Why I Moved to Florida

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it is true as of 11 weeks ago i decided to move myself my family my two dogs as well as valuetainment off to florida specifically south florida and today i'm going to answer to you why out of all the places i could have gone to i could have gone to north dakota i could've gone to wyoming i could have gone to the great state of montana why florida we're going to talk about it today [Music] so i got to give you the backstory before i tell you why i moved to florida so i'm like a gypsy my dad calls me a gypsy because like in armenian they say titi chest got honest meaning you can't sit still in one place i lived 10 years in iran i lived 18 months in germany at a refugee camp i lived six years in glendale california then i lived nine months in south carolina columbia then i lived in kentucky tennessee for a couple of years back to la for 21 years dallas for five years and now south florida for the last 11 weeks so why did i go from specifically california to texas to florida so let's talk about the move from california to texas when i left california i wrote a love letter to california it looked like this if you want to read the whole thing you can read it all the way at the bottom i'll leave the link for you to read it i wrote why i'm leaving california i also wrote what i think california needs to do this letter was written probably in 2016 february 1st give or take but i explained why i was moving to texas and these were my reasons on moving to texas when i wrote this five years ago so my number one reason was entrepreneurship and there was an article at the time that came out in 2016 that said it was by cnbc ranking california 50th for business friendliness i wanted to go to a little bit more of a friendly place for entrepreneurs that was texas four seasons my kids enjoyed christmas we wanted to move there for the four seasons southern hospitality the service in texas is fantastic the people are so friendly cowboys and the texas rangers i've always been a big texas rangers fan and they got cost of gas it was a buck 58 at the time in texas versus 258 at the time in california then taxes california is a lot of taxes let's face it it's the worst in america in taxes and texas was the seventh best state at the time in texas easy to travel anywhere in the country due to its airports cost of living was great traffic was different than california and obviously a great place to make contacts for business in the state of texas so that's my reason why i moved to texas so now the question because pat if you love texas so much why florida why would you go from texas to florida and i'm going to answer that to you but do me a favor if you like this content so far and if you like valuetainment press the thumbs up button and if you're here for the first time smash that subscribe button so let me get right into it why did i move to florida from texas it's kind of confusing right let me explain it to you about a year and a half ago we're sitting there saying long term what do we want to raise our kids right all my friends are in california and i'm a big friend relationship friendship i love my community la i grew up in glendale granada hills northridge you know chance ward woodland hills that's my area that's my stomping ground i know the people there have a lot of contacts i want to go back to right i went to glendale high school but my wife and i were sitting there saying long term if we could live anywhere for the rest of our lives because we moved 11 times in the last 11 years what would it be so we put newport beach at the top we're gonna go live in newport beach love newport beach it was a house i always had my eyes on it was on a market it's a beautiful home it was a former home of a guy that used to mentor me 20 years ago when i was 21 years old i wanted to buy that house it had some sentiment to me and i wanted to buy that house and i said how about greenwich because if we're going to run a media company it'd be great if we're in new york so i looked at these two homes in greenwich i said i'd like to go to greenwich finance meets media meets investments there's so many different things you can do in new york then i look briefly at nashville tennessee i used to live there i loved living in nashville tennessee maybe we stay in texas those were our options then the pandemic kid the moment the pandemic kid we were kind of sitting around saying now what do we do we've never experienced good states shutting down you got to put a mask what are you talking about this has never happened to me before and then we watched all the governors and states on how they handled it the way california handled it it was an atrocity homelessness went to the roof in the state of california i went back to visit l.a where my dad used to live in granada hills i could not believe how many homeless people were around that petted park there was no homeless folks at petted park and then my sister would send me videos of streets i'm like there's no way this is true then i went to a party one time in l.a during that time during covet by the way and i went and drove for two three hours with the just looking at what's going on in venice and la in beverly hills bridges freeways i'm like i've never seen this before then stats came out about the state of california did you know according to hud in america we have a total of 580 000 homeless people give or take add another 50 to 100 000 in the last 12 months but around 580. did you know out of the 580 000 homeless people in america 160 them live in california did you know that 160 that live in california 60 plus live in l.a in the last 12 months that 60 000 in l.a has gone up 20 000 of homelessness in california and they don't protect the small business owners they don't protect the guy that's running a shop they don't care if he can lay out on the front and customers don't want to go there because they're afraid and they're not taking homeless taking care of homeless folks or the veterans