DJI MINI 3 PRO Flight Test Review IN DEPTH - Standard & EXTENDED Batteries - Fly More Kit PLUS

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those Motors are so tiny look at that and can you guys hear this it honestly sounds like a very low tone like bumblebee flying [Music] hey guys thanks for tuning in check it out it is the Mini 3 Pro review today so finally the flight review green grass finally I'm in Hawaii here and it's been just crazy droughts this is the flying War combo with three batteries one is the normal battery two are the extended batteries this is going to be the initial flight test go through all the function see how this thing really works I do have the advanced controller I got my daughter Sanaya that's going to volunteer to do some tracking with her see how the thing tracks see if it hits any objects so anyway let's get started with the initial flight test so the fly more combo comes with this cool bag if you wanted to see the unboxing and kind of everything really close up go ahead and check the link that'll pop up here also down in the description I will have all of the stuff I'm reviewing as well as a lot of my gear and stuff and other videos down there down below anyway first thing out of the bag is the advanced controller as you can see it has a screen on it this is an actual Android device here that they're using we're just pulling out the sticks these little sticks are tiny they're getting tinier look how thin the actual shaft is on these uh sticks so you want to be make sure you don't cross thread and just make sure those are nice and tight so controller is ready to go all set up and this thing actually does on-board recording guys there is a slot down here a little door that you can open up and it takes micro SD cards so I'll show you how to do that you can swipe down record your screen let's bring the Drone out don't have any batteries in it yet but there it is the Mini 3 Pro just the tiny little thing and the cool thing about this one this version is it doesn't matter which way you unfold the arms top or bottom they don't Conflict at all so you can do it any way you want so we just want to unfold all four as you can see the propellers are super loose so you don't really need to spread them out they're just going to spin out when you start the Drone up take off the gimbal cover really nice and easy there's our 4K 60 frames per second camera there and since this thing has all kinds of sensors make sure that you kind of clean them so I always like to make sure I have a clean shirt or a clean preferably like a lens cloth and clean everything before you kind of start this thing up just so you you're sure that all the sensors kind of work this is the ultralight battery which makes sure the Drone is under 250 grams you can see how it's 249 grams with this battery these two higher capacity batteries that give it up to like 40 or 45 minutes of flight time we're definitely going to test this and also range test with these batteries make sure you check out that see how far this thing goes and how the link quality is so we're just going to use the first flight battery that it comes with the original lightweight one first just gonna insert it make sure you hear that kind of satisfying click and really the Drone is ready to go ready to power up so I have updated twice I updated once in my initial unboxing and then I just updated it again before I came out to fly this click click and hold let this thing turn on just kind of looking at the the camera the gimbal isn't really doing much just kind of going back and forth now this is the thing with this one you see how it's like hitting I have this kind of flight pad here this launch pad I think I want to boot that up again because the camera really hits the launch pad I may even want to just Boot It Up in my hand here let me just show you what it does back and forth a little down and straight up so it's not really going through all the Motions that's kind of interesting but anyway that's the camera there you can see it kind of taking out all that side to side up and down motion stabilizing everything so we'll go ahead and face it this way set it down there turn on the controller takes a little while because this is kind of like a smartphone without cell data you can connect it to your Wi-Fi at your house and do all the updating and stuff once this is green right here the controller has linked it has a SanDisk card it's sensed in it so I'm gonna go ahead and click setup and what it needs to do is just kind of format that card that's in here real quick and it's kind of ready to use I wanted to swipe down and show you guys how to record so hopefully it's not too glary so you swipe down a couple times you get this menu and then you just press screen record you can also adjust your brightness here I'm going to turn the brightness all the way up and you got your your volume as well so there's a speaker out coming out of the controller anyway screen recording you hear a little chime you got this right here on the bottom middle of the screen it says it's recording so there we go I do want to go back into my storage because I kind of dismissed that so I'm clicking on storage there you see how it's a small amount of storage 1.21 that's the built-in on the mini 3 storage so I want to switch to the SD card I just put in there just so we can record for a long time so you got to make sure you click on that if you put an SD card in 56 minutes versus one minute and nine seconds boy 31 satellites you see up there hopefully you can kind of see my finger moving around on the screen with a little dot tracing my finger five to ten coming from this Direction guys is where the wind's coming from I forgot my flag today but um you can probably hear a little bit in the mic and you're gonna see how this thing flies so let's go ahead and start recording boom just clicking record there you can also do it from the buttons up here record video take pictures and let's go ahead and launch I have it in end mode which is normal and I'm just going to use the screen right now to launch this little arrow right here I'm pressing on the left of the screen and then we just hold to take off so let's see how this thing looks when we take off holding and then when you let go it'll start up the propellers this thing is quiet so Wi-Fi and Bluetooth automatically disabled oh great so disabled it in this all-in-one controller so you have the best signal directly to the Drone it's already kind of picking up you know it's sensing me as I walk into it see