DJI Mini 3 Pro | Huge Updates to The Tiny Drone

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all right so today we are flying dji's brand new mini 3 pro we're going to be talking about the things i like about it the things i don't like about it and also compare it to some of the competition this one's made by alltel and you know this has actually been out for a little while and on paper at least they're very similarly spec so i'm actually curious to see how this compares against the mini 3 pro and also thank you to our sponsor licht because of them we get to use these awesome songs in our video without getting a copyright strike this is not a replacement to the mini 2 so if you're looking for an ultra low cost drone that flies good mini 2 still going to be the way to go this has features that are actually more in line with like an air 2 or air 2s so i love that more capability smaller drone but the price does reflect that now i've actually been flying this thing for over a month now reason why i haven't been able to talk about it is because when dji lets us test these they give us a non-disclosure agreement that we have to sign and we have to basically keep our mouse shut until basically right when i post this video as much as i wanted to talk about it dji has this back room it's kind of like you know old school casinos where if you do something that's frowned upon they take you back there and the things that dji do in their back room like it's it's unspeakable so i know you guys don't really do too much of like the consumer drone stuff because if it can't carry a red then you guys seem to not really be that interested in it but we have plenty of mavics we use these for scout drones yeah we call them canaries oh wow the mini the ultralight does it charge via the usbc you can yeah so if you want to travel without a charger you don't have to the weight is kind of insane isn't it it feels insanely light these props have like reasonable pitch on them oh it's got that new drone smell but the bad guy it looks extra small your hand yeah one thing that's kind of cool is as you're unfolding it you know how there's like a certain order you usually have to unfold it in this one doesn't really matter exactly yeah cause i would have broken it what is what you know how hard it was to try to put the iphone on the thing like yeah that's sick but look at this you can unscrew one blade and just replace that one pop on another that's nice that smart controller is rad though the screen is quite nice yeah it's not bad look at the viewing angles on it yeah they're talking about the camera though what do we have here it's not quite a one inch sensor but it's one over one point three okay so it's pretty close f one point seven yeah it's solid yeah with almost a one sensor i imagine it's gonna be decent yeah it's gotta be decent some updates to design here oh my gosh i literally just dropped it's just brand new i was totally intentional a durability test huh doing this because that's my job definitely some design updates here like check out where the gimbal kind of sits whoa yeah that's new that's cool right like how they have this clearance i think you get like 20 degrees yeah cause as soon as you see that yeah but this is great because you just have that little cutout right there there yeah like i like that you can go at a faster speed and not worry about the camera dipping you know yeah the sport mode you reach a certain speed sometimes you'll see that like knock down and we got more stuff for this five more kit plus okay so three battery charger the original one you have i think is actually has less sensors no sides yeah yeah yeah this one doesn't have size either so you still have to be careful yeah i'm actually kind of curious on how well it's going to do here because it's pretty windy here right now if it is able to handle it great you know if it isn't because on the other side of that fence there's coyotes oh look it goes over there you have nothing to worry about i've seen your commercials you're fine hey i'm feeling pretty confident with that i was like do you know how to fly drones you're like kinda good i'm all right oh so sensors telling you hey there's a tree right there it's like playing frogger it's like a little baby drone but it's amazing if you need a babysitter let me know i'll keep it for me one of the big things about the weight is that it doesn't make nearly as much noise the phantom man like when it when it would come down it was like yeah oh yeah this is shockingly stable what's the flight time like it says 30 minutes with 85 percent left if it gets 30 minutes that's baffling tracking at all or um let's see get out they give you a tutorial right in the thing that's what i like about dji league they'll give you a tutorial as you're playing with it and you're like i don't know how to do this but wait that's how you do it i made a drone video of me proposing to my wife i told her we were gonna start a travel blog and i was like oh let's go to the beach put the drone up and it just filmed me proposing oh wow i had it stationary because i didn't want it right as you like get down on the knees so what are you doing down on your knee and why'd your drone crash man this screen is handy though it's pretty bright here yeah you can still see it actually that's actually not bad if you put it directly in the sun yeah it's a little bit reflective if you angle it right you can still see it to see it in daylight you want it to be like about a thousand knits and this is how many nits it is i should have done my research the camera quality is pretty impressive so far one of the weaknesses of this is that it doesn't have 10 bit like this is just fun