that don't have a place to stay at no investment back into that and i'm sitting there saying i don't know if it's going to be california so california went off the list simply because of homelessness and we looked at greenwich we've lived in cold different places it was actually very basic decision then we saw how uh you know cuomo was making a decision in the state of new york i watched how much wealth new york lost nearly 350 billion dollars of wealth that left new york to other places and then we saw the increase of population going in couple different states texas was grown florida was growing and we saw texas and florida handle the entire pandemic texas they played a little bit more protecting their small business owners california said no you cannot they give them fines snitch on people if people are partying outside and they're outside so california is breeding a snitching environment and new york was no restaurants clothes restaurants clothes restaurants clothes new york is all about restaurants a bunch of beautiful restaurants that we used to go to shut down and then i'm noticing disneyland closes in california but disney world stays open in florida i said hey we got out florida to the option we looked at tampa and we looked at the other side with fort lauderdale boca area miami area and we made our decision so that's the whole process and now let me give you my specific reasons why we chose the state of florida so taxes i like states with no taxes and that only leaves me with a few of them i think it's only seven of them nevada being one of them washington be another one tennessee being another one then you got uh texas you got florida and you got a couple others out there right so amongst those seven states that are no taxes i wanted to know which one offers the best lifestyle florida became the place where i wanted to be to not have any kind of state taxes where you can go out there and create commerce create business and you don't have to pay the state taxes federal is already going up corporate taxes are already going up i don't want to also have state taxes on on top of wealth tax corporate tax capital gains tax income tax at least let me have one of them in that state tax so florida you don't have any state taxes that's point number one second thing about florida was lifestyle i kind of wanted to have the lifestyle type of an opportunity which means if i want to get a boat if i want to get a yacht if i want to take my kids fishing if i want to middle the day take my kids to the beach and come back and we swim for two hours and come back to the office it's literally a quarter of a mile this way i go i get on i'm good i come back to the office i want to be able to do that i want to be able to say hey let's go have dinner last week dinner on a yacht with a person in you know palm beach you got a 132-foot yacht we have nice food i like nice caviar enjoy it went back to the house it was good to go so i wanted the lifestyle part all sports i got disney world two hours away universal studios a couple hours away if i want to go to naples 128 miles away if i want to go and all this stuff lifestyle wise was a beautiful place to be food restaurants yacht ocean beach and all of that stuff or lifestyle florida offered that texas didn't offer so we chose number two as lifestyle next one was economy i want a state that's got a very strong economy obviously if we look at data at the top of economy in states is california is number one then you got texas then you got new york then you got florida i've lived in three out of those four states the only one i haven't lived in is new york i've lived in california texas and florida now so i wanted to be in a place that's economically doing better why because the pool of talent of who i can recruit is higher out of those four lifestyle wise california florida probably best than i would say new york than texas then between california and florida i chose florida when it comes down to economy because i can recruit talent to florida if i tell somebody from new york i'm growing a business in the state of florida i can recruit folks from new york to florida i can recruit folks from chicago to florida i can recruit folks from detroit to florida it's going to be a little bit of a different place if i'm telling people to move to different places but i know i could recruit talent to the state of florida due to its economy next thing was about finding a place where i can also recruit my friends and family because i'm not moving to florida to just be by myself i want to go out and recruit my favorite people in the world talent friends family the people i enjoy their company the most i'm coming for you i'm gonna come recruit you i want you in the state of florida right like uncle sam says but i want my friends and family to be in this great state of florida to enjoy it with me so whether some of my friends who are extremely wealthy and they want to get a 10 million dollar house or 20 million dollar house underwater yacht parked in a back gated community country club on the side and you can go in with your boat and go have dinner somewhere and come back you have that here but also affordability when it comes down to housing you also have that here did you know when it comes down to price of homes in the state of florida where it ranks amongst other states let me give you some states that are more expensive to buy a house in than the state of florida connecticut arizona virginia nevada maryland new york new jersey oregon colorado washington massachusetts and hawaii cost more to buy home there than the great state of florida and yes california is the highest if you take hawaii they are the most expensive place in america to own real estate and since 1990 california's lost three and a half million people that have left california on top of that during the pandemic san francisco took the biggest hit of people leaving san francisco in texas they show registration of how many people change their ideas because when you go to texas you show your idea