that controller is kind of beeping so even quieter than the mini two guys and just so you know you can use the mini 2 controller on the mini 3. if you didn't want to buy the controller version you just had a mini two and you want to use your mini 2 controller you can do that I'm not sure how it's going to be with the antennas because this has built-in antennas we're going to do all that in the range test um today is just about flying this thing right out of the box and see how it performs so as I was saying super duper quiet we're in normal mode this can do a quick spin here I got my yaw all the way to the right you can see how slow that is cool and the sensors do seem to be working let's see if we walk in the back of it yeah so you can hear the rear sensors come on then you can see the graphic on the screen sitting downward how close it is to the ground that seems to be pretty accurate let's go ahead and lift it up a little just make sure we have um the most Precision Landing chances possible now look at that Horizon The Horizon straight guys it's just that the hill is a steep Mountain so it's going down and the way we can check that is by if you look at the video is by rotating and check out the cloud line and the ocean line over there right so we can make sure that that's straight you see the cloud line is straight so we know that the camera's straight all right let's come on down so I'm full stick down it's going like you know two feet how fast was that going let's do a full throttle up and see how fast 6.7 miles per hour up let's go down full throttle on the stick coming down Okay negative a little slower coming down five and then once it sees the ground it starts to slow down even though you're holding the stick so just great flight solid flight features and control that DJ allies use usually has and with the three of course they're going to be upgrading it those Motors are so tiny look at that and can you guys hear this it honestly sounds like a very low toned like bumblebee flying like just like super low toned I'm just loving it let's walk around to the front hey guys again thanks for tuning in really appreciate you um checking out my vids and uh make sure you subscribe and like the video if you enjoy what I do all right let's continue on the thing's beeping away because I'm in front of it what is our flight time it's saying I have 31 minutes left on the top right up here if you look at where my finger's pointing um 85 percent battery 32 satellites that's unbelievable and look how this thing sits so it sits kind of at an angle facing up but the camera is like perfectly level and I'm assuming they're doing that because they're utilizing um this the forward and rear sensors on top to also look up a little bit higher than the Drone it has a sensor on the bottom right so it's going to detect things see how it's going up on its own there so it doesn't really need um those to look very bottom forward on these guys so it's facing up and I think that's what they're doing why it's like so angled like that is just so it gets more of a as 360 as possible without sidewear sensors you know what I mean and upward sensors so just kind of spinning this thing around it's just so quiet man unbelievable let's start flying around I know I'm talking about it a lot right now let's just start flying into the wind so this is full stick forward and uh it's going about 20 miles per hour and I'm just going to keep it this height and just you know what I mean just keep going turning as hard as I can so very very steady wow I might bring it down a little and then just try to like see if it stops at me nice so I just use myself as an obstacle and look at that I'm holding it full stick forward it detected me and then slowly crept forward and then stopped it will not go closer then that looks like about four feet about three to four feet that's awesome I'm still holding the stick directly forward and it just will not crash into me I thought I did have it on bypass but it doesn't seem to be bypassing let's go check that out real quick in the settings yeah so see that so it's not for some reason bypassing me um will that only work maybe in cinema let me I'm switching this switch over to the left to cinema mode let me press forward now okay so no bypass I guess they're not fully getting that to work yet so let's try that again in cine if you hold forward it's inching its way to the right but it's not quite doing it so something they may need to work on guys is getting that bypass to work on the mini 3 Pro all right so that was in um normal mode we're kind of getting you know this these are the speeds uh it seemed like about 20 was the max and just flying around yeah it's getting pretty close but it's not crashing into me let me try that a couple more times we'll stick forward yeah bypass is not working okay so it's just stopping even though I have it in bypass I'm gonna try to hit the screen again and try to go back and forth back into bypass and see if possibly you know it needs to um just switch back into that mode still pushing into me and yeah it's so it's not really bypassing see how just stuck there so maybe something they can work on there anyways that's about it for flying it seems really super stable and let's go ahead and switch into sport mode physiologist stopped like that right when you let off the sticks it stops perfectly fine let's switch into sports so switching this button over to S right here and let's go ahead and just go full stick up let's see how fast it gets going 11 miles per hour going up nice that's facing to the mountain let's go ahead and get a little bit of shot of the mountain here a little bit cloudy today and then let's pull full stick down and it's going 11 miles per hour down so those are the speeds in sport going up and down let's see what it does when it gets close yeah so it goes fast I'm still holding down it starts to get really slow and it gets closer to the ground so let's leave it kind of close to the ground right here and go just full stick forward see if it runs into the ground or anything man that was quick wasn't it boy and it stops pretty quick now remember when you put in the sport the sensors are going off right so no obstacle avoidance anymore full stick forward coming at us whoa yeah that's quick man that's just insanely fast I'm Gonna Fly it out here for a bit just gonna do kind of a manual orbit full stick to the right orbiting let's just see how fast we can orbit so this is just a manual orbit awesome all right gonna go straight out that way in