like i'm not going to be doing anything crazy other than making like a like a family video with this do you usually do 4k 24 or 30. i do 4k 24. i i don't mess with 30 frames i do like messing with 60 frames though but first impressions i like it feels very plasticky um yeah that would be the only complaint but i'm sure that that's obviously how it's got to be to make something this light it feels almost cheap but then you see it fly and like the stabilization really caught me off guard yeah i mean dji flight controllers have always been the best so overall yeah i'm an easy sell but i i'd take one is that not going to bust a window this makes me happy my buddy designed this thing it's like fully 3d printed and basically you take a bike like an air pump for a bike and you just plug it in so like if your drone gets stuck in a palm tree you just like shoot this line over the branch and then like pull on both sides and shake your drone out of the tree dude that's awesome link in description [Music] i gotta say it's so much fun being able to edit this drone footage to this music and of course that is thanks to our sponsor linked what exactly is licked linked is a site where you get to use labeled music for your videos so they suck less so that's why we're here at coachella so actually we can see them in person [Music] [Applause] so who are some of the artists that you can license through lit let's start with flume [Music] wanna know what's even more jam-packed than coachella the million plus tracks to choose from lick's mission is to sign all labels adding more options to people like us so who's playing now duke dumont duke dumont duke um can you turn that beat up a little bit [Music] you individually license a song per video it's a flat rate that's priced to work with your channel size and now we get to use this music without getting demonetized party on green light all right i'm already starting to feel a hangover let's chill with some goji [Music] pretty cool you know if you want to try it make your things actually seem cool and not generic like some high school video you know you really want to and actually seem like you don't live at your mom's anymore get 50 off your first chart track and 60 days free stock music using the link below don't be a sad ice cream get licked look that gives you an idea of how windy it is here that's not the motors that's just the wind you know like those toys that you hold in the wind that they spin okay these are some strong gusts if this can handle it i'll be pretty impressed well the mavic mini 2 is definitely way more powerful than the one but this seems like even stronger so oh okay so it's struggling for a bit because it didn't have gps lock before i took off so that's why i kind of shifted around but now it's got its gps lock and it's holding and then i still have plenty of power to go back oh that's good that's good because the wind's coming from that direction the original mavic mini would be blown away this way and then if it went too far that way you wouldn't be able to bring it back oh man these are strong gusts to win battery error message came up probably because we're just drawing way too much current which is totally understandable but man i'll tell you right now i'm impressed that it can fly into these winds at that speed i like that it's not noisy and it's compact so it's not going to take up so much room when we go now this also does have hdr and it automatically applies it up to 30 frames per second you can go to like 48 frames per second and it automatically kills it now i do like the hdr the images tend to come out with more dynamic range but i do wish there was an option to turn it off for when it turns into low light because it does seem to blend and mesh some of the frames together even when my shutter speed is set correctly and i know that it's hdr because as soon as i pop it into 48 frames per second i force that hdr to turn off and my image looks fine so for now just popping it to 48 frames per second is a decent workaround but i would like to see a firmware update where i can just manually turn it off now one thing that we don't get out of here that the air 2s has is 10 bit log which is super flat color profile and tons of data in the color with that 10 bit this is going to be 8-bit with d-cine-like so not as flat as log but d-center-like is super easy to grade usually you just have to bump the saturation contrast you're pretty much there but it does also give you a lot more dynamic range and control in the color grade so if you don't mind doing some light color grading i would definitely recommend doing so now on the right here is another wheel for zoom it is a digital zoom so it's essentially just kind of cropping into the sensors but if i rock that so this is around 1.5 right here i probably wouldn't really go much past this once i get into the 2x territory you definitely see it get soft also check this out we can go vertical with the camera which is pretty cool haven't been able to do this since i think the original mavic pro right now there's no active track features available in portrait mode but they did say that they are exploring that for a possible feature firmware update and as of right now i am still testing an early firmware version so i always like to do updates and a pin a comment with any updates i see going forward so things might change make sure you go check that down below all right now let's go into pricing for this mini 3 pro it is 759 for the basic package so this with the standard controller which doesn't have the screen built in it's the same one that comes with like uh air 2. now if you already have one of those controllers you could just get the aircraft itself