2022 SCOTTSDALE TUESDAY BROADCAST - Tuesday, January 25, 2022 - BARRETT-JACKSON 2022

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wow   welcome to scottsdale arizona and the 50th  anniversary celebration for the barrett-jackson   collector car auction and what a celebration  it's going to be here at westworld more than   1800 cars more than a century of automotive  history getting ready to cross the block you   like muscle check out this yanko camaro you want  resto mods here's a perfect 69 pontiac gto and   then there's customs a 1959 buick nicknamed  blue suede shoes if you prefer pickups how   about this massive power wagon it's a beast and of  course we also have modern supercars a mclaren p1   or a porsche 918 and that's just the beginning of  the automotive royalty that will cross the block   and what would any great celebration be without  a huge guest list and that's exactly what we have   as you can see this place is full westworld has  been packed since they did the preview days over   the weekend and now well there are plenty  of bidders on site ready to buy something   that car of their dreams when it crosses the  block just like they were 50 years ago when   barrett jackson held its first auction but  there was one thing missing 50 years ago and   that's the one thing we have up on the block  two guys who can lead you through every car   just like a tour guide we've got mike joy and  steve manonta thank you rick and hi everybody   i love tuesdays at barrett-jackson scottsdale  because of the eclectic diversity of the docket   there's a crosley on the block right now they just  sold a cushman and an arctic cat snowmobile who   buys snowmobiles in phoenix they do at barrett  jackson and that's the fun of it all for us   is to share all of that with you it's funny  the first barrett jackson auction in 1972   i was seven years old and dreaming about you  know maybe working professionally on a car show   and we're here we are now 50 years later been a  pleasure to do this but it's going to be a great   day today and one thing that we're going to be  doing is giving these cars a voice the one thing   cars don't do is they don't talk so it's up to  us to give them a voice and well let's get it   started with this wonderful little crosley it's a  1948 crosley cc station wagon with a lot of patina   and something special under the hood a ford  flathead v8 mated to a three-speed transmission   well that's right these came with the little  cobra copper braised four banger but this is   a ford flathead this is the mini the little  60 series which was a smaller engine than the   221 239 but it's still this is triple power in  this closely spit my hard rock bit of a sleeper   this car is a year older than me and i sure hope  i'm in better shape but somebody is going to enjoy   this at a figure that is probably ten times what  this sold for knew 9 500 rick yeah no shortage of   patina here at barrett-jackson this week we'll see  all kinds of great stuff crossing the block and   once again that rust seems to be selling so we  can't knock it all right time to check in with   the next member of our broadcast team the host  of hooves garage on youtube here's tyler hoover   well i found something a little exotic here a lot  133.1 is a 1973 lotus europa and lotus of course   a famous racing team but they started building  cars for the road and their racing dna was in   this car now they were criticized a little  bit for the styling they called these things   bread vans and you can see from the shape here  in the back it's actually very very aerodynamic   but looks a little weird but you're mostly  buying this for the engine you have a sweet   little four cylinder twin cam dual carb engine  that sounds wonderful these things were going   up against porsche 914s back in the day and uh  well i like this one better just because of the   engine noise versus the 914s that sound like  well volkswagens but you had a little luggage   storage compartment right here and uh probably  not a good place for luggage just because this   thin fiberglass was uh really hot so you  could probably cook a thanksgiving turkey   on your way to grandma's with this thing i would  love to own one of these but unfortunately there's   a slight problem when it comes to interior  cabin space and well yeah a little tight   they didn't design that for tyler hoover all right  thanks a lot up on the block right now we got a   1989 mercedes benz this one is a 420sel well not  to be confused with the 450 sl or 420 sl this is   a four-door of course long wheelbase and there  were actually two wheelbases on these this one   is the longer of the two more of that rear seat  area room being the bonus yeah in the s-class the   long-wheelbase version was preferred and that's  what was mostly sold in the u.s this one has been   well enjoyed 132 000 miles on the clock chrome  wheels white paint you notice that the bumpers and   the rockers are a little different shade of white  than the body that was intentional that those   rubber parts they didn't try to match the paint  on the metal body it was a shade off on purpose   twelve thousand five hundred dollars for that 1989  mercedes-benz 420 sel all right we're going to   stay in the mercedes family move forward to 2003  and as steve mentioned instead of an sel this time   we've got an sl an sl 500 roadster well this was  big in 2003 this was the very first year for this   styling cycle and these sls tended to be  long-lived this one wears after-market wheel   but of course the retractable hard top instead of  the one that you put off and put in your garage   that retractable hard top is the main selling  version of this uh iteration of the sl these came   with three possible engines a v6 yup or a v8 which  we have here the 4.5 liter 5 liter or yeah that   was a v12 version very long engine bay capable of  accepting a wide variety of engine configurations   i am not put off or scared by the 98 000  miles that are on the clock of this one   because these mercedes v8s these are 150 175 000  mile engines so look for maintenance records and   if this thing has been well kept and well  maintained it has a long life ahead of us like the stagger on the wheels the rears are  a little bit wider than the fronts adds a sort   of dynamic tension to the car this weekend we're  going to see the full spectrum of mercedes we've   got this sl500 and over the weekend we're going  to see coming up on saturday the 300sl the car   that really began this long yes we have not only  a gull wing coupe but a 300 sl roadster to max twenty thousand dollars for the 2003 mercedes-benz  sl 500 roadster all right time to head out to the   maguire staging lane and the next member of  our broadcast team here is april rose finally   someone came to their senses and mounted an ax  to the side of their vehicle this is where it's   at this is a 1971 volkswagen thing now it was  abandoned outside in arizona for 25 years full   restoration in 2018 this is no luxuries okay all  business 1900 cc engine four-speed manual trans   that's genuine tan military paint marine  grade audio bluetooth fun canvas top i mean   i think i need to mount an axe to my truck back  home in chicago but i don't know if it's street   legal what do you think de bruyne yeah i think  you can get away with it just you know maybe you   should encase it in glass just in case yeah but  before you do that april google lizzie borden legends can be made all right up on  the block right now a 1989 dodge dakota   this one though pretty special look at that  name on the windshield it's a shelby pickup   well indeed the dodge dakota was a breakthrough  vehicle for dodge was a mid-sized pickup between   the little ram and the full-size trucks but  this is something special 1989 was the one   and only year the first year for the optional v8  although it was standard in shelby editions not   available anywhere else for 1990 the v8 became  optional in all dakota pickups but it's kind of   cool it's got the 318 magnum something again  you'll not find in any other 89 dodge pickup   remember that after carol shelby and ford  parted company shell linked up with dodge   and created this and a memorable little compact  called the dodge omni glh for goes like hell   and then the sequel was the geology glhs goes  like hell some more you know the hood graphic   on this is asymmetrical ironically that's  actually a callback to the shelby charger   which had a lump in the hood for the four banger  but they played it into the v8 truck it does not   it does nothing more than remind you of the turbo  four in the front drive shelby versions well 17   dollars for a 1989 dodge dakota shelby pickup  and remember that name shelby we're going to   see some pretty spectacular shelbys crossing  the block back they're up there in the showcase   pavilion and don't forget you can watch almost  all the cars across the block on our fyi coverage   today tomorrow and thursday yeah that's right  we are on for six hours each day and then on   friday we're live on the history channel as  well as fyi and saturday we start on fyi and   click over to the history channel 38 hours of  coverage in total before it's all said and done   so you're gonna want yourself a cooler get some  sandwiches plop yourself down in front of the   tv and watch as much as you possibly can this  anniversary celebration is going to be spectacular   ah back here in scottsdale westworld for  the barrett-jackson collector car auction   and the festivities for this anniversary  celebration actually started last weekend   on saturday morning the driven project supercar  therapy they have 20 kids facing some serious   illnesses all kinds of disabilities and they  each got a chance to ride in one of the supercars   and eventually go up across the block as well in  lamborghinis mclarens and ferraris all part of   the driven project and then of course you  got to cut the ribbon that's exactly what   craig jackson did with the mayor of scottsdale  david ortega they had scouts up on the stage   getting things going for this 50th anniversary  celebration boy what a gala they have plenty   of people on hand to enjoy the celebration  exactly what they wanted because once again   the festivities started over the weekend and  they'll be going all week long and of course   the guy at the center of the storm greg jackson  he's standing by with our own christian murphy   well it is only early in the week here but already  some wonderful moments we're here with the main   men who make it all happen craig jackson chairman  and ceo jackson welcome steve davis the president   gentlemen craig already some wonderful moments  what do you think at the end of the week when it's   all said and done the hobby is going to be saying  about this wonderful week i think it is going   to be epic the prices that were already seen but  the enthusiasm that we saw at the party everybody   finally coming back together you know we've done  an awful lot of planning to do this in a safe   manner but everybody wants to get back together  and that was what you keep hearing from everybody   two years since scottsdale 2020 the car lineup  that steve has put together is unbelievable   the family day was outstanding the party was  jam-packed as you just showed this and from   there it's a moon shot that's all i can say we  already sold a neon sign this morning for 130   000 on a tuesday morning that's an indicator it's  unbelievable steve of course we're up and running   we're selling cars we're off to a good start  here tell me today is a day where someone who   wants to get into the hobby this is a good day  to have a look at a car to really get into the   hobby what would you be saying to someone who's  looking to make their first collector car hobby   absolutely and people don't realize sometimes  spirit the barrett-jackson experience is for   everyone and we design the docket particularly  for that reason we want new people coming into the   hobby to feel comfortable not just financially but  it's a situation where they may have all the money   in the world but they really don't want to jump  in with a multi-million dollar hyper car right now   so again there's a lot of great blank canvases out  there that somebody can buy pick up trucks uh we   even see the snowmobile over here this morning  so there's literally something for everybody but   if you're going to get into the hobby and you're  going to have fun and you want to buy your first   collector car set a budget and buy the best car  you can buy for that amount of money and that's   really true across the board whether it's a muscle  car a european sports car a custom a classic   again buy what you like spend as much money as you  feel comfortable with but buy the nicest example   as you can to start with because it takes a lot  of time and a lot of money to make these cars   look like what you're going to see rolling over  the block on saturday well that's great advice   for someone who really does know i think you  get a sense here when you're about jackson that   wonderful sense of community here right absolutely  it is this is a hobby it started as a hobby for my   parents it is steve and i's hobby we're inflicted  with the same thing as our customers you know we   have the same problem we buy a building and we  fill it up and we need another one because we   love this stuff but it's the camaraderie and  that's what the party is all about everybody   was so excited to see everybody again you see  people seeing each other here for the first time   a lot of people just emotional it's been  a tough two years but we're here and it's   going to be amazing well i think we're all set  up for a wonderful celebration of the hobby the   community is coming back together gentlemen  i don't want to hold you back from what's   happening up there wonderful see you we'll check  in back at the end of the day back to you guys up   in the block all right thanks a lot murph and up  on the block right now we've got a 1974 corvette   stingray but this one's this was a custom when you  first look at it you're not quite sure what it is   so this is a c3 corvette as you can tell here  from this sweep back here of the basket handle   and the t-tops if you ever wondered what one of  these would look like with a 2006 c6 front and   rear narrowed up and put on this body well here  it is indeed you know the corvette source could   have been a blank slate for customizers and most  folks will put aftermarket parts on a corvette   this one's basically an all in the family c3 meet  c6 and speaking of c6 the center exhaust system   coming out there we can see those two pipes coming  out that's c6 stuff so i'm going to bet there's   probably more c6 going on under the body than  meets the eye this is an original 350 automatic   card apparently the original 350 is still in  place so does this look better than it was born   i have to say yes i i couldn't imagine  doing this but i like what they've done here it's been interesting because over the years  we've seen an awful lot of older corvettes get   new components underneath the stuff you can't see  in this case they put the new stuff on the top of the corvette is that it has a fiberglass  body which unlike a steel-bodied car which   requires welding skills well if you can mix  up some resin and do good body work you can   become a customizer without any heat or  expensive equipment or tools so you know   customers again are a great blank slate for  folks to uh get busy on like we have here   well and the key is are there two bidders in the  house or over the phone or on the internet that   really love this look so far so good and has the  stock corvette gas tank location up top like that   carbon fiber applique and also on the  hood carbon fiber applique onto the domes   custom corvette hood and you always wonder  how did this start you know what was it that   whoever built this made them think this is  what i'm going to do did he have the parts   available or was this just something he dreamed  of from the very beginning 25 000 for that 1974   corvette stingray custom to look like a  modern program let's check in with april rose   this is the third generation 1965 cadillac  deville and in 65 they stacked the headlights   now why did they do that well to make room for  this massive grill look at all that chrome and   of course 18 and a half feet long you got another  massive 429 engine in there four speed automatic   come on let's take i know it's going to take a  while to get back here but i want you to see these   fins because cadillac's you know they're known  for their fins this is the first year that they   sort of disappeared into this back fender here  metallic pink over white beautiful but debraul   i want to know would you be able to parallel  park her on the first try be honest yeah if   i had about 20 feet on the front and 20 feet on  the back i think i might be able to pull it off   yeah that brings a new meaning to the word and  term land yacht up on the block right now in 1932   ford high boy custom roadster it is an aftermarket  piece fiberglass body aftermarket frame   does have the transverse leaf spring up front  which is a stock ford engineering item but   again the chrome plating on this something  i want to point out is the toyo proxes   tires these are very very cool the tread pattern  on that is dot approved but it's nice that toyo   stepped up and designed a custom tire of which the  tread pattern is part of the function and this is   the kind of tire you want to use on an open wheel  car like this just adds an extra degree of detail   402 cubic inches under hood and plenty of  power this thing probably weighs about two   oh fifteen hundred to eighteen hundred pounds  so plenty of power to turn those toyos over   and not a lot of creature comforts in these you  need to be kind of short-legged dude because uh   the cockpit just doesn't have a whole lot of room  in these roadsters that is a big block chevy with   dual edelbrock four-barrel carburetors nice to see  the aluminum cylinder heads in place on that these   are edelbrock performance series heads but again  big block power to your point mike this thing is   the power of a big block corvette the weight of  a vega or less gonna be a lot of fun steve let's   talk high boy what are they talking about that's  reference to where the frame is visible from the   side of the car the body is mounted up top a lot  of customers who would channel the body drop it   down lower for a sleeker profile but it covered  the sides of the frame rail so a highboy you can   see the frame lowball you cannot see the frame  31 000 and that makes that particular hot rod the   number one seller of the day and i believe that  one sold over the internet away it goes and we're   going to take a break as well another beautiful  day here in scottsdale both inside and outside plenty of cars and plenty of people all  going through the westworld facility   remember this place just goes on forever we're  here in a permanent building but there's a   miles worth of tents and then of course there's  all the tents down below 1800 cars more than that   that will be crossing the block all at no reserve  like the one we have up there right now a 1972   volkswagen beetle convertible custom paint on  this one the side panel is reminiscent of the   heb muller which was sort of a customized car  the two-tone paneling but again this is sort   of a custom one thing we do see is the wide  hood which is indicative of the super beetle   with the mcpherson strut front suspension versus  the torsion bar as seen on internal hood release   so we can't show you that but when you see  the wide hood you're talking mcpherson strikes   this one's been upgraded it has a 1600cc engine  but with dual carburetors so a little more power   than the slug bug that it was born as and  fully restored frame off restoration here   and these uh convertible or cabriolet bodies were  made by carmen not the wolfsburg plant which made   the beetle bodies and again production on these  things was a fraction of what it was for the hard   top coupe beetle let's take a peek at that  engine she blows the magnesium case flat four we see a lot of these two-tone beetles crossing  the block and early on i believe with some of   the cabriolets you could get it as an option  but the reality is when this was built there   was no option they were all one tone this is  just a custom paint job nineteen thousand five   hundred dollars that's the price for that 1972  volkswagen beetle let's check in with tyler hoover   a lot 144.1 is something really special it's a  1964 lincoln continental that was owned by roy   rogers and dale evans they reportedly put over a  hundred thousand miles on this car and it's left   as is as they had it it was in the museum for  several decades but you can see a funny story   with this one it started its life excuse me roy  in pale blue and a few years into their ownership   they decided to change the color they wanted it to  be tan to match trigger their horse unfortunately   they trusted their friend who was colorblind to  pick the color and he went with canary yellow   which is what it has today a quick paint job in  yellow but it's all original one cool thing i   noticed here on the back though is it was fitted  with a trailer hitch and the ball looks pretty   well used so i wonder if they pulled trigger with  this thing a lot of miles so probably true well   i'm just hoping they pulled a trailer with trigger  in it which is probably a little better safer   way to go all right thanks a lot appreciate that  tyler open the block right now in 1995 jaguar xjs boy beautiful long distance touring cars  these were uh v12 power very very smooth   engine overdrive automatic transmission uh a  lot of pace no good for the stop-like grand prix   but if you want to drive long distances  in comfort with handling well here you are   yeah this body style arrived i believe in  1971 initially as the hardtop of the coupe   would be flying buttresses which sort of are  sails built in here one thing you won't find   on the convertible is the twin gas tanks on  the coops there's a cap on each side for the   twin tanks this is on the cabriolet on one side  only but again nice nice preservation on this one sadly the hood's closed or we would  show you a plumber's nightmare   of fuel lines and emission lines and oh my gosh  and i think ultimately that's what kind of kept   some of the value of the xjs down i think  people are simply afraid to work on them but   like you mentioned they're great cruising  cars my buddy danny martino has been   addicted to these things he just loves them  loves the way they cruise and drive and he says   you just can't equal it you know maintenance  is important especially with the radiator and   the cooling system stay on top of that you're  okay but when the radiator starts to well lose   efficiencies these overheat blow head gaskets and  that becomes the problem maintenance they're good   19 500 for that 1995 jaguar xjs all right we  have a thing on the block the one that uh april   previewed for us just a little while ago a 1971  thing convertible well uh officially this was the   type 181 volkswagen and the party trick in trivia  is that the doors four of them are identical front   to back of course you can remove them and this  one's been given the full safari treatment but   this was volkswagen's jeep and it did the job  very well indeed these have a similar suspension   to the beetle below we'll see transverse torsion  bars inside of tubes and uh the axle on this is   counted down to give it more ride height but  the same basic architecture is found under a   beetle with a little heavier duty at the rear the  same type swing axles articulated in the center   let's have a peek at that flat four engine  which by this point in time uh was a little   larger that's the mikuni aftermarket  two barrel carburetor in place very tidy yeah people assume that this is  essentially a volkswagen beetle   with a different body but in reality this  has the karmann guia chassis underneath it   this is based on the kobe wagon which  was germany's equivalent of the american   jeep world war ii and depending upon  where you bought them in the world they   had different names the united states  we called it the thing you know it was   also the safari the trucker it just depended  upon where you bought it what it was named people bought them because these were spartan  inexpensive and just reliable as all get out   they've been popular here at barrett-jackson  look at the bid on this one we're up to 28   000 closing in on that number one sale today right  now that's that ford highboy custom roadster we   saw sell just a little while ago for 31 thousand  dollars not quite it almost makes it 30 000   the final price for a 1971 volkswagen thing  all right in just a moment check this car out   that'll be crossing the block a 1997 camaro  z28 and ss convertible this one built for   the 30th birthday of the camaro one of only  957 designed this way we'll be right back well i love mgbs and this is the last  year for the chrome bumpers 1974.   