sport crosswind kind of let's see how fast we can get going 30 miles per hour just about 29.8 30 yeah so 30 and a crosswind I'm gonna pull this stick directly back check out that view out there guys and of course your time is going to fluctuate when you're really hauling right you see the time fluctuate there near the circle with the power it seems like it's doing really good at like stopping itself when I let off the sticks did you guys see that look at this thing so a 30 mile per hour sport flyer I'm gonna do a quick little stop for you when I bring it back here we'll bring It Low letting off now man that's so quiet so it took about 20 feet to stop in Full Speed Sport just keep that in mind does stop quick though still have 57 power left man they have really refined these things to be super quiet just every time they release one it just starts handling better and better so what we'll do is we'll go switch into cine mode so this is back to the C on the stick and our sensors came back on you can hear it now look at this actually I didn't let me switch back into sport I didn't do a full yaw spin in sport that's the speed there in sport just that makes everything a little faster I'm gonna switch while I'm holding a stick to end and real time it's slowing down and then to see cinemode cinematic and that's how slow that thing goes just you're not getting like that shaky video and stuff right almost forgot to mention that this is your gimbal up and down so if you see me kind of rotating this wow it's got a high oh my gosh wait a minute dude this thing can shoot almost 90 degrees um vertical that looks about like I want to say 70ish oh my gosh see that camera there that's really high up and then of course pushing the gimbal roller the other way City mode really slows the gimbal down you can see how slow it's going and it's going to go all the way down to the grass let's see how fast it does in cine mode and we'll do kind of a punch up here while we're in the full down on the camera pushing all the way up see you later uh we're going 4.3 miles per hour guys a little bit of crosswind so four and a half going up let's do a little yeah while we're while we're going up a little effect here cool you know we're just at the park so nothing major to see all right let's come down that was 4.5 going up and coming down we're just about three so it looks like it's always slower coming down just full down on the stick here in cine mode 3.4 miles per hour depending on the Wind awesome man so I'll be switching between the cam of course on the Drone guys and my screen right so you can kind of get the best of both worlds I'm gonna switch back into actually just pull the camera up here if you want to do a quick camera deal um watch this there's these buttons on the back of the controller right here I'm gonna do C1 you saw how that just pulled it up parallel real quick so you can assign these buttons however you want in the options so C1 clicking watch the camera straight down see one again level so those are some quick actions there C2 I think I just have it as a map or maybe nothing I haven't assigned that one yet I guess okay but with this cam too it's pretty cool you can click on the screen so if you wanted to focus more on something like I'm clicking on myself here you see how it's coming into like super Focus and then say I click off in the background like on that um baseball Dugout back there clicked on it and it's trying to bring that more in Focus so it has like a really good camera on this thing let's see how fast it is in cine mode just going straight remember we have all the sensors on and stuff this is just full speed speed forward excuse me I'm gonna do a slow turn nice so for cinematic shots look how it's close to the ground I'm getting this is as close as I can get it seemed to kind of slow itself down and let's come on back sorry about the overcast nature of the day but it's like going five to six this close to the ground oh once I straighten out it's going up to like nine let's see if I go a little higher here and I'll go over this house see how fast it gets going in cine mode so it's like we have a maximum speed of like 13 in cine mode okay that should be kind of crosswind right there that win they have let's back it up remember we can rotate that camera link jeez that seems like um oh there's the degree right there it's actually 60. if you look over at the right hand let me get let me turn it to the more of the dark part of the clouds whoops I just let off and it did that so there's a dark part of the clouds you see the um the little degree measurement there it's at 60 right over here I'm tapping on it so 60 degree up is as high as you can go that's pretty awesome I'm going to click that button again the C1 on the left remember I was talking about it goes down first and then click it again right back to level so quick little getting your camera in different angles with that C1 button awesome let's see what our flight time is now um let's get back over here to us 10 and a half minutes we're at 36 percent so that's kind of all I wanted to do with this battery is really just run through the normal manual flying functions and then we're going to get to like different camera different quick shots and tracking in the next battery so I think we got really got um you know a feel for it in these three modes and just kind of flying it manually it's so it's awesome because it just will not hit the ground right when it's moving I still have my stick pulled all the way down that's as low as we can go to the ground so I'm just going to do this one more time in cine mode because that could be a really neat shot guys if you're flying over something and you know a lot of people like to get these neat um kind of fast-moving low shots pretty awesome looks like maybe it's kind of seeing the ground let's see if I go straight towards me bypass is not working hmm I've switched it on see I was just sitting right there so note to self guys they need to do some updates and this is the second update I've already done on it so hopefully all those quick shots and other stuff is is working when we try to track in a second gonna go back to normal mode and um let's just get up here since we do have like 30 left I guess I'm gonna do a little bit of the camera [Music] oh wow what kind of bird is that up there see if we can see that in the camera guys all right hmm I just saw a bird with my own eyes but I can't see it really with the Drone I'm gonna stop recording just for a sec on the Drone so I just clicked the