for 669 dollars but then if you want it with this controller then it comes out to 909 dollars which honestly i was expecting more because these controllers the smart controllers or the pro controllers that come with the screen built-in they've always been expensive so if i combine everything i have including the fly more kit and everything it's still less than the rc pro which is almost 1200 just for that controller but if you're trying to get the package i would say definitely spend the extra 150 bucks to get this screen built in it just makes life so much easier when you don't have to hook up your phone and do all the stuff and your phone's almost dead you get a phone call during your flight and stops everything and it's a mess now that i have a dozen flights on here i think one of my favorite things is the fact that there's this cutout here like this is a perfect example i could look up while still moving forward like how cool is that all right so i'm just gonna go ahead and go into sport mode now and just let it rip this waste yeah around 36 miles per hour and this is also the first mini to have internal storage it's not much it's 1.3 gigabytes so definitely not a whole day of shooting but if you get out somewhere and you're like crap i forgot my micro sd card at least you could get a few shots in terms of like adjusting parameters you know i changed mine over to imperial for whatever reason here we don't use the metric system why do we use feet it's like a king's foot or something yeah and we actually got away from the king so i don't know why we're using them yeah it's it's awful all right here i go again going about 35 miles per hour and man my angle on this is going 33 degrees upwards while going full speed love it when there's features like this because this isn't just some like gimmicky little trick this is actually going to improve the types of shots i can get so we definitely need this kind of design on like all drones going forward now so spec sheet says we should be getting about 30 minutes of battery life when it's in a hover like this in a windless place of course or 34 minutes if you're going at a decent speed you actually get better battery life if you're moving and it's kind of designed to be moving forward because when it's in a hover like that it's kind of tilted up a little bit but if i move forward it straightens out another possibility is that when it's trying to hover it's flying over turbulent air so it has to work harder just stay above it there is a extended battery option which is going to give you more flight time it is going to raise the weight of the drone over the 249 grams now the one other downside of running this bigger battery is that it reduces your max service ceiling so basically if you're gonna go climb a mountain go to a super high altitude there's like a max height you're supposed to really take off from now with the standard battery it's 4000 meters but with this bigger battery since it's heavier it goes down to 3 000 meters that is one benefit of the air 2 is that that has a max service ceiling of 5 000 meters so on paper this is the plus battery it says 47 minutes of max flight time now of course you're never really gonna get that because that's in perfect condition and also it starts to beep at you pretty early on to say hey my battery's almost dead you should be responsible and bring me back now and that's usually when i try to bring it back sometimes but in general i was roughly getting about 33 to 34 minutes in real world flights before it even started beeping at me and that's a pretty long time i also thought this thing was clever so if i want to charge three at once it's a serial charger so it does one at a time until they're all full and you just plug in a usbc there but i just realized that this out actually works even if it's not plugged in so let's say you're done flying you don't need these batteries anymore you forgot to charge a couple of your accessories you're trying to top off your action cameras and it essentially takes your unused drone batteries and turns it into a power bank oh yeah i carry walking the dogs i'm gonna try out some of the smart features so this is spotlight which is one of my favorites because i can just move the drone and it's gonna compost the shots now older versions you have to keep the subject in the center which was not that fun if you're trying to get kind of creative but here i'm going to put carry on the top left and let's do a little fly away so that's spotlight where it's literally just composed in the shop where you can [Music] do a helix always have line of sight you need to see the drone make sure that it's not going to crash into a tree especially a move like this where you don't have sideways sensors and you also have to make sure that you're not flying over people especially non-participants it's going to do a nice big reveal easy man these mavics come with so many smart features that it's impossible to go over all of them in this video oh jesus but the one i'm trying out now is the time lapse i basically just say fly in this direction and right now it's taking like a panoramic photo so the gimbal is just going around getting photos from all the different angles it stitches it together and then there's even a crazier one called sphere where it takes photos in every direction and it kind of gives you this global image so a lot of little features in here to play with you'll never get through it all right now when it comes to drones who are the competitors obviously dji is massive and i'll tell is actually someone that's been on my radar for a little while and also skydio i actually like theirs because they give you a beacon that you can put in