this one with a weber carburetor upgrade wire  wheels chrome wire wheels very nice bodywork   in jet black and two bidders just fought  this out to the jaw-dropping price of 35 000 now mike's wishing he had a few more of those  and not just this bridgette collection he's got   sixteen thousand dollars that's the price for a  1987 jeep wrangler that just crossed the block   a custom suv behind it a little cobra action a  1998 ford mustang cobra svt it's a convertible   well don't confuse this with a mustang gt  which at this point in time would have had   a single overhead cam 4.6 when you see the bump  in the hood and the mach 1s scoops you talking   4 valve 4 cam 4.6 and 305 horsepower which may not  sound like a lot today but in 1998 was a big big   deal uh these are great little engines they're  built by hand on a thing called the ford romeo   michigan niche line and when the hood's open which  it's not now you can actually see the names of   the two people who built it these are hand signed  engines these are all six-speed manual equipped no   automatics with the four-valve four-cam cobra but  this is a very special car this one's been well   enjoyed steve but uh not too much 43 000 actual  miles according to the consignor's information   and very nicely kept at that unique detail speed  only on the svts is the white motorsport gauges   with a 160 mile an hour max and on a tachometer  almost 7 000 rpm and yeah that little overhead   cam four six four valve will spin darn near  seven grand these are great little engines   great little big engines i guess you might say this version of the mustang is the sn94 an  evolution of the fox still has a beam axle at the   back but that's okay he's also grew to have five  wheel studs five lug nuts as it were whereas the   fox mustang had four lugs except for any svos but  these are pretty much when mustang really grew up the sbd logo on the back the decklid here  special vehicles team an evolution of the sbo   special vehicles operations of the 1980s  but svt when you saw that it was like well   an rt on a dodge or an ss on a chevy and  uh to this day it still means performance pardon me for that ford mustang cobra svt all  right time to check in with christian murphy   thanks very much rick you know when i was a young  bloke a doctor friend of my father's bought a 911   sc target and i have always been in love the  porsche brand of course this vehicle lot 148   well it's not that classic vintage porsche that  we love and know it is a 2001 porsche 911 carrera   cable array but i was absolutely really surprised  to see this in the staging lanes here on a tuesday   this is a wonderful vehicle it's had the roof  here upgraded it has the tiptonic paddles there   on the steering wheel it's a 3.4 flat 6. this  is in wonderful condition and as steve davis   was saying earlier on this is the opportunity  to get into the hobby you know the collector car   community and this well i'll be really surprised  to see what this makes and i may even just put a   bid on this this is a wonderful example of  this vehicle and probably a great easy way   to get into the hobby all right guys got a  bitter pass look out up on the block right   now in 1965 cadillac deville convertible the one  that april previewed a little while ago wonderful yeah this has the 429 cubic inch v8 this  is the original engine in this car and   don't confuse this 429 with the ford 429  they share only cubic inch displacement dual exhaust on this one is something  that was not put there by the factory   but with that said it's an oftenly  included detail adds a little power   but uh 1961 was the final year for factory  dual exhaust on cadillac until you get into the   late 1980s when cadillac rediscovered  horsepower and performance and image almost 19 feet long yeah indeed it is a land yard behind it this is the car that tyler hoover was  previewing just a little while ago it's a 1973   lotus europa the ford cortina lotus which is a  steel-bodied economy car shared this engine of course colin chapman well known for the fact  that you know he made these things as light as   humanly possible the goal was to make him so  light that they fell apart and then started   swinging in ford based engine couple of uh absolutely beautiful in their design   and as we mentioned you know this is that next  generation of twin cam they call it the originals   were called the bread bean because of the way the  sides came down but they were so difficult to see   out that eventually they decided that they had  to change and drop that sill just a little bit don't miss the opportunity all right i only have to take a peek at that  four-cylinder engine one more time and there   it is pretty cool this is chain driven excuse  me there's belts driving the twin cams on top   of this and it says big valve on top of that there  are a couple of versions of this that's what has   the larger intake valves better breathing a little  more power and away it goes sixteen thousand five   hundred dollars for that lotus europa 1990  mercedes-benz 300 se sedan it is finished   in black hole up behind it we've got a 1990  mercedes-benz 300 se that's up on the block right it's got a 170 horsepower v6 engine  and a four-speed automatic transmission   full-size mercedes-benz autobahn cruiser  300 indicates the three meter inline six   i love the details the  wipers for the headlamps here   a little detail that makes it a little safer  when you're cruising along at 140 miles per hour the wheels here are the original correct  factory applied sort of uh gray finish   the chrome wheels are classic dealer add-ons  this is how these were built at the factory this 300 fc sedan is equipped with abs  brakes climate control cruise control   power seats power windows power locks  all coupled up for that 19 seconds today these have independent rear suspension  of course unlike a lot of american cars   of this period of time cadillac's etc should  have had a beam axle in the back but again   independent rear suspension for an  excellent ride and good handling where it goes 19 000 for that 1990 mercedes-benz  300 se sedan they'll write the price on the sold   sticker away it goes we're going to take a quick  break and we'll come right back to barrett-jackson welcome back to scottsdale the barrett-jackson  collector car auction up on the block right   now a 2005 gmc sierra 1500 but  this one's a custom pickup truck   well it's got the usual lift kit which you  might expect to find and unfortunately these   have leaf springs which makes them pretty easy  to lift you can see lift blocks between the axle   housing pad and the leaf spring and up  front these are a little more difficult   these have independent front suspension  but this has a uh an anchor point lift   kitsuation and longer torsion bar so um you  know pretty cool piece looks very intimidating truck looks like it's been pretty well  worked too uh this is a cab and a half and uh   black interior the exterior and wake up the way  it goes at 20 000 for that 2005 gmc sierra 1500 well if you'd like to try and sharpen your bidding  schools and perhaps snag a great prize in the   process you want to play fantasy bid brought to  you by dodge go to barrettjacksonfantasybit.com   to register and play we'll try to predict the  winning bid of select auction vehicles that   are going to be crossing the block this saturday  the winner of scottsdale will receive a three-day   radford driving school and if you play the game  across all four barrett-jackson auctions this year   you will have the chance to win the grand prize  a 20-22 dodge challenger now time is running out   so make sure you register for  fantasy bid brought to you by dodge back on the block right now in 1964 buick  riviera custom coupe well heavily customized   and resto modded but the riviera was gm  styling chiefs bill mitchell's invention   of the personal luxury coupe and a bit of trivia  riviera was one of four cars along with a jaguar   and mercedes sports car and i think that were part  of the original ho scale aurora model motoring   what became slot cars in the us indeed they were  yeah 164 scale they were plastic this is steel   and uh one thing that's kind of neat about this  is that uh the paint on this is actually paint   it looks like it's been taken down to bare metal  with sort of a guide coat of primer but i like   it it almost has a sterling silver with a little  bit of old patina at it but up front the wheels   will show us in the middle the aluminum  drum brakes which were a buick feature   these aluminum fins that was seen on the fronts  of buicks between 1959 and 69 the best breaks   in the business when it comes to drums on a  full-size american car at this point in time the clamshell headlamps would appear for one year  only in 1965 with 63 and four the headlamps are   here but for a lot of folks the relocation for  65 of the headlamps here is the the pinnacle   but again they're cool any old way tell you what  that's pretty cool car for dollars for that 1964   buick riviera custom the way it goes  we're gonna check in with april rose   this is the first corvette planned as a special  edition it's the 25th anniversary 1978 corvette   now all of them have this unique silver metallic  with charcoal silver underneath 17 individual   graphics package on here so you got the  stripes you got these side decals over   the t-tops right here and i really love what  they did in 78 they added this wrap around   rear glass really beautiful three the original  350 engine three speed automatic and of course   you got the 25th anniversary emblem back here  just finishing it off i'd love to see that girl   all right that'll be up on the block  very soon meanwhile another pickup truck   this one from 2005 another 1500 custom all right  how big is too big a lot of cars now come with   16 inch wheels 17s 18s 20s 21s these hoops are 26  inches in diameter with these little skinny rubber   band tires i just can't imagine the ride quality  that you get from these but gosh they look good   sitting on a six-inch lap this one does have the  classic six-inch lift kit out back lift blocks up   front and a lot of folks don't realize these hip  torsion bar front suspension not leaf springs not   coil springs up front we're talking and uh kind  of an interesting detail not all mopar uh you   know mopars aren't the only cars or vehicles with  uh torsion marsh keep in mind general motors in   the early 60s their pickup trucks also had torsion  bars on the two wheel drivers but this is the beam   axle at the rear and that's the big eight and a  half inch corporate rear axle notice how the shock   absorbers are staggered the driver's sides at the  back passenger up front that helps the tame axle   hop through jounce in rebound balancing now  state laws vary greatly in north carolina   where i live we see a lot of trucks like  this lifted with the tires outboard of the   fenders in connecticut where i grew up if you look  straight down the fender had to completely cover   the width of the tire so before you do this check  the laws in the state where you plan to register 21 500 for the 2005 chevrolet 1500 custom with the  really really big wheels he'll sign the paperwork   that is the salon collection beautiful cars that   will all be crossed in the block  during the course of this auction welcome back to the barrett-jackson collector car  auction did we mention it's the 50th anniversary   that's right they first sold cars here 50 years  ago not at this site but here in scottsdale   now 50 years later they're still crosstalk up  there right now we've got a 1986 nissan 300zx   third generation for museum these have become  boulevard style gt cars full leather cruise   control power steering power brakes power seats  power locks power mirrors everything but powered   driver and oh yes this one has an automatic  transmission a far cry from the z that was   born back in 1970 that's right these are between  1983 and 89 and this is a turbo and we know that   besides the rocker panel logos this has 16-inch  wheels versus the 15s found on a non-turbo but   something kind of neat the automatic transmission  will see that on the shift handle itself is a   little black button for the overdrive this is  when overdrive transmissions were so new it was   an add-on unit behind the standard three-speed  eventually the overdrive be built in but there   it is right there the very beginnings of fuel  saving overdrive you had to engage it yourself   twelve thousand five hundred dollars the final  price for that 1986 nissan 300 zx all right   let's head over to the road and track midway and  tyler hoover well 146 is something you probably   see every day on the road but not like this  it is a 2000 toyota land cruiser with only 34   000 original miles it is in great condition and  they have been exploding in collectibility lately   and i had one that had 350 000 miles on it and i  actually drove it through water up to almost here   i had a snorkel it got all over the inside i kind  of ruined it which would be a shame if you did it   to this one because look inside of this thing i  mean it looks like it came off the showroom floor   in toyota in 2000 and the story is this thing  was sold originally in glenwood springs colorado   it has snow tires on it so maybe it was kept  in somebody's ski house up in the mountains i   mean it's just so well preserved and i think it'll  really surprise people on the block when it sells   okay tyler can you kinda ruin something or did  you just ruin it that's what i want to know   well there was a definitely a smell that i could  not get rid of unfortunately i sold it smart move   up the block right now a 1962 corvair monza  convertible the corvair launched in 1960 or   actually late 59 but 62 is the first year  you get a convertible and here it is this   one has a four speed manual which was a 64  option over the three-speed base transmission   monza 900 is the model and you see the cross flags  here this one had a dual carb engine feeding the   flat six now aside from the handling and ralph  nader the problem with these cars especially   in the northeast or northwest in the winter was  that there were air boxes surrounding the exhaust   manifolds to push hot air into the compartment  to warm the occupants but these engines leaked   oil especially around the push rod tubes and so  things got a little smoky and oily in there this   one has had those tubes replaced so hopefully no  issues these were air-cooled cars but apparently   consumer clicks well folks were kind of put off by  the bland face so gm kind of whipped up these faux   air vents for a radiator but in fact these do not  have a radiator of course they're air cooled but   that's something you'll find on 62s and some 63s  now isn't that funny corvair went from a no grill   face to fake grills tesla went from a fake  grill to a no grill face for their cars you know it's pretty amazing to think in  the late 50s when they were building those   big huge chevrolets at the same  time they were working on this   and how radically different when  you compare the 1960 impala to this 13 500 for a 1962 corvair monza convertible don't forget go to beardashjackson.com that's  where you can see the entire list of the   1800 plus cars that'll be crossing the block and  go through and pick ones that you want to see as   they go across maybe predict what they're gonna  cost just play a little game with yourself it's   a lot of fun up on the block right now in 1995  with monte carlo this one is a brickyard yard 400   pace car well this is the we call this the pace  car edition these were the cars that were built   to mimic the actual pace car and then be sold  by chevrolet dealers they made 400 of these   several of which have crossed the block at  barrett-jackson they might have been used   for great duty or sent straight to the dealer i  think this is the first one we've had on the block   where the owner did not claim that this was the  car given to jeff gordon after winning that race   we've heard that story several times but steve  this looks almost new in the rapper does you know   speaking of first car this is the first year for  the front wheel drive monte carlo after a seven   year absence from 1988 onward when there was no  monte carlo well this is what we got a lot of   dealers didn't like this the styling on these  was kind of controversial this one here being   a z34 does have the 3.1 liter overhead camera dual  of a cam v6 kind of a hot rod engine the standard   ls would have a push rod v6 so this is actually  kind of a performer but it's front wheel drive   and it took a while for people to embrace  these now if you've been car shopping lately   what car can you buy with only 1700 miles on the  clock for only 17 000 you look at it that way this   is a bargain yeah the used car market through the  roof right now and this is a nice used car look at   how many miles you've got on the odometer 1995.  it's got that brickyard 400 no absolutely great these eventually would have v8 power there's a 5.3  liter monte carlo ss and yes a front-wheel drive   monitor is kind of a rare bird only available  that final few years but this is kind of a hot   rod 215 horsepower the base v6 had 160 so these  were fairly potent little cars when they were new still have drum brakes at the back so again the uh  oh the high technology standard equipment buzz we   have going on now we're still creeping up drums  are kind of old school and we've got them here   in the back and the summit racing soul sticker  goes on for the price 17 000 and that's a great   thing here at barrett-jackson once that sold  sticker is on you walk around and you can see   all of the cars with that sticker know what  they sold for so not only do you see them   as they're about to cross the block afterwards  you go okay that's sold it's still here usually   for much of the week and you know what it's sold  for you don't even have to look it up on the block   now a 1978 corvette this is the one that april  previewed for us it's a 25th anniversary edition   the chevy corvette debuted in 1953 and all of the  78s wear this special one-year only emblem and   some wear this very distinctive silver over gray  two-tone anniversary pink jump unfortunately this   was the start of the malays era and that small  block v8 under hood had less than 200 horsepower   that's right 185 but 78 was the first year for the  uh curvaceous wraparound rear window which wasn't   functional until you get into the 1982 model year  when you had the collector's edition but again   the beginning of the the fastback styling before  this we had the flying butcher situation now these   were also available as the indy pace cars this  is not that this is a uh l-code car base 350. i think the belt line right down the center of  the car that splits the silver from the gray   very very effective here especially  with the burn in the interior   this one with an automatic transmission  as most corvettes were by the late 70s   you know it's interesting because we actually  see a fairly large number of 25th anniversary   edition indy pace cars go across the block  the pace car edition it's interesting we   don't see many of these that aren't pace car  edition so it's nice it's different for us right there were six thousand five hundred  and two of those pace car additions   and they had a very similar charcoal and  almost black paint scheme this is actually   just a factory two-tone but it plays into the  look and i'm sure that was not a coincidence   but uh not to be confused with an actual  pace car but still a fun little car like all corvettes of this time  it does have the t-tops although   the see-through translucent ones were extra costs  these are the standard body-colored solid ones i had the same engine in a 78 z28 that i  ordered new and geared right it had a 373 rear   it would still have decent acceleration  and of course exceptional handling so   that 185 horsepower not such a horrible figure  given the times it was it was frustrating though   because the cars looked cool they just couldn't  match it in terms of performance all right   way it goes we're gonna take a  quick break here at barrett-jackson   and we got plenty of horsepower here in scottsdale  both out in the plains and under the hood the barrett-jackson organization has always showed  me and the world what a class act should be the   vehicles the vendors the entire experience is  amazing when the auctioneer starts you can feel   the pulse of the crowd start to build up and  the excitement start to get everybody hooked   on the auction so congratulations from  myself to the barrett-jackson family   for 50 years of truly being the  world's greatest classic car option   and our buddy dave kinbig will be back  this week in fact he has four cars   rolling across the auction block on saturday as  part of the 50th anniversary celebration here   at barrett-jackson in scottsdale open the box  right now a 1969 chevy c10 custom well kind of   neat short bed six and a half footer but something  cool here is the optional spare tire external   mount right here on the step side only about  11 of these built-in 69 had that kind of cool 26 thousand dollars the price for that one   and the gentleman showing his bidders pass he'll  get to sign the paperwork and up on the block   behind it this is a car we previewed just a little  while ago a 1997 camaro z28 an ss convertible   well these were rare they were done not in the  aftermarket but by a contractor for chevrolet   and if you want a gen 4 z28 you want this one 5.7  liter tuned injection got the houndstooth interior   white with the orange indy pace car stripes  less than 300 of these were built and this one   is a six-speed this is the one you want that's  right kind of i will say mike 97 was the final   year for the lt1 98 brought the ls one with  the aluminum block the lighter heads but again   this engine was actually swapped out at slp which  is street legal performance this is the engine   from a 1996 lt4 corvette so these actually went  to slp with a 275 horsepower lt1 that was removed   and then a crate corvette motor went in so  technically the numbers don't match but that   doesn't really matter but these are cool cars  again but one year later the ls1 would arrive   so in 1997 at your local chevrolet  dealer you would have spent   twenty eight thousand eight hundred dollars  for the privilege of driving this one home   mike the difference between this and a z28  convertible is the ss package which was rpo r7t so   and ninety nine 3999 was the price of the trip to  slp for the engine transplant and the ss graphics   but again these are absolutely collectible i  love that this one stock hasn't been modified   and it's only got 41 000 miles on the  odometer pretty impressive all the way around of course standard four-wheel  disc brakes and the ss specific   plastic hood with the maca style  duct coming down the middle kind   of looks like an aar cuda item if you ask  me from 1970 but just a great styling touch you know they built almost a thousand of the  anniversary editions but only about 250 or so   were the convertible version so it is pretty rare   well i'm corrected that 28 000 figure i  gave you was the msrp then the car went   to slp and the modifications that were done to  it added another 6 dollars to the sticker price and for all you slp fanatics ed hamburger was the  founder of street legal performance and hamburger   had a previous life as a mopar super stock drag  raiser 28 thousand dollars for that gentleman   right there congratulations fist bumps all around  and the way it goes anyway we're gonna go and   check in with april rose i found something i've  really fallen in love with check this out a 1966   unimog i mean look at that ground clearance and  that height visibility i mean man you can see   the road for miles in one of these now mercedes  started making them in 1951 she's got a 2.2 inline   six six-speed manual transmission custom flat bed  those aluminum toolboxes full road cage man built   built-in factory air compressor 12 000 pound  wench debrool honestly everyone needs a unilog   i love those things i think we've got a couple  of them actually they're gonna sell this week   i remember ever since i got a matchbox unimog  it was one of my all-time favorite cars   thanks april up at the block right now it's pickup  truck time a 1950 chevy 3800 well if this looks   huge it is this is a one ton remember the 3100 was  a half-tunner the 38a1 ton this is a massive 137   inch wheelbase and this is a workhorse the  stock six cylinder engine is still there   no v8s until 55. nice restoration a little shinier  than stock but basically an original look i like   it i think i'd be afraid to haul anything in it  this is so nicely restored uh note the windshield   on these before a wrap-around glass came to trucks  these were flat planes with a center spine there   really not difficult to look out of  you you get used to that after a while   but wrap around windshields and  trucks we're still a ways away at gm there's that huge extra long bad scene only  on the one-toners the wood floor is stock no   steel or metal beds from gm until you get into  the 1960s i don't think any of these one-tonners   were born with all of this gleaming chrome and  stainless they would have had an ivory colored   grill just for painted grill without all of the  chrome trimmings because they were workhorses   nobody ever thought of trucks as luxury or  personal vehicles like we enjoy them today massive one-ton rear axle huge  piece open drive on this one i'll tell you what's got a lot of love in the  room because right now at 45 000 this is easily   the number one seller of the day and it doesn't  look like it's done we're closing in on 50 000 this one has a standard cab there was an optional  corner window available not seen here but again   this is the basic small window cap but beautiful  just nicely presented no dings no dents these   are really susceptible to dents and uh repairs  show this is looks very very clean and straight   yeah you wonder about the life it's had because  if it was sold as a 3800 a big one-toner   you know somebody bought it for the express  purpose of hauling stuff and probably working   it quite heavily and now it's up here gleaming  beautifully done and the hammer falls at 49   000 making it easily the number one sale of the  day so far of course we'll see how that holds   up as the rest of the day goes by coming up in  just a little bit we'll have a 2002 maserati   spyder gt 4.2 liter v8 it's got an f1  transmission when it was new it cost 85 000.   