record on the screen and now I'm going to click this little video clip button on top and switch to photo okay and then just kind of click away from the screen you can click single shot 48 megapixel super the high super high resolution aeb burst shots and time shots so you can select all those I'm just going to be doing some single shots what I do want to do though is I don't want it in this 4x3 format there's it up here let's try going to the camera options there we go 16 by nine that's what I want I'm just going to leave everything in auto see all these options I've got on the screen guys switch between internal and SD card here as well cash while recording all this stuff so just click away from that onto like the video over here in the left and that goes away so you see how now it is 16 by nine so it's like full screen so for this I'm just going to take a couple of photos and I'm going to just click this button on the controller see how it's taking photos and you hear the butt you hear the sound let's see if I was to click the video so it switches over the video and then you press it again to record let's just try that great so a little bit of a record clip there for you just to show you how that worked clicking again let's see if we click on photo now so you can't do anything until you stop recording which is clicking the record button again then you can press camera switches over to camera and then click it again take your camera shot so at least you can just do between the two buttons you know what I mean check this out guys you can do profile shots look at that so the camera on the Drone actually turned and now we can do um shots in more of like a profile view right so I don't know why you'd want to do this maybe let's try tilt this can we tilt the gimbal oh cool if I want to get that house out of the way but I wanted to get also the mountain and the shoreline over there so let's try a picture like this I'll have that up on the screen and it's Auto enhancing the quality there's also a zoom over here if you look at the 1.0 on the right side check that out you can do some zooming so I'm using the gimbal again while I'm I can do one to two times zoom in photo so let's take another picture low battery turn to home I'm going to cancel that because I'm close I'll stick another photo in this portrait mode switch out of portrait mode see how the camera just turned on its own I'm in two times Zoom so it looks like you can do like um one and two times zoom on this you see that I'm just hitting that zoom button I'm not sure if there's like any other way to do the zooming because this doesn't really have a function button like the the mini 2 had so for now that's all we're going to get looks like in the photo mode and it wants to return the home so I think I'm going to do a return to home now so let's fly out here let's go back into video mode and start recording again [Music] I'm just going to go out so it can return to home okay so I'm out here I'm gonna hit the home button here on the left side let's hold it in yeah remember you got to hold that thing in hopefully it doesn't just try to land there we got three minutes left of flight time 3 30. and we're at 13 power so let's see how close it lands to that H even in low power mode the bind light on the controller started to flash red so that's an indicator that it is getting pretty darn low we'll try some more some more settings um once we put the new battery in and we'll try all those tracking features and all that stuff so let me try to rotate the camera down I just want to see if it'll pick it up at a certain height and it's kind of have a pointing at the grass yeah so it automatically picks it up and it looks like it's not really Landing perfectly on the h uh I would have thought it would um really be using those cameras down below I didn't do a compass cowl so maybe I'll do one before the next flight and then we'll do a return to home on that second battery and see if it gets a little bit better Precision because you would think that this would be with all the high-tech stuff on these now with the camera on the bottom and all that stuff and the software it would be super accurate nowadays so I'm recording on the screen you want to stop your recording we've been recording for 26 minutes in about 30 seconds pressing stop okay and then now I'm in hot cam mode guys uh so you gotta check out the screen from my hat cam swiping down you get a little menu there swipe down again you can watch your video that you recorded in the device right here or you can delete it from here what I'm going to be doing when I do this video and I'm editing it for you guys to watch is I'm going to be pulling out the card putting it into my laptop and downloading that file so I can have it up while I'm editing and remember this is kind of like an Android phone with no buttons on the screen so you can swipe the bottom like this bottom right and that's kind of like a back arrow pretty amazing screen it looks good I even have my sunglasses on and I usually can't see the screen but in this High brightness I can see it even with my sunglasses on although it's not very sunny today it is kind of overcast so anyway that's where it landed about a foot away from where we took off let me slap in another battery we're really at like eight percent it seemed like it flew for maybe like 25 minutes but I'll have that exact time come up on the screen here so we took care of like some of the camera functions and all of the manual flight functions so in the new battery that's going to be the higher capacity battery we'll go ahead and take care of all the tracking the quick shots maybe some more camera functions more in depth so the fly more combo you got all kinds of flight time with those three batteries all right guys um got the high capacity battery now remember these ones are supposed to fly for like up to 45 minutes I think DJ says but these bring your drone over 250 grams so keep in mind if you're rude about that that these are heavier batteries so putting in a fully charged guy here booting the thing back up and we're going to do a compass cowl we'll do compass and calibrate so here we go so let's try it out press start rotate 360 Degrees I usually like to kind of go up away from everything and it's saying to kind of rotate it counterclockwise so let's just do this counterclockwise until that goes away face up counterclockwise looking at the screen while I'm doing it okay keep going until that goes away so that's it let's see how fast that compass calibration was