your pocket and you could ride a bike and it'll chase you and it has excellent obstacle avoidance now the camera specs are very similar on both of these big sensors fast lens and we have obstacle avoidance sensors on the front bottom as well as the back but what's interesting is that's where you would expect the back sensors but with dji you don't have them back here anymore they're up here kind of facing backwards which actually kind of makes sense because if you're flying backwards you get more clearance this way and also if you have the sensors down here they said that sometimes the propellers can disrupt it so it makes sense now if you want nd filters on here freewell makes something that can kind of hook over and stays on that way but the mini is just like a lot of their other drones where it just rotates and snaps off like that you can put an nd filter on there dji is making some filters for this for me personally i haven't loved the quality out of dji's filters but i often notice like this purple vignetting that discolors the edges i have to try out more filters to see which ones are the cleanest all right let's see here it's pretty windy the picture looks pretty good huh this is straight out of camera color and picture at 4k 24. i will say it flies good but i just don't feel like i have as much authority in the wind i will say the mini 3 pro has been spoiling me because it can tilt up and here i'm just like oh wait i can't tilt up any further see with the mavic i just go all the way up and even past the tree it's funny how fast you get used to new things and then you're spoiled this controller itself feels like it could use a design update i do kind of like the user interface of where all those camera controls are right there the thing i'm not a fan of is if i want to go in and turn on either hdr or log color i can't in pro mode pro mode basically is where i'm manually adjusting my exposure and white balance so i actually have to put it on auto and i would say if i'm shooting log it's usually because i want more control over the camera so it's kind of weird that you have to let go of manual exposure honestly i'm just not too impressed with this right now and i think that's because i just tested the mini 3 pro which has 4k 60 when this has 4k 30. but i do like that hotel is doing new things they released this months ago and it has you know good camera on there sensors on the front bottom and back and they even have drones that are 8k and stuff so i'm definitely going to keep them on the radar so the mini 2 used to have an operating temperature of 0 degrees celsius to 40 degrees celsius but now we have minus 10 to 40. so if you live in a cold place this will be beneficial we also have o3 transmission on here so 12 kilometers max of range they also give us a few more details so in a heavy environment it's point five to three kilometers or three to seven in a suburb having the 4k60 slo-mo on here is nice there is also full hd 1080p at 120 frames per second you cannot shoot that in d cinelike so you're gonna have slightly less control over your color grading and dynamic range so let's wrap this up with my favorite things and least favorite things and i would say my top favorite thing on here is that i can tilt up now like i didn't think i wanted to tilt up very often but now that i can i'm doing it all the time also having sensors on here is great and these sensors are never perfect so you should never rely on them but having them on the front i think is a pretty big deal because if anything happens and you lose a signal or your controller does or whatever happens it'll start flying back and without front sensors it's just gonna hit the first thing that it could possibly run into but this has a much higher chance of making it back alive so i love that and i guess when it comes to things i don't love i mean i guess it would be nice if it had side sensors oh i know my least favorite thing is the fact that i can't take it off of hdr but that that could be a pretty straightforward fix in firmware but for now just hop it into 40 frames per second has been fine for me oh and this controller that's propping up the camera right now it's so cool that we have an affordable smart controller i mean like i said the rc pro is 1200 bucks the smart controller i think i spent like 800 on it once you start flying with a remote that has a screen built into i'm telling you will not be able to go back to taking that phone and shoving it in there and the clamp and taking the cable and uh they're still trying to figure out exactly which drones they're gonna try to make this compatible with so hopefully they open this up to a lot of the other drones like the air oh one other thing i don't love about this is that this can only be controlled with two controllers so there's this one and also the rcn1 but if you invested a bunch of money in the smart controller or the rc pro and unfortunately you can't use this yet but maybe that's something that's coming in the firmware again i'm gonna update all that stuff down there in the comments but overall man this thing is dope and this video is getting too long and i'm getting cold so i'm gonna have to go now does that look convincing i was flying at myself like back here by the way don't do this at home i had a friend that got stitches from the mavic pro so you know this is dangerous don't do anyway
Channel: Potato Jet
Views: 373,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potato jet, potatojet, filmmaker, film maker, camera, cinematography, cinematographer, videography, videographer, gene nagata
Id: Qb9uhXWDd3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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