oh there you see the big tent with the maguire  staging lanes and that's where all the cars stop   just before they get to the block but the great  thing is look at that area beside it where you   can sit there and have some food watch the car  just roll by you once again inside well that's   where they go and get one last chance to look  at them before they hit center stage and all   the excitement of seeing them up on the block a  1932 chevy three two-door coupe up there right now   note the lack of jewelry you'll see the chevy  bow tie here in the spare tire emblem and   also in the tail lights but otherwise these are  pretty much unadorned and not a rumble seat car   generally those will have a handle up here for  the trunk to open like that with the seat inside   this is a more conventional deck lid with the  handle down here also we don't see the step   panels on the fenders but similar look but if you  don't see the handle up there on a rumble seat   we call this a three window coupe you don't  count the windshield you count the rear window   and however many are on the sides way it goes  thirty thousand dollars for that 1932 three window we're going to see a 1929 ford model a pickup but  first don't forget go to barrettdassjackson.com   where you can see the entire list of cars that  are about to cross the block remember we're   at the auction going all the way through sunday  quite a list of more than 1800 cars and of course   our coverage will go all through saturday once  again up there right now a 1929 ford model a   pickup ford offered heavy-duty pickup trucks at  this point in time they're known as the aa series   but this rides on the same chassis as a passenger  car and that's okay these are rated to about   five six hundred pounds at most in the back  but what a beautiful restoration on this a couple of neat points here here is the klaxon  horn that is a brand name can you beep that for us maybe with the ignition on and this is a  royce moto meter it looks like a little   thermometer because it is and it tells  you how hot the fluid in the radiator is   because these cars don't have a temperature  gauge this is a fairly rare body this is   actually a convertible top yes it does  fold down most of these pickups would   have had a hard top so kind of nice a  bit of sport a lot of work all-in-one you'll note that this pickup has only one tail  light that's because in most states that's all   that was required was a tail light we'll see that  transverse leaf spring at the back the banjo drive   and ford used a transverse leaf spring from 1905  all the way up to 1948 and uh you know if one park   can do the job of two parts why not that was  henry ford's motto henry ford invented a lot   of things but one thing he did not much care for  were hydraulic brakes these still retain the cable   operated brakes that went all the way back to the  beginning of the automobile where as a number of   manufacturers by 1929 had already embraced what  hot runners called juice breaks and hydraulic   master enslaved cylinders i guess you know early  on the idea of having a liquid and trying to seal   that liquid and keep it in place henry ford said  man that sounds like a lot of complexity a lot   of trouble waiting to happen so he used to say  you know rods and metal if that'll do stay away   from juice but with that said these are more prone  when not adjusted properly to locking up quickly   thank you well this one's got a fair amount of  love thirty four thousand dollars for that uh   1929 ford model a ticket beautiful under the  hood beautiful on the outside is nice when you   see the older cars get restorations all right  now think about that that's what a 1929 model   a was supposed to look like here's what a model  t can look like this is a 1923 t-bucket that is   a bunch of engine small block chevy with aluminum  cylinder heads a bds 871 supercharger here's the   belt drive now these superchargers originally saw  duty on gmc two-stroke diesels the 871 would be on   an eight cylinder 71 cubic inches times eight  so that's what we got here but blower drive   service is a company founded by craig rail's  back in whittier california one of the go-to   shops for streetable superchargers now look  at how narrow the front tires are and how wide   the rear tires are in hot rodding parlance we  call these bigs and littles because the ones   up front all they had to do was steer and  maybe occasionally help you slow down the   exhaust headers are called zoomings they may have  a little bit of a muffler function built into them yeah this i mean this is the power  to weight ratio of a ferrari f40   and the handling of uh i don't know metropolitan  but it's built for fun straight line activity   only if you drive it smart you'll have  a good time don't get it over your head   there's that transverse leaf spring once again  up front which is the original type of a design   that would have been seen on porch all the  way up to 1948. uh this has been modified   with a tube steel for an axle dropped  to it coil springs in the back coilovers   now this is a pickup truck  body and this was a useful bed   that now contains uh the battery on the  right and the rest of it is a metal fuel cell and this is fiberglass in the in the early  60s there was a whole thing called the fad   t it was basically kit model t's fiberglass  buckets companies like bird would sell you   a kit like this you'd build it yourself and it  was a whole thing in the 60s the first fad fad   tea and uh not sure when this was was  made but again it's fiberglass aftermarket   everything but cool nice one  of the first hit cars really now note the driving position these don't have a  lot of leg room so basically like this gentlemen   how tall are you sir six foot two okay and your  knees are right in the steering wheel and that's   the way it goes with these uh they're not built  for long distance touring they're just built to   go out and have fun look at those wheelie bars  right there if this hooks up they will keep the   nose somewhat down and of course they'll  uh curb a wheel stand you'll get a couple   inches but they'll bring you back down to earth  pretty quickly awesome and he's have to battle   the torque steer 24 500 for a 1923 t-bucket with a  massive 350 cubic inch engine the blower up front right behind it we got a 1965 sunbeam alpine all  right so you have heard of the sunbeam tiger which   is what happened when ken miles and carol shelby  put a 260 cubic inch ford v8 into the sunbeam   alpine this is an early one they went through  four series of these but this has the sunbeam   overhead valve four-cylinder engine looks like  this one's been upgraded with a carburetor and uh   relatively rarely this one has an automatic  transmission as well as minilite style wheels with   knockoff hubs well these fought the mgb and the  tr3 but again these are based on the hillman husky   which was a small british car inside take a peek  there and you'll see that that's not a four speed   that's the automatic transmission which was also  available in the hillman husky so you know a lot   of parts off the out of the parts been added  together but don't confuse this with the tiger   although tigers and alpines were built at the same  time alongside on the same assembly line but again   not a v8 powered car four banger so this is a  series four the last series is indicated by the   emblem and the spotting queue the series four the  vertical tail lamp uh on earlier cars these fins   extended and they had a slanted uh tail lamp so  this is the last series and if you put this up   side by side with an mgb this was a more developed  car with more creature comforts and uh equal if   not a little better performance at a similar price  let alone fact these were styled by raymond loewy   of course we had a lot to do with studebaker  and one of the great industrial stylists of all   time but uh lowe's studios and team did this for  roots group designed in america by raymond loewy   you sure see a lot of 55 to 57 thunderbird in the  styling and proportion of these sunbeam alpines the sunbeam tiger there's  actually a sunbeam tiger registry   and uh they're quite a bit different than  just putting a 260 or 289 into one of these   cars there's a variety of things done  under the frame radiator wall all that   stuff however these are you can put a 302 or  289 in one of these if you want to but it's   not a simple swap firewall has to be changed  radiator wall etc etc so get out the welder and there's a tiger authentication committee  that will vet your car to prove that it was born   a tiger and not a modified alpine as occasionally  happens when ford engines get dropped into these well the four-cylinder version just claimed 22 500  for that 1965 sun beam alpine the way it goes and   away we go as the cars are all lined up outside  sun will be going down soon here in scottsdale we talk a lot about diversity of docket  here at barrett-jackson and these are   some of the eclectic cars about to cross  the block ah but they're all from one   owner who has really varied  tastes in cars here's rick sometimes you look at a car collection  and you instantly know the theme maybe   it's convertibles or 50s cars it might be fords  or chevys with the mile high collection that's   selling here at barrett-jackson this week well  this is very eclectic a big variety of stuff   starting with these two mustangs these were  originally built to be pace cars for michigan   an atlanta international raceway  but the contract got cancelled   only five survived and two of them are in the  mile high collection check out this variety   we got a 1978 pinto station wagon we've got a  1974 camaro z28 we've even got a mercedes-benz   unimog the mile high collection so big so broad  it's going to take all week to cross the block this is a huge collection and it will be sprinkled  throughout the docket for several days here at   barrett-jackson we'll call them out when they  come to the block as several will shortly   and uh i don't think i've ever seen as diverse  a collection as this one total of 69 cars and   it spreads the spectrum just about everything all  right up on the block right now we've got a 1968   camaro drag car current bid 20 000. well 220  000 camaros were built in 1968 a lot of them   wound up like this in the 70s and the 80s is  sort of uh oh pro street style drag cars and   this one is absolutely a racer it's got real live  drag sticks a simpson drag shoot in the back 454   fiberglass fenders and hood and uh i always  say to myself was this a z28 was it an ss36   who knows the vin and this one does say one  two four so it was born of the eight dog but   that was a long time ago nothing that matters  it'd be a fun car for some weekend drag racing fiberglass front clip on this one massive  towel type hood currently a 454 got a power   glide two-speed automatic larger why a power glass  transmission right well you don't really need to   shift more than twice going down the quarter mile  in a car this quick you don't need three speeds   two speeds does the job do i need to say it not  street legal you could put it back to street legal   but not in its present form i will say though  after midnight on places like or maybe the bourbon   turnpike this might have rolled off a trailer  at say 2 a.m i won't say anything i've seen and the summit racing soul sticker goes on  they write the price 21 000 and a way that   drag camaro will go and we will go to tyler hoover  a lot 172 is the end of the line right here it is   a 2002 pontiac trans am collectors edition  the fourth generation and final generation   of the trans am of course when they brought  the camaro back which shared this platform   uh pontiac was gone as a brand so this is it and  not only that it's a collector's edition with a   special trim but it only has 3 000 miles on it has  a manual transmission immaculate interior you can   see the w6 package as well obviously because of  the ram air hood you see the big nostrils here   which actually feed the engine very functional you  see the intake going right in here feeding the ls1   v8 with the wx 6 you also got better handling  better braking but also that ls1 v8 engine which   of course is the birth of a dynasty when it comes  to ls engine so i imagine this is going to be a   great investment for someone they could buy it and  hold it long term because well find a nicer one and that'll be up on the block very soon thanks  a lot all right you like yellow well this is that   roy rogers 1964 lincoln continental the tyler  previewed that accidentally became yellow well   keep in mind there were 36 297 continentals made  in 64. only 3 300 were convertibles very rare body   style then is now 64 was the first year for the  126 inch long wheelbase three inch longer doors at   the rear subtle but significant difference in the  50s 60s and 70s and the saturday morning tv era   gene autry and roy rogers were the singing  cowboys roy was billed as the king of the   cowboys and his wife dale evans as the queen of  the west his horse was trigger hers was buttermilk   the german shepherd's name was bullet and every  kid knew all of this from saturday morning tv   and this was their daily driver that has spent  the last three decades in the roy rogers museum   wow and it's getting some love it is now the top  seller of the day here on tuesday the current bid   55 now up to 57 000 you know it's not the  car it's absolutely the roy rogers connection tyler told the story earlier how roy wanted  this car repainted in a palomino gold the   color of his horse trigger and the fella he sent  to the body shop with the orders was colorblind   1964 lincoln continental once owned by roy rogers  and dale evans it sells here at barrett-jackson   for 65 000 what a connection to some great  television from the black and white era absolutely beautiful day here in scottsdale  arizona it's been beautiful all week and it's just   gonna get nicer i feel sorry for everybody else  around the country that's had to endure some tough   weather over the last week or two but right here  it is wonderful here in scottsdale up in the block   right now in 1999 chevy silverado 1500 pickup  truck just hammered sold at 25 000 remember in   addition that you will pay a 10 buyer's premium if  you are the winning bidder so you add another 10   to that and you get to drive it away rolling up  behind it we've got a 2000 toyota land cruiser   well this one has a v8 and that's not a typo  we've got to remember that most land cruisers   of the classic era with straight six in some cases  diesel powered but this is an american version and   starting in 1998 the toyota 4.7 liter v8 was  available in land cruisers this is a 2000   uh second year for that v8 now that v8 was also  available in the lexus passenger car but the big   difference was the passenger car lexus v8 had  aluminum block the truckwind has an iron block   but otherwise the same dual overhead cam cylinder  heads a great breathing engine and yes v8 power in   a land cruiser yeah you think about the evolution  you know the land cruiser first came out in the   early 1950s went through a number of generations  this is the 100 series and actually had about the   100 the 105 with a lot of differences but overall  there's still the 100 series a little bit wider   than its predecessor but still a really solid  vehicle and you once again find these all over the   world in places where you needed to a little bit  of a four wheel drive speaking of solid the rear   axle on this is a beam style no independent rear  suspension for toyota land cruiser yet but instead   of leaf springs coil springs are used which give  you pretty decent off-road capability but really   nice on-road ride and again keep in mind most of  these are never used off-road you know they're   used like in climates where there's a lot of snow  they're great in snow and of course they just look   great and very safe vehicles for the family to  ride in well it's bringing solid money right now   currently the number two sale of the day or at  least tied that way we'll see where it ends up   and i go back to thinking about imagine you know  what those were like in the early 50s those pretty   you know rough versions then they became  these luxury models with active ride control   complicated suspensions big huge v8 engines  under the hood boy it was beautiful inside   and now at fifty thousand dollars at the number  two sale remember this is a 22 year old vehicle   i think maybe one of the things here is that  it's got 34 280 miles and you know i think   we're starting to see that everything old is  new again this is a 22 year old vehicle and uh   it is nostalgic although some of us older folks  like me remember these when they were very common   but you know to a younger eye this is  a classic i get it and according to the   consignor this was bought up in colorado  and it was kept as a vacation home second   car so the owners only used it when they were  at their vacation home that's why it only has   34 or 35 000 miles on the odometer hammered sold  at 55 000 solidly the number two sale of the day congratulations to that family right there i think  they're going to have some fun enjoying themselves   in that toyota land cruiser all right where's mike  joy when we need him a 1966 mgb roadster up on the   block these were made between 1963 and 1980 an  amazing 18-year run and this was mg's first unit   construction sports car prior to this of course  the mgtc and td and all were body on frame but   not here there were just about a half a million of  these made in that 18-year run now this does have   the optional wire wheels which are a 98 dollar  option now the price for this when it was new   was 2705.66 about 100 bucks more than a base  mustang convertible not saying you'd necessarily   cross shop one of these against a mustang but  if you wondered this was a more expensive car   well you look at the evolution of mg you know  and the post-war era you know when they had the   mgtc and the td and the tf those upright cars with  that old styling and then they transitioned to the   mga much sleeker in the 1950s and in the early  60s the mgb came along and it had this good   sleek sophisticated look much more modern for the  60s the nice thing about barrett-jackson auction   block is it's sort of a class in automotive  engineering we see something here going from   the windshield frame down to the top of the  dashboard this metal rod is not an antenna   it's not a windshield divider that's actually  a strut that adds some stiffness in tension   to prevent some degree of cowl shake and window  shank and it's also a nice place to mount the   rear-view mirror but again this is a structural  member right here it's in tension and it keeps   the windshield frame from wiggling around more  than it otherwise might and the great thing is   you mentioned being getting to watch automotive  history we're also going to see a td cross the   block we're going to see a tc so we're going to  see elements of that mg history as it crosses   someone does have the deck lid luggage tray in  chrome very pretty take a peek inside and see   if this tidy inside as it is outside and  all look at that how nice nicely finished   and that's just the way they came everything  was painted to match the body uh the dash is   significant because the early cars 1963-67 had  the steel dash i just sold by 67 last winter   but i didn't get anywhere near the 23 000 that  is currently bid for this one nor the 35 000   that a 74 sold for earlier today nicely  done here away that one goes for 23   500 for that 1966 mgb roadster that 1.8 liter  four-cylinder motor 371 all right from that   little tiny mg to a great big 1964 chevy  k20 custom pickup truck what a beast this is   kinky the hood is closed this is powered by a  three cylinder detroit diesel two stroke which   is very very cool commonly you see a duramax or a  uh a cummins type conversion but this is a three   detroit diesel keep in mind the 71 series detroit  diesels were made between 1938 and 1995 a long run   but anybody who builds model cars or loves hot  wheels cars would know the name tom daniel well   he was a stylist at general motors before he made  his mark at mattel and monogram and this little   stunning touch right here was tom daniels touch  or addition to this generation chevy pickup truck tom daniel alive and well just go to  tomdaniel.com for a look at his many designs   but if you built a monogram model kit from say  1968 through 75 tom daniel probably designed it this truck has a very honest appearance it is not  over restored the paint is a shade off between   the cab and the bed a few little scratches  from use here and there so you jump in this   and you go haul whatever you want  put it to work that's what it's for   really this is at that perfect point if  you want to take it and make it nicer   great if you just want to use it the way  it is and use it the way it trucks meant   you won't really feel too bad about it this  is actually the perfect point to buy this notice this staggered rear shock absorbers  to curb axle hop massive 14-volt rear axle   and that wraps up our first two hours  of coverage here on fyi but we're just   getting started on this tuesday we  still have four more hours to go wow   welcome to scottsdale where we are celebrating  50 years of barrett-jackson the world's greatest   collector car auctions we're off to a great start  the action continues up on the block with a big   huge 2006 hummer h2 bidding just getting underway  here in scottsdale well the h2 is the h1s not baby   brother that would be the h3 but uh the h2 these  are strictly v8 powered six liters or 6.2 although   some people will put a diesel in these but that  never happened from the factory in mikawasa   indiana these were built for general motors by am  general under license 325 horsepower ought to be   plenty so these were the hummers that folks like  arnold schwarzenegger still sylvester stallone   and other members of hollywood royalty had to  haul you know passengers in comfort or whatever   they wanted still very close to their military  cousins until you got inside these are just very   very luxurious well where do they roll it down  to a halt before we open it up but you know your   your mercedes or your audi or your bmw it's  probably not going to be any more luxurious inside this color is factory these are often painted  in very vivid bright shades right from hummer   you saw that big wide center console to house the  driveline and everything so these are strictly   four seaters i don't believe uh let me check  it i don't believe that's a bench seat in   the back and i'm wrong again okay make it a  five-seater uh with a rear bench and you share   half ton and three-quarter ton gm chassis  components kind of weird the frame i mean it's a   specific frame it has half ton front suspension  three quarter rear suspension kind of a hybrid   26 000 for all 325 horsepower of that hummer  h2 suv and let's check in with april rose   check out this 1971 cutlass supreme this is like  a muscle car cross classy land yeah now they sold   two times as many this year than the previous  year and i also love what they did this year as   well they squared off these twin grills a little  more just absolutely stunning now it does have the   rocket 350 with a turbo 350 trans and you got  that supreme interior wood trim of course the   matching dice on the mirror the foo's wheels also  and it does come with the original rally wheels   i do like options you know because it's  like wearing gym shoes or high heels   you got to pick which one you're going to  go to for the right occasion right debra   exactly just have a spare set of wheels  and tires and you know you can dress up for   whatever occasion you want to go to makes total  and complete sense april you made me convert   2001 porsche 911 carrera cabriolet that kristen  murphy previewed for us just a little while ago   a 996 series 911 the first of the liquid cool  consumer porsches this one in atlas gray a base   carrera with a light gray interior and a red uh  fabric top for this cabriolet and yes all of those   all of those are factory this one has the  tiptronic automatic transmission you know   another detail about these it's very important is  22 liters no i'm not talking about the engine but   22 liters of liquid coolant again mike to your  point the first year four liquid cooled silver   heads on the porsche 911 family now it's done to  meet emissions and noise standards believe it or   not the liquid cooling actually got away from the  big fan which quieted the engine down quite a bit   this series began in 1999 and now we're all  familiar with paddle shifters for our sequential   shift uh porsche did it differently these are  shift buttons for shifting up or shifting down   on either side of the steering wheel it was a  porsche invention it didn't really catch on and   was replaced by the now ubiquitous paddles behind  the steering wheel you know christian murphy was   saying when he was previewing this car that this  is the kind of car that when you want to get into   the collector car hobby you can get into it an  affordable price thirty four thousand dollars and   you've got yourself a porsche to drive away in and  enjoy congratulations to those folks right there   gt is like a little while ago we previewed a 2002  maserati spyder gt and now it is up on the block these were also offered in  both coupe and convertible form   with a ferrari derived engine uh the styling was  polarizing some folks thought boy this is a real   cool little drop top and a sharp little gt and  others felt that perhaps maserati just didn't go   far enough to make this look more like an exotic  design and justify the price between 2001 and   2007 not to cut you off mike i love that engine  what a beautiful thing that is keep in mind the   spider rides on an 11 11-inch shorter wheelbase  than does the coupe similar styling otherwise   but again the coupe has a back seat spider does  not despite that 11 inch shorter wheelbase these   are 100 pounds heavier than the coupe and again  the underpinnings the structural reinforcements   to make it stiff are necessary but you love  that engine shared with ferrari as you say mike   ital design styled these georgeto giugiaro  who was famed for gosh just so many great   especially italian cars and many folks  thought that this was just a little tepid   uh to justify what maserati wanted it to be tell  you what though the first time i saw this was at   the 2002 u.s grand prix at the indianapolis  motor speedway they had three of them sit   in there and i have to say it was exciting  to see a maserati back in the united states   these are steel bodied cars no  aluminum panels here so rust   can be an issue but i don't think many of  these cars are going to wind