really nothing to it this time let's try to do the same kind of launch because remember we're trying to see if how Precision it can be so I don't want to make it any different really than how we launched the first time by just doing the auto screen launch so now that we did a compass cowl let's see how accurate is when we return the home for the second time I am going to pick it up um you know just like before right around 30 feet let it hover there for a second and then we'll start um tracking so tonight you wanna come up here and let's start the tracking and stuff I think that's enough time to hover so I'm in normal mode guys we're just gonna leave it in Normal and I'm moving the camera kind of down now there's a setting in the settings you can have it highlight people already if you wanted to you know how like before in some of my reviews once you have a person in the shot it kind of like starts highlighting them automatically I have that turned off so I don't know if that's important to you you can turn it on in the settings if you want but in this case look at what we're going to do here we're going to just click on say Sanaya that's focusing but what we want to do is click and drag I believe and unable to focus in current recording format okay so they haven't taken care of the 4K 60 no tracking issue so we're going to stop recording see what I'm doing on the screen here bottom of the screen res and FPS I'm clicking on it I just want to go all the way down the line just in case just from my own knowledge I want to make sure so we're in 4k 50. I want to see if I can track in this mode nope 48 nope and finally we're gonna try 30 once that goes away so I can see it there you go so this should be the one that it can track in let's just make sure top in the screen drawing the Box around Sanaya there we go okay so it gives you another little tutorial on tracking right so it kind of tells you what it's going to do I'm going to skip it and don't show again so show it if you want to learn how to do that but I'm going to go through it with you guys we're in Spotlight mode so why don't you just do a light jog just maybe go out about 20 feet and then do a circle jog around me go go for it and we're going to start recording okay now turn left and do a circle so remember it's not a circle around me like this yeah just start right there and just start jogging around in the circle you understand okay a little bit farther out just keep going but just make try to make the circle bigger there you go so this is Spotlight mode where the Drone just stays still and it's just moving around to Turning its head to track you see how it's getting a little bit hard to follow her okay that's good for now Sanaya let's do active track then we can do trace or parallel let's do Trace go look at that we have we're 86 percent we still have 38 minutes of flight time so I didn't even look at it when it was 100 guys but look at that time it thinks it has left so there's an efficient flight speed right if it's moving a little it'd be even more efficient than Stan than sitting there and hovering oh that was weird the Drone just moved by itself oh because it thinks you're moving you ready okay so run around as however you want back and forth you know do a couple of moves to try to lose it just start off slow however you want go for it your own path okay guys so remember this is regular follow active track and I'm just kind of leaving it at this height of 17 and distance of like well it's seeing the distance from its home point but from her that looks like about 30 feet so we'll let her do what she wants to do I'm gonna bring it down tonight and you go through that goal post okay go right through the goal all right it's going around me see if it oh man whoo it noticed it and it kept tracking her great yeah I can pull the stick backs here I'm pulling the stick back and just kind of adjusting my position in the air if you go too far back of course it's going to lose the subject right so there's probably like a bit of a limitation so go ahead and um just Sprint for like five seconds turn around as fast as you can Sprint back right there whenever you're ready There She Goes sprinting see if this thing can follow her nice hey they've improved it can you stay in the same line though like Sprint like this like this and that and then boom same line right back okay go for it wait wait let me get behind you again so you guys you can move this around while it's tracking the subject see how I'm moving it in the air and you can position however you want okay so let's just do that I want to kind of keep it the same as it was okay whenever you're ready super fast Sprint same line just turn right back around and be on that same line okay is it gonna do it oh man they still it still has trouble okay it went out of tracking mode so they still need to kind of improve that you know if they can just speed up the Drone to keep up with somebody that's juking around that would be kind of the ultimate because if you're doing that's the problem with this and doing sports right if you're doing sports and you got fast moving objects it's going to do that it's going to lose people let's try to go back in circle Sanaya again so I'm just drawing a box around her remember you got to be in 4k 30 for this to work we did Spotlight let's track the other try the other active track the parallel obstacle avoidance unavailable in parallel because it doesn't have those side sensors remember so so now I just go ahead and just just do a light slow jog to the other side of the park in a slow jog back okay guys tracking Sanaya slow job parallel oh shoot wait hold up come back sorry I forgot to start it right there is good stop my bad honey parallel go okay now go for it go ahead okay so now guys it's gonna it's gonna stay in its um kind of angle of the subject and follow okay this is parallel now remember all obstacles off even if it's facing a little forward so be careful with this so let's see if we can move it while it's doing this I'll wait till she kind of turns around and you see how it's trying to keep that angle even though she turned around that's pretty darn awesome but remember no freaking obstacle avoidance so it will just run right into something if it's there's a tree let me see if I can move the Drone around a little yeah so you can move the Drone sideways up and down and position it wherever you want while you're while it's doing that parallel so that's awesome thanks and I have the sun's coming out now that's cool so press stop right there