whatever state you left and they kind of book it to see where you're coming from san francisco grew some 50 percent uh uh from from uh uh from what he called it from uh san fran to texas the number is between 32 to 50 percent of growth from there as well as florida people are leaving these places so i wanted a place where affordability if you're living in a half a million dollar home in florida and texas you buy a half a million dollar home in florida it's going to be a nicer home than you have in the state of california versus florida so affordability cost of living you know what you need to do out there is still affordable in the state of florida remember when i said i'm living in a place where i want to recruit my friends and family over i also want to recruit some of the older family because sometimes when you're recruiting friends and family first thing they say is what do i do on my father he's 78. what do i do with my mother she helps me with the kids she's 75. what can i do to have her leave the state of california or new york or chicago or somewhere else well here's a basic stat for you do you know what's the number one state in america for retirees where people go to retire it's the state of florida you know why because it's beautiful for them to take a walk outside amongst other people they make friends so many boomers here so many people to have friends and make friends with so yes it's also a wonderful place not only for you if you're in your 20s 30s not only for those of you that are 40s 50s in a hunt it's also great for those in their 60s 70s and 80s to live in the state of florida next one is weather i like the fact that i can go outside it'll rain for 30 minutes 30 minutes later it's 82 degrees beautiful you're enjoying it now don't get me wrong i've been here during the summer it gets very humid and i'm talking really really humid but i'm from iran i'm kind of used to the heat and i kind of like the heat and i lived in california not only in california i lived in chatswort have you been to chatsworth during the summer have you seen what happens in chatsworth during the summer when it gets to 110 degrees during the summer in chatsworth yes i was able to make it through that so the heat doesn't bother me going to negative 20 is what bothers me but 110 degrees i can tolerate it although it doesn't get to 110 here i don't even think it cracks 100 it's 92 95 any of that that's the weather now some people come back and say pat how about hurricanes you're right how about hurricanes but in any state i live in i got a natural disaster in california i got earthquakes i've been through the 94 northridge earthquake for 45 seconds when i was in van nuys living in that apartment with my dad on base it and the building was going like this for 45 seconds freeways dropping and one thing about earthquakes they don't give you a warning they just say poof we're here shaking your house right then people say what about what about hurricanes though what about tornadoes texas i've been through tornadoes multiple times before my lifetime and they just come you go this way it comes this way you go the way it goes that we can't you can't get on a plane because it's going to the airport tornadoes are funny and like this they get started with no warning the warning you got is maybe a couple hours right i've been through war in iran we've been bombed on cold weather is pretty much nonstop if you've lived through chicago whether it's pretty bad to live through it and then you have hurricanes you know it's a good thing about hurricanes and bad things about hurricanes when it comes it's pretty ugly and if you look at what happened to homestead years ago it ain't pretty a lot of damage the numbers are terrible was an atrocity when it took place so developers have learned how to develop stronger buildings here the homes built in california would never make it here in florida just so you know that they don't build homes here on wood maybe the older home all the ones but the new ones are stronger but the thing about hurricanes is you have two to five days warning to choose to leave you can go to a different place you don't have to stay here so it at least gives you a warning and say hey a crisis is coming your way move if you want your chances to be lower of you being hit and then you move you have that ability but the reality of it is natural crisis doesn't go away no matter where you and i live some people would even call the homelessness in the state of california as a natural crisis because it affects the economy in the state of california but it is what it is so that's the part with weather as far as florida goes next one is politics what do i mean by politics florida is as purple as it gets which means what you got democrats you got republicans i live in a community where one yacht comes by massive flag of trump today and then the next flat comes by and they got a flag of obama or biden mostly biden you'll see right trump by community one's got a biden flag one's got a trump flag trump flags are everywhere you'll see biden's flag here and there you'll have debates some are democrats some are republicans it's purple the discussion is there they're willing to have that conversation if you in the state of california if they find out you vote republican they want to tell everybody if you in the state of new york it's also the same here it's welcoming you're a democrat great you're republican great you're an independent great you're libertarian great it's florida they understand it they're used to it because they got them on both sides and they can handle it next one is regulation if you're a business owner you know exactly what i'm talking about state of california regulation is a little rough new york rough some of the parts illinois michigan rough florida regulation benefits the creator so if your creator state of florida is very attractive for creators mayor suarez sent a tweet the other day talking about how he can help in miami how he can help to bring more of silicon valley to