up on salty roads   that was a great place to bring it rick because  didn't maserati win the 500 in say 1940 wilbur   shaw i remember the victory i don't remember the  year or the person but i'm going to fly into that   one let's go okay yeah exactly exactly brand new  this thing would have cost 85 000 someone asked   are these rare well about 13 000 of these were  made in coop and spiders so not really rare but   surviving examples that are unmodified and  serviceable are getting scarcer and scarce the answer to the question 1939 and 1940 wilbur  shaw won in maserati for both years thank you   you can pay me later exactly you make me look  good 25 000 for that maserati we're going to   take a quick break here in beautiful arizona but  we'll come back to beautiful cars in just a moment speaking of memories this is lot  number 153 a 1978 ford pinto squier   station wagon now laugh all you want but i lived  in los angeles and yes i drove a pinto daily   for about two years i was working at hot rod  magazine and i used that pen to go to the   junkyard i actually went and i got a cadillac  500 cubic inch v8 and i brought it home in the   back of my pinto it was a very useful car  this one has a 2.3 liter lima 4-cylinder   engine and an automatic transmission  and boy does it bring back some memories it is indeed the 50th anniversary  of the barrett-jackson collector car   auction the company was established back in  1971 they held their first auction in january   of 1972 so this month marks 50 years  that cars have been crossing the block   and selling here at barrett-jackson you  see that corvette pace car convertible just   crossed the block it just sold they'll put  the sold sticker on it and away it will go 34 000 the final price a little bit earlier  we were talking about the mile high collection   69 cars that are going to be crossing  the block over the course of the week   and this is one of them right here a 1985 chrysler  lebaron convertible is going to kick it off   well laugh all you want these were actually very  popular cars in their day and this is the car that   saved chrysler corporation the k car which arrived  in 1981. the town and country convertible arrived   in 82 this is an 85 and somewhere along the line  this car has well somebody paid 634 bucks for   the optional turbocharged four-banger which is  the 2.2 which is actually a very potent engine   less money would have got you the v6 or sorry  the six-cylinder engine but this is a turbo 4   automatic only in the town and country now these  cars were born as coops but then went to cars and   concepts in brighton michigan where the top  was cut off and they became convertibles the   same thing was done to the mustang at the  same point in time so the town and country   is an upgrade on the lebaron and further still  designer mark cross lent his name to a special   edition of which less than 600 were built this  car has been extremely well kept the top does   not show anywhere from being cycled up and down  the vinyl wood style treatment on the sides shows   no fading this car has been very well kept i was  21 in 1985 and i remember very clearly when you   saw these cars in traffic when you saw the two  pipes that meant it had the turbo four which was   something of a hot rod engine believe it or not  they had good power now on a chrysler town and   country there were no external graphics but on a  dodge aries or plymouth reliant there was a turbo   emblem on the fender which again i guess chrysler  was a little too tasteful to exhibit on the side   but when you see this hood with the vents that  means there's a turbo motor underneath watch out you gotta love the faux crystal hood  ornament seen specifically on the chryslers these were not inexpensive these were over 13  000 new back in 1985 before they were highly   optioned up we take a look on the driver's side  lock pillar here there's a sticker here from   cars and concepts oh sorry creative industries  excuse me right there that red thing that is the   certification sticker from creative industries  that indicates the car was modified but is still   applicable to all laws twelve thousand dollars  the hammer price on that particular crisis you   know as you walk around here all these cars  bring back memories as we see each one and   of course for steve manonte well not too hard to  find something that stirs him and brings him back speaking of memories this is lot number 153  a 1978 ford pinto squier station wagon now   laugh all you want but i lived in los angeles  and yes i drove a pinto daily for about two   years i was working at hot rod magazine and i  used that pin to go to the junkyard i actually   went and i got a cadillac 500 cubic inch v8  and i brought it home in the back of my pinto   it was a very useful car this one has  a 2.3 liter lima 4-cylinder engine and   an automatic transmission and boy  does it bring back some memories   and indeed that is the pinto wagon we'll be seeing  crossing the block in just a few moments in 1978   ford pinto over the block right now we've  got a 1968 moak well this is an austin mini   uh these were unit body cars with a transverse  four-cylinder engine and front-wheel drive and   they made them like this as also in addition to  the two-door sedans they made these open utility   vehicles there's your standard mini speedometer  and fuel gauge and steering column and heater box   and everything here is genuine mini gas tank along  the side a unit body vehicle these were fun at the   beach and a lot of them found their ways to the  paddocks of major sports car races to all tools   back and forth to the pits and so on these were  built between 1964 and 1993 and initially designed   to be air dropped by the british military one of  their problems was the poor ground clearance which   i mean they're not that great for military  use so we can see here there's not a lot of   ground clearance you get high sensitive in enemy  territory it'd be taken prisoner that's the end   of that but they were much more popular with rock  groups in the 1960s i think herman's hermes did   a video with one of these the mini moat now check  out the wheels they are the original size they are   10 inches in diameter probably four and a half to  five wide and these were uh sticky oklahoma radios   well we see cute sell here at barrett-jackson  over and over again and this is the case five   thousand dollars for that 1968 mini moat we're  gonna take a quick break here at barrett-jackson   but we will come back in just a moment remember  more than 1800 cars are crossing the block   so much to see so much to do in scottsdale  this week and up on the block right now at   the center stage for the barrett-jackson  collective car auction it's a 1991 camaro   rs it looks like a highway patrol  car but it's actually a recreation   yeah keep in mind there were 592  real chp camaros in 1991 and that   legacy began in 1979 when about 10 cars were  done this is a recreation and that's the b4c   rpo code which is specific but all the right stuff  has been added to this car it's very convincing for those of us who used to keep  track of the headlight configuration   of the cars behind us this was a little  confusing because you used to know exactly   what the headlight configuration for a crown  victoria was to know whether there was a   highway patrolman behind you having a camaro  well that confused things just a little bit   sixteen thousand dollars for the 1991  camaro rs highway patrol recreation   example all right little while ago steve magnante  took us down memory lane with his 1978 ford pinto   squire that he talked about his pinto memories  and it's up on the block right now all right   stop laughing because i have one of these i own  half of it with charles boyd and his sons and we   bought it because we love wagons and when charles  and i grew up everybody's mom in the neighborhood   had a woodside wagon of course they were much  bigger mercury colony parks and ford country   squires but ford every size ford had a squire  version with the wood trim and often the interior   matched the exterior thank god mine is not this  green i guess it's very attractive if your name's   kermit it's got an automatic a two liter overhead  cam engine and there's no other car i have that   you go anywhere and people don't say i remember  these and everybody's got a story to tell you   yeah you might it might be cute on the block right  now but you gotta remember that detroit was at   the height of its decline in the late 70s keep  in mind a honda civic or a toyota corolla or a   volkswagen rabbit was frankly a much better car  than a pinto and to be honest you know ford kind   of wanted to punish some of the people who bought  these cars and it made them cheap that said today   we've forgotten those sins and these are wonderful  little critters i drove again a hatchback which   was a very useful car and the fire problem with  these things really was kind of a lawyer thing   if you hit anything hard enough it'll explode  the trouble with these was that the gas tank was   packaged between the bumper and the rear axle  hit it at 90 miles an hour yeah it's going to   blow up so they did a recall put some plastic  shielding in there the issue was solved but i   drove mine to about 20 000 miles in l.a and i'm  still here well you know i tell you what the   original pinto back when they did showroom  stock racing in showroom stack c division it   was actually a solid winner it was a great little  car pat bernard car in driver magazine drove the   double zero pinno and i believe jerry walsh's  son has has that car yeah he hasn't restored it   was at lime rock last year for the emsa rs reunion  this is the time when ford foisted off the pintos   600 pound heavier weight than a volkswagen  rabbit as road hugging weight so frankly it   wasn't a great car in its time but hey it kept  the fire burning today they're cute as heck   you're right steve they promoted that in  their advertising as an advantage we know   now that it wasn't but you're right cute cells  i think this is very very cool but then again   you know i have questionable taste i've got  to keep in mind anytime a station wagon has   two doors it's extra cool but the pinto was such  a small car they never did a four-door wagon so   again they kind of have a built-in cool factor and  you know they did make some cruising wagons with   sealed off sides no glass and they were pretty  cool those are red hot today with collectors i'll tell you what we talk about the ability  to get into the collector car hobby fairly   inexpensively that's it right there for those  gentlemen 8 500 you know we just did a whole lot   of work for 8 500 there i'll tell you well  off it goes and off we go to tyler hoover   well the three amigos back at the block better  get ready for a bonanza of square bodies i am   surrounded by them but this one is my favorite  it's a 1980 c10 bonanza but it's a restaurant   it's very subtle my favorite part these wheels  which are one-piece 20-inch wheels but they're   patterned to look like the original kind of subtle  same with the paint root beer brown and gold   definitely a color of the 80s but a little bit  of metallic to it to give it more of a throwback   one thing that's not subtle though under the hood  an ls1 corvette v8 with a cam i'm told this thing   absolutely hauls and well way more power than the  original 350 that was inside but you look inside   the interior and it is super super clean but  another subtle thing here you have the original   gauge cluster but you have the dakota digital  gauges to run all of the ls stuff so you see   everything everything's subtle everything's just  so perfectly well done and i absolutely love it   yeah that is very nicely done it's a mix of the  60s 70s and modern stuff all right open the block   right now a 1972 camaro this one's a z28 we'll  make this a 74 and we know that because it's the   slope nose and the big bumpers the first year for  those 73 the last year for painted stripes these   are decals but otherwise it's still the great  handling camaro that every early second generation   z28 was this is the year that general motors began  its huge mistake of dropping the camaro 74 was the   final z28 i should say final year for z28 74 75  and 6 no z28 meanwhile trans am sales exploded   for 77 z28 came back chevrolet understood  the error of its ways but as a 74 this has   aluminum bumpers whereas the steel bumpers used  previously were a little heavier but these have   been clear coated we can see here they look  pretty good but aluminum bumpers front and   rear to cut weight for better fuel economy  which was the big thing in the early 70s final year before catalytic converters arrived  in 75 michael 74 was the only year for the slope   nose and the small back window the  wraparound rear window came about for 1975.   but you had this look on the camaro until the full  urethane bumper cover in 78. in 1974 chevrolet   sold 151 000 camaros of which only 13 802 were  z28s like one in 12 which is a pretty good number   but i can see where product planners probably said  hey that performance stuff is over but meanwhile   trans am sales went crazy and again chevrolet said  oh let's get back into this thing and 77 the z   came back there was absolutely no subtlety  about the graphics on this was there you knew   exactly what you were driving behind and up on the  front you know to almost challenge that screaming   chicken from the trans am that massive z28 logo  and 38 thousand dollars and those folks down in   the seats are having a party congratulations to  them as the winning bidder at 38 000 wow remember   jackson.com that's where you can see a list of all  the cars and you can find out the ones that have   already sold see what they sold for or check out  the cars that are yet to cross the block it's at   barrett jackson.com earlier april rose previewed  the unimog pickup truck and it's up on the block   right now in 1966 mercedes-benz unimog these  were designed initially for military use and   nothing about these is compromised we look at  the axles they have what we call a portal design   which actually was very similar to what was used  in volkswagen micro buses but much heavier duty   what that allows is the wheel center line and  the axle center line to be off by almost a foot   which increases your ground clearance but coming  down the passenger side of this we'll see that   the frame has a saddle effect you can see it  drops down in the middle but comes up on the   ends again it's all about ground clearance  these things will go pretty much anywhere   upgraded with those 40 inch super swamper tires  and they call this an exo roll cage as in exo   which is a take off on the term exoskeleton  you know like insects have or lobsters with   the hard parts on the outside and the soft parts  on the inside and rick you mentioned the matchbox   mercedes unimog as a kid i remember they had  yellow little wheels a blue body and i i drool   when i see those today it's a pablovian thing i  have one of my collections at home i love them   yeah and for a kid i mean i'd never heard of a  unimog to me it was something really cool that   i'd never heard of got to see for the first time  and it's part of what fueled my interest in cars   this one is customized to a degree you know we  see this sort of uh aluminum structure on it and   whatnot but uh again the portal design on the  axles is really fascinating to see the way that   the gearbox is and the thing with that is  you can actually do multiplication of speed   slow the axles down and there's spur gears  inside of those structures so again ground   clearance and gear reduction all-in-one in  the early years of unimog i'm not sure they   put that big three-pointed mercedes star in the  grill because this was a whole different line   of commercial vehicles separate from the  mercedes you know road cars and trucks well you look at the back and they  call this a pickup but it's really   not it's more like a flatbed with a  couple of tool boxes on either side   yeah it's almost almost one of  the aussies call it a tray bed yup couple of boxes there a  couple of jerry cans for fuel   a huge spare tire every bit as big as the four  that are on it uh and a big twelve thousand pound   winch here's how the mud flaps on the back are  quick disconnect this little pin comes out right   here you slide these out and these are gone you  know off-road use don't need them take them off i'll tell you what per pound that's probably not  a bad deal 24 000 for a 1966 mercedes benz unimod   all right coming up we're going to see a 1957  ford fairlane liner convul convertible check   out this beautiful two-tone red and white  exterior and interior we'll see it very soon over the block right now here  at barrett-jackson the 1995   corvette pace car convertible well only 527 of  these were built and uh 25 000 miles on this one   the purple with white scheme is authentic  and this has all the pace car graphics   and that hard to keep clean white  convertible top is in perfect shape 1995 jacques villeneuve won the indy 500 that  year and this was the pace car 18 500 yeah 1956. this one's a chevy bel air customer  well notice the wide open hard top body   on this four-door yeah it is a four-door the  rear door handles have been shaved off which   is a typical move or classic move but 56 was the  first year for the four-door hardtop 55 no go but   here it is for the first time under the hood  the small block chevy which was also available   in 55-56 but this one's bigger it's a 350  but they all look the same from the outside this is the first try five chevy of the auction  uh here in scottsdale try five meaning 55 six and   seven they all had styling differences but uh  under the skin were all quite similar and have   long been blue chip collectibles yeah in 1956 1.6  million chevy full sizes were built of them 152   000 or about 1 in 10 had this four-door hard top  body style which was all new again for 1956. note   all the stainless trim down the side typical  of the bel air the top of the line chevrolet   and if yours was born with a v8 it got that v on  the trunk and on the hood to show everybody that   you had the power it was the beautiful wrap-around  rear window which was further exaggerated   in 56 versus 57 and also the 1955 56  wood was also about six inches longer   than the 55 hood as these cars got lower longer  and wider as the starting trend of the 50s evolved of course this was supposed to be the  end of the line of this this styling   line they hadn't intended to make  another version of this in 57 but   they didn't have the 58 ready in time and so this  body style was modified into what we now consider 30 000 the summit soul sticker goes on  they write the number and the way it goes right now a 1957 volkswagen beetle this one is a  sliding rag what a beautiful little car it's not   customized or hot rodded this is a factory paint  combination and i love this the little enameled   wolfsburg crest still present and accounted  for easily peeled off with a jackknife or a   switchblade if you're one of those kind of  guys but there it is present accounted for   pretty little car note the covered headlights uh  which didn't persist for very long but the fluting   in the lens is the cover of those lights and uh i  think they continued about into the 1960s but the   small windshield and the small rear window on this  denoted as an early bug and the tiny tail lights   speaking of that small window this is the 57  final year for this uh fairly small surface area   of course to keep in mind the first couple years  was actually a split window but for 58 it became   probably about 35 percent larger so yesterday  i'm walking around jackson with daniel suarez   nascar driver who grew up restoring these with  his dad from 200 feet away i said hey let's go   look at that buggy and he looks at the back window  from 200 feet away he goes yeah that's a 56 or 57.   fella knows his stuff you know a lot of people  forget you know they think about the the oval   window before this in the early 50s they had the  split window you know long before there was a   corvette split window there was a volkswagen split  window this however is the last year and daniel's   dead on the next year they went they got rid of  the the oval window went to the rectangular window   and got rid of those little lights up  front that are on the front bumper the   turn signals you notice the wind wing in the door  that little triangular piece of glass that arrived   in late 52 but 49 through 52 early there was  no wind wing that came along again to better   ventilate the inside of the car a lot of folks  will actually remove the wind wing this glass   here on their customized beetles but uh they're  proper and correct now we call these beetles you   saw the hood come on let's get a look at the back  of this because i kind of have a theory if you'll   come back here and just get us a wide shot of the  tail don't these look like the folded wings of a   beating is that partly how the car got the name  beetle i don't think it's accidental all right   26 000 for the 57 vw if you'd like to try your  hand and sharpen your bidding skills perhaps snag   a great prize in the process you'll want to play  fantasy bid brought to you by dodge and right now   april is going to preview one of the cars  that you'll be predicting the price on   oh man check this out this is a rolling piece of  art right here 1927 ford model t custom roadster   also known as the grocery getter okay that's a  great name i could talk about this build all day   long she will sell on super saturday she's got the  ls3 motor four l65 e trans the ford nine inch rear   end and just check out that stunning interior the  glove soft leather custom billet touches dakota   digital cages that retro steering wheel i mean so  much went into this build and to top it off rick   it's finished in a color called bubbly which i  think we deserve some bubbly right now what do you   think yeah who wants to call it champagne when you  can call it bubbly all right thanks april you know   that little hot rod is gonna cross the  block this saturday so go to barrett   barrettjacksonfantasybid.com or all you have to do  is scan a qr that you'll see to register to play   who knows if you play the game at all  four barrett jackson auctions this year   you could walk away with a 2022 dodge challenger  and remember you'll be predicting what it's going   to sell for this saturday up on the block  right now a 1978 rolls royce silverath   2 sedan well this one is a wraith and we know  the difference between a wraith and a shadow   is the longer wheelbase and the much longer  rear doors and again these are cars that were   well the owners usually were driven in  so getting in and out of the back seats   was of prime importance thus the longer  wheelbase and longer doors on the wraith as a kid my father had a paper route in bel air  and so as we were i would go with him to deliver   the papers we'd drive around and we were just  surrounded by the silver shadows the silver race   it was cool looking at them and thinking you know  maybe someday and now that i can afford it i'm   like that not interested sixteen thousand  dollars for a 1978 rolls royce silver rape   but you think about all the design all the luxury  that went into that car in its day and to be able   to buy it for just sixteen thousand dollars  not bad not bad at all according to consigner   it's got new engine mounts new transmission  mount all kinds of work has been done to it   it's really ready to drive rolling up behind  it a 2011 mercedes-benz sl 550 roadster   well these are beautiful cars i've always  loved the graceful look long nose short   deck just the recipe for a muscle car but this is  german oh yeah the germans build muscle cars too   this has the amg performance styling package  uh with that special front and rear apron and   five spoke amg wheels very nice dark obsidian gray  with red now for cars produced since the late 80s   that have 17 character vehicle identification  numbers a whole industry has popped up doing   vehicle history reports that's to help used  car buyers know what a car has been through   and the report on this car indicates  it has had a rear impact collision   that has been repaired and that's the kind of  thing you want to know first rather than later   it will hold the value and the selling price of  this car back but everybody's on the level playing   field and everybody knows what the history of  this car is the nice thing is that is on the car   card so when you're walking around you're looking  you get to see that information you get to make   the decision whether you want to buy it or not and  once again probably properly repaired but at least   you know that going in the door now unfortunately  if you're looking at cars before 1981 that didn't   have 17 character vins most all of those reporting  services do not have information on older cars   you know the thing about a rebuilt wreck is that  if it's done by a professional shop there's really   not much to worry about until you go to sell it  and then that stigma is going to haunt it for the   rest of its life but there's a lot of value to be  had in a well done rebuilt wreck as they call them   and some of those reports like this one are very  detailed it said there was a rear impact but the   airbags in the car did not deploy so that tells me  it was a low speed impact and the amount of damage   was not huge not nearly enough say to cause  a total rebuild of this car but that kind of   transparency i think really helps the auction  process exactly and that's what we see here at   barrett-jackson between that type of thing as well  as with the experts they have that review card to   make sure that they are what they claim to be 34  000 is the final price for that car we're gonna   head out to the maguire's staging lanes and tyler  hoover so i think my earliest memory of seeing a   mustang on tv was probably with full house you  know the bright red convertible driven by uncle   jesse with the family going across the golden gate  bridge and it looks very similar to this of course   we've