and now let's do a point of Interest we did Spotlight we did both active tracks let's do poi and we'll go maybe a little higher remember you got to click on it or it doesn't know what's going on we'll do a fast poi go so let's see how fast this is that's a pretty fast one okay go ahead and do that same run just the slow jog whenever you're ready go for it it's just going to be orbiting you so guys this is like an orbit follow right you see how it's tracking her while she's running and it's orbiting her and again all obstacle avoidance is off so don't even try to do this I want to pick this up because it might hit the tree foreign okay still orbiting her now I can't change anything until I press stop you see how it's like locked in oh actually I can I'm gonna go the other way sorry I take that back so I just move the arrow the other way and I'm pulling back on it so I'm getting some more distance on the stick subject too far so do you see that pop up so there is limitations and that's why um this is not a good sports tracking drone unless you're tracking close up and not having Crazy Fast movements remember so look at that point of Interest track I mean that's what it's really good at these things are super smooth doing this stuff and I take that back I was mentioning I can't adjust it but you can it just kind of Grays out once you let go but you can adjust your speed on the Fly while you're doing those active tracks so look at that so Sonia sat down and it can't see really her body shape anymore because it's trained to track like human forms um and so once in a while when it loses it it just goes into its last known like GPS point it's still doing okay though you see it's it's kind of like trying to figure out what it's tracking so now can we do that one more time kind of walking through or jogging through the goal post I want to get it right up at that post level should be right about there I want to do active track and I want to do Trace but what might happen is it might wait for her to pass so go ahead do that jogging that I the instructions if possible hon just go slow wow it actually kept her in view on that one see what it does whoa okay good it avoided that avoided the fence now she's gonna turn around and do it again all right they're getting a little better at not losing the subject that's good let's see what happens this way don't hit that board okay great job Sanaya so it did great on that and that's what I was wondering about it's still using those back sensors but it's only going to active track going forward right the parallel would be the only way you could get it to lock on while it's going backwards and they shut all the sensors off for that so be careful with that that's not even going to work I'm going to swipe to the left here and go back into just remember I didn't update this battery after the firmware was updated so you see that up on the top left I was updating the firmware with a different battery so remember to take full advantage of all the updates and the efficiency for the batteries too do those updates whenever you do an update of the Drone put each battery in and do an update for the battery too because you can see how that needs an update for the battery so we're probably not even going to get as efficient as it should be with this battery still at 53 percent though that's awesome and it's still in that tracking mode which is kind of frustrating um hit Spotlight again okay so that that went out of it I'm gonna stop recording on the camera and we can't go into the quick shots until we stop recording and then let's just try a master shot you know I usually do this it just does like this series of quick shots right so let's see what it can do and I'm just gonna draw a box around Sanaya actually it already detected her so you see that little cross I just clicked on her subject released okay just try to stay standing straight up all right you saw how when she bent down it kind of lost her so this is the master shots and we're gonna start off kind of close that looks like it's close as I can go I'm pushing forward it's not coming forward let's start set the route parameters okay flight time two minutes medium see how all this is default here on the bottom um width length height start point so we'll just leave it all how it is it looks like we can adjust that we'll just leave it at that and start hearing a countdown and it looks like it just kind of plopped the point it didn't really keep tracking the subject you saw how it's just now I just dropped the GPS point so this wouldn't be good for if you're moving around doing all these kind of shots so as you can see it was pulling out now it's doing a medium Circle it's doing a circle as it's coming in zooming in it's actually using a zoom function that's interesting okay doing a drony where it's pulling out and going back while it's doing this we'll just let it do its thing so it looks like they may have changed that where before when it would do the master shots um I think I remember it doing a circle fire right now pitch up and forward I thought I remembered it trying to remember the subject while I was doing this but it's just using a GPS log point pitch up and fly forward cool and the sensors are still on the obstacle sensor so that's good it looks like it may be able to avoid obstacles while it's doing that see on the top right those two little up and down signal icons are white down Circle cool so the master shots just goes through all of these things guys straight ahead and descend so again we're up on a slope Mountain so that's why you're seeing the the view is so skewed there going down in descend hey let's see how close it gets Master shot complete and it's going back to where it started great and it stops okay we're in master shots let's go to quick shots so quick shots are kind of the same thing that Master shots can do but you're just doing like individuals right let's go ahead and click on Sanaya and let's start the droney so three two one laughs that's waves now come on give it give it a smile let's have a smile okay so there's the droney so you see how it's just kind of doing the same things that um we did before in the master shots but you can control them individually and it's coming right back to where it left off so it's gonna get pretty close but it's great because it has Those sensors anyway right so then we can click up here on the droney and we can go to different things like rocket Etc Circle let's try a helix so all these are pretty self-explanatory let's click on Sonia again and