miami he is working with elon musk to want to bring more traffic here let's build he is wanting to be innovative he was saying a couple nights got an event we were at at soho house he says i'm about having to pay the least amount of taxes for you guys the job creators i want to create an environment where you guys can grow and develop new business and he went through the whole thing with tech crypto creative he wants to bring silicon valley here it's a type of an environment where a business owner can excel and grow this is why so many of the major financial firms in the state of in the new york city are moving to florida because they're realizing this could be the potential future hub of the financial industry the way it's going regulation a very big part of my decision to come to florida cultural culture to me is very big and what i mean by culture is i like every ethnicity i don't care if you're white black mexican salvadorian guatemalan honduras you know bolivian cuban puerto rican dominican asian filipino armenian assyrian russian i'm gonna miss a lot of them i don't care what you're i want my kids to go to a place where they meet everybody because my kids are a mutt because their dad is half armenian half a syrian born and raised in iran they look a little bit different they don't look like a white boy they don't look like a middle eastern so it's kind of like i kind of don't know what nationality you are kid my kids right and i like culture i like culture from all walks of life so i wanted to raise my kids in a place where they get a flavor of culture this place has got a lot of culture the other thing is travel if i live in the state of california if i want to travel california to west i got five and a half hours to go to hawaii right so that's still a five and a half hour flight right but if i live in florida if i want to go to cuba 45 minutes away one hour away if i want to go to bimini in a yacht couple hours away in a yacht right if i want to go to london eight hours away if i want to go to you know paris is right if i want to go to new york two and a half hours if i want to go to toronto three hours if i want to go to dc a couple hours if i want to go to it's everywhere right where i want to go if i want to go to the caribbean if i want to go to mexico if i want to go to belize if i want to go to a bunch of these different places it's right here to travel it's not far so east gives me more options than west does when i live in the state of california the next one is kind of tricky let me explain to what i mean by this because so so think about if you're most people from europe they want to go vacation to where miami people from california i really want to go party in miami from you know i really want to go to panama city in florida for whatever summer for fourth of july labor memorial okay great you know i really want to go to naples i really want to go to orlando for disney tourists come here non-stop it's a big number it's 130 140 million people that come here pre-covered tourism is high which means what there's always an excuse to get people to come and visit you friends and family would be willing to come and visit you because you're in a vacation place you're living in a vacation state if that makes any sense that's also california it's also new york those are two benefits they also have as well but so is miami it's a vacation hub so it's very easy to know that imagine waking up every morning and you live in a vacation hub so you're on a vacation yet you're working it's kind of confusing right like you're working in a place where people go to vacate it's an interesting dynamic i don't know if it makes sense to you but it's a beautiful place to live while the rest of the world comes here for vacation something to think about so those are my reasons why i chose to move to florida i'm not telling you it's the end-all be-all i'm just telling you it's why i chose to move to florida some people may be saying i want to go to texas remember the whole thing about life is sequencing this chess piece that's sitting behind me it's about what moves you make in what order i lived in texas for five years best thing i did texas treated me royally because i was three hours from california three hours from washington i could go to chicago like this new york in three hours miami in three hours it was a perfect place for me for that five years that i was there some of you florida may not work for you because if you've got a business in california that's a 12 hour travel time going back and forth some of you may need to stay in california right not this phase of your life because you're in hollywood entertainment your job is paying you well no one's going to pay you a better job even though you're paying taxes in another state you're making four hundred thousand dollars here another state that may pay 280 but you're not paying state it may make sense for you to stay where you're staying at so i'm not sitting here telling you it's end-all be-all i'm just telling you for me it was a phenomenal place to move today at this phase of my life and if you're watching the same path you know you got me thinking about potentially moving to another state i did a video about 10 months ago titled 10 reasons why you ought to consider moving to another state if you've never watched this click over here to watch the video and on top of that if you want to read that love letter that i wrote to california five years ago click over here to read that love letter take care everybody bye you
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 432,474
Rating: 4.9089108 out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, 10 Reasons to Move to Another State - My Advice to US Governors, relocation, should you move, should i move, how to rtelocate, Why I Moved to Florida, moving to florida, best state in USA, Moving states in USA, why to move in USA, Business friendly states
Id: iPFhvtN4O0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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