lost bob saget recently which is just a very  very sad thing but i could picture myself loading   up the family and doing the exact same thing in  this slot 166 a 1966 ford mustang convertible this   one is lightly modified it has a 302 v8 under the  hood you can see the black bucket seats automatic   transmission one touch i really like on this  one though is the hand done pinstriping which   really accentuates the body lines of this car it  looks really really well done just a beautiful car   and of course resale red you can't go wrong with  a mustang convertible from that era and that'll   be up on the block very soon meanwhile  a square body a 1969 chevy c10 custom   well custom is the word this has been talked  in pro street fashion with a four link rear   a narrowed axle and some big sticky mickey  tires and uh i like the taillights theirs   look like they might be late 80s early 90s  kind of like el dorado goodies pretty nice yeah that tailgate no longer drops to load  the bed but the styling effect i think with   the caddy lights is terrific and i agree with  you steve they look like they were born there   so late 80s gm step side merged to late 60s chevy cab kind of works the paint  brings them together like they were meant to be weld wheels on this of course greg weld  the founder of weld wheels weld racing   wheels and these are two-piece construction  lightweight aluminum rims front and rear you just can't deny the styling of the standard  cab pickup truck with the single seating robe   now every time i had one i'd wished i'd  had a super cab or a crew cab but these   just just look and drive so cool compared to  their much longer brother 26 000 the hammer   price on the 1969 chevy c10 custom with that  big 454 cubic inch engine underneath the hood well don't go anywhere we still  have plenty of coverage of the   barrett-jackson collector car auction  and plenty of cars yet to cross the block what i love most about barry jackson  is that i used to watch the auctions   in mexico with my grandfather  with my father we're a car family   and every single time watching for days days  and days watching different cars different   prices and waiting for different cars is just  unbelievable and now to have the opportunity to   actually attend this amazing event in person  is like a dream so looking forward to it   people all over the world know about barrett  jackson daniel's not alone in his ability to   watch and enjoy and get a chance to experience  the 50th anniversary here at barrett jackson   but the block right now good money for a  1971 old cutlass supreme convertible custom   boy beautiful green pearl big chip foose wheels  nice mild custom brand new white convertible top   you know daniel suarez is here indy 500  winner ari lyon dykes here super modified   legend bentley warren just walked off the  block and since nascar is testing at phoenix   raceway today and tomorrow we may have some  other superstars wander by here this evening hammered down this is the one that april previewed  for us and she was dead on 45 thousand dollars   that makes that the number five sale of the  auction so far the top seller so far the 1964   lincoln continental that was once owned  by roy rogers and it sold for 65 000   that's the number one sale of the day the number  two sale that toyota land cruiser and then a big   huge pickup truck that sold for 49 000 but as  the auction goes along we know these numbers   are gonna get left by the side of the  road because they're just gonna get bigger   and bigger and bigger all right a special  corvette up on the block right now that's a 1992   zr1 well indeed there's that lotus designed  general motors produced of course these are   made actually in stillwater oklahoma by mercury  marine but there it is 32 valve twin overhead cam   16 intake port two speed intake  manifold 5.7 same size as the lt1   but these make 375 horsepower and the next year  for these 1993 they bumped it to 405 but inside   you'll find six-speed manual transmission so if  you can't drive a stick you ain't driving a zr1   not just under the hood but these fenders are  much wider than on a stock corvette because the   rear wheels in this special five-spoke  design are much wider than the fronts   these were expensive cars it was  a 30 000 option on a 27 000 car   but again 448 of these were made in 1992 and  a very special car these are coming on strong   i think one thing that held them back over the  years is the subtlety of the work that was done   you know when you first look at it it doesn't  look that much different than just another you   know corvette of its era when in reality it  is radically different body under the hood   performance everything is different the styling  is stealth but the performance is explosive about the zr1 is that chevrolet never did  redesign the zr1 specific extra wide tail   with the centrally mounted light rather it  was always located up top but only on zr1s   37 036 thousand dollars  the final price right there we're gonna stay in the chevrolet family  because rolling up behind it is 1957.   this one is a 150 customer well the 150 was the  base chevrolet and remember there were no compacts   or sub-compacts they were all full-sized cars  this one you don't see the v on the hood so it   was likely born as a six cylinder or it's had  that emblem shaved off and above the 150 was   the 210 and of course the bell air oh nice the  hood's up yeah small block chevy probably a 350   edelbrock performer rpm dual plane intake a small  holley four barrel nice classic stuff this car is   called casper casper the friendly ghost was a  saturday morning cartoon staple of the 1960s   i love the cracker ss mag wheels first seen  in 1965 and ever since one of the greats so that finishes up three hours of live  coverage today but don't worry we still   have plenty more great vehicles to show you  this week on our coverage right here on fyi we've been waiting 50 years for this it's  barrett jackson's 50th anniversary celebration   we've had so many memorable moments over the years this is the only one that there is that'll ever be  the true shelby and we're ready to make many more   this week in scottsdale this is the greatest  collection of cars we've ever had stunning   automobiles from every corner of the collector  car world and they're all selling at no reserve   classics customs trucks resto  mods the best cars on the planet   and they're all here the barrett-jackson 50th  anniversary celebration starts right now on fyi we are absolutely thrilled to be in scottsdale  for barrett-jackson's 50th anniversary celebration   we have three hours of action-packed live  coverage for you right here on fyi plenty   of cars that will be crossing the block during  the course of our full week of coverage and up   on the block right now is a 1964 cadillac coupe  de ville plus nice to see an unrest unmodified   car this is bone stock and the final year for the  horizontal headlights they'd go vertical for 1965   but something new for 64. was the 429 cubic inch  v8 under the hood grew out of the 390 which was   seen in 63 but just a nice stock presentation so  the deville was the base cadillac and 63 and 64   was a two-year styling cycle the fins were still  present though they were much smaller than in   previous years at the back and they would go away  pretty much completely they'd be that's digital   film fins one year later but this wide over white  two-door hard top just beautifully preserved it's correct all the way down to the  single exhaust exiting out the driver's   side keep in mind after 1960 cadillac went  completely single exhaust now here's why   dual exhausts tend to resonate and make noise  that you can hear inside the car cadillac wasn't   pretending these are muscle cars they didn't  want their occupants to hear a rumbling v8 so   they had nice big high flow but very quiet single  exhaust systems until 1990 when the cadillac sts   finally came back with dual exhaust but this  is correct right down to the single pipe   now note the tail lights these lenses are red  these lenses are clear with red bulbs and the   clear tail light look was unique to cadillac  with the one exception at general motors   the 64 pontiac grand prix had special  clear tail light lenses very similarly there was a time these were seen as just  big old gas hogs and people couldn't get   rid of them fast enough i love these cars  and it's nice to see them getting respect   well this thing is almost 19  feet long from stem to stern   so that's a lot to respect right there 35  thousand dollars that 64 catalan coupe deville right behind him we got a 2004 porsche  911 this is a carrera cabriolet   well this is late in the 996 cycle this one  has been well enjoyed with 94 000 miles on   the clock the friday headlights porsche introduced  these mid-cycle so you could tell the front of the   911 apart from the much less expensive uh car  that saved the company the porsche boxster but   very nicely optioned car it's got a wind blocker  it's got those great alloy a very lightweight five   spoke wheels an executive express here speaking  of boxsters and 911s the big difference was not   styling again they were very easy to mistake  but the boxster had an engine located behind   the passenger and driver seats rather than the 911  rear mounted engine a whole lot more performance   in the 911 although very easily identified against  a boxster but these are the real deals on 911s   well from the dashboard forward the cars were the  same and that 911 owners weren't happy about that   but look at how many car companies had done the  same beginning with let's say american motors   with the amx and the javelin and a lot of other  companies have done it since and it saved porsche   but by being able to have that commonality  between their two sports car lines   hard to imagine that today the best-selling  porsche is the macan the small suv brand new the sticker on this thing almost 92   thousand dollars we're a long  way from there less than a third six-speed manual transmission power top and power  windows of course and just below the radio those   slots there that's a fisher system to store your  cds that were inserted into the radio head unit   heated seats on this one as well highly optioned  car and all steel no aluminum doors no longer hood   nothing it's all steel and that's it's  a double-edged sword it's stronger than   you know then aluminum however it is prone to  rust not that a car like this is going to wind   up on a salt and crusted new england highway  for long but again all steel cheaper to make once again we've talked about when you want  to enter the hobby maybe you've lusted after a   porsche i mean you think about it for 27 000 this  is your opportunity to get in this is a 911 with a   serious history behind it now what's holding this  car back again the vehicle history report reports   minor damage on both sides of the car and  that'll hold the number back but somebody's   going to get a chance to drive a great car here  for what i think is very much a bargain price   because of that this was an old this is an old  school stick shift no tiptronics no paddles here   some folks simply don't want that modern stuff  i'm kind of one of them so if you want a stick   shifted porsche for reasonable money this  is a great one yeah you get to control all   315 horses you know atlas gray exterior it's  got a lot to offer for the money twenty seven   thousand five hundred dollars that it just  hammered sold that's an awful lot of cars   sticker goes on a little bit earlier tyler  hoover was previewing a car that he thought   would be great when he got up on the block  and this is it it's a 1966 mustang convertible   well indeed the mustang convertible was uh the  second best selling behind the hard talk believe   it or not these outsold the fastback two plus two  by a wide margin but this one was born a t-code   six-cylinder the 240 cubic inch motor i said  200 cubes excuse me the scoop on top of the   hood is kind of somebody's idea of a good idea  but beyond that it looks very nice in stock   this one's been treated to maybe some freestyling  with the burgundy door panels and the black seats   you see the emblems here this is called the  pony interior option with all of that embossing   of the vinyl this one has been upgraded thankfully  with a 302 v8 swap that's okay with me the   one thing i don't know is if the original four  cylinder sorry four lug wheels and brake drums   have been upgraded to the five lug heavy duty  parts found on v8 mustangs that's unknown because   these wire wheel covers uh i can't see through  them but with that said it has a 302 v8 instead   of the 206 banger which is fine with me automatic  transmission first generation mustang launched at   the new york world's fair in 1964 produced through  1966 and again another blue chip collectible   good news i'm looking through the spokes i do see  five lug reel so happily the falcon six cylinder   suspension has been upgraded somewhere  along the line to v8 stuff that's good out of your point mike you know they sold almost  700 000 mustangs for that first model year   remember in 66 the camaro still hadn't come  along so they sold over 600 000 in 1966 alone so   mustang was ruling the world  at that point when everybody   else was trying to figure out  how else do i do a pony car   yeah that's right you chose between the mustang  and the plymouth barracuda general motors had   nothing for you in uh in this class of car until  the camaro debuted for 1967. people say that   corvair monza and corsa owners might argue but  again that was truly a different car uh that was   but that's as good as it got you're right mike  they didn't really have any kind of straight   comparison maybe a nova super sport but you know  yeah the camaro was a late comer but a great car and of course this is the last year  of this original body style they did   it for two years 65 66 67 comes along it  gets much beefier because quite frankly   they wanted to put bigger engines under the hood oh it came so close to becoming the number one  sale of the day the hammer came down for that   beautiful mustang convertible it's 64 000 but it  doesn't like the number one spot nope right now   that belongs to that roy rogers 1964 lincoln  continental and sold for 65 000. if you want   to break into the top five it's going to take  at least 48 000 oh that's for now as the week   goes on those numbers will only go up we're  going to take a quick break we will come back   to the barrett-jackson collect-a-car auction the  50th anniversary celebration here in scottsdale welcome back 50th anniversary celebration for the  barrett-jackson collective car auction up on the   block right now we got a 68 chevy nova customer  well 1968 was the first year for a total redesign   on the nova 67 quite a different creature this  one's been hot rodded a bit it's got a 10 bolt   rear axle but something kind of neat are the mono  plate leaf springs yes chevrolet used a single   plate of metal to spend the car and they're still  here on this one 43 500 for that particular nova   one owner hold up behind it we got a pickup truck  from chevy to four this one's a 1979 ford f-150 oh   if these cars and trucks could talk uh because  this one has just 14 600 miles and it's a one   owner truck where's it been all these years well  indeed the square headlights were seen for the   first time in 79 but 78 and a half they debuted  but again 79 first year for the square lights   which were kind of a big deal a detroit trend  that went throughout every manufacturer this one's   kind of unusual got the 351 with a four-speed  manual transmission it's not a muscle truck   but it's kind of close four-speed stick long bed  original paint it looks like a nice presentation this one has air conditioning factory step  bumper in the in the rear factory side and wheel   moldings and yes steve the consignor  says this is all original paint   the only thing better than the 351 well there was  actually a 400 and a 460 which could both be had   in 79 but keep in mind 798 there was another  fuel crunch and big engines like this went away   by 1981 82 there were no more 350 ones in half  tunnels like this 302 was as big as it got up the mighty nine inch ford rear axle on  display under this one first seen in 1957.   a tough axle and uh very convenient you can change   ratios by dropping out the center and  seen in every high performance mustang truck was new in montana and one continuous  ownership until now when you think about it   up in montana i wonder if it was like one of  those ranch trucks where it was in a small   location and you know just shuttled maybe back and  forth in here or maybe a vacation truck so they   didn't use it a lot but the fact that it's not  rusty that's pretty impressive for that country and we talk about four speed transmissions  and pickup trucks we're not talking about   close ratios or anything like that these  generally have a very low first gear which   is known as a granny gear which allows the truck  to chug along in like five or ten miles an hour   in the event that you're you  know loading it or have to go   down the road slowly but again the four  speed the first gear in these things   is ultra low fourth speed is not overdrive so  it's basically a work about kind of transmission congratulations to those folks right there  and the summit racing soul sticker goes on   a way that goes for 27 500 for that 1979  ford f-150 pickup truck a little earlier   we previewed this car for you a 1957  ford fairlane sun liner convertible   wow and what a beauty boy ford they knew how  to do these two tones and not only the two-tone   paint but all of that gold color work between the  stainless steel moldings down the front fender   and the door pretty presentation here the  details about 1957 was the debut of the   forward hinge hood this hood actually opens  like that it was a safety feature but it also   played into the thunderbird for 1955 67. here  we go and there it is like that it comes up and this is the 292 which is the  y-block engine but we don't want to   confuse the sunliner convertible with  the skyliner retractable hard top   which is similar to look at but actually a very  different car here's an interesting touch look at   the steering column and in front of the shifter  right there strapped to the steering column   is the registration for the car from i don't know  how many years ago some people kept them there in 1957 again first year for the nine inch  rear axle that refers to the diameter of the   ring gear and absolutely this one under here  this is a time when the six cylinders the v8s   even the supercharged 557s would have had the  same nine inch rear axles no small six cylinder   axle they all had the big one and those  axles are often scavenged by hot rodders so   it's nice to see it here in the original  location the taillights and the angle of the fin   very much the same as the 57 thunderbird ford  at that time really believed in commonality   across its car lines so you'd know you  were looking at a current year forward   whether it was a deuce you know a two-seat  thunderbird or whether it was a full sized 25 000 that's the hammer price for that 1957 ford  fairlane sunliner fairlane was the name of henry   ford's estate in bierborg michigan and they lent  it to that car all right so rick is the roy rogers   car still at the top of the charter absolutely 65  000. every single cowboy had a sidekick and roy   rogers sidekick was named anybody pat brady and  what was the name of pat brady's horse i remember   well there was the jeep nelly bell that's right he  didn't have a he wouldn't ride a horse i'm trying   to think of his horse you're right he had a jeep  sorry it was a trick question oh well i almost   fell into it i guess all right now for something  completely different check this out a 1971 citroen   ds21 well ds is a bit of a pun in french ds means  princess ds princess get it well these are also   known as the atomic cockroach because of the  bizarre styling that these were made between   1955 and 75 in this 1971 is a great example of  the breed these are really strange cars they have   a hydropneumatic suspension which means you can  actually jack the car up and have it sit on three   wheels and change one of the wheels if you need to  very interesting very advanced very french design   i believe this was probably the first car  since the ruxtons and other cars of the 1920s   to have movable headlights in that the inner  pair of lights would actually steer with the car   today's automobiles and a lot of pickup trucks  will have auxiliary lights that when you turn   the wheel a certain amount they will come on  but in this case they actually swiveled and   were tied into the steering wheel that's  right mike they can turn up to 80 degrees   right and left with the tires and these are  very dependent these cars and hydraulic pumps   the same hydraulic pump operates the suspension  the clutch and the brakes and the steering but   just a bizarre looking creature this is there  are some great 125th scale models of these   actually uh shop around if you can't afford  the real thing a lot of good plastic kits look at it what an aerodynamic shape i mean  so forward thinking between the body shape   and whether you like the looks of it or not it  is sleek and then of course that self-leveling   suspension very interesting car some of  the styling touches were actually pretty   functional look at this kind of jet plane  looking thing here well instead of being   a jet exhaust that's the turn signal  way up high where it's very visible take a peek inside the boot and see  what's going on here look at that how   deep is that now these are front wheel  drive so there's no rear actual hump   to take up space what a functional  thing this is this is the gas tank   i think is that the gaston could it be  anyway very deep trunk awesome just good design up there i'll let you be 22 if you want  to break it up in the muscle lounge i'll tell   you what you do not see a lot of these in  the united states over in europe yeah you   know there's still plenty around the united states  this is a rare bird to see driving down the road   the steering wheel has only one spoke  and that was so you had a clear view   of the gauges pretty much wherever  that wheel was turned interesting one detail too is if you get a flat tire on the  back there's no real way to get the wheel off well   you remove the rear fender quite simply with  that single bolt right there you take that off   the fender comes off and you can access the lug  nuts to get that wheel off of there but just   interesting design streamlining taken to the  extreme better 20 19 is with butch everybody else and i guarantee you there are a lot of people   with flat tires cursing that  design at some point in time citroen would go on to build  very successful rally cars   and race cars but boy this this was one of a kind five hundred dollars the hammer price  congratulations to those folks right there   let's check in with tyler hoover  convertible uh 184.1 it's a 1974   chevy pickup truck i may have spoken a little  too soon when it comes to square bodies and uh certainly this thing is awesome it is  a one ton four wheel drive manual transmission   but a brushed fire truck where you could  individually go out to the field and you see   this massive pump on the front put it in the water  and well put out the fires and actually the 454   controls this massive pump right here you see this  is actually connected to the crankshaft on the 454   v8 engine you engage the clutch very slowly and  then you have a working pump and put out fires now   the seller tells me that there's people interested  in this just for fun but also people that want it   on the ranch to work with this is something  you actually put in the garage relatively   even though it's very tall and you know used to  put out fires because they're so remote there's   not really any opportunity for a firefighter  to save them if something pops up quickly   all right thanks a lot tyler by the way if you're  into fire engines here in phoenix we have the hall   of flame fire fighting museum it's a collection  of firefighting trucks vehicles hand carts   used throughout the course of time stuff like this  it is the best firefighting museum in the country   for firefighting vehicles all right up on the  block right now we've got a 2002 pontiac trans am   it's a collector's edition convertible yeah sadly  i think jimmy durante lent his schnoz to this   thing the ram air nose on this is not to my taste  but they only made 2 000 of these final collector   edition convertibles and this one has only 3 000  miles and the word final is very appropriate mike   this is the final version of the firebird ever  also the final edition for this generation of   the f platform the camaro and firebird and  convertible so yeah if you want a firebird this   is your final opportunity there's always those  discussions that go on will pontiac ever come back   is there a possibility not likely but everybody  can hope well worse than that rick the eighth   body platform that is underneath every camaro is  scheduled to sunset in 2024 and the magazines are   saying that gm has not announced a replacement for  the current camaro it may go the way of the bird   uh we'll find out soon hopefully  we're gonna take a quick break here   at barrett-jackson in scottsdale don't go  too far plenty of cars left across the block well just moments ago this 1972 chevy  k10 custom pickup truck crossed the block   before was over and it hammered sold for 50 000  making it the number five sale of the day so   far beautifully done 400 cubic inch small  block v8 engine all kinds of custom work   once again 50 000 the final price up in the block  now a 2013 camaro ss convertible the current bid   28 000 these were popular cars just about 95 000  of these sold and were built in 2013 but with that   said only 8437 had the six-speed manual behind  the 6.2 liter engine that meant 426 horsepower   so when you first saw these it was  in the original transformer movie   when they rebirthed the michael bay film i  was actually