try helix so you see how you can change the settings here see 80 meters all the way up to wow can go all the way up to 360 meters and then the lowest is 40 meters let's try a 120 meter and you can pick the direction see left or right and start three two one and it's just going to go up and circle out for 120 meters so you get these kind of cool shots it looks like the sensors are on if you look at the top right kind of next to the satellites and where that RC signal is the sensors are still on so I guess it's going to still try to detect something uh if it runs into it you know what I mean if it thinks it's going to run into it so that's good at least it's leaving the sensors on I remember in a couple things like parallel it just turned them all the way off so so it does it does the um selection and then it's just coming straight back see this it did the helix come straight back okay we can click on the Helix over there we can let's try a boomerang boomerangs are kind of cool oh they brought back the asteroid too see the asteroid on the bottom let's try a boomerang so we'll click on Sanaya looks like you cannot adjust the distances on Boomerang you can just select the direction so hopefully maybe they'll get a little bit better with updates so I'm flying in as close as I can and I'm pretty impressed start can't move the camera because it's just locked on her so let's see how this does cool it's looks like it's not getting too confused and that's a boomerang it just goes out that far and comes back wow it got close let's get that thing away from us that was awesome though so that's the boomerang guys and then um let's just carry an asteroid this will be kind of cool so tap or draw a box around the subject looks like you can't adjust here either on the asteroid let's just go ahead and do a start counting down and there is your asteroid so what it's going to do it's going to pull out it's going to stop the video and then it's going to take like 360 degree photos of its surroundings and it's going to tie it all into kind of an asteroid uh video that you can just pull out see how it's taking these patches of photos and then it's going to stitch them all together and it's going to give you that 360 degree spherical effect combined with the video so we'll just let it do its thing you can see that the percentage is ticking away on the right around the Red Dot for recording so there we go so it finished stitching it all together and now it's just going to return pretty awesome it looked like it went about 150 feet I didn't see any um adjustments you could do on that so looks like 150 feet is all you're going to get for the asteroid so right back where it started then you want to make sure you let it finish right awesome move that out of the way so I think that's kind of like everything I wanted to do maybe we'll take a few panel shots up here okay so thanks Sanaya for the help been a big help with the tracking really appreciate that I think that's enough tracking I might do some stuff um running through the trees when there's not maybe as much people up here at the park just in case it hits a tree but for this initial video it's going to be long enough right so let's go up here and try to do some panel shots guys it's always cool to get um panel shots right let's just bring it Sky High we only have 22 percent left and then we'll finish up this review I'm just doing a return to home after we do those these panel shots all right um so let's just go ahead and get it up here up to its height limit that I have it set and I think like 393 so let's just get it up here so we can get some cool shots of Maui okay maximum reached and let's see what we can do okay so we can do a sphere check this out we have all these options here I just left this open while I was ascending and apparently you can do that so I'm on the sphere I'm just gonna click take the picture all right so this is Maui guys it's taking a spherical pictures and then same thing like the asteroid it's going to stitch them all together and you know give you a 360 degree picture and then you can export that and use it however you want right low battery return to home cancel see that how it wanted to do that so you can cancel that just be careful if you're far out away from you you're good so let it do its thing looks like this is going to take a little longer because it's getting an entire 360 degree Stitch shot of very high resolution images you can see a processing there over on the the right 80 percent now 97 and 100 so that's how you do the sphere um you can adjust the you can adjust the format see how it's set telling us this is jpeg you can also do raw cool huh so you have all those options clicking on the sphere again we can do a 180 it's getting low let's go ahead and do a 180 shot I'll be having these things pop up as it does the shots and this is what I wanted to see if we could turn the volume down on this let me let it finish this 180 shot kind of irritating I know so this is a 180 it's taking quite a few shots because it's kind of like half of a 360 right okay and it's going to process those I don't want to do anything until it finishes processing but I did want to go down and try to turn down the volume on the controller come on let's go 80 percent let's go process process let's see if we can do this turn down volume nope that does not affect guys the low the low um Power beep okay wide angle let's just try that real quick boom should just be a few pictures it's just what I'm doing is I'm going down the line and it's just making a smaller and smaller picture right guys if you can imagine 360 to 180 to wide to like regular size right so it just took less pictures and it's stitching them together now you know what I mean so we only have four minutes left to fly ten percent hurry up critically low okay I'm actually gonna just fly out a bit oh it just wants to land okay well I don't want to fly out a bit I want to get it over us oh okay well I botched the return to home guys on that one I waited until it was too low taking photos so you see what I did I switched the camera down so I can look at the fpv and kind of since it's just gonna Force land I'm just going to land it as manually as possible okay sorry about that botched the um returned the home Landing so I'm just manually kind of controlling it I'm gonna get it right over The Landing Pad as good as possible and let it land I think what I want to do I know this is a long video but I want to give it one more chance at the return to home I'm going to put in that third