we don't create we're not happy you see people who are bitter make a list of what they've been creating nothing they're not happy they don't have happiness there's not fulfillment there anybody's ever bought anything from Ikea you ever bought anything from Ikea do you ever realize like afterwards what the heck was I thinking about going to this IKEA my wife I come on babe yeah baby see that box yeah baby was just your point with the box you know when we said we're gonna make that show up we're gonna make that that that that little cabinet together today baby babe we never make it together you just hand me the screwdriver baby I mean that's not making it together so then you go over there you're all ticked up man you know what I'm talking about guys yeah so we go over there like this talking behind you know under our neurone same stuff and you look at the box 109 eight parts and and you open the manual it's in French I don't speak French like give me an English manual and you start building this thing right and you're so furious and you're getting close to what finishing it and then your masterpiece is done and your parents show up hey mom I created that thing I am the creator of that day son don't touch it I created it do not touch it hey hey John you know that thing right I created it I did it IKEA has become a multi-billion dollar company because they figured out people become happy when they create things so dooku gain is good because when you create and finish the diabolic formula whatever it is you're all happy you know what I'm to puzzles we create we're happy but those are just actions that don't make you money another thing we've realized we need as a community we need to be part of a community you know who learn that Instagram Facebook you know what we do nowadays here's what we do give me the duck lips duck lips duck lips boom we took the picture you saw them puts up his Instagram hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag that that that that that okay great it's a good pic man it was a good bet one's gonna blow up watch they say hundred fifty times today we look at this thing 150 times a day so go bro 17 likes and four minutes oh good it's good oh my god this is good oh she walk run go check it again 34 we're on track for having the best when my best one is 68 69 likes woah Instagram how come Jerry didn't like the picture how weird are we right because we need a community you know what's the last one you know what's the last one this is why Russian Empire failed miserably and the country finally went to Gorbachev and said get the heck outta here communism does it work do you know why it doesn't work as much as they're trying to convince Americans it works do you know why it doesn't work do you know why it doesn't work because we love having a sense of ownership we have to have ownership when anybody has been to a game and your kid scores a touchdown what does a parent typically do hey hey Sarris you see that that's my boy so he runs like his daddy it's kind of like you know it's an after like his father's how I used to run up and kind of gain weight but that was that was me 30 32 years ago son I'm proud of your body that's my son hey whose wife is this it's my wife while you're looking at it it's my wife my my wife whose husband is that's my husband don't don't don't you be looking at my husband over there I'm telling that's my husband right there okay get your highs offer hey whose line is it get off my lawn whose house is this whose car is this ma you know why because we need to have a sense of ownership do you know what's crazy let me tell what's crazy create community sense of ownership is all the activities that create happiness fulfillment a meaningful life do you know all entrepreneurs do all day long it's create they're part of a community and they own their business that's why they're so happy how many of you guys have a friend that invited you to this meeting here today and you've said this line to him or other people man he's changed he's crazy why is he so excited as if he's joined a cult who said that they haven't all entrepreneurs are like that it's not just us go to entrepreneur events is because they create they're part of a community and they own their business that's why they're happy and that's why most people have jobs they don't feel that way because you're not you've just taken orders you're just doing a regular job and it doesn't create fulfillment and people are starting to figure this out so anybody want to do a quick DNA test to see if you have what it takes to become an entrepreneur anybody wanna do that yes or no you don't want it we can skip this if you don't want to do that let's figure out real quick if you got what it takes to become an entrepreneur you know you're an entrepreneur if you're Restless and no achievement is ever enough who's like that who is nothing you ever do is enough right anybody a control freak any control freaks here hey you know who the real control freaks are those who didn't raise their hands you are the real control freaks we know who you are give me a break I'm not a control freak you're a masochist any masochist in the room anybody knows what a masochist is any masochist in the room craziness son that's entrepreneurs sometimes anybody have a love/hate relationship with money raise young if you got a love-hate relationship with money anybody was a black sheep of the family maybe even a dropout black no black sheeps here folks this is the church-going people praise the Lord God bless this group on this side no black sheep raise your hand if you were black sheep and a family and you did something that most people didn't do we a lot of them here anybody but what's called crazy that anyone said you're crazy yes anyone somewhat introverted but do you know what that means also that's like people who have like seven personalities and you have no idea who's showing up today okay who are you today today she's pissed off I mean I can see the look on her face no no today she's happy that's good we have the happy sherry today anybody likes sports anyone likes competition if you like competition you have the entrepreneur DNA in you anyone have an expensive taste who's got an expensive taste you prefer Rolex over Folex yes is that okay with you yeah you got some taste good at telling stories strong work ethic anyone ever sold anything as a kid raised yet if you ever sold anything as a kid he wants you to tell us if anybody sold anything as a kid that was legal just tell us anything you sold some of you guys raised your hand went back down would you sell as a kid Tushar ons to shout on it's okay what you sell over here as a kid Princess House crystal that's unique would you sell as a kid lemonade very cool what you sell as a kid you raced hamsters Wow Peter raced hamsters it's like a lower version of Michael Vick type of a thing right I mean that's like and race tambour they like fighting each other like bumping heads or no like that's pretty intense stuff anybody else any other creative things creative anybody else anybody's want to tell us yeah tell us factor would you sell blue yeah anything you could sell orange your mom's gift baskets when she went to work did she know about is the real question and she's smiling back okay anyone very curious anyone's ever been called nosey listen we got a lot of nosy people here know anyone ever been called nosy believe it or not and family and friends is not good to be nosy but in business if you're nosey it's very very good it makes you good money and it was somewhat shameless you could care less what people think about you raise your hand it's great to see all these embarrassing people here who are shameless right shameless you know what's crazy do you know how many people I see and say that person would be incredible as an entrepreneur but they'll probably never find out because they're never going to try to become an entrepreneur that drives me nuts I see someone like does this guy really understand how incredible of an entrepreneur that can make but they're afraid they never do it
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 486,304
Rating: 4.9441791 out of 5
Keywords: dna of an entrepreneur, entrepreneur, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, startup tour, valuetainment, patrick bet david, how to create jobs, how to start a business, dna of a business man, traits of entrepreneurs, entrepreneur motivation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2015
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