working the chevrolet dealer at   the time when that movie came out everybody  called every single day wanted to get one   of these it was years away the phone  rang off the hook i couldn't tell them   that's how to prime the pump jim did it well  thirty thousand dollars for the 2013 camaro ss   six speed all right this auction is a logistical  adventure to get underway it's not a three ring   circus it's a 12 ring circus so let's learn more  about that with christian murphy and craig jackson   craig what goes into planning  an event of this scale and scope   you know it takes a lot of logistics  we've done it for many years   there's a lot of thought that goes into  building the site and building the site   safely and now with covet adding how do we  move air how do we do all of those other   things so you can have that amount of people in  a safe manner working with the city we put a lot   of protocols into how do we move air how do we  purify air we're also pumping in all fresh air   millions of cubic feet of fresh air our inside  covered area is about 1.2 million square feet   so we have room to spread out and that's been  with kobit trying to spread everybody out   having this size having the ability  to open sidewalls and bring air flow through we're in the salon here the highest value  cars but of course there are literally thousands   of cars here a couple of thousand how many cars  on site and how do you manage the vehicles well   that's a whole other project and any day we'll  do 150 drivers 1877 cars at last count wow how   many people do you expect to see through the  gate on an event like this well 2020 we did 320   000. through now that's over the nine-day period  so we try to work on staggering the days and   not having everybody show up for the just the  prime time 40 000 people on the early days 60   000 on the big days well congratulations on all of  you hold on well thank you it's a logistical feat   yeah not easy to accomplish because it's so much  more than just an auction it's also a lifestyle   event you have all these things going on from  the auction to the manufacturers to the vendors   to literally restaurants that are  built on site here at westworld so   getting it all done making it happen seamlessly  well it is quite an achievement you gotta give a   lot of credit to all the people behind the scenes  that make it possible up in the block right now a   1976 firebird trans am this one current bid is 39  000 well some cool things on this one but this is   kind of an unusual thing that hides in plain sight  the b80 drip rail moldings which are optional   and they kept water from coming down in your  shoulder but there they are that was actually   optional but again this 1976 is the final year  for the round top shaker uh none of which were   actually functional this has been cut for for use  once again 39 000 the hammer price on that 1976   firebird trans am up in the block right now  we've got a 1955 first year fourth thunderbird   first year of the baby birds well here it is you  know the base price on these was 2 944 bucks 16   155 were made and all of them had a v8 obviously  the 292 v8 this one does have power steering which   was a 91 option manual steering was standard of  course also power brakes both of those things   optional but here's the power steering pump  right there again made it a little easier to   three-point turn now when i first started coming  to barrett-jackson's as a kid you know almost 20   years ago there seemed to be rows and rows of  these beautifully restored examples and now you   don't see as much i feel like especially you  know the early ones like this i wonder why you   know there are trends things get hot and cool and  the minter family is kind of the gold standard in   these baby birds and i'm sure they're still very  active i bet we'll see some mentor cars this week   but it is funny there are flavors and stuff  and you know for everybody who buys a truck   or a restaurant well maybe it's one fewer person  to buy a baby bird but there's plenty to go around and you have to remember when this came out  in 1955 it literally compared to the corvette   blew it out of the water i mean this was so  successful the sales numbers were off the chart   and as successful as it was in 55 56 and 57 they  realized they needed to change and they got rid of   the baby burke concept and went to what we call  the square bird the four-seater in 1958 so this   three-year period from 55-57 what an iconic  look speaking of the number four four on the   floor well you couldn't get a four-speed manual  in a thunderbird as sporty as they were rather   a three-speed manual or for an extra 178 dollars  the ford automatic automatic which we have here if   you ask me give me a stick shift in one of these  things any day but again this one's an automatic   but you gotta remember this was not designed to  be a sports car this was designed to be a personal   luxury car and they think that the people who were  buying them they didn't want to mess with a stick   shift they wanted to cruise and enjoy obviously  they were successful back then 31 thousand dollars   the hammer price in that 1955 ford thunderbird  let's head out to the maguire staging lanes we're   going to check in with april rose well this is a  thunderbird as well but it's a 1958 thunderbird   and she wasn't born this way i gotta tell you her  name is copper cablero and upfront check this out   custom grill almost looks like an alien species  up here and all this beautiful pinstriping this   is one of a kind just truly truly a beautiful  ride and check out that engine in there man   oh baby that's an original 352 with custom chrome  touches chrome air cleaner chrome valve covers   automatic trans chrome custom hubcaps you got  custom tail lights trunk wait a minute come on   back you got to check out this inside perfect  off-white pearlescent and copper ember glow   interior gm sparkle carpet i mean the detail in  this copper finish is art now de bruy i got to ask   you could you pinstripe anything this beautiful  do you have a steady hand that is not me you know   that von dutch pinstriping it is something to  behold the ability to do that is truly amazing   ah thanks a lot april we really appreciate that  look forward to seeing that cross the block very   soon in the meantime yep the sun has gone down  but the party goes on here at barrett-jackson you know sometimes it just seems like it's all a  blur as we sit here at barrett-jackson all moving   so fast and then we'll look back and think about  the spectacular moments think back to the 50 years   of spectacular moments that we've seen here  at barrett-jackson i'm on the block right now   this is a car that april preview and i gotta say  personally i love this it's an old-school custom   style well there's two things going on here first  up it's the four-seat thunderbird which replaced   the baby bird and sales exploded in 1958 but  secondly it's accustomed the felony larry watson   in southern california kind of pioneered the  panel painting and the effect that we see here   it's a very nice tribute to larry watson's paint  style beautiful hand pinstriping here this kind   of not lace painting but spider webbing that  goes on throughout note the headlights they are   british they're lucas flamethrowers very popular  among hot rodders in the 50s and 60s 1958 was kind   of an interesting year there was an air suspension  that was rumored and planned for the thunderbird   never happened but to make way for it for designed  in a coil spring rear suspension well when it   didn't occur for 59 they reverted to leaf springs  in the back so 58 is the only year for coil   springs in the backyard thunderbird which actually  makes it a lot easier to add air suspension today look at that big rear window and how there is  no wrap around for the glass you don't need it   because the c pillar is very very thin you don't  have quite 360 degree vision but nearly so you   know mike to your point about recurring stunning  themes at ford this box talk first seen here in   58 would reappear as late as 1961 on full-size  fords you know and it's cool again uh you know   breeding familiarity in a car line from top to  bottom is a great way to uh you know grow customer   base and loyalty and the lincoln continental as  well at the very end just before it comes onto   the outward angle version note the dashboard and  the pinnacle for the driver and the shape of the   glove box where would we see that again in the  ford mustang almost 10 years later it's beautiful   how those forms are continued all the way through  to the deck lid if you look at it some you know   design and style the more you look the more you  see if we just center up right here on the middle   of the trunk you see that line goes all the  way through and it's picked up at the dash cool   38 thousand dollars nicknamed the copper caballero  1958 thunderbird one of a kind custom the way   it goes and if you want to see all of the cars  that are scheduled to cross the block you just   have to go to barrett jackson.com the docket  that's what we call the list of cars is there   and you can see not just the cars that are yet  to cross the block but you can see the prices   on the cars that have already crossed  the block once again jackson.com 1961 old   dynamic 88 convertible well 1961 was the  year that oldsmobile dealers had something   else to offer beyond these full-size the olds  f-85 the compact the senior compact but again   this was uh the full-size gm car and all of  its power the two-tone trim we see on this   is reminiscent of the old starfire but on the  starfire which was a high-level car it would   have been a stainless steel brushed insert but  on this one the two-tone pays tribute to that i just love what all of the detroit three did  with two-tones in in the 19's in and through   the 1960s i don't recall red over silver being  a factory combination at this time but it sure   looks good here brand new white convertible top  on this one new alloy wheels this is so sharp   i'm gonna say owners of gm or chevrolet 454 ss  1500 pickup trucks will recognize these wheels   they were also used there and they happen  to have the same bolt pattern five on five i   think it is as these big oldsmobiles and keep in  mind too that if you look at these the originals   you'll find left-hand lug nuts on i believe  the driver's side so left-hand lug nuts were   not just a chrysler thing full-size olds and  pontiacs also had them at this point in time   so something that is collectible in its own right  are these dealer emblems they were inexpensive   casting they have two studs that you actually have  to drill through the panel to be able to attach   them uh most cars now those are gone but they are  collectible and some dealers are even redoing them   and bringing them back so renter oldsmobile i  guess that's where this one was first delivered   new nice not to see an ls this has the original  394 with a four speed high dramatic you might   say what four speed high dramatic you could mean  an 4l80 no no the original hydra manic actually   had four gears and top gear was one to one but  had a 397 first gear which was really good for   acceleration drag racers love these four-speed  hydromatics and somebody just love that to the   tune of 34 000 for a 1961 oldsmobile dynamic 88  convertible as he signs his paperwork agrees to   pay a 10 buyer's premium we're gonna take a quick  break here from barrett-jackson get towards the   end of our coverage couple more hours left but  what a day it's been so far here in scottsdale as great as the vehicles are here in  scottsdale there's nothing wrong with   making some upgrades which is why you're  going to want to visit summit racing equipment   parts for modern classic cars off-road  street performance tools and shop equipment   summit racing equipment powered by enthusiasts over the block right now a 1971 chevy c10  custom pickup truck well the consignor says   that this one's powered by a 402 cubic inch v8  402 a chevy 402 it's what we know as the 396.   yes the 396 actually displays 402  cubic inches but be that as it may   big holley carburetor and nitrous  oxide systems boost on this one off to its new home for a hammer price of 33 500  1971 chevy c10 all that red rolling off into the   distance a little smaller rolling up behind it a  little older a 1932 ford model a custom roadster   well there's a lot going on here including  the fact that ford never made any monolays in   1932 31 was the last year 32 would have been the  model b but there is not a 1932 part on this car   this has all been custom built from the ground up  and it's no 1 800 street rod it is all name brand   equipment that's in this one beautiful hugger  orange coilovers and it looks as good underneath   as it does up on top here's  a look from our chassis   boy that has all the look of a brand new build  right there even the drive shaft is painted bright   orange according to the consignor the official  name for that is sunset pearl orange and like you   say they've done it up on top and down below  you know the cost of paint these days custom   paint is getting pretty expensive so there's  a lot of money that went into painting this   i like the way the tail lights  have been french to your flush   with the roll pan at the bottom a jaguar style  independent rear suspension coilovers there   and the inboard disc brakes and again the typical  roadster driving position where the driver's knees   are right up there in the steering wheel good  thing that's a tilt column porsche style shifter   this is now the number one sale of the day we're  at 67 000 roy rogers we moved into second place   and i don't think we're done now we're at 70 000   i am not surprised rick i you could not build  this car for the current bid price beautifully   done and like you say it's not just that it's  a series of parts that have been put together   it's a series of the right parts put together  the right way it looks right it's built right   now look below the gauges where that glove box  looking lid is down that's so that the ignition   and all the switches could be hidden kind of  in plain sight when that is closed very cool i'll tell you what it is the simplicity of  these old roadsters that is so nice you know   when you take the fenders off you shorten them  you lower them everything is just right on these   and yes you know you can buy fiberglass bodies and  get the look fine with me it looks great you know   most of these are automatic transmissions  but this is a genuine three pedal car all kinds of nice stuff i'll tell you what that is now the number  one sale of the day for tuesday here at the   barrett-jackson collector car auction 73  000 so let's take a look at our top five   like i said the car that was once owned by roy  rogers that lincoln now in second place at 65   000. you want to break into the top five it's  going to take at least 57 000 to do it because   that's the price of that 78 pontiac trans  am that was sold just a little bit earlier   up in the block right now a 1958 ford fairlane 500  skyliner retractable hard top well you don't see   many with air conditioning but here's one power  steering power seat power windows a 332 v8 with a   three speed automatic transmission and another  one of those great mid 50s detroit two-tones   this separated by the gold-looking trim surrounded  by stainless setting the blue off from the white   this is just gorgeous this looks like  a fresh brand new build right here you know you think about it mike this car is  just over the top in every way not just the   way it looks on the outside but having that  retractable hardtop the full-size hardtop   that folds up into the trunk this was not just  styling it was engineering as well in the late 50s   miles of wiring go into this because  the trunk lid here does not extend   to the back it actually hinges this  way so that the top can do its thing   and as on several modern retractable hard tops  the roof is split into two sections so this   front section will fold under so that it will all  fit inside that trunk which does have a dedicated   bin in the center for luggage certainly not the  full size trunk that you would expect in a coupe   but there is storage back there well i tell you  what personally i think this is a screaming deal   right now when you look at both the the appeal  of this car the visual as well as the engineering   the fact that it's a full-size retractable  hard top boy what a car rick they didn't look   this good in the showroom in 1958. this is a is  beautifully done they're very very high standard   according to the consignor had a complete  frame-off restoration to get it to this level you know what i can't believe it's only tuesday  and look at the quality of cars we're seeing   across the block like that street run like this  fairly currently at 37 000 and well that doesn't   even come close to getting into our top 10 at this  point and that's what's going to hammer down and i   have to say personally i think it's a great deal i  think driving to that down the street driving that   to a car show looks absolutely beautiful 37 000  now let's head over to the road and track midway   and tyler hoover well speaking of quality this  thing is really really nice and it was designed   to replace the cars that are surrounding it the  porsche 911 it's a 199 1988 928 s4 and it is a   gentleman's express cruiser like i said designed  to replace the 911 but that didn't happen now   they made many improvements over the years the  s4 is one of the good ones because you get the   four speed instead of the three speed you get a  higher horsepower engine my favorite feature of   all 928s has to be the headlights which they pop  up even though they're exposed it's just a really   really cool feature of course under the hood i  really like the presentation of these as well   315 horsepower on that engine and you  can see the intakes really gorgeous this   one only has 40 000 miles on it so it is a  very nice well preserved original example all right thanks a lot tyler up in the block  right now this is a truck we previewed for   you a 1959 studebaker scotsman this is a  beautiful no expense spared restoration   of a great pickup that is seldom seen restored  this is the way they look new there was no   chrome on the front of this truck at all all  these trucks got an ivory colored front bumper   and often the grill was also done in ivory  here it is done in body color this was one   of the first pickup trucks to have a curved  glass windshield they were more expensive to   make than just two flat glass panels with a spine  down the center no expense spared six cylinders   three on the tree shifter and right here this  is an aftermarket turn signal indicator because   apparently they didn't come with signals from the  factory so yeah that's kind of cool here so three   pedal trucks so this is an aftermarket turn signal  system no radio you notice the interior is mostly   all steel only the seats were covered in fabric  or vinyl even the interior door panels were metal   this was pretty spark this was designed to  be a low-cost truck in 1959 and they cut   every corner they possibly could 23 000  that's the price for that studebaker scotsman   don't see a lot of those here at barrett-jackson  it'll be cool to see that at your local car show all right get ready to have your jaw dropped  because they sell automobilia barrett-jackson   before they sell cars how about a densel service  neon clock twenty eight thousand seven hundred   fifty dollars that's only third place in second  place an extremely rare musco oil gas globe 58   57 500 dollars and topping them all was  this neon greyhound bus station sign 149   500 was the hammer price wow and my  understanding is there are going to be   more hundred thousand dollar automobilia pieces  going across the block during the course of this   week so like i said be prepared to have your  jaw drop even further a little bit earlier   tyler hoover previewed this 1974 custom fire  truck and now it has appeared up on the block well this one's ready to go to work brush truck  number 59. this even has a system whereas the   amount of water that's carried on board can be  shot out from both sides of the truck in order to   to handle brush issues i don't know what you  do with this once you put it in your collection   i guess just about anything you want but it  has a history redrock hose and ladder company   organized in 1901 the truck itself has only 32  000 actual miles and comes here from colorado   ready to go back to work and once again it is you  know this appeals to people who you know collect   this type of thing former firefighters love having  this kind of stuff but if you do have a ranch and   you do need to pump some water every now and  then this would be a fun thing to have you know   not just another pump truck you got something  that looks cool out there i tell you what at   22 000 the current bid what's the deal comes  complete with ladders hose nozzles ready to go the idea behind this is it's not a  full-sized fire truck it's smaller   the idea is that you could go into certain  areas that you can't get a large truck into so   you could get in get the water do  whatever you need to do and get back out   without having to worry about  having your big truck get stuck a little bit earlier you know there is  the hall of flame museum here in phoenix   it's the world's largest firefighting equipment  museum in the literally the world and it is   spectacular with all the firefighting trucks  the equipment they've got stuff that goes back   hundreds and hundreds of years before there were  any mechanical stuff being pulled by hand that   they were using to fight fires with if you get  a chance you're in phoenix check out the hall of well there goes 32 000. the 1974 k30 custom  fire truck known as brush 59 let's check in   with christian murphy fellas you know how they  say what happens in vegas stays in vegas well i   think with lot 216 a 2012 fiscal we're about to  find out for those with a good memory of course   you may remember the mac miller fisca camera the  same model the same year which sold in las vegas   in june last year on a sleepy old thursday  it made 165 000 now this vehicle of course   it doesn't have the same celebrity connection but  it is a real beauty dual electric engines deliver   405 horsepower it's got a two liter backup engine  here and on the inside well check out this really   nice gray and blue interior and let me just show  you the back here because it's a better view the   back seats there really tight and wrap around it's  absolutely superb and on the outside here well up   on top solar paneled roof it's just a wonderful  state-of-the-art car and of course it's going to   be the first hybrid i think that we see across  the block here in scottsdale later in the week   the 918 spyder and the mclaren p1 both hyper  car hybrids i'm not saying that this is going   to make the same sort of money but in vegas well  it certainly surprised us and who knows well   we're going to find out once again as the week  goes by that henrik fisker design very unique   the car itself very unique as well and up in the  block right now 1979 dodge d150 adventurer it's a   little red express pickup truck well this  was a factory dress-up kit little red express   you know a lot of drag race touches here and  the big diesel looking tail pipes and even the   wood grain along the bed this was a factory dress  up and performance package that you could order   from your local dodge dealer in 1979 360 v8  automatic this one was less than 38 000 miles   and all redone in august 2020 so  very very factory uh is this one yeah they didn't have to have catalytic  converters on this they got around it kind   of like a little loophole and as a result they  got a little more power out of this now it wasn't   huge power gotta remember this was the late  70s but all things considered it was pretty   darn nice for its day and you know this  package was issued in 78 and came out in 79   as well you know they only made i  think about 5 000 of these in 1979 originally born february 23 1980 well that's  when the first owner took possession of this so   it had been built in 79 but the first owner didn't  actually claim possession until the beginning of   the following year i think it's so cool that dodge  as a brand would do this and would come up with   you know a truck with a lot of street cred like  this street credentials no these didn't have a ton   of power in 1979 it was the emissions era but  uh this was was a really sharp little big rig   and for those who had been following  racing you know little red express was   something special it was a cool truck  and so they just took that styling   those colors and had fun with it made  it not an option for their trucks this one only has 39 000 miles on the odometer so you know the thing is i don't think this has  been restored i think this is actually they   say it's been stored for the last three  decades they said freshened in 2020 but   using all oem or nos new old stock parts so  yes very faithful to the way it was built have you tried to buy a new pickup truck  lately you know what you get for 50 grand   you don't get this you made that point earlier  mike and i think it's so true when you look at   what the cost is now of used vehicles  because they've gone through the roof   because of the supply chain issues buying one  of these actually makes a lot of sense 55 000   for 1979 dodge d150 little red express  with less than 40 000 miles on the odometer let's check out the mcguire staging lanes  understand that's where april rose is standing   by yes and if you wanted muscle in 1976 this was  it 1976 pontiac trans am i mean you got the 455 v8   that's the last year of it four speed trans only  54 000 miles and of course i got to bring you to   the star of the show up front that 58 option now  de brul do you call it the screaming chicken the   rising phoenix i mean is it the thunder chicken on  the order sheet they called it the available giant   firebird i mean what do the cool kids say to  bruhl uh i call it the screaming chicken