battery shoot it up go out of ways and just to return the home and then we'll do a pros and cons all right guys let's do this one more time we're at 99 with that new third battery that's the great thing about the flamework combo is you get so many batteries let's go ahead and stand back here and give it a slow Ascension again the camera is level okay 30 feet let it hover there for a second it may have gotten confused because I was in the way so I'm gonna back off a little bit here and I'm gonna have it hopefully land sideways just like it was so just go straight out here switch into sport mode give it some dang fast flight kind of going into the wind right here but um let's just pitch the camera down while we're flying how awesome is that huh remember we're doing a range test coming up here in the next video so hang in there and subscribe guys if you want to see how far this thing can go oh there's some wind out there so I'm gonna stop here I'm gonna hold in this button for return to home until it says go home and let's let it just come on back remember it's going to ascend or go up into the altitude that you set it to return to home at in the settings so you see how it's going up I think I have it set to 100 feet so that's why it's going up I can still adjust the camera let's see if I can move the head can't move the head back and forth but I can adjust the camera okay so let's let that thing come on back and see how close it lands remember the first uh return to home was a foot away from that launch pad so I'm hoping this will be a little better it's coming home at 23.5 miles per hour so apparently it thinks possibly that that is the most efficient speed to come back at I'm going to get out of the way so it has like no reason to avoid me and mess up its Precision point I think the backpack and Sinai should be okay there because they're about five or more feet away from The Landing Pad coming on down not even going to touch the gimbal either or anything at all hands totally off man it's not even adjusting itself for that launch pad really it's just landing on the side where it thinks it wants to land interesting it's just the foot off again even with that remember we did that compass calibration and everything so I don't know maybe it's because I'm here in Hawaii or maybe they need to update some stuff on it but I'm still getting a little bit off on the mini series where I'm located here so let's stop the screen recording on that awesome controller and let's talk about the pros and cons on this thing guys what did we think about it I mean it doesn't have the side sensors it's like that's the only thing missing now from the mini series right if it had those side sensors you could do like the parallel with obstacle avoidance of course the parallel is what you would do that active track parallel and just have it at the reverse angle of the subject so here's the person running it would just follow and go backwards but it turns that all off in parallel even though it has these sensors kind of pointing up and back right so that's something they need to kind of either update or put some side sensors they're probably going to wait till the Mini 4 Pro right to put the side sensors on and that's usually what these guys do man these motors are so tiny and it seemed to handle that wind pretty well I noticed I was kind of hitting some wind farther out there when we were doing that last flight for the return to home and it looked like it slowed down a lot when it was hitting some wind out there so you may want to be careful with this one in the wind we are going to do that range test so we're going to see hopefully on a super calm day how it is I may do a high winds test too but other than that they're really getting better at the fit and finish really smoothing out the flight characteristics amazing flyer just so smooth so stable couldn't really ask for more on the video it really does great of course in overcast you saw how it's kind of doing an overcast and that's how this park is right now improvements in the 4K 30 and 4K 60 you guys be the judge of how those videos were up I'll have had them up throughout the flight so go ahead and comment down the description remember it can only you can only track at the highest in 4k 30. but at least you don't have the didn't seem like you have to switch the quick shots um to 4K hopefully those were those are in 4k already I remember in the last minute you had to switch it in the quick shots as well to get the the 4K footage but anyway the the sound man they're making them super quiet now this is even quieter than the mini two the mini two sounded like still like a little mosquito this is like just a little barely audible bumblebee man just amazing doing great with the audio perception um the noise level the annoying noise level is not there anymore the flight time on that second battery I'll have had them all up so first battery seemed to be about 25 or so minutes second battery that seemed to be maybe about 35 and that was just doing all these options not really doing a consistent flight speed like how they test it at the labs in DJI not really realistic so at least in a video like this you're getting like how long they can actually fly with the wind conditions it's still only about five to ten blowing from this direction on the left coming in this way but anyway guys I hope you like that don't forget links down the description for the products I review here as well as all my gear I've got the Drone launch pads my cameras all my stuff microphones down there Down Below in the description so you can get and check that stuff out if you want to anyways thanks for tuning in and don't miss the range test so subscribe see you in the next one thanks for watching thanks for your help though two high fives [Music]
Channel: Dustin Dunnill
Views: 32,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dji mini 3 pro flight test, dji mini 3 dustin, dji mini 3 pro flight review, dji mini 3 pro dustin dunnill, mini 3 review dustin, dustin mini 3, dustin dunnill, dji mini 3, dji mini 3 pro, mini 3 pro, dji mini 3 pro review, dji mini 3 review, dji mini 3 pro fly more kit plus, mini 3 pro flight time test, dji mini pro 3, Dj mini 3 pro, dji mini 3 pro master shots, dji mini 3 pro active track, Dji mini 3 pro tracking, Dji mini 3 pro footage, dji mini 3 pro tutorial, dji, drone
Id: TewUJigLDSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 47sec (3947 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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