i mean   come on that's and i say that lovingly it's  not something i use derogatory you know and   you look at the battle within pontiac that they  took to get that and how it grew over time until   it became the massive screaming chicken you know  that the firebird or the phoenix is probably the   only icon out a mythology i can think of that lent  its name to three different cars the 1960 dodge   phoenix a full-sized car the 1980 or so pontiac  phoenix the x-body compact and then the firebird technically you could almost  say the thunderbird as well   absolutely and when you go to get your hurts car  at the phoenix airport there's that huge mural   that was part of the phoenix airport when it was  brand new of the thunderbird rising from the ashes   35 000 for that 1932 ford three-window street  rod built just nine years ago beautifully done   and away it goes we're gonna take  a break as well we'll come back night has fallen here in the scottsdale area  but there is still so much going on cars   out on the road cars under the tents people  looking at the cars bidders buying the cars   it's all here in the phoenix area we're  celebrating 50 years of this great auction   up in the block right now in 1967 chevy c10  custom this one's had a 5.3 liter ls swap from   a much newer chevy pickup riding on big hoops  those look about 22s but otherwise unrestored   now we call all of this patina just signs of use  and age and in coinage and fine silver patina is   just fine it does not detract from value so this  one's ready to go to work ready to go haul or   if you want to restore it you could but i think  what it would cost to redo the bodywork on this   truck and paint it would be money you'd never get  back so buy it and enjoy it just the way it is   well tell you what this is really a resto  mod because you've got that 5.3 liter ls   engine with a modern transmission and a beat up  body so it's really got an interesting look to it   detail this is of course the first year 467 68  and they have a sloped front on them but again   this is absolutely a short wheelbase nice 41 000  the hammer price on 1967 from 1967 we're going   to move forward two decades 1987 and this place  it's a k5 blazer customer well the k indicates   four-wheel drive and the five in gm parlance  indicates a quarter ton which was more or less   the rated capacity of these blazers versus say  a k-10 which would have been a four-wheel drive   pickup but this one other than the lift kit looks  like it's restored pretty much to stock the blazer   arrived in 1970 as basically a removable top suv  but a subtle change happened in 1976 the cab grew   a fixed roof and used the same door as a chevy  pickup truck with a full door frame versus the cut   down that was all about getting anchor points for  the shoulder harnesses but again we can see the   full door frame which is something that arrived in  1976 on blazers and was continued to the very end   early presence of the silverado name on the  blazer and on chevy pickups not as a model yet   but as a trim package it would later become  of course the name for all chevy pickups   now they're all silver runners this one has the  predicted 350 engine which is the original style   oh gen 1 chevy small block or 5.7 liters but  not an ls again it's the original type engine   it came with has had a lift kit clearly you can  see the lift blocks between the leaf springs and   the axle at the rear and these are leaf springs  up front so similar stuff is found in the nose these will seat five people in relative comfort  however the fairly short wheelbase of the blazer   gives it a much choppier ride than  the longer wheelbase chevy pickups forty four thousand dollars for the 1987 chevy  k5 player all right you want something a little   more modern how about a 1988 by the way if you  want to see the full docket of all the cars   including this 1988 k5 blazer all you do is go  to barrett jackson.com you can see all the list   of all the cars and what they have already sold  for when they've already crossed the block you   can dream about what you might bid on if you  decide to maybe do an online or a phone bid or   better yet just come on in to westworld here in  scottsdale so this is a 1988 it's a k5 blazer   custom suv more of the same it's very much  stock under the hood and that means 350 with   a four barrel carburetor and actually instead  of sorry this is a throttle body fuel injector   there you go but underneath that air cleaner  this here is the duct for the cold air system   which draws cool air from a hole in the grill and  someone say wow just like an old w30 from 1969   well yeah cold air is denser air it's better  for horsepower and also for fuel economy   i love the two tones on these trucks i  just think that's just such a cool look   and i wish the lines of the current silverado lent  themselves to this kind of paint treatment but   there's an awful lot going on there it's pretty  busy we've tried laying it out without success   this does have some aftermarket wheels we can  see them here uh one thing we look at here sort   of a bead lock look these look like fasteners but  it's purely aesthetic but an actual bead lock rim   is something you can get on a brand new  jeep or dodge ram truck now 35 inch wheels   and bronco i believe also has but these have  the look of a bead lock without the functions and gentlemen brand new crate 5.7 liter fuel  injected engine so at the back of the roof   there is an airfoil and the reason for that is  without that airfoil with the back window down   air that comes underneath the  truck is going to come right   back up and in and the airfoil hopefully keeps  that from happening and keeps that air clean for 53 1988 chevrolet k5 blazer custom slight  custom this slightly lifted that 5.7 liter fuel   injected engine all right behind it we're going  to go way back to 1940 this is a ford deluxe   convertible well in 1940 fords came as standards  or deluxes well this one being a deluxe we can   tell it has chrome headlight surrounds uh this has  a flat head which was the optional engine a six   cylinder flat was also available but this one has  something kind of cool aftermarket two stromberg   intake kind of nice often housed aluminum cylinder  heads and again those heads have a smaller   combustion chamber a little higher compression  they can love those pair of stromberg what are   they 98s nice love period speed equipment that's  the way to do it take that flat head and use   what they would have used back in  the day that's my kind of hot rod   this does have a column shifted  three-speed manual transmission and   1940 was the first year for a steering column  mount versus the floor shifter seen in 1939 and   earlier the beauty of the column shifter although  it's not as sporty to drive it allows three across   seating up front without somebody getting  their knees knocked around by a shift lever   you know they started using the deluxe name just  a couple years earlier i mean they'd actually been   using the name since about 1930 but they made  it its own model in 38 and the idea was like   you said it was more upscale than the standard  but not quite at the lincoln level so it was his   own model for a while the dual exhaust we see  on this is not something that ford ever offered   however aftermarket kits from edelbrock and fenton  would sell you a split manifold which would then   provide dual exhaust the beauty of dual exhaust  really is that each bank has its own dedicated   tubing this last cross talk less back pressure  and more power this ultimate noise but again   at ford they didn't see the value of the first  dual exhaust ford i think was a 1955 thunderbird   well we had bidders on the floor bidders  on the phone everybody looking at that   1944 deluxe but those are the folks  that got it for 45 thousand dollars nicely restored a little bit earlier april rose  previewed a 1976 pontiac trans am debated what   we should call the screaming chicken on the  hood and here it's up on the block right now   a beautiful car 455 and of course black with gold  we had a car across the block earlier that was the   first to use this black and gold pinstripe scheme  the lotus europa because the lotus f1 cars were   sponsored by john player special cigarettes uh  in england that's where that came from and then   it went to the cosworth vega the jps capri and  eventually to the trans am the beauty of this   one is the four five five on the side of that  shaker this is the final year 1976 for the 455   and we see a w in the fifth spot of the vin  yup it's a 455 car now it's not a super duty   but plenty of torque and i love the fact it's  backed up by a four-speed manual this is the end   of the real muscle car trans ams the 400 and 403  were okay but the 455 is an axle twerking monster the production of 1976 44 114 trans ams were  built but only 7 099 got the 455 these are   pretty uncommon and this one has survived with  less than 55 000 actual miles on the clock 1976 second year for the large  wraparound rear window first seen   in 75 before that it would have been a  smaller panel but again beautiful look   and most people think all firebirds had  that now 1975 was the first year for it that engine turn dashboard a feature of the  trans am and the formula style steering wheel   this one does not have the optional drip  rail molding at the at the top of the   roof up here along that area right  there you're paying extra for that   and on a rainy day yeah you got water on  your shoulder but hey what price style   yeah they're only 7 000 of them made and  one of them just sold for 50 000 here at   barrett-jackson that mean it is now in our top  10 sales of the day now coming up we've got a   1967 another pontiac this one's a gto all kinds  of originality it's got the protector plate the   warranty even got the original owner's manual  all kinds of paperwork we'll see it real soon ah so many cars so many trucks left across the  block here at barrett jackson in scottsdale the   50th anniversary celebration up on the block right  now big beast of a truck a 1990 chevy 3500 custom   well that's the big bruiser here the 3500  the one ton pickup with a crew cab with a big   lift and a v8 overdrive ready to go well you see  the 3.3 badge on the back that's because it's uh   two benches so you have three seats in the front  three seats in the back the link on this thing 164   and a half inches so it is huge most crew cab  pickup trucks you know they sacrificed the bed   nowadays this one full-size eight-foot bed it's  it's just ridiculous it must have taken forever   to paint your point totally the three plus three  thing was a pretty smart marketing move 1973 first   year for that uh two plus two but mustang two  plus two et cetera well three plus three is a   great little thing there's a logo on the rear and  we see it there but uh really cool but 1973 first   year for these and these were not custom tier two  things these are built right at general motors   now previously in the 60s and even in the  50s there were quad cabs like this but they   were usually made by a conversion plant but  again these came right off the chevrolet line says the massive 14 bolt rear axle with a  10 and three quarter inch ring gear has a   day and a 60 front axle which is all factory  equipment on this huge 3500 series one tunnel   so when i was in high school in the midwest in  kansas these dominated the parking lots they   were cheap they were easy to find you know a  lot of farm kids getting hand-me-down trucks   well they're not those anymore they're very  very collectible as you can see 55 000 already   yeah but this looks so close to a medium  duty truck a 45-500 truck they're just a lot   awful lot of heavy-duty parts here uh way beyond  what you might find in the regular catalog at your   chevy dealer you'd have to go into a commercial  dealer to get a lot of this let's remember too   the dually three plus three was a possibility  which takes this even to a bigger level   a dual rear axle but uh really heavy duty  well just missed making 60 thousand dollars 59   000 for that 1990 chevy 3500 custom pickup truck  all right let's check in with christian murphy daniel suarez nascar driver in the track  house team welcome to scottsdale arizona   now i believe you're based now in charlotte  but originally from monterrey in mexico and   you watched barrett-jackson growing up all  your life is this your first time here my   first time here and uh yeah like you say you  know i was born and raised in montreal mexico   normally when you get into racing is because a  family member your father your uncle your grandpa   or somebody has been racing for me it was a little  bit different my father has actually a restoration   shop so i grew up actually working with cars you  know being a mechanic and that led me into racing   so so yeah yeah i i love cars i love racing and of  course you know barrage jackson has been it's been   one of my dreams you know to come here one day  and today's the day you know very very excited   to finally make it happen but yeah i remember 15  years ago watching by jackson during the week and   weekends with my grandpa so yeah it's special  now you've had a bit of a look around what are   your first impressions here at barrett-jackson  it's pretty big right excuse me you know every   single time i get opportunity to come to events  like this it's impossible to pick one i mean you   see oh my god oh my god oh my god there's so  many cool cars that do somebody i'm having a   blast now you've had a bit of a look around and  you landed here i found you here in front of   the volkswagen i think there's a little personal  connection there right there is a little personal   connection with these old air-cooled cars because  uh you know that's that's what my fire actually   builds the most you know beetles some bosses  and stuff like this these are very phone calls   very easy to work cars and you know i have  a few in mexico i restored them myself and   yeah i have a little bit of a personal connection  with these cars now you're in scottsdale because   you're testing for the new nascar season about to  kick off but you're also taking on a new challenge   which is fronting your first television show tell  us a little bit about united we drive and why you   felt it was important to be a part of it yeah  i'm super excited with this new project with   united would drive and the reason why i was  super excited is because it's something that   is me you know how classic cars can connect  people how classy cars can bring people together   i can tell you how many experiences i have had in  my life about how i can make friendships because   classic cars because restoring cars because  of looking for powers and stuff like that so   you know i'm super excited to for everyone  to watch united we drive because we have a   lot of fun feeling it well daniel we can't wait  to see united we drive it's premiering on fyi   next week wonderful to have you here in scottsdale  let's now take a quick little sneak peek cars it's   a community right it's everybody people they  let their guard down when they see these cars   the trucks are cool but the people are cooler  it's like an extended family it's just love man everywhere have a passion for classic cars   it doesn't matter what car you're into you just  you're there because of classic cars these cars   have a way of breaking down barriers i tell  everybody it's deeper than cars we're brotherhood   i'm bringing people together there's a huge need  for camaraderie true camaraderie again regardless   of your color age how much money you make where  you come from we are all part of united with rise there you have it a wonderful sneak peek  of united we drive with daniel suarez we're   looking forward to that premiering next thursday  night 10 p.m eastern time on fyi daniel suarez   thank you very much have a great time here at  barrett-jackson thank you thank you for having me   absolutely yeah he was definitely a kid in a candy  store walking around this place up in the block   now a 2006 porsche 911 carrera 4s cabriolet the  997 version of the 911 the vehicle history report   said this has had a side swipe incident it has  59 000 miles meridian metallic over dark gray   well sideswipe aside this is really when porsche  got their crew when it comes to the water-cooled   911. they got rid of the runny egg headlights and  went back to round which everybody wanted the 4s   is a really good one but he's got the 3.8 liter  engine higher horsepower also all-wheel drive   at this point in time exhaust sound  regulations in the states were actually   relaxed which allowed porsche to equip  the cabriolets with a louder exhaust then   coupes hard to imagine but true but in europe  they had to be muted down but here in the   states these have a louder exhaust system and  this is a stock stuff not borla on this one 45 000 i think that one went over the internet  for a new owner for the 2006 porsche 911. let's check in with april rose this is the last  of the first generation 1966 chevy c10 and it's   still got the original grille on it looking good  completely rebuilt 350 with a turbo 400 trans   and i want you to see this custom interior it  is beautiful it's got vintage air dakota digital   gauges and of course that oak wood steering wheel  painted dash and go ahead and check out the back   of that oak bed in the back and it's finished in  mango tango what do you think about that debra   i love it literally that's the problem here  every time i turn around i see something   else that i love or want or need or more  importantly admire the craftsmanship it   takes to build something like that it's truly  great watching it all across the block here   another car i love the 928 porsche 928 from  1989 yeah it's not the one tom cruise drove   in a risky business it brought big bucks but  it's still a very nice car yeah that car in   houston brought almost two million dollars which  we'll probably never see again with the 928 but i   think it woke up enthusiasm for these and you see  a lot more interest in them recently yeah only 47   000 miles on that one and it just sold for 41 000  for a long time the price of those had languished   so it's nice to see them starting to come  back we're going to take a quick break we   will come back to the barrett jackson collector  car auction here in scottsdale right after this here comes the restored mg tv   well just a moment ago this pontiac gto from  1967 crossed the block and sold for 70 000   all kinds of original paperwork very cool  and it's now the number two sale of the day   that top five is moving very very quickly this  evening up in the block right now we got a 1953   mgtd roadster these were built between 1949 and  53 and something kind of cool on these is rack   and pinion steering if you look right here  you'll see the rubber boot right there and   yeah 1953 rack and pinion steering absolutely  bone stock and these of course were also fitted   with 15-inch wheels which gave them better  handling than the 19-inch wire wheels seen on the td is the second car in the series the  tc was the first one with those skinny wires   that steve spoke of the td wire wheels were  never offered only these steelies you see the   gas tank hangs off the back in plain sight  just in front of the spare tire there but   these were the cars that americans brought home  from europe after world war ii and these were   the cars that started the sports car boom in  the early 50s in the united states including   the founding of the sports car club of america  to your point mike the chevy corvette was   well chevrolet's answer to this so you  might wonder if you were cross shopping   an mgtd and a corvette what was the price  difference well the corvette was 34.98 this was   about half that much at 19.45 so you could buy  two of these or one corvette what would you do 1250cc four-cylinder engine this one is beautifully restored you could  not duplicate this car for the bid price you know we also have an mgtc here on  the property and it's going to be selling   before the week is out it looks like this one  just sold for 28 000 for that 1953 mgtd roadster well more than 1800 amazing vehicles have made  their way to scottsdale safe and sound this week   and you know that wouldn't be possible  without the unparalleled level of care   and professionalism from reliable carriers  reliable carriers vehicles taken seriously back up on the block right now how about a shelby  gt but this one's special here at barrett-jackson   just because it's a barrett jackson edition  well this is uh one of 39 or sorry there are   100 of these built and this is a convertible  something unique about these is obviously   seen from the side these sat lower by an inch  and a half compared to a standard mustang gt   and something a little less is more well  shelby removed the trunk spoiler from the gt   to allow it to set apart from a gt mustang so  it's an interesting car but again these were sold   only in arizona when new but now they can  be sold anywhere yeah there are only 39 of   them built and this was number two of  that run according to consignor it has   less than 13 000 miles on the odometer you know  you think about it it's a combination of ford   barrett jackson and shelby remember when  this was introduced here at barrett-jackson you're gonna love those dual exhaust pipes  and that's factory stuff i mean i will say   this these are the ford racing upgrade exhaust  but uh the dual outlets coming to the bottom of   the bumper like that that's standard mustang gt  stuff and no more messing around single exhaust   on mustangs by this point in time they all had  duals very cool yeah there were a total of 100   barrett jackson additions but only 39  convertibles so that makes this even more special a nice little detail we'll open the door i'll swap  places with the cameraman down at the kick plates   the sill plates will see the barrett-jackson logo  with the serial number in place very very cool this one is a five-speed manual keep  in mind the six-speed manual reserve   was reserved for the gt500 mustang  but six-speed or five-speed they're   both great i'll tell you what 37 thousand  dollars for real deal shelby barrett-jackson   edition one of only 39 convertibles made  that year i got to think that's a deal gentleman will sign the paperwork remember up in the block right now a 1969 chevy  c10 custom pickup truck well custom is   the word this one has a 383 it's a 700 r4 it is  a long bed but keep in mind this company called   brothers trucks that allows they sell a short bed  conversion yep you cut the frame under the cab   buy a reproduction short bed box and  voila your long bed is a two a short bed   at the front that's cool you see how they've  got that chevy emblem at the very front not   chromed on that's not it's just painted on it's  really cool that they put it up there nice touch   well then it matches the paint treatment that  runs all down the side sure is less expensive   to paint that than it would be to create  let's say stainless steel trim but nicely done the wheel houses inside of the bed these  are definitely fabricated it's not factory   stuff but that's okay i like how the  floor is totally flat instead of the   ribbed texture or surface that was uh bow  in stock but a lot of custom going on here hey what this is a really attractive looking  pickup truck i mean just nicely done the   simple blue paint all the way around the accents  with the uh the way it looks this is nicely done inside there's the column  shifted 700 r4 once again the 700   is a four-speed with overdrive and top  gear for a nice easy highway cruising honestly i i if you if you're sitting in  front of this truck and you're looking at it   it's got the right stance the paint is great  i love that silver accent on the outside   looking under the hood it's  got a great engine compartment   nice updated modern seats inside i agree with  you mike this is a lot of truck for this bid like how the exhaust pipes exit through the sides  of the bed kind of like a side exhaust here they   are coming out through the body nice effect that's  real it's not a looker 33 000 looks like it sold   over the internet congratulations whoever got it  i'm a little jealous on that one that's a truck i   would actually love to have all right something  coming up pretty soon a 1969 plymouth sport   satellite custom it's got a big 440 cubic inch  big block v8 under the hood we'll see it very soon well barrett-jackson is so much more than just  the auction it's also a great car event when you   first walk in you go through the manufacturer's  showcase there's all kinds of cool stuff up there   things to see things to look at if you're a car  person this is absolutely the place to be here at   barrett-jackson the 50th anniversary celebration  in scottsdale up on the block right now another   shelby mustang this one from 2007 current bid  37 000. these were built at ford's flat rock   michigan plant right alongside v6 mustangs  no trip to shelby's venice plant for these and the actual bid for that was 36  000 that's the winning price for a   2007 ford mustang shelby gt 500  not a bad price for real shelby 1972 chevy c10 custom pickup truck  rolling up on the block right now   well final year for this generation 67-72 uh  also the uh final year you could not get a 454   in a chevy pickup truck but uh that hasn't  changed the situation here oh that's a small   block in this one anyway edelbrock four  barrel carburetor no fuel injection here   but lift kit you know pretty typical of  a texas sky-high short bed pickup 30. all right when you call a car that's got  everything changed from chrome to black we   call it being murdered out what do you  call this one when it's all red uh dip   painted was once one such term that was  used in the late 80s early 90s i would   imagine with these big tall tires and the short  wheelbase the ride would be kind of punishing this one has a heavy-duty suspension  upgrade you can see the 14 bolt rear axle   and that's not something that would  ever have been found in a half tunnel   what's interesting is the roof lights it's got  some lights on top of the roof and the way that   they've been mounted onto the roof they're not  just slapped on the roof has actually been raised   to meet those lights there's some serious work  that went into mounting those lights on top of the   roof you're right those are d.o.t clearance lights  rick and if a truck is above a certain width   certain capacity those are required even on  brand new trucks but no they don't look like that 42 000 for that 1972 chevy c10 custom pickup  truck well if you would like to try and sharpen   your bidding skills and perhaps snag a great  prize in the process you'll want to play fantasy   bid brought to you by dodge and right now april  is going to preview one of the cars that you'll   be predicting the price on oh rick i am in heaven  right now this is my favorite year of the corvette   of course the 63 split window it's got the spine  divided window back there now people didn't really   like it because you couldn't get that good  visibility out the rear window but you made   it rare because they only made it for that one  year of course you got the fuel door right in the   center so you never have to guess which side is  the fuel tank on we didn't get now to fill her up   and of course they have the sting ray logo as two  separate words in this generation now this one has   the matching numbers 327 340 horsepower muncie m20  trans the knockoff wheels finished in the famous   riverside red and it's going across the block  this super saturday all right thanks a lot   april you're right that corvette will cross the  block this saturday all you have to do is go   to barrett jackson fantasy bid.com or scan this  qr code you see right there to register to play   who knows if you play the game at all four  of our barrett jackson auctions this year   you could walk away with a 2022 dodge challenger  that is a prize worth winning over the block right   now big money for a 1971 ford bronco custom you  know we see these restored we see them customized   and we see companies out in the showcase even  building brand new 60s broncos from scratch   and here we go this thing looks all brand new  but it is a look that's 40 years old thank you   well maybe 40 years old but it is now 65 000 and  slides into our top five sales here at barrett   jackson in fact it is tied at number three we got  three vehicles that have managed to probably 65 sticking with pickup trucks we get a 1966  chevy c10 custom yeah i like this one has   the big glass rear window the style side small  block chevy engine now these are body on frame   and i love what they've done here the under  hood area has been sprayed to match the sort of   turbine bronze exterior not something that  was done the factory was very very nice   something worth pointing out i've said it once  i'll say it again is the hoods on these were   designed by a fellow named tom daniel who if  you ever built a monogram model kit you'll have   understood his designs but that right  there that flourish was added by tom daniel   the designer of the bag man the tarantula the bad  news dragster so if you're a model builder in the   60s and early 70s monogrammed models tom daniel  was the man still alive and well tomdaniel.com color is described as rust orange that is  kind of a joke it's a really beautiful copper   and i love that they have taken bedliner and color  matched it to the exterior of this truck this has   become very common and i think very appropriate  because you want to be able to use that pickup   bed but you've got to be able to protect it from  scratches and that's what that bed liner does   and when it's color matched it hides in plain  sight detail that separates chevrolet pickups   from fords is the fact that chevy used coil spring  rear suspension or at this point in time ford was   still using leaf springs the difference being  that this gave you a gentler ride around town   maybe at some sacrifice in load capacity but  again you'll not find coils under a ford pickup   in this time 45 000 is the final price on that  1966 chevy c10 a little bit earlier kristen   murphy previewed a car that is rolling up on the  block right now it's a 2012 fisker karma 2.0 liter   indeed these have a hybrid gasoline and  electric these utilize general motors ecotech   four-cylinder engine which was their engine the  saturns and all that sort of stuff but again   these have electric motors so the power is uh near  400 when everything is working at the same time   henrik fisker was a famed car designer did  work for aston martin among others and then   went out on his own got a lot of u.s government  money to be able to build a fa or you repurpose   a factory to build these cars solar panel roof uh  these were there was a lot of groundbreaking tech   and beautiful styling in these unfortunately the  company making the batteries for these cars in a   specific size and shape when belly up couldn't  get batteries can't run an electric car and   fisker went under he has reborn with a new car  company and with a new car good luck to them   externally these are big cars they ride  on a 124 inch wheelbase which is a foot   longer than a gto for instance but they have  a very small interior volume so as a result   the epa rates these as sub-compact cars  if you look inside there's four rather   small seats but again it's big but  it's actually rated as a salt compact by interior volume you think about it back then  they were advertising the fact that this car   with the two motors the electric motors could do  400 horsepower at that point we thought that's   amazing for an electric car to do 40. now well it  doesn't even seem half of what some of the cars   are or putting out i want to confuse this with  the tesla they're similar but not the same tesla   is completely electric carmen is a hybrid with  gas and electric and i love the design here man   i mean this you know this is a mass-produced  car with a solar panel built into the roof   i mean how much technology and how much science is  that you got to love it i always say that the best   days are now with automotive design the most brave  stuff is being happening is done right now 29 500   for a 2012 fisker karma don't forget just go to  barrettdastjackson.com that's where you can see   the full list of cars yet to cross the block  and we'll be crossing the block during the   course of the full auction here in scottsdale  when we talk about scottsdale moments you can   go back and look at the historical prices of cars  up there right now a 1957 mercury turnpike cruiser   this is the 50s most gadget-laden car push-button  radio push-button seats and to me the most crazy   thing of all is above the windshield these  little guys right here these are fake antennae   but the hole behind him is actually a duct  for cooling air into the cockpit but how   crazy how jetsons is that antenna said  don't do anything but look really cool   yeah they are symmetrical and uh this turnpike  cruiser has the breezeway rear window and here   is the result of that vent there's actually a  little bit of a duct right there inside of that   boy they're moving it away but trust me it's kind  of cool i've not seen that feature in any 50s car   and here's the breezeway the whole center part  of the rear window retracts down behind the seat   back so you can have flow through ventilation  yeah what a combination with those little vents   in front going through there very interesting  and once again you just look at the engineering   that was going remember we saw that ford  skyliner just a little bit earlier with   both the style and the engineering and this is  another one examples in this 57 turnpike cruiser   now keep in mind many of these were four doors  this is a two-door only 7291 of these were built   and another beautiful detroit two-tone uh  this time the two-tone has four different   color breaks down the side between the red and the  white and it follows through into the interior the   two-tone interior the way it's been broken  up is not just a couple of little places   that full interior is beautifully done in the way  they break up both the white and the red look at   that back seat the front seat beautifully done  you see this right here this is a rubber facade   around the clock and the tachometer these  are actually flexible but yeah these cars had   safety features like that but the tachometer  was standard equipment in every turnpike cruiser   very cool very gadget laden  nothing more so in the 50s the brand is mercury there's  the head of the god mercury and   he disguises the keyhole or the trunk  opening well tell you what for 25 000 a little earlier we previewed a 1969 plymouth  sports satellite custom coupe and now it has   appeared on the auction block the sports satellite  was a midline item between the satellite and the   gtx and the roadrunner sport satellite debuted  in 1968 and bucket seats were pretty much the   the key selling point this one was born in f code  318 two barrel but now has a 440 under the hood   so if i understand right the sport satellite  was born much like the heavy chevy and there   was also an olds rally 350. it was a  car designed to look like performance   but be attractive to the insurance companies and  not get surcharged like the road runner or the gtx if you add the word sport to  anything it becomes sporty   but yeah those are the bones of a gtx  or a roadrunner but again no hemis   uh you know you can get a 383 four barrel in  one of these but again no hemis or six packs   or anything like that you had to step into the  muscle gtx or roadrunner to get the real engines because the insurance companies started  surcharging cars with big v8s as much as 150   and that not high gas prices that's  what killed the muscle car market this one does have the flat hood but  mopar spotters will know that the center   item here in the hood facing the driver is a  little emblem here that will either read 318   or 383 this one's missing but that right  there if you're a parking lot or a street   race spotter you always look right there  to see what engine you have 318 or 383. well it's funny a lot of the  guys with the 318s would buy 383   a lot of guys with the 383s  that wanted to go to you know   the stoplight grand prix they'd get 318  emblems they did a big business in emblems   all right fist bumps for 36 dollars for that 1969  plymouth sport satellite custom coupe way it goes   but guess what we're down about our  last 25 minutes of coverage here at   barrett-jackson but out of the maguire staging  lanes there are still more cars yet to cross the   block so trust me you don't want to leave there's  always something new and exciting yet to be seen welcome back to the barrett-jackson collector  car auction here in scottsdale arizona the 50th   anniversary celebration and boy what a day  it's been so far all kinds of great stuff   going across the block still nice stuff we've  got a 1969 camaro in butternut yellow the thing   with these is that uh there were 243 000  camaros built in 1969 a really big number   but there's no way to know what engine it came  with except for going to the vin we see one two   four but that means v8 but it doesn't say  which one but that said it's got a 350 in   it now which is okay turbo 400 automatic  transmission three speed not an overdrive   but that's okay i love the cowl hood it's a  pretty typical friday night cruise machine   a typical cruise machine but not a typical color  which i think suits the car really well personally   yeah colors are always those personal things you  know we always joke about resale red being such   a perfect color butter not yellow yeah it's gonna  you either like it or you don't you want something   bolder if you change that color you harm no foul  but if you like it keep it that's always great   correct flat head v8 well we've got  so many great collections that we're   seeing crossing the block this week here at  barrett-jackson and mike joyce found one that   we're going to see across the  block tomorrow that's very cool general motors has brought 13 special cars from  the gm heritage collection to barrett-jackson   these two 1le camaros in this corvette will sell  on wednesday then on super saturday these 10 cars   will all come to the block sequentially they  include 2019 drivers edition corvette signed   by corvette racers including ollie gavin  and tommy milner then there are mid-engine   2020 corvettes these cars all have between 100  and a thousand miles on them they've been used   at sema for display or at various races  or bloomington gold or the woodward cruise   but the last two to sell they are something  special they're cadillacs a ct4 and a ct-5   both with black wing engines and 6-speed  manual transmissions likely the last straight   drive cadillac you'll ever be able to  buy these are going to rock the block   well thanks mike gm thought those were  special enough to put away and now they're   going to be crossing the block tomorrow here at  barrett-jackson so you're going to make sure that   you watch that by the way trying to get your hands  on a new black wing cadillac it's pretty hard so   that's the way to go 35 thousand dollars the price  for the 1950 ford f1 custom pickup truck mustang   time we've got a 1965 mustang this is a rangoon  red edition well indeed this is kind of special   this is what we call a 64 and a half or an early  production mustang to get ahead of demand ford   started building these mustangs during the 1964  model year and anything built between march 64   and august 17 64 we call the 64 and a half they're  different in many ways this one has the decode 289   four-barrel which ordinarily would be an a code  well not in the early mode but again it's a nice   uh restoration with a little bit of modification  happening but four-speed manual transmission   factory stuff and this is where it all started  man the pointy car revolution started right here yeah this is interesting the consignor was  actually built on april 21st 1964 which is right   after the production began so this is very early   interesting that they've modified it because  i think this is one of those special mustangs   so early in the production i'd love to see it dead  stop now this does have a four speed and a 289 but   it does not have the nine inch rear axle found in  a k-code 271 horse these had the eight inch which   is a pretty rugged piece and again the eight inch  refers to the eight inch diameter ring gear not   the nine strong stuff but it's it's original  and it hasn't been messed with that's okay   so a great thing about being out in the staging  lanes is meeting the sellers they're all kind   some people you know dealers doing this for a  living others like this 20 plus year ownership   on this car and i was looking at the notes earlier  they're all hand written everything that's ever   been done to this car over the last 20 years is  handwritten on a notepad kind of like mags here   with everything including a more recent appraisal  provenance provenance it's not it's not a city in   rhode island it's much more than that and  let's go back to the point is your car do   what you want with it obviously this owner did  certain things loved the car enjoyed the car   now it's going off to a new owner with 26  dollars for that 1964 and a half mustang congratulations up on the block right  now a 1982 corvette collector's edition   well it's a collector's edition because it's the  end of the line for the c3 it had a special paint   job and they introduced a new engine that was  going to be in the next corvette the crossfire   fuel-injected v8 which you know got a lot of flack  but really it's kind of cool i think dual throttle   body fuel injection that feeds the other side of  the engine sort of crossing over one another is a   little complicated to keep tuned but pretty neat  technology indeed some retro touches here look at   the 67 style bolt-on wheels the knock-off  type wheels that's absolutely intentional   and keep in mind that the collector's edition  1982 is the only time this generation corvette   got hinges and struts and an opening hatchback  a standard non-collector edition corvette in 82   would not have that feature so it's a weird thing  chevrolet held this for the very end and thar she   blows don't look for a 1983 corvette they don't  technically exist there were corvettes that were   built in 83 but they transitioned from the this  version to the c4 and as a result you have no 1983   corvettes you also didn't have convertibles due  to insurance mandates and things for several years   but you do have a lot of t-tops and i  like this one a lot because it's just   really flush with the roof line it really  doesn't disturb the lines of the cars at all   and it's kind of a mirrored you know retro 70s  finish you know people like mirrored things in   the 70s and 80s to do things off of or you know  what anyway the mirror ball up on the roof 25 000   for a 1982 corvette collectors edition they have  just 11 000 odometer for this very special car all right we're down to our last 15 minutes  here of our barrett-jackson coverage on fyi   but every minute is both worthwhile so you're  going to want to stick around for the end happy 50th anniversary barrett jackson you  guys just bring the best people together   with the excitement of not only buying a new  car but also selling a new car you guys rock   yeah we sometimes forget there's excitement on  both ends of them right when you're selling a car   no reserve you don't know what it's gonna  sell for it could be a heart-stopping moment   and it could also be ecstasy when it finally gets  the big number you want open the block right now   in 1995 ford mustang it's a gt convertible 23 000  the current bid so when i first saw this thing   i thought for sure it was going to be a repaint  but this isn't this is the original sapphire blue   color only 30 000 miles on this car a gt5 speed  so cool color good options great car and this   is the first of the mustangs to be built entire  mustang convertibles to be built entirely at ford   instead of making a trip to a conversion facility  only 30 000 miles and it just hammered sold at 23   000 and we're gonna check in with christian murphy  one last time thank you very much rick we are down   here on the side of the block i'm here with  the chiefs who run the whole shebang craig   jackson chairman and ceo about jackson steve  davis the president fellas there is never a   dull moment here in the auction arena craig was  just showing me here a picture of the national   anthem and the room was packed the community has  absolutely come out in force has this surprised   you i mean look at that that is full full first  thing coming out of the gate it's it's an omen   what this place is going to be like the next few  days is going to be absolutely spectacular so by   the end of the week you really think this house  is going to be full to the rafters but you know   you feel the breeze blowing through here the way  we're moving the air around everybody feels good   steve some interesting top sellers today great  day for collectors to get into the business   but i might challenge you here top seller was  not actually a vehicle today greyhound sign   the automobile segment of barrett-jackson  is indicative of the whole hobby people are   buying these cars they figured out i'm gonna put  something really cool together i need something   for my garage to go on the walls it's all part  of the ecosystem isn't it absolutely it is   that globe i had to go over and correct mike  real quick because he thought it was a typo like   no that's what it sold for gentlemen looking  forward to the rest of the week tomorrow i   assume steve we're going to take it up just a  little gear we're going to turn up the volume   we're going to we're going to dial up the  quality and we're going to let this group tell us   how good it is because they're the ultimate  judge and they bid and we react what does   tomorrow look like craig last word let's go i  think it's going to be just the start of what   is going to be the most spectacular run ever in  the history of barrett-jackson you heard it from   the head-honcho rick we're going to throw it back  up to you my friend all right thank you yeah it's   really interesting to think that the greyhound  sign was the top seller of the day at almost 150   000 and as i said earlier my understanding  is they've got some more automobilia that's   going to be crossing they auction block it sells  before we get to the cars it's going to bring well   over a hundred thousand dollars it's absolutely  going to be amazing before it's all said and done   over the block right now we got a 1989 chevy 1500  custom pickup truck well this truck shows how   long-lived and versatile the gmt-400 platform is  because we have a 1989 truck a very early version   but they were able to bolt on a 2000 cadillac  escalade nose to it so a luxury car they were   trying out the cadillac escalade for a year before  doing their full version say in 2002 and even   in the back they got a deville rear taillight  section which is a really cool touch i have not   seen that before with the cadillac escalade front  end this is a high rider for sure i mean in some   states it's true that uh the bumper being so high  uh what might be a problem to registration but   i find it for the most part it depends on what  you just did if you're having a discussion with   a police officer or not so if you drive normally  it's usually not an issue that's my excuse   i love that fleet side body this  is a fiberglass piece this one here   again i think it's an aftermarket item because  it has the custom tail that's not hand done so   it's probably an aftermarket but again there's a  whole universe of aftermarket cabs doors fenders   beds some of its reproduction some of it's  custom but it's a good time to own a pickup   truck all kinds of help from the aftermarket yeah  it's really cool up front if we can get a chance   to get the camera back up there they've actually  put a cadillac custom grille on the front you know   and those cadillac tail lights at the back those  tail lights they came out of a cadillac and then   the grill up front from the cadillac so a lot of  interesting touches well it's actually very easy   to do because it all bolts right on the entire  front clip that's how interchangeable everything   is but also up front i can see they tried to  protect a little bit they have skid plates there's   a lot of well off-roadiness to this thing even  though it looks like a luxury pickup truck i'll tell you what it just sold for thirteen  thousand dollars here at barrett-jackson   check out our top sellers for the day turns  out we got a three-way tie for number three   starts off with this ford bronco custom 4x4 it  sold for 65 000. what a tie with well how about   a custom camaro had all kinds of documentation  but also all kinds of great work that have been   done to it this also sold for 65 000 and a lincoln  that came out of nowhere to me this one yeah it's   just another lincoln continental but it used to  be owned by roy rogers and it too sold for 65 000   now that's the three-way tie for third second  place belongs to this pontiac gto tons of   documentation that came along with this hammered  sold at 70 000 but the number one sale of the day   a hot rod a model a custom 73 000 that color  is called sunset pearl orange it's got an   ls1 engine we talked about earlier it's not just  bits and pieces it's all the right bits and pieces   put together just the right way that's our top  five sales once again seventy three thousand   dollars the top sale today and we know that  when it's all over tomorrow that that seventy   three thousand dollars is going to be just the  entry fee to get in the door open the block   now we've got a 1999 mercedes-benz s 500 grand  edition now this was the end of the line of the   140 chassis mercedes and they reportedly spent a  billion dollars developing this chassis it's the   last of that bank fault right quality which they  talk about that because when you open the doors   it makes a heck of a thunk when you close  it that quality you just don't get anymore and the last you know we talk about the fact that there  are deals to be had you just have to shop   at the right time here at jackson that's one  of them and this is the last car we're gonna   see up on the block for our fyi coverage here on  tuesday it's up on the block right now and this is   a 1973 ford ranchero gt pickup this is kind of  special uh this is a four-speed manual equipped   ranchero i'm not sure if that's factory  stuff but if it is it's a pretty rare bird   351 uh cleveland engine with an  edelbrock four barrel edelbrock intake   but uh you know it's a lot of  custom but it's a rare carve it's a   and four-speed looks like it was a factory ac car  at least it has the giant old ac compressor on it   the nose kind of reminds me of the starsky and  touched cars at the similar year yeah speaking   of which another couple years has two of those in  the auction we'll see those the stars can hush the well that's gonna do it today for our six  hours of coverage from scottsdale but we   will be back tomorrow for another six hours   auction action right here on fyi in fact you're  not going to want to miss a minute of it so for   mike joy steve mante tyler hoover april rose  christian murphy i'm richard bruhl thanks for   riding along with us today as we help to celebrate  the 50th anniversary of barrett jackson dollars
Channel: Barrett-Jackson
Views: 766,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Barrett-jackson, Auto Auctions, Auctions, Classic cars, Collector Car, Barrett Jackson Scottsdale, barrett Jackson auction, online auction, Luxury Cars, Rare cars, Tuesday Broadcast, Barrett Jackson Tuesday, 2022 Scottsdale Auction, Barrett Jackson 2022, 2022 Barrett Jackson, Roy Rogers Lincoln, Ford Bronco, Chevrolet Camro, Chevrolet Corvette, No Reserve Auction, No Reserve, BJAC TV, Barrett Jackson TV, Barrett Jackson Broadcast, 2022 Scottsdale, Custom Roadster, BJAC
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 59sec (14339 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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